What to see in Budva Montenegro. Budva: old town, beaches, attractions. Where to have fun in Budva

Who doesn't love vacation? And rest in tourist center Montenegro is a dream! Many Russians choose the “Montenegrin Miami”, which is called Budva. There is everything you need for an excellent holiday: sports grounds, bars, discos, restaurants, casinos and tennis courts. Budva will appeal to every lover of fun and active rest. At the height of the season, the streets of Budva do not fall silent and are not empty for a minute! The attractions of Budva are varied and can attract the attention of every interested tourist.

Situated on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, Budva is one of ancient settlements, founded about 2500 years ago. The old town is located on a small peninsula.

The only minus of Budva is the cramped layout of the city, which is why the hotels’ own territory is too modest.

Most hotels and restaurants are located in the New Town. The legendary Slavyansky Beach is also located here.

The new part of Budva stretches along the coastal bay, ending with a cape on the north side. The main street of the resort runs parallel to the embankment. Here you can relax in restaurants or cafes, dance in discos or feel the adrenaline on the attractions. The Yadran path passes through Budva, connecting settlements several countries, including Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia. Where can you visit in Budva? Believe me, there are unique attractions here.

Budva Citadel

It is impossible to imagine the appearance of this Montenegrin town without the citadel or fortress of St. Mary. It is the hallmark of Budva.

Many souvenirs and other tourist trinkets are decorated with the fortress. If you get to the walls of the fortress, it may seem that time has turned back and you have found yourself in the medieval era.

The citadel, according to history, was built in 840 to protect the settlement from Turkish predatory raids. It was the largest facility on the coast. Now almost nothing remains of the fortress, except perhaps the eastern and northern walls and the tower. Other buildings of the fortress date back to the fifteenth century. At that time, the Venetians arrived here and began strengthening and rebuilding the existing buildings.

The fortress in plan resembles an irregularly shaped polygon. The length of the castle from west to east is 25 m, and from north to south – 100 m. The thickness of the walls is 2 m, and the height is 10 m. And today the fortress is not a simple castle, preserving a centuries-old history. In fact, she, as before, takes an active part in the life of Budva. Festivals and arts celebrations are held here annually.

It also operates here maritime museum, which has exhibits of ships such as the Mayflower and Bounty,

Theater under open air,

A library filled with unique books from past centuries,

And a restaurant.

Note! If you can climb the fortress wall, you will see the best panorama of Old Budva. From here the city is visible at a glance. There is an entrance fee to the wall, but the stunning panorama view is worth it!

On the wall of the citadel there is a bas-relief in the form of two intertwined fish - this main symbol Budva.

It is located opposite the entrance to the temple of knowledge - the library. The name of the city symbol is explained as follows: “There will be two as one.” You can decorate your tourist vacation photo album with a luxurious photo shoot in the library on dark burgundy armchairs against the backdrop of shelves with books. Well, why not dine in a chic panoramic restaurant? Without this, a tour of the citadel will be incomplete!

No matter how strange it may sound, until the mid-twentieth century, the centuries-old city of Budva did not have its own archeology museum. The idea to found a museum appeared in 1962, when, in fact, it was brought to life. The first collection consisted of 2500 ancient exhibits, dating back to the 4th-5th centuries BC! Here, various jewelry, glassware, gold coins, ceramic and silver items, and samples of tableware were presented to the public.

All these archaeological finds were found in 1937, when the Greek and Roman necropolises were discovered near the city of Svetipas.

The museum collection was replenished in 1979 after the earthquake. Large-scale destruction contributed to full-scale excavations under the ruins of buildings. Thus, the funds were enriched with new artifacts. The pride of the museum is the oldest stone plate, which depicts the symbol of Budva - two fish.

The museum consists of 4 floors. On the first there is a lapidarium. Here examples of ancient writing on stones and funeral urns made of glass and stone are presented to the public.

On the second and third floors there are exhibition stands displaying household items, personal belongings and kitchen utensils of the Byzantines, Greeks and Romans.

Here you can see the highlight of the entire collection, an Illyrian helmet made of bronze, dating back to the 5th century BC.

