Loading luggage. Acceptance on board the aircraft and baggage check-in at the destination airport, at the transit airport. What is best to carry in checked baggage?

1. “Their Manners”, shock, video. For those who fly frequently, it is better not to watch - you will be disappointed. A passenger filmed the behavior of the Japanese, surprising for wide-eyed people, while loading luggage.

Theresa May remains in the saddle for now, but this does not mean that she will be able to avoid disaster. Apparently, the Europeans are not only determined to ruin Britain during the divorce, but also have every opportunity to realize their bloodthirsty intentions.

3. The blogger expresses satisfaction with the increase in the salaries of deputies. I will quote a fragment from his logical constructions:

...increasing salaries makes it possible, at least theoretically, at least in principle, for a situation where a person who ends up in the State Duma will live on it. This is not exactly an anti-corruption measure, no. This is if the fight against corruption is compared to growing some useful plant, not even planting a seed in the ground. Not even digging up the ground. This is removing stumps, stones and various kinds of snags from the future garden. So that this place could at least in principle be dug up and then sown.

If the salary of a federal deputy is 11,163 rubles, then conversations about the fight against corruption need not even begin.

By the way, this happens not only at the very top level. Judges' salaries have been raised very significantly, for example, over the last ten years. Just very strong.
In Saratov, a magistrate now receives about 100 thousand. This is _very_ decent for Saratov. It is quite possible to live on this and live well. If a judge does not want to take bribes, he may well not take them. That is, of course, this is not a sufficient condition. But necessary, it seems to me.

Police salaries were raised. I remember last year we were going with Shurik to Nilehorven’s dacha and there was a conversation about bribes to traffic cops. I don’t know anything about this myself - I’m not a driver. And Shurik has been a driver since the early 2000s. And so he tells me - they stopped taking it. “First of all,” he says, “their salaries were raised, and secondly, they began to get bullied for it.” Of course, I don’t really believe that they stopped completely. But, nevertheless, the conversation turned out like this. And the same thing - without increasing salaries, it’s pointless to screw around.

If a judge has a salary of 15 thousand, and a traffic cop has 12 thousand, then exactly at this point the conversation about how they are corrupt can be stopped.

Do you think the blogger is right or wrong? What salary would you set for State Duma deputies, taking into account the fact that they pass laws that we are obliged to comply with?

Depending on the type of aircraft used for transportation commercial download, the following methods of transporting luggage, mail, and cargo are distinguished:

Transportation using packaging means (in containers or on pallets);

Transportation in bulk, without the use of packaging means;

Mixed - one part in bulk, and the other - by means of packaging.

When delivering baggage, cargo, mail under the aircraft for loading into the baggage and cargo compartments, the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron checks the presence of the baggage manifest, air waybills, cargo and mail manifests, as well as the compliance of the entries made in them with the presented number of pieces (containers) , pallet).

Loading of baggage, cargo and mail by the method of recalculating seats is carried out by a team of loaders who, under the control of the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron, ensure the placement of commercial loads in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft in the presence of an airport security service employee and a flight attendant who controls the integrity of the packaging, the number of seats and availability of tags (at the base airport).

The amount of actually loaded luggage, cargo and mail must correspond to the data entered in the documents.

When filling the next baggage and cargo compartment, the hatch of the first compartment must be closed and be under the control of an airline employee (at the base airport).

It is prohibited to simultaneously load luggage, cargo, mail into different luggage and cargo compartments, or simultaneously into the aircraft cabin and luggage and cargo compartments, because this eliminates the possibility of monitoring compliance with technological standards.

It is prohibited to load baggage, cargo and mail at the base airport in the absence of a representative of the airline (responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron) and a representative of the airport’s airport security service. If necessary

The person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of aircraft on the apron, together with a representative of the airport's airport security service, organizes identification of baggage by passengers.

In cases where a passenger is removed from a flight, his baggage must be unloaded.

Responsibility for the transportation of baggage, cargo and mail rests with:

For containerless transportation - for compliance with the documents included

(baggage manifest, cargo and postal manifests), actually loaded seats, serviceability of packaging, presence of tags, labels and markings - for flight attendants.

