Walkthrough of Oblivion: Shivering Isles. The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, Interactive map of the Shivering Isles Walkthrough Oblivion find the amulet of disintegration

In the Crucible you can find the "Cutter's Weapons" forge and its owner, the Cutter, who, like Dumag gro-Bonk in Bliss, can make weapons and armor for you, but from madness ore (Madness Ore). The scheme is the same: when talking to her, she will give you a list that indicates what products she can create, and the amount of ore needed for their production. Madness ore can be found in the Dementia dungeons in characteristic ones. clusters of thorns (Madness Ore Deposits), as well as on Grummites. Particularly strong individuals often also have madness ore matrices with them. As in the case of amber, the Carver will not forge armor for you if you are below level 8-. go, the weapons and armor she makes are also leveled.

Stop by Sick Bernice's Diner in the Crucible and talk to the owner. This clearly unhealthy woman will ask you to find a cure for her. According to her, a special liquid, Aquanostrum, which can be obtained in the Knotty Bramble cave, can help her. Bernice will give you an empty flask and mark the cave on your map. The cave is inhabited by grammites and has two levels. In the center lower level there is the desired pool with a statue of the Grammite deity. Just stand in the water and after a while you will get a full flask for Bernice. Return to the diner owner and as a reward you will receive a Circle of Verdure with the effects of resisting disease and poison and increasing health and stamina. (If you talk to her after a while, the unfortunate patient will ask for another portion of the medicine and so on... ad infinitum.)

Hirrus Clutumnus often stands on the landing of the stairs leading to the castle from the Crucible, or walks around the city. Talk to him and he will ask to meet you after nightfall (after 11 o'clock) next to the sewer drain near the Sheogorath statue (if the quest is active, you can easily find Hirrus by the marker). When they meet, Hirrus will tell you that his life is eternal torture and will ask you to kill him. It will not be possible to dissuade him from this, and he does not want to kill himself, fearing the fate of the ghosts on the Hill of Suicides. So only you can fulfill his will. He also wants the murder to happen unexpectedly and to look like an accident. Of course, you can kill him on the spot, but there is a spectacular way to fulfill his demands. Considering that he often stands on the landing of very high stairs close to the edge, you can simply push him down. To do this, wait until he comes to the edge of the stairs, enter stealth mode and talk to him. You will have the option to push it. If you did everything correctly, then you will not receive a penalty for murder, and Hirrus’s last will will be fulfilled. After Hirrus finds his final rest, search his body lying below and take the key to his house. On the second floor of this house there is a jewelry box (there is no red mark on it) - it contains your reward and Hirrus's will.

Residents of Crucible say that Earil from Earil's Mysteries store is greatly annoyed by the unlucky thief Brithaur, who is constantly trying to steal something. Visit Earil and talk to him. First, he will offer you to save you will be forever young, but also forever dead. After you refuse this crazy offer, ask him about Brightor. Iril wants Brightor to disappear forever, and as proof of this he will ask you to bring the heart of the thief. Find Brightor. He will tell you that it is simple. loves to "take" things for his collection. And now he needs five flawless pearls - having received them, he will stop stealing. You have three options: you can simply kill him and take his heart, you can bring him five flawless pearls, or. , if you have progressed far along the main plot and in good relations with the court of Dementia, you can talk to the Redguard Kithlan, you will find him in the throne room of the House of Dementia, and he will throw Brightor into prison. After completing any of these actions, talk to Iril and he will give you a level amount of gold as a reward

On the streets of Crucible you may have already met the orc Ushnar gro-Shadborgob, surrounded by dogs. Following on his heels is the Khajiit Bhisha. Talk to the orc. If you are a Khajiit yourself, the orc will not talk to you and you will not receive this quest. If not, then Ushnar will tell you that he is terribly afraid of cats, so he surrounded himself with dogs. But he is pursued by the Khajiit Bisha, which cannot but intensify his phobias. Talk to Bisha, and it turns out that this cat loves dogs very much, which is why he follows them, and, consequently, Ushnar. It is not at all necessary to kill this lover of our four-legged friends - you can give him 100 gold and he will move to Bliss. Or, if you've already become Sheogorath, you can simply order him to move. As a reward, Ushnar will give you his “former” dog - a Skinned Hound, which will become your companion, but, unfortunately, will die quite quickly on your travels.

The owner of the "Things Found" store, Ahjazda, is preparing for an imminent disaster and collecting everything she needs in case of a cataclysm. She will ask the hero to get her a few things to finish packing. She needs: Amulet of Disintegration, Ring of Desiccation and Calming Pants.

The dehydration ring is located in the Kunstkamera (The Museum of Oddities) on the second tier. Just steal it without anyone noticing.

The soothing pants are worn by the sweet tooth Fimmion, who is walking around Bliss. Talk to him and he will ask for a Sweetroll in exchange for his pants. The easiest way to find rolls in Cyrodiil is from innkeepers. If you're too lazy to travel to Tamriel, then try your luck in the kitchen of the famous cook Rendil Drarara in New Sheoth, in the houses of Halion or Zoe Malene in Hale, home of Runs-in-Circles. Circles in Highcross or Erver Devani's house in Deepwallow. Once you have the bun, trade with Fimmion for pants. Please note that if you have several rolls, you can get the corresponding number of pairs of pants. Don't be greedy, if you get several copies of the quest item, Ajazda will not recognize the pants, and the quest will freeze.

The Amulet of Disintegration is the hardest to obtain. Head to Milchar - it is located at the top of big lake in the Mania area, along the road. Follow the marker and you will find a room in the center of which stands a magically sealed container called the Diligence Crux. Carefully examine the hall - you will see three bowls for lighting the fire. One of them, opposite the entrance, is already on fire, and two more are located on opposite sides of the entrance. In the burning bowl you will find a ritual torch (Ritual Torch), the peculiarity of which is that it cannot be taken into inventory, but can be carried using the transfer key. So, you need to keep the fire burning in all three bowls, then the container will open, but keep in mind that the fire goes out pretty quickly. Here the choice is yours: for some it is more convenient to run with the key held down (by default, Z), while others will prefer to use telekinesis (the second option is more convenient, since then the torch does not fall when running and stays level). After concentrating and spending some time, open the container and take the Amulet of Disintegration. (By the way, it can be used to level up the “gunsmith” skill.)

Once you have all three items, return to Ajazda and give them to her. She will give funny explanations as to why she needed them. As a reward, the Khajiit will teach you the spell "Ajazda's Paranoia", which inflicts Frenzy on everyone who falls under its influence.

Upon completion of the quest, you can steal Calming Pants from her if you like them, but keep in mind that they will be quest items and cannot be thrown away. Adjazda will put the rest of his things on himself and it won’t be possible to steal them.

Walking around the Crucible, you probably became interested in the Kunstkamera. Talk to the owner of this museum, Una Armina, and she will tell you that she collects any strange things scattered throughout the Shivering Isles. You can also ask her to give you a tour of the museum, but this one there is almost nothing to see. We will have to provide assistance to the museum in replenishing the collection. Some of the things Una needs appear randomly, others can be found in strictly defined places. Here is a list of items that appear randomly (in dungeons, chests, on enemy corpses, etc.):

Two-Headed Septim
-Dagger of Friendship
-Hound's Tooth Key
-Ring of Disrobing
-A piece of amber resembling Sheogorath (Sheogorath-shaped Amber)
-Mixing Bowl
-Soul Tomato

The rest of the items are in permanent places.

Mute Screaming Maw: This hard-to-get item is found in the ruins of Cann, at the very bottom of the central bay near Saints Watch in Mania. They are inhabited by heretics and the hungry (Hunger). Go through Big hall Cann ( The Great Hall) to Halls of Tranquility. There, find the entrance to the Arena below. Once there, turn right and follow the plant-overgrown tunnel, pass a piece of stone ruins and find a cluster of Screaming Maws to your left. Search in the roots next to them and you will find the curiosity you are looking for.

Deformed Swamp Tentacle: First travel to the Lost Time Camp, which is located in the center of the peninsula called Madgod's Boot in Dementia along the road. From there, walk a little south along the road up to two rocks, on one of which you will find the desired tendril.

Din's Ashes: It is hidden in Ebrocca, north of New Sheoth, on the map below the settlement of Highcross. Go through the dungeon forward and to the right until you run into a closed one behind the door there will be a room in which there are four leather shields. Push the two that are located opposite the entrance and you will see a button that opens a secret passage to the Ebrocchi Crematorium, in which you will find the necessary ashes on a shelf in the Gilded Urn.

Blind Watcher's Eye: In Milchar (located at the top of the large lake in the Mania area, along the road) go forward to the cave with the door in the center, turn left, walk a little and look for the watcher's eye plant ( Watcher's Eye) among a cluster of other plants.

Pelvis of Pelagius: It is kept in the Howling Halls, a heretical fortress built from the stones of the castle where the mad Emperor Pelagius lived out his days. At the end of the Shivering Isles main quest, you will need to visit this place, located north of New Sheoth, in the center of the Heretics Horn. In the Moaning Halls, go straight, go to the Hall of Congregation, go upstairs, you will see a carpet, you will see a door opposite the carpet. In a small passage there is a table, and on it in the display case is Pelagius's basin.

*-Ring of Desiccation: If you have not yet completed the quest "The Coming Storm", then it will already be on the shelf in the museum. If you stole it for the above quest, you will have to kill Ajazda and take the ring from her, since she is wearing it and cannot be stolen. So you can return the ring back to the Kunstkamera. But keep in mind - this is not necessary to complete the quest, you will not receive any reward and at the same time you will kill the owner of one of the few shops on the Shivering Isles.

For each oddity, Una will give you a certain amount of gold in the range of 200-300 gold. Once you've found all twelve of the Shivering Isles' curiosities, the quest will be completed and you can ask Una to give you a tour of the now full museum and get to know the pair interesting facts regarding your findings. (Note: The Mixing Bowl and Soul Tomato can actually be used for their intended purpose, which is to create potions and store souls respectively.)

Liquid solution

The owner of the tavern “Sick Bernice” considers herself terminally ill and asks to find and bring the medicine aquanostrum. You can only find it in the Bramble Bush Cave, which is overrun with grammites. Having entered the cave, turn left at the first fork, then follow the tunnel and turn right. At the next fork, turn into the left corridor, and then straight to the entrance to the Nursery.

Once in the Nursery, jump into the pond with the aquanostrum. You can fill the bottle at the statue located in the center of the lake. Now return to Sick Bernice with the medicine. The reward will be the Ring of Freshness, which increases health, stamina, resistance to poisons and diseases.

After a while, visit Bernice, who will again ask you to bring her medicine. And so on endlessly.


According to the Crucible, it is said that there is enmity between the owner of the Iril Mysteries store and the thief Brightor. In the store, Iril will ask you to rid him of Brighton. It is worth talking to the thief, who will tell you that he is collecting a collection and is missing five flawless pearls. There are several options to solve the problem:

find these pearls and give them to Brightor.

kill Brightor.

being the ruler of Dementia or the Mad Prince, talk to Kitlan, who will solve the problem with Brightor.

After getting rid of the thief, return to Iril, who will reward you with gold.

The Coming Storm

Ajaza in the Nakhodki store is very afraid of the upcoming storm, to protect herself she needs the Ring of Dehydration, the Amulet of Disintegration and Calming Pants.

The easiest way to find the Ring of Dehydration, which is located in the Kunstkamera. You can see where it lies during a tour, which the owner of the Kunstkamera will be happy to conduct. You can simply steal it from the display case.

The Amulet of Disintegration is hidden in Milkar, in the “Focus of Efforts” chest, which stands in the middle of one of the rooms. The chest won't open just like that. But right opposite the entrance there is a bowl with a burning flame, two smaller bowls are located on both sides of the entrance, and they need to be lit with the help of the Ritual torch, which lies on the floor. The difficulty is that it is impossible to pick it up. You can use a telekinesis spell, light it in a large bowl and transfer it to each of the smaller bowls. After the fire appears in the small bowls, the chest will open.

New Sheot resident Fimmion has Calming Pants and is worth looking for in Bliss. He will agree to exchange his pants for a sweet roll. Which, most likely, will have to be stolen from the famous chef Rendil Drarara. You can bring things to Ajaza one at a time or all together.

Note: For each roll - a pair of pants, if there are more of them, the quest will fail. The Amulet of Disintegration allows you to upgrade your blacksmith skill, but it cannot be worn during battle. The items given away can either be redeemed or stolen.

