Ten most exotic islands. Exotic islands of the world that are worth visiting Names of exotic islands

For many people, travel is something akin to a source of inspiration. Many artists, writers, and designers around the world talk about constant travel. Traveling around the world, a person begins to feel reborn, full of strength and desire to create, because his head is simply bursting with new ideas and thoughts. New places created by Mother Nature inspire and help you get rid of your daily routine. Take 1-2 weeks off and visit the best islands in the world. The world is beautiful and life is not enough to explore it, but each of us must see at least a dozen such places with our own eyes!

BY their specific nature, the islands are the best place for a good rest. This is real paradise without a bit of exaggeration. Where else to relax if not in the midst of untouched fauna and flora? We invite you to study the list of the most best islands world and choose the one you will fly to this year!


Oh, how many songs and stories there are about these the most wonderful islands, which are located in the middle of the Laccadive Sea (southwest of Sri Lanka). This is a complete paradise in the tropics, which attracts tourists from every continent. Beautiful Cote d'Azur, sandy beaches, clear blue water... If you adore the underwater world, do not refuse to visit Maaya Tila. There is no better place for diving in the Maldives.


Some of the best islands in the world. Lazy rest on Goa beaches, what could be better? How not to come to places where light azure waves develop on one side of the beach, and palm groves sway in the light wind on the other. Goa is a tropical paradise at its finest.

Bora Bora

The most beautiful islands in the world, about which more than one song has been written. Anyone with money has been here at least once. These islands are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for green and blue colors. Stroll along lush tropical slopes to a valley where fields of hibiscus bloom and palm-lined islands are like delicate necklaces of islands.

Ko Lipe

A small lonely island of Thailand, which is located in the waters Andaman Sea. There are only three on Koh Lipe beach areas, the rest of the island is covered with mountain slopes and rocks. The island is so small that you can walk around it in an hour.

Koh Lipe is not particularly developed in terms of tourism and is perfect for those who want privacy. Please note that it is strictly forbidden to catch fish on Koh Lipe, but no one will prohibit you from diving at the National marine park Tarutao.


The most beautiful islands in the world, formed by a volcano, are located in French Polynesia. Covered with densely planted palm trees and pineapple plantations. The islands are known for their wonderful variety of coral and fish, delicious pineapples and tranquility.


Hawaiian green island with underdeveloped resort infrastructure. It has spectacular beaches, many waterfalls, beautiful rock formations and ocean formations. Kauai is a romantic paradise for everyone.

Hua Hin

The most idyllic and aesthetic island in the world. An ideal place for people who crave tranquility. In terms of beauty, it can be compared with the Bora Bora islands, located several kilometers away. Hua Hin preserves the authenticity of the Polynesian atmosphere and is decorated with superb coral deserts.


A huge Caribbean island with a white sandy beach, spreading palm trees and mangroves. The island has developed infrastructure, but there is no influx of tourists. When visiting Ambergris, you should definitely go diving barrier reef Belize. It is the second largest coral reef in the world.

St John's Island

Another Caribbean island for people who love active eco-tourism. Get to know wildlife, trample miles of trails through dense green spaces.

San Juan

Moderate maritime climate, quite a pleasant place to relax, judging by the photos of the islands. Wonderful views With mountain peaks, game of whales close range, endless lavender fields- the best solution for tourists who value good rest.


The best island in Europe for a holiday. If you're looking for volcanic beaches, historical monuments and a wide variety of activities, Santorini is a must-visit.


A classic vacation spot on the beach. It's full of dolphins, colorful fish, and Latin-themed entertainment. Beautiful nature and a carefree atmosphere will relieve stress instantly.

Koh Tao

The Gulf of Thailand island was named so because of the abundance of giant sea turtles different types. A very sunny island with wild beaches, which can only be reached by all-terrain vehicles. Great place for the honeymoon. Look at the photos of the islands and see that you couldn’t find a better place.

Easter Island

A famous island off the coast of Chile, famous for its ancient statues. It's not easy to get here, but it's worth it. Secluded beaches and ancient sculptures are difficult to describe in words, it’s like the edge of the world that everyone should see!

See more about Easter Island.