Using packaging tools - for the contents of containers and their compliance with those specified in transportation documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags on containers (pallets) for the loader foreman (at the base airport).

Control over the placement and securing of commercial cargo in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft, the number of loaded containers (pallets - to the person responsible for organizing commercial servicing of the aircraft on the apron (at the base airport).

At foreign missions and airports Russian Federation, where airlines have representative offices:

For the contents of containers (pallets) and loaded commercial cargo in bulk, its compliance with what is specified in the documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags, placement and fastening in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft, the correct execution of transportation documents, including the loading diagram - to the airline representative.

For the presence and condition of seals, labels and tags on containers, loading in bulk,

as well as the safety and transfer of documents for commercial loading to flight attendants.

At foreign airports and airports of the Russian Federation where there is no airline representative:

For compliance of the number of loaded containers (pallets) and commercial loading in bulk specified in the transportation documents, the presence of seals and labels

and tags, integrity when loading the package, drawing up “LOADING INSTRUCTION” according to the alignment schedule presented by the flight crew member - to the flight attendant. Control over securing containers (pallets) and closing hatches is the responsibility of the flight crew.

loading of commercial cargo at the final (intermediate) airport is carried out under the direct supervision of an airline representative and flight attendant.

after closing the cargo hatches of the aircraft, the airline representative hands over the baggage manifest, cargo manifest and air waybills, “Aircraft Loading Chart” to the senior flight attendant of the crew.

Before loading into the aircraft, the packaging device must be in good working order, have filled container tags and be cleared of dirt, snow, and water.

Packaging facilities with baggage, mail, cargo, loaded equipment must be placed in accordance with the aircraft loading diagram.

The specific floor load and the maximum load of individual luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft must not be exceeded.

Bulk cargo must be distributed evenly in the luggage compartment or part thereof so that the overall center of gravity is in the middle of the compartment. Large

Oversized cargo must fit into the dimensions of the cargo compartments, taking into account the necessary clearances between the cargo and the elements of the cargo compartments.

The cargo must be loaded first, then the mail and, lastly, the luggage,

formed by destination.

Crew baggage with the “Crew bag” tag is placed separately from the rest of the baggage in certain positions of the cargo compartments depending on the type of aircraft.

It is prohibited to use non-standard,

deformed and damaged containers and pallets. On leased aircraft such as BOEING and AIRBUS it is prohibited to use bundling equipment,

not having an international quality certificate.

The load should not protrude beyond the dimensions of the pallet and its height should not exceed

160cm for aircraft types IL-86, IL-96-300, V-767, V-777. For aircraft type A-319, A-320,

A-321, the height of the load on a pallet should not exceed 116 cm.

Pallets sent in a stack must be tightly bound into packages, and the numbers are indicated in the “Aircraft Loading Scheme”. If it is necessary to send cargo on a stack of empty pallets, it is necessary to check the reliability of fastening of empty pallets

to the carrier through the pallet and the load to the carrier pallet.

Valuable cargo in a sealed container is installed in accordance with the alignment data. Valuable cargo in small packaging and diplomatic mail (up to

10kg) is placed by the flight attendant foreman in the aircraft cabin, indicating in

“Aircraft Loading Chart” shows the location and name of the senior flight attendant.

When transporting luggage, cargo and mail, not assembled on pallets or in containers, on an aircraft with a container type of transportation, they are loaded into BULK. Checking the number of seats, the presence of tags and the proper packaging of loaded baggage, cargo and mail in the BULK / lower deck lobbies is carried out by a designated flight attendant.

For transportation of weapons, their components, ammunition and special equipment

A lockable metal box measuring 1100x500x300 mm, painted red, must be placed on board the aircraft. Metal boxes for transporting weapons are located on the aircraft in the following places:

TU-134 - in luggage compartment No. 1

Tu-154M - in luggage compartment No. 2

IL-62 - in luggage compartment No. 1

IL-86 - on the lower front shelf on the starboard side in the underground room of the lobby No. 3

IL-96-300 – in luggage compartment No. 3

B-767, B-777, A-310, A-319, A-320, A-321 – in BULK

30. At the point of departure of the baggage car, baggage and cargo luggage are loaded into it by station loaders, evenly distributing heavy items on the floor of the car. Lightweight and fragile items should usually be placed on shelves.

