Distance from m4. M4 highway, toll sections: how to get around them? Features of traffic on the highway

The M4 Don highway is a strategic artery connecting Central part countries with a southern region. The road is equipped with 7 toll sections. Before your trip, you need to find out ways to bypass areas with traffic jams, the price of travel on toll roads, as well as alternative ways to bypass them.

The road, excluding the section near Losevo, has at least 4 lanes. IN Krasnodar region There are several kilometers of 3-lane highway. 7 main sites for this period is not the final number. IN Rostov region It is planned to open several toll collection points; the Krasnodar Territory is next.

Overview of toll areas

While some sections are equipped and have good travel conditions, sections in the Voronezh region, with unclear payment points and poor quality roads, cause confusion among motorists. As Avtodor says, each toll section has the ability to bypass on a toll road. Is this so, let's try to figure it out.

Moscow section from 21 to 93 km

This is the first section with a length of 72 km, starting immediately after the Moscow ring road and ending near the village of Sitne-Shchelkanovo.

One of the main routes to bypass this particular section is the Kashirskoye Highway and the exit to the highway is already at the end toll road. The disadvantage of this route is the heavy congestion of the route and traffic jams due to repair work.

Section of the route from 91 to 211 km

This period passes through 2 regions - Moscow and Tula. The end is near the village of Dedilovo.

The 119 km section of the highway also has several detour options. Having reached the village of Sitne - Shchelkanovo along Kashirka, at the fork in the road we turn towards the village of Stupino. Near the railway crossing we turn onto Pobeda Avenue and again go out onto Kashirka. We move on along it. At the village of Dedilovo you can again exit to the M4 and drive 14 km to the next toll booth.

Road section from 225 to 260 km

This road goes around the town of Bogoroditsk. Its length is 35 km. It starts from the village of Sukhanovka and ends at the village of Alekseevka. A detour is not a very good option, but when driving along the Kashirskoye Highway it is one of the main options. Along Kashirka we get to Zendikovo. Here at the fork we go to the Voronezh highway, or we continue along the previous path. The second path is longer, it is better to go along it in dry weather.

This section also includes the bypass of the city of Efremov. The toll section starts from 287 and goes to 322, the length is more than 34 km. This period begins at the village of Dry Rafts and goes to the village. Pushkari. There are several alternative ways. You can continue driving along the Voronezh highway and Kashirskoye highway. But there is a route to bypass all of the listed areas, without winding along busy highways and streets. We present it below.

An alternative way to bypass the first 3 toll sections

On this way there is fewer places rest, motels with canteens. But on the expressway this route is even faster than the M4. This is Simferopol highway, M2 highway. The speed limit on the free highway is 110 km/h. Paradoxical but true. You can move along this path and pass almost everything paid areas, but it’s better to get off on the M4 near the city of Yelets and then drive along the main highway.

Another plus is that there are no speed limits of 30–40 km/h as on alternative roads.

To get there, you need to exit the Moscow Ring Road at the M2 Highway Crimea sign or follow the sign for Simferopol. We pass Tula, turn onto Efremov, here we go onto the old highway and can go around Yelets, as well as a toll detour near Zadonsk. In front of Efremov there will be a traffic sign for a toll highway, an alternative. After the junction, turn right, cross the bridge and at the traffic police post, turn right onto an alternative section of the detour.

As a result, it turns out to pass, on a good road, at least 4 toll sections, increasing the length of the route to Yelets by 7 km.

A section of the bypass of Yelets, Lipetsk region.

The length of the route is more than 83 km, starts from 330, lasts up to 414 km. The beginning and end are located near two tracts. From Shumsky Verkh to Ozerki near Livenskaya. Here you can take a detour along the old M4 highway. But traffic jams often occur in Yelets on the bridge over the Don. But there is no better way to get around this detour, as well as the next piece. This road can take you to Voronezh.

Detour from Zadonsk and the village of Khlevnoye

The 50 km long road starts from 414 and ends at 464 km. You can follow the old Moscow highway after Yelets, along the main road. We pass the city of Zadonsk, then several small villages follow one after another. There are terrible speed bumps here and a speed limit of 30 km/h almost along the entire route. Therefore, we recommend not to kill the suspension, but to pay and drive along the toll section with ease. Especially if you have a transponder.

