Children's plane ticket. The subtleties of purchasing an air ticket for a child. Discounts on air tickets for children What is the discount on air tickets for children under 12

Air ticket for a child under 2 years old (baby, infant) – 90% discount on the full ticket.
With a child ticket, the baby flies in the arms of adult accompanying persons (parents, guardians, guardians, adoptive parents). If a child is flying with by a stranger, then you need a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Children flying on a plane with one passenger can be from one to a group, in which case the cost of the child ticket changes.

On a ticket with a 90% discount, one adult can carry only one child, for all children there is more than one, you need to buy a ticket with a 50% discount and the children will fly in their own seat.

Typically, a child is allowed significantly less free baggage than an adult passenger - only 10 kg. The exception is Swiss, Lufthansa, British airways - one seat weighing 23 kg per child ticket.

Often airlines allow you to additionally take a travel stroller, a portable cradle or a car child seat for free (Aeroflot, Transaero). Some airlines offer children under one year of age a cradle for the duration of the flight; it must be ordered in advance.

Per child is allowed to take baby food, which can be taken into the aircraft cabin in addition to hand luggage and permitted liquid.

Special conditions can be purchased for an additional fee.

If the baby wants to be transported in his own seat in the aircraft cabin next to his parent, then he will need to buy a child ticket with a 50% discount.

On flights within the Russian Federation, children under two years old can fly free of charge.(Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 82 clause 106 dated June 28, 2007). Consent to transport a child across Russia is not required from parents; he can be transported by his grandmother or aunt; A birth certificate is sufficient.

If a child is taken abroad, then the consent of the second parent is required if it is recorded on the child’s birth certificate, even if the parents’ marriage is not registered.

Air ticket for a child from 2-12 years old – discounts 50% - 25%, a child must be accompanied.
(There is no single rule; each airline has its own % of discounts). With this ticket, the child receives his own seat on the plane, the right to carry baggage and hand luggage, almost always, as with a full ticket.

The child must be accompanied by an adult passenger, or if the child is over 5 years old, he can be observed by an employee of the carrier (this service must be paid for, declared in writing, filled out a form indicating passport details and telephone number, those accompanying and meeting). During the flight, the flight attendant will look after the child and give toys and souvenirs.

You can order special meals for your child free of charge in advance of the flight. When purchasing a child's ticket, you need to carefully read the ticket - the departure date, departure time and flight number must match those indicated on the accompanying person's ticket; you must always exclude the possibility of errors and problems on the road.

There are known cases when the tickets of parents and children had different departure dates, despite the fact that the tickets were purchased together

Air ticket for a young person from 12 to 25 years old – 10-15% discount, no accompaniment required.

A teenager can fly alone. All rights and responsibilities of an adult passenger. Owners of ISIC, ITIC, EURO26 cards can receive discounts of up to 50% on air tickets.

Air transport is considered the most convenient way to reach a remote point in the world. Kilometers are covered in a relatively short period of time.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Thanks to this category special passengers, which include children, who experience virtually no difficulties compared to railway and bus transportation. At the same time, passengers should know the requirements for flights, and when traveling with children, prepare in advance. Read on for the most important things.

What you need to know

Today, airlines have a developed level of service and, when it comes to children, offer adaptive conditions for each situation. The main thing is to inform in advance about the planned trip with the child, indicating his age and other characteristics. They will be taken into account and will go to the meeting.

Other features include the possibility of receiving on board:

  • drinking water;
  • toys;
  • coloring books;
  • other items approved for use during the flight to keep the baby occupied.

What to take with you

Traveling by plane is not the same for toddlers and teenagers. Each category requires taking into account their characteristics, but, of course, it is more difficult with young children.

Up to 2 years

If a child is under 2 years old, he or she is allowed to take on board a load of no more than 10 kg. Still water is required. Warm clothing is not required, as a normal temperature is created on board, and a blanket is provided if necessary. You can take food on the plane.

In the list of necessities, depending on the situation, mothers can write:

  • diapers - their calculation is individual;
  • napkins;
  • a disposable diaper for sleep;
  • change of clothes;
  • bib;
  • a small pillow.