The capacity of the carriage should be used to the maximum, only the passages in the middle of the carriage and at the door remain free.

31. Baggage and cargo luggage are placed in the baggage car in the order of the sequential arrangement of stations, i.e. luggage and cargo luggage destined for the nearest stations should be placed closer to the doors at the side walls of the car on the side on which the unloading station along the train is located, and luggage and cargo luggage destined for more distant stations should be laid out in the depths of the car. In cases where the volume of luggage and cargo luggage transported in a baggage car is insignificant, baggage and cargo luggage can be placed in the car in sectors. To do this, the luggage storage room of the car must be divided into sectors by a conventional line (chalk, paint).

Baggage and cargo luggage destined for the final station of the train are placed at the front wall on the opposite side of the service compartment of the baggage car, leaving no passage in the middle.

The luggage car "behind the seals" must be loaded evenly over the entire area of ​​the car's storage area.

It is prohibited to load the car in excess of its carrying capacity.

32. Upon completion of loading baggage and cargo luggage and checking the correctness of the delivery list, the station acceptance person indicates in words in the delivery list the number of seats and transportation documents handed over to the cargo and luggage acceptance person on trains. After the signatures of both acceptance officers, the first copy of the delivery list is handed over to the acceptance officer of cargo and baggage on trains, and a copy remains at the station.

VIII. Departure of baggage and cargo luggage from stations.

38.Transit luggage and cargo luggage. and baggage accepted at a given station must be sent to its destination on the first agreed train without delay.

IX. Failures during transportation of luggage and cargo luggage.

39. If luggage (cargo luggage) is found to be unsafe during loading, unloading or reloading, station employees draw up a commercial report in accordance with the Charter of the Railways of the USSR in the manner prescribed by the Instructions for report-claim work. Commercial acts are drawn up in triplicate. The first copy of the act is sent to the road department, the second is issued to the recipient, the third is kept in the station’s files.

40. Luggage found at the station, for which there are no transportation documents (remaining underloaded, separated from the documents), is formalized with a commercial act and, after identifying the identity, must be immediately sent to the destination station with the first departing passenger train free of charge according to the forwarding document with the commercial act attached.

The ownership of undocumented baggage (cargo luggage) can be established by the brand, inscriptions on the places, based on the results of the search or opening of these places.

Delivery documents are drawn up according to the baggage (cargo) road manifest, indicating the reason for delivery, the number of pieces, their weight and to which main shipment (indicate its number) the luggage or cargo luggage is sent. The baggage (cargo) receipt and the stub of the baggage (cargo) road manifest from the delivery document remain at the station.

Documents without luggage (cargo luggage), as well as luggage (cargo luggage) without documents or with any defects, are loaded at the station into a baggage car with the obligatory attachment of a commercial act.

In the delivery list, against the number of such shipments in the “brand” column, the number of the commercial act is indicated.

41. If there is a mark in the baggage road manifest about existing shortcomings in the baggage packaging, certified by the signature of the receiver and the stamp of the station that accepted the baggage for transportation, the latter is accepted into the baggage car by the cargo and baggage receiver on trains without hindrance without a commercial act.

    Sent to another station(not for its intended purpose) baggage along with documents is issued by the station that discovered the shipment, with an act general form in three copies. One copy of the act is sent to the road department of the station that allowed the luggage to be sent, the second with the transportation documents - with the luggage, and the third remains in the station's files. Baggage is sent to its destination with the main documents and a general form attached.

    If undocumented luggage or cargo luggage or documents without luggage (freight luggage) are found in a baggage car, the baggage car acceptance and delivery person is obliged to hand them over at the destination station, if one is located along the train, or at the transshipment station, and in some cases at the final station (formation or turnover) , according to a separate delivery list against receipt by the cargo and baggage acceptance officer at the station. In this case, the delivery list indicates that the document is being handed over without luggage (cargo luggage) or luggage (cargo luggage) without a document.