Nosy Bee

Large island located next to north coast Madagascar. Lovers of unusual wildlife will find something to see here. The island is home to rare species of lemurs, makes excellent homemade rum, and the entire island is covered in stunning volcanic lakes. And if you're a fan of ethical music, then the four-day festival in May is worth visiting, attended by hundreds of Indian Island artists.

In your life you must visit at least some of these resort places! Just look at the photos of the islands!. We have the best conditions for tourists. We can take you anywhere, we will organize a vacation if necessary!

There are many in the world beautiful places, where you can relax and enjoy the amazing beauty of nature. The islands have always been particularly popular with tourists. Many beautiful islands can be found everywhere in any part of the world, but among them you can try to highlight the most beautiful places. This does not mean that they are somehow better than others, they just quickly became popular among tourists due to their conditions for comfortable relaxation and privacy from modern life.

1. Bora Bora (Tahiti)

For funny name Boro Boro hides an attractive place near Tahiti - Boro Boro Island. Unusual Island famous for its amazing circular lagoon and rich diversity of underwater world. Turquoise lagoons, coral reefs, large number Colorful tropical fish everywhere - making Bora Bora a diver's dream. And how pleasing to the eye is the presence of romantic villas with beautiful design and thatched roofs, blending well with the natural surroundings.

2. Boracay - Philippines

A small, elongated island of your dreams - 7 km of paradise beaches - for true romantics and diving enthusiasts. Boracay was recognized as the best island resort in the world according to the results of voting in the field of tourism “Zvezda Travel.ru”. The most famous beaches of Boracay are White Beach and Balabog. On the island you will find magnificent snow-white sand, exotic nature, an emerald sea, over 12 diving centers, a variety of corals and tropical fish. We recommend going to Boracay for everyone who wants to combine diving with a beach holiday, as well as for those who like fun nights out: discos, night bars, cafes, karaoke - the island has everything that will allow you to spend your unforgettable vacation!

3. Seychelles

Seychelles - a mosaic of 115 islands east coast Africa. The islands are located near the Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator and slightly north of Madagascar. When asked where to spend your honeymoon, Madagascar Tour advises - don’t hesitate and go to the Seychelles! An extraordinary palm forest, amazing corals, giant turtles and a great beach - everything will contribute to a romantic mood and a great time! And by the way, only here grows the famous Seychelles palm tree, the fruit of which weighs 20 kg and is considered the largest in the world. flora. Not in vain local residents They believe in the legend that it was this fruit that became the temptation for Adam and Eve...

Fiji - 333 islands in the South Pacific, 333 places for romantic dates and adventure, a place where you begin to believe that heaven on earth exists! Blue lagoons and coral coasts, clear rivers and hills covered with forests, extraordinary nature - it’s not for nothing that hundreds of tourists from thousands of countries, lovers and married couples choose this particular place to relax in the most beautiful place on earth.

5. Maldives

The famous islands, the islands of your dreams, consist of more than 1190 coral islands. As local residents joke, the main attractions of the Maldives are located in the depths of the Indian Ocean. Maldives - best place for diving. It is best to go to the Maldives for those who prefer a relaxing holiday, appreciate peace and quiet, are tired of the bustle of the city and have long dreamed of exactly this - to forget about problems, affairs, to get lost in time, plunging into an atmosphere of harmony and bliss. Every year the flow of tourists to the Maldives is growing, as is the number of comfortable hotels and schools for scuba divers.

6. Zanzibar

Off the eastern coast of Africa there is an entire archipelago with a name known to us since childhood from Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”. Zanzibar - banana palms, mangroves, snow-white beaches, picturesque pictures of coral reefs. You can try diving yourself, or you can just watch the local fishermen at work. The main advantages of the resort are its rich cultural heritage, clean coastal waters and over 60 species of fish swimming around the colorful coral reefs. The air temperature in winter is no higher than 35C, and in summer it is rarely lower 26. You can relax here all year round, minus April - at this time it most often rains.

7. Ko Lipe, Thailand

Small but famous island Koh Lipe is located in the Andaman Sea, close to Malaysia and Thailand. Island of contrasts real paradise for lovers of exotics and banana palms, Koh Lipe is only two kilometers long, with a beach 700 meters wide. You can get around the entire resort in just 2-3 hours. Accommodation is available; on the island there are both small bungalows, practically huts, and modern hotels. If you want to understand what Robinson Crusoe experienced when he found himself on desert island- Plan your next holiday to Koh Lipe.

