Road map m4. Highway M4. Go south by car. Paid areas, gas stations, toilets, hotels. Photos of the route. And lastly, most importantly

The M-4 Don highway is the result of the work of the GIPRODORNII Institute, which is engaged in scientific design research in the field of road construction. The construction of the road was carried out in the second half of the last century (from 1959 to 1966).

The route was classified as a road of the 3rd technical category, with parameters of 7 m wide and two lanes. Initially, the M-4 Don highway was not designed for heavy traffic.

Starting from the 80s, the need arose to create an additional section of the road in the Moscow region (Domodedovo area), and therefore a section of 18.4 km was built. On the eve of the new millennium, the expansion of the route continued. In just one year (from 1999 to 2000), the M-4 Don became 135 km longer (including due to regional highways in Moscow and Tula), and the number of lanes increased to four to eight.

Important! As a result, today the route smoothly turns into Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. Such transformations of the M-4 Don made it possible to reduce the traffic load on the Kashirskoye Highway section of the road, which is now used mostly as a bypass route for cars from other regions of the country.

The route was also distinguished by the fact that one of its bypass sections in Lipetsk region(near the village of Khlevnoe), built back in 1998, subsequently became the first in the country to charge a toll for travel. And although the length of this road was only 20 km, it became the first on the list of toll roads in Russia.

Since the 2000s, large-scale construction aimed at developing the highway, creating roadways separated from each other, as well as intersections with other routes through the construction of multi-level highways, has continued to gain momentum. The night lighting system is being actively put into operation.

From 2009 to 2011, several bypass roads were built (the cities of Bogoroditsk, Efremov, Yelets, etc.), which made it possible to endure intensive traffic beyond the borders settlements.

After control of the road passed to the state-owned company in 2010, it, together with partners (association of carriers, media) initiated a check of the condition of the route and the level of service on the road. As a result, it was found that half of the infrastructure did not meet the comfort requirements, and a third did not meet the legal standards. The history of the introduction of toll sections on the M-4 Don highway.

Reference! October 1999 - A Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is issued regarding the establishment of the first toll section of the M-4 Don highway. The roadway itself and the infrastructure facilities around it were repaired: the road became wider and smoother, it was fully equipped with a lighting system at night; rest areas and express lanes began to comply with the provisions of the law.

A multi-level traffic interchange, allowing for changes to additional branches of the main road, was built at 461 km. A section of the bypass road between the settlements of Zadonsk and the village. Khlevnoye (from 417 to 464 km), which increased the total length of the route, became a toll road at the end of 2010.

In the spring of 2013, a general Toll Point (TCP) appeared. They installed it at 71 km of the route for a section of 20 km (from 51 to 71 km). Subsequently, this segment became 52 km longer.

In 2013, sections of the road from 225 to 260 km gradually became tolled; from 330.8 to 414.7 km and from 287 to 321 km - a bypass route is being created around the city of Efremov.

2015 – new sections of the highway appear, for which drivers must pay. After a major overhaul of the bypass road around Voronezh, the section from 492 to 517 km became tolled. In the same year, all car owners began to pay for travel along the section of the route from 544 to 633 km.

2016 brought new changes. Now it was impossible to drive for free along 93-211 km of the Moscow-Tula road, and another 571-544 km in the Voronezh region (a bypass section of the highway was built here around the villages of Novaya Usman and Rogachevka).
IN Rostov region tolls on the M-4 Don highway (from 1091 to 1119 km) were introduced at the end of 2017.

Attention! All toll sections of the route are equipped with special systems for collecting money for travel: open or mixed type. The vast majority of areas use an open system, which means that the driver pays once when passing through the toll point.

He no longer pays (regardless of the time frame) if he only moves without leaving the boundaries of the paid zone. And only on the Lipetsk section of the road (414-464 km) a different payment system is used: here drivers pay for travel when crossing the toll point, but the validity of the payment is limited to 12 hours. If the car stays within the boundaries of the toll zone for longer, then the fee is paid again when leaving the territory. The length of stay in a paid area is determined on the basis of a check issued to the driver upon entry.

