The island is round the Volga. Bath (Turgenev) Islands on the Volga. The city of Konakovo in the Tver region

The island is an unusual and rare purchase. In the vast Russian expanses you can also find a piece of land on the water that is suitable for living and doing business. The current proposal for today is an island in the Kostroma Reservoir. It can be bought for only 40,000,000 rubles. The island does not yet have a name, so after purchasing it, you can give it a name of your own choosing. In this case, you will literally be “on your territory.” Native language, native nature and climate - that’s what it’s worth buy an island on the Volga.

Pros of buying an island in Russia:

No cataclysms (tsunamis and earthquakes) will darken your existence here;
. The risk of being eaten by a crocodile or dying from a scorpion sting (which are exotic islands plenty);
. The climate and nature of the island are familiar from childhood;
. Investors have no language barriers to building a business.
The total area of ​​the nameless island is 60 hectares. There are no buildings here and never have been. The history of the island can begin immediately after its purchase. If the island falls into the hands of a wealthy Kostroma resident, the journey will not take much time. From Kostroma to the crossing on the Volga - 15-20 minutes, after which you will have to cover 1 km. any means of swimming.

Prospects for buying an island on the Volga.

If stars buy islands for privacy and relaxation, then wealthy investors see great prospects in this property. On some islands it is preferable to organize a tourist zone with noisy resorts, hotels and all the entertainment that tourists enjoy. Other islands are more suitable for organizing a family-type recreation center, creating an agricultural estate or arranging outdoor recreation. The nameless island on the Volga is suitable for implementing the second option.
Large fish spawning grounds will attract fishing enthusiasts to the island, and the beautiful, untouched nature It will appeal to everyone who wants to escape for a while from the noise of cities.
It should be remembered that buying an island on the Volga will not cut you off from civilization. There are a dozen cities in the district (among them Yaroslavl). In the presence of water transport you can swim in any of them or organize whole tourist routes on a boat. The main thing is desire and a good business plan.
In Russia it is possible not only buy an island on the Volga, but also arrange a long-term lease for it (from 30 to 99 years). The second option allows the implementation of any projects on the island without the right to sell.

High dollar and euro exchange rates, inaccessibility of the usual Egyptian and Turkish resorts This is by no means a reason to be discouraged and postpone your vacation. In Russia there are a huge number of places where you can relax, sunbathe and swim. It is not at all necessary to spend all your time on the beach; you can, for example, go rafting on the river or go out into nature with a large group. But if the question arose: where to go to the Volga from Moscow with tents, then in this case it is worth preparing in advance and choosing a good place.

If it is not possible to travel far and long, then the Tver region is ideal for relaxation. It is located only 190 kilometers from Moscow, but here you can admire the beauty of nature and have a good time. In addition to the Volga there is a large number of small rivers, the water in which is much cleaner. In most cases, almost any beach can be reached by car, although the access to the water is not convenient everywhere. Most often the beaches are grassy rather than sandy, although the grass is not high.

The upper reaches of the Volga River near the city of Dubna

There is no need to go somewhere far from Moscow to swim in the Volga and relax on its banks. Just a few hours drive from Moscow there is the city of Dubna, near which there is great places for recreation with tents. Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the opportunity to go fishing and catch a large number of fish here. You can also sunbathe and swim here. There are plenty of places to pitch a tent and set up a camp, the access is good, shops and other infrastructure are also nearby.

Ukhodovo Island on the Volga near the Moscow Sea

Clean air, convenient access to freedom, the opportunity to sit with a fishing rod on the shore and catch fish - all this can be found on Ukhodovo Island. Transport accessibility This place is quite acceptable, of course, there are large groups of tourists here, but there is enough space for everyone, so you can relax peacefully. You can get to the Bolshaya Volga pier, and then take a boat to any island in this reservoir for a fee.

The city of Konakovo in the Tver region

There are a huge number of places on the Volga where you can set up a tent camp, go fishing and have a good rest without the benefits of civilization. Access to water is normal, travel by car is also possible. Of course, on weekends and holidays there can be a large number of vacationers, but there is always the opportunity to get further away.

There are a great many beaches along the Volga, but the most convenient and Beautiful places for the most part, they are already equipped with umbrellas, changing rooms and noisy cafes. Which comes with crowds of people and dirty sand.

