The largest planes in the world. The largest aircraft in the world (27 photos) Maximum aircraft capacity

The history of aviation begins at the end of the eighteenth century - after all, it was at the junction of eras that the English designer developed the design of an aircraft. Modern airliners bear little resemblance to their predecessors. Today, aviation industry leaders compete to produce giants. The largest aircraft in the world, the An-225 Mriya, amazes with its size and carrying capacity. Let's study the rating of the largest airliners in more detail.

Let's start with brief description leader of the list among boards civil aviation, which specialize in passenger flights. Today, the first place in this area is held by the invention of the European company Airbus - the A380 board. The ship was developed over 10 years, and in 2005 this giant successfully completed its first voyage.

With a fuselage length of 72.75 m, a wing spread of 79.75 m and a body height of 24 meters, this aircraft is capable of lifting up to 853 people into the air.

A distinctive characteristic of the model is its economical fuel consumption - the flight range of this airliner is 15,400 kilometers. It is noteworthy that in order to achieve this goal, engineers ordered a batch of machines specially created for the model. After all, a reduction in fuel consumption can only be achieved with an ideally adjusted shape of the wing and fuselage. Actual aviation fuel consumption here is 855 liters per 100 km when fully loaded.

Note that the Airbus A380 800 replaced the thirty-five-year-old leader in this area -. Moreover, the current record holder is capable of transporting 7% more passengers while reducing the cost of producing the aircraft within 15%. However, it took the designers about 2,000,000,000 euros to create the first model.

The aircraft was first put into operation by Singapore Airlines. The vessel successfully completed its first intercontinental voyage from Singapore to Sydney, which had an excellent effect on customers. In addition, such a model transports up to 150 tons of cargo over a distance of up to 10,370 kilometers. Note that the empty aircraft weighs 280 tons, and the maximum take-off weight on board reaches 560 tons.

Leaders in size

The world's longest aircraft for passenger transportation- the predecessor of the aircraft described above, the Boeing 747 aircraft. This is a wide-body, double-deck airliner, whose body length reaches 76.3 meters with a side height of 19.4 m and a wingspan of 68 and a half meters.

Such a successful project was launched in the early seventies of the last century by an American company. And until the Airbus A380, the aircraft remained the largest passenger airliner in the world.

At the time the model appeared, the project to create this aircraft had become so expensive that the company had to take out loans. However, all the costs were fully paid off - and today these ships are in demand and popular. Business card there was a “hump” in the front part of the hull - that’s where the designers placed the upper side deck. The aircraft also remains the leader in speed characteristics in its class among subsonic passenger airliners. The speed of this board reaches 910–950 km/h.

Heavyweights in the world of aviation

Now let's determine the largest cargo aircraft in the world - the photos presented in the article will help readers see the true scale of this equipment. Let us describe the characteristics of global leaders in more detail.

Record holder for cargo transportation

The most load-lifting aircraft in the world - developed by the Antonov Design Bureau, model An-225 Mriya. The airliner successfully passed flight tests back in 1988, and from 1989 to the present time it has been operated in the field of cargo transportation. The hull length of this vessel reaches 84 meters, and the wing spread is 88.4 m. According to these parameters, the modification is second only to the Hughes H-4, which was designed back in 1947.

The empty weight of the An-225 aircraft is 250 tons, and the take-off weight of the airliner reaches 640 tons.

In 2004, the modification was included in the Guinness Book of Records, as it leads in 240 parameters at once. It is noteworthy that the aircraft was designed on the basis of a project by another giant, which was the world's largest cargo aircraft, the An-124 Ruslan. Moreover, to this day only a single copy of the heavyweight “Mriya” has been constructed. True, even one airliner is actively used for commercial purposes and rescue operations.

Although at the end of 2016, an agreement between Ukraine and China was signed on the joint release of the second updated experimental model and further cooperation in this industry.

