Phuket Hong Island and Yao Yai one-day excursion in Thailand review and photos. Krabi excursions (Koh Hong island) - how much excursions cost in Krabi province and where you can go. In what year was the Koh Hong company founded

Islands national park- a group of small islands, ranging in size from several tens to several hundred meters, located off the coast in the area of ​​beaches and. Includes 16 islands, two of which are Koh Hong Island and Koh Island Pak Bia deserve special attention.

Hong Island (Koh Hong)*, also known as Koh Lao Bileh, is famous for its excellent 400-meter long beach, with fine white sand, emerald water and stunning views of the neighboring islands. Vertical cliffs along the edges of the beach and lush tropical vegetation that almost completely covers the island are also pleasing to the eye, no less than the views of the emerald surface of the sea.

In addition to the beach, one of the best in Krabi province, Hong Island has another attraction of a more exotic nature. In the depths of the rocks located in the north of the island, there is a lagoon of rare beauty, with extraordinary bright green water, mangroves and many trees, it is unclear how they are located on vertical rocks.

It should be noted that compared to mainland Krabi, the vegetation on Hong Island is indeed more lush and more diverse. The same can be said about the local fauna, numerous fish living in the vicinity of the island and surprisingly large reptiles living on the island itself.

In order to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the underwater world, in the case of Hong Island, you don’t even have to take a mask and snorkel with you. The sea opposite the beach is shallow and you can see fish right off the shore without going deep into the water. When going to look at the fish, don’t forget to take with you a few bananas, which the local fish are partial to. In this case, you will be able to gather around you entire schools of cheerful striped fish that will eat bananas right from your hands.

In addition to vegetarian-minded fish, there are other inhabitants on the island that are not inclined to a plant-based diet. Hong Island is famous for its 2-meter monitor lizards, calmly walking along the beach in search of scraps from some chicken. It should be noted that these huge reptiles are absolutely not afraid of humans and, rather, on the contrary, the kings of nature look with caution at the impressive claws of these phlegmatic creatures. However, in fairness, it should be noted that these lizards are non-aggressive and almost completely safe for humans.

If you come to Hong Island, do not forget to rent a kayak, since such an opportunity is available on the island. A kayak trip is The best way explore the local lagoon. Plus, a kayak trip gives you the opportunity to visit the small deserted beaches of the island and see from close range to its impressive cliffs.

In addition to Koh Hong Island, there is another island in the archipelago that deserves a special stop. This is an island Koh Pak Bia. If Hong Island is considered great place For beach holiday and kayak trips, the island of Pak Bia is considered best place for snorkeling. In addition, from the shallow beach of Koh Pak Bia island you can enjoy wonderfully beautiful views of the surrounding islands, especially picturesque during low tide.

* Koh Hong - literally translated from Thai means “an island with a hole (emptiness) inside.” There are 2 islands with this name in the bay, and they should not be confused. The first of these is located in Ao National Park, north of Yao Noi Island. The second one in question is located in the Than Bok Khorani National Park and is located east of Yao Noi Island.

Location of Hong Island (Koh Hong). Organization of trips to Hong Island.

Koh Hong Island is 17 km away. from the city (), exactly halfway between coastline Krabi (near Tub Kaek beach) and the island of Koh Yao Noi. The distance from Hong Island to both Tub Kaek Beach and Yao Noi Island is approximately 5 km.

There are two ways to get to Hong Island: either by hiring a longtail boat or by purchasing an excursion. The cost of a boat from Ao Nang and back is 2500 - 2800 baht (the price depends on the number of islands visited), the cost of a boat from Tub Kaek beach is 1700 baht (for a full trip, including visiting all the islands). The cost of excursions starts from 1000 baht per person. It should be noted that trips to Hong Island are sold not only in Ao Nang. They can be bought in Phuket, on the island of Yao Noi, and, naturally, in all popular tourist spots in Krabi.

