The most mysterious artifacts of antiquity. The Most Inexplicable Artifacts Ever Found. Mysterious golden spirals

How old is humanity? Scientists give different figures - from several thousand years to several million.

And there are some facts that suggest that humanity may not be the first intelligent civilization on the ground. Here are just a few of them.

1. Corrugated spheres

For several decades in South Africa miners dig strange metal spheres out of the ground. Their diameter is about 2 - 3 cm, some of them have three parallel grooves around the equator. Two types of spheres are found: some are made of bluish metal with white veins, others are hollow, filled with a white spongy substance. The rock in which they are found was formed during the Cryptozoic era, that is, 2.8 billion years ago! Their origin is unknown.

2. Drop Stones

In 1938, Dr. Chi Pu Tei's archaeological expedition in China made a stunning discovery in the caves. On the floor of the cave, under a layer of centuries-old dust, rested hundreds of stone disks with a diameter of about 25 cm, and in the center of each there was a round hole from which an engraving diverged in a spiral, making them look like ancient gramophone records. Their age is about 10 - 12 thousand years. The engraving consists of tiny hieroglyphs telling incredible story about spaceships that arrived from a distant world and crashed in the mountains. The ships were controlled by creatures called “dropa”.

3. Ica Stones

In the 1930s, M.D. Javier Cabrera received a gift from a local farmer strange stone. Dr. Cabrera then collected more than 1,100 similar andesite stones dating back between 500 and 1,500 years, known as the Ica stones. These stones are carved with engravings, the themes of which range from everyday scenes to actions such as heart surgery and brain transplants. The engravings also depict dinosaurs of various species, including as pets and mounts.

4. Antikythera Mechanism

In 1900, sponge divers discovered not far from Greek island Antikythera, located near Crete, is a very interesting artifact. Divers recovered many marble and bronze statues from the remains of the sunken ship. Among the finds was a piece of rusty bronze, in which parts of some mechanism, consisting of different gears, were visible. According to a surviving inscription, the device was created in 80 BC, and many experts initially believed that it was an astrolabe, an instrument for astronomical calculations. But subsequently, an X-ray examination of the mechanism revealed interesting details: the gear system turned out to be too refined. Such technology was mastered only in 1575! Who created this amazing tool 2000 years ago, and why the technology became lost is unknown to this day.

5. Battery from Baghdad

The Baghdad Battery is a mysterious Mesopotamian artifact in which scientists recognize an ancient voltaic cell created 2000 years before the birth of Alessandro Volta.

When archaeologists came across the battery, they assumed that it was an ordinary clay pot for storing oil, but this theory soon disappeared, since the artifact contained a copper rod with traces of acid corrosion. A battery filled with acid or alkali could create an electric current of one volt.

It is believed that this ancient battery may have been used in the galvanization of gold. If this is true, how did it happen that the technology became lost and the battery disappeared from the face of the earth for 1800 years?

6. Ancient model airplane

There are artifacts belonging to cultures Ancient Egypt and Central America, according to appearance reminiscent modern aircraft. An Egyptian artifact discovered in the Saqqwara tomb in 1898 closely resembles a model airplane, with a fuselage, wings and a tail. Experts believe that this six-inch aircraft has aerodynamic contours. As for the find in Central America, it is cast from gold and its approximate age is about 1000 years. Its shape is very similar to the Space Shuttle. It even has what looks like a cockpit.

7. Giant stone balls from Costa Rica

While clearing the jungle in Costa Rica for a banana plantation in the 1930s, workers encountered an incredible obstacle: several hundred stone balls (petrosphere), most of which had a perfectly round shape. They were of different sizes: some were the size of a tennis ball, others were 2m high and weighed 16 tons. Their age is from 10 to 12 thousand years. Such spheres are found both under water and in other places around the globe. Despite the fact that no one other than man could create them, the purpose of the stones and, more interestingly, the technology for making them round, remain a mystery.

8. Giant ruins of Baalbek

In the Lebanese city of Baalbek there are the remains of the Roman Temple of Jupiter, which stands on a foundation of huge stone blocks weighing 900 tons each! It looks like these blocks were processed by a giant machine with a diameter of 8m. The largest processed stone in the world - “Stone of the South” - has a length of 21.5 m, a height of 4.2 m, a width of 4.5 m and has a mass of more than 1100 tons. Not a single modern machine can process it, and not a single modern crane can move it.

9. Unusual Fossils

We all learned in school that fossils formed many thousands of years ago. At the same time, there are a number of fossils that neither geology nor history can explain. Take, for example, the imprint of a human palm in limestone, dating back 110 million years. What appears to be a fossilized human finger was found in the Canadian Arctic and also dates back to the same period. And in Utah, they discovered a print of a foot wearing a sandal, made from 300 to 600 million years ago.

10. Impossible metal objects

Not only did people not know how to process metal 65 million years ago, they didn’t exist then at all. How then to explain the discovery of semi-oval metal pipes in Cretaceous deposits in France, which are 65 million years old? In 1885, after splitting a piece of coal, they found a metal cube, undoubtedly created by the hands of an intelligent being, and in 1912, power plant workers broke a lump of coal and an iron pot fell out of it! And in a sandstone block from the Mesozoic they found a nail, in another - a hammer, there are figurines and chains and many similar finds.

How to explain all this? Here are some options:

Intelligent people appeared much earlier than we think.

Other civilizations lived on Earth long before humans.

Our methods of determining age are fundamentally flawed, and those rocks, coals and fossils formed much faster than we think.

These examples, and there are many others, should prompt scientists to reconsider the currently accepted history of life on Earth.

