Where is the best place to relax in Bali: review of resorts, beaches, surfing spots. Relax in the nightclubs of Bali The best places to stay in Bali

Night life in Bali it starts late, not earlier than midnight. Most nightclubs fill up by 1am. Many people come to pubs, bars, and discos late at night. So, if you are planning a night out, don't start too early. By the way, you need to keep in mind that when we talk about “nightlife in Bali” we mean... Only here you can fully have fun in the dark.

For anyone looking for adventure in the evening and at night, Kuta is beautiful place to fulfill these desires. There are a lot of entertainment venues here, offering absolutely everything to make your holiday unforgettable. Anyone who dreams of an active and eventful night program simply needs to go to Kuta in the evening, which is now the main party spot and includes the Legian and Seminyak zones. Here are the best entertainment venues that will be equally interesting for everyone.

Close to the center of Kuta there is CASABLANCA - a whole square with open-air pubs and noisy discos. PEANUTS Discotheque on Legian Street on the border of Kuta and Legian, a fairly new discotheque. The dance floor is always full, the people are very diverse, both local youth and foreigners.

Of course, the good old BOUNTY disco, still very popular, always filled with a variety of people. There you will also find BOUNTY SHIP, a noisy disco with an air-conditioned hall. Many establishments close at 3-4 am, but the MAMA'S bar is open almost around the clock, where you can continue to walk until dawn.

The Hard Rock Cafe with live music from 23.00 to 2.00 is also popular. Good bands often perform here with their own and borrowed compositions. True, by local standards, prices at Hard Rock are quite high.

Cafe Luna (an outdoor café with an Italian menu) offers live music. Paid entrance. Jaya Pub, located next to Cafe Luna, also offers live music and thus attracts a lot of people.

In Seminyak there is a street known as Gado Gado Road - a street with a huge number of night bars. Live music, reasonable prices for cocktails, a decent wine list, and a selection of pizzas. All this and friendly service attracts visitors at any time.

Some of the best parties in DOUBLE SIX. Big disco open air with several bars and a large dance floor, entrance fee - from 30,000 to 50,000 (3 - 5 dollars) depending on the day. Upon entry you will receive a voucher for one free drink. In general, Double Six is ​​a street, but today the entire surrounding area is called Double Six, and the beach has the same name, and almost only foreigners relax here.

Another perfect place in Seminyak, where you can drink and have fun all night - this is SANTA FEE, located directly next to the DOUBLE SIX club. There are outdoor tables, several bars and a multi-level dance floor.

For a more civilized post-dinner experience, choose POCO LOCO on Legian, the open-air NERO Bali bar opposite AROMAS Restaurant in Kuta, or the newly opened and refurbished MACCARONI next to Bounty.

It is also interesting to visit the MUSRO cabaret bar. There are wonderful costume shows in the Las Vegas style, the performance is divided into general until about 21-22 hours, and for adults only at a later time.

But there are few places for active night recreation in the area. The entire club life of the island, as mentioned above, is concentrated in Kuta. Many five-star hotels have either a disco, a bar, a late-night restaurant with live music, or all three.

Located in Sanur, Cafe Wayang is famous for its live music, which is performed by both local groups and foreign guests. It's no wonder this place is popular. The only real disco in Sanur is Janger. Of course, there are a lot of people here, but still most vacationers and locals prefer to have fun in Kuta.

Visit the island and you will see that there is something for everyone; both good and educational. Connoisseurs of ethnicity and national color will find a lot of new things for themselves, nature lovers will not remain indifferent, followers of chic, club holidays will receive excellent service, youth groups will be able to truly have fun, and fans will be pleasantly surprised, all this diversity can and should be combined, in In general, everyone who visited the fantastic island will be left with a lot of best impressions for a long time and the desire to return here at least once again.

Bali is a tourist paradise, it is always full of tourists with different countries. Amazing island with an excellent climate and service, it will give you a lot of pleasure. It’s always summer here, everyone is smiling here, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying here: “In Bali every day - sunday” - “It’s always Sunday in Bali”!

To the sacramental question: “Where is the best place to live in Bali?” There is no single answer and there cannot be. The fact is that Bali is a small island, but very diverse, as a result, here everyone can find something for themselves, in a word, the rule: “to everyone according to their needs, from everyone according to their capabilities” works one hundred percent in Bali.


