What to do in Belarus in winter. Rest in winter. Winter fishing in Belarus

I'll answer about the road. I went in December that year. Minka is fantastic, you go and enjoy it.

the road is gorgeous, if there are no traffic jams you can get to Minsk in 10 hours, in Belarus itself the limit is not 110, but 130 on the highway

in Minsk you can walk for 2-3 days, they say you can see Brest, the rest of the sights are military monuments, IMHO not interesting

We are also going to Europe through Belarus at this time, don’t forget by the way that in Belarus you need insurance (a green card for a car)

With housing, you realized it very late - everything was sold out a long time ago, only expensive hotels remained, or hucksters who rent out apartments at Monaco prices

We went in August, not in winter. The road was great. We rented an excellent apartment in Minsk through Booking. It's cheaper and more comfortable than hotels. There is not much to see in Minsk. It’s just a beautiful and clean city, it’s nice to walk around, it’s not too expensive to sit in cafes. You can go to the opera or the circus. Among the attractions, I highly recommend visiting the castles in Nesvizh and Mir.

We are thinking about going to Belarus with my wife and friends during the New Year holidays. Tell me, who has experience, how to get there in winter, where it is better to go/what to see, where it is better to stay inexpensively for the night. Well, is there any point in traveling at all?)

We went to the January ones that year. We left on the night of January 2-3. We arrived leisurely in about 11 hours. Those. We left at 3 and were there at 14. It snowed at night, driving fast was not an option. The road is a fairy tale. Even such good coverage gets boring))) We drove back during the day, Minsk - Moscow in 7 hours. We came to the realization of housing too late. The two of us lived in a two-room luxury hotel for 5,000 days (for Minsk this is expensive in principle), one metro station from the center. Friends rented an apartment for $100/day (according to that exchange rate), but it was a bit far from the center.

You need a green card, they did it at Rosgosstrakh. But you can do it on the highway, there are no problems there.
Food is very inexpensive almost everywhere. There are few places in decent places in the evening. Everything is busy. There are a lot of tourists. We were looking for a very long time for somewhere to sit one evening.

On excursions: we took individual tour This lady has http://www.excursions.by/ We really liked it. There were four of us, we were driven around in 5 hours, it was quite interesting and informative. At the end of the tour, they will take you wherever you say. You need to stop, they will stop you, you need something to drink/eat/drink, they will take you there, they will stop you. Those. everything is very ok. We then paid 100 dollars for 4 people. In addition, she will answer all your questions, which are often of interest to visitors from Russia)

Overall the impressions were awesome. Another world.

Yes, please suggest some good search engines for apartments for daily rent.

There are many websites offering apartments for daily rent, but specifically for Belarus, the reviews are such that they are very often abandoned. Especially during the high season - holidays and vacations. That is, there is no prepayment system. We kind of agreed in correspondence, and then a more profitable client appears who rents for a longer period, or fits into the employment network more conveniently, or ultimately offers more money. And sorry, refusal. And you find yourself homeless the day before you leave. And everything else from the budget has long been occupied. Therefore, after going through all the reliable booking sites, we settled on Booking. There is a larger selection of apartments and the prices are reasonable. And protection from scammers. If the seller breaks his promises, he will be kicked out of the booking system.

If the seller breaks his promises, he will be kicked out of the booking system.

in general, in NG Europe is cheaper than Belarus, we are going to Warsaw and Krakow, and housing there in NG is several times cheaper than in Minsk

will not be thrown out, I have encountered this myself - I wrote complaints to booking, no sanctions followed from their side

besides, everything is already sold out on New Year’s Eve, I see only one option on booking right now with apartments starting from $70 per day (Vip-Kvartira 5, duh) and this is a 100% huckster who, in fact, will give you a completely different price and doesn’t care about this booking, it just attracts clients so much

but the real prices are hotels from $100 per night and apartments from $100-120

in general, in NG Europe is cheaper than Belarus, we are going to Warsaw and Krakow, and housing there in NG is several times cheaper than in Minsk

After Minsk, how is the road?