The An-255 is designed to carry up to 88 passengers who accompany the cargo and six crew members. Initially, the aircraft was planned to be used for the space industry, so the Mriya project is a universal technology. It is a record holder for weight and carrying capacity, a leader in the transportation of mono cargo and large equipment.

Largest serial heavyweight

The largest cargo aircraft in Russia, which was mass-produced and in use today, is the . It is on the basis of the design of this airliner from the OKB im. Antonov and developed "Mriya". Regarding "Ruslana", the first such board appeared in 1982. Initially, the function of the equipment was to transport intercontinental and ballistic missiles, but today the ship is used as a military transport aircraft.

An-124 "Ruslan" is slightly inferior to "Mriya" in size and payload capacity

Since 1987, the modification has been actively used by the Russian Air Force and the Ukrainian Antonov Airlines. Throughout the history of the production of such airliners, the world has seen 55 Ruslan models. The vessel has a length of 69.1 meters. Moreover, its height is 24.5 m, and its wingspan is 73.3 m. The efficiency of the airliner allows it to fly 4,800 km when fully loaded, and the maximum flight range here is 11,600 meters.

The vessel's cruising speed is 800–850 km/h with a maximum permissible acceleration of 865 km/h. The empty weight of the airliner is 178.4 tons, and the maximum take-off weight of this modification is 392,000 kilograms.

The design features of the vessel allow loading through the bow compartment

There are two decks on board the equipment. The upper tier of the liner is designed to carry 21 passengers accompanying the cargo, stationary and interchangeable cabins for the crew. The lower deck of the vessel is a sealed cargo compartment with a capacity of 1,060 m³. If we talk about the records of this model, in 1985 the aircraft became a leader in 21 positions for transporting cargo over long distances. Over the entire period of operation, 4 such aircraft were lost.

Western analogue of An-124

If we consider popular Western projects that compete with Ruslan, here aviators call the airliner Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. This modification occupied a leading position in the world until the appearance of the An-124 project in 1982. However, similar airliners are still successfully used by the US Air Force today. Moreover, the manufacturing company produced 131 units of such equipment.

The third largest heavyweight in the world is the American model Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a military transport aircraft that has increased payload capabilities and ranks third in the world ranking of aviation heavyweights. After all, an empty airliner that weighs 169.643 tons has a maximum take-off weight of 379,657 kilograms. At the same time, the dimensions of the aircraft are very impressive. The height of the hull here is 19.85 m, the length is 75.54 m, and the wingspan is 67.88 m.

The transport is capable of transporting 270 soldiers and 118,387 kg of cargo simultaneously over a distance of 5,526 km. Moreover, the maximum practical flight range of this model is 10,895 m.

This is a modification of a double-deck side, the power plant of which is provided by four engines. The cruising speed that the ship is capable of reaching reaches 888 km/h. Here, on the upper tier of the aircraft, there is a crew cabin for 5 people and seats for passengers. The lower sector of the airliner is designed for transporting cargo. The length of this deck is 36.91 m and the width is 5.79 meters.

Leader in wing length

Since the current record holder "Mriya" was unable to break the world aviation record for wingspan, we will describe the characteristics of the aircraft that holds this position. Model Hughes H-4 is a wooden structure developed for the American military in 1947. The only copy of this modification can be seen in the Oregon State Museum. Moreover, since its inception, aircraft have been used only once in history, conducting an experimental flight.

Today, the only example of the Hughes H-4 airboat is in the Oregon State Museum.

The dimensions of the airliner are impressive - the body length is 66.45 m and the height is 24.08 meters. Moreover, the record wingspan here is 97.54 m. The ship was intended to transport military personnel and is designed to transport 750 soldiers in full gear and three pilots. The maximum take-off weight of the giant is limited to 180 tons, and the useful weight that the board is capable of lifting is 59,000 kg.

