Open left menu Oaxaca. Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico. Calm life in a colonial city

Oaxaca is one of the Mexican states located in the far south of the country. Most of the state's territory is occupied by mountain systems Sierra Madre del Sur (Sierra Madre Southern) with altitudes of 2500-3750 m, as well as Sierra Madre de Oaxaca and Sierra Atravesada, together forming the Oaxaca mountain complex.
Only in the very east does the plain stretch - in the area of ​​​​the Isthmus of Tehuantepec between the Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, where the Gulf of Tehuantepec and the great seaport Salina Cruz.
The entire state of Oaxaca is characterized by high seismicity; earthquakes are not uncommon; there have also been earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.3. Local legends claim that the earth shakes because it is here that the staff of the supreme deity Quetzalcoatl, the ruler of the forces of nature, is lowered and knocks with it whenever he is angry with people.
The state of Oaxaca has a tropical climate, and in the central regions it is moderately humid, with summer rains. There is quite a lot of precipitation, which has contributed to the development of agriculture since time immemorial. Noticeably different average monthly temperatures on the highlands and in depressions, the amplitude reaches 10°.
Climatically, the area of ​​the Isthmus of Tehuantepec stands out: it is very hot, especially on the slope facing the Pacific Ocean. Due to the heat and the abundance of swampy lowlands, the isthmus became one of the most malarial places in America. Therefore, the population prefers to settle where the climate is milder: on open heights, blown by the cool wind coming with Pacific Ocean. In the Pacific part there is less precipitation, so the climate in the south of the isthmus is drier.
The narrow width of the isthmus and the gap in the Sierra Madre Mountains allow trade winds from the Gulf of Mexico to penetrate to the Pacific Ocean. As a rule, these winds are weak, but periodically a wave of dense air appears over North America, creates a flow of air passing through the Chivela Pass to the Gulf of Tehuantepec. This wind is called Tehuano.
Mixed forests grow in the mountains, savannas in the arid lowlands, and tropical rainforests in the south and east.
The state has many rivers, but there is no regular navigation due to the mountainous terrain.
The state's Central Valleys region is where evidence of human habitation was found in the 12th century. BC e. Local population grew corn, beans, cocoa, tomatoes, chili peppers, squash and pumpkins, and hunted turkeys and wild peccary pigs. By 500 BC. e. The central valleys of Oaxaca were inhabited by the Zapotec tribes, who created a state centered in , which fell into decline long before the arrival of the Spaniards, and the Mixtecs. Both peoples waged constant wars with each other. At the beginning of the 15th century. The Aztecs invaded Oaxaca, and only the appearance of the Spaniards in the middle of the 16th century. stopped them. Unlike the Aztecs, the Zapotecs and Mixtecs preferred to negotiate with the Spaniards, which nevertheless did not save them from mass extinction from smallpox brought by the conquistadors.
Oaxaca is relatively isolated from the rest of the country, which has helped the indigenous people retain much of their culture and identity, unlike other areas of Mexico.
After the declaration of Mexican independence (1821) in 1824, Oaxaca received state rights.
The state of Oaxaca is located in one of the narrowest parts of the Americas - on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec - and could have economic and strategic importance world scale, if the Panama region had not turned out to be more suitable for the construction of a canal between the two oceans.