Belarus is often seen as a former Soviet republic, or as a close and familiar neighbor, but not as a place for an exciting trip. In this article we will try to dispel this stereotype and tell you about where to relax in Belarus in winter.

There is a choice for every taste: from sanatoriums and ski resorts to sparkling lights major cities, you can combine both. There are always attractions that are interesting to see at any time of the year.

Weather in Belarus in winter - what to expect?

Type in country - temperate continental, in the west passing from maritime to continental due to the influence of Atlantic air masses. The seasons are not too pronounced, extreme temperatures are quite rare.

Precipitation is heavy, but most of it occurs in the summer months.

Winter in Belarus is mild and humid. Thaws are common, although the snow cover is usually dense and lasts a long time, especially in the northern regions, which is good for skiing and sledding.

Average temperature air is -3°C, and the average minimum is -15°C, the average maximum is +5°C. In some areas, snow is occasionally interspersed with rain. The sun rarely appears, cloudy skies are more typical. In addition, dense fogs appear until mid-December.

Winter weather in the north colder, and in the south it is warmer and softer, this difference is quite noticeable, so choose a location for your vacation in accordance with your plans.

It is thanks to this mild climate that it is comfortable to spend a winter holiday in nature, engaging in active pastime and walks.

Winter holiday

A popular option is to rent cottages outside the city, this is called "health for the lazy"— the absence of a tiring routine, fresh air and unity with nature will help you get in shape.

In the last decade, the country has become more and more Europeanized, and the level of tourism has increased accordingly.

Since in winter prices for planes/trains and accommodation below, you can get a piece for practically nothing, especially since you don’t need a visa to visit Belarus.

Best places

Let's start with ski resorts. There are no mountains in Belarus, but the hilly and gully terrain made it possible to create conditions for skiing and snowboarding. You won’t have to travel far from the capital, since the most popular locations for ski holidays are located in the Minsk region.

Where to go with children?

Children are sure to enjoy all the outdoor activities that parents enjoy, but there are some things that will be especially fun for them. For example, husky riding. This opportunity is provided by the picnic hotel "Expedition" in the Logoisk district of the Minsk region.

It is especially pleasant for both children and adults to swim in outdoor pools with hot water . Many sanatoriums offer swimming in large wooden barrels right on the street. Japanese baths are no less popular; there are many places with them throughout the country.

There are many camps for children and teenagers in Belarus, including those with winter sessions. Some of the most famous:

  1. Jagged(Minsk region);
  2. Only English Land(language camp on the territory of the sanatorium “Belarus”);
  3. DreamCamp(language camp in Minsk);
  4. Health camp named after. Gastello(city of Zaslavl, Minsk region).

Which sanatorium should I go to?

The main goal is recovery, so choose your location based on this. Here we will try to list the best health complexes.

What to see?

Belarus and winter time year can surprise you with an abundance of entertainment and excursion activities.

Sights and entertainment - photos

You can safely put it in first place Minsk: the capital is beautifully decorated for New Year's holidays There are also many skating rinks and games for children. The city is also full of trees, which are no less beautiful in winter.

Very popular among tourists Grodno who promises to give you real winter's tale. In this ancient city with cobbled streets, at every step you can find a sight, of which there are a great many: the Old and New locks, Grodno necropolises, the Grodno Switzerland park and much more are beautiful at any time of the year.

Occupies a special place for tourists Mogilev. In this beautiful city There are many cathedrals and churches that are worth visiting. Parks, squares, the regional drama theater - all this cannot but attract visitors here.

If you are interested in attractions outside the cities, pay attention to Mirsky and Nesvizhsky castles that are visited by thousands of tourists every year.

Also worth visiting are the Kossovo Castle, the Brest Fortress and the ruins in Ruzhany.

Belarus is rightfully considered a very green country, and this is not surprising considering how many nature reserves and national parks there are:

  1. The biggest one is Belovezhskaya Pushcha, founded in 1939 and protected by UNESCO since 1979. Its area is more than 1.5 thousand square kilometers, and more than 70 species of rare animals have found their home in this territory. The park is located in the southwestern part of the country and part of it is located in Poland;
  2. Another beautiful nature reserveNarochansky national park on the border of Minsk and Vitebsk regions. On its vast territory of 97 hectares there are 40 lakes, of which the most amazing are Naroch, and blue lakes Dead and Glublya;
  3. Smaller in territory, but unique in natural components is Polesie Nature Reserve. This amazing landscape is very similar to the taiga; there are no such forests anywhere else in the country. Not only the flora and fauna are interesting here, but also beekeeping - a special type of beekeeping.