The design of this airboat appeared at the beginning of the Second World War, but the designer never had time to bring the equipment to readiness for use. established deadlines. It took $13,000,000 to develop and manufacture the aircraft, and storing the aircraft cost the designer $1,000,000 annually.

As you can see, aviators are constantly competing to produce the best aircraft that can perform universal missions. In the near future, the release of the modernized giant “Mriya” is expected. Perhaps this modification will break a personal record and become the largest airliner in the history of aviation. Details about the classification of flight equipment are available here.

Airbus A380 - the largest passenger aircraft in the world
The cabin of this giant can accommodate up to 853 passengers.
Among passenger aircraft, the longest airliner remains the Boeing 747
AN-225 "Mriya" - world record holder for dimensions
With a maximum take-off weight of 640 tons, Mriya becomes the world's highest-lifting airliner

For the simultaneous delivery of many people over long distances, there are huge aircraft of impressive dimensions.

Airplanes themselves are already spectacular structures, and having truly gigantic dimensions, they amaze the imagination.

Cars capable of transporting hundreds of people are no longer a fantasy. Year after year, such aircraft are gaining popularity because people's need to travel is steadily increasing.

Distances between continents can be covered by modern jetliners in a few hours without refueling. Innovative technologies make it possible to lighten the weight of aircraft and improve their fuel efficiency.

Passenger airliners compete in terms of length and height, flight range, wingspan, and payload capacity. Another competitive value is passenger capacity.

Wide-body airliners hold the record for size among aircraft in the passenger segment. Such specimens have a length exceeding 70 meters, and the width of the fuselage (more than 6 meters) allows you to place up to 10-11 seats in one row.

This double-deck long-haul airliner has held the lead among passenger aircraft in the world since 2005. In commercial use since 2007.

Has parameters:

  • Passenger capacity is 525 people in three classes, 853 in the economy version.
  • Cabin width – from 6 to 6.6 meters
  • The vehicle's height is 24.08 meters, its length is 72.75 meters, and its wingspan is 79.75 meters.
  • Flight range 15,400 kilometers (non-stop)
  • Empty car weight – 278800 kilograms
  • Fuel weight – 310 tons
  • Motors – four of them GP7270 with a thrust of 32000 kgf

The wide-body A380 aircraft was produced by Airbus in 2005 as a competitor to the then unrivaled Boeing 747.

The airliner is divided into two decks: the upper (first and business class) and the lower (economy cabin). There are several modifications of the A-380-800, among them the A-380-1000, the project of which was released in 2010. It is planned that this aircraft will be able to accommodate 1000 passengers.

The largest charterer of A-380 aircraft in the world is Emirates company Airline. There are 101 examples of these two-tier aircraft in its fleet. At the beginning of 2018, the Arab carrier announced its desire to purchase at least 20 more aircraft of this model.

This event occurs against the backdrop of the fact that Airbus previously intended to completely stop producing expensive ($450 million) cars. Fulfilling the Emirates' order (from 20 to 38 units), Airbus will continue to produce aircraft of this brand for another decade, or even more.

The A-380 is a reliable, lightweight airliner. The noise level in the cabin, compared to the Boeing -747, is reduced by half, there is satellite communication(Internet, WI-FI), it is possible to install showers, bars and other improvements, following the wishes of customers.

Despite the size and complexity of the aircraft, the operating costs for maintenance and the level of comfort in it are optimal.

For thirty-six years (from 1969 to 2007) another double-deck Boeing 747 reigned in the skies. This is the world's first long-range aircraft made in a two-tier version. The design and production were very expensive, but subsequent demand and success led to enormous profits.

Characteristics of B-747-8:

  • Length – 76.3 meters
  • Wingspan – 68.5 meters
  • Fuselage/cabin width – 6.5 meters/6.1 meters
  • Passenger capacity is 467 people in three classes, 581 people in two.
  • Aircraft height – 19.4 meters
  • Maximum speed 988 km/h
  • Empty vehicle weight – 214.5 tons
  • Range – 14815 kilometers
  • Kerosene reserve – 242.5 tons
  • Turbofan engines - four of them GEnx-2B67

The power of the B-747 parameters is evidenced by the fact that one of its engines has more thrust than all the B-707 power plants combined.