It is much more pleasant to be on a beach located on an island. Yes, here no one will feed you or hide you from the rain, and to get to the bus or car you have to travel at least by boat, but the islands are not crowded, for the most part clean and much more beautiful.

(Speaking of cleanliness, this year I noticed garbage containers all over coastline and "garbage barges" that empty these containers. Convenient, indeed. As they say, the whole service. Further cleaning is up to the savages themselves.)

So, what does it take to become a Volga savage?

Are you going for one day, without an overnight stay? Then you need food, water and sunbeds - everything is simple.

For a longer period - take with you tents, sleeping bags and foam (at night on the Volga it is very cold), food for cooking, as well as dishes. To prepare firewood (we most likely cook over a fire) you need, at a minimum, a saw.

(From my own experience, I can say that the fire rope in the Volga willows cannot be stretched; the Taganok is an excellent solution. And we simply took with us a barbecue with additional metal sheets and placed our teapots and saucepans on these sheets like a stove. Of course, an excellent alternative to the torment of a fire - gas burner, only with mandatory wind protection.)

There is firewood on the islands, but not on the coast itself, but a little to the side - in the woods. There is a lot of firewood even in the most visited places.

How to get to wild places

By boat from the piers, of course, the easiest way. If there is a tourist center on the island (such as "Chaika" on Zelenenky), then most likely there is a regular boat going there.

You can also sail to the island on a yacht and even fly by seaplane (very exciting, but not very comfortable: the shaking, you know, makes you seasick).

How to get out of wild places

You should take care of this in advance: ask, for example, the person who brought you, if he will take you away from here later, or if he will advise anything on this issue. Since water transportation on the Volga is a business, most likely they will not refuse you help, for a fee, of course.

(Speaking of the fee. From Yuzhny to Zelenenky Island on a boat this year they charged 100 rubles per person, small children are free. A regular boat costs 50 rubles there.)

Some advice

  • I I traveled with a child, so I took a tent even for one day (sleeping bags are not needed) - my daughter slept in it during the day. The tent, in particular, helped us during a sandstorm on the beach: we threw our things and the child there. And we went swimming ourselves :)
  • WITH pitching a tent on the sand is a real punishment: all the pegs must be piled on top with stones.
  • B Be prepared that the sand will haunt you for several days after returning from the wild places
  • E If there is wind on the Volga, then there is a very strong wind on the coast of the islands. It’s better in the willows, away from the water’s edge. It's convenient to play there with your baby. But all light objects: inflatable rings, balls, toys, seats, bedding - must be weighed down so as not to catch them later on the beach or in the river.
  • D Children love to play in the semi-wet-semi-dry sand at the water's edge. The age of the children does not play any role.
  • TO boats, approaching the island, dig deep holes with a screw quite close to the shore. As a child I tried to drown in one myself. I advise you to be on your guard: even for an adult it’s unpleasant when the bottom suddenly drops out from under your feet, but what does it feel like for a child...
  • R an ice boat is better than a boat in that it has a hold in which you can travel during bad weather. But the boat travels much faster than the boat. And on a boat, as in any place where vacationers gather, it is possible for drunken individuals to appear - very unpleasant, alas.

So, briefly, again without pictures, about a “wild” beach holiday on the Volga.

If you have any questions, write: I’ll tell you everything I know.

The more you travel to other cities, the less you notice what beauties there are in yours. native land. It so happened that I spent the whole of last year stuck in my city. You can howl like a wolf. It’s moments like these that you try to get out somewhere. And one of these places was the Bath Islands on the Volga, near the city of Ulyanovsk. Some may know them as Turgenevskie, others as Andreevskie (on behalf of the nearby village of Andreevka).

The islands got their name from Lake Banny and the village of Banny, which were located nearby in the flood zone (Kuibyshev Reservoir, 1955-57). The largest of them is Bezymyanny Island (several kilometers long and several hundred meters wide). Why exactly "Banny"?
But because the water in the flooded lake, deprived of recharge from springs, was very warm all summer. As a result, most of the townspeople on vacation went there to swim.

So we decided to become these vacationing townspeople for a couple of days.

The road from the city to the shore, from which you can cross to the islands, takes about an hour. Before reaching the descent point, you can stop and look at the islands from the high shore.