If, along the way, pieces of luggage or cargo luggage are found in a baggage car in which a leak has formed that could cause damage to the luggage of other passengers, the cargo and luggage acceptance person on trains is obliged to hand them over at the first passing station where the train can be parked, according to a separate delivery list (in the delivery list indicates that the places have leaks).

44. If an error is detected along the way (unloading, loading luggage and cargo without documents, with signs of theft, extra seats, etc.), the cargo and luggage acceptance person on trains must give a telegram to the heads of the stations involved.

45. When unloading luggage or cargo luggage, a note is made on both copies of the delivery list indicating which shipment it relates to and what the defect is. These marks are certified by the signature and official stamp of the cargo and baggage acceptor on trains, who checks in the luggage or cargo luggage, as well as the signature and stamp of the cargo and luggage acceptor at the station who accepted it.

46. ​​If, when unloading baggage cars “behind the seals”, shipments with defects, separation of pieces of baggage and documents, sending baggage or cargo luggage for other purposes, violation of the plan for the formation of mail and baggage trains and baggage cars are discovered, the acceptance and delivery person of cargo and baggage at the station must the same day, give a telegram to the wagon loading station and the baggage (freight luggage) destination station, and, if necessary, to other stations involved, draw up a general act, and, where necessary, a commercial act, which is sent to the passenger service of the baggage wagon loading road to take action.

Transporting checked baggage to aircraft is carried out upon completion of passenger check-in and baggage check-in. Checked baggage can be carried different ways- individually, in containers, mixed.

To transport checked baggage and perform loading and unloading operations with it, mechanization means must be allocated and personnel must be assigned to ensure the delivery and loading of baggage onto the aircraft, depending on the methods of transportation.

When transporting piece cargo, electric vehicles and tractors with luggage cart couplings are used.

For the container method of transporting luggage, containers (LD - 3, AK - 1.5), as well as stationary and mobile mechanization equipment are used. The stationary means of mechanization installed in the baggage areas of the airport terminal and used for completing/unstuffing containers include roller tracks with a drive roller system and lifting and picking tables. The composition of mobile mechanization equipment includes:

means for delivering containers to (from) the aircraft - tractors (tractors) and container trolleys;

· means for carrying out loading and unloading operations - trailed or self-propelled container loaders, as well as vehicles with lifting bodies.

Baggage is loaded onto clean, serviceable luggage trolleys/containers, with special attention paid to luggage decorated with special distinctive tags (VIP, PRIORITY, HEAVY, FIRST, BUSINESS, DOSMOTRENO, FRAGILE, etc.).

When picking up baggage on flights with stopovers, each unloading point and class of service is placed on a separate trolley. Baggage transfer passengers and high service classes are equipped with a separate luggage trolley/container. Luggage is placed on the trolleys/container carefully and in such a way that the number of items packed on the trolleys/container can be easily counted.

Luggage placed on trolleys should not protrude more than 10 cm above the side of the luggage trolley, and the total weight of luggage on one trolley should not exceed its carrying capacity.

When packing luggage into containers, the loader places the luggage in the container until it is completely filled, keeping a count of the items placed in the container. The doors of a loaded container must open and close freely, for which, when stowing luggage, it is necessary to leave a free space of at least 50 mm between the cargo and the container door. In each container, the loader loads luggage sent to a specific destination, guided by the destination airport code indicated on the luggage tag or by the color of the luggage tags. A label is filled out for each container, which is inserted into the container pocket or glued to the container.

When stowing luggage, the baggage handler checks the suitability of the luggage for the given flight and the data on the luggage sheets/baggage manifests. In case of a discrepancy in the amount of baggage, the loader (senior level) responsible for the delivery and loading of baggage onto the aircraft together with the check-in agent, find out the reasons for the discrepancy, recalculate the baggage according to the check-in sheet/passenger manifest and in trolleys/containers. If the reasons for the discrepancy are not found, the baggage is identified by passengers under the aircraft, and in some cases on board the aircraft.