Some airlines offer their own kits for babies up to one year old, and bassinets for infants. It will be more comfortable to sleep in them. You can request this no later than one day before departure.

Important! Bringing your own carrycot is prohibited.

If the baby is already sitting and up to seven years old, it is used. According to the rules, it is placed near the window, but not in the outer rows near emergency exits. They must have straps that secure the shoulders. Seat size 400 by 400 mm. In this case, the design should not prevent the seat from reclining from the rear.

It is installed before takeoff and remains in place until landing at the final destination of the flight. Carrying a baby stroller is permitted. It is used before entering it. After this, it is marked and transferred to luggage compartment employee of the company. After landing, she is given out again to continue her journey.

From 2 to 12 years

At the age of 2 – 12 years, the child should be able to sit on his own. At this age, he can carry luggage up to 20 kg and use general rules, privileges.

Important! Pre-booking will allow you to reserve seats located next to your parents.

There is food on board, so older children who are not on a special diet do not need to worry about food. Meals are ordered 36 hours before the flight. The service is, in most cases, free. The menu is compiled from a list of children's dishes.

From 5 – 16 years

Age 5 – 16 years. This division applies when determining the possibility of an independent flight under the supervision of an airline employee. You should clarify the specifics of ordering the service directly with the company whose transportation you are going to use.


Even newborns are allowed to be carried on airplanes. The limitation is only the first week and premature babies, for whom you must take a certificate from a doctor about their health status and the possibility of transporting them by air.

Parents can carry small children under 2 years of age in their arms. In this case, one ticket is required. One adult is allowed to carry only one child.

It would be a good idea to take into account the location of the seat on the plane. Best places- the first ones, so you can’t book tickets at the last minute, as they may be busy.

The reasons are as follows:

  • the front is more spacious;
  • there are devices for sleeping;
  • turbulence is felt less;
  • there are cradles (in most cases, this is specified in advance);
  • The baby will be more comfortable, which means he will survive the flight better.

If the child is active, he will like to sit on the edge, as it will be easier to get up and walk around. Quiet children feel more comfortable in the middle, as they won’t be disturbed by people walking around the cabin.

Near the side of the aircraft, next to the window, it is more convenient for those who like to look out the window, draw, play, since no one will distract their attention.

An hour and a half before the flight, both the child and relatives should eat:

  1. Food should not be fatty or sweet.
  2. It is better to drink plain water without carbon.
  3. To prevent motion sickness, you can take Dramamine or another drug, depending on your doctor’s recommendations. There are also special drinks that reduce gag reflexes. You should worry about preparing them in advance.

Important! Remember that flying is stressful. Take your child's favorite toy with you, which will make him feel more relaxed.

When paying attention to children, parents themselves should be an example, because they look at them and, depending on this, behave this way.

Make sure to follow these steps:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • treat passengers with respect;
  • keep calm;
  • follow the flight rules.

Basic rules for children and parents:

  1. Don't walk on runway before and after landing.
  2. Do not enter office premises.
  3. Do not let children walk around the salon on their own.
  4. IN emergency situations follow the crew's recommendations.

It is useful to discuss the behavior of the child and adults on board before the flight, telling what is and is not possible and how to behave in different situations.

Rules for transporting children on an airplane in Russia

Russian legislation has approved rules that specify how a child can fly alone on an airplane in Russia: “General rules air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees"

According to them, the following requirements should be taken into account:

  • children 2 – 12 years old are transported with adult passengers over 18 years of age (with brother, mother, grandmother, others);
  • It is allowed to travel unaccompanied by adults, but only with permission from the carrier and permission from the parents;
  • if the age is over 12 years, childcare or travel without an adult can also be arranged (at the discretion of the company);
  • if the child is incapacitated, he must be transported only accompanied by an adult who will monitor him and ensure the safety of the child and others, but after the parents petition the carrier.

Group transportation with an accompanying person must also be documented, have parental permissions and other documents that meet the carrier’s requirements.

Can a child fly alone?

According to the rules of air transportation, after turning 5 years old, children can travel independently, including without parents, around Russia. Some companies undertake to transport children even from 2 years old.