8. Maui - Hawaii

Without mentioning Hawaii when choosing the most famous and most famous islands there is no way around peace. Hawaii has an unrivaled combination of beaches and picturesque waterfalls. Hawaii - fresh ocean breeze, sea of ​​orchids, place eternal spring, turquoise bays and golden beaches. It has everything that is valuable for romantics: the ocean coast, the secrets of the wild jungle, incomparable coral reefs and the best diving schools. The most popular activity in Hawaii is relaxing and doing nothing. Hawaii - it's better to see it once!

9. Langkawi - Malaysia

The largest of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea in northern Malaysia and Thailand. The length of the island is 30 kilometers. Langkawi is, first of all, beaches - very clean and cozy. By choosing a bungalow for accommodation, you can become a mini-owner of the beach for a short time and feel like the master of life! You definitely won’t be bored on the island - your choice of visit cable car Langkawi, crocodile farm, African buffalo farm, fruit plantation, trekking to the island's waterfalls, walks in the jungle, water activities– it’s impossible to list everything. For those who love shopping, please note that Langkawi is a duty-free shopping zone. Thus, prices for most products are very affordable. Etc. There is no public transport on the island, we advise you to simply rent a motorcycle, car or bicycle and go on an adventure or shopping!

10. Bonaire - Caribbean

Bonaire Island - located in the Caribbean Sea, Bonaire means “good air”. And this island is famous not only for its beautiful air: the long coral reef that surrounds Bonaire, the entire underwater world from the surface of the sea to a depth of 60 meters, has been protected by the National Marine Park since 1979 and is the main attraction for diving enthusiasts. Nature untouched by civilization, magical underwater world, transparent, year-round warm water(visibility from 30 to 50 m, temperature from +25 to +28°C), diversity of underwater fauna and flora, this is why tourists choose the island of Bonaire for their vacation. Holidays on the island are aimed more at connoisseurs have a relaxing holiday, but if you want to spend your time more active, please, adventure will certainly find you on the island of Bonairo!

Every year, TripAdvisor ranks the best islands in the world. This year was no exception. Moreover, it is worth noting that this rating is not based on traditional “expert” assessments of the editorial staff, but on the basis of recommendations and reviews from visitors to this interesting portal.

This year, the ranking was topped by the island of Providenciales in the Caribbean, and only two representatives of past laureates remained in the top ten - the Thai Tau and the famous Bora Bora. And this fact should not surprise anyone, since the tourism market is difficult to predict and it is simply impossible to predict which destination will become popular this year.

Coral Paradise - Providenciales Island

This largest island of the Caribbean archipelago is part of such a little-known state as Turks and Caicos. The state is an extension Bahamas, so it is not surprising that its islands share the same features for a luxury holiday - white sandy beaches, a mild climate that allows you to relax all year round, turquoise water surface and magnificent nature, creating beautiful scenery for walks.

However, the main reason for the island’s frequent inclusion in various ratings is not the usual snow-white beaches familiar to everyone, but the variety of recreation. Vacationers can have great fun with yachting, windsurfing and snorkeling. And the main and most popular entertainment here is diving. This is facilitated by how warm sea ​​waters, as well as picturesque coral reefs, which can be easily reached from the shore.

Maui Island in Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands have been canons for a long time have a good rest. And if previously the most popular among the islands were Hawaii and Oahu, now the island of Maui, which is more accessible to tourists, is taking the leading position.

First of all, when people talk about holidays in Hawaii, they immediately think of surfing and windsurfing. After all, the Hawaiian Islands are a mecca for those who like to swim on a board. In addition, Maui, with its sparse population, is where you can fully enjoy nature. Raging waterfalls National Park Haleakao and its stunning bamboo forest, not to mention its traditional warm sandy beaches, attract many tourists. Therefore, the island rightfully occupies second place in the ranking.