The most democratic and alcoholic resort on the island. Russians (who are an order of magnitude smaller in Kuta than representatives of Australia or Canada) prefer to stay in hotels that look decent, but are dirty inside, and rent out rooms for the price of Turkish three rubles. Australians who are more unpretentious in matters of comfort usually rent huts from local population(if you wish, you can find a shack for five dollars a day) or they live at surf bases.

Living at surf bases is fun, but wild: there are interruptions in both water and electricity, the doors are locked at night purely symbolically, so it’s better not to take valuables with you, and flying cockroaches, along with other harmless but large insects, will become the duration of your roommates' stay at camp.

Why is Kuta loved and appreciated? Because this is where you can learn the basics of surfing for literally pennies. You purchase a subscription, and now you have at your disposal an old but strong board, and a local resident who explains in poor English how to stand on this board and what to do to catch a wave. According to the young fighters who took the course in Kuta, a week of training with an instructor is enough to be quite confident on the waves.

The beaches in Kuta, to put it mildly, are not intended for ordinary swimming. The waves, the water is muddy, the sand is greyish, plus it is strewn with the corpses of fish that died the death of the brave when colliding with surfboards, so swimming here is a pleasure below average.

But the nightlife in Kuta is in full swing and mostly in the head. As night falls, the clubs and bars are filled to capacity with the same Australians from the shacks who caught the waves during the day.

The unbridled Australian breakaway in some Sky Garden or Bounty sometimes takes such unbridled forms that you begin to catch yourself thinking that the environmental situation on the Green Continent is even better than we imagine. Otherwise, how do people have enough energy to have so much fun at night and get up on the board in the morning? This obviously has to do with the air they breathed since childhood and the foods they ate.

Summary: a great place to have a wild night and learn the basics of surfing during the day.


In fact, everything written above also applies to Legian, fortunately the Kuta beach goes into Legian. The only difference is that the prices for accommodation and massage are slightly higher, otherwise the difference is unnoticeable, so I won’t repeat it.


Actually, if we approach the issue from a geographical point of view, then Kuta and Legian are part of Seminyak, but in terms of holidays in Bali, Seminyak is a separate zone.

Here, instead of hotels and huts, there are villas of varying degrees of comfort (there are also luxurious ones, with a swimming pool and staff), which are rented for a period of two weeks. Mostly Australians also live here, but mostly they are already married and with children. The beaches in Seminyak are cleaner than in Kuta and much less crowded, but they are still suitable for surfing and not for swimming.

The local establishment Ku De Ta, a luxurious restaurant-nightclub on the ocean, deserves great attention. It’s worth visiting this place at least once, ignoring the fact that prices in Ku De Ta are twice as high as the average in Bali.

In the photo: White party in Ku De Ta

Great food and delicious drinks, breathtaking views of the ocean, a special pleasure - lying on a sun lounger (they are installed directly on coastline), listen to the sound of the waves crashing at your feet, and admire the sunset while sipping a cocktail of tropical fruits.

Summary: Kuta is for adults, the living conditions are more comfortable, the beaches are cleaner, and the establishments are more respectable.


Ubud is an interesting resort format that is not entirely clear to Russians, because there is no sea in Ubud. But there is a river and a monkey forest, an endless number of schools for meditation and batik classes, art galleries and centers of traditional Balinese medicine. By the way, this is where the healer Vian from “Yes” receives her. Pray. Be in love".

In the photo: Julia Roberts in Ubud, a still from the movie “Eat. Pray. Love"

It is Ubud that is chosen as a permanent place of residence by those who come to Bali for a couple of months - six months. And yet, expats live in Ubud, and therefore the evening parties in local bars are international. The atmosphere at the parties is fun, but everything is within the bounds of decency, that is, without the riot of Kuta.

Summary: a place for meditation, self-knowledge and finding peace of mind.


If anywhere in Bali you can only hear Russian speech, it’s in Nusa Dua. This is where 90% of Russian tourists go, and all because the infrastructure in Nusa Dua is not too different from Turkish or Greek all inclusive.

Expensive hotels (from 4 stars and above), neat paths, beaches with white sand and clear water, in which swimming is a real pleasure. One minus: behind the luxurious five-star decorations, the local flavor is completely lost.

Summary: a resort for those who cannot live without comfort; you won’t learn to surf here, but there are excellent beaches for swimming. The downside is that the flavor of the island is lost.


Lost in the distant ocean waters is a divine island with unique flora and incredibly diverse fauna. Washed by the Indian Ocean on the south and the Pacific on the north, the island is famous for its coral reefs and endless impassable jungles, quiet secluded beaches and high waves - the dream of any surfer, active volcanoes and charming rice terraces. This is an island of the Malay archipelago - Bali.

