All-Russian Exhibition Center territory diagram. Why did Gerasim drown his muma? A new history of the creation of the city in miniature

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VSKhV map. 1939

1 Main entrance
2 Administrative Square
3 Main Alley
4 Area of ​​collective farms
5 Mechanization area
6 Michurinsky Garden
7 Open ground area
8 Young people's area
9 Young naturalists
10 Recreation area - cultural park named after. Dzerzhinsky
11 Exhibition Management
12 Main Pavilion
13 Pavilion of the Uzbek SSR
14 Far East
15 Siberia
16 Leningrad and the North-East of the RSFSR
17 Soviet Arctic (near the pavilion - Papanin tent, No. 85)
18 Pavilion of the Moscow, Tula and Ryazan regions
19 Pavilion of the Ukrainian SSR
20 Pavilion of Kursk, Voronezh and Tambov regions
21 Pavilion of the Turkmen SSR
22 Pavilion of the Bashkir ASSR
23 Central regions
24 Northern Caucasus and Crimea
25 Pavilion of the Kirghiz SSR
26 Pavilion of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
27 Pavilion of the Tajik SSR
28 Pavilion of the Belarusian SSR
29 Volga region
30 Pavilion of the Azerbaijan SSR
31 Pavilion of the Armenian SSR
32 Pavilion of the Georgian SSR
33 Pavilion of the Kaeakh SSR
34 Ponds
35 Print
36 Peat
38 Agroforestry
39 Sugar factory
40 Grain
41 Cotton
42 Mechanization
43 Monument to comrade. Stalin
44 Hydroelectric power plant
45 Sericulture
46 Gardening
47 Potatoes and vegetables
48 Viticulture and winemaking
49 Sugar beet
50 Flax, hemp and new bast crops
51 Oilseeds
52 Industrial crops and medicinal plants
53 Livestock
54 Pavilions Veterinary Medicine and Artificial Insemination
55 Manege
56 Livestock buildings
57 Dog breeding
58 Hunting and fur farming
59 Section Poultry farming
60 Fishing industry
61 Beekeeping
62 Rabbit breeding
63 Section New in the village
64 Fountain on collective farms square
65 Fountain "Spike" on the pond
66 Cinema No. 1
67 Cinema No. 2
68 Circus
69 Concert stage
70 Green Theater
71 Beer
72 Khladoprom
73 Liqueur
74 Meat
75 Canned food
76 Tea-confectioner
77 Tobacco
78 Teahouse
80 Oriental restaurant
81 Children's cafe
82 Cafe No. 2
83 Main restaurant
84 Tea-dining room
85 (See No. 17)
86 Greenhouse of subtropical crops
87 Veterinary clinic

Scheme from the magazine "Architecture of the USSR" ( 1939)

1 - main entrance,
2 - Kolkhoz Square,
3 - Mechanization Square,
4 - Main pavilion,
5 — pavilion of the Uzbek SSR,
6 — Far East pavilion,
7 — Siberia pavilion,
8 — pavilion of Leningrad and the Northeast of the RSFSR,
9 — pavilion “Soviet Arctic”,
10 — pavilion of the Moscow, Tula and Ryazan regions
11 — pavilion of the Ukrainian SSR,
12 — pavilion of the Turkmen SSR,
13 — pavilion of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,
14 — pavilion of the central areas,
15 — pavilion of the Kirghiz SSR,
16 — pavilion of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,
17 — pavilion of the Tajik SSR,
18 — pavilion of the Belarusian SSR,
19 — pavilion “Povolozhye”,
20 - pavilion of the Azerbaijan SSR,
21 - pavilion of the Armenian SSR,
22 - pavilion of the Georgian SSR,
23 — pavilion of the Kazakh SSR,
24 — Mechanization pavilion,
25 - Stalin monument,
26 - livestock buildings,
27 — section “New in the village”