State history

Oaxaca is a collection of ancient settlements that fell into decay long before the first Spanish conquerors appeared: tribes fought brutal internecine wars for every piece of cultivable land.
The population is concentrated in the valleys mountain rivers(Central Valleys), where there are relatively big cities and the state capital is Oaxaca (Oaxaca de Juarez).
The state is home to a significant number of indigenous peoples (more than half of all Indians in Mexico); a total of sixteen are recognized as such in the state, the most numerous and famous being the Zapotecs and Mixtecs (there are slightly more of the former). 5% of Indians do not even know the state language of the country - Spanish.
This composition of the population also affected the local government system. 418 of the state's 570 municipalities (the state has a quarter of all municipalities in the country) have a system of self-government called Usosy Costumbres, or "Manners and Customs" (see "Curious Facts" on the previous page), insisted on by the indigenous Indian population (except Oaxaca, this the system operates in two more states - Sonora and Chiapas).
Oaxaca is one of the least developed states in the country. The basis of the economy is agriculture, due to mountainous area Only a tenth of the state's land is suitable for cultivation. In mountainous areas, Indian communities maintain milpa - slash-and-burn agriculture. Nevertheless, Oaxaca is the second largest producer of corn and agave in the country, and the third producer of pineapples, mangoes and sugar cane. There are also a lot of minerals in the depths of the state, but their development is just beginning.
The capital of the state of Oaxaca de Juarez (when it cannot be confused with a state, it is customary to call it simply Oaxaca) stands in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains at an altitude of 1557 m and almost equidistant from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
The city was founded by the Spaniards in 1524, today it historical Center included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. One of the main attractions of the city is Cathedral Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion is the third in this place: the previous two were destroyed by earthquakes in the 16th and 18th centuries, respectively.
Not far from the city, at an altitude of about 2 km, there is also the UNESCO World Heritage site of Monte Alban, a large pre-Columbian settlement, the cult and political center of the Zapotec civilization. It is built on top of a hill surrounded by hundreds of terraces and dozens of other structures protected by embankments. Monte Alban is one of the first cities of Mesoamerica known to science; it existed for about a thousand years until it lost its significance and was abandoned.
Other UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Oaxaca include the prehistoric site of Yagul and the Gila Nakitz Cave near the town of Mitla in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca. In the latter, evidence was found of human presence in them around the 11th millennium BC. e.
The state of Oaxaca is also home to the celebration of Guelaguetza, one of the largest folk festivals Latin America. On the last Monday of July, dancers and singers perform in a large arena built on the high city hill of Fortin, who also give the audience baked goods and fruit. All this is sent to the spectators, who catch the gifts, even if it is a large pineapple thrown into the crowd by a strong Zapotec girl in national dress. And for a few more days there is a selection of the queen of the festival - the corn goddess Centeotl, a procession of folk ensembles, a fireworks festival, the performance of Bani Stuy Gulal about how Guelaguetza was celebrated at different times, and the legend of the Zapotec princess Donahi, who lived in the era of the conquistador Cortes.

general information

Location: southern Mexico.
Official name: Free and Sovereign State of Oaxaca.
Administrative division: 570 municipalities.

Administrative center: Oaxaca city (Oaxaca de Juarez) - 300,050 people. (2014).
Large cities: San Juan Bautista Tustepek - 144,555 people. (2005), Salina Cruz - 76,219 people. (2005), Juchitan de Zaragoza - 74,174 people. (2005), Santa Cruz-Xoxocotlan - 65,873 people. (2005), Huahuapan de Leon - 45,321 people. (2005), Santa Lucia del Camino - 44,023 people. (2010).
State formation: 1823
Languages: Spanish (official), Indian.
Ethnic composition: Mexicans - 60%, others (of which Zapotecs - 31%, Mixtecs - 27%, Mazatecs - 15%, Chinantecs - 10%, Mixe - 10%, as well as Chatino, Amusgo, Cora, Soque, Cuicateca, Huave, Jacalteca and mestizos) - 40% (2005).
Religions: Catholicism - 89%, other (Protestantism, evangelicalism, syncretic religions) - 11% (2010).
Currency unit: Mexican Peso.
Rivers: Misteco, Atoyac, Tehuantepec, Papaloapan and Coatzacoalcos.
Airport : international Airport Oaxaca Jojocotlan.
Neighboring provinces and waters: in the north - Veracruz, in the east - Chiapas, in the south - the Pacific Ocean, in the west - , in the northwest - Puebla.


Area: 93,952 km2.
Population: 3,801,962 people (2010).
Population density: 40.5 people/km 2 .
Urban population : 47%.
Length of coastline: 533 km.
The most high point : Nube-Flan (3750 m).

Climate and weather

Average January temperature: +17°C.
Average temperature in July: +20°С.
Average annual precipitation: up to 1000 mm.
Relative humidity: 70%.


GRP: US$10.076 billion (2010), per capita - US$26,501 (2010).
Minerals: oil, titanium (Puerto Angel), gold, silver, antimony, zinc, lead, tungsten, manganese, iron, mercury, coal, table salt, chalk, limestone, marble, graphite.
Industry: mining, pulp and paper (Tustepek), forestry, food (fruit canning - Loma Bonita), light (textile).
Hydroelectric power: Hydroelectric power stations "Tamatsulapam" and "Temazcal".
Seaport of Salina Cruz.
Agriculture: crop farming (corn, agave, beans, pineapples, mangoes, sugar cane), livestock farming (goats, sheep).
Marine fishing.
Traditional crafts: painted wooden “alebrije” figurines, “barro negro” ceramics (black clay), green ceramics (Atzompa), woven rugs (Teotitlan).
Service sector: tourism, transport, trade, financial.