It's good to relax everywhere in Bali. In a short time you can visit completely contrasting places in nature, color and level of service, this makes Bali even more interesting and multifaceted. Therefore, when going on vacation, be sure to explore all corners of the island and choose the place that suits your needs. We must immediately make a reservation that the infrastructure, service, and nature in this fabulous corner do not always correspond to the pampered tourist who prefers especially comfortable living conditions.

Let's look at the main areas for recreation and living. Let's get acquainted not only with their positive qualities, but also learn some rather piquant features.

Kuta is located in the very south of Bali and is mainly suitable for budget vacation. It will be comfortable here for those who prefer crazy parties every night in clubs and a wide variety of bars and restaurants with reasonable prices. Because even on Monday at five in the morning you can see whole lines of taxis waiting near the clubs of clients who have been on a spree.

An important detail for a comfortable stay is that everything here is located quite compactly and you can easily walk to the beach or to a cafe. In most other places you cannot do without a car or taxi services.

And here are the disadvantages. Kuta is famous for scammers who try to deceive visitors by offering to buy counterfeit gold items and, in exchange for local currency. Tourists are also annoyed by local shop traders, bike rental companies and salon masseuses.


Those who like to wander around shops with many bustling customers will also be at ease. Kuta has a large number of different shopping shops, centers and boutiques with a completely diverse range of products for every budget.

And of course, famous beach ideal for learning to surf. For Russian-speaking beach holidaymakers, five schools are open to teach this difficult hobby. For beginner surfers, they provide all the necessary equipment

And so, Kuta is a noisy, cheerful and very cheap resort area.

How to get there.

The journey from the airport to Kuta will only take fifteen minutes and will cost you $5.


Legian is located very close to Kuta. If full “drive” 24 hours a day does not suit you. If you prefer to spend the night in a calm and quiet environment, then it is better to rent accommodation in Legian. This place is very similar in its conditions to its neighbor Kuta and this place certainly cannot be called quiet, but the villas here are located away from noisy discos and restaurants on quiet and cozy streets. You can get a good night's sleep and gain strength for new adventures and experiences here in great comfort.


The infrastructure here is quite developed. A large number of restaurants, clubs and bars will not let you get bored in the evening and at night. The beaches are well equipped and despite the fact that there is often a strong surf, swimming here is comfortable.

Moving around the area is no problem. Shopping, entertainment and beaches are nearby. You can always take a taxi or rent a motorcycle.

Housing prices are quite affordable and there is an opportunity to choose something to suit every taste and budget. Acceptable price does not mean bad service. The staff is well trained and friendly.

How to get there.

You can get from the airport to Legian by rented car or taxi, the fare will cost from 5 to 7 dollars. The entire journey will take about 20 minutes. If you wish, you can rent a bicycle or motorcycle. It will cost you much less


North-west of the previous areas is the fashionable and popular resort of Seminyak among young people.

A modern resort with a bustling life is not an option for a person looking for solitude and silence. But you definitely won’t be bored here.

Perhaps, in order to feel and understand the real Bali, you need to make your first trip to Seminyak.

It’s impossible to even believe that just ten years ago there were only houses of the local population and many rice terraces in this place. Now every meter of land is densely occupied by buildings. Yet, despite such active construction, the whole of Seminyak is surrounded by luxurious greenery and the air is intoxicating with its aroma.


Despite the close proximity, the decor, service and lifestyle here are a decent order of magnitude higher. There are several art galleries, clean shopping streets with famous boutiques, restaurants with gourmet cuisine and many decent clubs at your service. Neither on the beach nor on the streets are there practically any barkers who harass you by imposing their services and goods.

According to your needs and budget, you can easily find luxury hotels, villas, restaurants and spas. The price range for luxury housing here is quite wide. A hotel room can cost you from 70 to 150 dollars. For a villa you will have to pay from 80 to 280 dollars per night. Prices here are quite high compared to other areas of Bali, but the service and comfort are worth it. And most importantly, you will always be in the center of the island's events.

How to get there.

By renting a car or bike you can get from the airport to Seminyak in a few minutes.


The real Bali begins from Canggu on the southern coast. Here you will immediately see green winding rice terraces and narrow country roads surrounded by lush greenery. A traditional Balinese look that gives a feeling of comfort and complete peace.