The places here are quite picturesque.

Having gone down to the water directly in cars, we unloaded our vehicles, provisions and housing.

No, of course, the boats were not like that in the trunk of a car - I inflated them alone, while my comrades drove the cars away to the dacha for supervision. A very exciting activity - using a frog-type pump to spank your foot for about an hour...

There are only 90 meters between the first island and the shore. But there is nothing to do on the nearby shore - it is dirty and uncomfortable. Therefore, we decided to go deeper into the island, going around it on the water with oars for about 3 kilometers. And this despite the fact that I somehow never had to work with oars...

On an overloaded boat, where the least amount of space was given to the padding between the seat and the oars, I walked about 700 meters and got tired of it... I more or less learned to row, but did not enjoy the process. Moreover, the water was so tempting to dip your feet in it after a hot working Friday.... Wow!

The photograph only conveys 70 percent of the purity and coolness of the Volga water. And considering that on city beaches on a rare day you won’t see the thick “green” of flowering water, then...

Without thinking twice, I row closer to the shore of the island and... thrill...!

I walked to the place along the shore like a barge hauler :)

“Go out to the Volga, whose moan is heard?
We call this groan a song..."

But if I moaned, it was cheerful songs - the loaded one-seater easily walked on the water.

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along the fast river
And the frogs jump
On my heels
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

But it wasn’t frogs that were jumping after me, but...

One even chased me on the shore, shouting: “Cook me!”

In short, while we were walking to the landing site, we made about 5 of these friends. By the way, my comrades also followed my example and dismounted. Walking on water with your feet is faster and more enjoyable. You can drink beer on the way... Collect crayfish again...

Such bliss!...

And what views along the way!

The steep bank is riddled with nests of swifts.

They just hover around me. They're afraid I'll get in...

But I’m kind and I’m not going to eat baby birds today - there’s enough crayfish.

We got to the place, set up camp, and set up our tents in its place. Tourists were driven away from the broken camp...
Actually, that’s pretty much what happened. The place we came to is quite popular in certain circles. And it so happened that one company planned to stand at this place to celebrate a birthday. And we, it turns out, accidentally got ahead of them. But like civilized people, they settled everything without conflict and they moved a little further. In general, the island is still common (they say they are buying land there...) - whoever managed it, sat down...

OK. They sat down and relaxed. We boiled the crayfish and poured the beer.

And then the sunset...

Eh, babble!...

It was already dark, and another tour group of decent guys walked along the shore. They stopped near our place, as if thinking about standing next to us. But we didn’t want neighbors and we imitated a drunken gang among ourselves... The stage experience came in handy.

“Pour it, blah! It’s so little - pour more, bitch! Don’t respect me?!. Yes, I’m going to #bnu right now!”

Yesss, in nature there is such a thing as mimicry. So we pretended to be “dangerous bugs” :) We did something bad, right?

At night we went out with flashlights to catch crayfish. I heard somewhere that their light attracts them. And I must say - they scored about a dozen!
We cooked it this morning...

And the morning was no longer so friendly.

Some kind of cyclone attacked - you can see it in the photo. But there was no rain or wind. It's just cloudy.

Our concentration camp:

Some fancy yachts began to arrive on the island. Some of them are guests invited to the birthday party of our neighbor in the camp, with whom we shared the territory the night before...

After a morning fishing trip, during which all the catch escaped from the holey fish tank, we decided to go explore the island. Well, that's a strong word, the whole island. In a couple of hours, only a small part of it was explored. It is truly huge.

We passed an internally warm lake with a bridge.

The water in it is quite clean and transparent. You know, it reminded me of the screensaver of one film company "LakeShore", where a boy runs along such a bridge and jumps into the lake.

Eh, it's great here! Like in paradise. Although I haven't been there, it's hard to compare...

We approached one of the many channels and internal creeks.

There are cozy golden beaches everywhere.

In my opinion, this is how heaven should be. So that there would be a cozy house on the shore, with fish splashing. We would catch it and release it - there is no need to eat there. Everyone around would be kind and sympathetic. Not like us, in the evening. Scared the guys...

