List of urban-type settlements in Russia by population. On what basis did the Russians call villages? Where is the village located in Russia?

For real beautiful villages in Russia There are not very many left, they are painstakingly collected and numbered by specialists from historical and conservation organizations in order to carefully preserve the remaining crumbs. Today there are a little more than a dozen on the list of “not yet lost” ones. Each of them is interesting from the point of view of history, architecture, and traditional way of life. Each will leave a mark on the heart after visiting.

So, the most beautiful villages in Russia:

The most colorful villages

Village Desyatnikovo. Buryatia. The first mention was in 1746.

The village of Desyatnikovo consists of five streets.

Currently, 778 people live in the village of Desyatnikovo.

The village of Desyatnikovo is located near the Selenga River.

Village of Atsagat. This word translated from the Buryat language means “stone”.

There are about 100 households in the village of Atsagat.

Atsagat datsan. Founded in 1825.

The village of Tarbagatai is one of the largest Old Believer villages in Transbaikalia.

The village of Tarbagatai is located along the Kuitunka River (the right tributary of the Selenga)

The village of Tarbagatai was founded in the 1710s.

The village of Bolshoy Kunaley was founded in 1765.

The name of the village of Kunaley is “hunilla”, which translated from Buryat means “assembly” or “fold”.

The village of Kunaley preserves the identity, culture and traditions of its ancestors.

Lost among the mountains and meadows with fragrant herbs, very similar to each other and not at all similar, there are four villages in Buryatia, located approximately at the same distance to the east and south of Ulan-Ude.Desyatnikovo, Atsagat, Tarbagatai and Bolshoy Kunaley. Almost all the buildings in these villages are painted on the outside with bright colors: red, orange and blue, and the interior walls, furniture and even ceilings are painted even more brightly. Such traditional decoration was very typical for wealthy peasant houses. Traditional folk costumes are no less colorful; one gets the impression that these villages are home to the most cheerful people in the world who do not want to part with their childhood. Meanwhiletraditional culture of Tarbagatai villagewas declared a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO. And the village of Atsagat is also one of the religious centers of the region. Back in 1825, a datsan was built here, raising more than one generation of lamas. And local herbs can be found even in atlases of Tibetan medicine.

The oldest villages

The village of Staraya Ladoga was founded in 753.

Until 1703 Ladoga was a city.

According to the Novgorod Chronicle, the grave of Prophetic Oleg is located in Ladoga (according to the Kyiv version, his grave is located in Kyiv on Mount Shchekovitsa).

When the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Shotkonung, Princess Ingigerda, married the Novgorod prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1019, she received the city of Aldeigyuborg (Old Ladoga) with adjacent lands as a dowry (veno), which has since received the name Ingermanlandia (land of Ingegerda).

Afanasyevskaya Church in Varzuga.

Temple of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in Varzuga.

Main source of income local population At all times there were sales of salmon caught in the Varzuga River.

Perhaps it was the harsh northern weather, frosts, winds and ice that contributed to the fact thatthe most ancient villages in Russialocated in the north-west, in Leningrad and Murmansk regions: Staraya Ladoga and Varzuga. Let’s not argue about who is older; we’ll leave that to the experts; the history of both of them goes back more than 600 years. , which stands on the Volkhov River, is considered the starting point of the great journey “from the Varangians to the Greeks”; one of the three Varangian brothers called to Rus' ruled here. She was the biggest shopping center even before Novgorod, and the walls of its fortress were stormed by the Swedes. It absorbed the entire culture of the North Russian peoples. stands on the banks of the river of the same name, which flows into the White Sea. Its main decorations are wooden churches, of which there are as many as five built here, built without a single nail, like many religious buildings of northern craftsmen. Was herePatriarchal House Solovetsky Monastery , therefore, the lands and springs around are holy. And the main trade local residents were salmon fishing and pearl mining, which the Varzuga River gave birth to.

The harshest villages

The first mention of Teriberka dates back to the 16th century.

The village received its name from the river Teriberka of the same name, the name of which, in turn, according to one version, goes back to the outdated name of the Kola Peninsula - Ter.

Until 1984, Teriberka had no road connections and could be reached either by sea or by helicopter.

The village of Esso received its name in 1932.

Almost the entire village of Esso is heated using natural geothermal waters.

The village of Esso is called “Kamchatka Switzerland”.

Every year in March, the international sled dog race “Beringia” starts from the village.