Roatan - Paradise in the Caribbean

How often do we hear the words “The wrong country was called Honduras” in a negative sense, expressed in relation to one’s own country. However, if you look closely at the latter, Honduras is a good comparison. Especially if you look at holidays on the island of Roatan, which belongs to Honduras.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs and covered with magnificent beaches, making it an ideal holiday destination for both casual beachgoers and scuba diving enthusiasts. Created here perfect place for lovers of ecotourism (the Carambola botanical garden is famous for its tropical park of exotic birds) and for various types of entertainment - from sea fishing to all aquatic species sports

Calm and romance in Santorini

The Cyclades Islands amaze everyone with their amazing natural beauty. The most mysterious and beautiful in this Archipelago is Santorini, which owes its birth to volcanic lava.

This island is often called romantic, but unlike most “paradise” ocean islands, earned its title thanks to its wild nature and white beaches, Santorini receives this title thanks to its houses carved into the rocks, which with their snow-white facades and bright blue roofs attract tourists from all over the world.

Unlike most of the islands on the list, people come to Santorini not for diving or extreme entertainment, but to ignite a real fire in loving hearts. And most of the tourists are newlyweds, whom the island pleases with its unforgettable romance and positivity.

Vibrant diving on Koh Tao Island in Thailand

The waters of the Gulf of Thailand sheltered a cozy palm tree-lined Koh Tao Island or "Turtle Island". The island got its name thanks to the numerous colonies of sea turtles that have chosen its snow-white sandy beaches. Once upon a time the island was uninhabited and only turtles were its only inhabitants. White sand and azure clear water around the island cannot but delight tourists, who, just like the majestic reptiles many centuries ago, have now chosen these beaches.

However, this resort island is famous not only for its snow-white sandy hills and 300 sunny days a year, allowing you to lazily sunbathe on the beach. However, the island attracts most tourists with its underwater beauty.

Diving on Koh Tao is the most popular view active recreation. Coral reefs rich in marine life, more than 30 dive sites various categories complexities including shipwrecks and short distances to dive sites make Koh Tao the "Diving Mecca" of Southeast Asia.

A safe haven for travelers – Madeira Island

For many centuries, the Portuguese island of Madeira has served as a haven for all travelers who rushed to conquer the Atlantic. This paradise in the middle Atlantic Ocean For six centuries now, thanks to its mild and temperate climate, it has served as a vacation spot not only for sailors, but also for the wealthy European elite.

At the same time, most tourists come here not to bask on the beaches, since there are simply none here, but for an active pastime. The island is a real haven for lovers of hunting and fishing, diving and windsurfing, and green tourism. The main attractions of the island are the Madeira National Reserve and its Botanical gardens. It is here that you can see all the worldwide diversity of flora that the Portuguese collected during the three centuries of their rule at sea.

“Island of the Gods” – Bali

In Indonesia, between the two largest islands of Lombok and Java, there is a cozy picturesque corner that attracts tourists with its majestic volcanoes Gunung Angung and Kintamini, pristine tropical forests and blue lagoons.

The shores of the island hide delightful temple complexes and a sacred monkey forest, where mischievous primates will give tourists a little boost of energy in exchange for small sweets for them. In addition, Bali is a kind of Indian enclave in the middle of Muslim Indonesia, and this is where you can calmly relax on the coast, strengthening your spirit with yoga classes.

Although the main attraction of the island is its white sandy beaches along with the surrounding coral landscapes that attract divers from all over the world, there are several other must-see spots on the island of Bali. One of them is spread over 20,000 hectares National Park Barat. It is there that you can see, without bars or enclosures, all sorts of combinations of flora and fauna in the pristine wild world.

The sandy paradise of mesmerizing Mauritius

Mauritius has long been one of the most beautiful holiday destinations. This tropical paradise, which is sometimes also called the “key to the Indian Ocean,” despite its modest size, has more than a hundred kilometers of snow-white beaches.

It was the bright combination of the turquoise waters of the lagoon, coral reefs and bizarre mountains that became the reason why holidays on the island were ranked as top-notch. And on local beaches You can often see famous artists and billionaires who are attracted here by the high level of comfort and individual relaxation of the highest level. Local authorities are trying to make the resort not just an ordinary place of mass pilgrimage. That's why you don't often see an ordinary person on the island. budget tourist, and once you get here you will be completely sure that you will have a rest upper class according to the luxury category.

Mauritius is almost completely surrounded by reefs, making it an ideal place for diving and fishing. It is here that you can see and catch the very fish that every fisherman dreams of getting in his trophies - various types marlins, sailfish and colorful representatives of the shark family.