And here is the Serpent-Tempter himself:

Only he is still small, and doesn’t bite at all. Almost. I remember when teenagers poisoned a huge old snake with twigs near the lake at the dacha. He became so furious that he began to rush at us and spit saliva. It was creepy - everyone ran away in genuine fear... And they stink terribly. Mimicry... :)

We made our way through some thickets and began to worry that we were lost. We needed to go to the other side of the island - there is a bird colony and a nesting site for seagulls. Suddenly we noticed that there were a lot of seagulls above us that were trying to attack us! We immediately realized that we were close. And it’s true - a gap became visible through the bushes and we quickly reached the other side.

It was on this concrete piece of the pier that the seagulls built their nesting area.

You can see eggs and chicks on the concrete road. You can’t get close - the brutal seagulls dive very low on your head with a terrible cry and shit. That day we again didn’t want to eat baby birds, so we hastily left this place.

One of the ends of the island. Papuans from tribes hostile to us are walking everywhere. We don't come close :).

Jokes aside, in this part of the island someone built a summer camp with light houses, a shower, a kitchen and a toilet. We saw women and children. It feels like people are moving there for months at a time.

An old table in the forest not far from this large camp.

We got a little lost near the swamp. The navigator saved the day. Well, what are the Papuans today without him? We passed a birch and pine forest. We went out into the meadows. And in the meadows there are thickets of wild cherries! So I ate too much of it there.

And another inland lake.

And here it’s already a stone’s throw to our shore. One of the most high places on the island. A strip of forest in the distance is the bank of the Volga.

The view is amazing.

Then I snorkeled and caught more tasty arthropods.

And people came to the island not only by yachts, but already...

We never caught any fish, but when we did catch them, they escaped from the bag... We are kind...

Who loves beach holiday on the Volga, with romantic gatherings by the fire, then this is for you! At the pier of the Icy Ravine there are always boats that will transport you to the island for a small fee, especially since the sandbank begins 300 meters from the shore, although there are no trees there, and there is almost no land (shallow water and sandbanks), hide from You can only get sun under your own umbrella. Photo. Sand spit near the island

Well, if you are the happy owner of your own boat, or at least inflatable boat, feel free to go to Bird Island. Better with a tent and overnight stay. Moreover, you can take an inflatable boat with you, since the remaining 500 meters to the shore of the island, the maximum depth of the river is no more than a meter. The bottom is sandy, clearly visible, it makes for a fun trip. You are in the middle of the Volga, walking waist-deep in water, in front is Ptichy Island, on the right is Mount Lysaya, behind the pier, on the left is the right bank of the Volga with tourist centers and tent camps.

Photo. Pier. Mount Lysaya

According to data from the Internet, the island appeared in 2002 as a result of sand being deposited by the current. Most likely this is true. The shores of the island are not just sandy, there is sand, it is everywhere, on the island itself, between the trees, and in the water, many meters away from the shore. The trees on the island are low, represented mainly by willows and poplars. They provide enough shade, but there is a problem with dead wood.

Photo. Sandbank. Intex inflatable boat

As mentioned above, we melted to the island on an inflatable boat. Don't forget to bring air mattresses for sleeping and swimming. They are very useful for sleeping in a tent at night, and during the day for half-asleep on the waves of a calm river.

The sand is almost white and very fine. The feeling of the sea does not leave you, because the water warms up quite strongly near the shore, and small waves intensify these sensations.

Photo. Sand beach

In length Bird Island 1 km. 250 meters wide. Walking around the island length and breadth will not be difficult and will bring a lot of impressions. Eastern Bank more populated by tent camps, the sand there is cleaner and the water is warmer.

Photo. Eastern Shore.

On the western shore, the waves are stronger, and in some places there are thickets of reeds, but there are fewer people and fewer tent camps.

Photo. West Bank

And what a stunning view of the Sokoly Mountains.

Photo. Sokoli Mountains

Photo. Greve Cave

Traveling around the island, you will certainly find the answer to why “Bird” Island. On the one hand, its small size, and on the other hand, the abundance of birds! Their polyphonic singing wakes you up early in the morning, and lulls you to sleep in the evening.

Photo. Bird Island

A romantic getaway like this is hard to find. For lovers, for families with children, and for cheerful groups with a guitar, there is a place and activities to suit everyone’s liking.

Photo. Sunset

Who doesn't like it wild holiday on the Volga, then go to the Black Sea, for example to Gelendzhik. Enough for this