1940 map

1 Administrative Square
2 Exhibition Management
3 Pavilion Young naturalists
4 Children's cafe
5 Circus
6 Cafe
7 Printing Pavilion
8 Peat
9 Main Pavilion
10 Pavilion of the Kazakh SSR
11 Pavilion of the Georgian SSR
12 Pavilion of the Armenian SSR
13 Pavilion Oil
14 Pavilion of the Azerbaijan SSR
15 Road Construction Pavilion
16 Pavilion Volga region
17 Pavilion of the Byelorussian SSR
18 Pavilion Agroforestry
19 Variety Theater
20 Cinema
21 Pavilion of the Tajik SSR
22 Pavilion of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
23 Pavilion of the Kirghiz SSR
24 Pavilion North Caucasus and Crimea
25 Teahouse
26 Cinema
27 Oriental restaurant
28 Pavilion of the Uzbek SSR
29 Pavilion Far East
30 Pavilion Siberia
32 Pavilion Leningrad and North-East of the RSFSR
33 Pavilion of the Karelo-Finnish SSR
34 Pavilion of Moscow, Tula and Ryazan regions.
35 Pavilion of the Ukrainian SSR
36 Pavilion of the Turkmen SSR
37 Pavilion of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
38 Pavilion of the Central Regions of the RSFSR
39 Pavilion 3ern
40 Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov and Penza regions.
41 Sugar factory
42 Dairy
43 Pigpen
44 Pigpen
45 Cowshed
46 Feed plant
47 Veal House
48 Sheepfold
49 Veterinary clinic
50 Olennik
51 Entrance to the “New in the Village” site
52 Green Theater
53 Pavilion Viticulture and winemaking
54 Greenhouses and vegetable plot
55 Pav. Gardening and floriculture
56 Pavilion Potatoes and vegetables
57 Pavilion Sugar beets
58 Pavilion Cotton
59 Pavilion Flax, hemp and new bast crops
60 Pavilion Oilseeds
61 Gardens
62 Pavilion Technical and medicinal plants
63 Pavilion Beekeeping
64 Pavilion Chemicalization of agriculture
65 Pavilion Mechanization
66 Glavtabak Pavilion
67 Pavilion of the Chief and Chief Confectioner
68 Dining room
69 Bar Glavpivo
70 Glavkonserva Pavilion
71 Glavmyas Pavilion
72 Pavilion Livestock
73 Stables
74 Pavilion Veterinary Medicine
75 Lead circle
76 Pigpen
77 Manege
78 Cowshed
79 Cowshed
80 Oslyatnik
81 Camel Husband
82 Vealhouse
83 Pavilion Rabbit Breeding
84 Pavilion Sericulture
85 Pavilion Dog Breeding
86 Pavilion Hunting and fur farming
87 Hunting Lodge
88 Pavilion Hydroelectromechanization
89 Pavilion Kolkhoz hydroelectric power station
90 Glavlikervodka Pavilion
91 Glavkhladoprom Pavilion
92 Main restaurant
93 Poultry town
94 Fishery site

VSKhV scheme 1941

Reverse side of the diagram
List of pavilions

VSKhV scheme 1954

VSKhV scheme 1954

1 Main entrance
2 South entrance
3 North entrance
Behind the Main Alley
4 Main Pavilion
5 Area of ​​collective farms
6 Mechanization area
6a "RSFSR"
7 "North Caucasus"
8 "Estonian SSR"
9 "Latvian SSR"
10 "Lithuanian SSR"
11 "Moldavian SSR"
12 "Kazakh SSR"
13 "Georgian SSR"
14 "Armenian SSR"
15 "Azerbaijan SSR"
16 "Volga region"
17 "Belarusian SSR"
18 "Tajik SSR"
19 "Tatar ASSR"
20 "Kirghiz SSR"
21 "Central regions"
22 "Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic"
23 "Turkmen SSR"
24 "Ukrainian SSR"
25 “Moscow, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga and Bryansk regions”
26 “Leningrad and northwestern regions”
27 "Ural"
28 "Far East"
29 "Uzbek SSR"
30 "Karelo-Finnish SSR"
31 "Siberia"
32 "North-eastern regions"
33 “Central Chernozem Regions”
34 "State Farms"
35 "Young naturalists"