They are harsh not because of the characters of the local residents, but because they are located in such places that it is unclear how people can live here, and even build such beautiful villages. They are scattered on the two extreme sides of our country: on the Barents Sea and Esso on . Teriberka appeared on Kola Peninsula back in the 16th century, but became very famous only now, after filming of the film "Leviathan". Here, in the tundra zone, where the cold sky meets the cold earth and is reflected in the cold water, there was a commercial whaling village. Today this village is beautiful, perhaps, only because of its nature, because most of the infrastructure is abandoned and is in a very poor condition. It is the combination of the decline of civilization against the backdrop of harsh landscapes that makes this place eeriely beautiful. On the contrary, the village of Esso is full of health in the middle of snowy Kamchatka, because it is surrounded on all sides by hot thermal springs. Happy people live here who even manage to grow grapes in this climate. And every year the most famous dog sled race.

The very first and the very last villages

Antique merchant village Vyatskoye is located in the Nekrasovsky district - one of the most environmentally friendly and historically significant areas of the Yaroslavl region.

The village of Vyatskoye was first mentioned in documentary sources in 1502 as the center of the metropolitan Vyatskaya volost.

The village of Vyatskoye is a unique urban complex of the 18th – 19th centuries with more than 50 registered architectural monuments, former merchant and peasant houses, tea and tavern establishments, and almshouses.

Not long ago, Russia joined a world association that searches for the most beautiful villages in each country on earth. The main selection criteria: the village must be alive, and not museumized, no more than 2,000 inhabitants must live in it, and the rural way of life must be preserved. Each village found is solemnly assigned honorary title“The most beautiful” is given a corresponding plaque, and a special inauguration ceremony is held. After which the village is included in the list of its own kind. There are only six officially recognized beautiful villages on Russian territory, but we must not forget that the list was opened only in 2015. The village, or rather the village, was recognized as the very first beautiful . Ancient merchant houses, almost each of which is an architectural monument, as well as ten museums of completely different orientations: from traditional to polytechnic. The last village to be included in the listin Karelia, whose inauguration took place on June 10, 2016. The village, which was included in the scribe books back in the 16th century, and began its history with four farms, now consists of only 16 ancient Karelian houses, the Chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God and five residents, two of whom have a family tree with local roots going back 500 years.

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 have a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban settlement Region Population, thousand people (2002)… …Wikipedia

    Urban planning of the USSR and Russia Documentation Urban planning code · Land use and development rules · General plan · Planning project · Land surveying project · GPZU ... Wikipedia

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 9, 2002, there were 181 rural settlements in Russia with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. Among the largest rural settlements there are 95 villages, 56 villages, 29 towns and 1... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 census, among 1,100 cities in Russia, 163 cities had a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants (as well as 2 more in round numbers), falling into the categories of large, large, largest cities and cities of millionaires. At the same time, 1 more... ... Wikipedia

    Urban-type settlement Chervonoye, Ukrainian. Chervone Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′ N. w. 36°58′ E. d. / 55.7° n. w. 36.966667° E. d. ... Wikipedia

Russian village... For some it is a relic of the agrarian past, for others it is the keeper of the Russian soul. One way or another, on average, urbanization “eats” three villages in the country every year.

What are the reasons for the extinction and degradation of the Russian village? How many villages are there in Russia today? And which of them are the most beautiful? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

Unemployment, hopelessness, despondency...

These are the unpleasant words that most often describe modern Russian village. Broken asphalt, fragments left over from prosperous Soviet times, abandoned farms, destroyed cultural centers, dirt, lack of lighting and central sewerage - this is typical for most of the villages and hamlets of today's Russia. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions. But there are catastrophically few of them.

Many villages in Russia, due to the vast area of ​​the latter, are literally cut off from any benefits of civilization. They can be located several hundred kilometers from the nearest city or regional center. In such villages, people, just like a hundred or two hundred years ago, live by subsistence farming: they sow fields, raise livestock, fish, hunt and drink strong tea from real samovars.

A classic example of the “Russian hinterland” is the so-called Krasny Bereg. This is an area consisting of three villages, lost among the coniferous forests of the Vologda region. Their total population is 10 people. In fact, there are no roads to these populated areas. In winter, it can be overcome only on a snowmobile, and in summer (after heavy rain) - exclusively on a tractor. Water comes from springs, light comes from kerosene lamps, and there is one generator for three villages.

And it’s hard to say how many similar villages are scattered across the vast expanses of Russia.

Russian villages are dying out

According to Rosstat, in the first nine months of this year, the population of Russia decreased by 173 thousand people. Villages in the north-west and center of Russia are dying out faster than others. And in the Tver region the pace is higher than the Russian average.