Isthmus of Tehuantepec, National parks Benito Juarez (1937), Lagunas de Chacahua (1937) and Huatulco (1998), Playa de Escobila, Playa de la Bahia de Chacahua and Tehuacán-Cuicatlán reserves, caves San Agustin, Apoala, Cerro Gordo, Santa Maria Coatlan and Santa Lucia Miautlan, Hierve el Agua Falls, Yagul Natural Monument, Tlacolula Valley (Arbol del Tule (Tule tree) - one of the largest trees in the world over 2000 years old).


Cave of Gila Nakitz (artifacts of the 12th century BC), the settlements of Tierras Largas, San Jose Mogote and Guadapupe (1200-900 BC), the settlement of Monte Alban (main square, platforms, altar, stone steles with carvings, buildings, about 500 BC), the ancient city of Mitla (about 500 BC), the settlements of Yagul, Yanuitlan and Laguna Zope (5th century BC) , the settlement of Lambiteco (600 BC), the Zapotec site of Dainsu (350 BC).

Oaxaca City (Oaxaca de Juarez)

Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion (1535-1733), museum complex - monastery and church of Santo Domingo de Guzman (1570-1770), Zocalo Square (Constitution, 1529), Church of La Soledad (1682-1690), Church of San Felipe Neri (late 18th century), Casa de Benito Juarez (house-museum of Mexican President Benito Juarez), Regional Museum of Oaxaca, Rufino Tamayo Art Museum (exhibits pre-Hispanic period), Central Market named after Benito Juarez, Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad (early 18th century), Palace of the State Government (1887).

Curious facts

■ The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the conditional northern border of Central America: here is southern edge North American lithospheric plate. The isthmus is named after the city of Santo Domingo Tehuantepec in the state of Oaxaca. Translated from the Aztec language, tecuani-tepec means “jaguar mountains.” Passes along the isthmus Railway 308 km long, connecting the coast of two oceans, built at enormous expense through wetlands and jungles.
■ The Zapotec Indians - the indigenous population of the current state of Oaxaca - largely retained elements of matriarchy. This especially applies to those Zapotecs who live in the area of ​​​​the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Their women, called Tehuanas, are known throughout Mexico: they engage in trade, do almost nothing around the house, wear provocatively colorful outfits, have an assertive, if not scandalous, character and are considered equal in every way to local men.
■ The state of Oaxaca is a watershed, so its rivers flow into both the Pacific Ocean (Misteco, Atoyac and Tehuantepec) and Gulf of Mexico(Papaloapan and Coatzacoalcos with tributaries).
■ The Usos y Costumbres (“Manners and Customs”) system of municipal self-government in areas with a predominance of indigenous Indian populations involves the use of traditional indigenous forms of community governance and legal proceedings in everyday practice. The Spaniards were the first to use such a system in the mid-16th century. - for ease of administration of colonized territories, which created among the enslaved Indians a certain impression of fairness of government.
■ One of the mysteries of the ancient Zapotec settlement of Monte Alban is stone steles with carved images of people. The naked figures are depicted in a crouched position, as if dancing, for which archaeologists nicknamed them “dancers.” About three hundred of these “dancers” have been found throughout Monte Alban. Since some of the “dancers” are depicted mutilated, archaeologists suggest that these are victims of some kind of cult rituals.
■ The capital of Oaxaca (Oaxaca de Juarez) was founded in 1532 by Spanish settlers. Having founded the city, they gave it the name Antequera. Having learned about this, the conquistador Hernan Cortes, who conquered these places and did not want to share the spoils with others, got the king to recognize the entire Oaxaca Valley as his personal property. The settlers were expelled. Later, the king restored their right, if not to own, then at least to live in the city.
■ Nowadays, Oaxaca is often called “Green Antequera”, due to the greenish color of the stones volcanic origin, from which city houses are built. Residents deliberately remove a small section of the wall of their house from plaster to show that the house is made of genuine green stone.
■ For a long time the city was called simply Oaxaca, until in 1872 the name of the national hero of Mexico, Benito Juarez (1806-1872), who was born nearby, was added to its name.
■ The Guelaguetza festival originated in the pre-Hispanic period, when in the current capital of Oaxaca, residents gathered on Fortin Hill to present gifts to the corn goddess Centeotl, so that she would thank the donors with a generous harvest. Translated from the Zapotec language, “Guelaguetza” is translated as “exchange of gifts.” Later, when the Spaniards brought Catholicism here, the Christian Virgin Carmen appeared in the holiday program, but the essence of Guelaguetza remained the same. The difference between Guelaguetza and other Mexican holidays is that its participants do not receive any awards or prizes at the end of the next Guelaguetza.
■ One of the state's specialties is the festive pie Rosca, baked for the Day of the Holy Kings (January 6). A figurine is usually placed in the cake, symbolizing the child Christ, hidden from Herod. Whoever gets the figurine will have to hold a celebration at home on Candle Day (February 2).
■ The Gila Nakitz Cave site near Mitla was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010 in recognition of the “earliest known evidence of plant (maize) domestication on the continent.”

The state of Oaxaca has a special magic that attracts travelers from all over the world. A stronghold of Mexico's indigenous culture, home to some of the country's most exciting crafts and art scenes. Incredibly colorful festivals, excellent cuisine and varied natural resources. In the center of the state is a beautiful colonial Oaxaca city which is its elegant captivating cultural center. Near the city - the forested Sierra Madre - perfect place for cycling, horseback riding, to buy souvenirs favorable prices and for climbing the local peaks. In the south, through the mountainous remote areas is the state's coast, washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. There is a whole galaxy on the coast small towns and villages: lively Puerto Escondido, relaxed Huatulco, Sapolite others. The ancient dominant of the state is an abandoned city Monte Alban.

Oaxaca City: Mezcal, Baroque and Indians

The capital of the state of the same name in southeastern Mexico. By the way, this is the only place in Mexico where they prepare a 50-degree mezcal drink. There are no fashionable resorts or industrial centers of the country here; this is the real Mexico, where Indian traditions and colonial architecture are combined. In the remote mountainous regions of the state of Oaxaca, Indians still live, whose way of life has changed little after many thousands of years. Among them there are also healers - “curanderos”, who prepare magical potions according to ancient recipes. Walking along the cobbled streets of Oaxaca, you can admire the many churches built in the Baroque style, sit in one of the local cafes, where you can taste the nationally famous cuisine of Oaxaca, buy real mezcal with “gusano” (beetle larva), as well as Indian handicrafts.

Puerto Escondido Surfing

Puerto Escondido was once a fishing village; today it is the most famous resort in Oaxaca. Zicatela Beach – perfect place for surfing, fans of this sport come here from all over the world. In November, famous competitions are held. For lovers of a calm coastline and snorkeling, there are beaches: Puerto Angelito. Roca Blanca and Carisalillo.

Puerto Escondido has plenty of ecotourism options and excellent sport fishing, even hosting international marlin fishing tournaments in November and February. For lovers of wildlife - Manialtepec Lagoon. In addition to the fantastic landscape, it is - paradise for birds and animals. Laguna Chacahua is another reserve where you can find different kinds turtles, crocodiles and jaguanas. Here is famous Island birds.

Huatulco: idyll and tranquility

The resort of Huatulco is located on the Pacific coast, 276 kilometers from the capital. 35 kilometers of coastline, with white sand and calm seas, with nine picturesque bays, known throughout the world for their rich flora and fauna: Cacakita, Chachacual. Chahue, Conejos, Organos, Maguey, San Agustin, Santa Cruz and Tangolunda.

There are many coffee plantations here, active species sports, such as quad biking and mountain bike trails. Also worth mentioning is the famous Copalita Zoo, home to a huge number of birds. Despite untouched nature, Huatulco offers excellent tourism infrastructure and services.

Monte Alban: capital of the Zapotecs

Monte Albán is located on a 400-meter hill above the surrounding valley, a few kilometers west of the city of Oaxaca. From this city the Zapotecs ruled all the peoples of the Central Valleys: Valle de Tlacolula, Valle de Simatlan and Valle de Etla.

Palaces, temples, high stepped platforms, an observatory and a ball field have survived to this day, offering 360-degree views of the city, valleys and mountain ranges.. Being here you understand why this particular place was chosen by the Zapotecs for the capital of their empire. At the entrance to the archaeological zone there is a museum, cafe and bookshop.

We visit Oaxaca during sightseeing tours:

Mexican state of Oaxaca, whose name is translated from the Nahuatl language as pumpkin spout, located in the south of the country on the Pacific coast, its neighbors are the states , Veracruz, And Chiapas. It is the fifth largest region of the country, combining the culture and traditions of the 16 ethnic groups living here, archeology and history, colonial architecture, magnificent nature and beautiful beaches, as well as extraordinary ancient gastronomy.

The largest city in the state and also its capital, Oaxaca, captivates its guests with its beauty and amazing interweaving of past and present, historical monuments included in the lists of objects UNESCO, and various folk holidays, among which stand out Easter, And .

One of the most valuable religious buildings is Monastery of Santo Domingo from the 16th century, former center evangelization and considered a masterpiece of the Mexican Baroque. Other interesting places for visiting - Zocalo, Alameda de Leon, temple complexes,Macedonio Alcala Theater and the city's many museums and markets.

20 minutes from the state capital are ruin ancient city Zapotec Monte Alban, whose impressive excavations are cataloged UNESCO since 1987. Historians believe that it was here that statehood on the American continent was born, and the culture of cultivating the land “ cloud people", as the residents of this city called themselves, is recognized as the most developed in the region. In addition to Monte Alban, around Oaxaca there are such archaeological sites as Mitla, Dainzu And Yagul.

14 km from Oaxaca is located small town Santa Maria del Tule, famous for the oldest tree in the world - the evergreen Toxodium of the cypress family, whose age is 2000 years, and the trunk circumference is 45 meters. This tree can hardly be grasped by 30 people, and its branches have acquired over the centuries fancy shapes and received names such as Elephant, Lion, Fish, Crocodile and some others.

Coast of Oaxaca still remains relatively underdeveloped tourist destination in Mexico, and here they managed to preserve the natural beauty of natural landscapes. Coastline nine bays Huatulco, a colonial town eight hours from the capital, offers beautiful beaches, diving, fishing, kayaking and horse riding, and shows high potential for ecotourism. The waters of the bays are crystal clear and calm, but it is worth noting that in winter many small jellyfish appear here. In the west of the state there is a coastal tourist area called Puerto Escondido, is a true wonder of nature on the Pacific coast, boasting soft, fine white sand, challenging and impressive waves beloved by surfers, and all the opportunities for scuba diving.

The region's incomparable attractions include the city Capulalpam de Mendes 72 km northwest of Oaxaca, famous for its cobblestone streets, yellow limestone structures and popular traditional medicine, small coastal village of Mazunte, where sea turtles have found an ideal place to lay eggs, and a cactus reserve Tehuacán-Cuicatlan. In addition, in July Oaxaca hosts the Zapotec National, which has deep roots and is a series of artistic events set to the tunes of flute and oboe and accompanied by ethnic dances.

Friends! If you have any questions - don't hesitate! - ask them in the comments below or write to me on social networks!

The city of Oaxaca (Oaxaca de Juárez) is located in southern Mexico, in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains, and is the capital province of the same name. Oaxaca was founded by Spanish settlers in 1532 during the colonial conquests. Oaxaca was then called Antequera. The city received its current name only in 1832, and in 1872 it was officially called Oaxaca de Juarez in honor of the national hero Mexisi Benito Juarez, who was born nearby.

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How to get to Oaxaca

Oaxaca has two main bus terminals - the Terminal de Autobuses de Primera Clase, where the luxury companies UNO and ADO GL, the first class companies ADO, OCC and the second class company Cuenca are based. The second terminal, Terminal de Autobuses de Segunda Clase, is home to second class companies: Fletes y Pasajes and Estrella del Valle/Oaxaca Pacífico, operating routes long distance. There is also a third terminal, Sur Bus Station, where Sur and AU are based.

Tickets are sold at the box office located in the city center:

  • on Calle 20 de Noviembre 103 (opening hours: Mon.-Sat. from 10:00 to 22:00; Sun. from 8:00 to 16:00);
  • on Valdivieso 2 (opening hours: Mon.-Sat. from 10:00 to 22:00; Sun. from 8:00 to 21:00).

Buses departing from Terminal de Autobuses de Primera Clase to the Oaxaca coast take a long route through the city of Salina Cruz. There are also faster ways to get to the coastal cities of Puerto Escondido (fare 200-400 MXN, travel time 6 hours) and Pojutla - by minibuses on highways No. 131 and No. 175, respectively. The Express Service company organizes bus service to Puerto Escondido 9 times a day from 5:00 to 21:00, the company Tran¬sportes Villa del Mar - 6 times a day from 6:30 to 17:00.

Prices on the page are for April 2019.

Search for flights to Mexico City (closest airport to Oaxaca)

By car

Highway 135D branches off from Highway 150D, which connects Mexico City and Veracruz. The road runs from the northern part of the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains to the city of Oaxaca. The road tax will cost MXN 430 and the trip will take about 5-6 hours. For unknown reasons, some sections of road No. 135D are numbered 131D. An alternative and free road is Highway 191 through Huahuapan de Leon, but the journey will take a couple of hours longer.

Car rental costs range from MXN 600 per day with unlimited mileage. You can rent a car at the following locations:

  • Alamo. Located at the airport. Working hours: Mon.-Sat. from 8:00 to 20:00; Sun. from 8:00 to 19:00.
  • Center. Located at de Mayo 203. Working hours: Mon.-Sat. from 8:00 to 20:00; Sun. from 8:00 to 19:00.
  • Es rent a car. Located at de Mayo 315.
  • Hertz. Located at the airport. Opening hours: from 7:00 to 19:00.

By plane

There are regular direct flights to Oaxaca Airport from Mexico City (travel time 1 hour) - at least 5 times a day with Mexicana, twice a day with Click Mexicana and Aeroméxico Connect, and daily with Aviacsa.

Continental flights operate 4 times a week from Houston and Texas. Click Mexicana has flights to Tuxtla Gutierrez and Merida. The Avolar airline flies to Cuernavaca and Tijuana, the Alma de México airline flies to Guadalajara and Tuxtla Gutierrez.

The small planes, which can accommodate between 7 and 13 passengers, take you on a breathtaking half-hour flight over the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains to Puerto Escondido and Huatulco, both located on the Oaxaca coast. The cost of a ticket to Huatulco will be about 2000 MXN one way, and a ticket to Puerto Escondido will cost 1500 MXN for Aerovega and 2200 MXN for Aerotucán.


The fare for city buses is 8 MXN. From the Terminal de Autobuses de Primera Clase station to Juárez and Melchor Ocampo streets, located 3 blocks east of main square city, Zócalo, buses depart from Juárez. Tinoco y Palacios or JP García buses go to Tinoco y Palacios, 2 blocks west of Zócalo.

Buses running between the Terminal de Autobuses de Segunda Clase bus station and the city center navigate congested streets - and traveling on them is as fast as walking into the center.

A taxi for a trip around the city will cost 40-60 MXN.


A traditional Oaxacan dish is Xóchitl, a soup made from squash, squash flowers and corn. You can try the dish at the María Bonita restaurant, located at Alcalá 706B north of the city center.

To taste delicious Mexican cuisine, you should go to Los Danzantes restaurant. They specialize in duck dishes and have their own brand of mezcal, a traditional Mexican drink made from fermented agave juice.

The Casa Oaxaca restaurant serves excellent duck tacos with mole sauce and venison tamales. The restaurant is located in the city center at Constitución 104A. La Olla is a small restaurant that specializes in Oaxacan delicacies, from cactus tacos to camarones a la diabla. The restaurant is located at Reforma 402.

Popular hotels in Oaxaca

Entertainment and attractions of Oaxaca

Of interest in the city are the church Ex Convento de Santo Domingo, built between 1570 and 1608, which previously served as a Dominican monastery. As in other earthquake-prone regions, the church of Santo Domingo is surrounded by thick stone walls.

Between Porfirio Díaz and Tinoco y Palacios there is a market under open air Mercado Sánchez Pascuas.

Not far from the church is the Museo Regional de Oaxaca, a historical and cultural museum with collections covering the Zapotec, Mixtec and Olmec civilizations, as well as the colonial and revolutionary periods of history. One impressive collection is that of jewels discovered during excavations at Monte Albana tomb no. 7 in the 1930s.

In Oaxaca, you can visit the house-museum of the national hero of Mexico, Benito Juarez - Casa de Benito Juarez. Benito was born in the modest Zapotec village of Guelatao, located 60 km northeast of Oaxaca. The parents died when the child was 3 years old, and at the age of 12 Benito found work in the house of bookbinder Antonio Salanueva in Oaxaca. The master saw great potential in the boy and helped him get an education. The Salanueva house contains a bookbinding workshop and several memorabilia of Benito. The museum is open to visitors from Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00, from Saturday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. The entrance fee is 43 MXN.

The Rufino Tamayo Museum, with its collection of pre-Hispanic objects, was donated to the city of Oaxaca by its most famous artist, Rufino Tamayo. Museum opening hours: Mon.-Wed., Sat. from 10:00 to 19:00, break from 14:00 to 16:00; Sun. from 10:00 to 15:00.

Neighborhoods of Oaxaca

One of the main attractions of Oaxaca is the archaeological complex of Monte Alban, located 9 km from the city and designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Monte Alban is located on a low mountain ridge in the Oaxaca Valley and is a pre-Columbian settlement. Monte Alban was founded in 500 BC. e. by the Zapotec Indian people and was the first city of Mesoamerica.

The second most important archaeological complex in the Oaxaca region is the settlement of Mitla, located 40 km from the city of Oaxaca. Unlike Monte Alban, which rises on top of a mountain, the city of Mitla was built at the bottom of a valley. The archaeological excavations of Mitla can be roughly divided into two parts: the northern, where the Church of San Pablo, built by the Spaniards in the 16th century, is located, and the southern, the main structure of which is the palace, more often called the hall of columns. The perimeter of the palace is 37 by 6.4 meters and is surrounded by 6 columns made of volcanic stone. Previously, these columns supported the roof. Not far from the palace there are tombs where the high priests and rulers of the Zapotec civilization were buried.

9 km from Oaxaca in the town of Santa María del Tule grows the El Árbol del Tule tree with the thickest trunk in the world. In 2011, the tree was included in the tentative list of World Heritage Sites.

Hello, dear blog readers! I continue to write about my independent travel in Mexico. Today's post is about Oaxaca de Juarez is a colonial city of incredible beauty and charm, surrounded on all sides by mountains. You can feel the real thing there with its flavor. Friendly residents, the slow rhythm of a small town: everything I love.

Here everyone will find something to their liking. You can drive through mountains, valleys and forests every day, go to churches, art museums and galleries, of which there are a great many.

The Church of Santa Domingo is one of the most beautiful in Oaxaca de Juarez (Iglesia Santa Domingo)

A very interesting store: it has everything you need to open your own church:

At the market you can buy anything: from spices to full meals of the first, second, third and compote

You can also calmly walk along the university corridors and classrooms

On the first day, it so happened that I was left alone and wandered into the Templo de San Felipe Neri church, where the first Mexican Indian president, Benito Juarez, was married in 1843. There, an elderly Mexican man and a young French woman approached me with an offer to join them and take a walk to another church, the Virgin de Solidad.

Basilica de la Solidad(Basilica de la Solidad)

On the way, Pedro told the history of the city and churches, as well as his trip to Moscow 40 years ago. Sometimes it is very useful to stay one - people It’s easier to make contact and it’s easier to find interlocutors.

In the evening, all life in Oaxaca de Juarez centers on the Zocalo.

On Wednesdays there is an orchestra playing and couples dancing; on other days you can simply listen to wonderful music, watch performances by clowns and mimes, and most importantly, eat delicious food. Oaxaca de Juarez is famous for its special cuisine.
I’m not a fan of trying things, because I always order the wrong thing. The first dish I ordered in Mexico was pork skin in yellow sauce. But in Oaxaca de Juarez keep from local cuisine it was impossible, so here it is:
My favorite dish is Oaxacan steak with various sauces:

I still don’t fully understand the composition of these dishes:

The signature Oaxacan dish is chicken in mole negro sauce, made from a dozen different spices and dark chocolate:

Breakfast usually consisted of American cheese with French bread and coffee or creamed swan