Final peace

In the Crucible you can meet Hirrus Clutumeus. When you try to talk to him, he will offer to meet after eleven o'clock in the evening at the statue of Sheogorath. During the meeting, he will say that he wants to end his life, but not by suicide, because he is afraid of becoming the ghost of Suicide Hill. He will ask you to kill him, but without him seeing it happen.

You won’t be able to kill him just like that, even secretly; your crime will immediately be noticed by the Dark Seducer guarding the city. There is an easier way to help Hirrus get rid of life.

Follow him. He will climb the stairs and stand on the very edge of the parapet, go up to him, talk to him and push him down, selecting the top line in the dialogue.

After searching his body, take the key to his house. On the second floor in the box, your reward is the Ring of Happiness, which increases charm and the ability to carry more weight, and also gives the ability to walk on water and lighting.

Ushnar's Nightmare

While walking around the Crucible, you can meet the orc Ushnar, accompanied by dogs. He is pathologically afraid of cats, including Khajiit, so he is very irritated by the Khadget Bisha, who often meets on his way. Talk to Bisha, who, it turns out, loves dogs very much, which is why he follows on the heels of Ushnar. Bisha will agree to leave Dementia for 100 gold, especially if you say that there are also a lot of dogs in Bliss.

After Bisha leaves the Crucible, return to Ushnar. As a token of gratitude, he will give you one of his dogs - a skinned hound that will protect you. Unfortunately, she is not immortal.

Notes: If you yourself are a Khajiit, then Ushnar will not ask you for anything. If you are the Prince of Madness, all you need to do is simply order Bisha to leave the Crucible.


At the Kunstkamera Crucible, the hostess will be happy to give you a free tour and show you curiosities from all over the Shivering Isles. But her exposure is still small and she wants you to help her expand it.

You need to find:

  • Dagger of Friendship
  • Two-headed septim
  • Strip ring
  • Dog tooth key
  • Tomato shower
  • A piece of amber resembling Sheogorath
  • Mixing bowl
  • Silent chant (in the arena of the ruins of Cann in a cluster of chants, from the entrance to the right and along the tunnel overgrown with plants).
  • Pelagius' Pelvis (in the Moaning Halls in the display case, from the entrance to the Assembly Hall, then upstairs, in the door opposite the carpet)
  • Ashes (in Ebbrokka in the Ebbrokka Crematorium on a shelf in the Gilded Urn, forward through the dungeon and to the right behind the metal door, across the room, button under the shields).
  • Deformed marsh tendril (from the camp of lost time on the road to the south there are two small rocks, on one of them among the accumulation and simple “whiskers”)
  • Blind Eye of the Watchman (in Milcar, at the very beginning turn left from the locked door).
  • Ring of Dehydration (taken from Ajazda)

Una pays for every curiosity in gold.

Hammer of the Antipode

On the Shivering Isles you can find a certain matrix intended for making armor or weapons. Yellow ones are for weapons made of amber, green ones are for weapons made from madness ore.

Having found the green matrix, take it to the Carver in the Crucible, who, if you have madness ore, will make enchanted variants from it. Without a matrix, the Carver makes non-magical weapons and armor from ore. Armor made from Madness ore is better than Daedric armor. This ore can be found on the bodies of dead Grummites and in Dementia forts.

The quest is endless.

list of items that appear randomly (in dungeons, chests, on enemy corpses, etc.):

Two-Headed Septim
-Dagger of Friendship
-Hound's Tooth Key
-Ring of Disrobing
-A piece of amber resembling Sheogorath (Sheogorath-shaped Amber)
-Mixing Bowl
-Soul Tomato

The rest of the items are in permanent places.

Mute Screaming Maw: This hard-to-get item is found in the ruins of Cann, at the very bottom of the central bay near Saints Watch in Mania. They are inhabited by heretics and the hungry (Hunger). Go through The Great Hall to the Halls of Tranquility. There, find the entrance to the Arena below. Once there, turn right and follow the plant-overgrown tunnel, pass a piece of stone ruins and find a cluster of Screaming Maws to your left. Search in the roots next to them and you will find the curiosity you are looking for.

Deformed Swamp Tentacle: First travel to the Lost Time Camp, which is located in the center of the peninsula called Madgod's Boot in Dementia along the road. From there, walk a little south along the road up to two rocks, on one of which you will find the desired tendril.

Din's Ashes: It is hidden in Ebrocca, north of New Sheoth, on the map below the settlement of Highcross. Go through the dungeon forward and to the right until you run into a closed one behind the door there will be a room in which there are four leather shields. Push the two that are located opposite the entrance and you will see a button that opens a secret passage to the Ebrocchi Crematorium, in which you will find the necessary ashes on a shelf in the Gilded Urn.

Blind Watcher's Eye: In Milchar (located at the top of the large lake in the Mania area, along the road) go forward to the cave with the door in the center, turn left, walk a little and look for the watcher's eye plant ( Watcher's Eye) among a cluster of other plants.

Pelvis of Pelagius: It is kept in the Howling Halls, a heretical fortress built from the stones of the castle where the mad Emperor Pelagius lived out his days. At the end of the Shivering Isles main quest, you will need to visit this place, located north of New Sheoth, in the center of the Heretics Horn. In the Moaning Halls, go straight, go to the Hall of Congregation, go upstairs, you will see a carpet, you will see a door opposite the carpet. In a small passage there is a table, and on it in the display case is Pelagius's basin.

*-Ring of Desiccation: If you have not yet completed the quest "The Coming Storm", then it will already be on the shelf in the museum. If you stole it for the above quest, you will have to kill Ajazda and take the ring from her, since she is wearing it and cannot be stolen. So you can return the ring back to the Kunstkamera. But keep in mind - this is not necessary to complete the quest, you will not receive any reward and at the same time you will kill the owner of one of the few shops on the Shivering Isles.

Taken from http://tes.ag.ru

Some time after installing the addon, you will hear rumors that a strange island with a mysterious portal has appeared in the south of the province of Cyrodiil. You are invited to go and see this unusual phenomenon. The island is located east of Bravil, in the middle of a body of water called Nibenay Bay. Having arrived at the place, the first thing you will notice is the rather unusual flora of the island (very exotic plants), as well as the large stone face (or rather, three faces in one), in which the portal is located. Don’t rush to use the portal, as you won’t be able to do it anyway. First, you will need to talk to guard Guy Prentus. From a conversation with him, you will learn that everyone who entered the portal returned from it insane, and you will receive a strong recommendation not to repeat their mistakes. Immediately after talking with the guard, you will see with your own eyes the veracity of his words, because the dark elf Belmin Drelet will appear from the portal and begin to talk some nonsense. Guy Prentius will try to calm him down, but will have the opposite effect and a fight will break out between them. Your task is not to interfere in the fight, but to wait until the guard kills the newly-minted madman. After this showdown, Guy will come up to you and again try to convince you not to meddle in the portal, but you, of course, will not listen to his good advice. After this, you can go to the portal to get into the world of Sheogorath (if the portal does not immediately let you through, then wait a minute and try again).

Having passed the teleport leading to the world of Sheogorath, you will be surprised to find yourself not in a new exciting world, but in some semblance of an ordinary office. A certain Breton named Haskill will sit in front of you at the table, after talking with whom you will learn that he is Sheogorath’s valet, and you are now on the threshold of the Shivering Isles. Haskill will inform you that his master is looking for a mortal who could come to his (Sheogorath's) defense. If you agree to participate in this rather vague mission, then you will automatically be assigned to the “Court of Madness” of Sheogorath with the rank of “Traveler”. This will end your conversation with Haskill, and he will quietly leave the room. After this, I would advise you to relax and watch the most beautiful picture of the “dismantling” of the room in which you are. First, a blue beam will pierce one of the walls, and then the wall will begin to disintegrate, turning into a stream of flying butterflies. At the end of the room melting procedure, you will find yourself directly on the Shivering Isles.

Now you will need to go to a meeting with Shigorat himself, who can be reached by going through the Gate of Madness, guarded by a hostile Guardian. To get to this Gate, simply walk forward along the road you were on when the room disappeared. After a while you will come to an inconspicuous fork where you will need to turn right. Further along the road you will come across the settlement of Pasval, passing which you will go directly to the Gates of Madness. The guard will be an impressively sized cyclops with a sword built into his left hand. At the moment of your arrival at the Gate, he will be busy dealing with the next portion of adventurers. Do not rush to rush to their aid, because your blows with magic or weapons will not cause any harm to the Guardian. The whole mess was started only to show you the combat capabilities of this monster, so that in the future you would know what to expect from it. Also, I would not advise you to try to slip past the Guardian, because the Gate of Madness, which he guards, will still be closed, and you can open it only by killing the Guardian himself and taking the key to this Gate from him. After watching the battle in which the Cyclops destroys all the adventurers, you can return to the settlement of Pasval to try to find out how to destroy it. First of all, you will need to visit Nanette Don's house and talk in detail with her, preferably raising the level of her attitude towards you above seventy. Nanette will tell you that she is a student of a certain powerful sorceress Relmina Verenim, and that this sorceress once created the Guardian guarding the Gates of Madness. After talking to Naneee a little more, you can also find out from her that Relmina goes every night exactly at midnight to her creation (the Guardian) and cries near him for some time. Of course, it will seem to you that this information is of no value, but the fact is that Relmina's tears can cause serious injuries to the Guardian, so they can be used in the fight against him. If there is still quite a lot of time before midnight (more than 4-6 hours), then it makes sense to go and visit Jayrid Icy Nerves, who lives in his own house in Pasval. In any case, you will need to meet with him, since you will also need his help to eliminate the Gate Guardian. After talking with Jayrid, you will find out that he can make special arrows from bones that can cause quite a lot of damage to the Guardian. Jayrid will not have the bones themselves, and he will invite you to go with him to get them to the “Gardens of Bones and Flesh”. When you're ready, tell Jayrid and follow him into the Mysterious Gardens. There you will be attacked by rather unusual skeletal creatures called “Vast Mayhem”. Killing them is not too difficult, but not too easy either. However, this is not so important since the “immortal” Jayrid will provide you with good “fire” support from his bow. After killing these creatures, collect the bones from their bodies and give them to Jayrid, after which he will tell you that in a few hours he will make special arrows for you. It is quite possible that time will fly by quickly while getting the bones and it will already be approaching midnight, when Relmina will have to go and cry to her creepy creation. At approximately 11 o'clock in the evening, she will come down from her room on the second floor of the Revelers' Purse tavern and go to visit the Guardian, ending up next to him on the platform in front of the Gates of Madness at exactly twelve o'clock. Having given free rein to her feelings and had a good cry next to her pet monster, Relmina moves back, “accidentally” dropping her handkerchief along the way. Unfortunately, she will drop it right next to the Guardian, so you will have to contrive to run up and pick up the scarf, dodging this walking meat grinder. The handkerchief, wet from tears, will immediately be squeezed into special bottles by you (don’t worry, you don’t need to prepare empty vials, everything will happen automatically), as a result of which you will actually have a ready-made poison for the Guardian, called “Relmina’s Tears”. The time for obtaining this poison will fly by quickly and perhaps it will be time for you to visit your friend with “icy nerves”, who promised to make arrows that are especially dangerous for the Guardian. If Jayrid has actually already made them, then go with him to eliminate this giant (it’s much easier with two people). As you understand, it is best to kill him with bone arrows, and their effectiveness can be greatly increased by applying the “Tears of Relmina” elixir to the arrows. If you follow all these procedures, killing the Guardian will not be difficult, even if you are not a very strong warrior. After eliminating him, search the dead body of the Guardian and take two keys to the Gate of Madness from him. One of them will be from the door leading to the lands of Mania, and the other from the door leading to the lands of Dementia. In principle, there is absolutely no difference which door of the “Gate of Madness” you enter; the lands of Mania and Dementia are inseparable geographically, and the changes come down only to differences in the flora of these regions. Haskill, who has quietly appeared, will tell you more about these regions of the Shivering Isles. He will also inform you that Shigorath is looking forward to meeting you in the capital of the Shivering Isles, in the city of New Sheot. At the end of the conversation, Haskill will disappear into thin air, leaving you to your own devices. Now you can finally proceed to the “Gate of Madness” to go beyond the boundaries of the “Limit”, after leaving which you will rise in rank at the “Court of Madness” and become a “Challenger”, and will also be notified that you need to go to the city of New -Sheot to meet the God of Madness himself.