“The most alarming situation in terms of mortality today is observed in the Ivanovo, Tula, Novgorod, Tver and Pskov regions,” Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova named the five regions suffering from a demographic disaster.

Rural areas are especially affected. The government financially encourages the birth of a second and subsequent children, and the same measures are provided at the regional level. But bad roads and lack of work convince more than maternal capital.

“Only relocation from the village to the city gave 20-30% of the salary. It was enough to move to the city. And if you increase the level of qualifications, the difference will be even higher,” says demographer, research fellow at the Higher School of Economics, Salavat Abylkalikov.

In the summer of 2018, experts counted 2,234 empty villages in the Tver region. This is more than in any other region of Russia. The statistics will be updated, because there are many villages in which 1-2 people live.

Every fourth village in the Tver region is abandoned. Dilapidated houses stand far from the main roads. The further you are from the Rossiya highway, the more often this picture occurs.

“The houses are empty. This one is empty, this one is empty, this one is empty. This one is empty, this one is empty and this one is empty. Three houses on the street are residential. That is, a dying village. Well, let’s move on,” says Sergei Krivchenkov, a resident of the Tver region.

Not only businesses and hospitals are closing, but also schools. Due to optimization, schoolchildren have to be transported to large villages and small towns. Villagers call life in the village difficult.

“There were 800-900 people here. I graduated from school in 1972. There were 200 of us - students in this school. But everyone died before my eyes.”

“We’re used to it, but life is, of course, hard. Because they pay little attention to us. The roads are bad. The light turns off. They pay little attention to us.”

The Tver region is in third place both in terms of mortality and population decline. The neighbors in all these ratings are the same old-developed “root” regions of Russia near Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“Therefore, the leaders’ priority is millionaire cities. That’s why all millionaire cities want... or rather, all cities want to get the status of a millionaire or 500,000 population. If this status has been acquired, this means a different level of attention, a different level of funding,” says demographer and research fellow at the Higher School of Economics Salavat Abylkalikov.

Is it necessary and possible to stop this process?

Alexander Merzlov: In our opinion, this certainly needs to be done. But, unfortunately, modern agricultural policy does not contribute to this. Since the rate of depopulation continues to be very high, let's say there is a program for sustainable rural development. But it mainly affects those rural settlements, which are located next to large agricultural facilities. Most rural areas are not covered by this program, and the rate of disappearance of villages and their depopulation continues to be very high.

So, in essence, this is an inevitable process?

Alexander Merzlov: No, it depends on the type of agricultural policy. If agricultural policy is focused on large agricultural holdings, if the center of its interests is not the interests of the rural community, but the interests of large agricultural businesses, of course, this is in fact the American model, everything will remain as it is. Our agriculture is developing, milk yield is growing, and productivity is also growing, but at the same time the state of the social sphere continues to deteriorate. It can be said that business continues to concentrate in rural areas.

There are countries with more socially oriented models, for example, France, where greater emphasis is placed on supporting small forms of business. And this leads to a greater variety of agricultural products, and to better care of rural landscapes, and has a very large indirect effect in the form of attractive jobs in a variety of areas. Our country is large enough, and in order to engage in the agro-industrial complex, thank God, we have vast expanses where I don’t want to do it, I mean large-scale farming.

But, in our opinion, in residential areas where people live, in areas with increased recreational and cultural potential, it is necessary to develop small-scale farming that will be focused on high-quality food, a varied diet, on the development of recreational, tourism potentials. And in this way we will be able to implement these models.

List of abandoned villages in Russia



14th km


New Bogolyubovka

platform 1150 km
platform 1157th km

Barkovo crossing
Chistakovka junction
Red Elkha
Upper Key

Verkhnyaya Ivanovka
New Zubovka



Bolshaya Lozovka
Round Bush

junction 912 km
junction 950 km
Rizaday crossing
Pechersky Bereg
Yasnaya Polyana

Viburnum Bush
Verkhnyaya Kondurcha

Shentali district

Svetlaya Polyana
Light Key
Verkhnyaya Khmelevka

What is impossible to complain about in Russia, even if one wants to, is the lack of beautiful settlements. In this regard, the space is limitless: here and historical monuments, and wonderful landscapes, and extreme naturalness, and even modern architectural finds. Let's talk about ten most picturesque villages in Russia(we present them in conditional order, since we would not like to distribute them by place, compiling the top 10).


