Finland-Sweden: by ferry with car. To Europe by car. How to make travel cheaper and easier? On the ferry to Europe with a car

While travel companies people who prefer to vacation abroad are collapsing like houses of cards, are increasingly mastering independent tourism, one of the varieties of which is traveling own car. Traditionally, the European direction is the most popular for road trips for Russians. However, the route to Europe by car is not close. For example, travelers from St. Petersburg have to travel about two thousand kilometers to Germany before their European adventure begins. In a normal situation, this is a two-day journey, but if you are not moving in chase mode, then all three. Now add the same time for the return journey and you get 4 days just to get to Europe and return. Agree that this is a waste of your precious time. But there is another way to get to Europe by car in less time and in complete comfort.

2. This method is to travel by ferry. Finnlines, operating regular flights between Helsinki (Finland) and Travemünde (Germany). Instead of winding kilometers through the CIS countries, the Baltics and Eastern Europe, you just need to get to Helsinki to the port of Vuosari and the Eurotrip will begin from this point. From this inconspicuous building at first glance, where tickets are sold and check-in for flights takes place.

3. If tickets are purchased in advance through the company’s website Finnlines, then you don’t have to waste time on registration, but go straight to the Check-In checkpoint located at the end of the building. All registration steps will be carried out right here. Each passenger will be issued boarding pass, a vehicle ticket will also be issued. After this, all you have to do is wait for loading to begin, follow the signs to the ferry and, leaving your steel horse on the cargo deck, climb aboard the ship. All! Meet Europe!

4. Important point. After loading, access to the cargo deck will be closed until arrival at the port of destination. Therefore, you should worry in advance and take with you all the things that you may need during a sea voyage. However, the ship’s staff is very responsive and if the passenger still needs to go to his car, it will always be possible to negotiate. To do this, you just need to go to the reception desk located on deck 7. Other issues are also resolved there, for example, if one of the passengers has lost their boarding pass, which is also an electronic key to the cabin.

5. On the route Helsinki-Travemünde the company Finnlines carries out transportation by three completely identical ferries: Finnstar, Finnmaid, Finnlady. Thanks to this, the company has the opportunity to make daily flights in both directions, which is a definite plus for the freedom of travel planning. There is no need to choose a special day. You can simply buy a ticket and hit the road at any time convenient. This schedule is very convenient for cargo transportation, which is actively used by trucking companies.

6. Compared to other ferries plying between the Baltic countries, ferries Finnlines more focused on transporting vehicles. The number of cabins on board is somewhat smaller than on other ferries, but their number does not in any way affect comfort. Quite the opposite. Just like on other ferries, a standard four-berth cabin can be either with or without a window. But if in the same St. Peterline and Viking such a cabin has an area of ​​8.5 sq.m., then standard four-berth cabins Finnlines have an area of ​​10 sq.m. Of course, there is always the opportunity to improve the level of comfort. For example, take a cabin with increased to 16 sq.m. area or treat yourself to a Lux, Suite or Suite Deluxe cabin. The latter is comparable in size to a small apartment - 38 sq.m. and the comfort of a fashionable hotel room.

7. Each cabin, regardless of its size and berths, is equipped with its own bathroom and shower, and is also equipped with all the accessories necessary for a comfortable stay - bed linen, towels, hairdryer, cups. Larger cabins also have a refrigerator. Why isn't this a real hotel? Moreover, with the most real Sea View, because outside the room window you can’t just see somewhere coastline. The sea is all around!

8. The interior of the passenger area also looks quite good ordinary hotel, except that the ceiling height is slightly lower than usual.



11. According to the carrier, the journey from Helsinki to Travemünde takes 27 hours. In winter it takes a couple of hours longer. Thus, the travel time is a little more than a day, which is already half as long as the overland journey under its own power. But that’s not even the most important thing. The main thing is that when traveling on a ferry, you can forget about the steering wheel and completely relax, indulging in a leisurely time on board. The ferry departs from Helsinki at 17.00 and arrives at the port of Travemünde at 21.30. During this time, the main restaurant of the ship will offer two dinners and one brunch - a kind of breakfast that smoothly flows into lunch. The cost of the meal package per adult is 72 euros. This price includes a superior dinner, brunch and dinner. Small but nice detail. Superior dinner - dinner on the day of departure, includes an unlimited amount of draft beer and wine. On the day of arrival, such joy is no longer present, since most passengers will need to drive after dinner.

