The pitch of the seats in the planes of victory. Layout of the best seats in the Victory aircraft cabin. Review of the model with a business class zone

Boeing 737-800 is a medium-haul passenger aircraft, one of the most popular American airliners in fleets Russian airlines. Produced by Boeing Corporation since the late 1990s.

Some characteristics (from the official Boeing website):

  • Length - 39.5 meters;
  • Wingspan - 35.8 meters;
  • Height - 12.55 meters;
  • Cabin width - 3.5 meters;
  • The maximum capacity of fuel tanks is 26035 liters;
  • Take-off weight limit - 79015 kg;
  • Flight range is up to 5449 km.

Boeing 737-800 aircraft with vertical wingtips (winglets) have the additional marking W.

In Russia and abroad, aircraft of this model fly on both domestic and international flights, often serving the most inexpensive destinations, and therefore the question of the best seats on a Boeing 737-800 is especially relevant: those who are about to fly for the first time are also looking for information.

Boeing 737-800 cabin layout for different airlines

The choice of comfortable seats on an airplane always depends on the airline, since the layout of the passenger cabin is different for all carriers.

There are always 3 toilets on board, and they are located the same way: 1 in the front on the left side, 2 in the rear.


Aeroflot uses a single layout on all its flights operated by Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The aircraft are named after artists, poets and writers, and folk artists.

According to Aeroflot's seat plan for Boeing 737-800:

  • Each plane has 28 rows;
  • Business class - rows 1 to 5, 10 seats in total;
  • Comfortable Space+ seats are located on row 13, there are 4 of them - B, C, D, E;
  • Seats with limited seat backrest recline are on rows 11 and 12.


The S7 carrier operates the Boeing 737-800 on several routes. Like Aeroflot, all aircraft of this type in the company are equipped in the same way:

  • The total number of rows is 30;
  • Business class - 2 rows, 8 seats;
  • Economy - 168 seats, rows 3 to 30;
  • Seats at the emergency exits in the center - on rows 12, 13, 14 (A, F).


Pobeda Airlines operates only Boeing 737-800 aircraft. There are 12 aircraft in total, they were produced in 2014-2015.

The first domestic low-cost airline takes into account all the pros and cons of seats in the cabin. The choice of seat is already at the stage of ticket registration, for a fee. And if you buy tickets for several passengers at once, the system will automatically seat them further away from each other if you do not pay for seat selection.

According to the tariff schedule, the best seats are at Pobeda:

  • Rows 1, 15, 16 - with increased legroom, for the same price and preferred seats that are located at the exits - rows 12-14 (only seats D, E, F), rows 17-18 (all seats);
  • Seats at the front of the aircraft - rows 2-7;
  • All seats are at the porthole (in the diagram - A, F).


On Rossiya Airlines flights, 4 types of Boeing 737-800 aircraft configurations are used.

The main differences are in the placement and number of business class seats. The number of rows depends on this - from 29 or 32.

Comfortable places:

  • At the beginning of the cabin - business class (12 seats in 3 rows) or 21 seats FRONT ROWS in rows 1-4;
  • In the middle of the cabin there are SPACE+ seats on row 16 (with increased legroom).

Nordwind (Nordwind, North wind)

Nordwind's fleet includes 6 Boeing 737-800 aircraft with a passenger capacity of 189 people each.

The scheme is common to all the company’s vessels. There is no business class, and the best seats (with increased legroom) are in rows 1, 15 and 16. However, the seat backs do not recline in rows 14 and 15.

Azur Air

A charter airline uses aircraft for international flights, mainly to resorts and popular tourist destinations.

The flight layout is as follows:

  • Number of rows - 32;
  • There is no business class;
  • Comfortable seats (AZUR Space, with increased legroom): 1st row - A, B, C; 2nd row - D, E, F; Rows 15 and 16 - that's it.

NordStar (NordStar)

Business class is always allocated on NordStar airline flights. There are two layout options.