For convenience and safety of traffic, all toll sections are equipped with landline telephone facilities, through which, in the event of an emergency, you can contact emergency services.

On toll roads there is no traffic light system or adjacent side roads, and oncoming traffic flows are separated from each other. This allows drivers to reach speeds of up to 130 km/h.

They are equipped with toll roads and an automatic control system, the functioning of which is ensured by the work of various technical equipment. means - video cameras, weather stations, etc. This allows you to quickly receive information about the situation on the road depending on the weather, lighting, and emergency situations.

Reference! The collected data makes it possible to quickly make decisions to eliminate any problems on the highway, with the involvement of the appropriate assistance services. Information important for ensuring normal traffic flow is posted for drivers on the road special. scoreboard

The establishment of tolls is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation, which acts on the basis of Article 36 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N257-FZ.

And Krasnodar. In general, today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good. Over the past ten years, it has changed significantly, and many of the problems that motorists complained about have been resolved. The situation on the M-4 highway is now generally favorable. The only negative is its great length.

Features and characteristics of the M-4 highway

The route stretches in the meridional direction from Moscow to Dzhubga ( Black Sea coast), and the last section - Dzhubga - Novorossiysk - runs along the sea in a northwestern direction. The total length of the route is 1540 kilometers.

The intensity of vehicle traffic on the M-4 is growing every year. In 2016, 68.7 million transport units traveled along it. A year earlier there were 30 percent fewer of them. The increase in congestion on this highway can be explained by the increase in popularity Black Sea resorts in recent years. Other (additional) reasons may be: growing motorization in the country and rising prices for passenger train tickets.

According to the European classification, the M-4 Don highway belongs to different sections. The section from Moscow to Krasnodar is listed as E 115. The section from Krasnodar to Dzhubga is marked with the code number E 592, and from Dzhubga to Novorossiysk - with the code number E 97. From Novoshakhtinsk to Pavlovskaya there is a section of the route E 50.

In and in some places in the south the route is listed as a motorway, and in the rest of the territory - as highway.

History of the route

Previously, the M-4 highway was called route No. 5 and connected Moscow and Rostov-on-Don. It was built in 1959-1967 as a third category road. It was 7 meters wide and had 2 traffic lanes. Part of the road line had already existed since the 2nd half of the 19th century.

It was introduced immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Then it was given the name M-4 "Don". Now this route is a kind of continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. Previously, it ran along the Old Kashirskoye Highway, but now this highway does not belong to the Don highway and is used for regional transport.

Active development of the M-4 highway has been carried out over the past 15 years. It now has divided lanes and difficult intersections with other highways, as well as bypasses in many cities. Part of the route is now toll. There are such sites in the Tula, Lipetsk and Moscow regions.

Reconstruction of certain sections of the road has been carried out in recent years. Today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good.

Features of traffic on the highway

"Don" is one of the most exploited in Russia. This is due to its geographical significance. Travels along the highway a large number of both road and freight transport. In summer the traffic flow is especially dense. Vacationers go to the resorts of southern Russia and Crimea, and trucks transport agricultural products from the south. Traffic jams often form in the south Voronezh region, as well as near toll points in places where the highway is toll. This is especially true for the Moscow region.

Sometimes the weather becomes the movement. This often happens on passes. Krasnodar region, where in winter time Heavy snowfall and ice are typical. Less frequently, such problems arise in other areas. Sometimes transport is idle for several days. This was noted at the end of 2009 in the Rostov region - due to snowfall.

Another reason for traffic jams is the narrowing of the highway from four lanes to two.

State of the M4 Don highway today

The route passes through several areas. The highway begins in the Moscow region. There is a toll road here. The quality of the canvas here is good. From Moscow itself it has 8 lanes, and after Vidnoye - 6. After 71 km - from 4 to 6 lanes and very good quality road surface.