This place combines incompatible things. It is suitable for people of any type. Here you will find quiet, deserted beaches that allow you to fully relax. And noisy, cheerful ones with volcanic sand, where surfers happily spend their leisure time. If you don’t like extreme sports, then sitting comfortably in a wonderful restaurant on Eco Beach, you can watch for a long time how lovers of freedom and adrenaline confidently and beautifully catch the wave.


The infrastructure is well developed, which allows you to spend your vacation comfortably and conveniently.

Housing can be rented of any class and for any money. You can choose from guesthouses, luxury villas and hotels of different classes.

Traffic on the roads is free during the daytime. However, in the evening, when there is a lot tourist buses returning with tourists to the hotel from excursions, you can easily get stuck in a traffic jam.

This little one lost paradise will give you a lot of extraordinary impressions and give you the opportunity to plunge into a harmonious and measured life local population.

How to get there.

The best way to get to Canggu from the airport is by taxi. The payment will not be large, the main thing is to warn the driver to turn on the meter.

Nusa Dua.

The elite and respectable resort of Nusa Dua in Bali is located in the southern part of Bali. Its shores are washed by warm Indian Ocean. It is the most peaceful and completely safe place for a holiday. This is a completely closed area. Upon entry, all cars are subject to strict inspection so that no one disturbs the peace and quiet of the guests.

Impressive and breathtaking panoramas of the ocean can be seen from the high cliffs in the west of Nusa Dua. This panorama fascinates even the most experienced traveler.


Developed and well-established infrastructure coupled with quiet velvet sea will add comfort and convenience.

The best SPA treatments, the famous walking street with boutiques of world brands, cozy cafes and restaurants with exotic and traditional cuisine are at your service.

Various entertainments on the water, a huge cultural park where exciting performances are regularly shown will add energy and drive to a measured and relaxing holiday.

The prices are quite high, but the atmosphere and service correspond to this price.

Brilliant service, well-trained hotel staff who anticipate your desires with just one look and movement will make your vacation truly royal.

How to get there.

The most comfortable way to get from the airport is by ordering a transfer or taking a taxi. Travel time will be 20-30 minutes.


In the central part of the island there is a spiritual and Cultural Center Bali - Ubud. Local traditions and real age-old culture are completely concentrated in this area. Its original and unique atmosphere does not leave any guest indifferent. But in one day of an introductory tour you will not get to know this place completely. To understand it and love it with all your heart, stay there for a few days.

Nature simply amazes with its splendor and diversity. Winding and graceful slopes of rice plantations, turbulent mountain rivers and deep gorges, beautiful and high waterfalls create an unforgettable atmosphere of Ubud.


You can find there like expensive villa both a luxury hotel and budget cheap accommodation.

While spending time there, you can take care of your health and self-education. You can sign up for a yoga center for as many days as is convenient for you. Take a master class on spiritual practice and internal development. Learn from masters and artisans how to make silver jewelry, batik painting and cook Balinese cuisine.

The only drawback of Ubud is its great distance from the coast. Before south coast it will take about an hour and a half to get there.

How to get there.

When traveling on your own from the southern coast, keep in the direction of Sanur, and then follow the signs. You can get there by taxi for $20.


Located in the very north, the Lovina resort is not yet very popular among vacationers. But if you need a break from excessive communication, a huge flow of information and recharge yourself with positive energy for the whole year, then come right here.

The only drawback is, perhaps, that many beaches do not have lifeguard stations.

How to get there.

It's a 4 hour drive from the airport. It is advisable to order a transfer, and if you come here for a long time, you can rent a car.


For a secluded and even reclusive holiday, the Pemuteran region, little known not only among visitors, but also among local expats, is ideal. Surrounded by a purely Balinese atmosphere and friendly local residents, who are not tired of the crowds of tourists, you will fully relax from the everyday bustle and crazy rhythm of the city. A small village with several inexpensive hotels will become a real paradise for you for a while. Will add color to your vacation National Park Menjagan, located next to the village. You will get real extreme and exotic diving, which is truly wonderful here.


The infrastructure is not very well developed. There are practically no restaurants or bars here. On the beaches you will not see lifeguards and you will not be able to rent sports equipment for water activities. At your service only a huge bay and the gentle Indian Ocean with its magnificent underwater world. However, the hotels in Pemuterani are quite decent with good and not very expensive service.

All these inconveniences will not spoil your secluded holiday. You will find everything you need for the harmony of the soul here.

The only downside is the rather distant location from the airport (3 or 4 hours by car) and the almost complete absence of restaurants and bars.

How to get there.