  • The total number of seats is 172, rows are 31;
  • Business class - 10 seats in rows 1-3;
  • Total seats - 180, rows - 31;
  • Business class - 6 seats in rows 1, 2;
  • Comfortable seats with increased legroom (but the backrests are blocked) - rows 14 and 15.


Boeing implements two seat layouts on UTair flights - with and without business class (mono-class). In total, the carrier has 9 such aircraft in its fleet.

In the first case, there are a total of 159 passenger seats on board, of which 12 are business class (2 rows at the beginning of the cabin). Comfortable seats are also located in general salon: on the 12th row - with the distance between the seats increased to 99 cm, on the 4th row - 40.5 cm.

In mono-salons, the most spacious seats for legs are row 1 (58 cm), rows 14 and 15 (96.5 cm). It is convenient that the airline indicates this distance - most carriers do not have such information.


5 units of these aircraft are used on Yakutia flights.

  • The total number of passenger seats is 170;
  • Business class - 10 seats;
  • Spacious (legroom) seats in economy class are on rows 14 and 15.

You can only select a seat through online check-in, which is only available for domestic flights.


The UAE budget airline's passenger fleet includes 40 Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

  • Capacity - 189 seats, maximum flight time - just over 6 hours.
  • Business class - 12 seats;
  • The best seats in the main part of the cabin (with extra legroom) are on rows 6, 15, 16.


Boeing 737-800 airliners are the basis of the passenger fleet of Alrosa Airlines, which is engaged not only in charters, but also in passenger transportation throughout Russia.

Distribution of seats:

  • Rows 1-3 - business class, 12 seats;
  • Rows 4-27 - economy class, 144 seats;
  • Opposite the emergency exits in the center of the cabin are rows 11 and 12.

10:38, March 18, 2016 It is no longer possible to transfer to empty seats on the Pobeda plane // Yuriy Plokhotnichenko

The airline "" made another attack against its own passengers. Since the beginning of March, she has prohibited them from changing to other seats in the aircraft cabin, requiring them to occupy only the seats indicated in the boarding passes, reports personal correspondent. website.

Pobeda now places the corresponding notice on the itinerary receipts of its airline tickets and broadcasts it over the loudspeaker when passengers board the plane. The reason for this wild innovation was the desire to force passengers to buy a paid seat selection. Let us remind you that for the same purpose, “Victory” of passengers flying together to different ends of the cabin.

Until now, Pobeda flight attendants only controlled the seating arrangements of passengers at the most expensive places- in the front rows and at emergency exits. They demand that all clients seated there show their boarding passes again to make sure that the passenger actually bought this particular seat and did not just use an empty seat. However, since March, they began, in addition, to categorically refuse everyone who asked to change their place - even to a neighboring one, which has the same price. They also began to demand that those who, after all passengers had been seated, move from their seat to another without asking, return to the seats indicated on their boarding passes. There are reports of acute conflicts arising in this regard - up to the issuance of official written warnings to such passengers with the threat of removal from the flight.

Formally, the carrier has the right to require that passengers occupy the seats indicated on their boarding passes, and also to transfer passengers at its discretion if this is required for flight safety. But in reality, airlines almost never use this right, respecting the desire of passengers to freely use the remaining unoccupied seats. Some carriers, however, monitor whether anyone has taken a seat without permission. increased comfort, for which a separate fee is charged. However, Pobeda became, apparently, the first and only company in the world to sharply object to a banal change of location to an equivalent one.

In a similar provocative way, Pobeda seeks to “stimulate” passengers’ purchase of paid seat selection. Let us remind you that her choice of seat depends on the row on the plane and the check-in time. For those who do not buy a specific seat, Pobeda assigns seats at its discretion without the possibility of choice, with passengers flying together at opposite ends of the cabin in order to force at least one of them to buy a seat next to the other. If there are three passengers, then seats are deliberately assigned to them, as a rule, in the nose, middle and tail of the cabin. Pobeda's new initiative to ban seat changes is designed to prevent such passengers who refused to pay for seat selection from being reunited in the cabin.

