Requirements for the maintenance of hotel premises. Hotel: concept, types and their characteristics. III. Sanitary requirements for the layout of hotel buildings

All hotel premises must be thoroughly cleaned by a special staff of maids and cleaners. Before starting work, the head maid and housemaid must be dressed in clean and ironed uniforms or workwear.

When cleaning hotel premises, cleaning devices, cleaning equipment and cleaning materials are used. Each maid must have a trolley for transporting clean and used linen, room cleaning products, as well as displays, the set of which depends on the category of the hotel (advertising materials, a set of writing instruments, soap, shampoo, bath gel, deodorant, swimming cap, mineral water etc.).

The trolley is equipped in a special room as follows: a display is placed on top, then clean linen, below - cleaning products, disposable plastic bags for garbage. Dirty laundry can be collected in large plastic bags or canvas bags attached to the side of the cart. Transporting clean linen open is prohibited.

The following interrelated types of room cleaning are carried out: daily routine, intermediate (if necessary) and general.

The hotel's linen department includes a central linen room for clean linen, a central linen room for dirty linen (not available if the hotel has a laundry), floor storerooms for dirty linen and a daily supply of clean linen, warehouses (for new linen). The area of ​​the central linen room must be at least 6 square meters. m for hotels with a capacity of 15-20 beds; 16 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 50-- 100 beds; 30 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 200-500 beds; 45 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 800-1000 beds.

The number of sets of bed linen and towels should ensure the following frequency of linen changes:

  • - bed linen once every 3 days;
  • - when foreigners move in - daily;
  • - change of towels - daily.

Rooms where clean or dirty laundry is located should be painted with oil paint (in two layers) or lined with glazed tiles. In rooms for storing clean linen

cabinets or racks are installed, the shelves of which are covered with oilcloth or plastic, and in rooms for storing dirty linen - floor racks or wooden chests, painted with light-colored oil paint, sinks with cold and hot water. Floors in linen rooms are covered with linoleum, plastic or Metlakh tiles.

Additional bedding (mattress covers, pillows, woolen blankets, etc.) are stored in special cabinets for duty personnel.

When receiving and issuing clean and dirty linen, the same employee is required to have two gowns for work (when receiving and sorting dirty linen, personal protective equipment must be used - headscarf, robe, rubber gloves). After receiving dirty laundry, the employee must wash his hands and change his gown.

The central linen room, storage rooms where clean and dirty linen are located must be cleaned daily (wipe racks, cabinets or chests, staff tables, wash floors); General cleaning is carried out weekly, including washing walls, doors and removing dust from the ceiling.

IN office premises There should be no foreign objects or personal belongings. Washing the laundry of residents in the absence of a laundry can be done by maids or a specially designated employee only in a specially equipped room. Washing linen in rooms and office premises is strictly prohibited. If the hotel does not have a laundry service, the administration must enter into an agreement for washing clothes with a laundry factory in the city.

Previously, the word "businessman" made the average person imagine a respectable man in a suit who sits behind the wheel expensive car. However, today a sixth of the country's population is engaged in business. Some trade on the market, others engage in large and risky investments. (See How to make money on). In this article we will talk about opening a mini-hotel or hotel; below is an example of a business plan for a hotel with 24 rooms (44 beds).

Building for a hotel or hotel

Hotel business: how to open a mini-hotel, hotel

Today, the hotel business is quite stable and profitable. You can start earning income from the hotel business in any region of the country. He is the most in a safe way entrepreneurial activity. An investment in a (mini) hotel will guarantee a permanent income, but only if the hotel is run by a knowledgeable person.

Creating a hotel should begin with the selection of premises. It is best to build or buy a suitable building, because renting it for long time- far from the best best idea. (Business ideas for small town cm. ). A building with several floors is perfect for creating a small mini-hotel. A well-written hotel business plan is needed for many purposes:

  1. Applicable as ready presentation for investors.
  2. Constantly used for internal use as the main management tool.
  3. Needed to determine all costs, risks, and pitfalls. It roughly helps to calculate the future income of a business and its prospects.

Description of the business plan for a three-star hotel with 24 rooms

Purpose of the project: open a 3-star hotel for 44 places (24 rooms)

Project goal: service and accommodation for a comfortable stay for city guests and tourists.

Demand: Demand in Russia hotel services constantly growing. There are many reasons for this: a surge in the tourism business in Russia, an increased influx foreign tourists, opening large enterprises together with other countries, holding exhibitions and seminars throughout the Russian Federation.

Given the deterioration of environmental quality, hotels located in clean, untouched corners nature, far from civilization.