In this case, an important part is the paperwork, since parents are required to prepare the relevant documents:

  1. Application for the provision of accompanying personnel from the air carrier.
  2. Papers indicating information about the employees who will accompany you.
  3. An agreement from the parents (one spouse) to allow an independent flight with the obligatory stamp of a notary.
  4. A questionnaire with information about the child, details of the meeting person, and other information.


A mandatory requirement for flights outside the country is a passport, including for children. If the trip is planned with one parent, he has an entry in the document about the child, then he is not required.

The list of other documents is similar to travel within the country. They can also transport it abroad. You should know in advance how to arrange everything correctly, you should prepare in advance, because each company has its own rules. If some offer a service, then they have the right to refuse another.

If a child is sent on his own, unaccompanied by adults, and a transfer is planned, the independent travel service may also be denied. When a child flies on his own, his luggage is accepted on a general basis, but a special sticker with contact information is attached.

Only the most necessary things are taken into the salon. The company issues such passengers with special bags with documents, which must always be with the child before handing it over to the receiving party at the destination. They say “Unaccompanied Child.”

The set of documents in the bag is as follows:

  1. Ticket.
  2. Boarding pass.
  3. Baggage receipt.
  4. Application for escort service.
  5. Accompanying sheet.
  6. International passport.
  7. Birth certificate.

Sequence of events when independent trip child is as follows:

  1. Upon arrival at the airport, parents must hand it over to the company representative, information about which is indicated on the accompanying sheet. He accompanies you at every stage of the check, on the way to the plane, and passes it on to the flight attendant, whose details are also indicated in the accompanying documentation.
  2. Unaccompanied children are seated first in the cabin, before all passengers, in the most comfortable and safe place.
  3. While traveling, they are watched over by qualified flight attendants. They are trained to monitor them, find answers to children's questions, and solve problems. Their responsibilities include accompanying them to the toilet, presenting a game gift, and entertaining them.
  4. After arriving at the airport, the child is the last to be taken out and handed over to an airline employee. If a transfer is required, he is transferred to another airliner. They offer you something to drink (water, juice, tea).
  5. Upon arrival at the airport, the child remains with a company employee until he is handed over to the receiving party, even if he is late.

Important! The greeter must present identification documents. The information must correspond to the data specified in the documents that were recorded during registration for the shipment.


The most important thing in preparing for any trip, especially a long one, is documents. Without them, they won’t even let you board the plane.

The main list contains:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • international passport, visa;
  • questionnaire;
  • ticket;
  • or he is with another adult other than his parents or their legal representatives. It must indicate the country of delivery and terms;
  • prescription and medical history extract if medication use is required.

Important! If the child is included in the parent’s passport, and it is of an old type, he does not need to have an identity document. If the passport is new, then the child must also have a foreign passport.

Important! When flying with parents, a child must have an identical surname. Otherwise, you should have confirmation of its change. This is required by airlines in order to prevent the illegal removal of children and protect their rights.

Ticket price

The ticket price is determined by the age of the child and the seat occupied.

Table. Discounts on children's air travel tickets.

Important! Flights within Russia are free for children under 2 years old if they travel in their arms.

By free ticket we mean issuing a special, zero travel document. When ordering the “Accompanying a child on an airplane” service, you should take into account its payment.

It depends on the following factors:

  • air carrier offers;
  • place of ticket purchase;
  • flight range;
  • type of flight (domestic or international);
  • child's age.

Important! Discounts do not apply to children traveling without adults.

The cost of accompanying someone without parents is different for all companies (Aeroflot costs 40 euros one way). Ingoda, parents have questions about determining the validity of discounts and prices at the time of completion of 5, 12 years.

Considering the situation at Aeroflot, children under 12 years of age inclusive or not should be considered age at the time of execution. If someone turns 12 on their birthday, then up to 13 people fall into the 5 – 12 category.

If a child was born in the sky, what citizenship will he receive?