Photos of Hong Island (Koh Hong)

Hong Island (Koh Hong), view from the boat
Beach of Koh Hong island, early morning Bright green vegetation on the beach Hong Island, wide and deserted beach
Hong Island, main beach of the island The far deserted part of the beach View towards the central part of the beach

Giant lizards of Koh Hong Island

Large lizards are not uncommon in Thailand and they are found almost everywhere. The presence of a person does not frighten them and they can easily be found even in Bangkok, you just need to get away from busy highways and enter the territory of one of the many parks of the Thai capital.

However, Hong Island stands apart among the habitats of these colorful reptiles. The thing is that the largest of the Thai lizards, the two-meter Bengal monitor lizard, live on the island of Koh Hong (Bengal monitor lizard, Varanus bengalensis), an Indian species of large lizards, not very common in Thailand.

Looking at these hefty creatures that clearly do not suffer from hunger, one cannot help but wonder how they survive on an island where, by and large, there is nothing but sheer cliffs? The answer lies on the surface. The lizards of Hong Island are a tourist attraction just like the lizards of the Komodo Islands, which tourists from all over the world come to see. And the residents of the villages neighboring the island of Koh Hong are well aware that their material well-being depends, among other things, on how well-fed their lizards are. So, local monitor lizards do not experience a shortage of food and quite successfully grow to the two-meter size established by nature. And at the same time, they delight tourists who are partial to these exotic creatures with their presence.

Koh Hong is one of the islands of the archipelago of the same name (Hong Archipelago), located off the coast of the province. The archipelago consists of 16 small islands (area from several tens to several hundred meters), included in national park Than Bok Khorani. Beaches and caves of these beautiful islands attract lovers of scuba diving and kayaking. Koh Hong is the most large island national park, its lagoon and beach arouse the greatest interest of vacationers.

Name and location

"Koh Hong" means "island with emptiness inside" in Thai. The name comes from the lagoon inside the island, surrounded by impressive cliffs. The lagoon is connected to the sea by a narrow tunnel. While in, do not miss the opportunity to see this unique geological creation of Mother Nature.

Koh Hong has two main attractions: extraordinary beautiful beach(Pelay Beach) with soft white sand, and a stunningly beautiful shallow lagoon, completely surrounded by steep cliffs. There is no path between the lagoon and the beach; the only option is to rent a kayak on the beach and go there yourself.

The dimensions of the beach are quite impressive for a small island: length about 400 m, width 20 m. The beach is remarkable beautiful view to neighboring islands, steep cliffs covered with tropical vegetation and clear turquoise water. The underwater world does not shine with a wide variety. To attract schools of fish, take a few bananas with you. Fish accustomed to the delicacy will snatch bananas right out of your hands.

Walking along the paths from the beach, you can see giant monitor lizards up to two meters long, some birds and butterflies.


In addition to the beautiful beach, Koh Hong is notable for its amazingly beautiful lagoon, surrounded by steep cliffs at the northern tip of the island. The water in the lagoon is green, with mangroves growing all around. The only option to explore the lagoon and surrounding rocks is to rent a kayak on the island’s beach. Sailing there and back will take no more than an hour. The lagoon itself is shallow, about 1 meter deep. Entrance is through a single narrow tunnel. Once inside, visitors can swim in the crystal clean waters lagoons. By renting a kayak, you will have the opportunity to visit not only the lagoon, but also observe the surrounding islands from close range.

How to visit

Useful tips

Book a speedboat instead of a longtail boat. The difference in price will be compensated by the time saved;

Get there as early as possible. Around 09:00 in the morning the beach is virtually empty. By 10:00, vacationers begin to arrive, and there will be more and more of them every hour. It is hardly possible to enjoy the beauty of this island in the presence of hundreds of tourists;

Try to visit the islands on a sunny day, the quality of snorkeling on a cloudy day is significantly reduced;

If you are a photography enthusiast and hobbyist underwater photo, this is the tour for you;

Bring suntan lotion, a hat, a beach mat or towel;

The best time to travel is from November to April.