Such undertakings can cause nothing but irritation of passengers, who are already subject to Pobeda’s numerous fees, sometimes absurd. Let us remind you that the price of her ticket does not include carriage of more than 10 kilograms and parts. There is no food on board, and when purchasing a ticket on the Pobeda website, you should be extremely careful - the carrier has begun to include paid insurance in the ticket by default, to get rid of which you need to uncheck the corresponding box at the bottom of the page for selecting additional services. There are also problems when returning a ticket - the company is actively hiding the phone number for forced changes and refunds. Boarding a flight is also not easy - Pobeda often boards the bus even before the plane arrives at the airport. In addition, when landing on international flight You may encounter another wild fee - from Duty Free stores.

To justify such an openly passenger-unfriendly policy, Pobeda usually refers to the experience of foreign low-cost carriers. However, in reality, the practice of "Victory" has very little in common with this experience. If, for example, Ryanair introduces a baggage fee, this actually leads to a significant reduction in the company's handling costs, which allows it to offer cheaper tickets. While the fee for hand luggage introduced by Pobeda only led to a sharp increase in the number of people forced to check in free luggage small items - that is, to an increase in costs both for baggage handling and for additional check-in counters, not to mention the huge loss of time for the passengers themselves.

In other words, while Ryanair has created a win-win situation for itself and for its passengers, Pobeda has created win-win situations over and over again. Flying on this carrier is increasingly looking like a complex quest of traps that the company sets for its passengers, and a ban on changing seats on the plane is unlikely to cheer up its customers.

As of the summer of 2017, Pobeda Airlines operates 12 aircraft with cabin economy class. The main advantage of airliners is their small age, which averages about 3 years. Air fleet The carrier includes aircraft of only one brand - Boeing 737-800, the diagram of which we will consider below. In addition, we will consider the interior of Pobeda Airlines aircraft and the subtleties of choosing a seat. It is worth noting that this service is additional and costs money. But more about everything.

Boeing 737-800 interior features

When choosing a suitable seat on board an aircraft you should focus on the following criteria:

  • The cost of choosing a specific chair.
  • Availability of an emergency exit in the immediate vicinity.
  • The proximity of the chairs to the kitchen and toilet.

Please note that there are no uniform criteria for choosing a seat in the Pobeda Airlines cabin. Some passengers like to sit near the window, while others prefer aisle seats. Certain preferences also exist regarding noise. Some passengers adore silence, so they “hide” closer to the central part of the cabin, but there are also those who sit with headphones on all the way and do not react in any way to external stimuli.

Features of the cabin of Pobeda Airlines aircraft:

  • All rows on aircraft almost identical.
  • The distance between the seats is 75 cm. This is done to increase the number seats.
  • The seat backs do not recline at all, which creates a lot of discomfort during a long flight.

Special attention should be paid to luggage:

  • Each passenger has the opportunity to carry up to 10 kg of things with a total size of more than 158 cm. If desired, you can take a backpack, suitcase or other hand luggage into the cabin of the ship. But you will have to pay for such a service.
  • In addition to paid hand luggage, you can take the most important things into the salon - an umbrella, a briefcase, a handbag and others.