Next on the motorist’s route is the Lipetsk region. The highway is also mostly toll, there are 4 lanes, the quality of the road is excellent.

Next comes the Voronezh region. There are mainly 4 lanes, but on the section 632-700 km there are two, and traffic jams are common in this area. The quality of the canvas varies from poor to excellent. There are 6 lanes on the Voronezh bypass. This and one other section of the route are toll roads.

The next region is Rostov. The M-4 highway here has 4 lanes. The quality of the canvas to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is good, although right side There are some coating defects. South of Kamensk and up to Bataysk the road condition is not very good. This also applies to bridges and overpasses. Two areas are unfavorable: near Kamensk and near Bataysk. South of Bataysk, the quality of the road is good, but there is 1 unfavorable section (from the Open market).

In the Krasnodar Territory, the highway has from 4 to 6 lanes with good to excellent coverage. One section of the route is under reconstruction. South of the city Hot key and to Novorossiysk the road has a large number of dangerous sections. Basically it is two-lane. The situation on the M-4 highway in this section greatly depends on weather conditions.


Thus, we come to the conclusion that today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good.

Have you decided to go on vacation to the south in your own car? If you don’t want to ruin your vacation before it even starts, I recommend reading this article. Today I’ll tell you about the two most common scams on the highway that you may encounter on the road. I'm tired of constantly watching how innocent motorists are being bullied. I hope this article will save at least someone from such troubles on the road.

Nowadays, the outright lawlessness of traffic cops, which they committed in the 2000s, has become history. Today you will no longer encounter the arbitrariness that happened at the “famous” post, but scamming drivers into bribes is still used quite effectively. Now extortion of money occurs much more culturally and less intrusively than before, since the mechanisms for combating corruption, at the very least, have begun to work and traffic cops are periodically sent to prison.

All schemes are quite primitive and are designed for your fatigue, inattention, haste and desire to quickly get to your destination.

Scam on M4 Don for markings or oncoming traffic

There are different options for this method of divorce, but the essence is the same. I will describe the situation using my own example.

I pass the Rostov traffic police post at the address: st. Open, 1. When driving in south direction, the post is located in front of the bridge over the Don River.

The inspector stops. I present the documents to the employee and he immediately, muttering something under his breath, leaves and takes a position at the trunk, behind the car.

At this point, I made a grave mistake and left the car before the employee voiced his intentions or complaints to me. I thought that he wanted to inspect the trunk and went after him so as not to waste time.

Next, the traffic police officer tells me that I violated the traffic rules, and specifically drove over the markings indicating the turning point of oncoming traffic, that is, I seemed to have crossed the oncoming lane. Naturally I am indignant.

Always remain seated in the vehicle until the inspector has made it clear what he wants you to do. If you have a recorder, turn it so that it records your conversation with the traffic police officer. In 99% of cases, there will be no further dialogue with you, they will give you your license and you will move on, saving your time and nerves.

Then the acting begins. The traffic cop demonstratively contacts someone on the radio and they confirm to him that it was my car that violated the rules and this was recorded on some kind of camera. He tells me that I am subject to deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months. Once again I confidently tell him that I did not violate anything. Next we go to the traffic police post, to a separate “VIP” room, not equipped with anything at all. There was only a table and two chairs, there wasn’t even a basic laptop to show anything in fact. Next, the inspector sits down at the table and invites me to sit opposite me. I refuse and take a position almost point-blank towards him. Here the traffic cop makes a mistake, since psychologically he finds himself in a less advantageous position for putting pressure on me - I’m on top, he’s on the bottom)) After which I go on the attack and start bombarding him with questions: where was the violation committed, what time, who gave the information , why they didn’t immediately stop you on the spot, and so on (naturally, the employee was essentially unable to answer most of the questions). And at the end of my fiery speech, I demand to show photo and video evidence of the violation and propose to start drawing up a protocol.