Official science is of the opinion that man appeared on Earth relatively recently - about a couple of million years ago. Moreover, it was difficult to call him a person then. Rather, he was a kind of upright creature that had difficulty obtaining food for itself with the help of stones and sticks and was afraid of open fire.

Not only greedy

However, some amazing artifacts, completely falling out of the strict chain of reasoning created by official science, refute this theory. They don’t even just refute, but directly say: human civilization arose much earlier. And its representatives were capable of not only waving sticks and throwing stones, but also mastered crafts. In addition, they created unique alloys and made objects that modern civilization learned to create quite recently, literally a couple of centuries ago. We will talk about some of these artifacts in this article.

Rex with a ball

West Africa, state of Sierra Leone. Workers are digging a mine - looking for diamonds. But in addition to diamonds, diggers discover stone figurines depicting elephants with riders. And these riders are gigantic in stature, and on their heads, instead of hair, there are snakes. But that's not all. In the same mine, workers found a stone figurine... of a dinosaur!

The figurine depicted the most popular and therefore well-known Tyrannosaurus rex, with something ringing inside of it. When the figurine was sent for examination, it turned out that the ringing was coming from a ball sealed in it, made of chrome-plated steel. Bearings, drills and other high-strength parts and tools are made from this steel, and, as we understand, humanity learned to smelt such steel relatively recently. And these figures and, accordingly, the ball enclosed inside the tyrannosaurus, as analysis showed, are 17 thousand years old!

"Genetic drive"

In the late 1960s, Luddite artifacts were discovered in the highlands of Colombia. Luddite is a hard, granite-like, black stone with a layered structure. It can be processed, but with with great difficulty. However, the ancient masters succeeded. Among the finds was a Luddite disk, which depicted... the stage-by-stage development of a human embryo! And from the very beginning, that is, from the fertilization of the egg with sperm, which is impossible to see without the help of a microscope. Scientists called this creation of ancient artisans the “Genetic Disk.” There is nothing more to say about him yet.

In 1948, in the USA, workers split a lump of coal at one of the quarries. An iron cup was discovered inside the block. The age of coal is 55 million years. What is the age of the cup then?

There, in the USA, in the state of Oklahoma, also at a coal mine, workers were digging a mine and in its depths they discovered a door made of stone squares, polished to a mirror finish, each measuring 15x15 centimeters. The door didn't lead anywhere. But once upon a time they were included in it? And where were they going? And who made it?

Columbus discovered something there

Thanks to the efforts of the conquistadors and church leaders of the Middle Ages, practically no information about pre-Columbian America has been preserved in the world.

And some finds show that a lot of interesting things happened on these continents, and representatives of the Old World did not bring culture and enlightenment there at all, but rather the opposite - darkness and ignorance. Let's take, for example, this fact. In 1984, approximately three hundred objects were found in one of the mountain caves of Ecuador that did not correspond either to European culture or to the cultures of the Aztecs and Mayans. One of the items was a very real and practically full map Earth from pole to pole, made on stone. On this map you can easily find the Mediterranean Sea, the Italian “boot”, Greece, the African continent... But the place where Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin and the adjacent islands are now located is indicated on the map as continuous land. Obviously, this was the mainland, which as a result volcanic activity and earthquakes was once split into separate islands. India on this map, by the way, has a much larger area than it does now. Perhaps due to natural disasters it also lost some of its territories.

It is no less interesting to look at that place stone map, where it is now located Atlantic Ocean. It also has an ocean, but in the middle of it there is another continent. Maybe this is the legendary Atlantis?

Researchers believe that this map is at least 12 thousand years old. Not only did unknown craftsmen carve it on stone, they also took it from somewhere detailed information about the location of continents, islands, seas and oceans?

Antediluvian cities

Of no less interest and obvious suspicion about the existence of ancient civilizations is the existence of “antediluvian” underground cities. Turkish archaeologists descended into one such city to a depth of 80 meters and discovered halls with ceiling heights of up to 30 meters and higher. Endless passages and galleries led researchers from hall to hall, from one city to another for tens of kilometers.

The so-called Bell Caves were discovered in Turkey, as well as in Israel. Their ancient origin is beyond doubt, but the principle of creation is still not really clear. If we were talking about using modern tools, the process would look like this. First, a hole was drilled in the rock with a huge drill. Then the hole gradually expanded, and, in the end, a cave in the shape of a giant bell with perfectly smooth walls was obtained. But all this is good, although not easy, even with modern tools. Where could ancient unknown builders get a giant drill and grinding equipment? Mystery!

And this is only a small part of the mysterious artifacts, indicating that our distant ancestors had much more extensive knowledge and capabilities than official science claims.

Konstantin Karelov

How were these items created? By whom? And most importantly - why?

Eldar Khaliulin

As you know, a fact is a stubborn thing. And even more stubborn is an artifact (in the sense in which this word is used in computer games, that is, an artificially created object that exists despite scientific misconceptions about the world order). In general, any object made by man can be considered an artifact. Even an ordinary push pin. Archaeologists around the world annually dig up hundreds of artifacts from the ground. And yet, for us, non-specialists, it is somehow more common to mean by this word mystical objects, sacred relics or objects of mysterious origin. By the way, many artifacts that are familiar to you from adventure films have caused nervous disorders among hundreds of scientists on the planet. After all, these things exist and are not really explained in any way! We tried to unravel their secrets. In this we were helped by the candidate of historical sciences Alexey Vyazemsky, who looked at our collection with a skeptical gaze, after which he bore to his heart’s content (his special opinion is encrypted in this article under the code words “Voice of a Skeptic”).