The wide-body B-747 remains the record holder for mass production among aircraft of this class. To date, over one and a half thousand units have been produced and their production continues.

A Boeing 747, owned by an Australian company, made a record non-stop flight (empty) from London to Sydney (Australia) in 20 hours and 9 minutes in 1989, covering 18,000 kilometers.

Another record for this aircraft was a flight in May 1991. During the military conflict, 1,122 people were transported from Ethiopia on board the liner at a time to the capital of Israel.

The long-range B-777-300ER aircraft is capable of traveling more than 21 thousand kilometers without refueling. The wide-body airliner appeared on commercial routes in 2004. This is the largest twin-engine passenger aircraft with gas turbine engines.

The parameters are as follows:

  • It can accommodate 365 passengers if it is made in the 3-class variation, 550 in the one-class variation.
  • Aircraft length - 73.9 meters
  • Wing span – 64.8 kilometers
  • The height of the car with tail is 18.7 meters
  • Fuselage width/cabin width - 6.19 meters/5.86 meters
  • Empty weight – 167 tons
  • Fuel capacity - 181.3 tons
  • Powerplant – 2 GE90-115B motors

General Electric GE90-115B turbojet engines are the most powerful in the world today. Thanks to the use of only two engines, the B-777-300ER is efficient in terms of fuel and operating costs.

Aircraft of this brand are widely represented in the global aviation space and are very popular for charter flights. Domestic airlines also have Boeing 777-300s in their fleets and are purchasing new ones.

This airliner is the closest competitor to the Boeing 777-300ER. The aircraft is designed and flies long distances between continents. Wide-body airliner with four power plants created specifically for long routes. Produced from 2002 to 2012. During this period, 97 cars were built.

The dimensions are as follows:

  • Length -75.36 meters
  • Height – 17.22 meters
  • Wingspan – 63.45 meters
  • Passenger capacity – up to 419 people
  • Take-off weight – 380,000 kilograms

Airbus 340-600 is one of the most long planes in the world (only the Boeing 747-8 is longer). It is also the quietest in its class, despite having four jet engines. This makes the flight comfortable and calm.

Without a doubt, the aircraft manufacturing giant Airbus is a leader in the production of aircraft with enormous dimensions. Airbus has developed the A350 XWB line, designed to eventually replace the A330 and A340. This is a family with an ultra-wide fuselage and two engines. More than half of the aircraft's structure is made of composite materials.

The A350-900 Ultra LR (from the A350 XWB family) begins service with the Singaporean carrier in 2018. The aircraft has an increased volume of fuel tanks and improved aerodynamics. This is an airliner with an increased flight distance and the best fuel efficiency.

The newest airliner will operate the longest commercial route New York - Singapore.


  • Machine length – 73.88 meters
  • Height – 17.1 meters
  • Wingspan – 64.75 meters
  • Passenger capacity – 440 in economy cabin
  • Fuselage width/cabin width – 5.96 meters/5.61 meters
  • Takeoff weight – 298 tons
  • Motors – 2 units Trent XWB (Rolls-Royce)

The aircraft is capable of flying 14,800 kilometers.


The failed project (there was one plane) was planned in a double-deck design for 724 passengers. This single copy is memorable because in 1972 it accomplished a unique feat by evacuating 700 people from Egypt to the USSR.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

The post-war (1947) American aircraft made of wood never materialized in a metal version. Made one flight at low altitude and is kept in the museum. It is notable for its dimensions: length 66.45 meters, wingspan - 97.54 meters (unsurpassed in the passenger segment), capacity for metal version - 750 people.