12. The restaurant operates on the principle buffet. The variety of dishes is unlikely to amaze regulars of Turkish or Egyptian all-inclusive meals, but it is quite capable of satisfying the needs of all passengers on the ship. But since this is a buffet, there will be a queue for the dishes. Fortunately, it moves quite quickly and dissolves just as quickly. If you come to dinner not when it starts at 6:30 p.m., but a little later, then you can completely avoid having to stand in line of hungry people with plates.

13. The menu is constantly changing. The set of dishes differs not only on the first and second days of the trip, but also from flight to flight. Everything is prepared immediately before dinner or breakfast by a whole team of chefs under the direction of the ship's chef.


15. Despite the fact that the first dinner is more than satisfying, varied and flavored with quite tolerable wine, there remains a certain feeling of unsaidness.

16. Breakfast the next day puts everything in its place. First of all, precisely because this is not an ordinary breakfast, but a brunch. The menu contains both dishes traditionally offered for breakfast in hotels - scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, cold cuts and cheeses, fruits and sweets, as well as dishes more suitable for lunch - soups, hot meat and fish dishes. By the way, if you buy food vouchers in advance, you can come twice during brunch. For example, have breakfast in the morning, then laze on the bed or take a walk in the fresh, damp air on the deck, and then come back again and have lunch.


18. Dinner in the main restaurant ends at 20.00. But passenger service does not end with just one restaurant. There are several more bars on board with a varied selection of alcoholic drinks and snacks. So even the most voracious will not have to go hungry. By the way, there is free wi-fi in the bar area located on deck 11. True, on the high seas the only way to access the Internet is satellite technology, so the speed of such access, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. The channel is so weak that it is barely enough for a text chat. You can afford to check your email or download Instagram, but nothing more. So, if you are traveling with your family or in the company of friends, nothing will distract you from real live communication.

19. About passengers with children in company Finnlines We haven't forgotten either. On the ferries, on the same deck 11, there is a full-fledged children's playroom.

20. For the leisure and comfort of passengers, there is also a small gym and a full-fledged free sauna - you can’t do without it, this is a Finnish ferry. But the most beauty lies not inside, but outside the ship - on the open decks. This is where you can fully experience the romance of sea travel. If the weather permits, here you can sit at an open table and, without interrupting your journey, watch the sunrise and watch the sunset. During the icy season, you can sunbathe on a sun lounger during the day, lazily sipping beer, and at night admire the stars, which shine especially brightly in the open sea.



23. In the meantime, you are enjoying doing nothing, the ferry, concentrating on its work, takes you to Europe, from where you can continue your journey, rested, without getting wasted on trifles. By the way, this is an important point. The ferry arrives at the port of Travemünde in the evening. In terms of continuing the journey, this is not very convenient since you will have to travel at night or immediately stop for the night somewhere nearby. But if you plan your trip so that your arrival falls on Saturday, you can stay overnight right on board the ferry.

Helpful information:
Company Finnlines constantly carries out various promotions that allow you to save on the costs of sea travel. When purchasing a ticket through the website, you can choose a so-called special fare. On the one hand, it does not allow you to return the ticket or make any changes to it, but on the other hand, it allows you to significantly save on price.
In addition, on the official page in

To Tula with your own brew? Nonsense! We will bring the samovar to Germany! And at the same time we’ll take with us the children and... the family car.

Hmm... They won't let you board the plane with such luggage. But the ferry from St. Petersburg to Germany will also accept such passengers. All that remains is to find out the cost of tickets, the ferry schedule and you can pack your things. Oh... How long will the voyage last? What can you take with you? How are the cabins arranged? Should I grab sandwiches or will they serve food there?

There is nothing better than a boat trip!

