All about the Pella shipyard. Greek pictures - Thessaloniki, Western Macedonia, Meteora. Traveling through Greece with photographs from Andrey K Pella tennis

The ancient city of Pella, also known locally as Tabaqit Fahl, is famous for its rich history. There are many interesting archaeological sites here, most of which date back to the Greco-Roman, Islamic and Byzantine periods (12th to 14th centuries AD). But some of the findings made here relate to the oldest evidence human culture. Excavations on the territory of Pella are still ongoing - the city is beloved by archaeologists as an interesting object for research.

Pella is located in the north of the Jordan Valley, near Amman. In the Greco-Roman era, the city was part of the Decapolis (Decapolis) - an association of ten economically and culturally developed cities.

The city of Pella owes its name to the city of the same name, where Alexander the Great was born. Just like in the commander’s homeland, there were healing hot springs here, so the soldiers of Alexander the Great gave the city the same name - Pella. But the city itself was founded long before the reign of Alexander the Great. Thanks to the unique archaeological finds, it can be argued that settled life existed on the territory of Pella already in the Paleolithic era. In the second millennium BC. Pella was already a city.

The main attraction of Pella is the ruins of a Byzantine large temple complex. It was built by Christians and was used for Christian worship, despite the established Islam in the region.

The ruins of the great ancient theater - the Odeon - are also a significant find for archaeologists. It was built in the 1st century AD. in the city center. Near the Odeon, several ancient fountains have been preserved, of which the Roman Nymphaeum fountain deserves special attention. Among the Byzantine churches preserved in Pella, it is worth paying attention to the Eastern and Western ones. The Eastern Church is located on a high hill, with observation deck which offers an excellent view of the city - a particularly good place for photography. The Western Church, whose construction dates back to the 4th century AD, was badly damaged by the earthquake - all that remains of it are three columns that were part of the colonnade of the courtyard.

Tourists will also see in ancient Pella such ancient monuments as: a residential area of ​​the early Islamic period - streets, houses, shops; and the ruins of a mosque built during the Mamluk period.

Speaking of rare and ancient monuments that tourists can see in Pella, it is worth noting the remains of cities fortified for the purpose of defense from the Bronze and Iron Ages; artifacts that relate to the Old and New Testaments; traces of Chalcolithic human settlement (4th century BC). As a result of modern excavations carried out not so long ago, evidence was found that ancient settlements existed in Pella 10 thousand years ago.

An excursion to the ancient city of Pella, where everything is literally imbued with antiquity and antiquity, will remain in your memory for a long time.

The ancient Greek city of Pella is the capital of the legendary Macedonian kingdom and the birthplace of the famous commander Alexander the Great. The ruins of the ancient city are located a few kilometers from modern Pella and about 40 km from Thessaloniki.

The first mention of Pella is found in the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. At the end of the 5th century BC. Macedonian king Archelaus moved the capital from holy city Egi to Pella and built here luxurious palace, the painting of which was commissioned to the famous ancient Greek artist Zeuxis. The city began to grow and develop rapidly, and at the beginning of the 4th century Pella was already largest city Macedonia. The city reached its greatest prosperity during the reign of Philip and his famous son Alexander the Great. In 168 BC. Pella was conquered and sacked by the Romans. For some time Pella remained the capital of one of the districts of the Roman province of Macedonia, but subsequently lost its status to Thessaloniki. Over time, the city fell into decay, and an earthquake in the 1st century BC. completely destroyed it.

Research and the first excavations of ancient Pella date back to the beginning of the 20th century, but large-scale systematic work began already in the 50s of the 20th century. During the excavations, a monumental palace complex- the residence of the Macedonian kings and, in fact, the ancient Pella itself, located somewhat south of the palace. The city was built in accordance with the urban planning system of the famous ancient Greek architect Hippodamus with rows of streets intersecting at right angles. In the center of the city there was a city Agora, surrounded by a colonnade and occupying an area of ​​​​approximately 70,000 square meters, on the territory of which there were shops, workshops, administrative buildings, etc. Pella was also equipped with water supply and sewerage systems. Archaeologists have discovered numerous ruins of one- and two-story residential buildings (some of them have stunningly beautiful pebble floor mosaics), as well as the remains of fortress walls, the ruins of the city harbor (in ancient times, Pella was connected to the Thermaikos Gulf by a navigable lagoon) and ancient burials. Part of the archaeological site is today accessible to tourists.

