The most expensive presidential planes in the world. The most expensive aircraft in the world Top 10 most expensive fighters in the world

Producing weapons is a profitable business: no matter what price greedy gunsmiths set, governments pay generously. Especially when it comes to aviation, which Western powers love to fight with.

Thus, the USA overpaid almost a billion for newest aircraft F-35 Lightning II. Lockheed Martin recently confronted the Pentagon with the fact that the contract price would increase by $800 million.

However, this is not so expensive for the Yankees: M PORT found several combat aircraft that cost America no less.


A twin-engine, strike fighter of the US Air Force, which was born in the distant 80s. He was the first among his American brethren to crossbreed a fighter and an attack aircraft, being able to hit both ground and air targets. He received his baptism of fire during Operation Desert Storm. It is in service with Canada, Australia, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.


Version of the previous aircraft: fewer weapons, but a lot of effective electronic jamming equipment. Growler is designed for fleet needs. It can jam enemy radars and interfere with enemy electronic communications.



This is a vertical take-off transport aircraft. It is called a tiltrotor and combines the advantages of an airplane and a helicopter. From the first he took speed, from the second - freedom of maneuver, landing people and equipment in the most inconvenient places. However, the originality of the idea required sacrifices: about 30 people died during the Osprey tests.



Lockheed Martin won the most lucrative military contract in world history - we already mentioned it at the beginning of the rating. Of course: after all, this F-35 is a fifth-generation supersonic fighter-bomber.

And yet, at the stage of flight testing, the last word of NATO aircraft was criticized for its overweight and poor engine thrust. And in 2008, hackers broke into electronic codes aircraft control.

After these troubles, Lockheed Martin no longer believed that the contract could be fulfilled. But the Pentagon had nowhere to go - and the Molniya is already preparing to become a production aircraft.



Vigilant observation and reconnaissance aircraft. The latest modification of the radar has increased the viewing area by 300% compared to other reconnaissance aircraft. “If necessary, he will hear Ayatollah Khomeini shelling pistachios,” joked one of the US weapons experts.

So far, only two E-2Ds are flying, which have been transferred to the American fleet.



The future flagship of the presidential helicopter fleet has already burned through a lot of money. The project, launched under Bush Jr., exceeded its budget by 50% with the advent of Obama. It was decided to reduce costs, but the helicopter still spent an extra half a billion dollars.



Military version of the Boeing 747, intended to accompany anti-submarine ships and conduct maritime reconnaissance. It carries on board torpedoes, missiles, depth charges and other capabilities to kill fish with impunity. Enters service in 2013.

25.11.2019 at 13:05 · VeraSchegoleva · 7 210

Top 10 most expensive aircraft in the world

Currently, flying is not perceived by people as something ordinary and familiar. What would we do now without this invention? The first aircraft was created by a Russian engineer. In 1882, Alexander Mozhaisky flew his first developed aircraft design.

Later, airplanes were built by two brothers - Wilbur and Orville Wright. There is currently a lot of debate about who actually built the first airplane. According to many sources, the brothers were still the second creators. But they managed to personally control the ship that took off. This is what prompted the further development of aircraft manufacturing throughout the world.

Nowadays, many people buy the most expensive and luxurious aircraft for themselves. Some are built to their individual order. At the same time, no one thinks about the millions of dollars spent on new technologies that provide safety and comfort.

10. Boeing 747-8 VIP, $150 million

Boeing 747-8 VIP was bought by a famous billionaire from Hong Kong. The owner of this model was Joseph Lau. The plane has its own personal exclusive design. It was made specially to order. The aircraft is equipped with the latest and greatest technology to ensure the safety of passengers.

The owner always travels in his own aircraft with luxury. The aircraft features large video displays on the walls, as well as a spiral staircase and beautifully designed vaulted ceilings. Externally, the plane looks quite ordinary, but inside there is luxury. Presumably, the cabin of such an aircraft can accommodate no more than 400 passengers. This is only due to the fact that it has an unusual design.

9. Boeing 747-400, $220 million

The owner of the plane called Boeing 747-400 Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is considered. The aircraft was manufactured specifically to his order, in which he wished to take many points into account.

The plane was purchased in 2003. Afterwards they decided to redo the inside a little. Large bedrooms were made, as well as a dining room. The surprising thing is that the prince wanted a real throne to be placed on his personal plane, on which he could appear to all the guests. In total, the plane can accommodate 14 guests and 15 staff.