These giants plow the skies with ease and grace, and, looking at them from the ground, no one would think that these steel birds represent such a huge structure that the height of the tail of one of these airliners - the A-380 - is five giraffes, set at each other. The Airbus A-380 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but this article will not only talk about it.

"Boeing 747"

Among passenger aircraft, the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747 have the maximum size. These are airliners capable of simultaneously carrying more than five hundred passengers. In particular, the A380 is capable of lifting 853 passengers into the air. Before the advent of this giant, the Boeing 747 with a length of 70.6 meters and the Boeing 747-8 with a length of 76.25 meters (the longest passenger aircraft) were the most spacious airliners in the world (the maximum number of simultaneously transported passengers reached 600 people). The Boeing 747-8 is more fuel efficient than the Boeing 747, which first flew on February 9, 1969. The designers originally planned a double-deck aircraft design, but the upper deck was shortened due to technical problems. The Boeing 747 was the first airliner in the world to have two aisles between seats. This aircraft is certified to fly on three engines, and if one of the four fails, the aircraft can fully take off, fly and land on the remaining three engines. At the same time, the cruising speed of the Boeing 747 passenger aircraft is 913 km/h.

Giant A-380

The giant double-deck “French” airliner A380, the first copy of which rolled off the assembly line in 2005, is the largest passenger aircraft in the history of world aviation. Indeed, its creators have something to be proud of - the cabin of the Airbus A380 can accommodate 853 passengers. To date, more than 110 machines have already been built and put into operation. The monthly production volume of these aircraft is 2.5 aircraft. Today these giants are used by 20 airlines, the most large fleet operated by Emirates airline.

The cruising speed of the A380 passenger aircraft reaches 1020 km/h. Each airliner consists of about four million individual parts and components, which are manufactured in thirty countries around the world by one and a half thousand manufacturing companies and delivered using a unique logistics system developed by Airbus, which includes routes by water, as well as by air and road transport. Each landing gear can withstand a load of about 260 tons (200 passenger cars). For comparison with its predecessor, the wing area of ​​the A380 aircraft is equal to one and a half wing areas of the Boeing 747-400 and is 845 square meters.

The world's largest passenger aircraft can be powered by two types of low-noise engines: either the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 or the Engine Alliance GP7000. At the same time, the A380 is the most economical airliner in its segment - fuel consumption for transporting a passenger per 100 km with a cabin layout of 525 seats does not exceed three liters.

The dimensions of passenger aircraft are impressive; the A380 cabin area is 554 square meters. The liner has two decks - the main one, the width of which is a record high - 6.5 meters, and the upper one with a width of 5.8 meters.

An air volume of 1,500 cubic meters is replaced every three minutes by the air conditioning system; during the flight, there is a pleasant silence in the aircraft cabin, the hum of the turbines is almost inaudible.

Russia is proud of them

What does the domestic aviation industry offer us? The largest turboprop aircraft in the world is the Antonov An-22. Its length is about 60 meters, flight speed is 580 km/h. The first airliner was released in 1965.


The legendary Tu-134 is a passenger airliner for medium-distance flights, up to 2800 meters. It is designed for a maximum of 96 seats, its cruising speed is 850 km/h at an altitude of 11,000 m. The Tu-154 is a larger capacity aircraft, 158 people can be accommodated in the cabin of three classes, and 180 in economy class. Maximum speed The flight speed of this airliner is 950 km/h, and the Tu-154M modification is capable of covering distances of up to 5200 km.

The Tu-204 can accommodate 214 passengers, and the cruising speed is slightly lower than its previous “brother” - 850 km/h.


The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but it is famous for being the first Russian airliner designed using digital technologies. It is designed to fly over distances of up to 3,000 kilometers on lightly loaded airlines. The maximum number of passengers is 98 people.


