Mother winter Yarensk in contact. Poems for children about winter and winter holidays: what to read and learn. How did the expression “Mother Winter” come about?

On December 21, for the birthday of the snow sorceress, her whole family will gather in Yarensk: Father Frost, Mother Blizzard, Winter’s faithful companion Siverko, daughter Snegurochka, aunts and uncles Snowmen and Snow Women, as well as numerous nephews and nieces Snowmen and Snowflakes. In honor of this event, a winter ball “Snowy Lace of Winter” will be held.

On your way to the homeland of Mother Winter, be sure to stop in the village of Belopashino - village games, treats and a Russian stove... Belopashino gatherings are even more fun!

Program of events at the Mother Winter Residence:


December 1-21- Festival “Tales of the Lena Forest”:
- Competition “Happy Birthday, Winter!”;
- “Opening of the festival “Tales of the Lena Forest” (theatrical performance);
- Festival of Masters “A treat for good people!” ( interactive programs, exhibition-fair, master classes, etc.);
- Opening of the Christmas tree in the clearing near Mother Winter;
- “Rising Stars” (children's creativity competition);
- “Wedding in winter's tale"and the opening of the "Alley of Lovers";
- “Miracles under New Year"(opening of the New Year tree);
- “Winter Snow Ball” (theatrical performance).
December 24-27- interactive theatrical performance “New Year's Adventure of Snowy and Snezhik.”
December 27-30- a festive away program with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden “Invite a fairy tale into your home.”


January 2-12- New Year's receptions at the Winter Residence.
6th January- a theatrical performance based on the work of Nikolai Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”.
Jan. 7- Christmas festivities.
January 17- “Carols came to us for Christmas time” (folk festival).

The next character from the Fairy Tale Map of Russia will be Mother Winter, who lives in the city of Yarensk Arkhangelsk region. Her birthday is coming up soon - December 21st.

No matter how hard I try, I will not be able to pull out some kind of folklore-mythological thread regarding this character that comes from the depths of centuries. The most distant reference to history is to Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin.” Well, remember, he talked about winter there

Going winter sorceress,
She came and fell apart; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
The frost has flashed, and we are glad
Pranks mother winter.

In general, it turns out that Russian poets (Derzhavin, Pushkin, Tyutchev, etc.) came up with a magical and enchanting image of winter, and Pushkin also called winter mother. And since we memorized all the poems at school, and Pushkin is our everything, Mother Winter was somehow remembered.

The current fairy-tale character Mother Winter owes her appearance to the head of the social development department of the Lensky district of the Arkhangelsk region, Natalya Rocheva, from Yarensk, who in life, apparently, is a wonderful storyteller herself.

The village of Yarensk is very ancient, and although the year of its foundation is not precisely established, the first written mention of it is considered to be the Vychegda-Ipatievskaya (Misailo-Evtikhievskaya) chronicle of 1384. For a long time, Yarensk flourished due to the fact that it was located on busy trade routes, since Arkhangelsk was the only Russian seaport. And after Peter the Great and the founding of St. Petersburg, trade routes withered away, and in 1924 Yarensk from a city became a village. Under the USSR there was a state farm and logging there. Well, then the USSR collapsed. And Yarensk, like many other small towns and villages, began to slowly die.

A thousand kilometers away regional center. All around there are closed enterprises and four thousand people, who by the 2010s are beginning to understand that soon even such a point on the map may not be found unless something is done urgently.

And then a miracle happened. Almost fabulous.

The story goes that one day in December 2011, standing over a sink full of dishes and grinding plates, Natalya Rocheva suddenly heard on TV in the familiar “Tales of the Vienna Woods” the prophetic “Tales of the Lena Woods.” After washing the dishes, she sat down to read “Arguments and Facts” and saw a note there entitled “New Year’s Orphan?” about the fact that the Snow Maiden, who travels around the country with Grandfather Frost, has no mother at all. And I thought, why not take my mother’s vacant position?!

No sooner said than done. Yarensk is an ancient place that has seen a lot of things. In the chronicle of the Transfiguration Cathedral, which today houses Yarensky local history museum, very quickly a record was found that “on December 21, 1882, in the vicinity of Yarensk there was a strong snow storm with a north wind, so that the roofs of many houses were removed.” December 21 is the winter solstice! It was on such a night, according to the authors of the idea, that Frost and Blizzard had a daughter, Winter.

They turned to the creator of the “Fairytale Map of Russia” project with a proposal to include their character among the characters. And after the request to make a justification, to find some kind of connection to the area, they began to look for where this could happen. And they found it. It turned out that in the last century, three kilometers from Yarensk there was the village of Siberia!