8. Boeing 747-430, $233 million

By aircraft Boeing 747-430 owned by the richest monarch in the world. This man is the Sultan of Borneo. The owner spent a lot of money on this plane.

It took about $100 million to purchase this wonderful vehicle. But after the purchase, it was decided to add our own individual decor to the interior. The decor of the aircraft was made entirely from real materials, which required the owner to spend another 130 million.

On board there is a bedroom, living room and even a bathroom, each decorated with gold details that were personally designed by the best designers in the world. The washbasin in the bathroom is made entirely of gold. The Sultan has 3 more ships, but this is considered his biggest acquisition.

7. E-2D Advanced Hawkey, $235 million

Airplane with model name E-2D Advanced Hawkey- quite unusual. This is a military aircraft that is used by the United States Navy.

This aircraft is great because it combines a lot of modern technologies. It has a newly developed version of the radar built into it, as well as a satellite communications system. The aircraft can very easily carry out various combat missions, as it is equipped with the latest turbo engines. An electronic scanning system is also integrated on board. All this helps the vessel to maneuver calmly in the air under any weather conditions and at any time of the day.

It is worth noting that a special system was installed in this model, which allows you to control missiles from an aircraft while on the ground.

6. P-8A Poseidon, $290 million

Airplane model P-8A Poseidon was built by a well-known company. The model was developed for naval forces United States of America.

The plane was specially equipped with a countermeasures system. This model considered the best among defensive players in the world. On board there are torpedoes, bombs, and missiles. It is worth noting that this aircraft can even operate in unmanned mode. He can scout out the situation completely without your participation. But the price for such an aircraft is quite high, but it is worth it. The model is equipped with everything necessary.

5. C-17A Globemaster, $330 million

Model C-17A Globemaster was also created specifically for the military air force USA. This is one of the largest military aircraft. The aircraft was created to perform various missions, as well as to transport cargo and wounded soldiers.

Currently, this is not the only aircraft that has such high performance. The plane also has all the necessary equipment on board. There are currently about 200 of these wonderful models in stock.

4. Airbus A340-300 Custom, $350 million

Airplane Airbus A340-300 Custom was made for a billionaire living in Russia. This person was Alisher Usmanov. The owner originally asked for a custom plane to be built in honor of his father.

On at the moment This is the largest aircraft in Russia. It is believed that he even more plane, on which the President of the Russian Federation himself travels. This aircraft model is quite expensive, but this is due to its modernization in the interior.

The aircraft has the latest technology. About 380 passengers can easily be on board. This is very convenient if you plan to transport guests for some important event.

3. F-22 Raptor, $350 million

Currently F-22 Raptor considered the best military aircraft. It is also considered one of the most expensive. The aircraft has 2 engines. But it is designed for one person. This model is now in service with the Air Force. Thanks to its high performance, the aircraft is capable of performing various tasks.

Unfortunately, production stopped in 2012. But at that time quite a lot of batches of this model were released. It is worth noting that this particular ship can even shoot down enemy missiles, as it has the ability to fly at supersonic speed. In most cases, it does not appear on radar, which makes it indispensable during reconnaissance.

2. Airbus A380 Super Jumbo, $500 million

The biggest Airbus A380 Super Jumbo created with the latest technologies and characteristics. The cabin of such an aircraft has comfortable and comfortable seats, as well as a modern on-board entertainment system.

At the same time new model It uses fuel quite economically, which is very convenient for long flights. About 470 people and staff can be accommodated inside. But the price for such luxury is quite high, but it’s worth it.

1. B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, $2.2 billion

In first place on our list of the most expensive aircraft in the world is the model B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. The aircraft is in service with the US Air Force. All necessary technologies and equipment are available on board.

This model has been used in the most complex and serious events. It is also known that such an aircraft is equipped with comfortable seats that the pilots can recline during a short nap.

What else to see:

Obviously, airplanes cannot be cheap, but some of them are valued at exorbitant sums: the reason for this may be the luxurious interior decoration or sophisticated technology, if we are talking about military equipment. Let's list ten

10. The $150 million Boeing 747-8 VIP is owned by Joseph Lau of Hong Kong and is notable for having a spiral staircase.

9. The owner of the Boeing 747-400, which costs $220 million, is the king’s nephew Saudi Arabia, Prince Al-Walid ibn Talal. The aircraft, purchased in the early 2000s, is equipped with two large bedrooms, a dining table for 14 people and a golden throne located in the center of the cabin.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkey. This $232 million radar long-range surveillance aircraft is used by the US Navy. The aircraft is equipped with modern scanning technology, which allows it to be used for tactical operations.