Those who have never traveled this way always have a lot of questions. Don't worry, we've got it all figured out. And those who read the article to the end will navigate this route no worse than inveterate travel agents.

Is a ferry more convenient than a car or a plane?

It depends on where you are going and what you are bringing with you. Naturally, the ferry is not the fastest mode of transport. But it allows you to transport large loads and not have to sit in a chair the whole way.

There will be plenty of free space for children to run around!

Traveling by ferry is convenient for those who:

  • wants to drive around Germany in his car (and take it to Germany on the same ferry);
  • carries bulky cargo (equipment, vehicle);
  • travels with children who get tired of sitting still all the time;
  • I’m not against passive relaxation at the beginning of the vacation (the ferry has all the conditions for this);
  • afraid of air travel.

The ferry is a lifeline for those who are afraid of flying!

Arseny (26 years old, Pskov):

“My friends and I wanted to drive around Germany in our own car, only in our company, without any tourist groups or mass excursions. We took a ferry to Germany. There is no other way to get the car. Maybe we could drive it, but then we don’t know how long it would take us to get to Germany. And so we had a pleasant rest for 2.5 days, steamed in the sauna and talked. True, we left all the laptops in the car, thinking we could pick it up later. But it turned out that you can’t get to the cars until they arrive. It’s okay, we had a great time without movies.”

How much does it cost to take a ferry ride today?

Ferry transportation between St. Petersburg and Germany is provided by the company Finnlines. Her ferries Transrussia And FinnPartner go along the route Pieter-Lubeck, with a 2-hour stop in Ventspils (Latvia). You can depart both from St. Petersburg and from Ventspils.

You can purchase tickets online at

The dimensions of the cabin significantly increase the cost of the ticket.

Price ferry crossing to Germany from Russia is calculated using the formula: base ticket price * number of people + car transportation cost (for Vehicle length over 6 m).

Basic prices:

  • for an adult - 250-300 EUR;
  • for a child 13-17 years old - 125-150 EUR;
  • for a child 6-12 years old - 60-75 EUR;
  • for a child under 5 years old - 15 EUR.

These prices include the cost of meals (excluding alcohol), cabin, basic (15 EUR) and port taxes (15 EUR). The cost of the trip varies according to the time of year. IN summer months prices are higher.

Taking your car with you is a completely sensible idea!

If you are transporting a passenger car (up to 6 m long), then it is more profitable to arrange a car package. This service will cost from 350 to 750 EUR. The total amount depends on the number of people (1-4) and the time of year (from June to August the cost is higher). Finnlines offers a 20% discount on the cost of your return trip if you buy a round trip ticket or car package outright.

There is currently no service for booking tickets for this ferry via the Internet. You can only buy tickets through travel agencies. A list of intermediary companies can be found on the Finnlines website.

With the owner, even to the ends of the earth!

Pets are not allowed on the ferry from St. Petersburg to Germany. You have no one to leave your faithful dog with? Then make more sense. There are even special toilets for dogs on the decks.

A vacation is a vacation, and the ferry is on schedule!

The ferry departs from St. Petersburg on Tuesdays at 20:00. It arrives in Lubeck on Friday at 6:30. You can leave Lübeck on Saturday at 19:00. Then on Tuesday, at 8:00 you will already be in St. Petersburg. You must arrive for check-in two hours before the ferry departure. In the end, your cruise will last 62 hours (each way).

On board, the journey time will fly by.

You can follow changes in the schedule on the company's official page. The situation is the same on the Helsinki-Rostock route.

If you have already planned a trip to Germany by ferry, you can use the Helsinki-Travemünde route. This is a convenient route for those who travel by ferry for the first time: travel time is 27 hours, instead of 62.

Find out without the ferry crossing! What countries and customs will you have to go through? What do motorist tourists write about this event? What to take with you? What can you be fined for in Germany? How to park and what documents should I have with me? Experienced travelers will tell you about this and much more.

Kirill (34 years old, St. Petersburg):

“The whole journey there was only one negative moment, and that was at the very beginning of the journey. My family and I arrived at the port, but we couldn’t find the ferry. We contact the port employees, but they say that there is no such ferry here and there shouldn’t be. Half an hour of wandering, of course, solved the problem, but it also made me nervous. Tickets are still not cheap.