Each of the listed reserves is accessible by car and walking tours which must be ordered in advance. This trip will be unforgettable at any time of the year.

Travel by car

Since Belarus is close to us neighbor, this is at the same time popular destination for traveling by car.

It should be borne in mind that in Belarus the road rules are very strict and sometimes you can’t get away with just a fine. Before entering the country you are buying Green card on short term. Also remember that many roads in Belarus paid, especially those that connect Minsk with regional centers. It is better to take care of payment in advance and on your own.

Now let's move directly to route:

  • The first point can be assigned Minsk, having arrived here from Moscow along the E30 highway. But even before Minsk there are two interesting cities: Mogilev and Vitebsk, many travelers prefer to first stop at one of these points;
  • The next destination is usually Brest. On the way there you can see many attractions, for example, Mir Castle and the “Stalin Line”;
  • In Brest itself, tourists are attracted Brest Fortress- an impressive red brick structure, as well as a railway and archaeological museum, and many religious sites.

  • North of Brest, not far from the borders with Poland and Lithuania, there is a wonderful city Grodno, although it is more convenient to get there from Minsk than from Brest. We have already written about some Grodno places above, to which we can add the regional drama theater, the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, the Kunstkamera and the pharmacy-museum;
  • The south of the country is worth a visit Pinsk, famous for his rich history and a huge variety of temples and monasteries. Mozyr and Gomel are all located on the same road, which is convenient to travel from Brest. There is a very beautiful palace and park complex in Gomel. Also in this cozy town there are fountains, interesting statues, a circus and several theaters.

Trains in Belarus never it won't be boring, it doesn’t matter whether you think through each point in advance or go where the road takes you. We hope that our article has inspired you to great trip around this country.

See also video about what places in Belarus you can visit in winter:

In winter, the concept of relaxation changes somewhat. Firstly, the number of vacationers is decreasing: those who relax under a warm blanket in front of the TV screen on winter weekends are being eliminated, and secondly, the geography of trips is slightly narrowing. The snowy season in Belarus is wonderful, and therefore for relaxation in the cold winter season, not separated from our country.

This is not only financially beneficial (after all, we don’t spend money on and long way), but also saves time, which is not so much in winter. After all, most likely we had a good time on our summer vacation, and now we only have weekends to relax. And spending half of two days off from work on travel is extremely uneconomical, because, as we know, the most valuable thing in our life is time. So, we offer you 5 options winter holiday, from which you can choose yours depending on your personal preferences.

1. Ride alpine skiing Oh

Winter sports are loved not only by children, but also by adults. That's why ski resorts are in such demand all over the world. There are several options in Belarus where to come in winter for active recreation. One of them is the Logoisk ski sports and recreation complex, which is located 50 km from Minsk.

The complex is equipped with the latest technology and positions itself as an “adrenaline paradise.” Despite the fact that it operates year-round, it specializes more in winter fun. During the snowy season, for lovers of alpine skiing and snowboarding, Logoisk offers 5 illuminated trails with a total length of 4 km and a height difference of 82 m, which are equipped with a cable car and can handle up to 2000 people per hour. For beginners there is a training slope 11 meters high. In addition, the complex can use the services of instructors and rent all the necessary equipment.

In winter, Logoisk hosts night skiing, Kalyady and Maslenitsa. In a word, if you prefer active recreation in cold winter, coming here is one of the options.

Issue price:cost of the cheapest double room 60 rubles per day, rental of a ski set (skis, boots and poles) for 1 hour will cost 11 rubles on weekends, 8 on weekdays. A lift pass for 1 hour will cost 4 rubles.

2. Go visit Santa Claus

One of the most popular places for winter tourism– residence of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It’s not close to Vitebsk - no less than 600 km.