The police officer refuses to draw up a report, saying that he personally does not have materials on the case and they will be sent to the court at the place of residence. Returns my rights. In simple terms, this means that the employee jumped back, realizing that he could not receive the bribe.

No one will send any materials to any court, because they simply do not exist. Even if you theoretically imagine that they exist, then at most you will receive a letter with a fine, and not a court! If you were not stopped at the exact moment of the violation, then there can be no deprivation of your license, since it will be impossible to prove who exactly was driving the car at the time of the violation.

Speeding scam

This scheme is similar to the situation described above. Only in this case does a scam for speed occur and you will be shown a record of your alleged violation.

This is the meaning. A traffic cop stops you and says that you have exceeded the speed limit by more than 60 kilometers, which entails deprivation of your license. Next, on your laptop (and sometimes even on your phone :)) you will be shown a real photo of your car with a recorded speed. But the point is that it is impossible to understand from the photo where it was taken or what the permissible speed was there. In another option, the place will be known and a specific kilometer will be indicated, but the permissible speed there was, for example, not 90 km/h, but 30. They will assure you that there was some kind of sign there and you did not notice it. Most likely, there was no sign, and the camera is not “officially” positioned.

In this situation:

  • Demand to provide the device for reconciliation on which the violation was recorded.
  • The photo should indicate the permissible speed and the speed at which your car was moving. During a divorce, most likely, only the speed of the car will be indicated.
  • If the camera is in one place, but you are stopped in another, then this is not a deprivation, but only a fine.

Let's analyze the situation and summarize

All frauds with falsification traffic violations are quite primitive and designed to quickly confuse the driver. Since traffic cops are afraid of being caught while “processing a client,” they quickly retreat at the slightest resistance. Time is also an important factor, and time is money)). If you resist, then it’s easier for them to let you go and catch another, more accommodating car owner.

  1. Be confident. Don't show your fatigue. Take your time. Try not to be nervous.
  2. When traffic police stop you, never get out of your car unless absolutely necessary. The law does not oblige you to do this. If an employee, without explanation, begins to leave with your documents to an unknown destination, remind him that he does not have the right to do this without your permission.
  3. Do not unquestioningly obey all the inspector’s requests, since most of them are requests and not demands. You are not obliged to comply with requests and this does not constitute disobedience to a traffic police officer. For example, in 99% of cases an employee does not have the legal right to demand you get out of the car; he can only ask you to do this.
  4. Do not play by the rules that the employee offers you, but try to impose your own (within the limits of the law), as this will distract the employee from the proven divorce scheme. He asks you to get out of the car - don’t get out, asks you to sit down - stand still, asks you a question - ignore it and ask your own, etc.
  5. Avoid questions that are not relevant to the situation: where are you going, where do you work, etc. If the inspector realizes that you have money, he will cling to you like a tick))
  6. If you are accused of some kind of violation, then behave confidently. Ask leading questions quickly and clearly. If you feel that the inspector is “floating” in some topic. Ask the same question even more persistently and confidently. Demand to see evidence. Demand that a protocol be drawn up.
  7. If your violation was recorded by a camera, and the traffic cop stopped you later, then let him know that you are aware that this is, at a minimum, no longer a deprivation of rights. Then he will no longer be interested in you.
  8. Record your communication on mobile phone or communicate in the presence of witnesses. For example, you are driving with your wife, they stop you and drag you to a checkpoint - go together, the law does not prohibit this.

And lastly, most importantly!

Under no circumstances do you think about taking a bribe!

Firstly, by thinking about a possible payoff if something suddenly goes wrong, you are already subconsciously admitting yourself guilty. The traffic cop will sense this and “eat” you)

And secondly, do not give bribes, since supply creates demand. If you don’t give, then there will be no one to cheat. And if you really violated it, then be prepared to answer according to the law if you want to live in a normal and civilized country.