Excursions in Thailand are, as you know, divided into 3 types: 1) to the sea, 2) to the jungle, 3) to local attractions in order to spend money on nonsense. Well, there are also evening shows. , and today the story will be about an unforgettable sea trip.

The excursion is called "Hong Krabi - Yao Yai". We bought it from the Pegasus Tourist guide, because... This year, Pegasus has greatly reduced prices for excursions, and buying them from a tour operator has actually become more profitable than from third parties. Price per person is $69, with a discount of $62.

The tour is presented by the guide as a unique trip on a three-engine boat (no seasickness) around the unexplored islands near Phuket. Let's see how well thought out everything is, how unknown it is, and whether it's even worth the money.

The excursion begins at 8 am, when a Thai driver picks us up from the reception, puts us in a minivan and takes us somewhere for about 10 minutes. Then he transfers to a large bus, we drive for another 40 minutes, we arrive at the Royal Phuket Marina pier. There Russian speaking guide tells the program, offers tea, coffee, motion sickness pills, change clothes, go to the toilet, take a photo. Then we go to the boat.

The group consisted of 34 people. The boat can accommodate up to 45 people. In the morning, I advise you to sit on the bow (of course, apply cream first) - from there the view is more beautiful and the trip in general is more extreme. After lunch and in the evening, it bakes too much on an open nose.

The first stop (after 30 minutes by boat) is the sand spit of Yao Yai Island, open only at low tide. You can walk on it, do beautiful photos with and without palm trees, it’s as if you’re walking on a narrow strip of sand right in the middle of the ocean.

The second stop is Hong Island, on the beach of which part of the film “The Jungle” with Svetlakov and Brezhnev was filmed. There is lunch, then more than an hour of free time to swim and swim, including with a mask (masks are given free of charge on the boat, the main thing is not to lose it, otherwise there will be a fine). The bay is incredibly beautiful, you can take simply stunning photos. Unfortunately, our camera died, so I will add photos from Honga Bay later, when I take them from more ancient equipment. The underwater world is no less impressive - with a mask and snorkel you can swim to your heart's content with fish, of which I counted a dozen species, my husband - another dozen. Yellow, striped, orange, ruby... Very beautiful.

But! On this island we made our main mistake - we changed into swimsuits and swam in them. Despite the fact that we were wearing cream and did not lie on the beach at all, we were very badly sunburned. The fact is that sea ​​water instantly washes off the cream, and water perfectly transmits ultraviolet light. My backs were burnt like a grill from swimming in a mask without T-shirts! Therefore, I strongly recommend swimming in a T-shirt or a special long-sleeve sweater. If you don't want to swim, sit in the shade.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the arrival on this island occurs at the height of the sun - from half past twelve to half past one. Without a hat, even the scalp burns. Be careful! The Thai sun is merciless, and sunburn is very painful.

It is because of this that the subsequent part of the excursion was no longer enjoyable. On Hong Island, the boat entered an inner bay where mangrove trees grow and the surrounding rocks form a beautiful “room”. The last island (I don’t even remember the name) is completely uninteresting - a stupid beach where there are crowds of people, Thais run up every minute and offer ice cream, drinks, all sorts of nonsense - all at unrealistically inflated prices (for example, ice cream - 250 baht). I just sat in the shade and listened to music.

At the end of the excursion, back at the pier, you are offered to buy morning photos for 200 baht (that’s 400 rubles, for which you can print a bunch of your photos). In general, I don’t like this manner of forcibly taking photographs and then selling the photos at exorbitant prices. If you haven’t bought them, where can you buy them? In the oven? It’s not very pleasant to think about what they do with your photo later...

Overall, the excursion is beautiful and worth the money. There is always water, drinks, around 12 - lunch (fried vegetables, chicken leg like in KFC, chicken soup, pineapples. On the way home, everyone is given pieces of watermelon. The guide is smart, polite, and talked a lot about the places we visited on the excursion. By the way, everything was organized again not by Pegasus, but by the local company ALP. No one got seasick during the trip.