Speaking about domestic aircraft, one cannot fail to mention the Ilyushintsy. Russian passenger aircraft presented by this design bureau have several main types that are well known to us. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Let's start with the simplest one - the IL-62, an airliner that has been produced since 1971 and is designed for medium-distance flights - up to 10,000 kilometers. This aircraft accommodates 198 passengers and five crew members. Its maximum speed at cruising altitude is 850 km/h.

As for the Il-86 aircraft, it is also designed for medium-distance flights; the cabin, containing two classes, can accommodate 234 passengers; if the aircraft is three-class, then 314 people. At the same time, 11 flight attendants serve customers. The aircraft are equipped with twelve emergency slides and all the necessary modern rescue systems. The cruising speed of the Il-86 is 950 km/h, the distances over which it flies do not exceed 5,000 kilometers with a maximum flight duration of eight hours.


Now about the largest representative of the Ilyushin family - the Il-96 airbus. It is designed for long distance flights. Three hundred people in economy class and 262 passengers in three classes - this figure is practically no different from the previous described model of this family. The airliner flies at a maximum cruising speed of 900 km/h and is capable of covering a distance of up to 12,100 km. Its improved “model” - Il-96M - can accommodate a larger number of passengers - up to 435 people in the charter version.

Near term, or domestic developments

Today, the largest Russian aircraft project is the Irkut MS-21. Within its framework, it is planned to produce short- and medium-haul passenger airliners. Now the Irkut company is carrying out development and construction, the first copies of the aircraft according to the plan will be certified in 2016, and flight tests will begin at the same time. The start of serial production of MS-21 is expected in 2017-2018. On the Russian passenger aircraft market, these airliners should replace the Tu-154 and Tu-204 and will be operated on domestic and international routes.

The project is not developing the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but the family of airliners being created will include various aircraft of three types in length and passenger capacity - with 150, 180 and 210 seats. The model range will contain aircraft with an increased flight range. The vessel's cruising altitude will be 11,600 kilometers, the speed that the liner will develop will be 870 km/h, and the maximum fuselage length will be 39.5 meters. The crew will consist of two people.

As for the progress of work, the base of the project is the Yak-242. The development of the new wing belongs to the company " Civil aircraft Sukhoi", fuselage work is carried out directly by the Irkut Corporation and the Yakovlev Design Bureau.

It is expected that the new airliners will be more economical due to the use of modern composite materials, as well as new generation engines. The aircraft will be equipped with Pratt & Whitney geared turbofan engines; in the future, it is possible to install domestic Perm PD-14 engines.

The list of maximum size aircraft includes both military cargo transport and aircraft capable of carrying more than five hundred passengers. The leaders among them are the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747.

What models are on the list of the largest aircraft?

The list of the world's largest aircraft includes such giants as the An-225 and Airbus A380, Boeing 747 and An-22, ANT-20 and Airbus A340-600. All of them at one time became leaders in length or passenger capacity.

The listed aircraft were created in different countries world, some of them are transport and cargo, some are created only for the transport of passengers. The need for high-capacity aircraft is growing from year to year, which is associated with people’s desire to travel, get to know new countries, and discover new continents.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

Today, the aircraft with the largest wingspan is the Hughes H-4 Hercules. It was built in 1947 from wood. It was assumed that it would be capable of transporting at least seven hundred and fifty troops with full equipment.

The height of this wooden giant is twenty-four meters, length is sixty-six meters and forty-five centimeters, with a wingspan of ninety-eight meters. Today the Hughes H-4 Hercules is located in Oregon and is a museum exhibit.


There is only one An-225 aircraft in the world. Its second name is “Mriya”. In the eighties, it was created in Ukraine for air transportation and is a cargo aircraft. His Weight Limit takeoff - six hundred and forty tons.

The dimensions of the Mriya are also striking. With a height of twenty-four meters, ten centimeters and a length of seventy-three meters, its wingspan is almost eighty-eight and a half meters. It is known that construction of a second such aircraft is underway.