7. Boeing 747-430 for $233 million. Another personalized plane on the list belongs to the Sultan of Brunei. Initially, the plane cost 100 million dollars - the owner of the plane invested another 133 million in its improvement.

The Sultan placed a living room, bedroom and bathroom in the salon, using gold in the decoration of the rooms. The Sultan, whose fortune exceeds $40 billion, is known for his lavish lifestyle: he owns another plane, an Airbus 340, as well as 6,000 cars.

6. P-8A Poseidon costs $290 million. Developed by Boeing Defense, Space & Security, this aircraft is designed for maritime patrol duties.

5. The U.S. Air Force typically uses the C-17A Globemaster for cargo and troop transport, tactical missions, and airdrops.

4. F-22 Raptor, $350 million. This fifth-generation multi-role fighter is considered the world's best combat aircraft.

3. An Airbus A340-300 worth $350 million belongs to Alisher Usmanov, who is one of the three richest people in Russia according to Forbes for 2016. This is the largest aircraft in the country.

Usmanov spent money not only on the interior, but also on putting the name of his father, Burkhan, on the skin of the liner.

2. Airbus A380, $500 million. Another plane saudi prince Al-Waleed Ibn Talala is the most expensive private jet on the list.

This luxury liner nicknamed the “flying palace”: it contains several bedrooms with bathrooms, a dining room, a wellness room, a garage, a stable and a bay for hawks. There are also prayer rooms on the plane: so that while moving you can accurately determine which direction Mecca is in, virtual prayer mats receive information from the plane's positioning systems.

1. The B-2 Spirit stealth strategic bomber costs $2.1 billion. It is designed to break through dense air defense and can be used to deliver nuclear weapons. These bombers were used in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The US Air Force originally owned 21 of these aircraft (almost all of them named after American states), but one of them crashed in 2008.

The most expensive planes in the world attract the attention of a huge number of people. After all, they are powerful, beautiful and bright. Experts are now highlighting both civilian and military versions of the vehicles, which are valued at a huge amount of money, but at the same time they really justify such an investment.

Experts analyzed the options presented in the sky and identified the ten most expensive and beautiful celestial machines. Each of them is unique and has a certain set of characteristics, for which, in fact, a lot of money is paid.

Boeing 747-8

This airliner is in 10th place in the TOP rating. It costs 153 million dollars. This version of the flying airliner is owned by Hong Kong billionaire Joseph Lau. Today it is often called by its middle name – Dreamliner. This liner is distinguished by its design in an exclusive style and following the latest technologies, i.e. it is literally equipped with the latest technology. Traveling on this one is comfortable and luxurious. The ceilings in such an aircraft are vaulted, there are video displays on the walls that can broadcast anything depending on the wishes of the passengers on board. The number of seats has been reduced from the standard 467, because... this is a private airliner not designed for transportation large quantity people.

The Prince of Saudi Arabia ordered himself a special model of such an airliner. The aircraft is distinguished by the presence of two luxurious bedrooms and a dining room, which can comfortably accommodate up to 14 people. Since the plane is truly royal, there is even a throne installed in it for the owner of the airliner. The cost of such a castle in the air is $200 million.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

A military representative joins the list of the most notable and enviable aircraft. This aircraft, although specialized, is often called unusual. It is used by the American Navy and was made to replace another military aircraft - the E-1 Tracer. The airship has:

  • Perfect radar brand ARU-9
  • Modern radio equipment
  • Perfect and new system, designed to provide communication and more correct navigation
  • Powerful turbo engines
  • A system designed to scan electronically, due to which it can perform even complex tasks in the field of monitoring and reconnaissance, and they can be carried out in conditions that are not at all conducive to this
  • Control system from an aircraft for various cruise missiles located on the ground

This example of military engineering is estimated by experts at $232 million.

Boeing 747-430 Custom

The cost of such a liner is $233 million. It belongs to another royal person - the Sultan of Brunei. Moreover, he purchased this plane for 100 million. But today this airliner is equipped with everything necessary for a luxurious and comfortable flight, so its cost has increased by 1.5 times.