Different countries treat people born during a flight differently:

  1. Some assign citizenship based on blood (like parents), others based on soil (depending on place of birth).
  2. Thus, the USA and Canada give citizenship to those babies who are born in its airspace.
  3. If the parents are Russian and fly on a plane under the Russian flag, then in some countries it is possible to acquire 2 citizenships.
  4. This also applies to the rules of the airline that operates the flights and that delivered the baby, but which also takes into account the laws of the state whose flag it flies.

So, a baby can even get 3 citizenship options:

  • the country that the airline represents;
  • country of birth;
  • the country in which the plane landed.

Thus, a child can even receive triple citizenship. It all depends on the situation and laws.

Important! A plus is the policy of some companies that provide those born above the clouds with free flights for life or provide a certain number of flights per year.

The cost of an air ticket, as well as the conditions of transportation, depend on the age category of the passenger. Tickets can be divided into the following categories:

  • Adult ticket;
  • Child ticket with seat(with a seat in the aircraft cabin);
  • Child ticket without seat.

Ticket price:
A child's ticket without a seat on domestic flights is free.
Child ticket without seat international flights purchased with a 90 percent discount on an adult ticket.
A child ticket with a seat is purchased at a 50 percent discount on the cost of an adult ticket.

Important! The above discounts may not apply if the ticket is sold at a special rate (that is, at a reduced price). For example, with the low-cost airline Pobeda, children's tickets with a seat cost the same as adult tickets, since their cost is already quite low.

Regardless of the passenger’s age, even if it is an infant, an air ticket must be purchased for him. Let's imagine what kind of tickets are needed and what are the conditions of transportation for different age categories.

Infants under 2 years of age. Infants under 2 years of age can only fly if accompanied by an adult (an adult passenger or a person who has acquired full legal capacity before reaching adulthood). For them, a ticket without a seat is purchased (the baby flies in the arms of an adult passenger), and there is a rule “for one ticket with a seat, only one ticket without a seat,” that is, the number of tickets without a seat cannot exceed the number of tickets with a seat place.

Example. If one adult flies with a child under 2 years old, then he purchases one adult ticket (for himself) and one ticket for a child without a seat. But if he is flying with two babies, he cannot buy two tickets without a seat for the children. In this case, he must buy one adult ticket (for himself), one child ticket without a seat and one child ticket with a seat.

Some aircraft are equipped with special bassinets for infants. They are located on the walls in the aircraft cabin, separating business class from economy class or separate sectors of economy class. For a comfortable flight, if you wish, you can purchase a child ticket with a seat for a child under 2 years old.

Children from 2 to 12 years old. For children aged 2 to 12 years, a child ticket with a seat is purchased. Sometimes they ask the question: “The child is two and a half years old, he will sit on my lap, can I buy a child’s ticket without a seat?” Answer: “No, you can’t. If your child is over 2 years old, you must buy a child ticket with a seat.”

Example. You are flying with two children: one child is one and a half years old, the other is 4. You must buy one adult ticket for yourself, one child ticket with a seat for a four-year-old child, one child ticket without a seat for a one-and-a-half-year-old child.

The child is provided with a separate seat in the aircraft cabin, and the airline must take ALL measures to place the child next to the accompanying adult passenger.

Children aged 2 to 12 years old can fly either accompanied by an adult passenger or under the supervision of the airline, see How to send a child on a plane without an adult.

Children 12 years and older. Children of this age category can fly unaccompanied by adults. For them, a regular adult ticket is purchased.

How is the age of a child determined when purchasing an air ticket?

The age of the child is determined not at the time of purchase of the ticket, but at the date of commencement of transportation, that is, on the date of departure from the point of departure! Let's look at three examples:

Example 1. When purchasing a ticket, the child is not yet 12, but on the day of departure he will already be 12, therefore, an adult ticket is purchased for the child.

Example 2. You buy a round-trip ticket Moscow - Simferopol. When departing from Moscow, the child is 11 years old, and by the time he returns he will be 12. If you buy one round-trip ticket, and not separately “there” and separately “back”, then the start of transportation is considered to be departure from Moscow. Consequently, a child ticket is purchased for the child, despite the fact that he will already be 12 years old on the return trip.