This village, which invariably appears on all lists and ratings, hardly needs any introduction; it is enough to point out the fact that there are ten museums in the settlement, a colossal number of pre-revolutionary buildings. Nature is also conducive to relaxation and study: Vyatskoye is “framed” on all sides by rivers and valleys. This perfect option for those travelers who do not like to give up comfort: there are three hotels, a restaurant, and a cinema.


Getting here is not easy: the village is located in Karelia. Structure - seventeen structures, ten of which belong to architectural monuments. In the center you can see the cemetery from Catherine's times; there is also a restored chapel. There is a black bath, a well, a barn; Not without a small and already quite modern hotel.


The wonderful location of the lake, which has a unique shape (similar to a river), determines the popularity of the settlement. Hayfields, ancient huts, courtyards and, of course, the mesmerizing tented Assumption Church (built in 1720) - this is what appears before the eyes of those who arrive in the village.

Staraya Ladoga

Speaking about the oldest villages in Russia, it is impossible to omit old Ladoga- a settlement whose history began more than a thousand years ago. Although not many people live here today, once upon a time the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” began in this place (it was one of largest settlements in Ancient Rus').

Yasnaya Polyana

A trip to Yasnaya Polyana is recommended not only for those who are partial to the classics of critical realism and connoisseurs of Leo Tolstoy’s novels, but also for everyone who appreciates the combination of natural naturalness and architectural grace. Being discreet, the village amazes the imagination precisely with its laconicism. Among the attractions: the writer's house, the remains of a greenhouse, the Middle Pond, and a park.


Initially, the settlement did not stand out in any way: it seemed that Nikolo-Lenivets was another of the gradually desolate villages in Russia. However, through the efforts of Vasily Shchetinin, a famous architect-enthusiast, who appeared here, it turned into a real creative gallery of folk art. What is most striking is the fact that absolutely everything here is made by hand.


There are many wonderful villages in Buryatia (among the famous ones: Desyatnikovo, Bolshoi Kunaley, Atsagat); the most famous of them is Varbagatai, which is located fifty-two kilometers from Ulan-Ude. Founded in the 18th century, the settlement at one time served as the home of the Old Believers; You can still see the buildings they erected here, distinguished by their colorful colors, wonderful fences and unusual shutters.


The village boasts rich history: Once upon a time the family of the writer Griboyedov lived here (and Alexander Sergeevich himself as a child), Ivan the Terrible also came here. Also in the village there is the holy spring of Alexander Nevsky. The panoramic landscapes around and the well-groomed village itself make this place one of the most interesting for Russian travelers.


The village is located right on the shore White Sea and traces its history back to the 16th century. It was already known then: wooden ships were built here for the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery. In the village itself you can see the wooden temple of Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky (erected in the mid-19th century) and the “wooden tee”, consisting of St. Nicholas Church (17th century), Vvedenskaya Church (late 18th century) and a bell tower (18th century) .

Oshevensky Pogost

You shouldn’t be afraid of the name: the village of Pogost, which is also called Oshevensky Pogost, has been a wonderful place and one of the most beautiful villages in Russia for several centuries. Here is the monastery of St. Alexander Oshevensky, the Church of the Epiphany (18th century), a bell tower, and Popov’s house-yard.