The fourth floor clearly represents the life of Montenegrin residents of the period of the 18th-20th centuries. There is furniture, dishes, national clothing, military equipment, etc.

The Archaeological Museum is located in the historical part of Budva. The family coat of arms of the Zenovichs, who lived in the building in the 19th century, hangs above the entrance to the museum.

The Temple of Knowledge of Budva causes culture shock among many of its visitors. The Budva Library conveys the spirit of the Middle Ages, as do many buildings in the Old Town. Here you can have a variety of cultural entertainment. In addition to reading, you may be invited to participate in seminars, literary evenings, colloquiums and round tables. If you want to understand the depth of knowledge of the city, then you can help the restoration service preserve ancient tomes.

In 1979, the library building was greatly damaged by the earthquake that happened then, because we are talking about ancient fortress, not about modern building. But after a while it was restored. Nowadays the fortress looks more like fairytale palace and serves as another decoration of the city.

The interior of the library resembles luxury castle. For example, in the reading room you will see the elegant luxury of exquisite glass cabinets filled with books. In the center of the hall there are tables and 2 rows of ruby-colored leather chairs, where you can take pictures. A map of the historical area adorns one of the walls near the library entrance.

The Budva Temple of Knowledge was founded in the 19th century, namely about 140 years ago. First there was a reading room, then an archaeological museum and an art gallery were added to it. Today, a huge number of books are stored here, according to the list there are more than 60 thousand of them! You won’t find such a large collection of books in all of Montenegro!

Podstorg Monastery (Podmaine)

The history of the monastery spans many centuries. It contains both sad and heroic events, as well as unexpected life turns. These buildings have more than once been a bone of contention, as a result of which they have been attacked and looted. Despite this, the monastery always survived, welcoming believers into its monasteries again and again.

Note! The exact time of construction of the church building is unknown. Historians are still divided on this matter.

For some time the monastery served summer residence priests of the country, but years later part of the possessions went to the Austrians, and part was bought by a local priest. Late 1800s the building was damaged by fire, and later, as a result of the Bokel uprising, the monastery was burned by the Austrians. In 1979, the buildings remaining from the once prosperous monastery were destroyed by an earthquake. 1995 became a period of revival for the Budva shrine. During this period, the monastery was opened, and today absolutely every tourist can visit it.

Monastery churches are dedicated to Serbian Independence Day Orthodox Church. This day is celebrated today as the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. There is a shop at the monastery where you can buy traditional church paraphernalia, as well as knotted bracelets decorated with the image of the Mother of God.

The indigenous residents of the city often wear such a bracelet on their left wrist.

The unsurpassed medieval grandeur of Old Budva

The Old Town is the place where all tourists spend their time. It is home to a wealth of Venetian architectural heritage, impressive residential buildings, ancient temples and churches, cobbled streets, open-air restaurants, coffee-scented air, fresh baked goods and Mediterranean spices. The fabulous atmosphere in the city is unforgettable. From here you don’t want to go back to reality!

For just over a century, Budva was limited by the fortress walls that enclose the Old Town today, and for many centuries it seemed to be in a frozen state. Its borders were unchanged, as well as the number of inhabitants did not exceed 1000 people. The protective fortress walls today are another attraction for tourists, from where the entire Budva Riviera is visible.

1979 was devastating, but the earthquake did not stop connoisseurs of ancient buildings from restoring their former glory and grandeur. Old Budva, like many years ago, remains charming, and it, as then, is in full swing with life! Ancient buildings are lost behind snow-white duvet covers and sheets that dry on lines, neighbors, as before, share gossip, and the streets and windows are still decorated with scarlet geraniums. Residents of Budva go about their daily business, and tourists enjoy gatherings in cafes and walks.

There are several Catholic and Orthodox churches in the Old Town. The Gothic-style bell tower and the episcopal courtyard of the Church of St. John attracts many tourists.

And adjacent to the Orthodox Church of St. Sava is one of the most ancient churches, Santa Maria in Punta, which is worth telling about in more detail.