36 "Agriculture"
37 "Cotton"
38 “Grain” with a growing house
38a Area for displaying cars
39 "Sugar beets"
39a Area for displaying cars
40 "Potatoes and vegetables"
40a Area for displaying cars
41 “Flax, hemp and other bast crops”
41a Area for displaying cars
42 "Forestry"
42a Venues for displaying cars
42b Tree nursery
43 Forest shelterbelts
44 Crop rotation fields
45 Sculpture by I.V. Michurin
46 "Peat"
4ba Areas for displaying cars
47 "Hydrometeorological Service"
47a Weather station
48 “Oilseeds and industrial crops”
49 "Gardening"
49a Venues for displaying cars
50 “Vticulture and winemaking”
50a Greenhouse for grapes
51 "Water management"
52 "Sericulture"
52a Chervovodnya
53 "Beekeeping"
53a Apiary House
54 “Floriculture and landscaping” with a subtropical greenhouse
55 Greenhouses and greenhouses
55a Vegetable plot
55b Area of ​​insulated soil
56 Orchard
57 Plant protection station
58 Mycelium

59 "Livestock"
59a Venues for displaying cars
60 “Veterinary and Animal Science”
61 "Cattle" No. 1
62 "Cattle" No. 2
63 "Cattle" No. 3
64 “Young cattle”
65 “Pig farming” No. 1
66 “Pig farming” No. 2
67 “Pig farming” No. 3
68 “Sheep farming” No. 1
69 “Sheep farming” No. 2
70 “Horse Breeding” No. 1
71 “Horse Breeding” No. 2
72 “Horse Breeding” No. 3
73 Camel Husband
74 Manege
75 Output circle with stands
76 “Korma” and Feeding Plant
77 "Dairy plant"
78 "Poultry farming"
79 Turkey Poultry
80 Gusyatnik
81 Chicken Coop
82 Utyatnik
83 Poultry house
84 Enclosures for record holders
85 "Record Breakers"
86 Typical hatchery and poultry station
87 Mobile houses for field keeping of birds

88 Vetambulatory
89 Hospital
90 Zooroom
91 Insulator
92 Forage
93 Washing

94 Four-row barn for 200 cows
95 Cowshed for 100 cows
96 Room for young cattle and calf barn
97 Kolkhoz dairy
98 Butter and cheese factory
99 Poultry house for 1,300 chickens
100 Chicken house for 1,800 chickens
101 Sheepfold for 1,100 sheep
102 Pig barn for 38 sows
103 Standard station for artificial insemination of horses, cows and sheep
104 Forge
105 “Rabbit breeding” with typical premises of a rabbit farm and enclosures
106 "Fisheries"
107 “Pond farming”
108 Fish hatcheries
109 “Hunting and fur farming” with typical premises of collective and state farm fur farms and enclosures for game animals
110 "Dog Breeding"
111 Olennik
112 Veterinary clinic for servicing show animals
113 Wind turbines

114 “Mechanization and electrification of agriculture”
115 Venues for displaying cars
116 “Collective farm hydroelectric power station”
117 Pumping station
118 Hydraulic ram installation

119 Machine and tractor workshop
120 Garage for tractors
121 Garage for combine harvesters
122 Garage for agricultural machinery
123 Shed for transport equipment
124 Spare parts warehouse
125 Auto Garage
126 MTS office
127 Dining room
128 Dormitory for 50 people.
129 Water tower
130 Residential single-apartment house
131 Residential semi-detached house
132 Shed for fire equipment
133 Bath
134 Stable
135 Oil depot

136 Field workshop
137 Carport
138 Dorm-dining hall
139 Shower-guard
140 Stable
141 Oil storage

142 Village Council
143 Collective Farm Board
144 Collective Farm House of Culture
145 School
146 Rural post office
147 Control and seed laboratory
148 Kindergarten
149 Nurseries
150 Selmag
151 Teahouse