The ruins of Ancient Pella are recognized as an important historical and archaeological site and are under state protection. Excavations continue here at the present time and it is likely that new amazing discoveries await us in the future.

In 2009, on the territory of the excavations of ancient Pella, the Archaeological Museum was opened, which is rightfully considered one of best museums similar in Greece.

The expedition to the enterprises of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region has taken place! From November 21 to 26, I visited a dozen different enterprises Northern capital and its surroundings, where I was lucky enough not only to make photo reports, but also to conduct interviews. The first enterprise that I inspected was the Leningrad shipyard "Pella", located in the city of Otradnoye. This is what we will talk about today.

The main products of the Pella plant are new generation tugs, modern, comfortable and reliable, because they work successfully in all major ports and naval bases of Russia. Individual copies can be found abroad: in Latvia, Lithuania, even in Italy.

In almost every one of my Severodvinsk reports there is a tugboat manufactured by Pella. The tugboats of the Northern Fleet "Viktor Tikhonov" and "Anatoly Tarasov", as well as the tugboat of the Severodvinsk enterprise "Zvezdochka" "Alexander Zryachev" are real "workhorses" and perform the most difficult tasks, including the removal of ships under construction and repair from the waters of the enterprises "Zvezdochka" ", "Sevmash" and the Belomorsk naval base.

The company is located on two sites - old and new. The old one is located on the territory of the former Pellina Palace, where the plant management, the engineering division "Pella-Mash" and "Pella-Fiord" (fiberglass shipbuilding) are located. The new site is located on the border of the city and the region in the village of Sapernoye.

The old site is located on the territory of the former Pellinsky Palace, built under Catherine II. Today, all that remains of the palace, dismantled to its foundations by order of Paul I, is the carriage stable building and the outbuilding of the Postal Station.

4. Carriage stable building and outbuilding of the Postal Station of the Pellina Palace complex.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, a trailer plant of the USSR Ministry of Forestry Industry was built on this territory, and in 1950 shipbuilding production was organized there, after which the main products of the plant became tugboats, speedboats, pilot boats and other small vessels.

In 1957, the enterprise was renamed the Leningrad Ship Mechanical Plant. The enterprise's capacity has grown over time, and new directions have been developed. Thus, in the 1960s, a new direction, fiberglass shipbuilding, appeared at the plant. The first examples of such vessels were the Nadezhda catchers for the Vostok fishing base, hydrographic vessels of the Kaira type, Bekas workboats, and light vessels of all domestic deep-sea vehicles for exploring the World Ocean.

5. Boat of project LM 4-87.

In 1965, the enterprise, as a pilot production facility, was transferred to the Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, and its historical name "Pella" was returned to it - the Leningrad Shipyard "Pella".

Since the 70s, with the direct participation of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Customs Union, the production of technological equipment for the shipbuilding industry has been mastered: painting machines, pipe bending machines, thermal metal cutting machines.

In 1992, the enterprise was privatized and became an open joint-stock company "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant "Pella" (since 06/21/1996 - Open Joint-Stock Company "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant "Pella").

In 2012, construction began on a new site in the village of Saperny, thanks to which it became possible to build ships and vessels with greater length and draft and with more convenient descent to the water.

6. New shipbuilding complex "Pella".

In 2016, the company was leased the property of the Feodosia shipbuilding plant "More" (Crimea).

Today, Pella is a joint-stock company, which includes 8 subsidiaries and affiliates, owning a territory of 33 hectares and assets sufficient to conduct a successful business.

First site (old)

The construction of an order begins not only with sheet metal, but also with the arrival at the warehouse of the remaining necessary equipment for the future vessel/ship.

7. PALFINGER PC 2300 crane stored in a warehouse for a future tug.

Then, in the hull assembly shop, the assembly of the structures of the future vessel begins.

8. Hull assembly shop. Here the assembly of large structures of the future vessel takes place.

9. Inside the body assembly shop.

10. Factory administration building. Also inside there is a dining room and a first-aid post with a massage room. Behind there is a whole network of metalworking and machine tool assembly workshops.