Example 3. You have a connecting flight Moscow – Perm – Vladivostok. At the time of departure from Moscow, the child is 11 years old; at the time of transfer in Perm, the child is already 12. B such a case For a child, you buy a child ticket, since the start of transportation is considered the date of departure from Moscow, and at that time the child was 11.

Another interesting subtlety. Let's say you are flying with a child and bought round-trip tickets from Moscow to Vladivostok. You flew to Vladivostok, and there you decided to change your tickets (change the return date or some other parameter). When you were in Vladivostok, the child turned 12. Since the start of transportation is considered to be your initial departure from Moscow, when reissuing a ticket, the child’s age on the date of departure from Moscow will be taken into account, in in this case 11 years old and a child rate will apply.

Flying with a child is a responsible task. Parents are asking questions: is there a children's plane ticket? How much does it cost and up to what age can you fly with benefits?

All airlines provide tickets for children on preferential terms. The size of the discount depends on age. In addition, there are nuances: during the trip the child has a birthday, and he is no longer included in the preferential category or a child with disabilities. What to do in such a situation and are there any discounts? More on all this below.

When issuing an air ticket for a child, employees reserve a separate seat. Very young children can travel in their mother's arms. According to the established rules, a document must be issued for each passenger, otherwise the passenger will not be allowed on the flight.

Tickets for children are divided into 2 types:

  1. Children under two years of age. IN Russian airlines It is customary to call it a baby, in foreign companies it is called an infant (INF).
  2. Children from two to 12 years of age. In Russian-speaking companies they indicate the category “child”, in foreign ones - child (CHD).

If your son or daughter is traveling alone, you can purchase a ticket without a discount with 100% payment.

How to buy a ticket for a child

When planning a trip with children, tickets for them are issued together with “adults” on the website. In the search bar next to the category there are buttons with a “+” sign - add children. If there are several children, their number must be indicated according to the age of each.

When purchasing a ticket, a parent provides a birth certificate for each child in order to receive a discount according to the child’s age.

If passengers have already purchased itinerary receipts and want to add a baby, then in addition to the cost of the document according to the company’s tariffs, the passenger will be charged an additional tax for the exchange at the current rates at the moment.

Up to what age can you buy a child ticket?

The Ministry of Transport defines a child ticket from birth to age 12. The standards are reflected in the relevant law on aviation regulations of June 28, 2007, which establishes the rules for the carriage of passengers.

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It is important to know! Age when purchasing a ticket is indicated on the day of departure. If he is 11 years old on the day of purchase and already 12 on the day of the flight, the discount is not provided.

How much does a child ticket cost?

The size of the discount depends on what age category the child falls into.

From 0 to 2 years

Russian airlines provide free flights if the passenger is under two years old. In this case, the baby must fly without having a separate seat allocated for him. Upon purchase, a “zero” ticket is issued for it.

How much does a child ticket cost when traveling abroad? Global airlines may not provide free travel, but they do offer a 90% discount. That is, for children under two years old, parents pay 10% of the original price.

Note! A passenger can carry one infant under two years of age free of charge. If there are more children, a child ticket of the next age category will be issued for subsequent flights. In this case, a separate seat will be provided for each of these children.

If parents want their child to fly in a separate passenger seat, a document for the 2-12 year category is also issued for him.

Services for passengers under two years of age:

  • You can carry luggage up to 10 kg;
  • You are allowed to take a stroller into the luggage compartment free of charge;
  • ordering a cradle for a baby in the salon;
  • ordering baby food.

From 2 to 12 years

Children exposed to this category, the company provides a ticket with a separate passenger seat. Discounts for children aged 2-12 years depend on the airline's rules. As a rule, this is 50%, sometimes it can reach up to 75% discount on the ticket price.

Children from two years to 12 years old can carry the same amount of luggage as adult passengers. Children over 12 years old are considered adults, for them the ticket is paid at 100% fare.

Important! The child ticket discount does not include additional taxes.

What to do if your child turns 2 or 13 during the trip?

Many families, when flying on vacation, are faced with a situation where a child has a birthday during the trip - he turns 13 or 2 years old. What to do in this case?