Popular destinations of Pobeda Airlines

Place Direction Find a ticket

Moscow → Adler

Moscow → Simferopol

Moscow → Antalya

Moscow → Istanbul

Moscow → Bangkok

St. Petersburg → Moscow

Moscow → Paris

Moscow → Barcelona

Moscow → Dubai

Moscow → Tivat

Pobeda Airlines aircraft interior

To roughly navigate the most comfortable seats, just look at the cabin diagram of the Boeing 737-800 of Pobeda Airlines. Below Let's look at places that deserve attention:

  • Seats in the 1st row have certain pros and cons. On the one hand, passengers in these seats are provided with more legroom, because in front there is a partition instead of a seat. On the other hand, watching the entire journey against the wall is not a pleasant experience. In addition, folding tables are located in the armrests.
  • In the 2nd row Places D, E, and F are worthy of attention. They have the same advantages and disadvantages as the places discussed above.
  • In the 3rd row seats D, E, and F are the most comfortable for the flight. Their peculiarity is that the distance to the seats in the second row is slightly greater, which ensures a more comfortable flight.
  • In the 11th row seat A, as well as in the 12th row A and F, have one big drawback in the absence of a porthole. If this factor is of key importance, choose another seat on a Pobeda Airlines Boeing aircraft.
  • Seats located in rows 15 and 16, are characterized by increased comfort. But you will have to pay extra for them. The peculiarity of the seats is their increased legroom, as well as their location near emergency exits. You can easily get up from such a chair and not disturb your neighbor. The downside is that tickets for such seats will not be sold to minors, pregnant women and people with disabilities. This is done to improve flight safety.
  • From the seats in the 32nd row It’s better to refuse, because they are located in close proximity to the toilets. During the entire flight there are a bunch of passengers here, so you can’t dream of peace and quiet. That’s why it’s worth studying the interior layout of Pobeda Airlines and avoiding these seats.

How much does it cost to choose a place?

From the photo of the cabin of the Pobeda Airlines plane, you can see that the seats of the aircraft are identical and the only thing that differs is the location. Despite this fact, the service of choosing a seat on board is in high demand from the carrier. The option is available to all passengers who have pre-purchased tickets and are checking in online. If you refuse this service, your seat will be assigned automatically and the ticket will be cheaper.

If you have nevertheless studied the cabin of the Pobeda Airlines aircraft and decided to book a seat, be prepared for the following costs:

  • For seats in the first two rows you will have to pay an additional 599 rubles.
  • For seats from 3 to 11 rows you need to pay 349 rubles.
  • Seats in rows 12-14 are cheaper - 149 rubles.
  • The most expensive and comfortable places in the 15th and 16th row. You will have to pay 999 rubles for them.
  • Seats in rows 17-30 will cost 149 rubles.
  • Seats in the “tail” - 399 RUR.

The popularity of air travel poses new challenges for developers passenger airliners. Today, experts consider the Boeing 737 800 to be a fairly successful design - these ships are used by Pegasus Fly, UTair, Aeroflot, Nord Wind and other well-known carriers. However, passengers inexperienced in flying do not know how to choose the right seats on board this model during check-in. This review will highlight such an interesting topic.

The board was first tested in 1998. The creation of the airliner is a consequence of competition. The aircraft was designed as an analogue of another iconic model - . The vessel belongs to the third generation group and has improved characteristics compared to the base model.

The passenger cabin here offers two configuration options - an aircraft designed for one class of seats, including up to 189 seats, and a two-class analogue, designed to accommodate up to 160 people. Less common are liners that have a separate compartment with VIP class seats.

Cabin width of 3.54 meters allows passengers to travel in comfort, and the total length of the liner of 39.41 m made it possible for designers to increase the number of seats. The increased area (125 m) and wingspan (34.31 m), combined with the aircraft’s powerful engine, help the airliner make flights at a distance of 5,765 km at maximum speed at 852 km/h.

However, these parameters do not say anything to the passenger who wants to fly on such an aircraft. For readers, we will provide specific information about what a Boeing 737 800 is. The layout of the cabin, the best seats and row numbers that are best avoided - you will see all this in our article. The video below shows general tips on choosing seats on an airplane.

General principles of passenger seating

People who have repeatedly flown regular and charter routes know that the purchased air ticket does not contain information about the seat occupied by the passenger. This information is clarified by the airport employee. However, at this time a person does not see what the seat arrangement in a Boeing 737 800 looks like, so beginners make a decision at random. Moreover, quite often such situations become the reason for spoiled impressions of the trip.