In scientific circles, this subject is better known as "Mitchell-Hedges". It was his story that formed the basis of Spielberg’s latest blockbuster about the anti-Soviet adventures of Indiana Jones. And it was like this: in 1924, in Central America, an expedition led by Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges carried out excavations ancient city Maya Lubaantuna in search of traces of the Atlantean civilization. Frederic's adopted daughter Anna Marie Le Guillon discovered an object under the rubble of the altar. When it was brought to light, it turned out that it was a skull skillfully made of rock crystal. Its dimensions are quite comparable to the natural dimensions of the skull of an adult woman - approximately 13 x 18 x 13 cm, but it is unlikely that this crystal contraption was lost by some absent-minded Cinderella. The find weighs a little more than 5 kg. The skull was missing a lower jaw, but it was soon found nearby and inserted into its proper place - the design included some kind of hinges.

What is the mystery

In 1970, the skull underwent a series of tests at the Hewlett-Packard research laboratory, which was famous for its advanced technologies in the field of processing natural quartz. The results discouraged scientists. It turned out that the skull is made of a single (!) crystal, consisting of three splices, which in itself is a sensation, since it is impossible even with the modern development of technology. During the creation process, the crystal had to fall apart due to the internal stress of the material. But the most amazing thing is that no traces of any tools were found on the surface of the skull! It seems like he just grew on his own. It soon became clear that there were other artificial skulls made from natural quartz. All of them are inferior to the Skull of Fate in terms of quality of execution, but are also considered the heritage of the Aztecs and Mayans. One is kept in the British Museum, another in Paris, a third, made of amethyst, in Tokyo, the “Max” skull is in Texas, and the most massive one is in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. In addition, tireless researchers have unearthed a legend according to which, since ancient times, there have been 13 crystal skulls associated with the cult of the Goddess of Death. They came to the Indians from the Atlanteans (who would doubt it!). The skulls are guarded by specially trained warriors and priests, passing them on from generation to generation and ensuring that the artifacts are stored in different places. First they were among the Olmecs, then among the Mayans, from whom they passed to the Aztecs. And at the very end of the fifth cycle according to the long-term Mayan calendar (that is, in 2014), it is these objects that will help save humanity from imminent disaster, if people figure out what to do with them. The previous 4 civilizations did not think of it and were destroyed by disasters and cataclysms. It seems that the crystal skulls are some kind of ancient supercomputer that will come into operation if all its components are collected in one place. And more than 13 skulls have already been found. What to do?!

The voice of a skeptic

Almost every crystal skull was first thought to be Aztec or Mayan. And yet, some of them (for example, British and Parisian) were recognized as fakes: experts found traces of processing with modern jewelry tools. The Parisian exhibit is made of Alpine crystal and, most likely, was born in the 19th century in the German town of Idar-Oberstein, whose jewelers are famous for their ability to process precious stones. The problem is that there is no technology yet that can be used to confidently determine the age of natural quartz. So scientists have to navigate by the traces of tools and geographical origin minerals. So all crystal skulls may ultimately turn out to be the creations of masters of the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a version that the Skull of Fate is just a birthday present for Anna. It could well have been thrown to her by her father in the manner of Christmas surprises, but not under the tree, but under the ancient altar. Anna, who died in 2007 at the age of 100, said in an interview that the skull was found on her 17th birthday, that is, in 1924. The author of this entire exciting story may be Mitchell-Hedges himself, the Atlantean treasure hunter.

They were found in Peru, near the city of Ica. There are a lot of stones - tens of thousands. The first mentions of them are found in the chronicles of the 16th century. Each of the stones has a drawing depicting in detail some scene from the life of ancient people.

What is the mystery

There are drawings that show horses that became extinct on the American continent hundreds of thousands of years ago. There are riders on the horses. Other stones depict scenes of hunting... dinosaurs! Or, for example, heart transplant surgery. As well as stars, the sun and other planets. At the same time, numerous examinations confirm that the stones are ancient; they are also found in pre-Hispanic burials. And official science does its best to pretend that the Ica stones do not exist, or calls them modern fakes. Who would think of putting images on tens of thousands of stones, and even carefully burying them in the ground?! This is absurd!

The voice of a skeptic

All journalistic publications about the Ica stones say that examinations confirmed the authenticity of these artifacts. But for some reason these examinations are never presented. It turns out that all sorts of ufologists and atlantologists propose to seriously study these cobblestones only on the grounds that no one would even think of counterfeiting them. But the sale of Ica stones is a profitable business, which the Ikians... Ikiots... in short, the local residents are willing to do. Well, some “scientists” too. Why not assume that they have jointly put the production of profitable goods on stream? Or is this also too absurd an idea?

First known as "Crown Diamond Blue" and "French Blue". In 1820 it was purchased by banker Henry Hope. The stone is now kept in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

What is the mystery

The most famous diamond in the world has earned the unfavorable reputation of a bloodthirsty stone: almost all of its owners, starting from the 17th century, did not die a natural death. Including the unfortunate French queen Marie Antoinette...

The voice of a skeptic

Can you imagine, Russian great princes and tsars, from Ivan Kalita to Peter the Great, were crowned kings with the Monomakh cap. And they all died too! Many - not by their own death, but from various diseases! It's creepy, isn't it? Here it is, the curse of Monomakh! Moreover, the fact of life, death and contact with this killer hat in each case can be confirmed by documents, unlike the biographies of other Hope owners. Among which, by the way, there are those who lived quite prosperous lives, Louis XIV for example. You can also derive an equation in which the life length of the owner of a diamond is inversely proportional to the value gemstone. But this is from a different area...