Although the trip itself completely compensated for everything: cozy cabins, similar to rooms in good hotel, delicious food, gatherings on the deck, free sauna. All this allowed me to quickly get the unpleasant incident out of my head and get ready for the upcoming vacation.”

What to have fun in the middle of the Baltic Sea?

On the Finnlines ferry, even a long 62 hours can be spent in maximum comfort.

Here are some ways to pass the time:

  • Visit the sauna, jacuzzi and mini-pool.

Children will appreciate the bubbling Jacuzzi.

  • Work out on the gym.
  • Have lunch at a restaurant. The food here is delicious, and most importantly - 4 times a day. The restaurant has a pretty decent buffet. There are fruits, vegetables, desserts, fish and meat dishes. The food is always high quality and fresh. Drinks include tea, coffee, juice, water and milk. You can also get a free can of beer or soda.

The menu is designed for various gastronomic preferences!

  • Get acquainted with the structure of the ferry, look at different decks.
  • Sit at the bar.
  • Watch TV in the cabin. But don't expect to find Russian-language channels. If you find English-speaking ones, you’ll be happy.
  • Have fun with your children in the play area.

The little one will find something to do in the special playroom.

  • Go to the store. Here you can buy jewelry, books, sweets, cards, cosmetics, hygiene items, toys, and souvenirs. Although you can calm down, wait until Germany and buy all this for a couple of times cheaper. This is not duty free, so don’t expect any fabulous prices. Except for the fabulously tall ones.
  • Work in the conference room.

A comfortable sun lounger, gentle sun and your favorite book... Welcome to the deck!

  • Read news on the Internet (there is free Wi-Fi on the ferry). Please note that the Internet is available on the class ferry Transrussia, on a ferryboat FinnPartner I'll have to limit myself to books and TV.

You can also just sit with a book on the deck or lie on the bed in the cabin. Cabin area - 20-24 sq. m. In addition to the bed, there is a toilet, shower, radio, telephone, safe, refrigerator, TV, table and wardrobe.

It is possible to experience all the beauty of a vacation without leaving your cabin.

Vera (42 years old, Kirovsk):

“Last spring my family (me, husband and son) took this ferry. I usually don't trust online reviews very much. But now I’m sure: the laudatory reviews about Finnlines ferries are deserved. We traveled in early March and there were few people on the ferry: truckers and only 3 families. Despite this, the bar and restaurant always opened on time, and the sauna and jacuzzi were cleaned regularly. Even the store, which operates only a few hours a day even with a full ferry, worked according to the stated schedule.”

Do you like boat trips? Ready to spend 2.5 days on a cruise Baltic Sea? Then the ferry from St. Petersburg to Lubeck is the ideal way to get to Germany. You will admire the sea and gain strength before starting the active phase of your journey.

Tina Krainichenko

The engine is the most expensive component of a car. Experienced car enthusiasts know very well that in addition to timely replacement of filters, antifreeze and oil, other factors, such as regular engine washing, also influence the extension of its service life. A clean engine is less likely to overheat and runs longer without interruptions. However, washing the “heart” of a car is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Under the hood of a car there are many different electronic components that can be easily damaged if handled carelessly.

Methods for cleaning the motor

The traditional and most unsafe methods of cleaning the engine compartment are hand dry cleaning and high pressure water washing. Improper execution of the procedure can lead to quite serious consequences - breakdown of the power unit and ignition system.

The safest alternative to traditional methods is steam engine washing in Moscow. The procedure is carried out using a steam generator that produces steam under high pressure. The washer directs the steam jet at different angles, cleaning the most hard to reach places engine compartment. The main thing is that the electrical contacts and elements remain dry, which means that the likelihood of a short circuit is minimized.