The interior of such an aircraft is exquisite, and pure gold is often used in decoration. For example, a bathroom sink is made from it. On board such a dream plane are placed:

  • Living room
  • Full bedroom
  • Bathroom

The Sultan owns three airliners, but this one is the largest in terms of its parameters.

P-8A Poseidon

Such a liner, located in 6th place in the rating, is called elegant. Moreover, it was not manufactured for civilian needs, but for military purposes. The liner was made specifically for the American Navy. Essentially, this airliner is a modified version of the 737-800 ERX aircraft. Among its advantages are the equipment with weapons designed to counteract boats and the presence of a countermeasures system. Because of this, it becomes one of the best available defense aircraft on the entire planet.

This liner is designed to carry:

  • various types of torpedoes
  • a large number of bombs operating deep underwater
  • various missiles
  • Anti-boat systems, etc.

As a rule, such a liner works in tandem with a reconnaissance aircraft. It is valued at $290 million.

C-17A Globemaster III

The aircraft, priced at $328 million, was manufactured by specialists from the aviation giant Boeing. At the same time, it is also designed to serve the military forces. Today the airliner is called one of the largest options available to the military. It is designed to solve various strategy missions and solve tactical problems. It can easily transport both cargo and entire military units. Such an aircraft is also designed to evacuate the wounded. The US military operates 180-210 of these winged fighters in its fleet.

F-22 Raptor

Another example of expensive engineering service paid by the army. Such a liner is estimated at $350 million. Today it is called one of the best specialized options. This model is widely used by Americans. Its undoubted advantage is the fact that it can perform various combat missions in any weather. This airliner can:

  • Shoot down enemy missiles
  • Use supersonic speed for long-distance flights
  • Become invisible to various radars

The production of such models was stopped in 2012 due to its excessively high cost. But at the same time, today there are more than 150 machines in service that successfully cope with their tasks.

This airliner belongs to Russian businessman Usmanov. It was custom-made and dedicated to the entrepreneur’s father. The cost of such a commemorative liner is 350-500 million dollars. Its initial cost was a little less, but after all the modernizations carried out, it became truly priceless. The car has a luxurious interior and everything necessary for the most comfortable flight. Moreover, according to its technical parameters, it can rise quite high height and cover long distances.

Airbus A380 Custom

The price of such an aircraft is 500 million dollars. It is the largest among private ones. This winged giant belongs to the prince of Saudi Arabia. There is literally everything here - in essence, such a liner can safely be called a real home in the sky. On board were:

  • Garage for 2 cars
  • Bird rooms (in in this case these are hawks) the owner of the airship
  • Stables
  • A huge number of bedrooms
  • Bathrooms with large showers
  • An entire wellness center

A liner with two decks, which gave unlimited scope to the designers' imagination. They removed most of the seats to convert this type of aircraft.

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber

The aircraft, which is in the US Air Force fleet, is valued at $2.1 billion. It is the most expensive aircraft in the whole world. Today there are only 20 such variants in the military fleet. Essentially, this is a bomber for strategic purposes, with stealth technology. Due to this, he is able to:

  • Bypass various defensive systems that the enemy has
  • Have both conventional and nuclear weapons (experts estimate that it could have up to 80 homing guns and 16 nuclear bombs)

There is a version that it even has special seats in which pilots can quickly get some sleep. This helps them recover between battles and flights, maintaining the combat effectiveness of their personnel longer.

An airplane is in itself not so much a means of transportation as a luxury: it consumes a huge amount of fuel, requires a hangar, a team of experienced pilots and technicians, and, of course, timely “upgrades.” But people who can afford their own “iron bird” often shell out so fabulously that you want to gasp. Built-in cinemas, gilding, handmade carpets and even (although this has already become mainstream) gold plumbing - this is what the nouveau riche go to, just so that everyone in the world does not doubt that they are really rich.

They are also called business jets.

As you might guess, this aircraft belongs to an Arab sheikh and prince. Al Waleed bin Talal bought an Airbus A380 Custom back in 2012, and immediately - in a special configuration, designed specifically for rich “troubles”. For the most expensive plane, he paid about half a billion dollars.

The plane has two decks. Two of the sheikh's cars fly from below (he especially loves Rolls-Royces), as well as his horses, camels and even hawks - the owner of the plane is a hunter. A prayer room was also built there, the cunning architecture of which, in any direction, can direct the room towards Mecca.