In 1929, a fragment of a world map was found on the skin of a gazelle in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace. The document is dated 1513 and signed with the name of the Turkish admiral Piri ibn Haji Mamed, and later became known as the Piri Reis map (“reis” means “lord” in Turkish). And in 1956, a certain Turkish naval officer donated it to the American Marine Hydrographic Administration, after which the subject was thoroughly examined.

What is the mystery

The most amazing thing is not even what is shown in detail on the map East Coast South America(this is only 20 years after Columbus’s first voyage!). Before the inquisitive gaze of scientists, a medieval document appeared - the authenticity is beyond doubt - on which Antarctica is clearly depicted. But it was opened only in 1818! And this is not the only secret of the map: the coast of Antarctica is depicted as if the continent is free of ice (which is between 6 and 12 thousand years old). At the same time, the outlines of the coastline are consistent with the seismographic data of the Swedish-British expedition of 1949. Piri Reis, when compiling the map, honestly admitted in his notes that he used several cartographic sources, including very ancient ones, from the time of Alexander the Great. But how could the ancients know about Antarctica? Of course, from the Atlantean super-civilization! This is exactly the conclusion that enthusiasts like Charles Hapgood came to, while representatives of official science remained bashfully silent. They remain silent to this day. Many other were also found similar cards, including, for example, those compiled by Oronteus Phinneus (1531) and Mercator (1569). The data presented in them can only be explained by the fact that there was some kind of primary source. From it, cartographers copied information about places that they simply could not know about. And the compilers of this ancient source knew that the Earth is a sphere, accurately represented the length of the equator and knew the basics of spherical trigonometry.

The voice of a skeptic

If you believe the Piri Reis map (or rather, the mysterious primary source), Antarctica was located differently in ancient times, and this difference is about 3000 kilometers. Neither paleontologists nor geologists have information about such a global continental shift that occurred about 12 thousand years ago. Besides, coastline Ice-free Antarctica simply cannot match modern data. During icing, it should have changed significantly. So the map of an unknown continent is most likely the speculation of an ancient author, which, by luck, approximately coincided with reality, or another modern fake.

From time to time, perfectly round balls are found in different places on the planet. Their sizes are different - from 0.1 to 3 meters. Sometimes the balls have strange inscriptions and drawings on them. The most mysterious are the balls found in Costa Rica.

What is the mystery

It is unknown who made them, why and how. The ancient people clearly could not sharpen them to such a round shape! Maybe these are messages from other civilizations? Or maybe the balls were carved by Atlanteans, who encoded important information into them?

The voice of a skeptic

Geologists believe that such round objects may well be obtained naturally. For example, if a stone falls into a hole located in the bed of a mountain river, the water will grind it down to a round state. And inscriptions with drawings can be found not only on stones, but also on the walls of elevators and fences. And, as a rule, they are autographs of contemporaries.

The rests were discovered in the 19th century in Quintana Roo (Yucatan). It is known that the Mayans, long before the appearance of Christians in Mesoamerica, revered their symbol; in any case, it was preserved in Palenque ancient temple Cross. By the way, this is why the aborigines treated Christianity favorably during Spanish colonization.

What is the mystery

According to legend, a huge cross carved from wood suddenly spoke in 1847 in the village of Chan. He called on the Indians - descendants of the Mayans - to a holy war against the whites. He continued to lend his voice, leading the Indians during combat operations. Soon two more similar talking objects appeared. The village of Chan became the Indian capital of Chan Santa Cruz, where a sanctuary of the crosses was erected. In 1901, the Mexicans managed to capture the sacred capital, but the Mayans managed to take their legs and crosses to the jungle. The struggle for independence continued. Historians call these events the war of the Mexican government with the state of the Crusob Indians - “The Country of Talking Crosses.” In 1915, the Indians recaptured Chan Santa Cruz, and one of the crosses spoke again. He called for killing every white who wandered onto Indian lands. The war ended only in 1935 with the recognition of the independence of the Indians on the terms of broad autonomy. The descendants of the Mayans believe that they won thanks to the talking crosses, which still stand in the sanctuary of the current capital of Champon, but in silence. The official religion of the free Indians is still the cult of the three “talking crosses”.

The voice of a skeptic

There may be at least two explanations for this phenomenon. First: it is known that the Indians of Mexico often used the narcotic substance peyote in their rituals. Under its influence, you can conduct conversations not only with a wooden cross, but also with your own tomahawk. But seriously, the art of ventriloquism has been known for a long time. Among many nations it was owned by priests and clergy. Even an inexperienced ventriloquist is quite capable of uttering a couple of simple phrases like: “Kill all white people!” or “Bring me some more tequila!” We must also not forget that none of the modern scientists have yet heard a single word, even an obscene one, from the “talking crosses”.

What is the mystery

On a four-meter canvas (length - 4.3 meters, width - 1.1 meters) a clear image of a person is visible. More precisely, two symmetrical images located “head to head”. One of the images is a man lying with his hands folded just below his stomach, the other is the same man, viewed from the back. The images are similar to photographic film negatives and appear clearly on the fabric. There are visible traces of bruises from blows from whips, from a crown of thorns on the head and a wound in the left side, as well as bloody marks on the wrists and soles of the feet (presumably from nails). All details of the image correspond to the Gospel testimonies about the martyrdom of Christ. Both physicists and lyricists (in the sense of historians) struggled with the mystery of the shroud. Some of them later became believers. The shroud was illuminated with infrared rays, studied under powerful microscopes, plant pollen found in the tissue was analyzed - in a word, they did everything, but so far none of the scientists have been able to explain how and with what help these images were made. They are NOT painted. They did NOT appear as a result of radiation exposure (there was such a fantastic hypothesis). Radiocarbon dating carried out in 1988 showed that the shroud was created in the 12th–14th centuries. However, Russian doctor of technical sciences Anatoly Fesenko explained that the carbon composition of linen could be “rejuvenated.” The fact is that after the fire, the fabric was cleaned with hot oil or even boiled in oil, so carbon from the 16th century got into it, which was the reason for the incorrect dating. There are other facts confirming that this is not a medieval, but a more ancient and generally miraculous thing. Miracle?!