Looking ahead, I will say that the plan to create a family for the Snow Maiden has been fulfilled and exceeded. Now the Snow Maiden in Yarensk has a mother, Mother Winter, and a father - North wind Siverko, grandmother - Blizzard (wife of Father Frost), aunt - Snow Woman and numerous nephews - Snowflakes and Snowflakes. And all of them are registered in the village of Sibir, Lensky district, Arkhangelsk region.

On December 21, 2011, the New Year tree in Yarensk was opened on Winter’s birthday. Residents of the area congratulated Zima on her birthday and presented her with a birth certificate.

The organizers understood from the very beginning that Mother Winter had to live somewhere, and this place would play a major role in the success of the project. The residence was located in one of the museum buildings, the “House of Merchant Eshkilev,” which is a monument of history and culture of the eighteenth century.

For the project, they were able to get a regional subsidy for the reconstruction and repair of the building, but there was no more money for anything, so the organizers called out to the people to help in any way they could. Residents of Yarensk collected antique furniture, utensils and dishes for the residence, they were restored and, painted in white, blue and silver, they were placed in the house, creating the atmosphere of a magical fairy tale.

Bedchamber, throne room, cellar with a treasury where canned medicine is stored northern lights, pickled snowflakes... Yarensk shone with fabulous beauty.

The magical throne of Mother Winter, upon which you can sit and make a wish. They say that in addition to children, adults sometimes do this, even all sorts of oil and gas managers.

In 2012, at the invitation of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Arkhangelsk Region, specialists from Moscow came from Moscow to conduct a seminar and consultations on the project “Yarensk - the birthplace of Mother Winter”, as a result of which local residents learned a lot about how to run a fabulous business. But the consultants also learned something. Not everywhere the entire population, even children, takes on such projects.

In the same year, at the fair in Yarensk, within the framework of the project of the government of the Arkhangelsk region "Constellation of Northern Festivals", the festival "Tales of the Lena Forest" was held.

A great many guests from all regions of the region came to Yarensk. The festive concert of the festival was opened by the most long-awaited guest - the State Academic Northern Russian Folk Choir. Then artists from the Komi Republic, the Vologda region, and, naturally, the Arkhangelsk region took the stage.

The main event of the fair was the arrival of Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug to the festival "Tales of the Lena Forest". He arrived not alone, but with Baba Zhara, and Mother Winter met them. This was her first official public appearance.

It's summer. And in winter, the arts festival “Snowy Lace of Winter” was held, to which guests came from Syktyvkar - the State Song and Dance Ensemble “Asya Kya” and the group “Balalaika” named after Nalimov.

It must be said that the funding allocated for the project is quite modest, but the enthusiasm of the residents of Yarensk is simply enormous, and it is on enthusiasm that everything rests

3 years after the launch of the project, the Yarenchians were able to proudly say: “If in 2012 the Residence was visited by 1,400 people, then in 2015 - already 7,150. We conducted 604 excursions, 57 cultural and entertainment programs and 83 master classes.”

A Euro-class hotel was built in the village, a horse yard, a new cafe and shopping mall, people got jobs, and a penny flowed into the budget... Festivals, fairs, holidays, weddings, treasure hunting on the streets of a 600-year-old village - and now there are already 3 buses of tourists a day.

Not only school tours and local tourists surrounding regions, but also distant tourists on the way to the Father Frost’s Estate in Veliky Ustyug often stop by to visit Mother Winter.

The ancient interiors of the merchant mansion attract not only children, but also adults. In the yard of Mother Winter live the inhabitants of the fairy-tale “Lena Forest”: Snezhiki, Vodyanoy and Kikimora, and in the forest hut - Baba Yaga herself.

Now the festival "Tales of the Lena Forest" is held in December and lasts a whole month.

Every year the festival program is full of various events: a festival of masters of folk arts and crafts, a trade fair, competitions for the best toy for the New Year tree and a sketch of a postcard from Mother Winter, a gastronomic festival “According to the recipes of Baba Yaga’s magical cuisine”, a winter ball “Snowy Lace of Winter” "

Here's the story.

And I don’t even know what’s more wonderful in it - the fairy tale about Mother Winter or the fairy tale that became reality, how the residents of little Yarensk gathered their strength and, using almost naked enthusiasm and love for their small homeland, pulled out a project, which in terms of level is now being compared with the Estate of Father Frost, with absolutely incomparable financial capabilities.

Don't forget to stop by for a visit if you're in those parts.

In Russian there is an expression “Mother Winter”.
Don't you hear the contradiction this expression contains? Winter is cold, nothing grows, and for some reason she is affectionately called Mother. Clearly the ends don't meet...
You say, Winter - the peasant is triumphant, resting. good time of the year.
No, mother is an indication of fertility, and not just an opportunity to rest. If this were really a vacation, we wouldn’t be looking forward to spring so impatiently. There is more meaning here than meets the eye. This expression preserves evidence that our ancestors previously lived in a completely different climatic zone. He was different from middle zone modern Russia a different order of seasons. The key to understanding the meaning of this expression was given to me by Sanskrit. In Sanskrit the word "winter" is pronounced "hima". In this phonetic form, it is not only consonant with the English word “humidity” (humidity), but also synonymous with it, since in the foothills of the Zagros winter was called the wet season. Thus, originally the word “winter” meant “wet season” as opposed to the dry, summer season. In the Russian language, the root “chem-” is present only in the borrowed words “humor”, “humus” (fertile soil layer), which, from the point of view of formal analysis, are not even related to the word “winter”. In fact, etymologically the words “winter”, “humor”, “humus” are related, since they not only go back to the concept of “fertile, moist, favorable”, but are also phonetic forms derived from once one word.
The etymology of the word “summer” in Russian is not clear; if we take into account its meaning in the Indo-European lexical context, it will not seem blessed. For example, in Greek mythology There is an expression “sink into oblivion.” IN German the word "Leiche", phonetically close to the Russian word "summer", means "corpse", and English word“late”, from the same phonetic series, one of the meanings of “deceased, deceased”. This line can be continued all the way to the goddess Leto, whose children Artemis and Apollo literally sow death around them. Summer is death, the dry season when life practically dies, although in climatic conditions modern Russia is a favorable season.
Thus, the expression “mother winter” travels with us from the region where our ethnic group lived, where winter was a wet, rainy and, therefore, fertile season, in contrast to summer, a dry, that is, “dead” season. It wasn't necessarily Africa. This applies to the Middle East as well. For example, in Mesopotamia, it was “winter” that was considered the “farmer of the gods”, responsible for the waters of life and for everything that grows.
In Arabic, the desert is Sahel. It sounds exactly the same in Old Russian SUKHO
Rus' was in the vastness of Trans-Euphrates, to the west of it. Rome was in Sudan, and Greece was somewhere in Egypt...
Based on materials from V. V. Makarenko

If it weren’t for winter... It would be... Some other name, because there’s no escape from the change of seasons. Why was winter called winter and not something else? And why is this snowy and frosty time of year respectfully called mother and even a sorceress?

Why is winter called that?

Some people prefer summer with the sun, sea and fruits, others gravitate towards spring with its amazing renewal of life and the awakening of nature. There are also fans of autumn with its misty sunrises and carpets of yellow leaves. But no one will argue that winter is truly a fabulous time of year.

This is the coldest season, coming after autumn and giving way to spring. The word itself is similar in sound and pronunciation in languages ​​of Proto-Slavic origin. In Ukrainian this time of year is also winter, just like in Bulgarian, but with the emphasis on the first syllable. In Czech, Slovak and Polish – zima, in Latvian – zìema. It is also found in other languages, for example, in Indian - hima. Translated into Russian, this word means snow, which, in general, is completely logical and natural, because this season is associated with snowfalls, blizzards, blizzards, and snowdrifts.

In Sanskrit this word sounds very poetic - the time of falling snows, and in Greek - the time of snow or the time of rains. There is also an unconfirmed assumption that explains the etymology. According to him, winter is the deity of the winter period, who was responsible for the corresponding season. The ancient Slavs had a deity in the pantheon of gods - the cow Zemun (or Zimun), created by the creator of the world Rod. She lived on the island of Berezan, in the central part of which the mysterious Ripean Mountains were located. A milk river flowed through them - just from the milk of the Zemun cow. In this case, associations with white, snowy colors can be traced.

Winter magic: what is so remarkable about this time of year?

Winter is a sorceress, sorceress, queen. This is not a complete list of epithets that can be found in literature, and in everyday life in relation to winter. Why are such metaphorical expressions used? It's all about nature. Of course, in different regions winter is different. But in most of them, in winter, ordinary streets, courtyards and houses are transformed, wrapped in a snow-white blanket that hides all the imperfections of the world until spring.

An early winter morning is a wonderful sight. The first timid rays of the sun breaking through the frosty transparency of the air, ruffled sparrows, multi-colored slowly swirling snowflakes. A winter evening is a limitless source of inspiration. They are long, long, touching, bewitching, as if inviting you into a fairy tale. Winter is a magician and enchants anyone who is ready to open up to its charms. Special winter holidays - New Year, Christmas, Epiphany - also add a piece of magic to this time of year.

How did the expression “Mother Winter” come about?

In the Russian language there is a stable expression “mother winter”, which can be heard quite often. And at first glance, it is very contradictory, because winter is cold, cold, and mother is directly associated with care, warmth, and affection.

But in in this case such an expression is not an indication of fertility, but only an opportunity to rest from intense field work. But why then did the peasants wait so impatiently for the arrival of spring? After all, peaceful relaxing holiday- it's so cool.

In fact, this stable expression confirms the fact that our ancestors lived in a different climatic zone, different from the modern middle zone in the order of seasons. If we turn again to Sanskrit, we can find out that the word “hima” is consonant with the English humidity – humidity. And initially it meant the wet season, the opposite of the dry, summer season.

In Russian, -khim is found only in borrowed words. And if you analyze them, they are in no way connected with the word “winter”. But etymologically, the words “winter”, “humus” (top fertile soil layer), “humor” (humor) are actually related, since they are connected by the general definitions “fertile”, “moist”, “favorable” and are derived phonetic forms from the same word.

If we analyze the word “summer” in the Indo-European lexical context, it in no way evokes associations with fertility and grace. For example, in ancient Greek mythology there is an expression “Sink into oblivion,” that is, disappear without a trace. In German there is a phonetically close to Russian “summer” leiche, and in English – late, which translates as “corpse” and “dead person”, respectively. Analogies can be continued and continued right up to the ancient Greek titanide Leto, who gave birth to Zeus’s twins Apollo and Artemis, who, as we know, were not distinguished by modesty and pious behavior. In many countries, summer is a dry season, a time of death, unlike Russia, where it is favorable for life.

Thus, this expression goes hand in hand with the ethnic group since the departure from those areas where winter was a fertile, rainy, wet and fertile season, in contrast to the dry “dead” summer.

Mother, queen, sorceress, sorceress - all this is winter. And no matter how much we love other seasons, its arrival is inevitable, like the rising and setting of the sun. This means that you need to make the most of the positive things from this season and prepare for the coming seasons so that you have something to remember.

In Moscow, winter was turned on for a couple of days. And memories of huge snow-white snowdrifts, cleared white paths and crispy snow underfoot surfaced in my memory. And also the frosty sun in the blue sky and the long whiskers of a black fluffy cat covered with frost! We plunged into such a beautiful snowy winter during the first stage of the expedition “Discovering the Silver Necklace” in the village of Yarensk, emphasis on the letter Y Yarensk is located almost on the border of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. The climate is sharply continental, so there are cold and snowy winters and short hot summers.
We arrived in the village at the beginning of March and it was -27 outside. Some sources indicate that the most low temperature dropped to -50.
In ancient times, Yarensk flourished, being an important transit point on the trade route to the Urals and Siberia, as well as the homeland of explorers. But with the opening of more southern routes to Siberia, Yarensk lost its significance, and in 1924 lost its city status. Stepan Glotov, a researcher of Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, was born in Yarensk. And the famous Robinson Crusoe, according to the plot of the book by Daniel Defoe, passed the trade route through Yarensk!
Now the ancient origins of the village are reminiscent of the remains of the city earthen rampart, ancient wooden houses and several stone merchant buildings.
Many local wooden houses have a history of more than 100 years.

I was especially pleased with the cleared paths and the lack of reagents.
The cat was calm as a boa constrictor and did not pay the slightest attention to the bloggers surrounding him.
In general, Yarensk gave the impression of a place remote from civilization, but with the presence of life in it.
The first brick building in Yarensk, the house of the merchant Eshkelev, was built in 1820. Now it houses the Residence of Mother Winter. Not as popular as the Residence of Father Frost, but a very interesting and sincere place: children will be interested in taking part in an interactive excursion with the participation of Winter and her assistants, and adults will find themselves inside an ancient merchant’s house.
Residents of the fabulous Lena Forest live in the yard of Mother Winter: we were met by Leshy, Kikimora and Baba Yaga. And although we are all no longer children, it turned out to be a lot of fun
The easiest way to get to Yarensk is by car. Which is exactly what we did. Another way is by train to railway station Mezheg, through which trains pass from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Syktyvkar, Vorkuta and other cities of the Komi Republic. Next by regular bus.
We look at the photo and remember what a “correct” winter should be like