Experts recommend studying such nuances at home, before leaving for the airport, so that by the time you make your choice you will be fully prepared. The plan of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, which is presented in the article gallery, will help you decide a little about the principles of landing on airliners. The seats in the standard cabin of the airliner are arranged in two rows, with each row containing 3 seats.

Now a few words about the fundamental aspects of choice. For people who are afraid of flying, it is advisable to choose outer seats located near the aisle. This technique will allow you to avoid accidental glances through the porthole and quickly use the help of stewards if necessary. In addition, these chairs allow you to move freely without causing inconvenience to your neighbors.

Although there are some negative sides– a passenger occupying an aisle seat will have to let fellow travelers pass when they need to leave the seat. In addition, staff passing by sometimes inadvertently touch passengers sitting on the edge.

Experts consider the chair located in the center of the row not the most best choice for single passengers. After all, its location involves flying in close proximity to strangers. Many people feel uncomfortable under such circumstances. And armrests occupied by neighbors will only enhance such sensations.

Seats next to the window will allow you to enjoy the view throughout the flight, but it will be difficult to leave the seat. To go into the salon, you will have to lift both neighbors. This is, in general terms, what the first principles for choosing seats on an 800 aircraft look like. The layout of the airliner’s cabin allows us to demonstrate this point, but there are other ways to determine the optimal seat location for a flight.

Choice among single-class aircraft cabins

Let's start by considering each row for the comfort of the flight. Rossiya Airlines offers passengers aircraft of this particular category in several different modifications. We will look at the VQ-BCJ model of this fleet and find out what criteria to use to choose seats when buying a ticket for such a Boeing 737 800.

We will list the layout of the interior, the best seats and chairs that are appropriate to refuse, using the given markings in the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Here, the first three seats are not far from the pilots' toilet and the cabin partition, but there is enough free space in front of the seats to get out without causing inconvenience to anyone. The situation is somewhat different with the second row seats. 2F, 2E, 2D are located directly behind the partition. Therefore, passengers who suffer from a fear of closed spaces are better off refusing this choice - after all, a wall in front of your eyes during a flight will only aggravate this phobia.

The advantage here is a good choice of food - after all, food is served starting from the bow of the liner. And the inconvenience of the person sitting in front with the seat back reclined is excluded here. If you want to purchase tickets for row 14, keep in mind that it is usually cooler here than in the rest of the cabin.

All seats in the 15th and 16th rows have restrictions on the folding of seats, because emergency exits are located in the sixteenth and seventeenth rows. 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E - the so-called space seats - the seats are quite comfortable, because the seats here are located at a decent distance from the previous row. But here it should be borne in mind that tickets for all indicated places will be sold only to adult passengers who do not have disabilities or restrictions on movement. After all, in emergency situation The responsibility to open emergency exits lies with the occupants.

Perhaps quite good seats in the airliner are seats 18A and 18F– there is enough free space in front of them to exit. As for the least attractive options, experts call the seats installed in the 33rd row, behind which the toilets are located. There are always limitations to the reclining function. In addition, due to passengers constantly visiting the toilets, it is always noisy here.

Review of the model with a business class zone

Let's look at another model from the same airline. The VQ-BIZ airliner is the only one in the Rossiya fleet.

Here, the first three rows are occupied by business class seats - double seats. Of course, these seats are quite comfortable, but 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D are located immediately behind the partition of the pilot's cabin. Accordingly, there is not enough free space in front of the chairs, and the view of the wall is unlikely to impress tourists. Although it is advisable to purchase tickets here to do work on the road.

Let's move on and see what the layout of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft is, how many seats are provided by the designers in this airliner and which seats will be the best choice for the passenger. This salon has 154 seats.