In addition to the fact that washing a car engine with dry steam guarantees the integrity of the electrical wiring and ignition system, it also has other positive qualities. Compared to analogues, the procedure takes more:

  • fast. On average, it takes 20-40 minutes to wash the engine compartment;
  • environmentally friendly. The engine compartment cleaning procedure is carried out without the use of chemical detergents;
  • economical. A steam cleaner uses significantly less water than the most modern equipment and does not require a sewage system;
  • effective. By using the steam engine washing service in Moscow around the clock, the car owner can easily get rid of persistent contaminants from bitumen, tar and oil. And since water is not used during washing, significantly fewer dirty stains are formed.


Cleaning the engine should be done with extreme care. The steam jet supplied from the sprayer under high pressure (6-8 atmospheres) has a high temperature (on average about 160 °C). Therefore, to avoid serious injuries, it is better to entrust this event to professionals.

How often to carry out

If the car body is washed as it gets dirty, then the under hood should be cleaned no more than 1-2 times a year. As a rule, this need arises:

  1. at large quantities oil smudges in the engine compartment;
  2. before diagnosing the engine and attachments;
  3. when performing pre-sale preparation.

Price for engine cleaning with hot dry steam

The cost of steam cleaning is much higher than classical cleaning. However, the end justifies the means. The funds saved on a steam car wash are unlikely to cover the costs of diagnosing, purchasing and replacing equipment that has become unusable.

I almost always route most of my trips to Europe through Finland - my personal experience crossing the Belarus-Poland border (time spent, queues, nagging from Polish and Belarusian customs officers) is quite negative. And having reached Stockholm through Finland, you can travel to both central Europe and Scandinavia in one day.
But there is one link in this route that causes some confusion and anxiety among our autotourists - this is the ferry crossing from Finland to Sweden (and back). I judge this by the questions that our auto travelers quite often ask me at the sites before registering for the ferry. In this note I will try to summarize them and answer them.
So, there are 3 ferry lines between Finland and Sweden: Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, Turku-Stockholm-Turku and Vaasa-Umea-Vaasa. The last line is quite specific and we will not consider it.

For trips to Sweden and further within a radius of 500-600 km from Stockholm, the Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki ferries are most suitable, but if you need to go further, then I prefer Turku-Stockholm-Turku and here's why.

Ferries from Helsinki depart at 17-17.30 and arrive in Stockholm at 9-9.30 in the morning. This allows you to leisurely explore the ferry, explore the shops, have dinner - in general, relax, and in the morning get a good night's sleep and have a leisurely breakfast before arriving at the port.
If there is still quite a long journey ahead, then I prefer the Turku-Stockholm-Turku line: ferries depart at 20-20.40 (between Helsinki and Turku there are only 160 km and the schedule by car is basically the same) and arrive in Stockholm- at 6-6.30. These “won” three morning hours are very useful. And the cost of ferry tickets for this route is lower.

These two ferry lines (Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki and Turku-Stockholm-Turku) are operated by two competing companies - Vikilng Line and Silja Line: every day there is a morning and evening flight. Every day the competition between them is so fierce that state level an agreement was reached that ferries on each line would operate at intervals of 30-40 minutes. The Silja Line ferry departs first, followed by the Viking Line.

If we compare the cost of tickets (automatic package car + cabin 4 seats), then on the Turku-Stockholm-Turku line the Viking Line prices are slightly lower. In addition, the ferries of this company have very cheap cabins on the deck below engine room, though there is a toilet and shower in the corridor.

Terminals in Turku.

Viking terminals ( GPS N60°26" 6.94" E022°13" 54.87") and Silja ( GPS N60°26.035" E022°13.185")(GPS indicated coordinates of registration areas with cars) are almost nearby, but you have to approach them from different directions and it’s not easy to get your bearings, especially in the dark. Here is a diagram of the location of terminals and entrances to register cars with passengers.

The terminal buildings are fenced off from the registration areas with cars. And if there is a need to visit, for example, the toilet before queuing for registration, then it is better to first drive up to the terminal building and then go to the queue for registration. The walk from the site to the terminal building is about a kilometer.
Registration begins an hour and a half before the ferry departure.