Church of Santa Maria in Punta

In the Middle Ages, the cult of the Virgin Mary was very widespread in the Budva Riviera. Therefore, it is not strange that in modern city today there are several shrines to the Virgin Mary. In the southeast of the Old City there is a complex consisting of 6 temples that were built in different historical eras. They clearly demonstrate the continuity of cultural development of Budva - from late antiquity to the emergence of the modern vision of the era. The Church of Santa Maria in Punta is the most interesting building in architectural terms.

Note! On one of the walls of the temple there is an inscription indicating the date of construction - 840. If you believe this data, then this is the oldest building in Montenegro.

The prefix "punta" means "at the tip", which implies that the church was built on a promontory. It originally belonged to the Benedictine Order, but in the fifteenth century the church came into the possession of the Franciscans.

The place to build the church was not chosen by chance. According to legend, at the site of the church, the monks showed the local residents an icon of the Mother of God. They wanted to find out if there were Christians in these places. Since many townspeople gathered to venerate the icon, it was decided to build a temple on this site and thus perpetuate the event. During the war with the French, the church suffered significant damage. The French soldiers set up a stable in the temple. However, the temple was not destroyed and after the war, after a while it returned to normal life.

The church is also special from an architectural point of view. It is different from other Montenegrin temples. The shape of the building is an irregular rectangle with a central entrance located on the side. Inconsistencies in architectural features the structure can be explained by the many alterations and reconstructions during the period of its existence.

Today, the Church of Santa Maria in Punta does not function as a cathedral. But the authenticity of the interior and excellent acoustics could not be unappreciated by the townspeople, so the church was not completely abandoned. Today, chamber music concerts and music festivals. For example, some events of the Grad Theater festival are held annually in this shrine.

So, what attracts tourists so much in Budva - this small town Montenegro? Just like the sea natural beauties and a modern port, the Riviera attracts travelers with both architectural and historical attractions. Of course, not every stone here keeps traces of history, but the resort of the Budva Riviera is undoubtedly worthy of attention, because it has everything you need for an active and cultural holiday.


Aerial photography of the surroundings of Budva:

The old city through the eyes of Vladimir Pevtsov:

Budva is a famous resort and tourist city. Located in the central part of the Adriatic coast in Montenegro. The city and surrounding area are known as the Budva Riviera. The latter is famous for its beaches with clean sand, diverse architectural monuments and vibrant nightlife.

This article describes the sights of Budva, what to see in the main resort of Montenegro and its surroundings. All interesting places in Budva can be reached on foot or by public transport.

Stari Grad

Street in Old Town

In order not to spend a long time looking for what to see in Budva, first of all you should get acquainted with a typical medieval settlement. To do this, you need to go from the modern part of the resort pearl to Stari Grad through the central gate. Or use one of the six remaining passages beyond the ancient fortress walls. By the way, 3 of them are located opposite the yacht piers.

Fortress walls

One of these entrances, the Door to the Sea, is currently not functioning. It has been transformed into a romantic hideaway with antique ivy-covered doors and sits some height off the ground. But take a photo in picturesque place, where not every tourist wanders, - good idea. A reference point for searching for “Doors to the Sea” is the English Pub in Stari Grad.

The ancient settlement is surrounded by a fortress wall in the shape of the letter “P”. To climb it, you need to use any of the 2 existing entrances leading to the fortress wall. You will find one opposite the kitchen belonging to the Mozart confectionery. Find the other one by the sea opposite the Citadel, but if you suddenly can’t get through the gate, go through the fence.

Citadel and Library

The citadel is the main fortification structure, built in 840. Mostly the buildings of the 15th century, which protected this area, have survived to this day. Near the Citadel there were other fortifications, connected by a fortress wall, and a village where they lived local residents and defenders of the fortress. The village, in fact, became the Old Town.

In the Citadel you can visit the Budva Museum, see the symbol of the city - two connected fish, representing lovers Marco and Elena. There is also a library here, organized a century and a half ago. It is considered one of the oldest in the country; the library collection contains over 60 thousand books, including very rare and valuable publications.