Bora Bora - the island of romantic lovers

Bora Bora is the largest island among the 118 islands of French Polynesia. It has the status of the unofficial capital of romantics and newlyweds and is considered a romantic and exotic place on the planet. The island, like most of its neighbors, was formed after a chain of volcanic eruptions and now represents mountain range with three peaks piercing the sky above a dazzling blue lagoon.

Despite its miniature size (you can get around it in an hour by car), nature has so generously endowed the island with its beauty that it rightfully proudly bears the title of “an emerald in a turquoise frame with a necklace of pearls - that’s how you can describe it by looking at it above.
Bora Bora offers a variety of activities, from expeditions to " coral garden"and visits majestic mountains to extreme snorkeling and diving. And one of the most interesting entertainment is hand feeding of local stingrays and sharks.

Paradise holiday on the beaches of Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is the name of an archipelago located near Brazil, consisting of more than twenty islands. However, the most inhabited and, accordingly, the most popular of this cohort is the most big island, which attracts all lovers beach holiday. In addition, this archipelago has been on the list for fifteen years now Cultural heritage UNESCO because it is in its waters that large populations of dolphins, sea turtles and cetaceans live.

This is where the Baia do Sancho beach is located, which has become a real mecca for all lovers sea ​​holiday and firmly entered the list best beaches peace. This famous beach in the shape of a crescent, it is surrounded on all sides by rocks and in order to get to it you need to go down seventy-meter stairs. However, it's worth it - the cove around the beach is real natural treasure. The bay is a natural pool surrounded by hardened lava, in which the water is always crystal clear.

The islands attract tourists with their beautiful nature, pristine landscapes, clear water and ideal opportunities for surfing and diving. Each person can find a vacation option that is suitable for them: quiet and peaceful, or full of all kinds of entertainment. Despite the fact that these islands are similar in many ways, each of them has its own characteristics and highlights. Remember that all tour prices are approximate, because a lot depends on the season and the location of the hotel. And if you really want to get to the island of your dreams, there is always an opportunity!


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Thailand's largest island, Phuket, is called the “pearl of the Indian Ocean.” There are snow-white beaches, waterfalls, tropical forests, azure water, jungles, and steep cliffs. At the same time, the island is rich in attractions, among which it is worth highlighting Thai temples and monasteries, and in traditional events in the form of elephant shows and various colorful festivals. The capital of the island (named the same as the island itself) - Phuket - is especially beautiful. The Andaman Sea with its coral thickets and caves always impress diving enthusiasts.

If you want to spend your holiday with your family or just relax in a calm environment, then you should choose the beaches in the north of the island: Kata, Surin, Karon, Karona Beach, Nai Han. If you want a fun and noisy holiday, then you need to go to southern part. Patong Beach is especially popular with a large number cafes, clubs, restaurants and show programs. It is worth noting that local population Phuket treats tourists very well.


The weather allows you to relax in Phuket at any time of the year. The rainy season is from May to October, but it rains rarely and only at night.


Phuket is called luxury at an affordable price. A 7-night tour with departure from Moscow will cost (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, airfare is included in the price):
- 5* hotel - from $2000 per person;
- 4* hotel - from $1200 per person;
- 3* hotel - from $900 per person.
Additionally, a visa to Thailand is paid - $40 (Belarusians can submit documents to the Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow), excursions.


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Despite the high cost and remoteness, Mauritius remains popular tourist destination. There are good sandy beaches and a beautiful underwater coral world, and while fishing in the open sea you can catch tuna, hammerhead, blue marlin, barracuda.

For a comfortable rest is suitable Flic-en-Flac town. If you want to enjoy wild nature and big waves, then it’s worth visiting Tamarina Bay, which is one of the 20 best places in the world for surfing. Belle Mare Beach, located in the east of Mauritius, is famous for its deep lagoons and calm waters. Partygoers should head to the southwestern beach of Pereybere.

Particularly worth noting is the natural phenomenon of Mauritius - the seven-colored dunes located in the village of Chamarel. As a result of the cooling of volcanic rocks, the earth was painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Moreover, each color of the earth layer has a clear boundary. It is also worth seeing the colonial mansions in the capital of the island, Port Louis, and visiting the extinct volcano located near the town of Curepipe.