The voice of a skeptic

It's time to be like Rene Descartes, who once logically reasoned that being a believer is safer than being an atheist, since you can get a posthumous ticket to heaven. After all, God (if he exists) will be pleased that you believed in him. But while you are still alive, look into scientific articles and read that the Jews wrapped their dead not in shrouds, but in burial shrouds. That is, they bandaged them with tapes using aromatic resins and substances. This is exactly what they did with Christ after his death, as recorded in the Gospel of John. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the absolute correspondence of the images of the shroud with the gospel testimonies. Moreover, the deceased sons and daughters of Israel were never laid out in the position of a football player standing in the “wall.” The tradition of drawing people with their hands shyly folded over their genitals appeared after the 11th century, and in Europe. It remains to add that many serious scientists do not doubt the data of radiocarbon analysis conducted by three independent laboratories. Taking into account all Fesenko’s calculations, we can add another 40 years, even 100, to the age of the shroud, but not more than a thousand. And one more interesting detail: shortly before the appearance of this artifact, that is, in the 13th–14th centuries, there were 43 (!) shrouds in Europe. The owner of each one probably swore that he had the same, true one, handed over personally into the hands of almost Joseph of Arimathea himself.

Are you looking for grandma?

There are also artifacts that have not yet been found by anyone. It's up to you!

Holy Grail

In theory, this is a simple cup into which the blood of the crucified Christ was collected. In fact, it can look like anything, because it is a classic something-that-cannot-be. Most likely, the Grail simply does not exist, it is a literary myth.

Ark of the Covenant

Something like a massive box with the Tablets of the Covenant stored inside and the 10 Commandments on them. Be especially careful with this item: it is believed that anyone who touches it immediately dies.

Golden woman

According to the medieval geographer Mercator, it is located somewhere in Siberia. This is a figurine (or maybe a statue) of the Finno-Ugric goddess Yumala. She is credited with supernatural properties. Adventure seekers are also attracted by the metal from which it is made. Yes, yes, this is pure gold. One might say, not a woman, but a treasure!

Photo: APP/East News; Corbis/RGB; Alamy/Photas.

/" target="_blank"> ..8d40a70ff3990ffa_L-290x218.jpg 290w, 600w" width="600" />What is impossible to talk about, must be kept silent about?

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview of modern people, but not because we - people of the 21st century - cannot comprehend them, but in order not to change the once-rewritten history that took away the greatness of our ancestors .

However, sometimes they are silent about strange finds also because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the discovery a sensation, and the relic itself becoming public knowledge, and making every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to study further the “incomprehensible” object.

It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of historians, because no one has been taking the intangible ones seriously for a long time, classifying ancient history as mythology, and presenting mythology as a literary genre recommended for reading to lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books, which at all times were destroyed as sources of “dangerous knowledge,” when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be falsified. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the Earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.

(Unfortunately,due to low quality and lack of photos on the InternetIt is not possible to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve deeper into this topic yourself)

Dorchester mystery of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting House (USA, Massachusetts)

In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during demolition work, a bell-shaped vessel made of a metal alloy was extracted from the rock of Meeting House Mountain along with fragments of stone. Presumably, based on the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. The beautiful intricate inlay and engraving of a wreath, a vine and a design of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.

The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone at a depth of no more than 5 meters from the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists attribute to the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - the period in which the Earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

An artifact that does not fit into history - an “antique” bolt

This find fell into the hands of researchers by accident - an expedition with the self-explanatory name “Cosmopoisk” was looking for meteorite fragments in the fields Kaluga region, but I found a completely local, earthly object - a stone, from which protruded a part of a part that had long been frozen in it and looked like a bolt (coil).

After a thorough study of the find by serious scientists from a number of the country's leading research institutes, it was only reliably established that the stone into which the bolt was cast had an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. An obvious fact was also stated - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that at the time when, according to the official version of history, the first reptiles appeared on Earth, such a technical thing as a bolt got into the soil that became the basis of the stone.

A relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on Earth

A human skull, devoid of brow ridges, became a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges suggests that this is a humanoid skull and is not related to ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended, appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago.

And this is not an isolated case of finding an unusual skull. Skull boxes of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded shape of the back of the head, are constantly found during excavations, undermining by their appearance the theory of the origin and evolution of man.

Other important finds are associated with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations that researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones suggest that the brain ancient man was not small, like a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose at a time when, according to official chronology, there was no Homo Sapiens on Earth.

Footprints and shoe prints from the Mesozoic era are an interesting imprint of the past

Near the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada) during archaeological excavations Footprints were found - clear imprints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that shoe prints were many times larger than the size of the feet. modern man. But after they carefully examined the site of this find, the size of the footprint was not important compared to its age. It turned out that time has left an imperishable imprint of a shoe from the Carboniferous period of the planet’s development. It was in this archaeological layer of the Earth that traces were found.

Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were the footprints discovered in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after another, with a step of about two meters, a foot whose size was approximately 50 centimeters. If we compare the proportions of a person with a guideline for a similar foot size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.

Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were found in our country, in Crimea. There, traces are left on the rock of the mountains.

Amazing Historical Finds in Mines Around the World

The discoveries that ordinary miners make while they carry out their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they were not the ones who found such relics.

As it turns out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a shoe print with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of the thing, and even bronze coins that fell into a coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, man learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these are insignificant finds in comparison with the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA): there, miners found an entire wall made up of cubes with a side of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.

The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as sediments whose age ranges from 5 to 250 million years.

A 3D map of the Earth from a Cretaceous cartographer

Southern Urals- a treasure trove of artifacts - gave the world an amazing find: a three-dimensional map of the area 70 million years old. The map is perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six solid huge and heavy dolomite slabs, dotted with signs, were found by researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical information that there were hundreds of them.

Everything about this find is amazing. First of all, a material that is not found in such a combination on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere now, was covered with a layer of glass fused with stone by an unknown chemical method. On diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, the relief of the planet was skillfully depicted, which was characteristic of the Earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.

But even stranger is the fact that the size of the slabs is such that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not as sensational for the find as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map of the plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some of the map signs that have been deciphered indicate that their compilers are familiar with physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its tilt axis and rotation angle.

Encyclopedia of knowledge on Dr. Cabrera's oval stones

Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for collecting a huge number, approximately 12,000, of stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the famous primitive rock paintings, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The stones of various sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such fields of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. On par with dinosaur hunting scenes different types, there were pictures that clearly depicted the process of performing a surgical operation to transplant human organs.

The location of the discovery was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, in honor of which the stones received their name. The Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be included in the history of the origin of mankind.

What distinguishes the find from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Dr. Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. If now the head to body ratio in a person is 1/7, then in the drawings from Ica it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but a civilization similar to our human one - a civilization of intelligent humanoid creatures.

Unmanageable and unrealizable megaliths of antiquity

Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly processed stone blocks are found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry slabs, the joint is such that it is impossible to insert even a thin knife blade between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.

It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a block of stone such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into the masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “brick” to where the builder needs it.

Some ancient structures are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could lift parts of the building to the height required from the ground in order to place a heavy block in the masonry. For example, in Puri, in India, there is a local temple, the roof of which is made of a stone block weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how much material and labor resources they could be implemented in modern times.

Note that, despite their majesty, some buildings are stunning not only for their size, but also because they were built in accordance with certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented towards the movement of the Moon and the Sun, like the Pyramids, or are designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, the labyrinth on the Solovetsky Islands, are structures whose purpose remains a mystery.

Calligraphic “notches” on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as “magic” stones

Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with unknown purposes have been preserved can be found everywhere. The material for such messages from the past was a variety of elements, such as lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.

For example, on the territory of Russia, huge stones are found on which are depicted hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on the earth, or images of God’s creatures that no longer live on the planet. Findings in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is hitherto incomprehensible, are not uncommon.

And a completely extraordinary fact against the backdrop of this recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near the local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all these people together pronounce a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several hang in the air for seconds.

The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has approximately boundaries established by scientists from 1200 BC to 340 AD. e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc. - in a word, metal.

Metal in ancient galvanic cells

A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. In Iraq, ceramic vases were found containing copper cylinders and iron rods. Based on the alloy of tin and lead on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device was nothing more than a galvanic cell.

After conducting an experiment by pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers obtained an electric current. The age of the find is approximately 4,000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic elements to be included in the official theory of how humanity mastered the use of iron elements.

Stainless steel 16th century iron “Pillar of Indra”

And even if the finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the “Pillar of Indra,” there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The said pillar is one of the mysterious landmarks of India. The structure made of pure iron has stood near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and has not rusted.

Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time, without making special efforts and resources, will now cast a 7.5-meter pillar with a cross-section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content in it of 99.5. Why were the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415 able to do this?

They also, in a way that is incomprehensible to today’s experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the “Pillar of Indra” was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not provide a single answer to the question of the essence of the pillar.

A precious metal chain in a three-hundred-million-year-old piece of coal

Some archaeological mysteries found pose questions to humanity not about how this or that unusual thing was created. This interest takes a back seat to the mystery of how the item got to where it is now. If people used iron mainly for domestic purposes, then gold has a special history. This metal has been used to create jewelry since ancient times. But the question is - since what antiquity?

So, for example, in 1891, while collecting coal in her barn in the town of Morisonville, Illinois, a lady named Kelp put an oversized piece of fuel into the bucket. To use coal in business, she decided to split it. From the impact, a piece of coal split in half and between its two halves a golden chain hung, its ends going into each of the resulting parts. Jewelry weighing 12 grams in a piece of coal that was formed in this area 300,000,000 years ago? Try to find a logical explanation for this artifact.

Unique metal alloys not found on the planet in this form

But sometimes scientists have no less questions than some man-made metal artifacts, but ordinary-looking stones. In fact, they turn out to be not stones at all, but a rare alloy of metals. For example, one such stone was found near Chernigov back in the 19th century. Modern scientists have examined it and discovered that it is an alloy of tungsten and titanium. At one time, they planned to use it in the technology of creating so-called “stealth planes,” but they abandoned the idea because the composition of these elements did not have sufficient plasticity. But, when they were still thinking about using it, tungsten and titanium were artificially combined into a similar alloy, because in this form it is not found anywhere on earth, and the technology for its production is incredibly energy-intensive. Here is such an unusual Chernigov metal “pebble”.

However, why only Chernigov, when here and there they find ingots of alloys, which, when tested, turn out to be a compound of elements that are not found in nature in such a composition, but at the same time famous people alloy, for example, for aircraft manufacturing technologies.