Unusual names: villages, towns in RUSSIA and received the best answer

Answer from Dmitry Shapovalov[guru]
On the forum of the Radio Mayak website I found the following list:
We publish unusual names Russian cities, towns and villages sent by our listeners.
The city of Slavgorod, Altai region.
City and river Karasuk, Novosibirsk region.
Village Strashevo, Pskov region.
Village of Yakhrenka, Kirov region.
The village of Bambuchki on Sakhalin.
The villages of Baikal and Mars in Bashkiria.
In the Moscow region there are the Besputa and Mutenka rivers.
Nedomerki village, Pskov region.
Near Norilsk there is the Gryaznukha river.
IN Kaluga region The Vyssa River flows.
Dagestan, village of Luxemburg.
Orenburg region, village of Blyavtamak.
The village of Grudishchi near the city of Kostroma.
Oladykha village in Nizhny Novgorod region.
River Ik in Bashkiria.
In Astrakhan there is the Balda River.
In Krasnoyarsk - the village of Chesnoki.
In Chukotka - the village of Chaplino.
In the Magadan region - the city of Gadlya.
Belgorod region - the village of Zhabskoye, Ladomirova, the village of Yamki, Zazhuevka, Khryapino, Salovka, Valuiki.
In Altai there is the village of Aya, its inhabitants are Aychans.
In Stary Oskol there is the Ublya River.
The village of Sinebryukhovo, Arkhangelsk region.
The village of Muzhi in the north of the Tyumen region.
Altai Republic, Choya village.
IN Kemerovo region village of Mutnoye.
Moscow region, Klinsky district, Gologuzovo village.
In the Tobolsk region, the village of Barabany.
In the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region there is the Voblya river.
In Chukotka, in the Bilibino region, there is the Keperveem River, which translated means Wolverine River.
In Khakassia there is a small river Parnushka, which flows near the village of Parnoye.
In Ulyanovsk there are the Gushcha and Seld rivers.
Kaluga region, the villages of Korekozevo - Zheltouhi - Sinyavka - Matyukovo - Marmyzhi - Zlovodka - Malaya Bolshakha - Lyubun - Svinukhovo - Chumazovo - Life Waves.
In the Republic of Bashkortostan - the village of Batraki.
In Transbaikalia there are the villages of Ulety and Zaigraevo.
In the Kostroma region - the village of Red Elephant.
In the village of Poputnaya Krasnodar region Bei-Murza–Chekhrak river.
In the Chunsky district there are the villages of Bayanda, Vesely and Vydrino.
In Tatarstan, in the Aznakaevsky district, there is the village of Chemodurovo.
The village of Potnyaki in the Kirov region.
In Altai there are the villages of Polovinkino, Novosklyuikha, Novoperunovo.
In Bashkiria, in the Belebeevsky district, there is the village of Kum-Kosyak.
Not far from the city of Noyabrsk, on Yamal, there is the Nyudya-Pidya-Yakha stream.
The village of Shchekotikha, Ivanovo region.
In Yakutia, in the Olekminsky district - the village of Biryuk.
IN Volgograd region there is the Raztverdyaevka River in the Shakin farmstead.
IN Stavropol region there are the rivers Kuma and Podkumok. And in Kabarda the city of Zalukokoazhe.
Republic of Buryatia - Zabukhai village.
IN Chita region- Duralei River.
In Udmurtia, the village of Igra, the village of Baldeika.
In the Altai Territory the villages of Petukhov Log, Bezrukavka, Warsaw.
Perm region, Duraki village.
In the Tver region, the village of Lokhovo (Small and Big).
Village of Khokhotuy, Trans-Baikal Territory.
In the north Omsk region rivers: Shish, Uy, Ibeika, Arkarka.
There is a stream called Ipukik in Kamchatka.
On Sakhalin there is the Khoyambusibin River.
In Bodaibinsky district Irkutsk region- Mama village.
Village of Promokashka, Chelyabinsk region.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the village of Kozulka.
IN Chelyabinsk region the villages of Ferschampenoise and Paris.
In the Tomsk region there is the Chemondaevka river.
In the Ural outback there is a place called San Donato.
Village Kosoy Byk, Krasnoyarsk region.
IN Samara region there is a village with the cute name Koshki.
In the Omsk region, in the village of Sidelnikovo, the Uy river flows.
Village Bedoba, Krasnoyarsk region.
Pereplyuyka River, Tomsk region, Asino.
Kirov region, Kobeli village, Ezhikha village, Gusi village.
Lakes Krivoe and Khoroshenkoe in the Samara region.
The Pokhabikha River flows into Lake Baikal.
The village of Tebenki in the Kemerovo region.
In the Stavropol Territory there is the Mukha River.
Village Srakino, Vologda region.
Near Novosibirsk is the village of Mochishche.

Answer from Oksana[guru]
in the Ryaz region there is the village of Nasilovo)

Answer from Unknown[master]
In the Moscow region. Durykino, Rzhavki))

Answer from Lobotomy and Anhedonia[guru]
stone end, pancakes, goats, pikes, Mocha River, Bolshoi Kuyash, river. Uy, Malaya Pyssa, Nizhnie Khachiki, Scrotums, Chern, the village where Galkin lives is called Gryaz (from Gryaz to Riches)) Bayandai, Dudes, Plan, Sinenkie, Verkhnye Shmary, Lokhovo, Vydropuzhsk, Pyankovo, Pedrilovo, Lobok (in company with Scrotum ) Deep, Narrow, Soft, Malaya Purga, Khomutikha, and somewhere the Ublya River flows

Answer from Alexander Nefedov[guru]
Voblya river in the Moscow region and every 2 more names

Answer from Hornadochka[guru]
In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is the village of Vad. If you answer someone that you are going there, you hear "To Hell."

Answer from Roman Kapustin[newbie]
The village of Solovykha and the village of Petropavlovskoye (Petropavlovka)