After the large structure is assembled, it is transported to the workshop near the outfitting embankment. Finished blocks are transported from the hull assembly shop to the boathouse, where the finished hull is assembled from the blocks.

After the ship's hull is completed, it begins to be equipped with equipment and painted.

11. Project 16609 tug

The vessel is launched using trolleys and a transborder.

12. Construction of a tugboat of project PE65. The transborder rails are visible on the left.

Then the tug, in a high degree of readiness, is brought out on slipway trolleys to the site and lowered into the water along an inclined slipway.

13. Transborder rails. It is through them that the water order is launched.

14. The raid tug "Volchok" at the outfitting embankment of the enterprise. Its construction is being carried out for the Navy.

15. Road tug "Volchok" and slipway workshop.

16. Random guests.

On the existing territory of the plant, there are restrictions on the draft of ships under construction of no more than 3.54 m due to the rapids on the Neva fairway. Therefore, now the plant has the ability to build technical fleet vessels: tugs, pilot boats and other special vessels, with a draft of no more than 4 m and a length of up to 50 m in the amount of 12 - 15 units. per year. Of these, the plant annually produces at least 5–9 vessels according to government orders from various federal departments.

17. Mast of the future tug.

Second site (new)

Construction of the new site began on July 16, 2012 in the village of Saperny Leningrad region on the section between the St. Petersburg Otradnoe road and the Neva River embankment.

On a new section of the river. There are no restrictions on thresholds on the Neva, so Pella plans to organize serial construction there and descent up to 10 sea ​​vessels per year, length up to 100 m, width up to 22 m, with draft up to 8 m. Including:

special vessels of the technical fleet: high-power tugs with reinforced ice class, hydrographic and other special vessels, including for ensuring the operation of infrastructure facilities of the Northern Sea Route;

loans to the fishing fleet (vessels for longline fishing for ground fish, mid-water trawlers, scientific research vessels for industry institutes of the Federal Agency for Fisheries), which must be built in Russia in pursuance of paragraphs 1b and 2c of the List of Presidential Instructions Russian Federation on the development of the fishery complex dated March 21, 2013. No. Pr613;

ships for the Russian Navy.

18.Administrative building on the territory of the new site.

On new site At the Pella shipbuilding enterprise, ship construction is carried out in almost the same way as at the old one. It all starts with the delivery of sheet metal and equipment to the warehouse.

19. Multi-ton sheets of metal are moved around the hull processing shop using several overhead magnetic cranes.

20. Rolled sheets awaiting processing

After the metal has arrived at the enterprise, work begins with it in the body-processing shop.

21. Hull processing shop.

Metal sheets pass through dozens of different machines, after working with which an ordinary sheet turns into a part of a future vessel/ship.

22. Hydraulic press SMT.

With the help of machines located in the body-processing shop, a sheet of metal can be given almost any shape.

23. Boscert hydraulic press brake.

24. Sheet bending machine.

The length of the vessel is 63.8 m, width - 10.8 m, maximum draft - 3.8 m, speed - 12 knots, cruising range - 1 thousand miles, endurance - 20 days, crew - 16 people, expedition members - 20 Human.

An interview with the deputy director of the Pella enterprise will be published on our portal in the near future. The interview will tell in detail about the work of the enterprise, orders, achievements, prospects and problems.

Pella (Greek Πέλλα) - the capital of Ancient Macedonia from the end of the 5th to the middle of the 2nd century. BC e., birthplace of Alexander the Great.

The name Pella was first mentioned by Herodotus when describing the campaign of the Persian king Xerxes against Greece in 480 BC. e.; Herodotus named Pella a city located in the region of Bottiea, inhabited by the Botti tribe. Stephen of Byzantium noted in his geographical treatise: Pella in Macedonia was formerly called Bounomos or Bounomeia. During the reign of the Macedonian king Alexander I (498-454 BC), the lands of Macedonia rapidly expanded to the north and east due to the displacement and absorption of Thracian and other tribes. Under the son of Alexander I, King Perdiccas II, Pella was already part of Macedonia, and the Botti tribe moved to peninsula of Halkidiki. When the Thracian king Sitalkos invaded Macedonia in the 2nd half of the 5th century. BC e., the Macedonians took refuge in a few fortresses, making guerrilla attacks against the enemy. Perhaps it was then that Perdiccas II decided to make Pella, located in a protected location, almost in the center of Emathia, his capital. It is unknown who exactly and when moved the capital of Macedonia from the sacred Aegis to Pella, but at least the son of Perdikkas, the Macedonian king Archelaus (413-399 BC), built a luxurious palace there, which he invited a famous Greek artist to paint Zeuxis. Euripides was buried here. At the beginning of the 4th century. BC e. Pella became the largest city in Macedonia, the place where its kings lived, although the former capital of Aega continued to carry out ritual functions. The Macedonians at that time called relatively small fortresses cities, and, unlike other Greeks, they themselves lived primarily in rural areas. The heyday of Pella, judging by archaeological finds, occurred at the end of the 4th century. BC e., under the successors of Alexander the Great. The great conqueror himself spent only a few months in Macedonia after ascending the throne. The only description of the city in the 2nd century. BC e. left Titus Livy: “The consul with his entire army left Pidna, the next day he was at Pella and set up a camp a mile from the city, stood there for several days, examining the location of the city from all sides, and was convinced that it was not in vain that the kings of Macedonia settled here: Pella is standing on a hill overlooking the winter sunset; There are swamps around it, impassable either in summer or winter - they are fed by river floods. The fortress of Fakos rises like an island among the swamps in the place where they come closest to the city; It stands on a huge embankment that can withstand the weight of the walls and not suffer from the moisture of the swamps that surround it. From a distance it seems that the fortress is connected to the city wall, although in fact they are separated by a moat with water, and are connected by a bridge, so that the enemy cannot approach, and any captive imprisoned by the king could not escape except through the bridge, which is easier protect everything. There, in the fortress, there was also the royal treasury...” After the Roman conquest of Macedonia in the 2nd century. BC e. Pella remained for some time the center of one of the 4 administrative districts, into which the Romans divided Macedonia...

The famous ruler Alexander was born in this city. IN ancient city Pella, every stone breathes a thousand years of history.

Alexander created a majestic empire that united peoples and countries. Much from those times has survived to this day. Everything here reminds us of the creation of a civilization that even today keeps numerous secrets and mysteries.

Who decided to create small town Historians do not know the royal capital, but 2400 years ago, King Archelaus built a luxurious palace here, known as one of the best examples of ancient architecture and fine arts. The first mentions of the city date back to the time of the campaign of King Darius and the famous battle of the Spartans.

The growing influence of the Macedonian kings was also expanded by Pella. From small town with a favorable location, where it was possible to perfectly defend against enemies, it rose to the title of capital of the formidable Macedonian kingdom.

City of the King of Kings

In the 4th century BC the city became one of the most major cities a young and rapidly growing kingdom. The rulers of Macedonia, which began to unite most of the Greek lands, were born and died here. The famous commander, the creator of the largest Hellenistic state - Alexander the Great or Alexander III the Great - was born in the city.

Alexander's heirs made Pella one of the largest and most brilliant cities of the new empire. Then the city experienced periods of prosperity and decline, but after a major earthquake at the beginning of the 1st century BC, it was almost completely destroyed.

Restoring the memory of Pella

Only in the early 20s of our century, archaeologists were able to begin excavations and searches for an answer to the question of whether the capital of Macedonia was actually in Pella. The excavations delighted scientists. A huge number of well-preserved artifacts from ancient Greek times were found here.
The Pella Archaeological Museum is a treasure trove of modern knowledge about the times of the kings, the exploits of heroes and battles for freedom.

Today, travelers can spend hours enjoying the artifacts of this ancient era. Scientists carefully studied everything that could be recovered from the ruins and found the remains of a magnificent city.

There was a palace here, located on 6 hectares. In the center of the city there was a large agora square for meetings, holidays, and trade. The wide streets were carefully planned. The ancient inhabitants of Pella lived in 500-plus houses with one- or two-story structures. The houses are richly decorated with mosaics, sculptures and paintings. The unique mosaics in the Pella houses have been preserved. It is considered the pinnacle achievement of ancient Greek culture due to the richness and brightness of the images and the realism of the images.

Ancient Pella is a reflection of the Greek civilization, which created the foundation of modern civilization. Today's Pella is a rich in antiquities and spectacular open-air museum city.