Another famous place, where you can be deprived of your license for crossing a continuous road - on the M4.

Friends, do not remain indifferent to the arbitrariness of the traffic police on the roads! Write complaints on the traffic police website and help disseminate this article on social networks.

Good luck to everyone on the roads and have a nice holiday!

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Even those citizens who have never traveled outside of Russia have heard that abroad you have to fork out money for travel on roads, as well as for using bridges and tunnels. Now, in our modernized Russia, efficient businessmen have begun to charge money for road travel. A striking example of this is the M4 (“Don”) highway. Paid sections appeared on it in 1998. Now there are over 530 km of them on this road, and in the near future there will be almost twice as many. In addition to payment, how do these sites differ from alternative free ones? Is there any benefit to using them? How can drivers who do not want to shell out their hard-earned money get to their destination without paying anything? Let's figure it out.

Historical reference

The route, which is now causing so much controversy, leads from Moscow to Novorossiysk through such big cities, like Krasnodar. Its length is 1543.7 km. Part of this route from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don was once called Route No. 5 and was built in the late sixties of the last century. During this period, the road was two-lane, with a width of only 7 meters. During the years of perestroika, the construction of its backup began, on which traffic lights were not installed, that is, they tried to make it a high-speed one. In 1990, 18.4 km were put into operation, including two sections in the Domodedovo area. Until 2000, the development of the M4 highway actively continued, as a result of which the road became 500 km longer and stretched to Dzhugba, plus it included a piece of the Sukhumi highway to Novorossiysk, and 135 km of backup sections with up to 8 lanes appeared. They were built in Moscow and Tula regions with funds from the state budget. At that time, no money was charged for traveling on the M4.

Paid sections

As a result of construction and road manipulations, the M4 highway has significantly increased its capacity and become more convenient. Paid sections began to appear on it in 1998. The first was only 20 km long and went around the village of Khlevnoye. This part of the road was opened with pathos, as it became the first toll road in all of Russia. reconstruction with the construction of bypass sections was carried out with enviable activity. The result was two toll sections at once:

1. At 225.6-260 kilometers (35 km detour of the city of Bogoroditsk). Now from the Moscow Ring Road to it, almost the entire section of the highway is tolled (with the exception of a small piece 14 km long from the intersection of the M4 with the road to Uzlovaya to the intersection with the road to the village of Chernaya Gryaz).

2. At 287.8-321.3 kilometers (34 km long detour to the town of Efremov).

Now drivers of cars pay here from 35 rubles, depending on the time of day and class of car, and drivers of trucks - from 240 rubles.

Avtodor innovations

In 2010, the Avtodor company became the manager of the Don highway, which has a very positive attitude towards tolls for drivers.

The company's specialists first analyzed the condition of the road and began repairing it, simultaneously building new bypass routes. The result is a higher quality, but also more M4. Toll sections have appeared on the following kilometers since 2010:

330.8-414.7 (bypass the village of Yarkino and the city of Yelets).

416.9-464 (bypass of Zadonsk).

Bypass glorious city In Voronezh, several toll sections with a total length of 141 km were built. They start at 492 km and end at 633 km, going around Voronezh, Novaya Usman and Rogachevka. The free inserts here are very short, so the three payment points are installed almost one after the other.

paid areas (2016)

The Avtodor company is going to continue to shorten sections of the route on the Don highway that can be ridden for nothing. Thus, in 2016, two new sections with a total length of 190 km became toll roads. The first one starts at 21 km (just outside the Moscow Ring Road) and lasts 72 km. The second one starts from this road marker and lasts another 118 km. You have to pay for crossing the barrier twice, the first time - from 50 to 140 rubles, the second time - from 80 to 450 rubles. In total, Avtodor plans to make 892 km toll roads by 2020. Now their length is 531 km. Some drivers are interested in what Avtodor employees will do if they drive up to a toll booth and say that money was accidentally forgotten at home. The answer will not please you - such drivers will be forced to go back, but no one will raise the treasured barrier for them.