Marketing campaign: To ensure a sufficient number of clients, the hotel will be advertised using printed publications (newspapers, magazines), leaflets with advertising information about new hotel, Internet. Agreements will also be concluded with several travel agencies about advertising our hotel to tourists.

Hotel production plan

The area of ​​the hotel is 1200 square meters. Includes 24 rooms for accommodation, including:

  • Luxury rooms - 4 pcs.
  • 2-seater - 16 pcs.
  • 1-seater - 4 pcs.

The hotel also has entertainment facilities:

  • Cafe;
  • Rest room;
  • Billiards.

Financial side of a hotel business plan

The duration of the calculation period is 2 years (the time of construction of the building) plus the time of subsequent operation.

A) Total investment amount - 18 - 24 million rubles:

  • construction of a building - 800 thousand - 1.2 million rubles.
  • landscaping of the territory, construction of a parking lot - 3 million rubles.
  • design and pre-design work - 11.4 - 14 million rubles.
  • purchase and installation of equipment - 2.8 - 4.8 million rubles.

It is necessary to take into account possible unplanned expenses.

B) Current costs will consist of:

  • Salaries and transfers to social funds.
  • Operating costs.
  • Spending on repairs and hotel maintenance.
  • Possible tax for the use of land.

The salary of employees (manager and six to seven service personnel) will be 1.44 million rubles. per year.

Operating costs consist of payment for electricity, water and heat supply. This also includes the purchase of food and cleaning supplies, payment for communications, etc. The cost of operation will be 800 thousand - 1 million rubles. during the accounting period of hotel operation.

B) Main sources of income:

  • Income from renting rooms - 6 - 7 million rubles,
  • Income from food and drinks 1.4 - 1.8 million rubles.

Additional sources of income:

  • Billiards - 100-200 thousand rubles.

The total annual income of the hotel will be: 7.7 - 9.5 million rubles.

The project will pay for itself in 5 years, the profitability is 60%. Using discounting when determining payback periods, we can give a figure of 6 years.

The discount rate in a market economy depends on the percentage of the deposit on deposits, but in practice, most often, increased values ​​are used, taking into account the unstable economy and investment risks.

Over time, the scope of hotel services can be significantly expanded by adding several innovations:

  • Pool;
  • Sauna;
  • Summer cafe;
  • Playground for children;
  • Bowling;
  • Massage room.

This example of a hotel business plan will help you open a mini hotel (hotel), as well as take out a bank loan for your business. Good luck to you!

A hotel is an enterprise that provides people outside the home with a range of services, the most important of which (complex-forming) are equally accommodation and catering services. IN this definition indicates the mandatory presence of two main services in a hotel, accommodation and food. Moreover, their relationship with each other can vary greatly, as is clearly shown in Figure 1.1. On one side of the scale there is an enterprise offering accommodation services and only breakfast in the room or in a special room, on the other side there is an enterprise offering accommodation services and a whole range of food services (meals in European and national cuisines, bars, pizzerias, organization of food service on the floors).

Rice. 1.1. The ratio of accommodation services and food services in different hotels

The content of the accommodation service is that, firstly, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use, and secondly, services are provided directly by the hotel staff: receptionist for receiving and registering guests, maids for cleaning hotel rooms, etc. d. Hotels have various categories rooms, differing in size, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. (see "Classification of hotel rooms", p. 49). However, regardless of category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment:

  • bed;
  • chair or armchair per seat;
  • night table or nightstand for one bed;
  • wardrobe;
  • general lighting;
  • trash can.

In addition, each room must contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire. Services for providing food to guests consist of a combination of various processes: production (preparing dishes in the kitchen), trading (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), service (serving guests by waiters in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms). Additional or other services include the offer of a swimming pool, sports halls, conference rooms, meeting rooms, car rental, dry cleaning services, laundry, hairdresser, massage room and a number of others. In a hotel enterprise, accommodation, food and other services complement each other, in most cases are interdependent and are perceived by the guest as a single whole. Taking into account how they are designed and combined into a single complex, a certain type of enterprise is formed. The typology of hotel enterprises, which has become widespread in the global practice of the hotel industry, is shown in Table 1.3.

Due to the constant emergence of new services and forms of service on the hotel market, the above typology is very conditional. However, such a division is important for understanding the management features of each type. Within the given types, as a rule, there are many varieties.