The registration procedure is extremely simple: you drive up to the booth, submit a printout at the window electronic ticket. According to the rules, they can also ask for a passport and registration certificate for the car, but I haven’t encountered this for several years. But a printout or at least a written down reservation number must be included at registration. If you don’t have a printout (forgot or lost it), then it’s better to calmly drive up to the terminal building before check-in and get a printout at the passport information desk - they don’t always succeed at the booth.

From the window you will be given a special tag that hangs on the rearview mirror - so that the employees can see which group of cars (by height) to direct yours to, as well as cabin key cards and cards for access to dinner and breakfast (if they are pre-paid).

Next, the cars, at the signals of the employees, drive to the loading area and stand there in several rows in accordance with the instructions.

Here you will have to wait 30-40 minutes until the ferry arrives.At the site you can get out of your cars and even, being careful (there is a lot of special transport moving around the site), walk close to the pier to watch the approach and mooring of the ferry.

After the vehicles are unloaded from the arriving ferry, loading occurs at a signal from the employees. Following the instructions, you park the car, pick up the necessary things, close it and go to the elevators.
  • There is no access to cars during the voyage. Therefore, you need to take everything you need with you right away. But we must keep in mind that the cabins are very small, everything is “back to back” and with large bags they are not very comfortable. I always prepare a small bag with the essentials separately, and go up to the cabin with it

  • You need to remember the deck number, where the car is parked and which side to go on, and also, when you go up to your cabin deck, it’s a good idea to look around and rememberwhich of the elevators you took - then it’s better to go down on it (or along the stairs near it) so as not to crawl between the cars - they are quite dense, you can get dirty.

  • Don’t set the car alarm so that it doesn’t “break up” in the sea from rolling and drain the battery - just close it with the key.
Terminals in Helsinki.
Silja Line terminals (GPS 60.159799, 24.960990) and Viking Line (GPS 60.165356, 24.974250) are located on the opposite shores of the Yuzhny Port Bay (coordinates of areas for registration with a car are indicated). The entrance to the Southern Port itself is marked with signs from the exit along the highway into the city and to the port itself.

The only “subtlety” is that already in the immediate vicinity of the port you need to carefully look at the signs for the South Port so as not to go to the West (there is also a Silja Line terminal there). From there there are ferries to Tallinn. But even if this happens, it’s okay, the South port is a 15-minute drive from the western one.

Accordingly, you need to approach the terminals from different shores of the bay (the entrances to registration with a car are marked)

The check-in and boarding procedure is similar to that in Turku. There are signs and employees everywhere showing you what to do.

On a ferryboat
On ferries there is a rather confusing system of numbering cabins, so when I find my cabin, I remember the path from it to the nearest elevator, and then, going up to other decks, I remember where exactly this elevator is located on them (there are many of them on the ferry) - then, going down to your deck, you quickly find a cabin.

On the ferry, all shops and restaurants open only from the moment the ship departs. On each ferry there is a so-called "buffet" - a large restaurant operating on the principle of "buffet." Dinner there costs about 30 euros. The menu is usual for such establishments - a dozen appetizers, three or four hot dishes, a pastry chef, some fruit, etc. The price also includes beer, red and white dry wine ( in roll-on), juices, water, tea, coffee. No other alcohol is served and you cannot order for money either. You can pay for dinner at the buffet when purchasing a ticket - then you will receive special cards upon check-in, but you can also pay directly on board. But when paying “on the spot,” one problem may arise:This "buffet" feeds numerous groups of tourists. And during peak times (eg. New Year holidays) the ferry is packed with tourists and there is simply no room at this “buffet”. Yes, and it only works until 22.30.

But there are two or three more restaurants on the ferry (and some more) where you can eat normally for reasonable money. We usuallywe go to one of them, pay for the “salad bar” (a stand of salads and other snacks on a buffet basis) and beer and that’s usually enough.
But sometimes you have to wait there for a table to become available, so I recommend that if you decide to dine at one of these restaurants, reserve your seats when booking your tickets - they don’t charge you for this.
There is also a self-service cafe, where you can also have something to eat - the menu there is about the same as in the cafe at large gas stations.