Next, the payment points come almost one after another. If the Voronezh bypass is new site with good coverage, then the road from 544 to 633 km, with a length of 89 km, is just a piece old highway with places with high ruts. In addition, further away there is a piece of road near the village of Losevo with constant traffic jams. Therefore, we advise you to bypass it immediately after Voronezh. In case of traffic jams, you can bypass the toll sections on Usman and Rogachevka by turning at the sign towards the urban settlement. Liski and, moving through Kamenka and the city of Rossosh. At the same time, the traffic jam is bypassed and the exit to the M4 occurs near the Rostov region.

Thus, it is possible to bypass all toll sections of the DON highway, but the detour is not always the most best option, especially on bad roads and with speed limits. It might be better to purchase a transponder for 1 thousand rubles, travel on a toll road, without queues, with a 20% discount.

The M-4 “Don” road was designed by the Road Design, Survey and Research Institute GIPRODORNII and built in 1959-1966 in accordance with the requirements for a road of the third technical category - with a roadway width of 7 meters and two lanes. It was designed for light loads. From 1984 to 1990, a duplicate M-4 section was built and put into operation in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region with a length of 18.4 km. In 1999, 72 km of road with 4 - 8 lanes were put into operation, in 2000 - 63 km of road in Moscow and Tula regions. As a result, today's Don highway is a continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. The former route of the road - the old Kashirskoye Highway - has lost its former significance and serves mainly for regional transportation, as well as to bypass traffic jams that appear on the Don highway. In November 1998, in the Lipetsk region, a toll section of the road bypassing the village of Khlevnoye, about 20 km long, was solemnly put into operation, the first in modern history Russian roads have a toll section. In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the highway along its entire length continued, as a result of which most of the road received separate carriageways and multi-level intersections with other roads, and the length of sections with night lighting increased. Bypasses of the cities of Bogoroditsk (2009), Efremov (2010), Yelets (2011) and other settlements were built.

In 2010 the road was transferred to trust management State company "Avtodor". The state-owned company, together with the Association of International Road Carriers, Support of Russia, and the media, monitored the condition of roadside service facilities, recognizing more than 50% of existing facilities as uncomfortable for use, and another 30% as not meeting legal requirements.

Almost all toll sections of the M-4 Don highway have an open toll collection system, with the exception of the section 414-464 km, which has a mixed system. Payment for the toll is made once when crossing the toll point and is not charged to users who will move within the toll area without passing through the toll point. The section in the Lipetsk region (414-464 km) has a closed toll collection system. Toll booths are located at km 416 and km 460. Payment is made upon entering the toll area and is valid for 12 hours from the date of payment. To leave the toll section, you must provide a receipt for payment of the fare to the cashier-controller of the toll gate. If travel through a toll section took more than 12 hours, then the toll must be paid again.

Throughout the entire length of the toll sections of the highway, there are stationary telephone sets for emergency notification of special services about the occurrence of emergency situation(emergency commissioners). Due to the separated flows of oncoming traffic, the absence of traffic lights and the junction of secondary roads at the same level, the estimated speed of traffic on toll sections ranges from 90 to 130 km/h.

Elements have also been introduced at toll sections automated system management traffic(ATSUDD) which provide:

  • collecting information about the situation on the road in real time through a video surveillance system
  • collecting information about weather conditions from automatic road weather stations;
  • collecting information on the operation of outdoor lighting and urgent operational information from emergency communication points;
  • prompt decision making
  • transfer of information to the relevant road maintenance services, and, if necessary, emergency services;
  • informing road users about the speed limit and possible travel restrictions through information boards installed along the entire length of the road.

The toll regime for this section is being introduced on the basis of Government resolutions Russian Federation, which in turn were adopted in accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Highways and Road Activities in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.”

Detailed information about the location of Toll Points and Sales and Service Centers on the M-4 Don highway is available on the page

And Krasnodar. In general, today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good. Over the past ten years, it has changed significantly, and many of the problems that motorists complained about have been resolved. The situation on the M-4 highway is now generally favorable. The only negative is its great length.

Features and characteristics of the M-4 highway

The route stretches in the meridional direction from Moscow to Dzhubga ( Black Sea coast), and the last section - Dzhubga - Novorossiysk - runs along the sea in a northwestern direction. The total length of the route is 1540 kilometers.

The intensity of vehicle traffic on the M-4 is growing every year. In 2016, 68.7 million transport units traveled along it. A year earlier there were 30 percent fewer of them. The increase in congestion on this highway can be explained by the increase in popularity Black Sea resorts in recent years. Other (additional) reasons may be: growing motorization in the country and rising prices for passenger train tickets.