How many toll sections are there on the M4 (Don) highway?

2 in Moskovskaya;

2 in Tula;

2 in Lipetsk;

3 in Voronezhskaya.

In addition, 5 paid exits to the highway are open in the Lipetsk region.

In general, you will now have to pay for travel from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don for a passenger car from 510 rubles, and for trucks - from 2660 rubles one way, but it is quite possible that prices will change.

Road quality

Along with the question of how many toll sections are on the M4 highway, drivers are also interested in the question of what they have to pay for. From the Moscow Ring Road to the exit to the village of Vidnoye there are 8 lanes on the road. Further, to Saratov - 6 lanes, and after - 4 lanes. According to drivers, the quality of the road surface is good, but the speed limit on toll sections is no more than 110 km/h. There are unequipped toilets, gas stations, and cafes along the route. In addition, there are points where you can call a tow truck, a gas station or a repair team. The downside of toll roads (besides the price) is the queues at payment points, and the transponder does not always help, since there is no perfect system for its use yet.

The free road has mostly 4-5 lanes (3 or 2 in one direction, 2 in the other), in some sections there are only 2 (one each to the south and to the north). The quality of the canvas throughout is satisfactory, because here repair work Road services are also involved. Along the road, as on the toll M4, there are cafes, gas stations, and unequipped toilets. You can drive along this highway at a speed of 90 km/h. Large trucks, of which there are plenty here, create inconvenience. On average, the time lost when driving around a toll road is about half an hour.

How to get from MKAD to Kashira

Let us remind you that the M4 highway originates from the point where the Moscow Ring Road intersects with Lipetskaya Street. Toll sections are open from the 21st km, but so far Avtodor has blocked the road with barriers and installed the first toll point only at the 62nd km. Therefore, from the Moscow Ring Road to the intersection with A107 (this is the 51st km of the M4 highway) you can travel for nothing. Also, exits in the direction of Vidnoye (on the 22nd and 24th kilometers), exits in the direction of Domodedovo (this is on the 31st, then on the 34th and 46th kilometers) and the exit on the A107 are not yet paid. For those who travel further, from the Moscow Ring Road you can travel for free along the Kashirskoye Highway to the settlement of Sitne-Shchelkanovo. Next, at a fork, the road will go towards Stupino. Here, at the intersection in front of the railway, you need to turn onto Pobeda Avenue, follow it back to Kashirskoye Highway and follow to your final destination. The disadvantage of this route is that the Kashirskoye Highway is quite heavily loaded and, as a result, there are frequent traffic jams. This road is currently being reconstructed, so if it is left free, it will be a good option.

How to get around the toll M4, heading to Bogoroditsk and Efremov

There are several options for bypassing toll sections on the M4 highway. So, if you are traveling to Bogoroditsk and beyond, you can use the driving directions indicated above. This means you need to drive along the Kashirskoe highway to Stupino, then turn onto Pobedy Avenue, return without stopping at Kashira, follow to the fork in front of the village of Zendikovo, turn there onto the Voronezhskoye highway, or continue along Kashirskoye to the P22 highway, which leads further and further from the M4 . In the Venev area this distance is approximately 30 km. To get to Bogoroditsk by this route, you will have to wind your way along country roads, the quality of which is far from satisfactory, and in addition, you will have to “wind up” extra kilometers.

Some drivers advise driving to Bogoroditsk and nearby settlements for free along the Simferopol highway (M2). The condition of the road surface here is excellent, the speed can be reached up to 90 km/h. After Tula you need to turn onto the road leading to Bolokhovo and follow it to Black Mud. There will be an exit to the free section of the M4. The difference will be several kilometers. Those who need to go to Efremov can, following the same M2, pass Tula, Shchekino without stopping and turn right at the intersection in the village of Lukino. From there, an almost straight road will lead to Efremov.