The entire kingdom of Shigorath is quite dual, including the capital of the Shivering Isles, which consists of three parts. Two parts of New Sheoth (Bliss and Crucible) belong to Mania and Dementia respectively, and the third is the palace of Shigorath, which in turn is also divided into two parts. You can find the God of Madness in the central hall of the palace, sitting on a throne and periodically clapping his hands. The beginning of the conversation will be quite pleasant, because Shigorat will immediately reward you with the “Mercy of Madness” necklace, for the valor that you showed on the journey to meet him. It slightly increases your protection from fire, cold and electricity. Further, Shigorat will say a lot about the threat to his kingdom from certain forces, but ultimately his speech will come down to something else. Shigorath will ask you to go to a place called Zedilian and repair a structure he owned that he once used to torture and kill intruders. To complete this task, he will provide you with the book "Description of Zedilian" and a strange device called the "ship attenuator", after which he will send you to his valet for more detailed explanations. Haskill will also not stand on ceremony with you for long; after telling you a little about the algorithm of actions for repairing Zedilian’s structure, he will hasten to say goodbye to you. Upon arrival, you will find that Zedilian is occupied by hostile groups of grammites. At first you will encounter ordinary swordsmen and archers, but after a while you will get to a rather strong grammite shaman, the battle with whom can be quite long and difficult. After killing a grammite, you will need to search his corpse and pick up the crystal staff, which has a focusing crystal built into it. Now you need to insert the mined crystal into the nearby “judgment center” to activate it, and at the same time open the door leading to the next room. Next, following the same algorithm, you will have to reanimate two more ship centers, after which a passage will open leading to the main element of Zedilian’s design - the ship resonator. Here you will need the “ship attenuator” handed to you by Shigorat, with which you will need to tune the resonator to the desired “frequency”. Tuning will not cause any problems, you will just need to “activate” the resonator and wait a little while it tunes itself. After this, proceed to the teleport located to the right of the ship's resonator to proceed to the second part of the task.

On the other side of the teleport you will be met by a dark elf named Kiliban Nirandil, who will tell you about the principle of operation of the repaired structure. Next, he will tell you that the first adventurers have arrived in Zedilian, and now it’s up to you to choose what to do with them: kill them or make them mad. Head to observation deck, with which you will monitor future victims and control the mechanism that puts into effect the execution of your sentence. After some time, three adventurers will enter the room you are watching: a dark elf, an orc and a Breton. At this moment, two buttons on your sides will be activated: the left one will use the physical elimination of adventurers, and the right one will use their mental destruction. As a result of one of the types of influences, the Breton will either go crazy when he sees a large tree come to life, or will die when attacked by a detachment of small dendroids, after which the surviving dark elf and orc will proceed further into the depths of Zedilian. You will have to proceed to the teleport and move to the next room, where you will decide the fate of the survivors: the orc Grommok and the dark elf Sindelius. The algorithm of actions in the second room is the same as in the previous one. Using two buttons, you choose how the next member of the company of adventurers will die. This time the magician Sindelius will be fatally unlucky. He will either go mad while searching for the key to the treasure cage, or he will be killed by a large fireball. As a result, only the leader of the Orc gang Grommok will remain in mental and physical health, who will continue his journey through Zedilian alone. You will again need to use the teleport to move to the next test site and decide the fate of the last member of the adventurer team. Now you will be faced with the choice of whether to release a group of zombies on the orc, after which he will, of course, die the death of the brave, or deprive Grommok of his mind, creating for him the illusion that he suddenly died for no reason. Upon completion of this procedure, Kiliban will approach you and offer to follow him to the next teleport to move to the reception area, where he will give you your reward. The first gift will be a focusing crystal, which will be waiting for you in Shigorata's palace, but the second prize - the blade "Fang of Dawn/Dusk" - will be given to you immediately by Kiliban, along with an explanatory note on its use (Grommok's Diary). In addition, Kiliban will allow you to clean out a nearby chest of trophies.

The sword "Fang of Dawn/Dusk" is a rather interesting and complex weapon, so I will describe its capabilities separately. Let me start with the fact that in fact this is not one sword, but two swords, moreover, with the possibility of an upgrade. First, you will receive a simple sword, “Fang of Dawn” or “Fang of Dusk,” depending on what time of day it will be given to you. From 6 am to 6 pm it will be the “Fang of Dawn” blade with the effect of causing fire damage on impact, and from 6 pm to 6 am it will be the “Fang of Dusk” with the ability to cause cold damage. Moreover, in both forms, the “Dawn/Dusk Fang” will have the mysterious “Feeding the Blade” property, which is responsible for its most unusual capabilities. The fact is that when you kill 12 living creatures with one of the blades, the “Fang of Dawn/Dusk” has the effect of draining magic upon impact, that is, the magical power taken from your opponent is transferred to you.

Having received your reward in full, you will go to the exit from Zedilian, but here an unpleasant surprise will await you. You will be attacked by some strange creatures called “Knights of Order”. The fight with the knights will be a little difficult, but Kiliban will help you deal with them. After the battle, he will tell you in general terms about these creatures and ask you to quickly return to Shigorath with a message about the knights’ attempt to invade Zedilian. Upon completion of the conversation with Kiliban, another pleasant surprise awaits you; you will be promoted to rank at the “Court of Madness” and become a “Citizen”.

Returning to New Sheot and reporting the results of the task to Shigorat, you will receive from him the spell “Summon Haskill” as a gift. From the name it is not difficult to guess the purpose of this spell, and Shigorat himself will explain everything to you in detail. Having forced you to practice calling your valet a little, the prince of madness will get down to business, that is, to explain the essence of the next task. Shigorath wants you to properly study the customs and customs of his kingdom, so to speak, to settle down a little on the Shivering Isles. To do this, he invites you (although rather orders) to visit the houses of Mania and Dementia, and complete the tasks that you will be assigned there (the passage of these tasks is described below). Upon completion of these tasks, you will automatically be awarded the title "Honorary Madman". After which you will have to come to Shigorat and report on the fulfillment of his instructions.

In the Mania house, the first thing you will need to do is talk to Duke Thaden. From the first sentences it will become clear that he has even bigger problems with his head than Shigorat. However, he will still be able to convey the essence of the task to you. Thaden needs you to bring him some kind of “Chalice of Inversion”. Next, he will act exactly in the style of Shigorat, that is, he will send for further explanations to his subjects, without naming specific names. The details of the task will be given to you by an Argonian named “Wide-Eyed”, who will most likely be located close to the Duke. She, in a slightly more understandable manner than the Duke, will tell you that the Cup of Inversion is kept in a place called the “Root Hole,” located northeast of New Sheot. Having arrived there, you will find the skeleton of a rather large tree, in the roots of which there will be an entrance to the hole, blocked by some kind of barrier. To remove this obstacle, you will need to eat the ingredient "Feldue", which can be obtained by killing a creature called "Elytra". Most likely, next to the tree you will stumble upon one of them. Having penetrated the Root Hole, immediately begin to move forward, because you have limited time. The portion of Feldue that you swallowed lasts for 2-3 minutes, after which various negative effects begin to apply to you, and over time their number and strength increase. To neutralize these effects, you accordingly need to take new portions of the narcotic substance (this is how Feldue is positioned), which can be obtained by killing elytra glowing with a greenish light. They are quite dangerous opponents, so it is better to attack them without much thought and kill them very quickly. Navigating through the hole is not an easy task, because it has a fairly extensive system of tunnels and also consists of an unusually large number of locations (Root Hole, Overgrown Swamp, Humming Tunnels, Bramble Halls, Sanctuary of Decadence). The first four will be the same, but the last location will turn out to be a tower walled up in the thickness of the earth. Upon entering the sanctuary, you will have to immediately fight off a couple of “Feldue lovers”, who, however, will not cause you any special problems, after which you can begin to search for the main purpose of your “visit”. But you won’t have to look for it for long, because the Bowl of Inversion will be found in the most visible place. By taking it, you will be able to immediately enter the vastness of the Shivering Isles, without having to go back through the long and confusing tunnels of the Root Hole. Now all you have to do is take the Cup to Thedon, thereby earning his favor. By the way, he will turn out to be an extremely ungrateful guy, because he will not give you any significant reward for the delivery of the artifact obtained with such difficulty. At this point the task is considered completed.

In the kingdom of Shigorata, there are definitely many individuals who are mentally ill, and the Duchess of Dementia is no exception. One good thing is that she at least explains herself clearly. The fact is that Duchess Syl suffers from a rather severe form of paranoia (like Glarthir, if anyone knows) and therefore believes that some kind of sophisticated conspiracy has been woven around her. You, as the envoy of Shigorat, are entrusted with uncovering this conspiracy, and a court executioner named Kherdir will be assigned to help you to extract information from the suspects. You can find him in the nearby prisoner holding room. Take the executioner with you and go in search of Anya Herrick, a court lady close to the Duchess of Seal. You can find Anya either in her own bedroom, or in the palace garden, or near the duchess's throne. At first, she will deny any accusations, but after Kherdir “talks” with her, Anya suddenly remembers that a couple of days ago the Khajiit Ma Zadd approached her and offered to take part in a conspiracy against the Forces. In principle, that will be all , that Anya can tell you, so now go to the city in search of this conspirator, not forgetting to take Kherdir with you. Most likely you will meet Ma "Zadda on the streets of Crucible, but when you start talking with him about the conspiracy, you will be disappointed, because. that he will not give any information and even Kherdir’s torture will have no effect on him. Ma "Zadda will demand evidence of the accusations against him. However, you should not despair, because there is an option to look for this very evidence. Start by interviewing city residents (for example, talk to the Khajiit Bisha), who may well give you material for thought, although, of course, it won’t be possible without torture either. As it turns out, Ma “Zadda has been meeting with a dark seducer named Nelrin in a secluded place in the city for several evenings in a row, which cannot but interest you. Arrive at the western wall of the Crucible around midnight and wait for the conspirators to appear. During their conversation, you will need to hide properly, otherwise you risk being noticed, which will lead to the termination of the meeting and rescheduling it to the next day. From the conversation it will become clear that Nelrin gives orders to Ma "Zadde, and accordingly she needs to be "promoted" into participating in the conspiracy. A confession cannot be extracted from her so easily, and even with the help of Kherdir's torture this can only be done the third time. Ultimately, Nelrin admits that she is one of the participants in the conspiracy and will reveal the name of the leader of the conspiracy, but at the same time she will upset you with the fact that without providing evidence, all this information is of little value. You don’t even have to go to the head of the group of conspirators, an Altmer woman named Murin, because you still won’t get a confession from her, but it’s better to try talking to Ma Zadda, since he remains your only lead in getting evidence. Khajiit is very strong he will be frightened by the accusations brought against him and will not particularly deny it; moreover, he will show his readiness to provide you with full assistance in finding evidence that Murin is the leader of the conspiracy. Ma"Zadda will promise to obtain the necessary information by midnight of the next day. In fact, everything will happen according to a slightly different scenario than you expect. You do not need to wait for the next day, but just go outside the Crucible and return back to pay a visit to Ma"Zadda's house again. There you will find his dead body, after searching it you will find two keys. Go upstairs to Ma"Zadda's bedroom and open a sideboard opposite the bed. In it you will find all the necessary evidence against Murin (Ma'Zadda's crumpled note and Nelrin's ceremonial sword). Now you can look at Murin herself (fortunately, her house is located almost opposite Ma'Zadda's house) and, as a matter of form, get a confession from her. Then return to the palace and present evidence to the Duchess of Sil. She will praise you for the work you have done and ask you to go to the torture room, where you will see Murin locked in a cage, awaiting the decision of her fate. Soon Syl herself will come there and carry out the sentence for Murin. Next, she will thank you for completing the task and reward you with the “Border of Death” bow, after which the task will be completed.

After you have been familiarized with the houses of Mania and Dementia, Shigorat will assign you a more responsible task. You will need to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth to inspire hope among the inhabitants of the Shivering Isles in anticipation of the mysterious Gray March. But not everything is as simple as it seems, because the Torch needs to be lit with a special fire, which is only in one place with strange name Sailarn, located far in the northwest of the archipelago, on the island of fire. Having arrived at the place, you will immediately have to make a choice, either help the golden saints capture the “Altar of Despair”, or help the dark seducers defend it. According to the choice you make, you will conduct a conversation either with the leader of the golden saints, Aurmazel Kane, or with the commander of the dark seducers, Grakedrig Ulfrey. Whichever side you choose, and whatever subsequent actions you take, the result will be a grandiose battle in the bowels of Sylarn, the winner of which will gain control of the altar that previously belonged to the enemy. In the event of the victory of the golden saints, it will be the “Altar of Despair”, and in the event of the victory of the dark seducers, the “Altar of Pleasure”. But no matter what version of events is realized, the leader of the victorious side will sacrifice herself on the “Altar of Despair” in order to ignite the sacred flame of Agnon. After which all you have to do is get out and pick up a particle of this flame (do not confuse it with the fire burning on the “Altar of Pleasure”) to take it to the Temple of Arden-Sul in New Sheoth. There you will be greeted by two high priests, from the houses of Mania and Dementia, respectively. After talking with them, you will need to make a choice on the territory of which of the houses you will light the Great Torch of New Sheoth. At the end of this ceremony, the priest of the house in whose favor you made your choice will give you the “Vestments of Arden-Sul,” a mantle that has some pretty good effects.