According to the European classification, the M-4 Don highway belongs to different sections. The section from Moscow to Krasnodar is listed as E 115. The section from Krasnodar to Dzhubga is marked with the code number E 592, and from Dzhubga to Novorossiysk - with the code number E 97. From Novoshakhtinsk to Pavlovskaya there is a section of the route E 50.

In and in some places in the south the route is listed as a motorway, and in the rest of the territory - as highway.

History of the route

Previously, the M-4 highway was called route No. 5 and connected Moscow and Rostov-on-Don. It was built in 1959-1967 as a third category road. It was 7 meters wide and had 2 traffic lanes. Part of the road line had already existed since the 2nd half of the 19th century.

It was introduced immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Then it was given the name M-4 "Don". Now this route is a kind of continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. Previously, it ran along the Old Kashirskoye Highway, but now this highway does not belong to the Don highway and is used for regional transport.

Active development of the M-4 highway has been carried out over the past 15 years. It now has divided lanes and difficult intersections with other highways, as well as bypasses in many cities. Part of the route is now toll. There are such sites in the Tula, Lipetsk and Moscow regions.

Reconstruction of certain sections of the road has been carried out in recent years. Today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good.

Features of traffic on the highway

"Don" is one of the most exploited in Russia. This is due to its geographical significance. Travels along the highway large number both road and freight transport. In summer the traffic flow is especially dense. Vacationers go to the resorts of southern Russia and Crimea, and trucks transport agricultural products from the south. Traffic jams often form in the south of the Voronezh region, as well as near toll points in places where the highway is toll. This is especially true for the Moscow region.

Sometimes the weather becomes the movement. This often happens on passes. Krasnodar region, where in winter time Heavy snowfall and ice are typical. Less frequently, such problems arise in other areas. Sometimes transport is idle for several days. This was noted at the end of 2009 in the Rostov region - due to snowfall.

Another reason for traffic jams is the narrowing of the highway from four lanes to two.

State of the M4 Don highway today

The route passes through several areas. The highway begins in the Moscow region. There is a toll road here. The quality of the canvas here is good. From Moscow itself it has 8 lanes, and after Vidnoye - 6. After 71 km - from 4 to 6 lanes and very good quality road surface.

Next on the motorist's path - Lipetsk region. The highway is also mostly toll, there are 4 lanes, the quality of the road is excellent.

What follows Voronezh region. There are mainly 4 lanes, but on the section 632-700 km there are two, and traffic jams are common in this area. The quality of the canvas varies from poor to excellent. There are 6 lanes on the Voronezh bypass. This and one other section of the route are toll roads.

The next region is Rostov. The M-4 highway here has 4 lanes. The quality of the canvas to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is good, although right side There are some coating defects. South of Kamensk and up to Bataysk the road condition is not very good. This also applies to bridges and overpasses. Two areas are unfavorable: near Kamensk and near Bataysk. South of Bataysk, the quality of the road is good, but there is 1 unfavorable section (from the Open market).

In the Krasnodar Territory, the highway has from 4 to 6 lanes with good to excellent coverage. One section of the route is under reconstruction. South of the city Hot Key and to Novorossiysk the road has a large number of dangerous sections. Basically it is two-lane. The situation on the M-4 highway in this section greatly depends on weather conditions.


Thus, we come to the conclusion that today the condition of the M4 Don highway is good.

It just so happens that the M-4 Don highway is considered the main resort artery of the country. From the road to the sea, especially a toll road, everyone expects extremely positive emotions, because we go on vacation in a good mood. But can the track live up to our hopes?

The state company Avtodor, which is engaged in the reconstruction and maintenance of the M4 highway, according to its press service, is doing everything possible and even beyond to make the path to the delights of the holiday as easy as possible. However, we cannot call traveling by car to Crimea, Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik or Novorossiysk easy and cloudless. The construction is far from finished. It won’t be quiet here - they promise repairs, detours, and traffic jams...

  • The most ominous place on the M4 is still the Losevo-Pavlovsk traffic jam. Construction of the bypass is well underway and ahead of schedule, but there are still problems this summer. The most seasoned travelers advise leaving in such a way that the Losevo-Pavlovsk section passes in the late evening or at night, when traffic is minimal.It also makes sense to use detours; their routes can be found on the Internet. At night, it is advised to cross Rostov-on-Don; a bypass of the city will still be under construction for some time, and there are a lot of traffic jams in the city in summer.

When viewed from the outside, the reconstruction of the route is proceeding slowly. However, every year more and more new paid (read reconstructed) sections are introduced.