The mysterious “Salzburg” hexagon made of pure iron

How do historians deal with the above “challenges” of archeology? Do you think they are trying to fit the findings into the chronicles of human life on earth? At best, pundits shrug their shoulders; at worst, for unknown reasons, “evidence” exposing scientific dogma about the past of earthlings is lost. Well, or the history of the mysterious archaeological find can be reduced to the fact that objects that inexplicably ended up on our planet are given the status of “meteorites.”

This is what happened, for example, with the “Salzburg papallepiped”. This is a metal hexagon with two convex and four concave edges. The lines of the object are such that it is impossible to even imagine that the object is not made by man. However, the hexagon, which consisted of pure iron, was “written off” as a meteorite, although it was found in Salzburg in 1885 in a piece of brown tertiary coal. And they don’t even try to shed light on the history of its appearance in our country.

All of the above cases, as well as many other documented facts, speak only of one thing: at a time when, according to official history, man had only just come to the idea of ​​using stone tools, and in some cases, did not even exist as a species on earth, who -he has already cast high-strength metal, forged iron, used alloys to create electric batteries, etc. and so on. Impressive? Undoubtedly! It's just a pity to find a reasonable explanation for the mysterious archaeological finds does not work.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Voronova based on the book by Isakov A.Ya. and other sources

What is impossible to talk about, must be kept silent about?

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview of modern people, but not because we - people of the 21st century - cannot comprehend them, but in order not to change the history that has already been rewritten once, which took away the greatness of our ancestors .

However, sometimes they are silent about strange finds also because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the discovery a sensation, and the relic itself into the public domain, and making every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to study further the “incomprehensible” object.

It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of historians, because no one has been taking the intangible ones seriously for a long time, classifying ancient history as mythology, and presenting mythology as a literary genre recommended for reading to lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books, which at all times were destroyed as sources of “dangerous knowledge,” when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be falsified. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the Earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.

(Unfortunately,due to low quality and lack of photos on the InternetIt is not possible to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve deeper into this topic yourself)

Dorchester mystery of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting House (USA, Massachusetts)

In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during demolition work, a bell-shaped vessel made of a metal alloy was extracted from the rock of Meeting House Mountain along with fragments of stone. Presumably, based on the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. The beautiful intricate inlay and engraving of a wreath, a vine and a design of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.

The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone at a depth of no more than 5 meters from the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists attribute to the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - the period in which the Earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

An artifact that does not fit into history - an “antique” bolt

This find fell into the hands of researchers by accident - an expedition with the self-explanatory name “Cosmopoisk” was looking for fragments of a meteorite in the fields of the Kaluga region, and found a completely local, earthly object - a stone, from which protruded part of a part long frozen in it that looked like a bolt (a coil ).

After a thorough study of the find by serious scientists from a number of the country's leading research institutes, it was only reliably established that the stone into which the bolt was cast had an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. An obvious fact was also stated - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that at the time when, according to the official version of history, the first reptiles appeared on Earth, such a technical thing as a bolt got into the soil that became the basis of the stone.

A relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on Earth

A human skull, devoid of brow ridges, became a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges suggests that this is a humanoid skull and is not related to ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended, appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago.

And this is not an isolated case of finding an unusual skull. Skull boxes of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded shape of the back of the head, are constantly found during excavations, undermining by their appearance the theory of the origin and evolution of man.

Other important finds are associated with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations that researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones suggest that the brain of ancient man was not small, like that of a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose at a time when, according to official chronology, there was no Homo Sapiens on Earth.

Footprints and shoe prints from the Mesozoic era are an interesting imprint of the past

Not far from the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada), during archaeological excavations, traces of shoes were discovered - clear imprints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that the shoe prints were many times larger than the size of a modern person's foot. But after they carefully examined the site of this find, the size of the footprint was not important compared to its age. It turned out that time has left an imperishable imprint of a shoe from the Carboniferous period of the planet’s development. It was in this archaeological layer of the Earth that traces were found.

Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were the footprints discovered in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after another, with a step of about two meters, a foot whose size was approximately 50 centimeters. If we compare the proportions of a person with a guideline for a similar foot size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.

Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were found in our country, in Crimea. There, traces are left on the rock of the mountains.

Amazing Historical Finds in Mines Around the World

The discoveries that ordinary miners make while they carry out their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they were not the ones who found such relics.

As it turns out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a shoe print with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of the thing, and even bronze coins that fell into a coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, man learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these are insignificant finds in comparison with the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA): there, miners found an entire wall made up of cubes with a side of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.

The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as sediments whose age ranges from 5 to 250 million years.

A 3D map of the Earth from a Cretaceous cartographer

The Southern Urals, a treasure trove of artifacts, gave the world an amazing find: a three-dimensional map of the area 70 million years old. The map is perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six solid huge and heavy dolomite slabs, dotted with signs, were found by researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical information that there were hundreds of them.

Everything about this find is amazing. First of all, a material that is not found in such a combination on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere now, was covered with a layer of glass fused with stone by an unknown chemical method. On diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, the relief of the planet was skillfully depicted, which was characteristic of the Earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.

But even stranger is the fact that the size of the slabs is such that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not as sensational for the find as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map of the plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some of the map signs that have been deciphered indicate that their compilers are familiar with physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its tilt axis and rotation angle.