Thanks to the picturesque winter landscapes and fabulous atmosphere, the place has become one of the most visited in our country not only by Belarusian, but also foreign guests. The residence is truly a fabulous corner that attracts both children and adults. Wooden houses decorated with openwork carvings and unusual sculptures of fairy-tale characters, a magic mill that turns bad deeds into dust, the glade of the Twelve Months and, of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Here you can see Mother Winter’s workshop and the Museum of Ice Life. In the “hut” of Father Frost they are treated to Belarusian dishes national cuisine. Various rituals are held here: they welcome Winter, let New Year across the border, Kolyada notes. At the beginning of spring, during Maslenitsa, the Snow Maiden is taken to Lapland, from where she returns at the beginning of the next winter. The residence of Father Frost has its own life, which everyone can touch. Despite the fact that you can visit Belarusian Santa Claus all year round, a winter trip will be especially magical.

Issue price:The cost of a tour of the estate for an adult will cost 8.5 rubles, for a child - 7.

3. Get to know folk traditions better

All over the world, including in our country, a new direction of recreation is now very popular - agroecotourism. This is an opportunity to get to know better the way of life, folk art and crafts, Belarusian customs and traditional dishes.

One of the options for winter recreation in the outback is the Rodny Kut agro-estate, which is located in the village of Volodkovo, Glubokoe district. It is 170 km from Vitebsk, 15 from Glubokoe. The estate promises to give guests a fascinating journey into the past of Belarus and an acquaintance with the traditions and culture of our region. The interior of the premises, made in the national style, has earned many positive reviews from tourists. Guests here are offered to cook potatoes in the oven, go fishing and ride a horse. The food is prepared from products grown in our own garden.

In addition, Belarusian-speaking visitors will receive a 20% discount here, writes Holiday.by. The owner of the estate herself has been speaking the language for more than 20 years and in every possible way encourages people’s efforts to switch to their native language.

Price issue : 7 rubles for one day of stay.

4. Winter excursion to a historical place

Krevo Castle should be of interest to all people who are not indifferent to Belarusian history, because it was there that many significant events took place: in 1382, Grand Duke Keistut was killed here, and in 1385 the Union of Krevo was signed between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland.

The castle is located in the village of Krevo, Gomel region (360 km from Vitebsk). It was built at the beginning of the 14th century and became the first Belarusian castle made entirely of stone. The thickness of the walls reached 2.5 meters, thanks to which in the 16th century the structure repeatedly withstood sieges by Tatar and Moscow troops.

During the First World War, Krevsky Castle was heavily destroyed. Its ruins were conserved in 1929. Thanks to its rich historical past and many existing legends, the ruins of the Krevsky Castle are very popular place among Belarusian and foreign tourists.

Price issue : depending on the tour operator from 20 rubles per person.

5. Ride a snowmobile

For lovers of active recreation in winter, there are many places in Belarus. Some people look forward to snow so they can go skiing, while others dream of riding a snowmobile all year long. You can ride on specialized winter transport at the Lesnoye-Rudnya boarding house, which is located in the Vitebsk region, 130 km from regional center. Here you can ride through a snow-covered forest or an icy lake on a snowmobile, rent a buggy for which a special winter track has been prepared, remember your childhood and have an unforgettable time on the toboggan run. You can also go ice skating on the endless lake.

In general, there is a wide choice of winter active recreation, which requires snow, sub-zero temperatures and... some financial investments.

Issue price:double room from 100 rubles per night. Renting a snowmobile will cost 25 rubles for one circle of 2 km.

Holidays in Belarus – great option for a weekend trip. Affordable prices, no language barrier, simplified procedure passport control and no visas - it will do it all travel easy and pleasant, especially if you have to travel by car. It is much more difficult to decide what to see in Belarus in these 2-3 days, because the country’s territory is considerable, and there are a huge number of historical and natural attractions in it.

We offer to include in your travel plan the most famous reminders, unusual and simply beautiful places countries. For convenience, they are divided into directions so that everyone can highlight the most interesting attractions.