But the best place to have breakfast is at this largest buffet restaurant. The set of dishes there is standard for breakfast in a restaurant of a 3-4 star hotel. But the restaurant hall is located at the bow of the ferry on the 8th deck, and if you take a table near the panoramic windows facing forward, the breakfast will turn out to be very nice despite the early hour (breakfast is served an hour and a half before mooring, at 5 am Swedish time).
However, even in the morning you may not be able to get to the “buffet” during peak “tourist” times, so I always pay for breakfast immediately when purchasing tickets (the cost of 1 breakfast is 15 euros, cheaper for children).
But if things don’t work out, then there is still the opportunity to have breakfast at an a la carte restaurant or in that same cafe.
On ferries on the Turku-Stockholm-Turku route, when leaving for breakfast, keep in mind that while you are in the restaurant, the employees can already begin cleaning the cabins - taking off linen (the ferry on this route has very short stops). Therefore, handbags, purses, etc. It’s better to take it with you. On the Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki route there is no such rush and no one will break into your cabin during breakfast.

Shop Duty Free
The duty free shop on board is open in the evening and some in the morning. The selection of perfume, alcohol, cigarettes, and confectionery is good. Prices are higher than in Duty Free at our airports, but not much. But they are significantly lower than on earth (in the EU). That’s why we usually don’t violate the drinks allowance when entering Finland, but replenish our supplies on the ferry :)

All ferries have discos, and some (larger ones, mainly on the Helsinki-Stockholm line) have rich entertainment up to the circus, concerts, etc.

But drivers - sleep! :)

In the morning, if it is light and the weather is good, I recommend going up to the upper deck and spending the remaining time admiring the skerries through which the ferry passes to Stockholm.

Access to cars opens 40 minutes before mooring. This is announced on the radio, including in Russian. But there is no need to rush. It is quite enough to start going down to the auto deck 20 minutes before arriving at the port. Moreover, I don’t recommend waiting for the elevators - the entire huge tourist crowd on foot will take the elevators to the 5th deck, from where the exit is on foot. It’s not difficult to go down 3-4 flights of stairs with a small bag (remember about bags?).

How to get to Europe cheaply and quickly? Just need tedious car trip turn into relaxing sea ​​cruise! For only 299 euros for four + car. And instead of a tiring two thousand kilometers on the road, you sunbathe on the upper deck, sip a martini at the bar, or simply soak in the jacuzzi overlooking the Baltic sunset.

For example, in combination with a ferry, the distance from St. Petersburg to Berlin is 694 km, to Bruges 1088 km, and to the ski resort of San Anton - 1292 km! And you are in your own car, you are not limited in luggage or the weight of ski equipment, you do not waste time and energy traveling to Europe, but enjoy it from the very beginning of the trip. At the same time, the cost of gasoline is absolutely comparable to the cost of a ferry. And you can even take your dog with you!

The ferry leaves Helsinki and arrives in Travemünde, Germany, sea ​​port close to Lubeck and Hamburg. And then you plan the route at your own discretion. Of course, this route is ideal for road travelers from St. Petersburg, but it is also suitable for Muscovites, why not add Helsinki to your trip around Europe?!

Are you not by car? Then such a trip is one of the options for a circular route around Europe. An interesting and varied journey. Today I will tell you how a cargo-passenger ferry works, what to do all day at sea and what is included in this minimum 299 euros. Today we are visiting the company Finnlines!


In Helsinki, the ferry boards at Vuosaari Port / Vuosaaren Satama Hansaterminaali, Provianttikatu 5, 00980 Helsinki. In addition to the huge cargo terminal, the Hansa Passenger Terminal / Hansaterminaali was also built here. Having experience traveling on cruise ship I thought that you need to arrive a few hours before departure, but you can arrive on the Finnlines ferry 1-1.5 hours before. You can register at the Terminal, but I completed it in just a couple of minutes at the checkpoint without leaving the car:

Then, behind the escort car, a line of cars goes to the ferry. If you don't have a car, a shuttle from the passenger terminal takes you to the ferry. Finnlines operates Star class ferries built in Italy. These ferries are cargo-passenger type ROPAX (roll-on/roll-off passenger), that is, for transporting cars along with the accommodation of passengers of these cars.