You can get to Pemuteran from Gilimanuk from the southwest, spending 45 minutes on the road. From Lovina, if you drive along north coast the journey will take 2 hours. From the center, as mentioned above, you will have to spend 3-4 hours on the road. The most comfortable way to book a hotel is to arrange for a driver to meet you at the airport.

How to get to Bali

Denpasar Capital Airport accepts charter flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities Far East and Siberia. Consequently, from any city in Russia you can fly to the island at any time with a transfer in Moscow.

If you want to diversify your trip, you can choose a flight from Moscow with a transfer in any of these cities: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Dubai, Doha, Bangkok and Singapore.

Bali's resorts are so diverse that they can satisfy the needs and desires of absolutely any tourist. The choice of one or the other depends only on internal beliefs, personal preferences and financial capabilities. At the same time, at any time you can change your place or even go on a tour of the most interesting resort towns of Bali, fortunately there is plenty to choose from.

Nusa Dua

When dreaming of a vacation on the coast, you imagine luxurious mansions, rooms in five-star hotels, only the highest level of service, and snow-white beaches and the azure sea. You will find all this and more in Nusa Dua.

This resort area is recognized as the birthplace of tourism and recreation on the island of Bali. Some of the first hotels throughout the country were founded and rebuilt here. Today they are concentrated here best hotels only VIP class, offering recreation of the same high level. The entire coast of Nusa Dua is almost a continuous strip of 5-star hotels, the territory of which is quite problematic for those who do not live in a hotel.

The beach area is almost completely divided between hotels, which also helps protect guests from the close attention of others and annoying tourists who cannot afford a luxury vacation. On hotel premises you can often find expensive spas, beauty salons, swimming pools and golf courses, parks and pedestrian areas, recreation areas and chic restaurants. The Nusa Dua resort itself is a well-polished area for those people who are not used to counting money, value comfort and can afford a holiday of absolutely any cost. Film and television stars, musicians, politicians, athletes and other representatives of elite society, including those from Russia, often relax here.

If you are a budget tourist, then you should not think that Nusa Dua is completely inaccessible to you paradise. In order for you to relax in these places, it is enough to drive away from the coast, where you can rent housing. You will have to travel to the beach from afar, but you can choose open areas or the beaches of those hotels where access from the street is not closed. In principle, all Bali beaches are open and free areas of land, but still some hotel owners somehow seek restrictions on visiting the beach located on the territory of their hotel.

Nusa Dua Beach is quite influenced by the tides, but even during high tide you can relax comfortably on the coast. Timetable for when this occurs natural phenomenon contained on signs near the beaches of all resort hotels. Strong waves that occur here from time to time usually do not prevent tourists from sunbathing or swimming in the ocean.

On the territory of the Nusa Dua resort there is a large shopping center - Bali Collection, which can be reached on foot from almost any hotel. This place is considered the center of supermarkets, shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants. If you decide to go shopping, then remember that prices here are slightly higher than in other Balinese resorts, but the goods are of excellent quality. In the same mall, in the gallery, in the evening they show various performances of national themes.

Tanjung Benoa

Indonesia offers relaxation not only to wealthy tourists, but also welcomes people of any income. Thus, in close proximity to the fashionable Nusa Dua there is the resort of Tanjung Benoa - simpler and more accessible, less pretentious and expensive. This proximity does not in any way detract from the merits of this place, but on the contrary further emphasizes its spontaneity and difference from its neighbor. Middle-income people who are accustomed to active entertainment and good service.

Tanjung Benoa can offer vacationers excellent opportunities for recreation and entertainment: clean beaches, azure clear waters ocean, boats, parachutes, jet skis, bananas and other water activities.

Not so long ago, this now resort village was a small fishing village and the main waterway of the city. Today, the port still operates here, but for other purposes - renting out vessels and equipment for active water recreation.

Tanjung Benoa Beach stretches for one and a half kilometers and is a wide strip of pure white sand. There are no strong waves or dangerous sea animals here, since about a kilometer from the shore there is a fairly large coral reef, which acts as a barrier to the resort. Just like in neighboring Nusa Dua, low and high tides are a standard phenomenon. You can find out the schedule of this natural phenomenon at any hotel.

Tanjung Benoa is a fairly young resort not only in Bali, but in Indonesia in general. Despite the fact that it began to develop quite recently, it has already gained enviable popularity and has become one of the largest centers of water entertainment in this region.