Airbus A380

The leader among passenger aircraft in terms of capacity is the airliner called Airbus A380. Its creator is Airbus S.A.S. Passengers on this plane are accommodated on two decks.

Being the largest among commercially produced airliners, this one is also the most economical in terms of fuel combustion. For a hundred kilometers of travel, fuel consumption for each passenger is only three liters.


The An-124 aircraft, also called “Ruslan”, is one of the largest cargo-lifting aircraft in the world. This giant is used as a military aircraft. The length of "Ruslan" is sixty-nine meters ten centimeters, the height is slightly more than twenty-one meters with a wingspan of seventy-three meters thirty centimeters.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

Until 1982, the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was considered the largest among mass-produced transport and cargo aircraft. It is used today by the US Army and is capable of transporting at least two hundred and seventy soldiers.

This aircraft gains altitude up to ten kilometers and can cover a distance of five thousand six hundred kilometers without refueling. The maximum speed that the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy can reach is nine hundred and twenty kilometers.

Boeing 777-300ER

The record holder for the ability to fly without refueling is the Boeing 777-300ER, which can fly a distance of twenty-one thousand six hundred one kilometers. This passenger airliner was developed in 1990, and four years later it made its first test flight, and operation began in 1995.

Among twin-engine jet passenger aircraft, the Boeing 777-300ER remains the largest. It can accommodate from three hundred five to five hundred fifty people on board.

Airbus A340-600

A large four-engine passenger aircraft is called the Airbus A340-600. It was created for intercontinental flights and could fly without additional refueling over a distance of fourteen thousand six hundred kilometers.

The height of the liner is seventeen meters and thirty centimeters, the length is seventy-five meters and thirty centimeters, and the wingspan is sixty-three and a half meters.

Boeing 747

The Boeing 747 was considered the largest, most spacious and heaviest passenger airliner at the time of its creation. It held this record for thirty-seven years until it was overtaken by the Airbus A380.

The Boeing 747 is also the record holder for the most common aircraft in the world. It is known that more than one and a half thousand such airliners were produced.

The largest passenger plane in the world

As you know, the most comfortable and fastest way to travel is by plane. For this reason, many modifications of passenger aircraft have been created. The largest among them for a long time remained the passenger Boeing 747, released in 1969. Initially, its capacity was four hundred and fifty-two passengers, and after modification it increased to five hundred and sixty-eight.

In 2005, a new super-capacious large aircraft appeared - the Airbus A380. Surprisingly, its capacity is eight hundred and fifty-two passengers. They are located on two decks. The wingspan of this four-engine airliner is nearly eighty meters, height is twenty-four meters, and length is seventy-three meters. The weight of this “giant” is also surprising - without passengers it weighs almost two hundred and seventy-seven tons and is capable of flying fifteen thousand two hundred kilometers without stopping to refuel.

And the largest cargo plane is called An-225 Mriya. It was made in the USSR. .
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The largest passenger aircraft in the world, accommodating several hundred people, are designed to increase the efficiency of flights by reducing the cost of services. Giant liners increased comfort, are able to cover enormous distances without refueling, thanks to large fuel tanks. High load capacity allows transportation large quantity luggage


The model replaced the outdated version of the A300, which consumed too much fuel and had little capacity. The new modification is capable of lifting 295 people into the air at a time, and is classified as a wide-body airliner. The length of the car reaches 59 meters, and its width is 63 m. The maximum flight range with a full load does not exceed 10,500 m. The cruising speed reaches 870 km/h. The maximum take-off weight is 233 tons, and the wingspan is 60.3 meters. Fuel tanks are designed for 97,000 liters of fuel.


Of course, not the largest passenger aircraft in the world, but one of the most popular aircraft among airlines. Operation began in 1995, the machine has proven itself to be highly reliable. Modification 777-200LR, capable of performing the longest non-stop flights. It was this model that was first developed without the use of traditional paper drawings, but only with the use of three-dimensional computer graphics. The airliner is capable of covering 17,000 km without landing at a cruising speed of 905 km/h. The car simultaneously transports 301 passengers, and its wingspan is 64.8 meters.