If there is a limited number (shortage) of containers allocated for baggage, it is allowed to pack the baggage not included in the container onto a trolley; in the same way, the baggage of passengers in high service classes (if their quantity is small) can be checked in. In this case, a separate baggage checklist is issued. Information about the availability of baggage (weight, number of pieces) not loaded into containers must be transferred to the flight cargo loading group (including the balancing dispatcher).

Upon completion of loading, the PSB seals the containers and signs on the baggage list for the number of containers for the total number of pieces of luggage, including in each container. PSB compares the number of pieces of baggage accepted for transportation with registration data.

In case of inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.), checked baggage must be covered.

Responsibility for the safety of checked baggage rests with the driver who transports the baggage and the loaders involved in loading and unloading operations.

Before loading baggage on board the aircraft, the senior loadmaster and flight attendant are required to inspect the cargo compartments of the aircraft and check their condition.

If the cargo compartments are dirty or there are objects in them that can damage (dirty) the packaging and luggage, as well as if the compartments are not illuminated, then the luggage should be loaded after putting them in order.

Hatches connecting the passenger compartment with cargo compartments must be closed and sealed. If the seals are broken, loading of checked baggage is prohibited.

Checked baggage is loaded on board the aircraft at
in the presence of a flight attendant, a team of loaders with

Motor transporters - for piece luggage;

Trailed or self-propelled loaders - for loading (unloading)
containers with luggage.

In the absence of a flight attendant, loading and unloading is strictly prohibited.

In order to ensure the necessary alignment of the aircraft and flight safety, loading of piece luggage should be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions of the alignment and loading controller.

It is recommended to load transit luggage into separate cargo compartments according to the unloading points. If transit baggage is placed in one cargo compartment, then baggage heading to the final unloading point is loaded first, and baggage heading to the first unloading point is loaded last. In this case, luggage traveling to different unloading points must be separated from each other if possible.

The baggage of passengers on designated and controlled flights must be loaded onto the aircraft in such a way as to ensure its priority unloading from the aircraft upon arrival.

Loading of checked baggage must be carried out by the required number of loaders and using loading mechanisms (conveyors, trailer trolleys, etc.) and in compliance with the technological schedule for commercial maintenance of the aircraft.

When accepting containers from baggage loaders, the flight attendant

Make sure that the seals on each container are present and intact;

Having received three copies of the baggage manifest, check their completion,
identity of entries in the baggage manifest and on container labels.

The flight attendant (crew member) has the right not to accept checked baggage in faulty packaging/container and refuse to load it onto the aircraft.

Detected damage to checked baggage during loading, as well as a discrepancy between the actual number of pieces of baggage and the number indicated in the baggage manifest, must be entered in all copies of the baggage manifest in the column “Notes of defects”, signed and secured with personal stamps by the flight attendant accepting the baggage, the senior loader, checked luggage.

Damage to the packaging of checked baggage that is not recorded in the baggage list when receiving and loading it at the airport of departure and is detected at the airport of destination (unloading), during unloading, is entirely at the expense of the flight attendant

After loading the luggage, the loader is obliged to:

· close the mooring nets and all locks;

· about any malfunctions of the locks, you must immediately inform the airline representative.

A flight attendant must be present when cargo compartments are closed after checked baggage has been loaded into them. Upon completion, he must sign all copies of the baggage manifest for the accepted number of seats, two copies of which he takes with him on board the aircraft, and one remains at the station. loaders/PSB unit.

Practical lesson No. 4

There are several ways to carry things with you, it all depends on how much you have. If there are not very many, then they are transported hand luggage. If there is a lot, then you will have to send it as luggage or cargo luggage in accordance with the rules for transporting luggage according to railway. All baggage allowances are based on 1 ticket (tickets without a seat for children under 5 years of age are not considered).

On suburban and international trains, baggage transportation rules may differ.