Archaeological Museum

While in Stari Grad, you don’t have to worry about what to see in Budva. Visit the Archeology Museums and Contemporary art. The Archaeological Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8 am to 9 pm. Saturday - Sunday - from 14:00 to 21:00. Ticket – 1.5-2 euros.

Gallery of Contemporary Art

The Gallery exhibits works of sculptors and artists from Montenegro and Serbia: paintings, drawings, sculptures, engravings.

Churches of Old Budva

Church of St. Ioana

You will not be able to pass by and will not be able to help but hear the beautiful chime of the bell tower of the Catholic Church of St. John, which rises above Budva. The bell tower was erected back in the 7th century. AD, but it was rebuilt a lot.

Next to the bell tower is a cathedral with a modest exterior in the Gothic style. However, its interior decoration is rich and luxurious. You can admire the icon with the miraculous face of the Virgin Mary, painted by St. Luke himself, and get acquainted with the exhibits of the rich library. One of them is a chronicle that describes the events taking place in these lands in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Also among the attractions of Budva and the surrounding area, where it’s not at all difficult to go on foot, are: standing nearby Church of the Holy Trinity - an Orthodox church in the Byzantine style of the early 19th century. and the Church of St. Mary "on the promontory" ("in Punta").

The construction date of the monastery and church of St. Mary that once existed here is 840. Now it is not active, but externally it is well preserved, and here you can admire Roman mosaics that date back to the 2nd century. AD And thanks to the excellent acoustics of the temple, you can enjoy music concerts that are held regularly.

Old Castle is not all that can be seen in Budva on your own; other attractions are also available to any tourist.

Ballerina statue

This stele is a symbol of the city, its business card and the most photographed place in Budva. In addition, the best panorama of the Old Town opens here: the sea, mountains, fortress walls and terracotta tiled roofs of houses - all in one frame.

The dancer's stela is hidden among the rocks on a boulder on the way to Moren Beach. Finding this monument is easy if you know where to go. You need to walk along the path to the right of the walls of the old city, and after a few turns you will certainly see it.

Walking around Budva

As in any seaside city, you can take a walk in the heart of the Budva Riviera along the embankment. It is quite possible to rent a boat or boat, go fishing or just take a walk around the water area.

On the charming Promenade, everything is at the service of tourists: souvenir shops and cafes, reputable restaurants, fast food and attractions. The prices here are reasonable, and the views are especially calming. Closer to night, disco bars open their doors, so the question of where to go in Budva during the day or evening, young or old, practically does not arise.

Central Market

For a change, it wouldn’t hurt to visit the central market of Budva – Zelena Pijaca. It is open from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Sundays until 1 p.m. Here you can fully enjoy the local culinary exotics: cheeses, prosciutto, homemade olive oil, sea ​​fish, popular wines are white “Vranac Prokorde” and red “Vranac”, grape brandy and “Bitter Leaf” liqueur.

All pickles are given a try in hopes of being purchased. Here you can bargain boldly, convincingly and politely, and as a result, you can take home edible souvenirs, which will be cut and carefully packed in a vacuum casing.

Budva surroundings

If you are still deciding what to see in Budva and where to go on foot, you can turn your attention to the surrounding area. There are also many educational attractions within walking distance.

For an active evening, you can choose a club on the Budva hills, Top Hill. It is one of the most popular in the country. A distinctive feature is that it works all night. The evenings are often hosted by world-famous disc jockeys and MCs.

Just behind the club is a water park that opened in July 2016. Tickets can be purchased for half or a whole day.

Mogren Fortress and Vidikovac panoramas

If you like walking, you can get to this object on your own. You need to make your way through the bush up the rocks from Mogren Beach. Or go to the tunnel that leads to Jaz beach and the city of Tivat, there is a path on the left. A few minutes - and you are already on the hill near the remains of a fortress built in the mid-19th century. You will have stunning views of Nikola Island, part of Budva, the sea and the turquoise Jaz Beach.

While visiting these attractions of Budva and the surrounding area, you can also see the city from the observation deck at the Vidikovac hotel. She is nearby. The hotel is surrounded by white gates, with a path to the right of them. After going down the stairs, go to the white arches and to the observation deck. Fabulous views of Old Budva and souvenir photos will remain in your heart for a long time. By the way, you can also get to these objects by taxi.