It will be comfortable to fly in the fourth row due to the free space in front of the seats - there is only a partition in front separating the more comfortable seats. There are emergency exit hatches on rows 12 and 13. That is, people purchasing seats in the 11th and 12th rows should think about the likely inability to recline the seat back.

13 C, 13 E, 13 B and 13 D – seats located near the emergency doors – are a good option. Besides, good option There will be a choice of row 14 with seats A and F. After all, there is enough free space in front of them.

Accordingly, the seats in the last, 29th row are not the most the best option. It is always crowded and noisy here due to the proximity of the toilets. In addition, the seat backs cannot be reclined completely. And the stewards offering food will only get here after walking around the entire plane. As you can see, there are many selection criteria, and most of the nuances depend on the personal preferences of the passenger.

In order not to ruin your mood at the very beginning of your vacation during the flight, it is advisable for inexperienced passengers to take the advice of experienced people. We will provide general recommendations for choosing seats in the aircraft cabin. For a person who has not previously flown on board this model, it is appropriate to go into detail study the layout of the aircraft cabin and become familiar with the main characteristics of the model. In addition, when checking in, it doesn’t hurt to ask airline employees for their opinion on the choice you’ve made or ask them for advice.

Consider personal perception of turbulence. Here experts suggest choosing seats closer to the nose of the plane - the shaking here is not felt as much as in the tail. It is advisable to avoid purchasing tickets for rows located in front of escape hatches or toilets. Remember, it is generally not possible to travel reclining here due to safety and design restrictions.

Seats located next to the utility areas of the aircraft are unlikely to meet the expectations of a passenger who dreams of flying in silence. It's always noisy and crowded here. Consider your own personal preferences and qualities. It is advisable to plan a trip with a pet in your arms closer to the aisle of the cabin.


As you can see, the selection criteria are simple. A thoughtful and planned approach will ensure a pleasant flight experience, as a well-chosen destination sets the tone for any trip. And the ability to choose an option that is comfortable for yourself will result in a good mood.

Boeing 737 800 is a new generation aircraft that can carry up to 189 people.
General layout of a one-class aircraft cabin
The best seats on board this model are 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E
On planes with a single-class cabin, seats are arranged in rows in a 3+3 format
The most comfortable seats are located in the business class cabin

The choice of a seat on the diagram of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft of Pobeda Airlines is provided on a paid basis, as additional service. The best seats on the Pobeda plane can be selected during the booking process on the website or through the call center. Accordingly, for this you need to know the layout of the aircraft cabin.

Page content

Usually, during the process of booking a ticket on the website, you are provided with a diagram of the Victory Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Available seats are indicated there, occupied chairs are marked, and prices are also written.

General rules for choosing a seat on an airplane

As a rule, people choose seats on an airplane based on individual preferences. No ideal place on board, which would please absolutely any passenger. Some people like to sit by the window, others by the aisle, since they don’t need to disturb anyone when getting up. For some it is important to stretch their legs forward, but for others it is important not to be disturbed by neighbors and passing passengers. Some people prefer peace and tranquility, others need company so that time passes faster during the flight while talking and having fun.

In terms of comfort and more legroom, the best places on an airplane, the seats in the very first row are considered, since passengers sit near the exit or immediately behind the partition and there are no other seats in front of them.

TS security point of view the best places The seats located near the emergency exits and, oddly enough, the seats at the rear of the plane are considered. According to statistics, the largest percentage of passengers who survived emergency situations were located in the tail of the plane.

From a comfort point of view, the most undesirable places are the seats at the very back of the plane, as there is the most shaking and most often crowds of people in queues for the toilet.

Seat map on the Pobeda plane

The Boeing 737-800 aircraft operated by Pobeda have only economy class. The seats are arranged in 32 rows in 2 lines on the right and left. There are 6 chairs in each row - 3 chairs on the right and on the left.

Toilets and kitchens are located both at the very beginning of the plane and at the rear.