152 Pavilion “Building Materials”
153 Tsentrosoyuz Pavilion
154 Pavilion “Physical Education and Sports”
155 Trade pavilion of Glavkhladoprom (Ice cream)
156 Trade pavilion of Glavtabak
157 Trade pavilion of Glavkonserva
158 Glavmyas Trade Pavilion
159 Trade pavilion of the Chief Confectioner
160 Glavkhleb Trade Pavilion
161 Trade pavilion Glavlikervodka
162 Trade pavilion Glavfruktminvoda
163 Trade pavilion of the Ukrainian SSR
164 Restaurant "Golden Ear"
165 Teahouse-dining room
166 Bar-beer
167 Restaurant "Float"
169 Cafe No. 1
170 Cafe No. 2
171 Tea room No. 1
172 Tea room No. 2
173 Pavilion "Communication"
174 Bookstore
175 Shop for selling seeds
176 Rosgalantereytorg store
177 Moskhlebtorg Store
178 Store "Gastronom"
179 Shop "Toys"
180 Gift Shop
181 Store "Uzbekvino"
182 Azsovkhoztrest store
183 Green Theater
184 Cinema (large)
185 Cinema (small)
186 Open stage
187 Tour desk
188 Fountain "Spike"
189 Administrative premises
190 Administrative premises
191 Darkroom
192 House of Communications
193 Fire Station
194 Artesian well
195 Passing
196 Central boiler room
197 Toilets

VSKhV map 1956

1. P-n “Nuclear energy for peaceful purposes”
2. P-n "Light industry"
3. P-n “Medical industry”
4. P-n “Machine tool industry”
5. P-n "Mechanical Engineering"
6. P-n “Meat industry”
7. P-n “Dairy plant”
8. P-n “Fishing industry”
9. P-n “Bread”
10. P-n “Oils and industrial crops”
11. P-i “Cotton”
12. P-n “Bast and wool industry”
13. P-n “Geology, oil, chemistry”
14. Pn “Sugar”
15. P-n “Winemaking”
16. P-n “Silk”
17. P-n “Vegetables and canned food”
18. P-n “Paper, woodworking industry and higher school”
19. P-n “Forestry”
20. P-n “Peat”

1. Main pavilion
2. P-n “RSFSR”
3. Pn "Siberia"
4. Pn "Karelo-Finnish SSR"
5. Pn “Uzbek SSR”
6. P-n “Far East”
7. Pn "Ural"
8. P-n “Leningrad and the North-West”
9. Pn "Moscow, Tula, Ryazan and Kaluga regions"
10. Pn “Ukrainian SSR”
11. Pn “Central Chernozem Regions”
12. Pn “North-Eastern Regions”
13. Pn “Turkmen SSR”
14. Pn “Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic”
15. P-n “Central Regions”
16. Pn "Kirghiz SSR"
17. Pn “Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic”
18. Pn “Tajik SSR”
19. Pn "Belarusian SSR"
20. P-n "Volga region"
21. Pn “Azerbaijan SSR”
22. Pn "Armenian SSR"
23. Pn "Georgian SSR"
24. Pn “Kazakh SSR”
25. Pn “Moldavian SSR”
26. Pn "Lithuanian SSR"
27. Pn "Latvian SSR"
28. Pn “Estonian SSR”
29. Pn "North Caucasus"
30. P-n “Young naturalists”
31. Pn "Hydrometeorological Service"
32. P-Plant Protection Station
33. Pn "Chervovodnya"
34. Champignon
35. Greenhouses and greenhouses
36. P-n “Gardening”
37. P-n “Physical education and sports”.
38. Pn “Beekeeping”.
39. P-n “Floriculture and landscaping”
40. P-n “Water management”
41. Cattle p-ns
42. Sheep farming rules
43. Pn “Feed Mill”
44. Horse breeding rules
45. Pn "Manege"
46. ​​Pig farming rules
47. P-ny poultry town
48. Camel Husband
49. Pn “Dog Breeding”
50. P-n “Hunting and fur farming”
51. Pn “Rabbit Breeding”
52. Olennik
53. Points of the Veterinary Section
54. Poultry house and chicken coop
55. Pigpen
56. Sheepfold
57. Calf shed
58. Cowshed for 100 heads
59. 4-row barn
60. Veterinary clinic
61. P-n “Nursery”
62. P-n “Kindergarten”
63. Pn "Centrosoyuz"
64. MTS Estate
65. Collective Farm House of Culture
66. Directorate of All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition


1. Shop "Seeds"
2. Ice Cream Cafe
3. Large cinema
4. Teahouse
6. Restaurant "Poplavok"
7. Restaurant “Golden Ear”
8. Trade pavilion “Tobacco”
9. Trade pavilion “Wine”
10. Bar-beer
11. Restaurant "Summer"
12. Cafe "Dubki"
13. Green Theater
14. Book Store
15. Teahouse “Swan”
16. Small cinema
17. Open stage
18. Toy Store
19. Shop "Porcelain, glass"
20. Trade pavilion of the Ukrainian SSR

A. Fountain “Friendship of Peoples”
B. Fountain “Stone Flower”
V. Michurinsky fruit garden
D. Recreation area
D. Fountain “Golden Ear”
E. Fish hatchery
G. Hatching circle for displaying show animals
I. Site of the hunting and fur farming pavilion
K. Drilling rig

Map of VSKhV and ERV. 1958

VSKhV and VPV. 1958

Pavilions of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition

1. Main pavilion
2. "North Caucasus"
3. "Estonian SSR"
4. "Latvian SSR"
5. "Lithuanian SSR"
6. "Moldavian SSR"
7. “Kazakh SSR”
8. "Georgian SSR"
9. "Armenian SSR"
10. “Azerbaijan SSR”
11. "Volga region"
12. "Belarusian SSR"
13. “Tajik SSR”
14. “Tatar ASSR”
15. "Kirghiz SSR"
16. "Central regions"
17. “Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic”
18. “Turkmen SSR”
19. "North-Eastern regions"
20. “Central Chernozem Regions”
21. “Ukrainian SSR”
22. “Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan and Bryansk regions”
23. “Leningrad and North-West”
24. "Ural"
25. "Far East"
26. “Uzbek SSR”
27. "Siberia"
28. "RSFSR"
29. “Collective Farm House of Culture”
30. “Mechanization of agriculture”
31. "Centrosoyuz"
32. "Kindergarten"
33. "Nursery"
34. Buildings of livestock farms
35. Natural animal display pavilion
36. "Veterinary Medicine"
37. Output circle
38. “Feed mill”
39. "Manege"
40. “Hunting and fur farming”
41. "Rabbit Breeding"
42. "Poultry farming"
43. “Water management”
44. “Floriculture and landscaping”
45. "Beekeeping"
46. ​​“Physical education and sports”
47. "Gardening"
48. Greenhouses and greenhouses
49. Champignon
50. Plant protection station
52. "Hydrometeorological Service"
53. "Young naturalists"
54. Administrative building
55. Directorate of All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition
56. Veterinary clinic
57. Animal artificial insemination station
58. Demonstration area for showing agricultural machinery in action

Exhibit sowing and planting of VSKhV

1. Exhibit plot of agriculture in the zones of the Ukrainian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Central Black Sea Region and collections of the main varieties of grain crops of the USSR
2. Vegetation experimental house
3. Agrochemical laboratory
4. Exhibit area of ​​agriculture in the non-chernozem zone of the European part of the USSR
5. Collection of main varieties of forage crops
6. Exhibit area of ​​agriculture zone North Caucasus and a collection of the main varieties of industrial, oilseed, honey and medicinal crops
7. Exhibit area of ​​Floriculture and landscaping
8. Orchard
9. Grape plantings
10. Exhibit area of ​​vegetables and potatoes
11. Exhibit area of ​​mulberry culture
12. Exhibit area “Forestry”
13. Exhibit plot of agriculture in the zones of the South-East, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Urals
14. Exhibit area of ​​the Young Naturalists pavilion
15. Alpine slide

Pavilions of the All-Union Industrial Exhibition

1. Science
2. Nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
3. Mechanical engineering
4. Machine tool industry
5. Chemical industry
6. Light industry
7. Linen and wool industry
8. Cotton
9. Silk
10. Paper and wood processing industry. USSR Higher School
11. Medical industry
12. Timber industry and forestry
13. Peat
14. Oil and fat and food industry
15. Geology, oil, gas
16. Sugar and confectionery industry
17. Dairy industry
18. Bread
19. Meat industry
20. Fishing industry
21. Winemaking

Plan 2013.