I see two disadvantages: the excursion takes place in the thick of it, and there is a high risk of getting burned. Well last island was at least uninteresting, there was nothing to do there, and it was very noisy and crowded. In general, “unknown islands” are just a bait for tourists. People, including Chinese tourists, it was full everywhere. Silence and unity with nature are difficult to achieve in such conditions.

That’s why I give the excursions a 4, but still recommend them!

[email protected]

Our next landing site after the Bond Islands was Koh Hong Island. As the guide told us, there is a wonderful bay on this island where we can swim, see different fish, and just take a break from the boat...

Here is the island. The boat anchors and we go ashore...

We look around. There are only boats and boats all around. Where is the wonderful bay? Where should we swim? Maybe the guide mixed something up?

No, here is a sign with the name of the island - Koh Hong. So we are in the right place.

It turns out that the bay that the guide talked about is on the opposite side of the island. Well, let's go straight through the jungle...

After several hours of wandering in the impassable jungle of the island (just kidding), a miracle bay appears.... The first impression is that this is a lake...

However, as we move further along the beautiful sand, we understand that this is not so...

It's time to accept water treatments...And who is that there in life jackets near the shore? Do you think children? No, you are deeply mistaken. These are the Chinese. They don’t leave their vests: on a boat they sit in vests, they swim exclusively in vests, at lunch and other establishments they also wear vests....

Obviously they are afraid of a tsunami... On all the islands there are warning signs - where and how long to run in case of danger of this natural phenomenon. They (the Chinese) apparently decided that the safest thing to do is always wear life jackets - even if you get washed away, you will certainly float up somewhere...

Although their everyday outfit is a good guide for us - where there are many of them, there is nothing for us to do...

The weather has started to deteriorate... There are no umbrellas here, but there is a nice natural canopy made from the foliage of the surrounding trees....

Until the rain stops, we'll sit under a tree... Fortunately, at this time of year the rains here don't last long. Before we had time to rest in the shade of the trees, the sun came out again...

And then the fish appeared.....

But we couldn’t admire them for a long time - the guide called us onto the boat... It’s time to move on...

Phuket Hong Island and Yao Yai are one of the popular day excursions in Thailand. While vacationing on the island of Phuket, you will definitely want to visit another island, which is smaller, the sand on the beach is better, and the water is cleaner. One such island in the Andaman Sea is Hong Island. Reviews are almost always positive, but we will add our own review as detailed as possible. Hong Island is located between the island of Phuket and mainland Thailand's Krabi province. The travel time will be from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on where you are vacationing and how to get there. Hong Island is one of the many islands for a day trip in Thailand, looking for white sand on the beach, blue water and snorkeling.

  • meeting point and start of the excursion to Hong Island and Yao Yai
  • description of the photo of the ship for an excursion to the Hong Islands of Thailand
  • where is Hong Island located on the map | Hong Krabi in Thailand in the Andaman Sea
  • Hong Island | Hong in Thailand beach lagoon photo
  • jungle and monitor lizards on Hong Island | Ko Hong in Thailand
  • Yao Yai Island | Yao Yai in Thailand in the Andaman Sea spit photo

Meeting point and start of excursion to Hong Island | Ko Hong and Yao Yai

On the eve before the trip, as promised hotel guide, an SMS was sent stating that the check-out time from our hotel was at 7:30 and required confirmation in the form of an OK message. In the morning we arrived in Thailand, it’s good that breakfast started at 6:30 and we always had time to have a snack before the excursions. At the appointed time, a minibus arrived and picked us up. We went on many excursions and never had transport delivery delayed by more than 15 minutes, although our friends complained that the bus arrived 30 minutes late for them.

After about 40 -50 minutes we were at the meeting point for our excursion.

Collection point at Ao Po port

The gathering place is a pavilion covered from the sun and rain, but somehow I don’t dare call it a barn, but I want to. Benches and chairs were placed inside the waiting area. There is not enough seating space for everyone.

Waiting place

There are also small shops selling souvenirs and essential items (swimsuits, towels, bags, goggles, swimming circles, creams, as well as waterproof bags and waterproof cases for photographic equipment and phones) and ice cream.