How to get around the M4 heading to Voronezh

The shortest distance from the capital to Voronezh is 516 km. On this long journey it is difficult to avoid every toll road section. The M4 highway from the Moscow Ring Road to Voronezh runs past Bogoroditsk and Efremov. Above we described how you can get to these settlements for free. Despite some differences in mileage, many drivers choose the Simferopol Highway, which is quite pleasant to travel along. The number of lanes on this section varies between 2 and 4, the road surface is in good condition, and there are many gas stations and cafes along the route. Follow it further to the village. Lukino is unwise, since to return to the M4 you will have to make a significant detour. If you follow this route until km 321 (end bypass route Efremov, the difference in mileage will be only about 7 km (about 307 km along the M2 and about 300 km along the M4). Then you can drive 9 km along the free section of the Don highway. Having reached the exit to toll road, do not turn onto it, but continue moving along the railway. along the path, pass Yarkino, cross the Sukhoi Kolodets stream, railway. path, go around Yelets along its outskirts, the Bystraya Sosna River, get closer to the M4 again, drive through Zadonsk, Khlevnoe, the free section of the M4 and, without entering the paid section, turn onto the road to Voronezh. The difference in mileage along this route is very small, but the road surface is much worse than on the toll highway. The second inconvenience is traffic jams in Zadonsk and loss of time traveling through Khlevnoye and Voronezh.

How to get around the M4 heading to Rostov

The bypass of toll sections on the M4 (Don) highway ends in the Voronezh region, at the 633rd kilometer. Further south you can go calmly. Currently being designed new site toll road bypassing the city of Pavlovsk, but so far it is not there. To get onto the free M4 from Voronezh, you need to pass 3 more toll sections. Two of them - through Novaya Usman and Rogachevka - can be passed without difficulty. As a result, the last 89 km remain. It will not be possible to get around them with minor losses. If you turn left onto P298 after Rogachevka, you will have to make a big detour. There are no convenient right turns here. Therefore, the detour must begin from Voronezh. There are two options here - left along highway 193 or right in the direction of the village of Liski. Both of these options are inconvenient due to a lot of extra mileage and poor quality roads.

The old exits from the traffic intersection will be removed. The following will appear here:

  • exit from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road onto the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • a tunnel from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street towards the center;
  • an overpass from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • an overpass from Lipetskaya Street to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road;
  • exit from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street;
  • exit from the M-4 Don highway onto Staro-Nagornaya Street;
  • exit from Lipetskaya street onto a side passage towards the region;
  • turn-around exit from Lipetskaya Street to a side passage along Lipetskaya Street.

On Lipetskaya Street, when moving towards the Moscow Region, inspection areas will be installed Vehicle. The Zagorye settling and turning area will be rebuilt.

The section of the Moscow Ring Road from Kashirskoye to Varshavskoye highway is being reconstructed. Its length is 7.2 km. Expressway lanes will be installed here, and side passages will be built on the inner and outer sides of the Moscow Ring Road.

From the outside of the Moscow Ring Road there will be an exit to the village. Near Prudishchi, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

Five new pedestrian crossings will be built. Four of them are via the Moscow Ring Road:

  • next to the bus stop ground transport near the Krasnogvardeyskaya metro station;
  • near Vostryakovsky passage;
  • near Podolsky Kursantov Street;
  • near the 26th km of the Moscow Ring Road.

Another crossing will be built across Lipetskaya Street.

Noise barriers will be installed along the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street (near houses 50, 52 and 54/21).

Noise-proof double-glazed windows will be installed in houses 17, building 1, 50, 52 and 54/21 on Lipetskaya Street and in houses on Vostryakovsky Proezd.

At the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Lipetskaya Street, utilities and the contact network of trolleybuses, the routes of which run through the construction zone, will be rebuilt.