Today in pavilion No. 75 at VDNH-VVC you can see a model of Moscow, made on a scale of 1:400.

On an area of ​​more than 120 square meters, there are about 9 thousand miniature buildings. To enhance the experience, the latter have built-in LEDs that create a lighting effect in the city at night.

Photo 1. Model of Moscow at VDNH (general view)

Model of Moscow. The beginning of the story

In 1975, VDNKh hosted an exhibition of Hungarian People's Republic, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the liberation of its capital from the Nazis. It was there that a model of the center of Budapest was presented, which aroused interest not only among visitors, but also among the capital’s architects.

The then chief architect of Moscow, Mikhail Vasilyevich Posokhin, turned to the Chairman of the Moscow City Council, Vladimir Fedorovich Promyslov, with a request to create a similar model of the city of Moscow and received approval. Starting from 1976 and, practically, until 1986, two teams of layout designers worked on it, who created the layout elements at the Kartolitografiya factory.

From the very beginning, due to the fact that the scale was chosen at 1:500, it became clear that the entire city in miniature would occupy a significant area, and therefore they decided to carry out a layout of the city center - up to the borders of the Garden Ring.

They created the model of Moscow conscientiously: the buildings were made of maple, birch was used for the relief of the capital, and the Kremlin ensemble was made from a number of valuable types of wood - red, lemon, amaranth and holly. The domes of the Kremlin cathedrals were treated with gold leaf, and the main water arteries of the city - the Moscow River and the Yauza - were made of rosewood.

To house the model of the city, which in finished form had dimensions of 12x12 meters, by 1986 an individual building was built on Brestskaya Street, where it was placed in the main hall.

It is worth noting that the model not only served as a demonstration function, but was also used by Moscow architects in their direct work.

Because all buildings made in miniature were removable, and the model of Moscow itself was assembled on sliding platforms of 2x2 meters - this allowed the architects to determine the planning characteristics of new objects and skillfully fit them into the already formed architectural ensemble one or another area of ​​the city, installing their miniature in the planned location.

Among the first visitors to such an original exhibition were Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin and Fidel Castro. The House on Brestskaya also hosted receptions for foreign delegations arriving in Moscow.

A new history of the creation of the city in miniature

People started talking about a new, modern layout quite recently - in 2011. Initially, they wanted to do it in color according to the layout of American New York on a scale of 1:1200, which would make it possible to place the entire territory of the city of Moscow within its historical borders in a relatively small space. This idea was abandoned when new territories were annexed to the capital, after which they settled on a scale of 1:400 and decided to model only central part capitals.

Work began in the fall of 2012 and less than three years later - in the first summer days of 2015 - the first part was put on display for viewing.

Further, the model of Moscow was constantly supplemented, and it is planned to completely complete the work on its production in 2017, when it total area will reach a size of about 950 square meters and it will become one of the largest in the world.

Today, the model of Moscow at VDNKh-VVC presents the main attractions of the capital, as well as popular places for active and cultural recreation among tourists and Muscovites.

I would like to emphasize that the model was made with amazing detail of all the buildings presented, and there are almost 6 and a half thousand of them, and the landscape of the urban area.

To enhance the visual effect, the surface of the Moscow River and Yauza was made using a technique that made it possible to create a semblance of water ripples on the mirror of these two arteries.

In the model of Moscow at VDNKh, special illumination of buildings from the inside was installed, which serves not only to create the effect of a night city, but also allows you to illuminate buildings depending on their purpose: residential, administrative, cultural and transport infrastructure …).

  • Location of the Moscow model: pavilion No. 75 at VDNKh (2nd floor)
  • Opening hours: daily from 11 to 19:00 (closed Monday)
  • Visit price: free
  • Official website:

Watch the video from the hall with a model of Moscow at VDNKh-VVC:

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Interesting blog:

The Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy is the largest exhibition, museum and recreational complex in the world, one of the most popular public spaces in the Russian capital - VDNKh attracts more than 19 million guests a year.