  • For example, from April 29, a toll regime was introduced in the Krasnodar Territory on the section of the M-4 Don highway from 1195 to 1319 km. When paying in cash or by bank card travel for a passenger car will cost 200 rubles during the day and 120 at night. By using a transponder you can save 20%. An open toll payment system will be organized on this section of the route. Motorists will pay once, regardless of distance. The toll point is located at km 1223 of the highway.

By the way, regarding tariffs, Avtodor traditionally announced a seasonal increase in tariffs for travel from 21 km to 1319 km of the route. From April 15, the tariff increased by 21.6%. HigherThe performance is traditional, and it will last until October 13. Only transponder owners will be able to save money. For them, travel is from 21 to 93 kilometers, from 93 to 211, from 492 to 517 kilometers andfrom 1091 to 1119 kilometers will remain at the same level. The increase also affected other highways under the jurisdiction of Avtodor.

  • So, travel on toll sections will not change (130 rubles), but on Fridays, weekends and holidays will increase to 150 rubles. when paying in cash.
  • For the section from 58 to 97 km, the payment remained the same, but for the section from 208 to 543 kilometers it increased by 16.6%, to 770 rubles. for passenger cars during the day when paying in cash or by card. Avtodor explains seasonal tariffs by increased traffic, and therefore additional costs for road maintenance.

At the third stage of the Aksai Bypass on the M4 Don highway in the Rostov region this year, traffic will not be restricted in the section of the highway reconstruction from km 1024 to 1036.

As part of the third stage of construction, it is planned to reconstruct a section of the highway with the expansion of the roadbed in the direction of Moscow, the construction of a bridge across the Tuzlov River and an overpass over the road to the village of Grushevskaya. Work on the highway will be carried out parallel to the existing lanes and will not affect traffic flow, which is especially important during the holiday season. Work on this section will be completed by September 30, 2021; based on the results of reconstruction, the road will be brought to the parameters of category IA withstu lanes. The length of the reconstruction site is 12.3 km.

The construction of the entire Aksai Bypass is divided into five stages. The first three are the reconstruction of existing sections of the road: from 1079 to 1081 km (stage 1), from 1072 to 1091 km (stage 2), from 1024 km to 1036 km (stage 3). New construction is planned for the fifthstage on the highway section from 1036 to 1072 km, and the fourth stage is to prepare the territory for the construction of the Bypass.

You can save a fair amount when traveling along the M4 Don highway by calculating your route in such a way that you avoid the maximum number of toll sections at night. If during the day traveling through all existing toll sections by car will cost 1,380 rubles when paying in cash or by card, then at night the same route will costno at 780 rubles. If you pay using a transponder, you will have to spend 1096 rubles during the day and 624 at night. However, there is one “but” here. The twenty percent discount for T-Pass transponder holders is no longer valid if your transponder belongs to another issuer. In other words, if you purchased it from another route.

The old exits from the traffic intersection will be removed. The following will appear here:

  • exit from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road onto the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • a tunnel from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street towards the center;
  • an overpass from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • an overpass from Lipetskaya Street to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road;
  • exit from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street;
  • exit from the M-4 Don highway onto Staro-Nagornaya Street;
  • exit from Lipetskaya street onto a side passage towards the region;
  • U-turn exit from Lipetskaya Street to a side passage along Lipetskaya Street.

On Lipetskaya Street, when moving towards the Moscow Region, inspection areas will be installed vehicles. The Zagorye settling and turning area will be rebuilt.

The section of the Moscow Ring Road from Kashirskoye to Varshavskoye highway is being reconstructed. Its length is 7.2 km. Transition express lanes will be installed here, and side passages will be built on the inner and outer sides of the Moscow Ring Road.

From the outside of the Moscow Ring Road there will be an exit to the village. Near Prudishchi, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

Five new pedestrian crossings will be built. Four of them are via the Moscow Ring Road:

  • next to the bus stop ground transport near the Krasnogvardeyskaya metro station;
  • near Vostryakovsky passage;
  • near Podolsky Kursantov Street;
  • near the 26th km of the Moscow Ring Road.

Another crossing will be built across Lipetskaya Street.

Noise barriers will be installed along the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street (near houses 50, 52 and 54/21).

Noise-proof double-glazed windows will be installed in houses 17, building 1, 50, 52 and 54/21 on Lipetskaya Street and in houses on Vostryakovsky Proezd.

At the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Lipetskaya Street, utilities and the contact network of trolleybuses, the routes of which run through the construction zone, will be rebuilt.