Sveti Nikola Island

Also among the places that you can see in Budva on your own, the island of St. Nikola is of interest. There is a nature reserve with pheasants, hares and deer. Entry there, unfortunately, is strictly prohibited. But there is also the Church of St. Nicholas, the pleasant coolness of the greenery of the forests, the purest sea ​​water And sand and pebble beaches. But there are much fewer vacationers there than in the city.

You can get to the island by water taxi or boat. Price from 3 to 25 euros.

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Sveti Stefan

The symbol of all Montenegro is considered Saint Island Stefan. From Budva to it - 7 km. Once it was a fishing village, and now it is a fashionable resort. Hollywood stars don't miss it.

In fact, this is an entire hotel town that occupied the entire island. But you can also get here if you book a tour. You can get from the city to the island by regular bus from Budva for €1.5 and 20 min. or by taxi.

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As you can see, Budva (Montenegro) is not short on attractions, and what to see is up to you. The local monasteries, seascapes, islands and panoramic views cannot leave anyone indifferent; you want to come to memorable Budva again and again.

The old town in Budva is small, you can walk around it in half an hour.

Behind the fortress walls are hidden 4 churches and houses located on narrow pedestrian streets. All this beauty was destroyed during the earthquake in 1979, and subsequently rebuilt.

There are many cafes and souvenir shops in the old town. Particularly interesting:

Fortress walls

In Budva you can climb the fortress walls and walk around the entire Old city. They charge for entry to the walls. 2€


The citadel is located in the old city. Eat Observation deck with a panorama of Budva, museum. It is especially beautiful at sunset.

Works around the clock. paid entrance 2.5€

Budva embankment

Along the sea along the embankment you can walk from one end of Budva to the other in 30 minutes.

There are cafes, restaurants, ice cream on the embankment. There are benches in several places.

Closer to the old town you can look at boats and yachts and book a boat trip.

The embankment is narrow (2 meters wide), and during the season when there are a lot of people in Budva, walking is not entirely comfortable.

Slavyansky Boulevard

Slovenska obala (Slavyansky Boulevard) is the main pedestrian street in Budva, running parallel to the embankment.

There are many cafes, fast food, mini-markets with clothes and excursion sellers at every turn.

Top Hill Club

A large club on a hill above Budva. Considered one of the best in Montenegro.

Regular discos in Budva close at 12 pm or 1 am, but this club is open all night.

I don’t go to clubs, so it’s better to look on the Internet for other people’s reviews about this club.

Water park in Budva

Operating mode:

High season: July, August
Working hours: 10.00-19.00

Low season: June, September
Working hours: 10.00-18.00

Check current prices on the website aquaparkbudva.com

Children up to 100 cm for free, adults 18€
Wifi for the whole day 1€

Market in Budva

Zelena Pijaca is a market in the city center. They sell vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, mushrooms, prosciutto, olive oil.

Supermarket next to the market Mega Market. Prices in the supermarket are lower, but on Zelena Pjaca every merchant will speak to you in Russian.

They let you taste the fruit (they almost put it in your mouth), and tell stories about how they grew it all in their own gardens.

The place is colorful, you can visit it. And I wrote about where it is more profitable to buy groceries in an article about.

Monastery Podostrog (Podmaine)

Podostrog Monastery in Budva

For free

Another landmark of Budva, stands on the mountain above the city. Adjacent to the Maine nightclub.

Subostrog was the residence of the Montenegrin kings. On the territory there are two churches of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, built in the 12th and 18th centuries.

Restaurant Rybnyak

Road to the Rybnyak restaurant

Walking route 6 km along an asphalt road to the mountains above Budva.

We reach the Podostrog monastery, and then follow the road up. Cars rarely drive there, so walking is comfortable. You can go on foot or drive a car.

I went after lunch, when the heat subsided. I didn’t get to Rybnyak, but I looked at Budva from above, walked through the mountains, and reached the cemetery and church. The views there are beautiful, the mountains are cool, there are a lot of flowers and destroyed houses. The air is fresh and fragrant.