The exhibition was opened on August 1, 1939. Its name changed several times (VSKhV, VPV, VDNKh USSR, All-Russian Exhibition Center).

In 2014, the complex was returned to its legendary historical name - “Exhibition of National Economic Achievements.” VDNH is now united with the Botanical Garden and Ostankino Park, their total area is more than 520 hectares. On the territory of VDNKh there are many masterpieces of architecture, large and small park structures, including unique fountains. 45 Exhibition objects are recognized as monuments cultural heritage federal significance.

VDNKh annually hosts more than 100 international business exhibitions and congresses, dozens of festivals and celebrations, and new expositions are created. And with the revival of the Green Theater, opened on August 1, 2014, the Exhibition also acquired the status of a popular summer concert venue, where the best musicians and performers of Russian and world scale perform.

VDNKh (or VVC) is one of the main places to visit for tourists, guests of the capital and residents of Moscow. Many people come to VDNKh not only for walks, taking photographs at the fountains or visiting the skating rink in winter. Most people come to visit the pavilions of VDNKh (formerly called the All-Russian Exhibition Center), famous back in the distant times of the USSR.

Today VDNKh is actively reconstructed and modified. For example, by the summer of 2019, VDNH plans to open amusement park, which can be visited all year round, the old attractions were dismantled already in 2016. So we think that the opening of new attractions will be a loud and expected event, but most likely less pretentious and not as controversial as the opening of Zaryadye Park.

In the meantime, you can visit attractions for children and adults:

  • attractions in Izmailovsky Park,
  • in Friendship Park at the River Station,
  • in Kolomenskoye and Kuzminki,
  • in the amusement park on Poklonnaya Gora,
  • in a small park on Skhodnenskaya near the river.

But, let’s not deviate from the topic, today we will tell you in more detail about the most interesting and visited VDNKh pavilions, which will be interesting for adults and children to visit, we will tell you about their work schedule and prices.

Adults and high school students will definitely enjoy the Space pavilion.

Polytechnic Museum (No. 26)

One of the parts of the Polytechnic Museum is located in pavilion 26 at VDNKh next to the Space pavilion.

Working hours:

  • Tuesday–Friday: 11.00–19.00
  • Saturday–Sunday: 11.00–21.00
  • Monday is a day off.

Ticket prices:

  • adults – 350 rub. weekdays, 400 rub. weekend.
  • pensioners, disabled people III gr. – 150 rub. weekdays, 200 rub. weekend.
  • students - 200 rub. weekdays, 250 rub. weekend.

Moskvarium (pavilion 23)

A modern new pavilion contains several locations, here you can:

  • visit a large aquarium,
  • watch a show with dolphins and killer whales,
  • swim with dolphins,
  • visit the interactive exhibition.

We would like to point out right away that the show is not a simple one. circus show, where dolphins and fur seals take turns performing commands, here all performances take place in the form of a performance with storyline. It will be interesting for both adults and children.

The only negative is the cost of tickets.

Aquarium prices:

Prices for the show are even more expensive: from 1500 to 5000 rubles. (See the official website for more details).

You can buy a ticket to the show or at the Moskvarium box office.

You can get to the Moskvarium pavilion by free minibus, which runs every 15 minutes. The stop is located from right side from the main alley, if you stand with your back to the main entrance of VDNH.

Smart City Pavilion (No. 461)

The robot tells you when your child entered and left school

Part of the pavilion with Smart City exhibits

Another modern pavilion at VDNKh, dedicated to new achievements and mobile developments in Moscow. The project is supported by the Moscow government, and therefore a visit to the pavilion and a 1-hour excursion - for free!

Operating mode: daily from 11.00 to 19.00.

Before the tour begins, you will be asked to complete a short registration on a tablet, where you will receive an electronic card, which will be needed to manipulate some of the exhibits in the exhibition.