Now you will need to talk with Shigorat (who will just be in the temple) to inform him about the lighting of the Great Torch. After hearing your report on the execution of this task, he will immediately assign a new one. Depending on your preferences, you will have to lead either the house of Mania or the house of Dementia. For more detailed explanations of how the coronation ritual takes place in both houses, Shigorat will send you to the priests Dervenin (house of Mania) and Arctus (house of Dementia), respectively. Dervenin will tell you about what needs to be done in order for you to become the head of the house of Mania. First, you will need the current ruler of Mania to commit suicide by taking three doses of green pollen, after which you will need to bring a small portion of his poisoned blood to the altar in the Temple of Arden Sula. Arctus will accordingly tell how the coronation ceremony takes place in the house of Dementia. Here everything will be much simpler, you just need to kill the Duchess of Sil, then cut out her heart from her chest and bring it to the altar in the temple of Arden-Sul. After learning how both rituals take place, return to Shigorath to inform him of your choice in favor of one of the houses.

If your choice fell on the house of Dementia, then after talking with Shigorat you will need to first find the Duchess of Sil. Usually she spends all her time in the throne room of Dementia's house, but when you get there, you won't find her there. But her closest assistants Kitlan and Anya Herrick will definitely be present in the hall. Don’t even try to wait for the duchess herself, but immediately move on to discussing matters with her assistants. As it turns out, they are asleep and see when someone will overthrow their mistress, so they will immediately agree to provide all possible assistance to you in eliminating her. Kitlan will give you the key to the inner chambers of the house, and Anya Herrick will volunteer to distract the guards in the guarded part of the building. Anya will only partially complete her task, so you will have to deal with a couple of dark seducers yourself, guarding the entrance to the Forces’ bedchamber. Having entered the duchess's room, you will be surprised to see the already killed Syl lying on the bed. However, do not rush to conclusions, Kitlan will soon come to you with a message that the corpse on the bed is a dummy, and the duchess herself disappeared through secret passage. The entrance to this secret tunnel is located in the garden and is opened by turning one of Shigorat's busts, located in the same place. Having gone down into the dungeon, you will find yourself in the corridors of the ancient fortress of Zirethard, which go far beyond the palace. At the very beginning of the journey underground tunnels You will have to maneuver your way through a whole chain of statues spewing fireballs, after which you will encounter hostile groups of dark seducers. Having eliminated several of them, you will soon come to a room with a barricaded door that will be impossible to open. But it's not all bad, because there is a workaround. To go through it you will need to open a secret door, which is unlocked with a button located on one of the small columns. By going around the blocked door along this path, you will again return to the main path along which Sil went deep into the dungeons of Ziretard. Next, you will move forward for some time, destroying small groups of dark seducers, but eventually you will come to a large hall, from which there will be two exits. One of them leads to the “Depths” of Zeritard, where you will meet creatures called “Vast Mayhem”, and the second will lead you to the place where Sil is hiding. She will be guarded by a couple of dark seducers, but in general, killing the duchess should not cause any difficulties. After destroying Syl, you can “cut out” her heart, and at the same time grab a pretty good hammer, “Nervebreaker,” with which Syl attacked you. Now all that remains is to return to the temple of Arden-Sul and place the heart of Syl on the altar. After completing this procedure, a greenish fire will flash on the altar, indicating the end of the ritual. Before you know it, an angry Theiden will enter the temple with complaints about the killing of his beloved, the former Duchess of Dementia. Shigorath will try to explain to him the “party policy”, but the Duke of Mania will not really listen to him and will leave the temple with promises to go over to the side of Jyggalag and take revenge on Shigorath. After viewing this entire scene, you will need to talk with Shigorat to finally enter the position and receive the appropriate regalia. To begin with, Shigorat will give you the “Ring of Power” with quite good effects and parameters, after which he will give you the special ability to summon a dark seducer for 60 seconds. This will complete the ritual of coronating you as Duke of Dementia.

When choosing Mania's house, the first thing you will need to do is talk to an Argonian named Wide-Eyed, who can usually be found in the throne room of Mania's house. After talking with her, you will find out that Teiden takes a drug called “green pollen” every day at dinner at 8 o’clock in the evening (I thought why Teiden was expressing himself so vaguely), after which he and his subjects get high together (songs and dances ). In accordance with the ritual, you need to give Thaden a drug overdose, that is, add a portion of “green pollen” to his wine and food. Here, of course, you are faced with the question: “Where can I get this pollen?” Wide-Eyed will only indirectly mention that the finished drug is stored in a special secret and very guarded storage facility. In further communication, you will not be able to “spin” her into a specific indication of the location of this storage facility, but from a conversation with Wide-Eyed, you will learn that every day at exactly noon she carries out some kind of “special assignment”. It’s not difficult to guess what kind of “special assignment” this is, so closer to noon you will need to conduct surveillance of Wide-Eyed and find out where the reserves of green pollen are hidden. If you decide to watch her a little before noon, you will find Wide-Eyed in the small garden on the grounds of Mania's house, reading a book. Exactly at twelve she will jump up as if stung and slowly move towards the exit of the palace, but soon she will suddenly turn right and approach one of Shigorat’s busts. By turning it 90 degrees, Wide-Eyed will go down into the opened secret entrance leading to the pollen storage. You will have to follow her to grab a few extra portions of the drug from there for the Duke of Mania. Once in the dungeon, be careful, because in addition to the Wide-Eyed One herself, you may be spotted by patrols of golden saints, who are not so easy to deal with. Having made your way through the winding tunnels past the guards, you will find yourself directly in the vault itself, in the middle of which a heap of “green pollen” will rise. Take as many servings from it as you think necessary and come back. Now you will need to sneak into the Duke’s kitchen and add a couple of servings to his food and wine. To do this, return to the throne room of Mania's house, from where you can get into the "Alcona Conservatory" (a small garden), where you will find a locked door leading to the Duke's chambers. There is no immediate security at this door, but the area around the “garden” is patrolled by golden saints. Wait until you are out of their sight and you can pick the lock. Once inside, continue to be careful, as Thaden's chambers are patrolled by two golden saints. You will need to get past these two guards into the Duke's kitchen, located in the farthest corner of the room. Once there, you will need to find a tray with “Theiden’s food” on one of the tables and to the right of the tables, on the middle shelf of the cabinet, a bottle with “Theiden’s wine”. After adding a portion of poison to them, go back, still being careful, sneaking past the patrols of the golden saints. I would like to add that it is best to perform this task at night or during the day between noon and seven in the evening. After adding “green pollen” to Thaden’s food, you can only wait in the throne room of Mania’s house for the Duke to be poisoned by it. At exactly 8 pm, Thaden and his courtiers will sit down at the table and begin to dine, but a couple of minutes later the Duke of Mania will rise from the throne and begin to recite a poem he has recently composed. After about a couple of stanzas, he will begin to clutch his stomach, and then completely fall to the ground, dead. Here you can start taking action. Go to Thaden's body and take some of the poisoned blood from it (and also don't forget to grab the "Crown of Euphoria" and the key to Mania's house), then go to the Temple of Arden Sul and pour Thaden's blood onto the altar. After some time, it will flare up with a red flame and begin to burn, and when the flame goes out, a priest named Dervenin will approach you and name you Duke of Mania. After this, you will need to come up and talk with Shigorat so that he will hand over the regalia corresponding to your position and assign you the next task. But soon after the conversation begins, you will be interrupted by the angry Duchess of Dementia. She will be very dissatisfied with the fact that Shigorat gave the go-ahead for the liquidation of her beloved Teiden. After shouting a little more on this topic, Duchess Sil will announce that she is going over to the side of Jyggalag to become his priestess. Shigorat will take this news surprisingly calmly and even calmly release Sil. Upon completion of these showdowns, you will be able to continue your conversation with Shigorat and receive the regalia of the Duke of Mania due to you. The God of Madness will give you the “Ring of Power” with pretty good effects and parameters, after which he will give you the special ability to summon a golden saint for 60 seconds. This will complete the ritual of coronating you as Duke of Mania.

I would also like to warn you about one unpleasant bug in the game. If you, after becoming the Duke of Mania, decide to visit the Zirethard fortress, you will encounter many aggressive dark seducers there. But this is not the most unpleasant thing. The main problem is that if you walk through the underground passages of the fortress and end up in the private gardens of Dementia's house, you will find yourself trapped. Because the doors leading from there to the palace will be locked, and secret passage back to the dungeon will be blocked. Accordingly, it will become impossible to get out of the private gardens of the Dementia House without the help of the console.

The Duke, who has defected to the side of Jyggalag, will tell Shigorath the unpleasant news that the Reach region has already been captured by the forces of Order. Shigorat will immediately instruct you, as the newly created duke of one of the houses, to deal with enemy troops in this territory. First of all, you will need to personally go and inspect the captured terrain in the Reach area in order to decide how to proceed in the future. Once in the Reach, the first thing you will have to do is head to Pasval and find out whether the city has been captured. There you will find a group of golden saints or dark seducers (depending on which house you are the duke of), who will be attacked by the knights of order immediately after your appearance. After a joint showdown with them, the head of a group of golden saints/dark seducers will approach you and tell you that the forces of order are constantly attacking Pasval, and it is advisable for you to lead their group to defend against the next wave of attackers. Having given orders to the troops that have come under your command, you will have to fight with more than a dozen knights of order. Upon its completion, you will again need to talk with Aurig Desha/Grackedrig Udiko to find out how to proceed further to stop the attacks from the Jyggalag troops. The head of the detachment will share with you his thoughts on where fresh reinforcements for the forces of order may come from. The fact is that before the troops of Jyggalag began to attack the Reach region, an ancient Spire was activated near Pasval, which also functions on this moment. In addition, new parties of knights of order periodically appear near the revived Spire, which indirectly indicates that the troops of Jyggalag draw strength from this very structure. Aurig Desha/Grackedrig Udiko will also tell you that in the ruins of the Zeddefen fortress there may be underground passages leading just under the base of the Spire. She will invite you to try to get through these passages and neutralize the source of power, if it really is there. You really have no other choice, so go to Zeddefen to explore its underground part. He will meet you there a large number of knights of order, as well as priests of order (by the way, not all of them can be killed), breaking through the ranks of which you will reach the Zeddefen-Feles location. Having followed the “organic” path, you will again find yourself in the usual stone tunnels, where you will meet Shelden, the “mayor” of Pasval. After listening to his story, you can take Shelden as your assistant or, on the contrary, tell him a “couple of affectionate” words such that he himself will run away from you. Be that as it may, shortly after meeting Shelden, you will go directly to the source of power, which can be neutralized as follows. First of all, for this you will need three hearts of order, which can be obtained by killing several knights of order. Next, you will need to get close to the obelisk, which is the source of power, and sequentially “feed” these three hearts to it, after which the obelisk will “overload” and the Spire will begin to collapse. The first desire that will arise in you when a building collapses is to quickly leave its confines, but I would not advise you to retreat so hastily. The fact is that next to the obelisk there is a container called a “crystal chest”, which contains a large number of quite valuable things. True, opening it is not so easy; for this you will need one heart of order. Having looted the chest and searched the bodies of the dead servants of order, you can begin to calmly get out. The road will certainly not be safe for you, in addition to the constant collapses of the collapsing dungeon, you will be periodically annoyed by the knights of order. By the way, you don’t have to rush too much when getting out of the collapsing dungeons of the Spire, since ultimately the building will last as long as you need to get out. Once on the surface, go in search of Aurig Desha/Grackedrig Udiko to learn how events developed in Pasval after you left for Zeddefen. She won’t tell you anything new, but will only be surprised that you managed to survive. Also, Aurig Desha/Grackedrig Udiko will tell you that she needs to stay in the Reach and complete clearing it of the remnants of the forces of order, and she will advise you to return to the palace of New Sheota and talk with Shigorat. At this point the task will be considered completed.