Table 1.3 Typology of hotels

Hotel type Characteristic
Luxury hotel In terms of capacity, this type of hotel belongs to small or medium-sized enterprises. Usually located in the city center. Well-trained staff provides a high level of service to the most demanding clients, who are participants in conferences, business meetings, businessmen, and highly paid professionals. Characteristic high price rooms, including all possible types of services
Hotel (middle class) The capacity is larger than that of a luxury hotel (4,002,000 beds). Located in the city center or city limits. It offers a fairly wide range of services, and their prices are equal to the level of the region of location or slightly higher. Designed to receive businessmen, individual tourists, participants in congresses, conferences, etc.
Hotel-apartment (apart-hotel) In terms of capacity, this is a small or medium-sized enterprise (up to 400 places). Characteristic for large city with a non-permanent population. Represents an apartment type of rooms used as temporary housing, most often on a self-service basis. The price in this type of hotel usually varies depending on the length of stay. Serves family tourists and businessmen, merchants staying at long term
Hotel economy class Enterprise of small or medium capacity (up to 150 and more places). Located near highways. Characterized by simple and fast service, a limited range of services. Consumers, businessmen and individual tourists who do not need full board and seek actual payment for the services they consume, providing for a low percentage of service surcharge
Hotel resort A business with significant variations in capacity, offering a full range of hospitality services. In addition, it includes a complex of special medical care and dietary nutrition. Located in a resort area
Motel Simple one-story or two-story structures located outside urban areas, in the suburbs, near highways. These are small or medium-sized enterprises (up to 400 places). Characterized by an average level of service with a small number of staff. The clients are different categories of tourists, but with an emphasis on educational autotourism
Private Hotel bed and breakfast This type of hotel is widespread in the USA. This is a hotel of small, sometimes medium capacity. Located in a suburb or rural area. The service typically includes breakfast and an early light dinner in a homely setting. Our clients are businessmen and route tourists seeking the comfort of home
Hotel garni A business that provides limited services to clients: accommodation and continental breakfast
Pension An enterprise with a simple standard and a limited range of services. Unlike garni hotels, breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided here ( full board). However, only residential clients can receive food services
Gostiny Dvor An enterprise that differs from hotels in a simplified standard of service, smaller capacity, and the absence of a number of public spaces for meeting and staying guests (halls, lobbies, living rooms, etc.). The structure of the Gostiny Dvor must include a restaurant or bar
Rotel A mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single or double compartments in which sleeping chairs are located. There is a changing compartment, toilet, kitchen, refrigerator
Botel A small hotel on the water, which is used as an appropriately equipped vessel
Flotel A large hotel, often called a "resort on the water." Tourists are offered comfortable rooms with a wide range of services: swimming pools, water skis, fishing gear, equipment for scuba diving and spearfishing, gyms, congress and conference rooms, libraries, a variety of information support (telephone, telefax, teletype, TV and etc). Recently it is often used for organizing business tours, congress tours, congress cruises, educational tours
Flytel Aerohotel or "flying hotel". An extremely expensive and sparse type of hotel. Equipped with a landing pad and communication with weather services

Each state develops its own types of enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities geographical location, climatic conditions, a number of other factors and, most importantly, the characteristics of the current demand. In management practice, the term “hotel product” (or “hotel product”) is widely used to emphasize the complex nature of the hotel offer, clearly shown in Figure 1.2.

The performance of almost all businesses, not just hotels, is highly dependent on location, as it affects the cost of land and construction work, labor costs, and sales opportunities. These are the so-called primary factors taken into account when deciding on a location. Secondary factors include such as the availability of raw materials, labor, appropriate infrastructure, etc., the importance of which is not the same for all enterprises. Depending on which factors are preferred, enterprises are distinguished that focus on raw materials, labor resources, communication routes or sales, which determines the characteristics of the product.

Rice. 1.2. Hotel product

Hotel companies primarily focus on sales. Unlike industry, where products are delivered to the consumer, in the hotel industry the opposite is true: the guest must arrive at the hotel to use its services, and therefore the choice of location has requirements such as accessibility and proximity. For example, when choosing a hotel for business tourists, the factor of its convenient location (the city center is most preferable) is decisive.

When considering hotel services as a product, three levels of services are distinguished:

  1. individual services and groups of services;
  2. product "hotel" as a set of services;
  3. advanced product.

The relationship between the levels is presented in Figure 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Three levels of the hotel product

The hotel as a complex, as a single product, is the second (middle) level. It consists of many individual services: maid services, kitchen services, receptionists, head waiters, etc., which make up the first (internal) level. The product “hotel” in combination with the components of the local offer, complementing the services created in the hotel, constitute the extended product “hotel” of the third (external) level.