It all depends on the carrier airline. Each introduces its own rules, which can be divided into types:

  1. Allowed to fly at a discounted rate for children under 2 years old/13 years old round trip;
  2. Airlines that allow you to buy a return ticket at the “infant” fare, and back at the “child” fare. For 13 years old, there is a children's course, and back - an adult;
  3. Carriers that require round-trip tickets to be purchased in either the child or adult category for a 13-year-old.

The table shows airlines operating under all three conditions:

Companies that allow you to fly at the “infant” fare, even if you are 2 years old during the trip Companies requiring a separate reservation passenger seat, as well as payment at the rate for children over 2 years old Carriers allowing booking there at a more favorable rate, back - in accordance with age
All Russian air carriers

Air Europe

Air Pacific


Vietnam Airlines

American Airlines

British Airways

British Midland Airways

China Airlines

Czech Airlines

Malaysia Airlines

Scandinavian Airlines

Singapore Airlines

TAM Linhas Aereas

Thai airlines

Ukrainian International Airlines

Virgin Atlantic Airways

Brazilian Airlines

Georgian Airlines

Austral Lineas Aereas

Aegean Airlines

Cathay Pacific Airways

Delta Airline

Netherlands Airlines

Polish Airlines

Air Baltic

Egypt Air


Air Namibia

Estonian Airlines

Israeli Airlines

Olympic Air

Portuguese Airlines

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

Air tickets for disabled children

For the last few years, Russia has been running a special program for disabled children, which is designed to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable segment of the population. One of the points of the program was the introduction of discounted air travel. Companies have created a separate tariff for disabled people, including children.

For a disabled person who is under two years old, the flight rules are similar to ordinary children. Free ticket when flying without a separate seat and a 50% discount when booking a separate passenger seat.

A disabled person from two to 12 years old can fly with a discount of 25 to 50% of the ticket price. The discount percentage depends on the degree of disability.

Some companies have a program that allows disabled children to take free flights once a year. In this case, the flight must be for the purpose of treatment. In order to use the service, you must provide supporting documents.

Flight rules for children with disabilities

  1. Children without the ability to move independently or confined to a wheelchair cannot fly alone. An accompanying person is required;
  2. In advance of the flight, a request is made to create conditions for the flight of a disabled person. This could be the provision of a wheelchair or stretcher, assistance with placement in the cabin. In the absence of the necessary conditions, the company has the right to refuse to allow a disabled passenger to fly;
  3. If he is hearing disabled, then he can travel without disabled equipment under a preferential category;
  4. If you are visually impaired, you are allowed to travel with a guide dog. To do this, provide the necessary documents for the animal in advance. The dog must be muzzled during the flight.

Traveling with children is quite challenging task, because they do not always behave well, and even the rules for their transportation usually differ significantly from similar rules for adults. On the other hand, many types of transport offer discounts on tickets for passengers under a certain age. If the planned trip must take place by plane, long before departure you should definitely clarify all the formalities related to the transportation of the baby accompanying you.

Transportation rules

An additional complication in determining transportation rules is the fact that some of them are established by the state and are common to all airlines, while others are the decision of the carrier itself. In general, airlines try to structure their policies in such a way as not to worsen the flying conditions for their customers, but requirements may still vary.

To avoid surprises, all the smallest details should be clarified in advance.


The most important thing in the question of the availability of benefits on air tickets for a child is whether they exist at all (and up to what age they are valid). Actually, if there were no benefits, this article would not exist, so naturally they exist.

Let's start with the youngest category - children under 2 years old. In the professional airline dictionary, such passengers are called “babies”, in English - “infant”. These children have the least financial problems. They fly for only 10% of the cost, and sometimes, if they fly literally in the arms of an accompanying adult, for free. Price policy It depends on the specific carrier.

It is necessary to take into account that if there are more babies than adults, then it does not matter whether they will fit in your arms. All but one infant per adult will have to book separate seats, and this will almost certainly not be free. By the way, even if the company does not require any money for transporting the baby, you still need to issue a ticket for it - ticketless passengers are not allowed on board.