After reporting on the completion of the previous task to Shigorat, you will, as always, immediately receive a new one. After the troops of Jyggalag were repelled by you from the territory of the Reach, the time has come to strengthen the border in case the forces of order decide to attack the trembling islands again. To do this, you will need to go to the sorceress Relmina Verenim and ask her to restore the Gate Guardian, whom you destroyed at one time. Based on Shigorat's tip, you will learn that Relmina spends most of her time doing magical experiments in the Zazelm laboratory fortress. This fortress is located to the east not far from the “Gates of Madness”, but you can only enter it from the main entrance, and not from the secret one. In the fortress you will find quite a few interesting torture rooms, although in general the progress through it will be quite ordinary. You will have to sequentially go through several locations (Zazelm, Laboratory, Vivisection Center), destroying all kinds of monsters on your way. Ultimately, you will come to the premises where the sorceress Relmina lives and “works”. Your conversation with her will not be pleasant. Relmina will try to humiliate you in every possible way, but ultimately will demand assistance in restoring the Gate Guardian. Your task will be to obtain four ingredients: blood solution, bone marrow, skin membrane and breath extract, necessary to restore the Guardian. She will also tell you the place where you can get these ingredients. This will turn out to be the already familiar “Garden of Bones and Flesh”, located on the territory of the Reach. So that you do not waste time returning back through the dungeons of Zazelm, Relmina will give you the key to the secret entrance through which you can immediately exit to the surface. By the way, this key also opens the gate leading to the underground premises of the “Garden of Bones and Flesh”. When you reach it and go down, be careful, because in the first room you will be covered by a collapse of stones from the ceiling. As you progress through the dungeon, you will encounter similar “accidents” more than once, but serious injuries can be avoided by quickly reacting to a slight trembling, warning of an impending collapse. The most interesting and quite important innovation that you will almost immediately encounter in the Gardens is an obstacle called “Intertwined Roots”. In principle, there is nothing special about it, because it works completely similar to the mechanism of an ordinary lattice, often found in abandoned forts. That is, in order to remove the intertwined roots that get in your way, you will need to press a lever of organic origin on the side of the obstacle. However, I digress a little from the main goals of your stay in the Gardens. In the first location, you will not find anything except aggressive monsters, but in the second location (Corpuscular Conservatory) you will have to find two ingredients at once that Relmina Verenim asked you to bring. You can collect the skin membrane on plants that resemble flowers, and you will find bone marrow in a strange formation that looks like the frozen bone hand of some giant mammal. The third location, called "Cavities of Rustles", will have a special difference in the order of progression. When passing it, you will have to take into account the fact that after crossing any “Intertwining of Roots”, the road back will be “cut off”, and then you can only move forward. In addition, the location itself has a very large scale and multi-level structure, which significantly complicates orientation when passing through it. But be that as it may, in the end you will still come out to a large pulsating cloud, in which you can pick up a bottle with the next ingredient, called “Breath Extract”. In the "Pool of Bloody Tears", the final location of the "Gardens of Bone and Flesh", you will find the last element you need to revive the Guardian. You can collect “bloody solution” in a large red puddle, near a broken tree root. Having obtained all the required ingredients at your disposal, you will have to return with them to Relmina. Now the sorceress will greet you in a more elevated mood and will immediately send you to select body parts to create a new Guardian. At some point you will be given room for creativity, because what components you choose will depend appearance and combat characteristics of the new Guardian. Upon completion of this procedure, you will need to talk with Relmina, who will direct you to the Reach to the Shigorata monument near the Gate of Madness, because this is where the ritual of creating a new Guardian will take place. Having arrived at the ceremony site with Relmina, then you will simply need to follow her instructions. First, the sorceress will open a small pool filled with some kind of liquid, called the "Pool of Justification", where the body parts of the future monster will be placed. Further, during the ritual, you, at the direction of Relmina, will begin to alternately add components obtained in the Gardens to the “Pond of Justification”. At the end of the entire creation procedure, a large explosion will occur and you will be thrown back a little, after which a new Guardian of the Gates of Madness will appear before your eyes. At the end of the ritual, you will be given the minor ability to summon a flesh atronach for 120 seconds. In addition, you will have the opportunity to receive enhancements to some skills when you “touch” the restored Gate Guardian. Now your last task will be to view the capabilities of this “combat machine”. After watching how the Guardian deals with a small party of knights of order, you can return to Shigorat with a report on the completion of the task. Having heard the news that you have restored the Guardian, Shigorat will be very pleased with you, but this joy will not last long...

Soon your conversation with Shigorat will be interrupted by the “Dark Seducer/Golden Saint Envoy”, who will report to Shigorat that the Pointed Cliff/Brellak fortress has been captured. The mad god will immediately turn his gaze to you as a well-proven “magic wand”. The choice of whose fortress you will liberate will be the opposite of which house you were the duke of. That is, if you were the Duke of Mania, then you will liberate the fortress of dark seducers.

In addition to giving you the task to liberate the fortress, Shigorat will also share with you very interesting information regarding the invasion of the Prince of Order. It turns out that Shigorath is Jyggalag, who turns out on his own and destroys his kingdom in order to create it again. But this time Shigorat decided to protect his kingdom from itself, nominating a worthy candidate for his rival. This candidate for the role of defender of the kingdom, of course, is you. That's why Shigorat sends you on the most difficult missions in order to strengthen yourself before the upcoming decisive battle with the forces of order. By the way, before sending you to liberate the Pointed Cliff/Brellak fortress, Shigorath will promote you at the court of madness, giving you the title “Regent”.

After speaking with the dark seducer/golden saint messenger, you can set off on your journey to the “Pointed Cliff”/“Brellak”. Pointed Cliff is located in the very southwest of the island, on the edge of the Mad God's Boot Peninsula. Brellak is located in the very north of the trembling islands, on the Holy Watch peninsula. Near the fortress you will meet a group of dark seducers/golden saints led by Adeo/Issmi, who will tell you sad story about how the traitor Thaden/Sil deceived the forces of order into capturing the fortress and capturing their captain. Of course, you will now need to free the captured captain Dailora/Staada and recapture the Pointed Cliff/Brelak. Having entered the fortress, after a while you will stumble upon a rather unusual structure, somewhat reminiscent of a crystalline (ice) wall. You will not be able to destroy it by direct physical force, so you will be faced with the question of what to do with it next. To destroy this barrier, you will need to find a protruding piece of pipe (the so-called bell) near one of the walls, activating which you will destroy the crystalline partition. For the first time, you will find a standard crystal chest behind it and, accordingly, you will be able to get hold of a rather valuable set of items. When you encounter the crystalline barrier for the second time, having destroyed it, you will find behind it not another portion of loot, but the captain of the dark seducers/golden saints Dailor/Staad. After talking with her, you will learn that the traitor Thaden/Sil wants to capture the Mazken/Auril Source so that after physical death the dark seducers/golden saints cannot return to life again. Now you have to try to break through to the source and prevent Thaden/Sil from breaking the connection with the source of the dark seducers/golden saints. As soon as you cross the threshold of the next location, Dailora/Staada will tell you the unpleasant news that the Source has already been captured, and the connection between him and the dark seducers/golden saints has been severed, after which the captain and her assistant will fall dead to the floor. Having passed to the next location, you will soon find yourself in the hall in which the notorious source is located, closed by an impressive crystalline shell of a pyramidal shape. But unfortunately, you won’t even have time to think about how to destroy it, because four knights of order will immediately attack you. Having dealt with them, head to any of the corners of the hall, where on a dais you will find the “bell” already familiar to you; the same ones are located in the other three corners of the hall. You will need to activate them one by one, after which the crystal shell near the Mazken/Auril Spring will collapse, and the dark seducers/golden saints will come to life. After some time, the captain of Dailor/Staad will approach you and thank you for your help in liberating the fortress and saving the source. She will also inform you that although the enemy troops were defeated, the traitor Teiden/Sil still managed to escape. As a farewell, she will give you the ability to summon dark seducers/golden saints and give you a set of appropriate armor. In addition, in the court of madness you will automatically be given the title "Defender of the Realm". At this point, the task is considered completed, and you can return back to Shigorat.

This time your conversation with Shigorat will not be too optimistic. The God of Madness will complain about the lack of time, and generally begin to whine in the style of “Everything is gone! The plaster is being removed, the client is leaving!”, after which he will convulse and suddenly disappear. On you, as an experienced specialist in emergency situations, this scene should not produce any depressing effect, but on the contrary, only awaken new strength, because difficulties make your life only more interesting. Now let's get down to business. Since you don’t know what to do next, it would be best to ask Haskill, the closest assistant to the God of Madness. He will tell you the most interesting plan of action. It turns out that in order to stop Jyggalag, it is necessary, at a minimum, to have someone on the throne of the Shivering Isles who has a functional symbol of power. Such a symbol of power has long been the staff of the God of Madness, which unfortunately lost all its magical properties with the disappearance of Shigorat himself. But as it turns out, not everything is so bad, because Haskill knows a place where you can find information on how to create a new staff of the Mad God. This place is called "Knife Hole Ruins", which is located in the center of the Shivering Isles, at the foot of the support ridge. You will need to find a library in the hole and find in it information on recreating Shigorat's staff. In order for you to get inside the hole, Haskill will provide you with the “Knife Hole Crystal”, which opens the way to the secret library. Having arrived at the place, the first thing you will need to do is find the “Ancient Door”, which you can easily open with the help of the Crystal given by Haskill. Surprisingly, behind the door there will be no majestic library where one could find secret knowledge in books. Only a strange subject will appear before you, resembling a dead man in appearance, sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. But in fact, he will turn out to be quite alive and will even tell you how it is still possible to recreate Shigorat’s magic staff, and will also show his readiness to start making it directly. To do this, Dius (this is the name of this sad type) will need two ancient artifacts: the eye of Sirta and a branch of the “Tree of Images”. Which one to go for first, decide for yourself. By the way, not far from the “library” there is an entrance to the “Altar” location, where you can fight with the Zealot sect and, accordingly, collect a lot of valuable things.

If you decide to go get the Branch first, then you will have to go to ancient fortress Milkar, which is located northwest of the Knife Hole, north of the overlook road and southeast of Hale. Having arrived at the fortress, you will need to go down into the dungeon, where you will immediately find yourself at the entrance to the Grove of Reflections location, where you will need to proceed. In the “grove” you will almost immediately come across a small lake with an obelisk in the middle. Don’t think too hard, climb into the lake, after which the obelisk will flash with a green-bluish light, and darkness will begin to thicken opposite the “Tree of Images”. After some time, your dark double will emerge from it, armed with a very good sword. Of course, he will not start a friendly conversation with you, but will treacherously attack and try to kill you. No matter how difficult it may be for you to fight him, due to your advantage in intelligence you will kill him sooner or later. As a “gift” from your double you will receive a beautiful sword called “Shadow” and a branch of the “Tree of Images” (you can take it by “activating” the root of the mushroom tree standing on the far side of the lake). To get out you will need to press the button on stone slab , after which a teleport will open for you, which will move you to the entrance to the “Grove of Reflections”. If you carefully examine the nooks and crannies of the dungeon, then in addition to this entrance you will find three more doors leading to the locations “Zetrem”, “Soufflex” and “Tieras”. All three of these locations have access to the surface, but are not particularly interesting (except for collecting loot). As a side note, I will say that you will meet the “Meeting” location, located in “Tieras”, as part of the non-plot quest “The Coming Storm,” so do not rush to unravel its secret. To obtain another artifact necessary to create Shigorath's staff, you will have to go to the Moaning Halls fortress, located in the southeast of the Shivering Isles, on the Heretic's Horn peninsula south of New Sheot. As soon as you enter the fortress, you will meet a hostile apostle in it, killing whom will not be a big problem. After searching the Apostle's corpse, you will find with him the "Key to the Moaning Palaces" and the glowing robe of the Apostle. After that, decide for yourself what is best for you to do. Either you put on his mantle and continue along the corridors of the fortress without any problems, or you will have to send about a dozen more of the same apostles to the next world. Whichever option you choose, when entering the "Meeting Halls" location you will meet the Khajiit Ra'Heran, who will offer you help in killing Sirte, but as payment he will demand that you bring him three daggers, which will need to be taken from the apostles Whether or not you agree to this proposal is up to you. When you finally get to Sirte itself, even in the most peaceful mood, you will still have to fight with her and kill her. the lifeless body of Sirta and her eyes. You don’t have to be afraid of your assistant, the Lightbringing Goat, he will not attack while you are wearing the mantle of the apostle. Having obtained the “Branch of the Tree of Images” and the “Eye of Sirta,” you can return to the Knife Hole to Dius. he has made you a magic staff. The conversation with Dius will not last long, he will almost immediately get down to business and in a couple of minutes will create you a ready-made staff. True, he will only create its physical shell, but you will have to fill the staff with magical power yourself. Dius will tell you that this ritual can only be performed in the Shigorata palace, because it is there that the “Font of Madness” is located, into which you need to dip the staff to fill it with magical power. All you have to do is follow his advice and return to Shigorata Palace to complete the creation of your symbol of power.