Selling essentials

At the back of the waiting room there was a table for tea and coffee, but it cost 20 baht.

Table of paid coffee and tea

But then all the buses arrived and we moved in a long line to the pier to our ship, passing by a small booth they tried to count us.

We headed to the pier

Moving along the pier we passed local boats called longtails | longtail, so called for the peculiarity of the screw rotation feed mechanism.

Boats called longtails

Description of the ship on which we sailed to Hong Island Thailand

And so we approached our ship, but in order to get on it we need to go through another one. Our ship is the second one in the photo; it does not have an awning on the upper deck. The ship turned out to be not the first freshness, but renovated.

Our second excursion ship

Having boarded our ship, we dressed life jackets and sat down in the empty seats around the perimeter of the ship. The animators talked about themselves, the ship and the ship's crew, said a few words about the tour program to the islands of Hong and Yao Yai, and introduced them to the rules of conduct on board and on the islands.

And we went to the Andaman Sea to meet the white sands and blue lagoons. As soon as we left the port, we were allowed to take off our vests and were given the opportunity to move around the ship. On the ship, all events took place on the middle second deck, there was also shade. On the first or lower deck there was a toilet and a bar. As soon as we set off, a free breakfast of cookies, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and fruit juice was offered.

Breakfast bar

Alcoholic drinks, as well as cocktails made from them, are available for an additional fee.

The lower deck was always semi-static, because there is shade here, and secondly, the ship’s engine makes a lot of noise, which, if desired, could be studied from the open windows and doors.

Lower deck

There is also a latrine or a simple toilet on the lower deck. It also has a shower, not included in the photo.

Bathroom on a ship

The upper deck is divided into two, front and rear. Climb them up the stairs. There is always sun on the upper deck. There are a dozen old sun loungers in the front room.

There are sun loungers on the bow on the top deck of the ship

On the back top there was only a bench along the side and there they mostly took pictures against the backdrop of the sea and islands.

Upper deck

And the views are really beautiful. We were unlucky, or maybe on the contrary we were lucky that the sky was with clouds and the sea, depending on the sun, changed color.

View Andaman Sea

But what impressed me most was not large islands with beaches, and lonely tourists on them. It's wonderful to be on the island all alone with its beautiful beach.

The travel time is about three hours, during which time the animator managed to entertain the children. He showed them magic tricks and taught them how to do them, gave each one face paint and showed them how to make little animals out of inflatable balloons.

Showed how to make balloon animals

After the children, I started working on the adults. Held several interesting competitions.

In general, the mood was not bad, and those who took cocktails were generally having fun, both literally and figuratively.

Where is Hong Island located on the map | Hong in Thailand

Where is Hong Island located on the map | Hong in Thailand? Hong Island is located in the Andaman Sea between Yau Yai Island and Krabi Province. The map shows the travel route from Phuket, but from Krabi it will be closer.

Hong Island | Ko Hong Krabi in Thailand photo

Hong Island | Hong in Thailand looks fabulously beautiful from the sea.

Hong Island in the Andaman Sea

And the closer you get, the more beautiful the views.

Ko Hong Island

And so our ship dropped anchor, and since we are big, we cannot moor to the pier.

She didn’t come towards us big boat and in groups of 20 people they began to transport them ashore.

The pier is made of plastic blocks that move on the waves. Landing on the pier of Hong Island was not at all difficult, but with its own peculiarity. At the first moment it seems that you will fall, but after taking 10 steps you begin to adapt to moving along this ever-swaying pier.

Immediately we meet a local inspection point and sell tickets to visit the national park in the amount of 300 baht per person.

They didn’t take money from us because we were organized excursion group. But if you hire a boat yourself, for example a boat from the Krabi coast for 6 people will cost from 1,700 to 2,500 baht prices for 2017, then as a rule they don’t tell you what else you will need to pay for visiting the park at 300 baht per person . And the fact that the island is popular among independent travelers, there are photos of boats in the background that tourists hired on their own to visit the island, there are more than a dozen of them.