Mauritius hotels do not use a traditional classification system, but you can always count on a high level of service with a large number of staff. Plus, almost every 4 and 5 star hotel has its own SPA center. Many hotels offer tourists individual villas with swimming pools where you can feel absolutely private.


From November to April it is summer on the island of Mauritius, winter begins in May and ends in October. The coolest months are June and July. You need to be prepared for rapid weather changes. There are often short but heavy rains here. And don’t forget to use sun protection, because... The island is located close to the equator.


- 5 * hotel - from $2100 per person;
- 4 * hotel - from $1700 per person;
- 3* hotel - from $1350 per person.

A Mauritius visa is issued at the airport (if you depart from the country, you will be charged airport tax in the amount of $17). The cost of excursions starts from 40 EUR per person.


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The Maldives archipelago, located in Indian Ocean, consists of several islands. On each of them you will find a sandy beach, blue water, unique vegetation and your own hotel with a high level of service. Some hotels are designed for family vacations, others for honeymoons, and others for noisy groups. But most of all, the Maldives are suitable for a calm and relaxed holiday. Basically all hotels are four to five star, bungalow type. Many bungalows are located directly on the water. Another option for living in the Maldives is yachts.

There are no special attractions other than nature in the Maldives. The most common way to spend time is diving. Diving schools are open at most hotels. Windsurfing, catamaran, snorkeling, water skiing, tennis, billiards, fishing and other entertainment are also popular. On the island you will find a large number of SPA centers.

The main religion in the Maldives is Islam, so the import of alcohol is prohibited here, you cannot sunbathe topless and visit non-tourist places in resort clothes (you need to cover your shoulders and knees).


The climate on the islands is warm and humid. The air temperature during the day is about +30 °C, at night up to +26 °C, the same temperature is near the water. From May to October is the rainy season, the weather is very windy.


Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 5 * hotel - from $1650 per person;
- 4* hotel - from $1500 per person;
- 3* hotel - from $1150 per person.

Prices vary, and you can always find a last minute tour that suits the price. Visas are not required for CIS citizens.


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The Seychelles islands offer tourists peace, quiet and privacy. This is why they are so often chosen for weddings and romantic occasions. honeymoon. And, of course, surfers and divers come here. Seychelles is also loved by fans of sea fishing and yachting.

Seychelles hotels do not use traditional classification and tour operators assign their own stars. Hotel chains cover everything large islands, and small bungalows host tourists on small coral islands. Moreover, even small hotels in the Seychelles guarantee world-class service.


On Seychelles It's never too cold or too hot. Average temperature per year - 26-30 °C heat. Usually there are two seasons: hotter - from December to May, cooler - from June to November. The rainiest month is January; the rains, although heavy, do not last long.


Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 3* hotel - from $1640 per person;
- 4* hotel - from $1990 per person;
- 5* hotel - from $2500 per person.

The visa is issued at the airport and is valid for one month. All tourists over 12 years old when leaving Seychelles are required to provide a receipt confirming payment of a tax fee of $40. This tax can be paid at any bank on the islands.

Balearic Islands

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The Balearic archipelago belongs to one of the autonomous regions of Spain. The main islands of the archipelago are Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. Today it is one of the largest tourist centers in the western Mediterranean. Vacations are not cheap, but many celebrities stay here (for example, Claudia Schiffer, Michael Schumacher, Michael Douglas own villas on the islands). Mild climate, beautiful landscapes, sun and solitude attract many creative people here.

The Balearics have some of the most environmentally friendly beaches in all of Europe. Mallorca is the largest Balearic Islands. In the capital of the island, Palma de Mallorca, you can see a large number of attractions of different styles and eras, as well as watch traditional Spanish entertainment - bullfighting. On the island of Menorca it is worth paying attention to old town The Ciutadella with its medieval streets and aristocratic palaces, as well as the buildings of Talayot ​​culture. Perhaps the most famous island of the Balearic archipelago is Ibiza, which is the center nightlife Europe. This is where some of the best clubs peace. Formentara is more reminiscent of a tourist village, which is very suitable for lovers of a secluded holiday.