Upon returning to the Palace, a very unpleasant surprise will await you. When you try to complete the procedure to recreate the staff of order, you will fail, since the “Font of Madness” will be “poisoned” by crystals of Order. After talking with Haskill, you will learn that the magic font was poisoned at its very origins, originating in Mania and Dementia. You will now have to go down into the dungeon (the entrance to it is located behind a huge tree in the throne room) and eliminate the cause of the poisoning. So that you don't "break the woods" while exploring the dungeons of the spring, Haskill will tell you about the gnarls living there, some of which may be infected by the poisoned waters of the font, and accordingly will behave hostilely. Some of them that have not been infected, on the contrary, will be needed by you to restore the Font of Madness. After receiving all the instructions, go around the tree to go through the inconspicuous door on its back side into the dungeons of the Source. Don’t rush to go anywhere, but just wait a couple of minutes until a “healthy” gnarl comes around the corner and removes the obstacle affected by the crystals of order. After this, you will have to move with greater caution, because then many of the gnarls you meet will be infected and will behave quite hostile. You can calmly destroy them, since you can distinguish infected from healthy ones by the white aura that envelops their bodies. In the Source location, you are faced with the task of clearing 5 infected places, which are guarded by priests of order and hostile gnarls. The most important thing when disinfecting is to kill the priest, because it is after his elimination that the infected place in the source can be cleansed. As you move through the location, you will encounter tangles of infected roots that will block your further progress. In disinfecting them and, accordingly, unlocking them, you will be helped by healthy gnarls (they can be “summoned” from cocoons called “Chrysamide of Gnarls”) and periodically encountered “shards of order” (they can be obtained from the corpses of killed priests of order). Having freed the entire Source location from the forces of order, you can proceed to cleansing the Pools of Mania and Dementia. In principle, their disinfection is no different from cleaning a source, only this time you will have to free only one, but large, area. In the pools you will need to destroy three priests of order at once, plus in one of them you will have to fight the traitor Teiden/Sil. Having completed the cleansing of the source and the two pools feeding it, you can return back to the Shigorata Palace to complete the ceremony of making a magic staff.

As soon as you dip your staff into the waters of the “Font of Madness” and complete the ritual, a messenger of a golden saint/dark seducer will run up to you and inform you that the commander of the palace guards Aurmazel Zude/Autkendo Jansa urgently asks for a meeting with you. After talking with the eldest of the golden saints/dark seducers, you will learn that the forces of order have suddenly attacked the palace, and your help is required in organizing a repulse of this attack. In this matter, the newly acquired staff will be very useful to you, since it gives you the opportunity to freeze the knights of order for some time, although golden saints and dark seducers will also be subject to its effects. As soon as you leave the throne room into the castle courtyard, the knights of order will immediately attack you. In principle, you don’t have to pay much attention to them, but immediately run to the nearest active obelisk and deactivate it, and then calmly go about destroying the attacking knights. Soon the second obelisk will begin to operate, and you will immediately need to deactivate it too. Around this stage, the hero of the “celebration” himself, Comrade Jyggalag, will appear, who, of course, will not remain aloof from the general “holiday”. Having noticed the appearance of the leader of the forces of Order, you will immediately need to direct all your efforts to destroy his physical shell. Although Jyggalag will be far from a weak enemy, it is still not so strong that eliminating it will cause you serious difficulties. If the battle nevertheless drags on, it will not hurt you to monitor the appearance of new obelisks, because they will also have to be deactivated due to the fact that it is from them that Jyggalag will draw energy to restore his strength. One way or another, you will ultimately destroy the physical shell of the God of Order, after which he will appear in a slightly different incarnation. At the site of the battlefield, slightly above ground level, a large image of Jyggalag will appear in front of you. Next, your former enemy will tell a sad story about the chain of transformations that he had to make every few thousand years until you broke this vicious circle. He will also inform you that you are now the God of Madness Shigorat, and you bear full responsibility for what is happening on the Shivering Isles, after which he will say goodbye to you and his image will disappear into thin air. Now you can return to the palace and talk with your closest adviser Haskill, from a conversation with whom you will learn that having become the ruler of the Shivering Isles, you are entitled to a certain range of privileges and responsibilities.


1. Your own bodyguard, accompanying you when moving around the territory of the Shivering Isles

2. A personal doctor who will be ready to improve your health at any time, but on the condition that you are in the throne room of the palace.

3. The ability to control the weather in the Shivering Isles

4. Possibility of calling a court dancer for entertainment

5. Shigorat’s luxurious outfit with quite impressive parameters for seducing people (lying on the throne)

6. The sword of Jyggalag, which has no magical characteristics, but has impressive destructive power. You can find him behind the throne of Shigorat, near the door leading to the “Source” (perhaps he will appear only some time after the start of your reign)


1. If problems arise among the citizens of your kingdom, you are obliged to send troops to eliminate them, or solve these problems yourself.

By approaching Haskill and talking with him on the topic of “defending the kingdom,” you will learn that some troubles have happened in one of the villages of your state. If you decide to go deal with the situation yourself, you will find that the settlement has been attacked by a group of monsters. The task of eliminating a certain abstract problem immediately becomes quite concrete, and you can begin to solve it. After killing all the monsters, return to the palace and talk to Haskill again. He will thank you on behalf of the inhabitants of the rescued settlement and will give you a gift from them in the form of a generous monetary reward.

That's it for the walkthrough storyline The Shivering Isles ends.

  • you can see on the map the location of all marked game locations and their names;
  • when selecting any location in the scrolling list or directly on the map:
    • the location icon will be highlighted with a red frame and you will easily notice it among others;
    • you can read the description of the location, incl. with information about quests, inhabitants and valuable finds.

List of Shivering Isles locations

  • Aychan
  • Crazy Camp
  • Bliss
  • Brellak
  • Vaitarn
  • Gate of Madness
  • Door to Cyrodiil
  • New Sheota Palace
  • Deepwallow
  • Blackberry Bush
  • Pathetic camp
  • Zazelm
  • Flooded camp
  • Zeddefen
  • Zedilian
  • Zeywara
  • Ziditta
  • Ziretard
  • New Sheota Cemetery
  • root hole
  • Crucible
  • Camp Cove
  • Camp Backwash
  • Camp Tall Trees
  • Longtooth's Camp
  • Camp Bloody Island
  • Camp Lunatics
  • Camp of Hope
  • Camp Confusion
  • Camp of Lost Time
  • Camp Broken Neck
  • Milkar
  • Dark Labyrinth
  • knife hole
  • Nora Swamp Gas
  • Lake Camp
  • Pointed Cliff
  • Pasval
  • fragrant grove
  • Gardens of Bone and Flesh
  • Sailarn
  • Secret entrance to Zazelm
  • Split
  • Moaning Halls
  • Sewer camp
  • Corpse Passage
  • Horrible Lair
  • Fellmoor
  • Highcross
  • Suicide Hill
  • Black Lair
  • Hall of Bone Growth
  • Ebrocca
Select a location to view from the list on the left


A small fortress located on the Laughing Coast, where violators of the laws of Mania are kept. This is where the golden saints will send you after your arrest.

Inhabitants: grammites, scalons.

Zones: Aychan's Dungeon.

Location codes: XPAichanExterior, XPAichan01.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (8), Blueberry (8), Worm's Head (4).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (18), Screamer (3), Watcher's Eye (4), Root Stalk (17).

Camp Backwash

A small camp consisting of a wooden canopy over three sleeping bags that surround an extinguished fire.

Inhabitants: Zealots.

Location codes: SEBackwashCamp.

Plants: Letifer Orca (1).

Black Lair

Large root cave occupied by grammites.

Inhabitants: grammites, gnarl captives.

Zones: Black Lair; Black Lair - Outer Camp; Black Lair - Channel; Black Lair - Inner Camp; Black Lair - Tunnels.

Location codes: XPBlackrootLairExterior, XPBlackrootLair01, XPBlackrootLair02, XPBlackrootLair03, XPBlackrootLair04, XPBlackrootLair05.

Plants (outside): Black Resin (2), Blisterweed (2), Giant Rot (3), Fungus Grass (2), Swamp Tendril (3), Mushroom Tree Sapling (14).

Plants (inside): Rotten Scale (2), Thorn (12), Root Stalk (41), Withering Moon (113).

Finds: Hollow Amber Branch (3), Hollow Amber Stump (1).

Blood Island Camp

A camp favored by grammites. Consists of one hut, built on stilts, with two sleeping bags inside.

Inhabitants: grammites, baliwogs.

Location codes: SEBloodBayCamp.

Plants: Blisterweed (1), Fungal Grass (2), Grummite Eggs (4), Grummite Egg Clutch (2).

Camp Broken Neck

A camp occupied by heretics. There are two wooden huts located at high altitude, both of which can be reached using decking and rock piles.

Inhabitants: heretics.

Location codes: SEBreakneckCamp.

Plants: Alocasia (6), Red Algae (4), Worm's Head (2), Aster Flower (4).


Brellak is a sacred place for the golden saints, as they return here from the Waters of Oblivion. The fortress was given to the auril by Lord Sheogorath and no mortal can enter these halls... in normal times.

Inhabitants: golden saints, knights of Order, priests of Order.

Zones: Brellak - Hall of Honor; Brellak - Hall of Worship; Brellak - Hall of Prayer; Brellak - Font of Rebirth.

Location codes: XPBrellachExterior, XPBrellach01, XPBrellach02, XPBrellach04, XPBrellach05.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (6), Blueberry (8), Red Algae (4), Mushroom Tree Sapling (3), Worm's Head (7).

Camp of Hope

An abandoned camp consisting of one wooden hut built on stilts.

Location codes: SECampHopeful.

Plants: Alocasia (3), Red Algae (4), Worm's Head (4).

Camp Tall Trees

A camp occupied by heretics. Consists of one hut, standing on stilts, with three sleeping bags and a wooden chest inside.

Inhabitants: heretics.

Location codes: SECampTallTrees.

Plants: Alocasia (2), Red Algae (5), Worm's Head (1).


Large ruins occupied by heretics and the greedy.

Inhabitants: heretics, hungry.

Zones: Cann - Great Hall; Cann - Amphitheater; Cann - Halls of Tranquility; Cannes - Arena; Cannes - Arena, ground floor.

Location codes: XPCann01, XPCann02, XPCann03, XPCann04, XPCann05.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (9), Aster Flower (3), Red Algae (3), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4), Worm's Head (2).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (21), Screamer (17), Root Stem (39).

Finds: Skull of Salonia Viriya, Silent Shout, Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (1), Madness Ore Vein (4).

Corpse Passage

A small cave in which violators of the laws of Dementia are kept. This is where the dark seducers will send you after your arrest.

Inhabitants: grammites, dark seducer - jailer.

Zones: Putrid dungeon.

Location codes: XPCorpserotPassageExterior, XPCorpserotPassage01.

Plants (outside): Giant Rot (3), Mushroom Grass (4), Grummite Egg Clutch (11), Orca Letifer (3), Swamp Tendril (5), Mushroom Tree Sapling (6), Waterroot Pod (7).

Plants (inside): Screamer (1), Thorn (1), Root Stalk (6), Withering Moon (17).

Finds: Silent Shout, Madness Ore Vein (1).


Only in the ancient ruins of Sailarn can the Flame of Agnon be ignited, which, in turn, can be used to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth in the chapel of Arden Sul. The flame of Agnon is fed by the fire of the Altars of Pleasure and Despair, and only the servants of Sheogorath - auril or mazken - can ignite the Altars by sacrificing themselves. But the golden saints have captured the Altar of Pleasure, and the dark seducers control the Altar of Despair, and neither side is willing to retreat...

Inhabitants: dark seducers, golden saints.

Zones: Sailarn - Altar of Despair; Sailarn; Sailarn - Underdeep.