Hero cities and places of glory

Brest and its fortress

The famous stronghold of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is located at the mouth of the Mukhavets River, within the city of Brest. Construction of the fortifications began in 1833 according to the design of military topographer K. Opperman, and was completed in 1842. The stronghold became famous for the inaccessibility of its walls and the steadfastness of its defenders, about which many documentaries and feature films have been made.

At 4:15 am on June 22, 1941, enemy artillery opened powerful fire on the citadel. The defense of the fortress was one of the bloodiest operations - about 2,000 Soviet soldiers were killed, more than 5,000 were captured. After the war, the ruins of the fortress were preserved. And to this day it is a monument to military valor, crowned with a colossal gray block - monument "Courage"(pictured above).


The capital of Belarus has a lot of interesting and memorable places:

  • The Upper Town and Trinity Suburb are historical areas with buildings from the 12th and 17th centuries, the least damaged during the war;
  • The center and its expressive Victory Square with a granite obelisk;
  • Red Church on Independence Square;
  • Nemiga is one of oldest streets city, laid in the 12th century;
  • Island of Tears with a monument to Afghan soldiers;
  • Holy Spirit Cathedral, Church of the Virgin Mary;
  • Boulder Museum, where open air more than 2000 huge stones are placed;
  • unusual sculptures and monuments - for example, “Lady with a Dog”, “Grandmother with Seeds”, “Girl with an Umbrella”, “Photographer” and many others.

Stalin line

The opening of the fortification ensemble and open-air museum was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory. The complex, consisting of bunkers of the Minsk fortified area, has today become great place For family vacation, where you can sail a boat on the lake, try “soldier’s” porridge over a fire, ride a tank or armored personnel carrier and test weapons from the Second World War - from a rifle to a Maxim machine gun.


The memorial complex was built in 1962 in memory of the burning of an entire village by a Nazi punitive detachment. Today there is a cemetery with 185 obelisks with the names of villages destroyed during the war. The only street is paved with gray slabs, and along it there are monuments with the names of the dead villagers.

Bobruisk fortress

At one time, Napoleon did not besiege this impregnable citadel, admiring the power of its fortifications and walls. But survive the Second World War Bobruisk fortress I couldn't. Today its ruins are recognized national monument and one of the seven wonders of Belarus.

Natural beauty

Even if you are limited in time and planning what to see in Belarus in 3 days, be sure to include at least one of the following attractions in your route:

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

One of the largest and untouched forests in Europe, familiar to us from the works of “Pesnyary”, is located on the border with Poland, in the Brest region. Here you can meet the famous bison, wolf, lynx, wild boar or fox, admire the centuries-old trees, and visit the Museum of Nature.

And for children, special entertainment awaits – the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost, to whom you can personally inform about your behavior over the year and the gifts expected for the New Year. At the entrance to the fairy-tale complex, children are greeted by knights - Elm Vyazovich and Oak Dubovich, then the route runs past the Magic Staircase and the Fairytale Bridge. Father Frost and Snow Maiden organize fun activities, competitions and dance round dances with children around a 40-meter spruce tree.

Berezinsky Reserve

IN Vitebsk region there is a unique natural monument where all conditions for eco-tourism and recreation with children are created. In ancient times, the famous route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through this territory. Now there are several large lakes (Olshitsa, Manets, Domzheritskoe, Plavno), and in the dense forests you can find bear, lynx, badger, marten, elk and a huge number of beavers, thanks to which the biosphere reserve was created.

Narochansky National Park

Located in the Minsk region largest lake Belarus – Naroch. In the same name resort village you can fish, hunt or ride a horse, admiring the beauty nature reserve. Here you can see a cluster of mounds and the remains of settlements of ancient people. In the center of neighboring Lake Mastro there is an island with fortifications from the 11th century, and on the shore stands the Church of the Virgin Mary.

Palaces and castles

Nesvizh Palace

The former residence of the Radzwill princes, and today the most famous palace and park complex in Belarus, is known for its unique fortification system and protracted construction - it was built over three centuries (16-19 centuries). The castle housed a musical chapel, a court theater, an archive of the Principality of Lithuania, an art gallery with a collection of thousands of paintings, and a private library.