There is another preferential category of small passengers - on tickets it is indicated as “child”, or “child”. This includes children aged 2 to 12 years. In principle, they fly in the same way as adults - they are assigned a separate seat, and luggage in “adult” volume is provided for them, but there is also a discount. It is difficult to indicate a specific cost - this is exactly the case when the carrier itself determines what to do, but usually you have to pay 50-75% of the full cost of the flight.

If a child is over 12 years old, then he is no longer entitled to a discount - he will have to purchase an adult travel document.

A minor must carry certain documents with him, the exact set of which depends on who exactly he is flying with - unless he is traveling in the company of both parents.

At the same time, remember one thing important rule: the age of the child when booking tickets is taken into account by the date of arrival, and the indicated age limits strictly imply the birthday. In other words, a baby is considered an infant if he is either 1 year old or not even that. As soon as the little one turns 2 years old, on the same day he becomes just a child. The same applies to the transition from the “child” stage to the adult stage - on the day when one turns 12 years old, discount tickets become inaccessible for a small passenger. This means that if you are traveling during a trip where your child is either 2 years old or 12 years old, it is not possible to book return tickets. You will have to buy them separately, because when flying “there” the passenger will be listed in one category, and when flying “back” - in a more adult category.

Many are also interested in the question of at what age a child can fly alone. There is no specific answer here either. On the one hand, from the age of 2, paragraph 104 of the Federal Aviation Regulations allows you to fly without parents, but under the supervision of the carrier, however, airlines reserve the right to increase the minimum age of such a traveler in order to avoid risks. Such conditionally independent flights may be acceptable from 3, 4 or even 6 years of age, but most often from the age of 5 years (if, of course, the carrier offers such a service at all). It is possible that you will have to pay extra for it, and in general - when flying unaccompanied by adults, you often have to pay 100% of the ticket price even for a child.

At independent travel under supervision, it is important that this observation is not interrupted anywhere. When purchasing a ticket, the sending party, represented by an adult, is obliged to contact the carrier’s representative office and fill out all the necessary documents there, and then, before departure, arrive with the young passenger at the airport and personally hand it over to the airline representative. He will hand it over to the flight attendant and inform the “sender” by phone that the child has departed. The sending party is also required to remain at the airport until the plane departs.

At the point of arrival, the scheme works the other way around: the flight attendant hands the little one over to the airline representative, who then hands it over to the receiving party, but only if the latter has identification documents.

If no one has picked up the child, the accompanying persons will first contact the parents. If for some reason the situation cannot be resolved, the passenger will be sent back.

Airlines may place restrictions on this type of movement, such as limiting escorts to only their direct flights (or allowing transfers). In the presence of long transfers the carrier may additionally require payment for the baby's meals.

Some parents genuinely care about children aged 10-12 (and even older), which is why many airlines offer supervised flights for passengers up to 16 years old. At the same time, supervision is mandatory only up to 12 years of age, and for older passengers it is already optional - at the discretion of the parents. Such a teenager can fly independently.

Benefits and tariff formation

As for benefits and tariffs, this point is the responsibility of each individual carrier, and not the regulatory authorities. There are some general rules, but they are rather advisory in nature, so the exact cost should be clarified based on the specific airline and the specific date of the flight. In general, the following patterns can be identified (which, again, are not guaranteed):

  • Children under 2 years old fly for free or almost free (especially in cases where they do not occupy separate seats).
  • Children from 2 to 12 years old discounts of 25-50% are provided, but this is only if they are flying with adults. If you do it yourself, there may be no discounts at all.
  • Additional services (for example, carrier surveillance) can significantly increase the cost of the ticket.
  • As with flights for adults, reservation travel documents significantly earlier than the travel date allows you to get a significant discount.

Required documents

Wherever and with whom children fly, they will definitely need documents, which they should have with them in any situation. We’re not talking about air tickets – that goes without saying.

The easiest way is if the child is flying with at least one parent - then a birth certificate indicating that the accompanying adult is indeed the closest relative is sufficient. If the child flies on his own, the list of documents increases dramatically. In particular, you will also need:

  • Forms, indicating passport and contact information (both those seeing off and those meeting).
  • If necessary payment for support services - payment receipt.
  • Birth certificate.
  • For those seeing off and greeting– documents confirming their identity.