Well, we set foot on the sandy shore of Hong Island in the Andaman Sea.

There are like two beaches in this place. One to the bay, and the second opposite the bay. Therefore, the first beach is not as popular as the second. The photo shows the shore of Hong Krabi Island in the Andaman Sea and, as you can see, the island’s beach is divided into two parts. The first beach is visible in the photo on the left, and where the rock from the sea begins in the center and reaches the huge rock, between them there is a blue lagoon.

The shore of Hong Krabi island in the Andaman Sea

Therefore, all people go to the most beautiful. Along the way we meet the film crew who were filming the film. They said the name of the series, but I don’t remember, but they say it’s well known.

There were practically no people on the first beach; everyone wanted to relax on the opposite side of the lagoon. Moreover, filmmakers sometimes climbed into the water for filming and asked people to get out of the frame.

There were practically no people on the first beach

Along the way we came across a sign confirming that we were on Hong Island | in Thailand.

The beaches are conventionally separated, since there is one sandy coastal strip on one side adjacent to the jungle, and the other smoothly enters the sea. There is a lifeguard station on the beach and a lot of information posters on how to swim and where to run in case of a tsunami.

We, like most, went to the beach opposite the lagoon.

Now about the blue lagoon. On our visit she was not blue, this was probably due to two reasons. The first is that there are a lot of people in the sea, which lifts sand from the bottom, the second is that on our visit the sun was more often behind the clouds and probably it was not possible to illuminate beautifully. But the place itself is really beautiful, the rock formations that hang above you are impressive. Photo of the beach on the island of Ko Hong Krabi Thailand.

Swimming on both beaches is convenient, since the entrance to the sea is smooth and sandy, but you won’t go far, as the corals begin. If you look at the photo of the bay on Hong Island, you can see that you can go in a little higher than waist-deep, but then you need to swim.

To visit the island and if you plan to go snorkeling, I recommend taking “coral slippers”, since the bottom is not level, you can injure your leg, and in some places there are sea ​​urchins. It was noted from reviews of tourists that the ebb and flow of the tides also greatly influence.

Seabed 5 meters from the beach

Snorkeling excursion to Honk Island | Ko Hong in Thailand in the Andaman Sea photo

Snorkeling excursion to Honk Island | According to reviews, Ko Hong Krabi in Thailand in the Andaman Sea was very good and there were a lot of beautiful fish. Therefore, masks and snorkels are provided free of charge for snorkeling on the ship. Approaching the sea, it is clear that most of the swimmers are looking at undersea world Andaman Sea photo. Upon entering the water and lowering his head, it was discovered that the water was cloudy.

Having been on the island for 3 hours and periodically entering the water, it was determined that the water was cloudy almost everywhere, but closer to the rocks in some places the water became clearer and something could be seen.

Closer to the buoys, that is, at depth the water is better, but there is nothing to see. And closer to the shore, where the depth is from a meter to one and a half, there is something to look at, but it’s muddy. What you can see is, of course, the sergeant fish, it swims in all seas and is not afraid of humans, especially if you feed it.

You can throw a banana near the shore and see a bunch of fish. Children like this spectacle and adults do not need to be afraid that children will go into the depths. Look at the fish in the shallows. However, it must be remembered that this state reserve and whether it is allowed to feed the fish or not, you need to find out from the guide, otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to feeding the fish.

Feeding the fish by the beach

The overall snorkeling experience is poor. During our visit to the island of Koh Hong in Thailand, the transparency of the water was not very clear, or rather, one might say cloudy, visibility was no more than 1 meter. In some places it reached maybe three or four, but no more. The coral reef is simple, flat with little color variation. It is difficult to see fish with beautiful colors, and in muddy water the beauty is lost. We were probably unlucky, it’s not right to make a conclusion based on one trip, but if you are planning good snorkeling, then this is not the place. Maybe you won't be lucky either. It is useless to compare with the Red Sea in Egypt, there is nothing here. For example, look at the Dominican Republic, it’s right on the hotel’s beach. It’s better to take an introductory dive and see the underwater world in all its beauty, like watching and reading.