The ferry is a cargo-passenger ferry, even in the name the priority of its cargo part is, however, in real life, only one of the angles shows orderly rows of trucks. Passengers feel like they are on a small cruise ship.

On the car decks you can see all sorts of interesting cars. If you've traveled around Europe, you've probably noticed how popular motor rallies with vintage cars are here. On this ferry they travel to Scandinavia or Germany.

You take all the necessary things from the car and go up to the hall.

There is a complete set of maps and promotional materials for Finland and Germany.

You are also given a travel program, a schedule of all activities on board and rules of conduct.


On the ferry, decks 7, 8 and 9 are available for passengers. These are residential decks. 10 - crew only. And 11 and 12 are public.
This is what it looks like a budget option accommodation. Cabin for 4 people without window.

Shower and toilet in each cabin. Quite standard size, like for a cruise ship.

And I lived in this cabin. Ideal for a family with children!
A cabin with a window, parents on a large double bed, and children on a bunk bed opposite.

One of the channels broadcasts information messages and the ship's route.

Here is another example of a cabin with a sofa that folds out:

And the highest class cabin:

There is also a block of cabins on one of the decks for passengers with animals. After all, the ferry is one of the most optimal options travel if you are leaving for a couple of weeks with your dog. No problems with the plane!

And there is also the most budget option - just a folding chair in a special hall. On the right are lockers for personal items. A relative analogue of a bus, an ultra-budget option for backpackers.


There is a duty free shop on the ferry:

Small gym:

Massage room:

But the most important thing is the Finnish sauna and jacuzzi overlooking the sea!

There is a children's room for children:

However, children can also run around on the upper deck in good weather! Fresh air, sea breeze, beauty! And I was afraid that the children would have nothing to do.


There are several bars on the ship, where in addition to drinks and cocktails you can buy sandwiches and snacks. Prices are normal Finnish prices.

During the day, the majority of passengers stay here, read books, work on computers, play board games, just chat or look at the sea with a glass of martini! Creates a wonderful atmosphere of relaxation!

And this is the main restaurant:

Meals are not included in the price and can be purchased as a package at the time of booking or separately on site.
Buffet, alcohol (beer or wine) are included in the price.

The kitchen, chef and dishes deserve a separate post! Very nourishing, tasty, varied! The buffet selection is comparable to that on a huge cruise ship!

This is the passenger side of the Finnstar ferry. In the next report I will show how the ferry works, tell you how many people ensure the operation of the ship and, most importantly, I will show you the captain's bridge! The most interesting place on a ferryboat!

But the most important thing is not the food. The main thing is the opportunity to relax. Ferry Finnlines- this is part of the trip, and not just a type of transport. This is a day of rest before interesting route across central Europe.

Pros and cons

I tried ferry for the first time. I can definitely say - this is very cool! This is slow travel. It's not as fast as a plane, but it's so much fun! A small piece of the cruise mood on a European trip, at the same time optimal in time - not so fast that you don’t feel it and not so long that you get tired. And besides, it is also cheaper in absolute terms if you are traveling with a company or family to Europe by car from St. Petersburg or Moscow and want to combine Finland and central Europe in one trip and not waste time driving on the way to your destination . And this is absolutely comparable to the cost of gasoline and related expenses.

Special offer Helsinki - Travemünde:

Car package to Germany on Mondays and Wednesdays starting from 299 € one way!
Travel to Central Europe and book a special car package from Finland to Germany favorable price! 1–4 passengers, cabin without window and car starting from 299 €.
The special offer is valid on the following departures
Helsinki–Travemünde: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 2.11.–16.12.2015
Travemünde–Helsinki: Wednesdays and Fridays 4.11.–16.12.2015
Reservations: until 16.12.

In the following reports from this trip, I will talk about my impressions of Helsinki, Hamburg, Lubeck and a very cozy bed and breakfast in a mansion with a stable in a German village near Travemünde, ideal location for an overnight stay upon arrival in Germany!

To be continued...

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