However, this will not be enough if the baby flies abroad, but this will be discussed in more detail below.

Additional services

Some airlines strive to take care of even the youngest passengers, so they provide various additional services. The escort service for solo flights has already been mentioned, but this is not all.

In particular, for the little ones, many carriers provide a special cradle, which is very practical for those children who are not yet very comfortable sitting in a seat. In addition to this, you can get some other useful things, such as diapers and wipes, bibs, even a drinking bottle.

Slightly older children were not left unattended either.

In terms of intangibles, they may be given the opportunity to watch cartoons or children's channels during the flight, but there are also material gifts. Usually these are typical children's things - coloring books and drawing sets, various books and mosaics, puzzles, toys, games. At transfer points there are often special playrooms that will keep the young traveler occupied with something.

International flights

Everything you read above becomes significantly more complicated if the flight is international. Here everything also largely depends on the country where the child is flying, because each state has its own rules.

Let's start with the cost. Discounts for children with the same age categories(up to 2 and up to 12 years) are a practice widespread throughout the world, but even approximate figures are difficult to give. In general, it would be fair to say that such discounts are already somewhat smaller than for domestic flights.

According to current legislation, a child has the right to fly out of the country accompanied by one of the parents without the documentary consent of the second, unless the court recognizes the right of the second to prohibit such movements. But for independent travel, the rules can be much stricter - in particular, in some states they are not allowed at all, so you need to clarify such information either with the carrier or at the embassy of the country where the plane is heading.

As for documents, here the task also becomes somewhat more complicated. The only exceptions are Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Children under the age of 14 can fly to these countries using a regular birth certificate - provided they are traveling with an adult. Independent travel abroad is permissible from the age of 8 years, but in this case, notarized consent of both parents is required.

If the flight is planned to some other country that was not mentioned above, then you will also need a foreign passport.

The list of documents greatly depends on the rules of the state, because in some cases you may even need a permit for medications that the child needs and takes with him. For this reason, it would be most practical to clarify the rules for the entry of children as of a specific date for the country where you plan to go.

Where can I see the price of a ticket and buy it?

Today there are quite a few ways to purchase an air ticket - now it is so convenient that you can even do without going to the ticket office. Although there is an exception - if you plan to send children under the supervision of a carrier, you will have to purchase a travel pass strictly at the company’s representative office.

In all other cases, the Internet will help out perfectly.

The most current and 100% verified information on prices is provided by the official websites of airlines, and they also usually offer a purchase option. At the same time, there are dozens of different sites (and even applications for gadgets) that allow you to visually compare the prices of different carriers for the same route. At the same time, they also allow you to immediately purchase what you want. Keep in mind that air ticket prices are subject to constant fluctuation. They change both due to currency exchange rate fluctuations and depending on the specific day (it’s usually more expensive to fly on weekends and holidays) or the time before departure (the earlier you book, the cheaper). This means that today you could see the ticket you need at one price, and tomorrow, when you decide to book, you will be surprised at another. Most likely, it will be unpleasant, because over time the cost almost always increases.

  • Have all formalities been completed? Don’t be shy to ask the carrier again whether you have prepared all the documents for transporting your baby.
  • In the cabin, carry everything your baby needs in your carry-on luggage. If this is a baby, do not forget the pacifier and bottle - it is not a fact that the carrier will issue them. This solution will help prevent ears from getting stuffy during takeoff, and for older children lollipops or sweets will be a substitute.
  • On the road, the young passenger will probably want to eat and drink. Try to make it something that he will like - it will not only satisfy his hunger, but also relieve stress, and also improve the child’s mood. Sometimes you can get baby food right on the plane (ordered in advance). You can also ask to warm up what you take with you. By the way, the air in the cabin is very dry, so take plenty of water.
  • Think about entertainment along the way– books, toys, coloring books or even multimedia devices with cartoons and educational games would be useful.
  • Minimum set of medications wouldn't hurt either.

The main thing is not to repeat the mistakes of the heroes of the movie “Home Alone”, who in the rush and confusion forgot to take their own child, and then everything will be fine!

To see what rates apply to children's tickets, see the following video.