The modernized version rightfully entered the rating of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, thanks to its ability to carry up to 467 people. The airliner covers a maximum distance of 15,000 km and is actually considered the longest aircraft on Earth. The vehicle differs from its worthy predecessors in its elongated fuselage. Engineers installed new engines, wings and on-board systems. A set of updates has made the aircraft much quieter and more economical. International name new version – “Intercontinental”.


One of the largest passenger aircraft in the world began operating in 2002. The modification differs from its predecessor in larger fuel tanks and engines with increased power. Serial production of the model was stopped in 2011; in total, the company produced 97 of these aircraft. The wingspan is 63.5 m, and the maximum capacity reaches 440 seats. The airliner is capable of traveling 14,800 km without refueling, carrying luggage and passengers with a total weight of 373 tons. The area of ​​the giant's wings is 437 meters. Despite being discontinued, the cars still successfully transport passengers around the world.


The Boeing 777-300ER was also included in the list of the largest passenger aircraft in the world. The airliner is recognized as the largest aircraft with 2 engines intended for civil aviation. The modification differs from the previous version of the 777-200 in having a longer fuselage, allowing the cabin to accommodate up to 550 passengers. The 777-300ER version is not considered basic and has been in operation since 2004. The advantage of the model is its increased flight range. Moving at a cruising speed of 905 km/h, the vehicle is capable of covering 14,600 km without additional refueling, carrying up to 68,500 tons of commercial cargo.


A military aircraft, capable of transporting both people and cargo, was also included in the ranking of the largest passenger aircraft in the world. The liner is capable of transporting 270 military personnel and can be equipped with standard passenger seats– 75 units. Its impressive dimensions allowed it to be classified as a giant. The aircraft reaches a length of 75.5 m and its width is 68 meters. The aircraft can cover 5,600 km at a speed of 920 km/h without refueling. The maximum height gained by the giant reaches 10 km.


The Russian “Ruslan” is rightfully considered one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, because its wingspan reaches 73 meters and its length is 69 m. The car stands out for its colossal cargo compartment, reaching a volume of 1050 m 3. The maximum range of the liner does not exceed 7,500 km, and its cruising speed is 850 km/h. The vehicle is primarily used for transporting goods, but is capable of transporting military personnel. The total carrying capacity of the modification reaches 120 tons. The flight life does not exceed 45 years.


Since 2007, the largest passenger aircraft in the world has been the Airbus A380, first purchased by Singapore Airlines. The airliner flies all over the world and is distinguished by an incredible level of comfort. The vehicle is capable of transporting 555 people, but if desired, the number of passengers can be increased to 700. The double-deck cabin is equipped with sleeping cabins, there are also recreation areas, spiral staircases and comfortable bar counters. The aircraft's wingspan is 80 meters, and its area reaches 845 m2. Only 4 Rolls-Royce engines can lift a car into the air.


Historically, the largest passenger aircraft in the world was recognized in 1947 by the Hughes H-4 Hercules. The model stood out for its fantastic wingspan, reaching 98 meters, thanks to which the modification was recognized as the most wide-body. Two machines of this type were made, but only one now exists. The vehicle carried 750 military personnel and is now in the Long Beach Museum, where it was transported in 1993. More No aircraft has carried passengers in its entire history.


Perhaps the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment– this is “Mriya”. Initially, the project was developed as a cargo project and was used to transport the Buran spacecraft. Subsequently, the Ukrainian enterprise Antonov adapted the vessel to commercial needs. The giant's wingspan is 88 m, and its length reaches 73 meters. The airliner set several records for carrying capacity. Now it exists in a single copy and is operated by Antonov Airlines. The airliner has proven itself reliably in practice.