Naturally, all the exhibits are multimedia, there are several 3D simulators: for example, you can ride in a subway driver’s cab, see how video cameras work and find any house through real-time video surveillance. Draw in 3D format, learn about medical advances, etc.

The pavilion is located on the right side of VDNH (from the Ukraine pavilion, go right along the wide roadway to the circle).

Pavilion Model of Moscow

The pavilion is located next to the Smart City pavilion.

Here you can see the layout of Moscow, the entire city center in great detail from different angles and at different times of the day.

The model of Moscow was created up to the Garden Ring, everything was done in great detail: the lights are on in the houses, there are cars and trains on the roads, only there are not enough people

Once an hour, a lighting show begins for 5 minutes: different areas of Moscow are illuminated in the dark, poems accompanied by classical music are played in the speakers

3D printer creating houses for a model of Moscow

The blanks are assembled by hand

And this is a short video of what a live panorama of Moscow looks like:

Entry fee: for free.

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 20.00 daily, except Monday.

Pavilion 75

A huge exhibition pavilion at VDNKh. The building has been completely restored, but is currently closed to the public.

The pavilion is located on the right side of the main entrance of VDNH, located immediately after the dismantled amusement park.

The modern glass building with the monumental concrete gates of the past Northern entrance of VDNKh looks a little strange and absurd.

Well, and a couple more pavilions, which are decorated with the scale of the buildings, these are:

Pavilion 71 – Nuclear Energy

A monumental building with the symbols of the USSR - the hammer and sickle, is located on the right side of the main entrance of VDNKh near the Friendship of Peoples fountain. Currently, the external façade has been restored, and renovation work is underway inside the building.

Pavilion Armenia (No. 68)

The beautiful snow-white building is located next to pavilion 71. It currently houses the Ararat restaurant and tasting room.

Pavilion 67 (Karelia)

The interesting building contrasts sharply with the nearby Armenia and...

with its wooden roof and carved door. Currently, the pavilion hosts the exhibition “The Ball is Round, the Field is Flat,” dedicated to the chronicles of Russian football.

Ticket price:

  • adult - 300 rub.
  • schoolchildren, students and pensioners – 100 rubles.
  • children under 6 years old – free.

Operating mode:

  • Tuesday – Sunday: from 11.00 to 22.00.
  • Monday is a day off.

Pavilion 66 (Culture)

Another monumental building with a snow-white rotunda is dedicated to the Uzbek SSR. IN Soviet times an exhibition was held here, the main theme of which was cotton and sericulture; there was also an Uzbekvino store and an Uzbek teahouse restaurant.

Currently, pavilion 66 is under reconstruction.

And the pavilion is located immediately behind the Karelia pavilion.

What else to do at VDNKh?

VDNKh hosts thematic exhibitions every week, and every month there is a cat exhibition (you can buy yourself a purebred kitten from breeders or just pet and play with the cats). You can ride a bike, walk in Botanical Garden, climb into a real Yak-42 aircraft. In winter, try your hand at big skating rink Moscow.

All year round at VDNKh you can visit individual and group excursions:

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Most exhibitions and fairs at VDNKh take place in one of two exhibition pavilions: 69 and 75. These pavilions are located next to each other, to the right of the main entrance to VDNH, at a distance of about 800 meters from it (before the entrance to pavilion 75 from the VDNH arch; from the metro exit the total distance will be approximately 1400 meters).

To get through along the territory of VDNH to the indicated pavilions, the easiest way to navigate is the monument to V.I. Lenin, who stands in front of the Central Pavilion of VDNH. Having reached it from the arch of the main entrance (straight ahead, 300 meters), you need to turn right - you will see at the end of the alley the entrance to pavilion 75. Pavilion 69 is located behind it (see diagram).

Alternative option how to get to these pavilions: if you are traveling by monorail, you need to get off at final stop"Sergei Eisenstein Street" Leaving the station, you will find yourself in front of the gate to the VDNKh territory, entrance Sever-2, from which it is only 200 meters to the entrance to pavilion 69.

Photo: pavilions 69 and 75 of VDNKh

The photo of pavilions 69 and 75 of VDNKh shows their main entrances.