In addition, on the plane you can find:

  • five bedrooms - for the owner and his guests,
  • Turkish bath, bath and shower,
  • gym,
  • concert hall,
  • rest rooms from all this splendor...

To make all this beauty shine and sparkle, 15 people work on the airliner - several pilots and a lot of flight attendants. They can serve both one owner and a thousand guests (that’s how many passengers the Airbus A380 can carry).

Many of you may ask a logical question: how does this palace even take off? After all, this is neither more nor less: 25 meters in height, 72 in length! But it not only rises into the sky, it can fly 14.5 thousand kilometers without refueling.

Slightly less cheap, but no less luxurious

Other sheikhs and other rich people of this world learned with envy about the Airbus A380... And immediately bombarded its creators with applications. Therefore, there are already quite a lot of such “birds” in the world - as many as 195 pieces. And you say - the global economic crisis...

We invite you to learn about the no less luxurious, and often no less expensive, planes of other billionaires.

  1. Airbus A340-300 Custom, which has its own name - “Burkhan”. Thus, the owner of the plane, Russian billionaire Alisher Asmanov, honored his own father: the winged “bird” bears his name (interestingly, he also did not forget about his mother, naming it in her honor luxury yacht- “Dilbar”). This flying miracle costs the same 500 million dollars (the price was primarily influenced by the fact that the interior was not basic, but designed to meet the numerous requirements of the owner).
  2. Boeing 767. Its owner is Roman Abramovich. For the same “symbolic” 500 million, he received an interior in mahogany and ebony, gold interior items and even... His own anti-missile system. By the way, when he gets tired of Boeing, the Russian billionaire switches to an Airbus 340.
  3. Boeing 747-430 Custom. Property of the Sultan of Brunei. The owner bought it “only” for 100 million, but significantly modified it, stuffing it with all possible amenities and attributes of luxury, which is why the price of the aircraft increased to 230 million. There is even a golden washbasin (not painted, but entirely made of this most noble metal). History is silent about what the toilets in this plane are made of, although logic dictates that they, too, can be oh so difficult...
  4. Boeing 747-400 Custom. Another “bird” by Al Walid bin Talal, about whom we already wrote above. Yes, this man is richer than Uncle Scrooge! A huge golden living room, two royal bedrooms - and all this for 230 million greenbacks.
  5. Boeing 747-8VIP, also known as Dreamliner. Its owner is not a sheikh (finally), but a billionaire from Hong Kong - Joseph Lau. For 200 million, this man equipped not a nouveau riche, but simply the most comfortable vehicle. There are no golden walls or bulging attributes of luxury here; the interior is more reminiscent of neo-modern.

The most sophisticated fighter

This is an American B-2 Spirit bomber. It is literally crammed with electronics. Take the casing for example - it is made of radio-absorbing materials, thanks to which this “bird” cannot be caught by radars.

The plane can carry any weapon (even nuclear).

In the USA, 21 of these were collected. Each cost American taxpayers 2 billion and another 100 million in greenbacks! Military journalists report that it was the Spirits who were involved in bombing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The most expensive passenger airliner

It's called Concorde.

Its creation is already in itself interesting story. This supersonic aircraft was invented in Europe back in the 50s, but the project turned out to be too expensive for any one country, so two powerful enterprises took on it at once - the American company Boeing and the Russian (at that time Soviet) Tupolev Design Bureau. Over time, the United States withdrew from the project, and France and Britain joined it.

As they say, if you suffer for a long time, everything will work out: the first Concorde (the name is very telling - translated as “commonwealth” or “accord”) took off in 1968. When it successfully (and at record speed) flew for 2 years, the creators blessed mass production.

In principle, only 14 aircraft were assembled. Four became the property of Air France, five - British Airways. They flew throughout Europe and the USA and at first turned out to be unprofitable. After the engines were improved (they began to “eat” less), tickets became a little cheaper, and the planes began to make a profit. Moreover, passengers also appreciated the convenience of super-fast transatlantic flights.

Unfortunately, in 2000, a fire occurred on board one of the “birds”. The plane crashed, killing more than a hundred passengers. The reputation of winged ships was tarnished. They tried to improve them, but since 2003 they no longer fly.

But is it necessary to buy your own plane to fly like a king? No! You can travel first class, and then you will have access to marbled beef on Chinese porcelain, champagne and a luxurious bed strewn with rose petals. This video will tell you more about flying in first class, and in particular about airlines that provide this service: