Life on the island: features, useful tips, reviews. Desert island: how to survive and not panic

The novel “Robinson Crusoe” immortalized the name of Daniel Defoe, and the name of the main character has long become a household name. Any child in childhood imagined how he would end up on a desert island and survive here. What can I say, not only the boy. So, just recently we talked about a bankrupt millionaire who celebrated his 20th anniversary on the island. But what other ones are there? real stories Robinsons?

Robinson Crusoe Island, where Alexander Selkirk spent 4 years

Lived on a desert island: 4 years and 4 months

The story of the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk inspired Defoe to write the novel; it was he who became the prototype for Robinson Crusoe. Is it true, literary hero stayed on the island for 28 years and during this long time, alone with nature and with himself, he grew spiritually. Selkirk stayed on the island for 4 years, and he got there not as a result of a shipwreck, but after a quarrel with the captain. And no friend Friday for you, and, of course, cannibals. However, Alexander managed to survive in harsh conditions, he ate shellfish, tamed feral goats and built two huts. In 1709, the sailor was discovered by English ships. When Selkirk returned to London, he told his amazing story writer Richard Steele, who published it in the newspaper.

By the way, the island on which Selkirk lived alone was later named Robinson Crusoe. And 150 kilometers from it there is another island - Alexander Selkirk.

Traveler Daniel Foss

Lived on a desert island: 5 years

The story of another traveler, Daniel Foss, is also surprising. At the end of the 18th century, a man traveled on the ship Negotiant with his crew in the northern seas, where they hunted seals. The ship collided with an iceberg, and 21 people managed to escape by boat. For a month and a half they swam on the waves until two people remained alive. Soon the boat was thrown ashore, where Foss lost his last comrade. But this island turned out to be far from paradise: a small rocky piece of land where there was nothing but a seal rookery. Actually, seal meat helped Daniel survive, and he drank rainwater. Only five years later, in 1809, a passing ship picked up Foss. At the same time, the poor fellow had to swim to him, since the captain was afraid that he would run the ship aground.

Tom Neal - voluntary hermit

Lived on a desert island: approximately 16 years

But there are stories about voluntary hermitage. So, for almost 16 years coral island Suvorov became the home of a native of New Zealand, Tom Neil. He first visited the island in 1952. The man domesticated chickens, started a vegetable garden, and caught crabs, shellfish and fish. Thus, the New Zealander lived on the island for almost three years, and after a serious injury he was taken out. But that didn't stop him from returning: Tom returned to his paradise in 1960 for three and a half years, and then in 1966 for ten years. After his second stay, Neil wrote a book, An Island to Yourself, which became a bestseller.

Jeremy Beebs - Robinson who managed to grow old on the island

Lived on a desert island: 74 years

In 1911, the ship "Beautiful Bliss" was shipwrecked. Only Jeremy Biebs managed to survive. He was only 14 years old then. Because of his age, he was very fond of adventure novels, and what book do you think was one of his favorites? Of course, Robinson Crusoe. Here he learned basic survival skills, learning how to keep a calendar, hunt and build huts. The young man managed to grow old on the island: he was taken away only in 1985 as an 88-year-old man. Just imagine, during this time two world wars passed and man mastered space.

Alexey Khimkov and his comrades - polar robinsons

Lived on a desert island: 6 years

This story is even harsher: without rainforests and warm sea. IN arctic ice the team lived for six whole years. In 1743, led by helmsman Alexei Khimkov, a merchant ship went fishing and got stuck in the ice. A team of four went to the shores of the Spitsbergen archipelago, where they found a hut. Here they planned to spend the night, but fate decreed otherwise: a strong arctic wind carried the ice floes along with the ship into the open sea, where the ship sank. The hunters had only one option - to insulate the hut and wait for rescue. As a result, they lived on the island for 6 years, during which time the team made homemade spears and bows. They hunted bears and deer and also fished. So the harsh Arctic winter was too much for the men. However, there was an outbreak of scurvy in their small camp, and one of the travelers died.

Six years later, a ship sailed past the island and saved the polar robinsons. But they did not board empty-handed: during this long time they managed to obtain about 200 skins of a large animal and about the same amount of arctic fox. The book “The Adventures of Four Russian Sailors Brought to the Island of Spitsbergen by a Storm” was later published about the misadventures of the Russian Robinsons, which was translated into several languages.

Your worst nightmare has come true, as a victim of circumstances you find yourself washed up on the shore of a desert island. It seems to you that there is no longer hope for salvation. However, it turns out that it is very simple - to survive on a desert island, to thrive on it, or even to escape, but only if you know how to act.


Part 1

Don't panic

Part 2

Arm yourself with essentials

    Find a source of clean drinking water. Most people start looking for food, but evidence indicates that almost all "lost" people are found within a few hours or days. You can live about 2 weeks without food, but only 3-4 days without water. If you can't find a natural source, figure out a way to collect rainwater.

    • Any source of water will be helpful. As long as you have at least some water, you can purify or desalinate it.
    • If you find fresh water, it is best to boil it for 2-3 minutes just in case.
    • If you have a desalination device, great! If not, there are several ways to make your water drinkable.
    • The first method is distillation. Build a solar or fire-powered desalination plant.
    • A solar watermaker can be constructed by filling a large flat container with salt water or even urine, which can be used over and over again if needed. Place a smaller container in the center, placing a stone inside to keep it still. Cover the whole thing with a thin sheet of plastic or whatever material you have and place the stone in the center above the bowl. In direct sunlight, the water should begin to evaporate and condense onto the plastic, flowing down and dripping into a smaller container.
    • For the fire method, evaporate the water and cool the steam using a piece of metal or glass that will allow the now desalinated water to drain into another container.
  1. Build a shelter. You will need protection from the elements and predatory animals. This can be either a natural shelter, for example, a cave, or a shelter built directly by you.

    • Once you have found a natural shelter, the next step is to build a stronger one. It will be your home base, a warm and shady place to sleep, where you can store your supplies and hide from animals. Try to position your shelter above the ground to prevent insects from crawling on you.
  2. Find food sources. The ocean is full of life. At low tide, try to build a low V-shaped wall of stones with the sharp end facing the sea. At high tide, fish will swim in, but will become trapped when the water recedes.

    • You can find many edible roots and berries, but be careful! Some of them may be poisonous. Use them only if you are completely sure of their safety. The best and most reliable source of food is beetles. Yes, yes, exactly beetles. They are everywhere and contain a lot of protein. If you decide to fish with bugs instead, you can make a hook by cutting it out of a stick and attaching a barb to the top. Tie a string to it and your fishing rod is ready to go.
  3. Evaluate your resources. Do you have a supply of fresh water? Perhaps you have a long-range radio, satellite phone, or other means of communication? Are there other people there? They, if properly managed, can bring the greatest benefit.

    Light a fire. It may seem like a commonplace thing on a desert island, but fire has many uses. At the very least it boosts morale. The first task, which is key for morale, has been completed. Fire can also be used to distill water (more on this later), to cook food, and to provide light for you and your resources. If you can't start a fire, don't worry, move on to the next task and keep trying.

    Stay away from dangerous animals. If there are dangerous animals nearby, use a fire at night to keep them at bay. If you have a fire extinguisher, it can be useful to shoo animals away. emergency situations. Traps and warning signals (such as crunching branches) can be used to prevent animals from entering your shelter or to alert you to their presence.

Part 3

Take action together

Part 4

Take care of the rescue

    Place rocks or other large objects in a specific way to signal for help. In William Golding's novel Martin the Thief, a beached man arranged rocks so that they could be seen by passing ships. Commonly recognized distress signals are based on groups of three components (there are six in the UK). Distress signals can be three fires or three piles of stones laid out in the shape of a triangle, three strong whistles, or three flashes of light, which follow one another at one minute intervals and are repeated until a response is received. The appropriate response is three whistles or flashes. If you can be easily seen from the ship, try to make a big red X.

    Try to make contact. Build large, unnatural-looking shapes using bright colors and shiny things. If available, use the radio to contact possible rescuers. Use signal mirrors, fire and flashes of light, or anything that might draw attention to you. Do all of this while you wait for help.

    Never give up. Despair can lead to death. Willpower is what helps people survive without food for several weeks. Without a thirst for life, you cannot survive. Always imagine the wonderful life you will have if you don't give up, otherwise it will be the end for you.

  • Gather large piles of wood and light them to create a smoke signal; dry wood is best for this.
  • Try to make a fishing rod out of branches and vines. Use worms or something similar for bait.
  • Before starting a fire, make sure you have ignition material, fuel, and tinder. It is best to lay out the wood for the fire in a conical/triangular shape.
  • Make a hat to protect yourself from the sun and prevent sunburn.
  • Each individual situation is unique and requires appropriate analysis. Take time to think about what you have, who is with you, what you need, and so on.


  • Don't eat jellyfish or fish with spines, fish that bloat, or those that have something like a beak.
  • Don't eat white berries, most of them are poisonous.
  • Don't drink salt water, even if you think it's a life-saver. Salt water dehydrates the body and makes it worse unless you have other water. A professor from England proved this by swimming for 58 days and drinking only salt water.
  • As a last resort, drink your own urine, but only if there is no other source of water. Do not store urine in bottles, as only fresh urine is sterile. It should also be noted that you can only drink the first urine, since high concentration urine can cause kidney failure. To do this, you need to make a desalination plant. You need to get water by getting rid of salt and other impurities. Otherwise it's even worse than salt water.
  • Do not touch plants with a cluster of three leaves, this could be poison ivy.

What you will need

  • Knife (A knife is the most versatile tool ever invented. There's nothing you can't do with it. If you don't have a knife, you can make one. A piece of rock is a good place to start).
  • Dental floss (for homemade clothesline, laces, for strengthening frayed ropes, patches on a defective area, and also for cleaning teeth).
  • Rope
  • Pots and pans or metal cans (for cooking, storing water, etc.)
  • Tarpaulin (an effective protection against wind and rain, can be used as a blanket or shelter, such as a makeshift tent).

To escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, some people prefer to go to the countryside, to warm, distant countries, and some are looking for the opportunity to retire to a desert island. Where you can feel like a modern Robinson, says Prostoturist.

It is worth noting that the modern understanding of vacation on a desert island is different than half a century ago. Naturally, there are still plenty of uninhabited islands around the world. As a rule, they are not inhabited due to their small size, climatic features or rocky terrain. There are also uninhabited islands declared nature reserves, where rare or endemic animals and birds live and plants grow.

An uninhabited island, a tour to which can be offered in travel company, is, as a rule, a small island conducive to a secluded holiday, where you do not have to worry about a roof over your head and food. There is a mini-hotel or several bungalows equipped there and there are a couple of service personnel, who, however, are very skilled in “invisibility”.

The level of comfort on such islands can be either very low (that is, only the essentials) or very high, accessible exclusively to wealthy tourists.

So where can you go to feel like the next Robinson?

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One of these places is Torres Strait Islands. The archipelago includes more than 270 islands (of which only 17 are inhabited), which are located between Australia and New Guinea and are washed by the Arafura and Coral Seas. The authentic island culture has been almost completely preserved here, namely a bizarre mixture of Australian Aboriginal and Melanesian cultures. You can get here by sea or by plane via Horn Island. The islands of the archipelago are replete with beautiful deserted beaches, beautiful reefs teeming with marine life and lush vegetation. Arriving here, you can relax on the wild coast in peace and quiet, swim and scuba dive in the company of turtles, explore the rich natural world. However, it is worth saying that to visit some islands you need permission from the local authorities, which needs to be arranged at least a month before the trip.

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A very original place for a secluded holiday can be island, which is located in Atlantic Ocean approximately 11 km from the mainland and is part of French Guiana. Although the island is officially called Salvation Island, it is popularly known as Devil's Island, since it was a penal colony from the 18th century until 2000. Now only ruins remain of it, although there are still plenty of sharks around the island today. The island is very overgrown coconut trees, and among its inhabitants are colorful macaws and sea turtles. You can only get here by sea from Kourou, and stay in a small club-type hotel, Tavern des Iles.

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Another paradise with a “criminal” past - 16 islands Con Dao 200 km from the coast of Vietnam. In the last century, the archipelago was also home to a large penal colony, and today they are declared a national park, famous for its impenetrable jungle, azure waters, deserted beaches and rich wildlife. The still poorly developed tourism infrastructure is concentrated in the village of Con Son. There are beach huts and a dive shop. The best things to do on Con Dao are scuba diving, surfing, kite surfing, fishing, walking and, of course, just swim, relax and sunbathe. The temperature on Con Dao stays at 27 degrees almost all year round. Best time For a trip here - from September to January, when there is no gusty westerly wind. You can get to the islands by ferry.

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Is there such a person who, as a child, did not dream of going to desert island? They dream of going to the island even as adults, especially after reading the book "". All these adventures, relaxed and measured life in a tropical paradise, an abundance of sweet fruits, luxurious ocean fishing, spearfishing, amazing corals, snow-white sand, and banana palms... The sun, bright birds nesting on the island, sea turtles and coral fish...

Many people, especially residents of northern countries, dream of their own uninhabited island in the ocean with all its features mentioned above, where the main thing is the absence of this tired civilization!

Coming home from a cold street, lying in a warm bath, people imagine how they ended up on a desert island and bask in the turquoise water of the lagoon. But a lot of worries and problems prevent them from realizing their dream, primarily money. This is a pipe dream for many: “Well, where am I, and where is the island?” - they think. IN modern world It is really difficult to find and select such an uninhabited island suitable for further life. This is either an already inhabited island, or there are not enough resources for life on it. Or it is located very far away. But it's actually not all that bad. Uninhabited islands suitable for life can still be found in nature.

All islands are divided into two types: volcanic islands and atolls. There is another type - raised atolls, or makatea, but there are not many islands of this type, and almost all of them are inhabited. When choosing an island, I recommend paying attention to its appearance. Let's take a closer look:

Volcanic island

Volcanic island- this is the earliest stage of shaping the future of your potential desert island. It is formed due to active volcanic activity at the bottom of the ocean. Simply put, this is the top of a volcano - active or already extinct. Such an island - best option for Robinsonade (island hermitage).

Pros and cons of a volcanic island.

The disadvantages are that other people, for example, local residents, often have their eyes on such an island. Also, the volcano may still be active and attract large number tourists, scientists and other undesirable elements into your quiet, secluded life on the island. Also, on such islands there are often no beaches at all, and a Robinsonade without a beach will turn out to be somewhat unfinished. And there are also black sand beaches.

  • Availability of fresh water. This is extremely important for you. In hot climates you will need a lot of water. High rocks The islands catch clouds, retaining water, and numerous fresh streams and rivulets come from here. Volcanic islands are usually covered, the vegetation of which is always very diverse.
  • Very fertile soil. Possibility to implement. The volcanic soil is rich in minerals and trace elements. Possibility to grow many types of vegetables and fruits.
  • Altitude. An extremely important factor, since often low-lying islands are simply washed away during high tides and rainy seasons, but on a hilly island there is always somewhere to hide.

This is a coral island, the second stage of the formation of your future island. It happens like this: a volcanic island begins to grow a coral reef around it, and the rocks are washed away by rain, and it gradually sinks into the ocean. Those. the process of replacing rocks with a reef occurs. As a result, a lagoon is formed in place of the former rocks, which is filled sea ​​water(as a rule), and small low-lying islands (motu) of coral sand form along the edges. A heavenly holiday and a gorgeous view are the only advantages of such islands.

And here are the disadvantages:

  • The first and most important disadvantage of atolls is lack of fresh water. A lagoon, as a rule, is always connected to the ocean by small channels, and if not, then the water in it is still brackish and undrinkable. Residents of the atolls dig wells that produce clean, but slightly brackish water and collect rainwater, which is not expected in other seasons.
  • The next important disadvantage is low soil fertility. Since the soil consists primarily of coral sand, little can grow from it. It turns out that you should forget about planting completely and be content with only edible wild plants. As a rule, this is , etc. In principle, with the abundance of these wild plants, plus, if you go fishing, you can live, but you will quickly get tired of such a life.
  • The next minus is lowland. Atolls reach an average of 2.5 meters above sea level. They are well drowned with water from the tide.

Atolls are good (just great) for recreation, but bad for settled life. Many people think that when they go as a hermit to the atoll, they will constantly relax there, meditate, and rest. But soon their life turns into constant survival of fresh water. I may be wrong, but I personally adhere to the policy that will provide me with stability. Volcanic islands provide stability for life due to the presence of permanent and highly fertile soil, and for survival and life on a desert island in the hot tropics - this is the most important thing!

How to get to a desert island?

Suppose we looked through everything and chose a suitable island, now the task is: how to get to this island? Do I need a visa to enter this country? It is better to choose countries with visa-free entry- this is understandable: why bother with obtaining these visas when you can enter simply with a foreign passport. Standard entry conditions are:

  • a foreign passport valid for at least 6 months from the end of the trip;
  • return ticket, or a ticket to a third country;
  • evidence of sufficient financial resources for the entire period of stay in the country.

You can also usually extend your official stay by contacting the migration service. You may be unhappy with the second paragraph of these terms and conditions. How is this possible, I’m going there permanently and I can’t afford a return ticket at all, especially if one way is expensive. No one wants to throw away their money, earned through sweat and blood, to achieve their dreams. But it’s not all bad, my dears! Many tourists are familiar with a way to bypass this rule quite painlessly.

That's all, this is what many tourists do who do not want to fly back or do not know when they will fly. Well, you will have to have money; in some countries they require that you have at least $50 for each day of your stay. But you can say that you are leaving in a week, for example, and fake the printout for that date. In general, this is not a problem, and besides, you will still need money. You can simply not take tickets, in many cases they are not asked for them at all, so you can do so at your own peril and risk. In any case, it’s up to you to decide: either buy a return ticket and just throw it away, or make a fake printout, or simply don’t buy it.

You and I have reached the treasured place, but now we need to get to the treasured island. How to do this? You will need to negotiate with the locals about transportation by sea, or buy a boat, always with a motor, because the currents are very strong and can easily carry you to the ocean or back to this island. To communicate with locals you will have to study (at least a little) English language. It is now a second language in many countries, and even in French Polynesia many speak it. Of course, there are people who do not speak English, for example, villagers or tribal people - they have their own languages, but, as a rule, you can still find someone who speaks English among them.

It is not at all necessary that delivery to the treasured island will cost mere pennies - the locals can quite easily charge a high price, and then they will have to bargain or look for someone else. The best thing, of course, is to buy a boat and not depend on anyone. Also, being dropped off with the help of locals can cost you deportation, and all because the local may have a very long tongue - and he will simply babble about you to others, and rumors spread quickly. To avoid this, you can simply live with the locals for a while as a tourist.

Most ordinary village aborigines treat tourists well, not only because they are a source of money, but also because for them it is exotic (just as for us they are) and they are simply interested, especially children. If you are a kind, polite person, then in most cases your request to live among them will not be refused. If you don't have enough money to indulge local residents them, then you can try to work together with them, i.e. help in various matters, be it farming, fishing, gardening, etc. In short, you need to make friends with the locals and then, when your visa expires, declare that you liked it here and would like to go to a desert island (or stay with them further).

This will be the most ideal option for you. Firstly, the locals will always have your back as a friend and just a good person, secondly, they will always come to your aid and thirdly, you won’t have to worry about getting to the island and that someone will talk, because that friends are not betrayed! You will live on your own island and know that if anything happens, you have friends who will help you in difficult times. The ability to get along with people in such situations is very good quality! Well, if you really are a bad person, then the locals will still understand this over time, but you are unlikely to be a bad person, because as soon as good man may decide to take such a step as Robinsonade!

We reached the island. Hurray!!! Finally the long-awaited island! So what exactly are we going to do? And there are a lot of things to do. So ours has begun new life on the island!

The first thing you need to do is take care of shelter, getting food, finding fresh water, etc. In order for us to enjoy life on the island, we will need some things and objects, without which our life will not turn into life on the island, but into survival on it. And ask yourself: “Am I going to a desert island to live or to survive there?” For survival, what you have now will be enough, and you can get everything else on the island itself. But for life you will need some necessary items. And remember that even Robinson Crusoe had his things. So let's begin:

  1. The most important tool on any tropical island is machete(parang). This is an indispensable tool in any jungle, and most of the islands are covered in tropical rainforest (jungle) in their interior.
  2. Ordinary knife, which you will use to do all the other work where the machete is too big.
  3. Axe well suited for large chopping and also as a hammer.
  4. Saw. In principle, you can do without it, but it’s better with it!
  5. Set of dishes, which includes pots, plates, mugs, spoons. Over time you will make plates from coconuts and spoons from wood, but at first you will need them.
  6. Water flask. You will carry water with you everywhere in it, I recommend taking at least 2 liters and with a strap so you can hang it on your shoulder.
  7. Lanterns. It would be nice to have dynamo lights, as well as a headlamp.
  8. First aid kit with necessary medications + mosquito repellents.
  9. Change of shoes, clothes. Take cotton clothes (T-shirts, shorts, a hat, long sleeve shirt), shoes, preferably two pairs of good (not Chinese) sandals. I don’t recommend taking thick Bologna clothes, as they will cook you in the heat.
  10. Fishing set. Spinning rods, spinners, fishing lines (the more, the better), reels, hooks.
  11. Rope thick, thin.
  12. Seeds. But keep in mind that in some countries the import of seeds is allowed only with a special permit, since some governments are afraid of importing GMO seeds into the territory of their states.
  13. Compass
  14. Solar panels or mini windmill would be very useful, you could charge various batteries, including for your smartphone, as well as a GPS navigator, which would make your life on the island much more fun!
  15. You also need to take a lot containers for water. Various canisters, buckets, containers. First of all, they are useful for collecting rainwater.
  16. Well tent or an awning for the first time.
  17. Backpack, I think from 50 liters. Better 70-90.
  18. I also recommend taking a lot plastic bags various ones in order to pack things in them, such as documents, a camera, money, etc.
  19. Mask, fins, snorkel.

Hurry! The desert island is not made of rubber! Perhaps your island has already been occupied by potential Robinsons like you! Good luck in finding your treasured desert island!

Desert Island is a wonderful romantic place that is located in the middle of blue, deep, ocean waters. Oh, how much seduction, mystery and hidden danger are contained in these two words. And what beauty, unknown to human eyes, is found in the green jungle, filled with the sounds of the wild forest and the singing of exotic birds. Probably every resident of a huge metropolis dreams of being there and staying in this boundless silence for some time, taking a break from the loud city sounds and enjoying to his heart’s content the gifts of this paradise. But one question arises: how to get to a desert island, while eliminating the possibility of a shipwreck and plane crash. You can get to a desert island in a safer and more reliable way. First, you need to decide on the direction where you would like to go. In fact, there are not so many uninhabited islands in the south of our planet, thanks to the development of the tourism business. However, you can find a secluded island by first studying it on the map, learning about the residential areas adjacent to it and deciding how to get to your destination from these points. ;

Basically, near the islands there are many settlements, residents who will be happy to tell you how to get to the island and provide transport for this, which you can use to fly or swim. In the Pacific space of our planet there are more than twenty-five thousand islands and small islets. Many of them were formed from underwater volcanic rocks, coral reefs, and also arose as a result of earthquakes. Alone standing islands, absolutely deserted, but this does not mean that they are uninhabited; there, in the coral reefs and rocks, lives a real, living world of mollusks, fish and various mammals. This is the dream of every person who wants to know how to get to an island with such a paradise description and a complete personification of peace and tranquility. Today, due to the development of the tourism business, going to any of these islands will not be difficult. The travel agency will help you develop desired route, purchase air tickets and make a list of things necessary for living on the island.

In order to visit the island, you do not always need to travel outside your homeland. For example, in the city environs of St. Petersburg, for many years there has been the most real island, called Elagin. And on that island, built, of unprecedented beauty stone palace with pavilions, greenhouses and gazebos. The grandeur and grace of the Elaginsky Palace enchants every visitor and does not leave anyone indifferent to its beauty and splendor. Guests of St. Petersburg are uncontrollably attracted by Elagin Island, how to get to it by metro does this question torment them? It is best to get to the glorious island from the Krestovy Ostrov station, and then walk along Ryukhin Street to the Yelaginsky Bridge. And in the summer, this place can be reached by aquabus - a minibus water taxi, which departs from the very center of St. Petersburg opposite the Findlyandsky Station. This method of travel is quite economical and allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg and the Neva River.