In Rybnyak there is a restaurant, zip line, swimming pool with sun loungers, small waterfall(in summer they swim there).

Beaches of Budva

What to see near Budva

Walking from Budva to Sveti Stefan Island

It is not at all necessary to walk on foot, because along the highway the road takes only 7 km. It takes 10 minutes by car, but it will take a walk along the sea 6 hours There and back again.

My walk with stops took almost the whole day, and the pedometer counted 21 km in two directions.

The most interesting excursions from Budva:

🍀 Boka Kotor Bay– includes a walk around Kotor (the most beautiful city country), then a boat trip throughout the Bay of Kotor. Bus+ship. Full day excursion from 09:00-18:00. Adult 25 €

🍀 Canyons– excursion to the fabulous north of Montenegro, where mountains, rivers, lakes, national park And and the Canyons of the Tara, Moraca and Komarnica rivers. 06:30-19:00, Adults 40 € Reb. 20 €

🍀 Grand Canyons– a more detailed version, during which you can watch the national Durmitor Park, the same canyons, plus holy places and Lake Piva. Adult 65 €

Budva is one of the most stunning places in the Balkans, Europe and the world. This city has a long, fascinating and very interesting story. This is confirmed by numerous architectural and historical monuments, ancient streets, squares, houses, temples, miniature churches.

A variety of cafes and restaurants where you can taste Montenegrin cuisine add color. These are mainly fish dishes, a lot of fresh seafood, and soups.

Budva is also called Montenegrin/Budva Riviera, where every year a huge number of tourists come from different countries peace. They are attracted not only by the opportunity to enjoy the medieval heritage and the opportunity to visit the Old Town, but also by nature. In Budva she is not just beautiful, but stunning. Picturesque turquoise sea, terraces mountain ranges, lots and lots of greenery, snow-white sand. Sights against this background look more impressive, organic and impressive.

Budva is located on the shores of the warm Adriatic Sea, which has been washing the walls of buildings and port buildings for many centuries. Once in this Montenegrin town, it seems that the Middle Ages have come to life again, and time has stood still.

The city's attractions:

This is the heart of Budva, since the first city buildings, residential buildings, fortresses, and narrow streets were built here in the Middle Ages. Unlike neighboring Dubrovnik, the Old Town in Budva is not large; a walk through it takes no more than 30 minutes. On its territory there are 4 active ancient churches, several squares, and powerful fortress walls.

This area of ​​the city was repeatedly destroyed during wars and earthquakes. In 1979, strong tremors were recorded that destroyed part of medieval monuments. But the city administration and the country’s government have allocated enough funds for restoration, and now tourists can enjoy the beauty of the old part. The fortress walls and the citadel are considered its pearl. The walls were built to protect the city from the sea from attacks by the Venetians and Genoese.

A walk through the fortifications will allow you to see the entire panorama of the city and look at the Adriatic from above. The citadel was the center of Old Budva for many centuries, from here the gradual development of the city and its planning began. At the very top of the fort there is an observation deck, and inside the fortress there is a historical museum.

Location: Stjepana Mitrova Ljubiše.

The town is not very large in size, and you can walk around it every evening. The sea embankment (two meters wide) is perfect for this activity, which stretches from the beginning of the city to its end, i.e. Old Town. There is a beautiful bay where boats and yachts are tied up. The entire embankment is dotted with small cafes, fish restaurants and ice cream stands.

In Montenegrin, the name of this place will sound like Slovesnka obala (Slovenian Obala). This is the central street of Budva, which runs parallel to the Embankment. There are souvenir shops, cafes, small markets, clothing boutiques, creative workshops, excursion bureaus, and local fast foods.

It is better to walk along the boulevard in the early or late evening hours, when the influx of tourists is small. This will allow you to appreciate the beauty of buildings and residential buildings.

This is the name of the central market of Budva, where you can always buy fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, fish, and meat. It is worth paying attention to the traditional Montenegrin (and all the Balkans) delicacy prosciutto. This is a special way of preparing meat, which is raw smoked and is considered an appetizer and main course.