Mir Castle

Today it is a red brick fortress with white accents, but since its foundation in the 16th century, the castle has been in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. The result is a surprisingly harmonious architectural “mixture”, which, together with medieval fortifications, complemented by the traditions of Belarusian architecture, annually attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world to Mir Castle.

Gomel Park and Palace Ensemble

One of the first museum institutions in Belarus includes not only unique architectural monuments (the Rumyantsev and Paskevich palace, the administrative building, observation tower, chapel and Winter Garden), but also a magnificent park. If you get tired of admiring multi-colored majolica tiles, ancient icons, handwritten books and other antiquities, welcome to a walk in the park. Shady alleys lead to the picturesque Swan Pond, next to which unique tree species and flowers are planted.

The oldest palace in Belarus was erected by order of Prince Gedemin in the city of Lida (Grodno region) in 1323. The peculiarity of the castle is that it was built on an island artificially created from gravel and sand. For many centuries, the complex was a reliable protection for residents of the city and nearby settlements. Many loopholes, strong walls, a church, several wells, a fort and various outbuildings allowed us to withstand numerous wars with honor.

Today, the castle hosts knightly tournaments and festivals, and a historical museum is opened in one of the towers.

Churches, temples, holy places

St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk

The oldest Christian shrine in Belarus and the fourth in the world, the Church of St. Sophia was built in the 11th century. Initially, it served as a fortress and a reception place for the most important ambassadors and diplomats. But in the 18th century the building was blown up. In the newly rebuilt cathedral, ancient frescoes have been preserved; you can see the model ancient temple, medieval coins, listen to organ music.

Vitebsk Holy Assumption Cathedral

One of the newest religious buildings in the country - cathedral, whose construction was completed in 2011. It was built according to the prototype of the Assumption Church, which was blown up in 1934 to build a grinding machine factory. During excavation work at the site of the cathedral, the remains of hundreds of people were discovered, presumably victims of the Gestapo.

Cathedral Church of St. Francis Xavier in Grodno

Previously, it was the richest Polish church, today it is one of the outstanding architectural monuments of Belarus, dating back to the 17th century. Inside, the Church of St. Francis Xavier is framed by a unique fresco painting from the 18th century. But the main decoration of the building is the 15th century tower clock, which still works.

A spring flowing at the bottom of a picturesque ravine near the village. Polykovichi, Mogilev region, was discovered in the 16th century. Its waters are considered healing, and the stone grotto and chapel of St. Paraskeva, built in the 18th century by Count Rimsky-Korsakov, have become a place of worship for believers.

Minsk Cathedral of All Saints

Although the temple is not ancient (opened in 2008), it is considered one of the most beautiful Orthodox buildings in Belarus and a masterpiece modern architecture. The height of the cathedral is 74 meters, the building can simultaneously accommodate 1,200 parishioners.

Reminder for motorists traveling to Belarus

If you have already made a list of what to see in Belarus by car, do not forget about the important little things so as not to spoil the trip for yourself and the “crew” of your car. Although the traffic rules here are practically no different from Russian ones, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • do not forget to issue an “entry sheet” at the border checkpoint - a civil liability policy, the absence of which during inspection will cost $200;
  • to manage vehicle, it is enough to have your license, a civil liability policy, a ticket with a vehicle inspection mark and a registration certificate - no powers of attorney are required;
  • always let people pass at crossings, do not honk or “blink” lights to speed up the process - in Belarus the pedestrian is indeed always right;
  • do not try to “negotiate” with the inspector or offer a bribe;
  • The driver and passenger sitting in the front seat must wear seat belts, otherwise a fine of 400 rubles cannot be avoided (and this is for the first time, with repeated violations - significantly more). The same amount is due for using a mobile phone while driving;
  • The following fines are also imposed: speeding - from 400 to 5850 rubles and deprivation of rights, failure to comply with traffic lights or traffic controller signs, violations of overtaking rules, lane rows and even the absence of turn signals.

However, this is only a small fly in the ointment, which can be easily avoided by following basic traffic rules. But the silver lining for car travelers is much more significant: clean and smooth roads, an excellent driver information system and other bonuses that will make traveling around Belarus enjoyable and full of positive impressions.