The hotel product can be schematically represented as another core model surrounded by three rings (four levels of the hotel product) (Figure 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Four levels of the hotel product

The core is a generic product that includes the basic skills and resources necessary to participate in the market process. In the case of a hotel product, individual services act as the core. The name of the ring immediately surrounding the core is the term "expected product", used to designate services that satisfy the minimum expectations of customers. It includes what necessarily accompanies the generic product: time and conditions of service, interior of rooms, halls and other premises, appearance staff, prices, etc.

The next circle is labeled "advanced product". It consists of those additional advantages associated with its acquisition and consumption that distinguish this product from market analogues. For a hotel product, additional benefits are often location components that, over time, are no longer considered additional and become part of the expected product. The final outer circle is called the “potential product.” Unlike an advanced product, which captures only what has already been done, it contains everything that is potentially achievable and implementable in the future to attract and retain guests. Successful hotel companies are constantly looking for new service concepts.

Features of hotel services include:

  1. Non-simultaneous processes of production and consumption.
  2. Limited opportunity storage
  3. Urgent nature.
  4. Wide participation of personnel in the production process.
  5. Seasonal nature of demand.
  6. The interdependence of hotel services and the purpose of travel (trip).

Non-simultaneous processes of production and consumption of hotel services. In relation to the range of services provided in the hotel, such a common characteristic for services as the simultaneity and inseparable nature of the processes of production and consumption does not fully apply. Individual hotel services are not related to the presence of the client. For example, cleaning and preparing a room for sale does not coincide in place and time with the moment of selling the room at the reception service and the immediate check-in of the client. Non-simultaneity also characterizes food services: in most cases, the preparation of dishes takes place in a different place and at a different time, different from the processes of serving and serving, which are carried out partially in the presence of the client. For a hotel company, such separation of processes is a necessity. Direct service here must be preceded by preparatory services designed to satisfy the emerging demand at a certain moment.

Limited storage capacity. The complex of hotel services as a whole cannot be preserved for further sale. Wide participation of personnel in the production process. Important feature hotel services, what distinguishes them primarily from industrial services, where machines and automatic machines are used to a greater extent, is the widespread participation of people in the production process. The standard defines the criteria by which the level of customer service and the activities of the personnel of any service of a hotel enterprise are assessed. These criteria in most cases include the following:

  • call response time for information or reservation (15, 20, 30 seconds);
  • time of registration at the accommodation service. Regardless of the large number of arrivals, clients should not stand in line for more than the time established at a particular hotel establishment (5, 10, 15 minutes);
  • time spent on providing a specific service. For example, luggage is delivered to the room no later than 3 minutes after the client checks in; washing and cleaning of personal belongings of residents is within 24 hours, etc.;
  • appearance and availability of uniform;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​by service personnel, etc.

Season nary nature of demand for hotel services.

1. General characteristics of the hotel enterprise

Hotel - commercial enterprise, producing and offering its “product” on the market, a product in the form of a set of services, among which the main ones are accommodation services and food services.

When considering hotel services as a product, three levels of services are distinguished:

· individual services and groups of services;

· product “hotel” as a set of services;

· product “hotel” as a set of services + additional services.

A service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. The concept of “service” has a universal meaning, it is intangible and cannot be stored, a service cannot be measured, it can only be assessed.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service - multifunctional premises designed for relaxation, sleep, and work of staying guests. Since hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep. The importance of other functions primarily depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests. For example, in business hotels, a very important function of the rooms is to provide the guest with the opportunity to work, i.e. a desk, telephone, fax, computer, etc. are needed here.

Hotels have different categories of rooms, differing in size, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. However, regardless of category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment:

♦ bed;

♦ chair or armchair per seat;

♦ night table or nightstand per bed;

♦ wardrobe;

♦ general lighting;

♦ trash can.

Each room should have hotel information and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Guest catering services consist of a combination of the following processes:

♦ production (cooking in the kitchen);

♦ trading (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks);

♦ service (waiters serving guests in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms).

Remaining the main one, the accommodation service is taken for granted by guests, and it is the additional services that highlight the this hotel from a number of others.

Characteristics of the research object. Place of pre-diploma internship in the city of Chita, Limited Liability Company "Cruise" (license No. 0031924 FA for tourism, registration number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators of the Russian Federation MVT - 004046). The head of the enterprise is Tatyana Nikolaevna Fominykh.

Accommodation takes central place in the range of services provided to tourists during travel, and are an integral part of each tour.

The concept of “hotel” is also defined by relevant regulatory documents. In GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" means a hotel intended for temporary residence. In the rules for the provision of hotel services in Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 490 of April 25, 1997, a hotel is considered as a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended to provide services.