You can also buy olive oil and mushrooms on the piazza. The peculiarities of the market are that most local residents speak Russian and the opportunity to try all the products is absolutely free.

Above Budva rises a mountain on which stands the ancient monastery of Podostrog. This is the former residence of rulers from the Montenegrin dynasty. On the territory of the monastery you can see two colorful churches dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Only one of them was built in the 12th century, and the second - in the 18th century.

The entire path up the mountain to the monastery follows a well-paved road that stretches six kilometers up. From Substrog the road goes further, allowing you to reach the very top of the mountain.

Location: Crna Gora.

All coastline The Adriatic coast near Budva is dotted beautiful beaches, covered with snow-white sand, rocks, green vegetation. The most popular places The beaches of Richardova and Slavyansky, Mogren 1 and Mogren 2, Dakli Beach Club, Korolev, Jaz and Ploce are considered coastal holiday destinations. Tourists are advised to pay attention to the beaches of Mogren, located in the bay of the same name. It is very picturesque here, the water is very clear, which allows you to see the rich underwater world.

Many beaches are located near the villages of Rafailovici, Milocer, Przno and Becici, as well as the islands of St. Nicholas and Sveti Stefan.

Entrance to the island is paid, the average price is 5 euros. You can only get here by sea by boat or speedboat, which go from Slavyansky Beach. From the coast to the island there is only one kilometer. The Montenegrins themselves believe that this is Hawaii, and this is what they call the island among themselves. This is a paradise for lovers of snorkeling and fishing, diving, and scuba diving.

Not far from Mogren 2 beach there is beautiful fortress, built by the Austrian-Hungarian government in 1869. Previously, it was very difficult to get into the citadel, since the entrance to it was constantly guarded. Now this restriction has been lifted, admission is free, which allows tourists to explore the fortress and wander around its walls. From the fortifications you can clearly see the Old Town, the island of St. Nicholas and several beaches, the outskirts of Budva.

This is a VIP resort located outside the city limits. There is a 7-kilometer route to the island, which allows you to get here by car, moped, bicycle or on foot. Walking tour takes 5 to 6 hours each way, but the journey is worth it. You can see many attractions, several picturesque villages, beaches, ruins of ancient buildings.

People come to the island of Sveti Stefan to relax, walk, fish, and sunbathe. There is an entrance fee to the island.

In the vicinity of Budva there is the village of Ivanovichi, which is adjacent to the village of Becici - famous resort on Adriatic coast. A thousand-year-old olive grows in Ivanovichi, the age of which reaches 2 thousand years. The tree is very thick, locals call it Velja olive. This natural attraction is carefully protected by the Montenegrin authorities. Getting to the olive tree is easy - you need to go up the road from Becici.

This is the mountain that rises above Budva. Climbing on it, you can enjoy for a long time panoramic views Riviera, Bay of Kotor, islands, villages, including Przno. It is from here that you can get to Celobrdo, where the Praskvitsa monastery stands, which can be reached along a stone road. Even higher is another monastery - Rustovo with the Church of the Romanov Martyrs.

Not far from Budva there is the city of Kotor, located on the shores of the Bay of Kotor. This local area has long attracted people, so the shores of the bay are dotted with numerous monuments of antiquity; you can also find sites of primitive people.

The entire territory of Boka Kotorska is taken under the protection of UNESCO. Exactly this a nice place on the Adriatic, which every tourist who comes to Budva must visit. Along the shores of the bay there are small cozy towns and villages buried among trees and adjacent to rocks and the sea.

Another neighborhood of Budva, where it is very quiet and peaceful. The town of Perast is located at the very foot of St. Elias Hill, not far from the narrow part of the Verige Strait. It was once a very rich city, where power belonged to Venetian merchants. The entire architecture of Perast has been influenced for centuries by the style characteristic of the coastal cities of Italy.

On small area the city has 19 palaces built in the Baroque style, 2 orthodox temple and 17 Catholic churches.

In Budva you can also see numerous museums, the Durmitor National Park, lakes located high in the mountains, canyons and mountains. In the spring-summer period, the city becomes one of the centers of festival culture in Montenegro, where events last non-stop.