Encyclopedia of knowledge on Dr. Cabrera's oval stones

Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for collecting a huge number, approximately 12,000, of stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the famous primitive rock paintings, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The stones of various sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such fields of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. Along with scenes of hunting dinosaurs of various types, there were paintings that clearly depicted the process of performing a surgical operation to transplant human organs.

The location of the discovery was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, in honor of which the stones received their name. The Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be included in the history of the origin of mankind.

What distinguishes the find from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Dr. Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. If now the head to body ratio in a person is 1/7, then in the drawings from Ica it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but a civilization similar to our human one - a civilization of intelligent humanoid creatures.

Unmanageable and unrealizable megaliths of antiquity

Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly processed stone blocks are found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry slabs, the joint is such that it is impossible to insert even a thin knife blade between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.

It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a block of stone such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into the masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “brick” to where the builder needs it.

Some ancient structures are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could lift parts of the building to the height required from the ground in order to place a heavy block in the masonry. For example, in Puri, in India, there is a local temple, the roof of which is made of a stone block weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how much material and labor resources they could be implemented in modern times.

Note that, despite their majesty, some buildings are stunning not only for their size, but also because they were built in accordance with certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented towards the movement of the Moon and the Sun, like the Pyramids, or are designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, the labyrinth on the Solovetsky Islands, are structures whose purpose remains a mystery.

Calligraphic “notches” on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as “magic” stones

Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with unknown purposes have been preserved can be found everywhere. The material for such messages from the past was a variety of elements, such as lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.

For example, on the territory of Russia, huge stones are found on which are depicted hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on the earth, or images of God’s creatures that no longer live on the planet. Findings in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is hitherto incomprehensible, are not uncommon.

And a completely extraordinary fact against the backdrop of this recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near the local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all these people together pronounce a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several hang in the air for seconds.

The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has approximately boundaries established by scientists from 1200 BC to 340 AD. e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc. - in a word, metal.

Metal in ancient galvanic cells

A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. In Iraq, ceramic vases were found containing copper cylinders and iron rods. Based on the alloy of tin and lead on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device was nothing more than a galvanic cell.

After conducting an experiment by pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers obtained an electric current. The age of the find is approximately 4,000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic cells to be included in the official theory of how humanity mastered the use of iron elements.

Stainless steel 16th century iron “Pillar of Indra”

And even if the finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the “Pillar of Indra,” there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The mentioned pillar is one of the mysterious sights of India. The structure made of pure iron has stood near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and has not rusted.

Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time, without making special efforts and resources, will now cast a 7.5-meter pillar with a cross-section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content in it of 99.5. Why were the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415 able to do this?

They also, in a way that is incomprehensible to today’s experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the “Pillar of Indra” was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not provide a single answer to the question of the essence of the pillar.

A precious metal chain in a three-hundred-million-year-old piece of coal

Some archaeological mysteries found pose questions to humanity not about how this or that unusual thing was created. This interest takes a back seat to the mystery of how the item got to where it is now. If people used iron mainly for domestic purposes, then gold has a special history. This metal has been used to create jewelry since ancient times. But the question is: since what antiquity?

So, for example, in 1891, while collecting coal in her barn in the town of Morisonville, Illinois, a lady named Kelp put an oversized piece of fuel into the bucket. To use coal in business, she decided to split it. From the impact, a piece of coal split in half and between its two halves a golden chain hung, its ends going into each of the resulting parts. Jewelry weighing 12 grams in a piece of coal that was formed in this area 300,000,000 years ago? Try to find a logical explanation for this artifact.

Unique metal alloys not found on the planet in this form

But sometimes scientists have no less questions than some man-made metal artifacts, but ordinary-looking stones. In fact, they turn out to be not stones at all, but a rare alloy of metals. For example, one such stone was found near Chernigov back in the 19th century. Modern scientists have examined it and discovered that it is an alloy of tungsten and titanium. At one time, they planned to use it in the technology of creating so-called “stealth planes,” but they abandoned the idea because the composition of these elements did not have sufficient plasticity. But, when they were still thinking about using it, tungsten and titanium were artificially combined into a similar alloy, because in this form it is not found anywhere on earth, and the technology for its production is incredibly energy-intensive. Here is such an unusual Chernigov metal “pebble”.

However, why only the Chernigov one, when here and there they find ingots of alloys, which, when tested, turn out to be a compound of elements not found in nature in such a composition, but at the same time an alloy known to people, for example, from aircraft manufacturing technologies.

The mysterious “Salzburg” hexagon made of pure iron

How do historians deal with the above “challenges” of archeology? Do you think they are trying to fit the findings into the chronicles of human life on earth? At best, pundits shrug their shoulders; at worst, for unknown reasons, “evidence” exposing scientific dogma about the past of earthlings is lost. Well, or the history of the mysterious archaeological find can be reduced to the fact that objects that inexplicably ended up on our planet are given the status of “meteorites.”

This is what happened, for example, with the “Salzburg papallepiped”. This is a metal hexagon with two convex and four concave edges. The lines of the object are such that it is impossible to even imagine that the object is not made by man. However, the hexagon, which consisted of pure iron, was “written off” as a meteorite, although it was found in Salzburg in 1885 in a piece of brown tertiary coal. And they don’t even try to shed light on the history of its appearance in our country.

All of the above cases, as well as many other documented facts, speak only of one thing: at a time when, according to official history, man only came to the idea of ​​using stone tools, and in some cases, did not even exist as a species on earth, who -he has already cast high-strength metal, forged iron, used alloys to create electric batteries, etc. and so on. Impressive? Undoubtedly! It’s just a pity that it’s impossible to find a reasonable explanation for the mysterious archaeological finds.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Voronova based on the book by Isakov A.Ya. and other sources