The highlight of the resort is the fact that there are buildings representing various religious denominations modern world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

Also, in addition to standard excursion programs, Tanjung Benoa offers its vacationers sea excursions. You can go to the turtle center, walk through the mangroves, sit with a fishing rod by the water, admire the dolphins that will swim very close to you, and also do a lot of other interesting things. If you know in advance what kind of entertainment you will prefer at the resort, you can book excursions online and receive a discount that is promised by almost every excursion bureau on the island.


It is impossible to imagine Indonesia without a resort aimed at meeting the needs and desires of the young population of our planet. Today is popular place Recreation for partygoers is the resort of Kuta, which is located in Bali.

Kuta is recognized as the most populous resort on the island. It is located approximately 15 minutes from the airport and is considered the closest to it. The place is suitable for a holiday for absolutely any tourist, as there are both cheap hostels and expensive luxury hotels. The resort is somewhat similar to an anthill, as new tourists come here every day, looking for exciting holiday experiences and good nightlife. It is noisy, often dirty, but at the same time very fun and interesting.

The best beaches are Tuban, Kuta, Seminak and Legian in Bali. Kuta Beach, famous for its wide strip of sand and noisy surf, is considered the most suitable for surfing. The remaining beaches are located on both sides of Kuta and are considered its logical continuation, albeit calmer and cleaner.

Seminyak has luxurious villas and unusual restaurants. If we talk about the coast as a whole, then calm swimming is practically inaccessible here, as there are underwater currents and powerful surf. Swimming is only possible in areas marked with red and yellow flags. Kuta is the best place for beginner surfers: big waves, as well as the complete absence of corals and underwater rocks, makes the resort a suitable place for beginners.

If you have no idea have a nice rest in Indonesia without nightlife, then Kuta is your option and this resort will not disappoint you. Most bars, clubs and restaurants are open until the morning, but there are also those that close around midnight. Here you can leisurely cruise through the city streets, periodically visiting open bars until dawn. You will be accompanied by thousands of other tourists, who, just like you, are wandering around in search of adventure. But, despite such an active nightlife, you should not expect any obscenities from Kuta, since the resort is considered an “immaculate” place (there are no strip bars or go-go dancing here).

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Jimbaran is another expensive resort that represents a luxury vacation. The village is located just 15 minutes from the noisy and crowded Kuta. Unlike its sleepless neighbor, Jimbaran offers a peaceful holiday where you can enjoy own beach near a rented villa in the middle of dense forests and during your vacation you won’t meet a single person! The resort is still gaining popularity, so the public side of the holiday and the infrastructure are not of a very high level.

Ocean in the resort bay – perfect place For beach holiday and swimming, not affected by the tides. There are also excellent conditions for diving and snorkeling.

The Jimbaran coastline is famous throughout the island for its wide variety of seafood restaurants, serving delicious dishes at very reasonable prices. The tables of almost all establishments are located right next to the water on a sandy section of the shore.


Are you planning a quiet family holiday in Indonesia? Prefer to relax in Bali? Then feel free to go to Sanur! The description of this resort by numerous vacationers sounds like a peaceful place with a calm atmosphere and untouched nature. Sanur is a fairly large resort area with a huge selection of hotels, bars, restaurants and shops. You can get here from the airport in half an hour.

The main advantage of the resort is its seven-kilometer beach with white sand. The port of the same name is also located here, from which you can get to the islands nearby Bali: Gili, Penida, Nusa, etc. The majority of tourists here are Europeans who inherently adore peace and tranquility, and also value comfort, good service and the absence of a large influx of tourists. If we talk about prices, they are much higher here than in Kuta, but inferior to those in Nusa Dua.

Holidays are not available to every tourist, since the main segment of hotels is within 3 – 5 stars. As for cheap housing and hostels, this is very difficult here.

Sanur beach is clean, calm and quiet. There are practically no waves here. During low tide it is shallow near the shore, and to reach the depth you will have to walk for a very long time. This is why Sanur is considered favorite place for holidays with small children. There are many wide walking paths around the resort, which makes locality the safest place for walking and cycling.


Lovina is not the best popular resort Indonesia and, in particular, the island of Bali, since it is located on the northern coast, where it will take about 3 hours to get from the airport by taxi.

If this is not your first time in Bali and still want privacy and silence, then visit this resort area. One of the island’s attractions is also located here – the black sand on the beach, which is of lava origin.

There are no waves at the resort, and the affordable prices for housing and food attract tourists from all over the world.

The main value of the resort is unity with wildlife, enjoying its riches: hot sulfur springs, active diving, varied excursion program To natural beauties. Cockfights are considered a unique entertainment of the region, which can be attended by anyone.