The climate of the islands is temperate, with high humidity. The swimming season lasts from May to October. And there are almost 300 sunny days a year.

Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 3* hotel - from $2000;
- 4* hotel - from $2200;
- 5* hotel - from $2700.
The cost of a visa is 60 EUR.

Saint Lucia

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This island in the Caribbean Sea is shaped like an almond. It attracts tourists with its pristine untouched nature: jungle, tropical flora and fauna, mountain landscape and, of course, two ancient volcanoes with healing mountain springs, beaches with black volcanic sand, an amazing underwater world. Healing springs are used in all kinds of salons and SPA centers.
Among the entertainments, it is worth noting yachting, windsurfing, diving, fishing, tropical forest safaris, and descent into the Soufrière volcano. At the beginning of May, St. Lucia hosts one of the best jazz festivals in the world. There are several on the island national reserves, where you can see rare birds and snakes.


The island's climate is tropical monsoon. August is the rainiest month. The average temperature throughout the year is + 27 °C. Best time for holidays - from December to February.


Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 3* hotel - from $2100;
- 4* hotel - from $2700;
- 5* hotel - from $3000.


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Today the small island of Bali is considered one of the most popular resorts peace. At one time, hippies came here and lived in tents without any amenities. In the second half of the twentieth century, the Indonesian government decided to correct the situation and began to develop the island’s infrastructure for tourist recreation. After this, many hotels, restaurants and entertainment centers. Bali attracts tourists with its tropical forests, pristine landscapes, volcanoes, ancient temples and, of course, endless beaches.

If you are looking for calm and quiet rest, then it’s worth going to the resort Nusa Dua. If, on the contrary, you would like to have fun, then choose the resort of Kuta. The main attractions of the island: the “elephant cave” of Goya Gadzh with a statue of the god Ganesha, temple complex Pura Besakih, rock temples, the sacred “monkey forest” of Alas Kedaton, surrounded by water “ Royal Temple", "Turtle Island" Serangan, "cave bats» Goa Lavah, the forty-meter Git-Git waterfall, Lake Batur, located in the crater of an extinct volcano.

Like many other islands, the main sport in Bali is surfing. Particular attention should be paid to sun protection, because... You can burn out very quickly.


The climate in Bali is equatorial-monsoon. There are two seasons here: dry (June-October) and wet (November-March). Largest quantity precipitation occurs in January and February. But it rains mostly at night. Average annual temperature air + 26 °C.


Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 3* hotel - from $1500;
- 4* hotel - from $1750;
- 5* hotel - from $2000.


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Liberty Island attracts with its Caribbean exoticism, revolutionary surroundings, beautiful nature, luxurious beaches and all the conditions for high-quality diving. This is the country of Che Guevara, rum and cigars. At the same time, Cuba provides a high level of service.

Basically, all hotels on the island are Spanish and operate on an all-inclusive basis, but offer local drinks. The beaches are free and municipal. Many hotels have separate, diligently guarded parts of the beach.

It is worth visiting the province of Pinar del Rio, which is famous for its nature and tobacco plantations. In the Viñales Valley, located in the Sierra de los Organos mountains, you can admire the “mogotes”, steep hills with flat tops, and caves. Soroa is famous for its orchid garden, waterfall and observation deck at the top of Mount Loma del Fuerte. The province of Havana will be of interest to fans of eco-tourism. The famous Havana Club rum is produced in the village of Santa Cruz del Norte. If you are interested in the life of Che Guevara, then visit the city of Santa Clara in the province of Villa Clara: there is a memorial to the Comandante and his remains are kept. There are also many attractions on the second island of the Cuban archipelago, Juventude.


The climate of Cuba is tropical trade wind. The average annual temperature is +25 °C, the temperature of the coldest month (January) is +22 °C, and the warmest month (August) is +28 °C. Conventionally, two periods can be distinguished - dry (from October to May) and wet “rainy season” (from June to September).


Cost of the tour per person for 7 days with departure from Moscow (prices are based on accommodation in a double room, air travel is included in the price):
- 3* hotel - from $1200;
- 4* hotel - from $1500;
- 5* hotel - from $1900.

Tourists from CIS countries do not need a visa.