A hotel is one type of accommodation facility and it has its own classification. The capacity of a hotel establishment refers to the number of beds or rooms that can be offered to customers at the same time. Bed - an area with a bed intended for use by one person. Room - a room consisting of one or more beds, equipped in accordance with the requirements for a hotel of this category. The rooms are single, double, triple, etc. They can be one-room, two-room, three-room, etc.

The recreation center "Dune" is leased in accordance with the lease agreement with individual(the owner's name is a trade secret), for a period of 6 months (from 05/01/2009 to 10/01/2009). The base is located on Lake Arakhlei, at a distance of 80 km. from the city of Chita to the village of Tasey.

The organizational and legal form of ownership is a limited liability company. Form of ownership: private.

A limited liability company is a company that has an authorized fund (capital) divided into parts, the size of which is determined by the constituent documents. Members of the company are liable to the extent of their contributions.

Based on the charter of Dune Recreation Center LLC in accordance with Article 3. Purpose and activities of the Company

3.1. The main goal of the Company's activities is to make a profit.

3.2. To make a profit, the Company has the right to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by law, including:

· Accommodation services.

· Food services.

· Excursion and tourism, commercial and trade-purchasing activities.

· Cultural and entertainment activities.

· Service and household services.

· Road transportation of passengers and cargo.

· Extraction, supply (sales) drinking water.

· other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The Company may engage in certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by federal laws, only on the basis of a special permit (license).

The right of the Company to carry out activities for which it is necessary to obtain a license arises from the moment of receipt of such a license or within the period specified therein and terminates upon expiration of its validity period, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.

Characteristics of the industry-specific features of the operation of the facility.

The enterprise under study belongs to the enterprises of the accommodation and tourism sectors. The characteristics of this sector of the national economy can be represented by the following data of modern development.

The level of comfort of the recreation center "Dune" according to the "Regulations on state system classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities" refers to non-categorical accommodation facilities and is equated to the category "without stars".

2. Architectural and planning solution

The classification of tourist accommodation facilities is given in GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements". In accordance with this document, all accommodation facilities are divided into collective and individual. Collective hotel-type accommodation facilities include: hotels, motels, live-in clubs, boarding houses, furnished rooms, and dormitories.

The mini hotel building is built of brick, the type of construction is a building consisting of two floors. Capacity: 28 beds. In the adjacent territory of the base there is a parking lot, a dining room, and barbecue facilities.

Based on GOST R 51185-98 dated 01/01/99 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements" recreation center "Dune" refers to specialized accommodation facilities in accordance with paragraph 4. “Classification of tourist accommodation facilities” and paragraph "Specialized tourist accommodation facilities." The recreation center complies with points: 5 “General requirements for accommodation facilities”.

6. “Requirements for services of accommodation facilities”,

7. “Safety requirements”, 8. “Security requirements environment».

3. Characteristics of the room stock

Specialized accommodation facilities include: sanatoriums, dispensaries, holiday homes, tourist shelters, parking lots and others, tourist, sports facilities, recreation centers, hunter's (fisherman's) houses, congress centers, campsites, boats, flotels, rotels. TO individual means accommodation includes: apartments, rooms in apartments, houses, cottages for rent.

Apartments (2-, 3-, 4-room) are, as a rule, intended for long-term accommodation of families. The apartment must have a kitchen with the necessary equipment household appliances, which allows you to provide almost home-like conditions of stay. There are also such categories of rooms as luxury apartments, or suites, 3- and 4-room rooms of high comfort, but, as a rule, there is no kitchen.

The capacity of simultaneously residing tourists at the Dune recreation center, without installing additional beds, is 28 beds.

The cost of living is differentiated, i.e. The price is determined by the season and days of arrival. On weekdays it is 450 rubles/person/day, weekends 500 rubles/person/day. Children under 12 years old on an extra bed - 350 rubles, children under 5 years old who do not occupy a separate bed - free. On the ground floor there are five rooms, of which four are two-bed and one is three-bed. Also on the floor there is a kitchen (equipped with everything necessary: ​​refrigerator, electric stoves, dishes) and a utility room. On the second floor there are three three-bed rooms with a view of the lake, four two-bed rooms and one utility room [Appendix 1]. The rooms are the same type: beds, table, chairs, plastic windows, paintings hanging on the walls, wallpaper color blue. The building is not equipped with heating and plumbing, so operation in winter time not provided.

4. Organizational structure of the enterprise

The purpose of the activities of LLC "Tourist Base "Dune"" is the development of new economic forms of cooperation, the production of competitive goods, the provision of various services, as well as generating profit in the interests of the sections (founders) of the company and satisfying the socio-economic interests of the staff.