Indonesia is famous not only for its coastal resorts, but also for those located in the wild jungle. One of these places is considered small town in the heart of the Balinese jungle - Ubud. It is nestled between picturesque rice terraces, river valleys and jungle-covered hills. Ubud is a place where you can not only have a relaxing time, but also get acquainted with the culture and history of the region.

The journey from the airport will take about an hour. If you are not ready to spend your entire vacation in such a place, then you can come here from any seaside resort in Bali for at least a few days. There are a lot of attractions, temple complexes, museums and art galleries, including some quite unique ones.

Bali resorts are quite diverse. If you want all the most precious things, then you need to go to Nusa Dua, fun nightlife - to Kuta, relaxation and tranquility - to Sanur, solitude with nature - to Lovina, getting acquainted with the traditions of the island - to Ubud. It's time to make up your mind and hit the road!

The areas of Bali are very different and have different microclimates, infrastructure and nature, but together they make Bali a multifaceted and unique holiday destination. The south of the island is more populated and more tourist developed; the north and center of the island also attract tourists, albeit in smaller numbers. The east of the island offers a more calm and measured holiday. Western part The islands are chosen by tourists who want privacy and experience the more traditional life of the Balinese.

Despite the relatively small size of the island of Bali, its different parts have a different atmosphere from each other.

There are eight municipalities (kabupaten) on the island of Bali.

1. Badung
2. Buleleng
3. Bangli
4. Denpasar
5. Gianyar
6. Jembrana
7. Karangasem
8. Klunkung (which includes the islands of Lembongan and Penida)

However, do not think that the municipalities and districts of Bali are the same thing.

But in this article we will not describe the administrative regions of Bali (more precisely, municipalities). The fact is that this information will not be very useful for readers who are planning their vacation on the island. Instead, we will tell you about the areas of Bali that tourists will need information about when choosing a place to stay on the island.

Nusa Dua

Nusa Dua (literally translated as “two islands”) is located in the very south of the island and is a separate resort area. Clean and well-kept area, some of the best beaches on the island, the absence of annoying beach vendors, restaurants, cafes, shops and 4 and 5 star hotels make this area ideal for a relaxing and comfortable holiday on the island. There is practically no budget housing. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the airport from Nusa Dua.

-best beaches on the island
-quiet and relaxing holiday
-not all areas of Bali can boast of such cleanliness as in Nusa Dua

-accommodation is not cheap

- little Balinese flavor
- the ebb tides are quite noticeable

Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa district is a peninsula near Nusa Dua. There used to be a small fishing village there. Now these are 3-4 star hotels. A large number of companies offering products are concentrated on the beaches of Tanjung Benoa. The beach is quite good for swimming, but it is also worth keeping an eye on the low tides, as they are felt here. The cost of living is slightly lower than in Nusa Dua. A large number of small but cozy cafes and restaurants offer a variety of cuisines. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the airport.

-good selection of hotels
-close to the airport
-well-developed infrastructure
-close to the beaches in Nusa Dua

-not the best best beach on Bali
-it’s a long drive to the main attractions of Bali
-there are minor problems with cleanliness


Jimbaran is close to Kuta and the airport. Famous for its coral sand beach and beach restaurants with fresh seafood that open in the afternoon. The most best time to visit them in the late afternoon, when you can sit at a table right on the ocean shore and watch a beautiful sunset while enjoying a delicious meal. The range of prices for accommodation in this area is very wide. Here you can find both budget accommodation and luxury villas and hotels of the same class. It's a 10-minute drive to the airport.

-developed infrastructure
-nice beach
-convenient to travel to other areas of the island
-large selection of places to stay
-opportunity to watch sunsets

-noise from the airport

Kuta and Legian

These areas of Bali in the south of the island offer mainly budget holiday. Here you can find a large number of inexpensive bars and cafes, small shops with souvenirs, massage parlors and nightclubs. The main contingent is European youth and budget tourists from Australia. These areas of Bali have a bad reputation due to scammers trying to deceive gullible tourists when exchanging currency and offering counterfeit watches, gold jewelry, etc. The main advantage of these areas is, of course, the famous Kuta Beach, which is perfect for learning to surf and contemplating incredibly beautiful sunsets (the best time is April-June and August-October). The areas are very close to the airport.