Location codes: XPCylarneExterior02, XPCylarne01Altar, XPCylarne01, XPCylarne02.

Quest: Cold Flame of Agnon (Choose one side in the battle for Sailarn and light the Great Torch over New Sheot).

Plants (outside): Alocasia (9), Mushroom Tree Sapling (6), Worm's Head (5).


A small village built on a swamp located near the Horn of the Heretic. All three of its inhabitants are paranoid to one degree or another.

Residents: Biley, Dulfumf gro-Urgash, Erver Devaney.

Buildings: Biley's house, Dulfumf gro-Uggash's house, Erver Devaney's house.

Location codes: SEDeepwallow.

Dark Labyrinth

A small cave located south of the Island of Fire. Deep within the Dungeon lurks the camp of the hostile Breton Treilius. Treilius's diary tells the story of his struggle with his love, Alyssa, who did not like this place and decided to leave...

Inhabitants: Treylius, scalons, elytras, gnarls, baliwogs.

Zones: Gloomy Labyrinth; Gloomy Labyrinth - Dungeon.

Location codes: XPDireWarrenExterior, XPDireWarren01, XPDireWarren02.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (4), Red Algae (8), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (62), Red Algae (37), Worm's Head (28), Mushroom Tree Sapling (26), Blueberry (10), Alocasia (9), Root Stem (8), Screamer (7 ), Watchman's Eye (2).

Finds: Lee'ssein (bow of Alyssa, Treilius's lost love), Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (2).

Door to Cyrodiil

A kind of gate connecting the province of Cyrodiil and the Shivering Isles - the kingdom of Sheogorath.

When you enter this door for the first time, you will meet Haskill, valet of Lord Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, Lord of Timelessness. After talking with him, the main quest of the Shivering Isles will begin.

Location codes: SEGreetingRoom.

Camp Lunatics

A camp occupied by heretics (or the hungry). Consists of two huts and wooden decks and bridges from which beautiful view on the Imin sea (especially at night).

Inhabitants: heretics or hungry.

Location codes: SEDreamwalkCamp.

Plants: Young Mushroom Tree (1), Red Algae (9), Worm's Head (3).

root hole

A very large cave inhabited by elytras (you cannot get here before the start of the Addiction quest, because in order to enter you need to take Felldew, a substance that carries special green-glowing elytras).

Inhabitants: Elytras, Felldew lovers, Juphy Brown.

Zones: Root hole; Root Hole - Overgrown Swamp; Root Hole - Humming Tunnels; Root Hole - Bramble Halls; Root Hole - Sanctuary of Decadence.

Location codes: XPDunrootBurrowExterior, XPDunrootBurrow01, XPDunrootBurrow02, XPDunrootBurrow03, XPDunrootBurrow04, XPDunrootBurrow05.

  • Addiction (Find the Chalice of Inversion for Thadon, Duke of Mania in the Root Hole),
  • Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits).

Plants (outside): Alocasia (11), Blueberry (17), Red Algae (15), Mushroom Tree Sapling (1), Worm's Head (9).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (220), Screamer (27), Watcher's Eye (5), Root Stalk (149).

Finds: Chalice of Inversion, Silent Shout, Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (1).


Large ruin with three external entrances. Ardvi Maliphant, Father of the Bosmer clan, built these ruins recently as the resting place of his deceased mother. However, Ardvi's mother's death apparently drove Ardvi to madness, because he built an extremely grave-robber-proof family crypt - with numerous death traps without any safety mechanisms... Ardvi then systematically killed all his relatives.

Inhabitants: flesh atronachs, squabbles, skinned hounds, skeletons, Bregor the Burner, Father of the Maliphant clan.

Zones: Ebrocca - Diskenia; Ebrocca - Duwayne; Ebrocca - Sepekra; Ebrocca - Massey; Ebrocca - Fieli; Ebrocca - Crematorium.

Location codes: XPEbroccaExterior, XPEbrocca01, XPEbrocca02, XPEbrocca03, XPEbrocca04, XPEbrocca05, XPEbrocca06.

Quest: Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits).

Plants (outside): Alocasia (1), Blueberry (2), Red Algae (4), Mushroom Tree Sapling (3), Worm's Head (9).

Finds: Ashes of Din, Broken Humerus, Fish Scale Amulet (Copper Amulet: Disease Resistance 25%, Water Breathing).


A small ruin occupied by a group of heretics who worship an unholy being known as Giub, Lord of the Pit. The Heretics sacrifice "volunteers" to Giub by first swinging them over the Pit in Fane (a deep vertical root tunnel) and then throwing them into the Pit, continuously reciting a prayer to Giub as they do so...

Inhabitants: heretics, scalons, balivogs.

Zones: Fane.

Location codes: XPFainExterior, XPFain01.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (5), Aster Flower (6), Azure Bramble (2).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (61), Screamer (5), Root Stalk (10).

Finds: Hollow Amber Branch (1), Hollow Amber Stump (1).


A small farm near South Road that specializes in growing water root pods. Fellmoor is ruled by the Altmer Sindanvi. They say she makes everyone work day and night. The workers are probably not too happy about this...

Residents: Sindanvi, Kishashi, Raynar-Jo, Rylan.

Buildings: Sindanvi's house, Kishashi's house, Rylan's house.

Location codes: SEFellmoor.

Quest: Everything is in place (Help the Khajiit workers in overthrowing Sindanvi, who controls their thoughts).

fragrant grove

Big Cave, inhabited by grammites.

Inhabitants: grammites.

Zones: Fragrant Grove; Fragrant Grove - Camp.

Location codes: XPFetidGrove01, XPFetidGrove02.

Plants (outside): Alocasia (3), Aster Flower (5), Grummite Egg Cluster (1), Azure Blueberry (10), Red Algae (9), Mushroom Tree Sapling (2), Worm's Head (4).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (35), Screamer (4), Watcher's Eye (5), Root Stalk (66).

Finds: Pyke's Medallion, Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (3).

Flooded camp

A camp abandoned by everyone. The flimsy camp hut is lopsided and flooded with river water.

Location codes: SEFloodedCamp.

Plants: Mushroom Grass (2), Young Mushroom Tree (1), Giant Rot (2), Water Root Pod (3).

Crazy Camp

A camp occupied by heretics. Consists of one wooden hut standing on stilts.

Inhabitants: heretics.

Location codes: SEFrenziedCamp.

Plants: Alocasia (3), Blueberry (5), Red Algae (9), Worm's Head (1).

Gardens of Bone and Flesh

A large cave located inside the Reach. Initially, the cave is inaccessible to the hero (quest).

Inhabitants: mess, skeletons, hungry, skinned hounds.

Zones: Gardens of Bone and Flesh; Pool of Bloody Tears; Corpuscular Conservatory; Shorokhov Caverns.

Location codes: XPGardensExterior, XPGardens01, XPGardens03, XPGardens04, XPGardens05.

  • Beyond Madness (Go through the Gates of Madness),
  • Restoring the Gate Guardian (Find several mystical components needed to create a new Gate Guardian).

Plants (outside): Giant Rot (1), Letifer Orca (2), Mushroom Tree Sapling (2).

Plants (inside): Rotten Scale (3), Thorn (8), Root Stalk (22), Withering Moon (196).


A small village located southeast of the Island of Fire. Residents of Hale are artistic people, prone to poetry and the visual arts. Here lives Pike, the Knight of Thorn from Cheydinhal, who found his love on the islands - Zoe Malena.

Residents: Halion, Tall-Falling Trees, Zoe Malena, Pyke (former Knight of the Thorn from Cheydinhal).

Buildings: Halion's house, the house of Tall-Falling-Trees, Zoya Malena's house.

Location codes: SEHaleExterior01.

Quest: Help the hero (Return the lost medallion of the knight Thorn to Pike).

Camp Confusion

Camp occupied by Zealots. Consists of two wooden huts built on stilts. Local Zealots often fight the heretics of Longtooth's camp in order to obtain the Tickler's Fork.

Inhabitants: Zealots.

Location codes: SEHardscrabbleCamp.

Plants: Fungal Grass (2), Letifer Orca (3), Giant Rot (3).


A small village in Mania, located between Joker's Ridge and Holy Watch. Its inhabitants are widely known for their mania and irrationality.

Residents: Braskus Dannus, Mirili Ulven, Running in Circles.

Buildings: house of Braskus Dannus, house of Mirili Ulven, house of the One Who Runs in Circles.

Location codes: SEHighcrossExterior01.

Quest: Classifier (Help Mirili Ulven compile a classifier of the flora and fauna of the Islands).

Suicide Hill

A huge Hill overlooking the lake that serves as the purgatory of the Islands. The ghosts of those who killed themselves are condemned to remain here forever. However, they say that the souls on the Hill can become free if you bring them the remains of their bodies...

Inhabitants: Gadeneri Ralvel, Lymark, Lorenz Bolotnik, M'desi, Salonia Viriya (all the inhabitants of the hill are ghosts with whom you cannot talk).

Location codes: SEHillofSuicides.

Quest (not logged): Ghosts of Suicide Hill (Free the souls of five ghosts by finding their skulls scattered throughout the Shivering Isles).

Camp Cove

An abandoned camp consisting of two huts standing on stilts over the water, connected by wooden walkways.

Location codes: SEInletCamp.

Plants: Blisterweed (1), Letifer Orca (2), Waterroot Pod (2).

knife hole

Knifehole was once known as the great library of Jyggalag. Within its walls were kept predictions of all the actions of all creatures, as well as the formulas by which everything was calculated. When Sheogorath discovered the library, he burned it, saying it was disgusting. All that remains of the great library is its keeper, Dius...

Inhabitants: Zealots, undead, Dius (former keeper of the great library of Jyggalag).

Zones: Knife Hole; Knife Hole - Altar.

Location codes: XPKnifepointHollow01, XPKnifepointHollow02new.

  • Ghosts of Suicide Hill (Free the souls of five ghosts).

Plants (outside): Black Resin (5), Giant Rot (3), Mushroom Grass (2), Grummite Egg Clutch (34), Mushroom Tree Sapling (2), Waterroot Pod (2).

Plants (inside): Root Stem (17), Withering Moon (47).

Finds: Skull of Gadeneri Ralvel, Hollow Amber Branch (1), Madness Ore Vein (3).

Hall of Bone Growth

A huge cave inhabited by various monsters. There is also a spare entrance to the cave, not marked on the map (in the Bone Outgrowth - Cellar), it is located northeast of the main entrance.

Inhabitants: scalons, gnarls, elytras, grammites.

Zones: Bone Growth - Hall; Bone Outgrowth - Basin; Bone growth - Joint; Bone Growth - Underground passages; Bone Growth - Ruins; Bone Growth - Cellar.

Location codes: XPKnotboneChamberExterior, XPKnotboneChamber01, XPKnotboneChamber02, XPKnotboneChamber03, XPKnotboneChamber04, XPKnotboneChamber04b, XPKnotboneChamber05.

Quest: Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits).

Plants (outside): Blueberry (3), Mushroom Tree Sapling (3), Root Stem (1), Worm's Head (1).

Plants (inside): Black Resin (1), Fire Mushroom (40), Rotten Scale (5), Screamer (12), Spike (2), Watcher's Eye (9), Root Stalk (10), Withering Moon (19) .

Finds: Blind Eye of the Watchman, Hollow Amber Branch (5), Hollow Amber Stump (2), Madness Ore Vein (3).

Blackberry Bush

Root cave inhabited by grammites.

Inhabitants: grammites.

Zones: Bramble Bush; Bramble Bush - Lost Crypt; Blackberry Bush - Nursery.

Location codes: XPKnottyBrambleExterior, XPKnottyBramble01, XPKnottyBramble02, XPKnottyBramble03.

  • Liquid Solution (Find a miracle cure for Sick Bernice),
  • Ghosts of Suicide Hill (Release the souls of five ghosts),
  • Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits).

Plants (outside): Black Resin (7), Blisterweed (5), Giant Rot (2), Mushroom Grass (5), Orca Letifer (2), Mushroom Tree Sapling (9).

Plants (inside): Screamer (2), Watcher's Eye (13), Root Stalk (36), Withering Moon (100).

Finds: Blind Eye of the Watchman, Skull of Lorenz the Swampman, Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (1), Madness Ore Vein (1).

Longtooth's Camp

A camp occupied by heretics who constantly fight the Zealots from Camp Confusion for the sake of possessing the Fork of Tickling.

Inhabitants: heretics.

Location codes: SELongtoothCamp.

Quest: Tickling Fork (Find Tickling Fork for Big Head).