Hand luggage

  • Anything up to 36 kg in size (in SV cars - 50 kg) and up to 180 cm in size in the sum of all three dimensions. There is no need to pay for this.
  • Plus up to 50 kg per seat - for a fee.
  • Plus household, video and audio equipment, which in the sum of three dimensions exceeds 180 cm - for a fee (according to the baggage rate weighing 30 kg, issued at the ticket office with a “baggage in hand” receipt). In general carriages - this is not possible.
  • Passengers with children and disabled people can carry with them free of charge a wheelchair, baby stroller, and other equipment necessary to ensure their mobility or for rehabilitation.

That is, you just buy yourself a train ticket as usual and take your things with you. They will need to be placed in places for luggage in the carriage: upper luggage racks, in lockers under the lower racks, etc.

Remember that your belongings should not worsen the travel conditions for other passengers (that is, they should not interfere).

Not include extra luggage or hand luggage if the child is traveling in the same compartment as an adult. If the child has a ticket with his own seat, it is included.

Sports, tourism and hunting equipment

Bicycles, skis, kayaks and other sports equipment, according to the rules for transporting luggage on trains long distance, no need to check it in as luggage. It can be carried in carry-on bags or placed in other convenient ways. The main thing is that your equipment should not interfere with other passengers, everything should be disassembled, safely packed, and the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height) should not exceed 180 cm.

You must pay for the transportation of sports equipment at the regular ticket office at the station. This can be done at any time as soon as the sale of tickets for your train opens. That is, you can either simultaneously with purchasing a ticket or later. any time before the train departs.

  • Skis, ski poles, and snowboards are transported on trains free of charge. No documents are required.
  • Kayaks, kayaks and oars (both collapsible and non-collapsible) are paid as follows: for each boat you need a receipt for 30 kg of luggage.
  • Bicycles without a motor are charged as 10 kg of luggage.
  • Weapons (hunting and sporting) - disassembled, in a case, separately from cartridges. Transported in carry-on baggage areas, paid as 10 kg of baggage.

If you are traveling alone and bringing luggage with you

Since October 2014, most of the work has ceased luggage compartments on the railways. Now your luggage is transported in a separate luggage compartment on the same train you are traveling on. There is a luggage compartment in all trains of the Russian Federation (in the headquarters car).

Baggage is checked out in accordance with the approved rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on railway transport, as follows. At a regular ticket office, you pay for your luggage and receive a receipt. This can be done either immediately when purchasing a ticket at the box office, or by presenting a printout of the form electronic ticket. Then you check your luggage into the staff car of the train (ask the conductors where it is, you will receive it there), and you go in your own carriage.

  1. All luggage must be checked in at the same time (and take receipts for it too). For each ticket (including children with a seat provided, that is, from 5 to 10 years old) 3 pieces of baggage are allowed.
  2. One piece of luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm, weight - no more than 75 kg. The total weight of all luggage is no more than 200 kg per passenger.
  3. Anything that does not fit into the regulations can also be accepted for transportation as baggage, but at special conditions. They need to be discussed separately.
  4. Each piece of luggage (that is, an item checked in - a sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag) must be carefully packed and equipped with devices for carrying and loading. Especially equipment, objects with glass and mirrors, etc. Remember that the safety of your belongings is your concern. Exceptions are baby strollers and wheelchairs. They may be needed immediately after unloading, so they can be checked into luggage without packaging.

If you are not traveling yourself, but want to send only things

In this case, sending items is registered as cargo luggage. This can be convenient, including if you want to return by plane or send things and travel light for some time. Or you just need to send the cargo to another city. Check the rules for registering, sending and receiving cargo luggage at the station in your city or in help desk Russian Railways by phone 8-800-775-00-00.

You can also send the goods to one of the transport companies operating in your region, or baggage cars by rail. This is done by the company “FPK-Logistics” (a division of Russian Railways).

What can't be carried on trains

Items that can damage or contaminate the carriage or the belongings of other passengers, as well as smelly, flammable, poisonous, flammable, explosive and other dangerous substances are not allowed to be carried as hand luggage.

Remember! Packing and safety of any luggage is your and only your concern.