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Holidays on the islands are a wonderful pastime that gives travelers a harmony of peace and a sea of ​​vivid impressions. Will you go to Maldives or buy a tour to the islands Caribbean Sea, you will explore the beaches and monuments of Cyprus or choose the mysterious Sri Lanka - on the islands you will find quality hotels, excellent service, as well as magnificent and varied beaches.

The Mediterranean islands of Spain and Italy warmly welcome guests and amaze tourists with the uniqueness of their local culture and unusual holidays. Canary Islands are famous for their amazing volcanic landscapes, and the archipelagos of the Indian and Pacific Oceans will be remembered for a long time by the exotic riot of nature.

TEZ TOUR offers luxury holiday in the following countries:


Greece is a country of thousands of islands. Some of them are uninhabited, but many have been converted into magnificent resorts with amazing hotels, excellent infrastructure, majestic landscapes, cozy bays and many beaches to suit every taste. Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini, Kos are waiting for tourists who want to combine a secluded holiday with an interesting excursion program.

Dominican Republic

Snow-white sandy beaches, bright azure waters of the Caribbean Sea, amazing world underwater reef inhabitants and magnificent natural landscapes, untouched by human hands - these are the main riches Dominican Republic. At the same time, tourists will find on the island luxury hotels, a lot of entertainment, and everything that lovers of sports and an active lifestyle need.


The islands of Indonesia are a paradise for lovers of exotic travel. You will find here resorts for a relaxing holiday and meditation away from the crowds, extraordinary spa programs to restore the harmony of body and soul, beaches with noisy parties, the most famous surfing sites and amazing places for diving. Indonesia has an island for the most incredible adventures!


The Balearic and Canary Islands are a paradise for relaxation, where there is a place for tourists with a wide variety of tastes and hobbies. Lovers of water sports, exotic landscapes, natural parks and culinary delights, family vacation and evening entertainment, diving and rock climbing, modern hotels and secluded resorts - you will find the answer to every desire on the Spanish islands!


The islands of Italy attract tourists with a variety of opportunities. Improve your health in the thermal springs of Ischia, have fun at noisy parties in Taormina or explore the majestic ruins of Syracuse in Sicily, go diving in the bays of Villasimus or visit fashionable hotels, fashionable discos, the famous golf courses of the Costa Smeralda in Sardinia - Italy offers you all this!


Resorts on the island of Cyprus, with beautiful beaches, excellent hotels, magnificent water parks, unique reserves and attractions amaze tourists with their hospitality. A distinctive feature of the island is the local spa - it is believed that in the homeland of Aphrodite, a simple swim in the sea will turn anyone into an ideal. Here you will find both noisy cities and quiet resort villages.


China's island resorts offer great holiday experiences throughout the year. A luxurious tropical climate, lush vegetation, and warm sea will greet tourists on Hainan Island. Modern hotels, medical centers and extensive excursion program will make your vacation bright and unforgettable.


Legendary beaches and cities where every street and square is steeped in history. Huge resort complexes with high-level service on the coast and small cozy hotels on the small islands of the archipelago, excellent diving, exciting fishing, natural parks- Liberty Island has everything to make your vacation memorable as the happiest time of your life.


Discover amazing island in the Indian Ocean: unique nature and stunning landscapes, fabulous animals and incredible beaches, luxury hotels and excellent French cuisine will delight lovers of exotic holidays. Lovers of an active lifestyle and nature, fans of diving and secluded life by the sea will find the ideal place to relax in Mauritius!


The Maldives is a paradise for those who would like to spend their holidays in solitude. Newlyweds and romantic couples they come here to find themselves in heaven on earth. Diving lovers will find an incredible variety of underwater world in the Maldives. And only mountain lovers have nothing to do here... However, wonderful spas, fun parties and the skills of local chefs will captivate any tourist.


The best island resorts in Mexico offer excellent recreational opportunities: paradise beaches, where palm trees hang over fine white sand and azure waters, magnificent hotels with excellent service, dolphinariums and diving centers, amazing excursions to the ancient Mayan cities and untouched nature reserves. An incredible vacation experience awaits you!


Holidays in the Madeira Archipelago and Azores- a great opportunity to relax in silence among magnificent nature. Balneological centers, magnificent hotels, windsurfing, diving, golf and sport fishing await you! Ideal conditions for lovers of nature, active recreation and thalassotherapy.