Plants: Red algae (2).

Finds: Tickler Fork.

Camp of Lost Time

An abandoned camp located east of Pointed Cliff.

Location codes: SELostTimeCamp.

Plants: Blisterweed (1), Young Mushroom Tree (1), Mushroom Grass (3), Letifer Orca (6).


Huge ruins located in Mania (Grove of Reflection is not accessible until stage 50 of the Official Symbols quest).

Inhabitants: scalons, baliwogs.

Zones: Milkar - Nexus; Milcar - Tieras; Milkar - Assembly; Milkar - Zetrem; Milkar - Sufflex; Grove of Reflection.

Location codes: XPMilchar01, XPMilchar02a, XPMilchar02aSub, XPMilchar02b, XPMilchar02c, XPMilchar03.

  • The Coming Storm (Help Ajazda prepare for the end of the world)
  • Ghosts of Suicide Hill (Release the souls of five ghosts),
  • Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits),
  • Official Symbols (Obtain two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath).

Plants (outside): Blueberry (9), Red Algae (7), Worm's Head (9).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (101), Screamer (7), Worm Head (2).

Finds: Amulet of Disintegration, Blind Eye of the Watcher, Skull of Lymark, Hollow Amber Branch (1).

New Sheota Cemetery

The graves of NPCs who died during the completion of the game’s quests, according to the writers’ plans, or as a result of the actions of your hero, will appear in this cemetery. On the gravestones you will see humorous epitaphs that are worth reading...

Location codes: SENSDementiaGraveyard.

Pointed Cliff

The Pointed Cliff is a sacred place for dark seducers, as they return here from the Waters of Oblivion. The fortress was gifted to the Mazken by Lord Sheogorath, and no mortal can enter these halls... in normal times.

Inhabitants: dark seducers, knights of Order, priests of Order.

Zones: Pointed Cliff - Hall of Honor; Pointed Cliff - Hall of Worship; Pointed Cliff - Hall of Prayer; Pointed Cliff - Font of Rebirth.

Location codes: XPPinnacleRockExterior, XPPinnacleRock01, XPPinnacleRock02, XPPinnacleRock04, XPPinnacleRock05.

Quests: Helpless Army (Help the golden saints/dark seducers recapture their fortress from the troops of Order).

Plants (outside): Blisterweed (4), Mushroom Grass (7), Grummite Egg Clutch (9), Orca Letifer (3), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4).

Finds: Crystal chest (2).

Lake Camp

Camp occupied by Zealots. Consists of three wooden huts, one of which is partially submerged by lake waters and surrounded by mushroom trees. The other two huts are connected by bridges.

Inhabitants: Zealots or flesh atronachs.

Location codes: SEPuddlejumpCamp.

Plants: Mushroom Tree Sapling (1), Orca Letifer (2), Water Root Pod (3).

Horrible Lair

A large cave inhabited by Zealots and undead.

Inhabitants: zealots, mess.

Zones: Horrible Lair - Trap; Horrible Lair - Chasm; Dread Lair - Sanctuary; Lair of Horror - Burrow; Horrible Lair - Camp.

Location codes: XPRottenDenExterior, XPRottenDen01, XPRottenDen02, XPRottenDen03, XPRottenDen04, XPRottenDen05.

Quest: Ghosts of Suicide Hill (Free the souls of five ghosts).

Plants (outside): Mushroom Grass (3), Letifer Orca (2), Mushroom Tree Sapling (8).

Plants (inside): Mushroom Grass (17), Thorn (5), Root Stalk (44), Withering Moon (49).

Finds: M'desi Skull, Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (1), Madness Ore Vein (2).

Sewer camp

Camp occupied by Zealots. Consists of three wooden huts, two of them are built on stilts.

Inhabitants: Zealots.

Location codes: SERunoffCamp01.

Plants: Blister (1), Young Mushroom Tree (1), Letifer Orca (3).


A town located on the border of Mania and Dementia. The city got its name because of its "division" into two halves: one, reminiscent of the bright Mania, and the second, representing the gloomy Dementia. You will see Manic and Dementian counterparts of all the locals here, each dressed in bright or dark clothing respectively. Even the houses here have doubles...

Residents: Atrabi (Dementia), Atrabi (Mania), Horkvir Bearpaw (Dementia), Horkvir Bearpaw (Mania), J"zidzo (Dementia), J"zidzo (Mania), Jastira Nanus (Dementia), Jastira Nanus (Mania ), Urul gro-Agamf (Dementia), Urul gro-Agamf (Mania).

Buildings: J'zidzo's house (Dementia), J'zidzo's house (Mania), Jastira Nanus' house (Dementia), Jastira Nanus' house (Mania), Horkvir Bearpaw's house (Dementia), Horkvir Bearpaw's house (Mania), Urul's house gro-Agampha (Dementia), house of Urula gro-Agampha (Mania).

Location codes: SESplitExterior01, SESplitExterior02.

Quest: The Great Divide (Help solve the problem of doppelgängers in Split).

Nora Swamp Gas

A medium-sized cave located in Dementia. Busy with various monsters.

Inhabitants: baliwogs, elytras, gnarls, scalons.

Zones: Swamp Gas - Cleft; Swamp Gas - Burrows; Swamp Gas - Depths.

Location codes: XPSwampgasHoleExterior, XPSwampgasHole01, XPSwampgasHole02, XPSwampgasHole03.

Plants (outside): Giant Rot (1), Grummite Egg Clutch (6), Waterroot Pod (2).

Plants (inside): Mushroom Tree Sapling (20), Root Stem (152), Rotten Scale (73), Thorn (38), Withering Moon (202).

Finds: Hollow Amber Branch (2), Hollow Amber Stump (1).

Moaning Halls

The Moaning Halls now serve as the home of the "Apostles of Light" of Sirte. Hundreds of years ago, this structure was the Temple of Cyrodiil and was used to treat the insane. The temple was destroyed shortly after the death of Emperor Pelagius. After some time, the inhabitants of the Shivering Isles arrived in Cyrodiil, stole the stones of the destroyed building, brought them to the Isles and restored the Temple here, down to the smallest detail.

Inhabitants: Apostles, Sirte, Ra'heran, Luminary Kaz (or Zealots, if the Official Symbols quest has not been started).

Zones: Moaning Halls - Foyer; Moaning Halls - Meeting Halls; Moaning Halls - Entrance Hall.

Location codes: XPHowlingHallsExterior, XPHowlingHalls01, XPHowlingHalls02, XPHowlingHalls03.

  • Official Symbols (Obtain two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath),
  • Kunstkamera (Help Una Armina replenish her collection of “outlandish” museum exhibits).

Plants (outside): Giant Rot (7), Mushroom Grass (4), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4).

Finds: Pelagius Basin, Donation Chest.


A ruined settlement located on the Mogilnaya Shoal. Hundreds of years ago, the people of Vaitarna were destroyed by invaders due to the fact that the four defenders of the fortress did not fulfill their duty, showing cowardice and inaction. All local residents were cursed by Sheogorath and now must relive the final moments of the capture of the fortress again and again...

Inhabitants: ghosts of the inhabitants of Vaitarn and ghosts of fanatics (if the quest is not completed), zealots and monsters (after completing the quest).

Zones: Vaitarn - Sump; Vaitarn - Reservoir; Vaitarn - Stronghold; Vaitarn - Mausoleum; Vaitarn Fortress.

Location codes: XPVitharn01, XPVitharn02, XPVitharn03, XPVitharn04, SEVitharnWorld.

Quest: Ghosts of Vaitarn (Help the defenders of Vaitarn defend their fortress and bring peace to the souls of the inhabitants).

Plants (outside): Fungus Grass (5), Grummite Egg Clutch (5), Mushroom Tree Sapling (3), Withering Moon (35).

Plants (inside): Root Stem (3), Withering Moon (24).

Finds: Dagger of Attrition, Hollow Amber Branch (1).

Pathetic camp

A small cozy camp occupied by heretics. Consists of one wooden hut raised on stilts.

Inhabitants: heretics.

Location codes: SEWretchedCamp.

Plants: Blueberry (5), Worm's Head (2), Red Algae (6).


Large ruins located east of the Gate of Madness. For Relmina Verenim, creator of the Gate Guardian, Zazelm is home and laboratory. She lives here and conducts her experiments on people and creatures at the Vivisection Center.

Inhabitants: Relmina Verenim, Nanetta Don (Relmina Verenim's last student), undead, chaos, failed experiments, victims.

Zones: Zazelm; Zazelm - Laboratory; Zazelm - Corpse pit; Zazelm - Vivisection Center.

Location codes: XPXaselmExterior, XPXaselm01, XPXaselm02, XPXaselm03, XPXaselm04.

Plants (outside): Mushroom Grass (4), Letifer Orca (1), Mushroom Tree Sapling (1).

Plants (inside): Thorn (4), Root Stem (16), Withering Moon (40).

Finds: Hollow Amber Branch (1), Madness Ore Vein (1).

Secret entrance to Zazelm

Secret entrance to the ruins of Zazelm. It leads directly to the premises of the sorceress Relmina Verenim and can only be opened with the key that the hero receives during the quest.

Quest: Restoring the Gate Guardian (Find several mystical components needed to create a new Gate Guardian).


Inhabitants: Zealots, undead.

Zones: Zeywara.

Location codes: XPXavaraExterior, XPXavara01.

Plants (outside): Black Resin (7), Blisterweed (4), Giant Rot (5), Mushroom Grass (5), Grummite Egg Clutch (2), Orca Letifer (2), Mushroom Tree Sapling (7).

Plants (inside): Thorn (1), Watcher's Eye (1), Root Stalk (2), Withering Moon (13).

Finds: Madness Ore Vein (1).


Large ruins located inside the Reach. Busy with the Grummites and the forces of Order (during the quest).

Inhabitants: grammites (before the start of the quest), knights of Order, priests of Order, refugees (during the quest).

Zones: Zeddefen; Zeddefen - Church; Zeddefen - Great Hall; Zeddefen - Felles; Zeddefen - Thales; Zeddefen - Thales (destroyed); Zeddefen - Ruins.

Location codes: XPXeddefenExterior, XPXeddefen01, XPXeddefen02, XPXeddefen03, XPXeddefen04, XPXeddefen05, XPXeddefenRearDestroyed, XPXeddefenDestroyed01.

Quest: Return of the Reach (Defend the Reach and stop the advancing forces of Order).

Plants (inside): Grummite Egg Clutch (6), Withering Moon (25).

Finds: Crystal Chest (1), Madness Ore Vein (3).


Zedilian consists of several chambers designed to test adventurers who wander into the realm of Sheogorath, so that only the most worthy of them can enter the Isles. Since the Gate Guardian was created, Zedilian has fallen out of favor...

Inhabitants: Grummites, Knights of Order, Kiliban Nirandil (guardian of Zedilian), Grommok gro-Barak, Llewyn Tylwald, Sindelius Gatarian (adventurers).

Zones: Zedilian; Zedilian - Courtrooms.

Location codes: XPXedilian01, XPXedilian02.

  • The best trap (Activate the Judgment Resonator to restore Zedilian's functionality),
  • Trap in action (Determine the fate of three adventurers who came to the Islands).

Plants (outside): Mushroom Grass (2), Orca Letifer (4), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4), Waterroot Pod (3).

Plants (inside): Fire Mushroom (3), Withering Moon (31).


Small ruins in Dementia, captured by the Zealots.

Inhabitants: Zealots, flesh atronachs.

Zones: Ziditta; Ziditta - Catacombs.

Location codes: XPXiditteExterior, XPXiditte01, XPXiditte02.

Plants (outside): Black Resin (3), Blisterweed (2), Giant Rot (3), Grummite Egg Clutch (2), Orca Letifer (1), Mushroom Tree Sapling (4).

Finds: Crystal Chest (1), Madness Ore Vein (1).


An ancient ruin located west of the Crucible is used by the paranoid Duchess of Dementia as a secret escape route from New Sheoth. Zirethard can be reached through the entrance marked on the map or through the secret passage in the Private Gardens of Dementia House.

Inhabitants: dark seducers, zealots, troublemakers.

Zones: Zirethard; Zirethard - Depths; Zirethard - Dungeon.

Location codes: XPXirethardExterior, XPXirethard01, XPXirethard02, XPXirethard03.

Quest: Dementia Ritual (Kill Duchess Dementia Sil and take her place).

Plants (outside): Mushroom Herb (10), Mushroom Tree Sapling (7), Waterroot Pod (4).