-big choice inexpensive hotels and guesthouses
-a large number of bars, restaurants and shops
- close distance to the airport

-traffic jams
-many merchants on the beach
-presence of scammers

Seminyak, Krobokan and Petitinget

These areas of Bali are located northwest of Kuta. A large number of excellent restaurants, bars and cafes, clubs, spas and designer boutiques are always welcome to visitors. Also in these areas there is a lot of concentration luxury villas, the price range for which starts from $170 per day. The nightlife is intense and a large number of young people (and not only) flock here. Seminyak Beach is famous for its beach bars, where you can watch the sunset over a cocktail. It's only a 30-minute drive to the airport.

— areas of Bali with the most developed recreational infrastructure
-rich nightlife
-it’s convenient to get to other areas from Seminyak
-nice beach

- the cost of living is quite high
-a relatively large number of vacationers
-big waves on the beach and strong currents


Sanur is located east of the airport and is a quiet and peaceful resort area. That is why it is so popular with older European tourists. There are a large number of inexpensive restaurants, bars and shops here. The cost of living is slightly higher than in Kuta. Beach line quite large, but low tides greatly affect the comfort of swimming in the ocean.

-quiet and peaceful area
-a large number of inexpensive restaurants and shops
- close location to the airport

- low tides on the beaches of Sanur, making swimming uncomfortable
-a large number of coral fragments on the beaches


An area of ​​Bali where you can experience the authentic culture and traditions of the island. Accommodation can be found both cheap and expensive in boutique hotels or luxury villas and hotels. A large number of good restaurants with different cuisines and a number of cultural show programs in them. It is here that various cultural festivals, artist exhibitions and conferences are held. It is not for nothing that this area of ​​Bali is considered the cultural and spiritual center of the island. Also in the surrounding area are many of Bali's very popular attractions. Among them are, for example, a cave, holy springs, a monkey forest, and many others. Ubud is located in the hilly central part of the island and therefore you can see picturesque rice terraces, mountain rivers and gorges. Ubud has a special atmosphere of friendliness and leisurely pace.

-quiet and relaxing holiday
- clean and cool air
-a large number of good restaurants and bars
-beautiful nature
-close distance to many attractions

-great distance from the coast
- a lot of precipitation
-nightlife is practically non-existent


Amed is located in the east of Bali and consists of several villages along the coast. Mass tourism I haven’t gotten here yet, so a quiet and relaxing holiday is guaranteed. Amed is one of the driest areas in Bali, so during the wet season it becomes more attractive among knowledgeable tourists. The area is very picturesque due to the proximity of hills and mountains to the coast. Amed has excellent snorkeling. If you get up early in the morning and swim into the ocean, you can see schools of dolphins swimming for breakfast. Near Amed there are such attractions as the Kerta Gosa Palace and the Tirta Ganga Water Palace and others. The cost of living is very comfortable and you can find good accommodation from $40. The airport is really far away - 2-3 hours depending on traffic.

-relatively low prices for accommodation
- peace and quiet
-opportunity to see the real Bali
-good diving and snorkeling

-no shopping
- quite hot climate
-small black sand beaches
-very modest infrastructure


Bali Candidasa area is located in the east of the island and, like Amed, consists of several villages. The area is very quiet and peaceful. The beach has black sand, although there is one section with white coral - it’s called White Sand Beach. This beach can be classified as

An area of ​​Bali located in the very north of the island. The area, due to its remoteness from the airport and the south of the island, which is traditionally popular among tourists, is not as developed as the southern areas. Tourists also relax here, albeit in small numbers and usually come from the south for a couple of days. Accommodation in hotels and bungalows is budget and average in cost. Beach with black volcanic sand, there are almost never waves. In Lovina, early morning trips to the ocean to watch dolphins swim in pods for prey are very popular. There are few bars and restaurants, but they still exist. The drive to the airport is about 4 hours. There have been talks for a long time about the construction of a second international airport in the north of the island. If these plans come true, Lovina will experience intensive development.

-low cost of accommodation
- relaxing holiday
-cheap prices in establishments
-there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the real Bali

-beach is not for everyone
-far location from the airport
-not all tourists like a relaxing holiday


This area of ​​Bali is not known even by some expats living on the island of Bali. It is located next to Menjangan National Park on the northwestern coast of Bali. It is a small village with a small number of inexpensive hotels. This area is ideal for privacy and have a relaxing holiday in a purely Balinese atmosphere. Excellent diving and snorkeling, friendly Balinese who are not tired of tourists, and a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditional life of the islanders. However, it is a long drive from the airport - 3-4 hours, depending on traffic congestion.