Jungle and monitor lizards on Hong Island | Ko Hong in Thailand photo

One of the entertainments on an excursion to Hong Island | Ko Hong in Thailand walk through the jungle and search for monitor lizards. It was also announced on the ship that at 13:00 local time, an excursion through the jungle would be organized for those interested. And indeed, quite a lot of people had gathered at the appointed time.

The guide who entertained us on the ship gave us some instructions on behavior and told us that on December 26, 2004, the largest tsunami hit the coast of Thailand. That on this island, people also suffered. And as soon as we set off, we saw the wreckage of the boat, which corresponded to a reminder of that tragedy.

In some places the guide stopped and made short stories about the area and fauna. For example, these mushrooms are used in making soup. Showed wild aloe.

In another place, everyone was looking out for a local bird, but they didn’t see it, although there was a sign. Then there was a short climb uphill to the mountain.

Climbing uphill

The mountain looked majestic and beautiful.

Walking along the mountain you pass by depressions where stalactites and stalagmites are formed. In fact, this is nonsense.

Stalactites and stalagmites

In general, the route takes a maximum of 20 minutes. There is nothing interesting, but I still recommend walking through it. Since this is a new entertainment from the sea, you can walk through the jungle, although not completely wild. The path is well trodden, but it is better to walk in shoes, but there are also enough slates. Also, along the entire route, everyone was looking for monitor lizards, as the guide warned about this. But life turned out to be simpler, all monitor lizards walk closer to humans and you can probably meet them on this path, but the easiest way to meet them is on the way to the toilet on the beach.

Since the island is prepared to receive tourists, it has many amenities. It’s easier to meet a monitor lizard on the way to them than in the jungle. We saw it ourselves and knowledgeable people they said.

Several individuals live on the island. They are not afraid of people, but they are wary. Also, if you are lucky, the local ranger will feed the monitor lizard a large bone or two, and you will watch how he eats them. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

Local star

At 15-00 o'clock they began to gather us all onto the ship. Upon arrival at the ship, lunch was waiting for us. Lunch took place on the first deck.

Yao Yai Island | Yao Yai in Thailand in the Andaman Sea photo

Yao Yai Island | Yao Yai in Thailand in the Andaman Sea is our next stop on this excursion. While we were having lunch, the ship approached a picturesque spit on the island of Yao Yai | Yao Yai photo. As in the previous case, the ship cannot moor to the island and we are transported to the island on small boats.

And so we landed on the second largest island after Phuket, Yao Yai in Thailand. The island is big, but we were dropped off on interesting place islands. In this place there is a sand spit that goes far into the sea.

Everyone headed to the spit

Everyone took off their slates and went to measure the water level on the spit.

Some tourists walked several hundred meters, and the water level remained knee-deep.

Walking along the spit is a little scary, since there is a current and the water is not transparent and therefore the bottom is not visible, although the depth is not great. And it always seems that you are about to turn a little and fall into the water.

But as it turned out, the braid turned out to be quite wide and there was no need to worry. Everyone walked along the spit, the water was warm, the sun appeared from behind the clouds, the mood was great. We spent 30 minutes on the spit, but there was nothing else to do there. Some went inland and took pictures against the backdrop of palm trees and the sea on Yao Yai Island | Yao Yai in Thailand in the Andaman Sea. It is marked in red on the map.

Panorama of the sand spit of Yao Yai island

The photo shows Koh Yao Noi Island | Yao Noi is also big Island and there are hotels where you can relax. They say that if you want to see what Phuket was like 20 years ago, then visit Yao Noi island | Yao Noi. After Yao Yai Island we headed to the port of Phuket Island. The island of Yao Yai floated overboard | Yao Yai in the Andaman Sea and I felt a little sad. Hotel The Three By APK 3* Phuket Phuket Thailand most full review tourist photo Show Siam Niramit in Phuket | Siam Niramit holiday for all photos

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