When choosing a seat on a Pobeda plane, the cabin map can be very useful, especially if you are buying a ticket via phone and are asked to name the seats you want to book.

“drawing, diagram of an airplane cabin”

Choosing the best seat on a Pobeda plane

Seats in the 1st (A, B, C) and 2nd row (D, E, F) are quite comfortable for the flight due to the increased legroom, because there are no front rows of seats. However, passengers may experience slight discomfort due to the extra noise and fuss that can arise when queues for the toilet accumulate. Particularly inconvenient in this regard are seats C in the 1st row, seats C and D in the second row, since passing passengers can touch you with their elbows, they can lean on you, step on your foot, and so on.

Seats in rows 15 and 16 are the most comfortable and best in terms of safety. They are located at the emergency exits. Due to this, legroom is increased; there are no partitions or front row of seats in front of you.

But not all passengers may occupy these seats. The fact is that, according to safety regulations, in the event of an emergency, passengers occupying these seats are obliged to help the flight staff evacuate people. Accordingly, a number of categories of people cannot occupy these seats: pregnant women, passengers with children and animals, elderly people and people with disabilities.

Places in 31st and 32nd Some are inconvenient in terms of comfort, but are considered the best in terms of safety. These places are located next to the toilet, where there is a constant congestion of people, walking, the sound of flushing water is heard and foreign odors are felt. In addition, shaking in the turbulence zone is always felt more strongly in the tail of the aircraft.

The cost of choosing a seat on a Pobeda plane

Pobeda Airlines is a low-cost carrier with a minimum of free services on board, so even choosing the desired seat on the plane comes at an additional cost, which increases the cost of the flight. If you want to buy an air ticket as cheaply as possible, then you can refuse this service. In this case, places are allocated automatically.

If you want to increase the comfort or safety of your flight, then during the booking process you can select the desired seat on board the aircraft. To do this, at the 4th step of booking you will be provided with a diagram of the Pobeda aircraft with information about free and already occupied seats.

Prices for selecting seats on the Pobeda plane:

  • To choose seats in the first two rows you will have to pay an additional 599 rubles.
  • Selecting seats in rows 3 to 11 will cost 349 rubles.
  • Seats in rows 12 - 14 will cost quite inexpensively - only 149 rubles.
  • But the seats in rows 15–16 are the most expensive, as they are the most comfortable and safe. Cost – 999 rubles.
  • Choosing a seat in rows 17 – 30 will cost 149 rubles.
  • Choosing a seat at the very rear of the plane in rows 31 - 32 costs 399 rubles, as they are considered the safest in the event of an emergency.

Is it worth using the Pobeda seat selection service?

Since the service of choosing a seat on a Pobeda plane is paid, you need to compare the price and the feasibility of paying for a particular seat.

  1. If you refuse the seat selection service, you can get to absolutely any place.
  2. It is worth competing for seats A, B, C in the 1st row, and for seats D, E, F in the 2nd row and paying extra money for them. Seats A, B, C in the 2nd row are essentially not much different from the seats in the 3rd, 4th, 5th row, but cost 599 rubles, while the 3rd row costs 349 rubles.
  3. Pay for the choice of a standard seat only if it is fundamentally important for you to sit by the window, or, conversely, further away from it. The minimum cost for selecting seats is 149 rubles. The best places cost more. So does it make sense to pay 149 rubles if you can get to these places for free?
  4. Choose seats for an additional fee if you are flying with several people and it is important for you to sit next to each other. When booking and purchasing tickets with no seat selection service, your seats may be automatically allocated at different ends of the plane, and you are not allowed to change seats with other passengers.

Thus, you need to choose your seats on the plane, paying extra money for it, wisely. When booking a ticket on the company's website, you are offered the option for an additional fee - to select the desired seat, and is provided with a diagram of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft to make it easier for you to navigate prices and letter designations. Taking into account the above recommendations, prices for the service and your budget, you can continue booking without choosing a seat, or with choosing the desired seat.