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We define best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When does the rainy season end and the ideal time for a seaside holiday begins? When do tropical fruits ripen? Check out our weather overview by month and choose the best time to travel.

Vietnam's climate is influenced by monsoons and varies significantly regionally. Such differences are due to the mountainous landscape and the large extent of the country's territory. South Vietnam characterized by a tropical climate with relatively flat average monthly temperatures, northern and central Vietnam has a subtropical climate with cool winters and rainy, hot summers. In the mountains in winter there can be frost and snow.

Rainy season in Vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic occurs in different months. On south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it begins in May and lasts until November. At this time, the humidity is very high, and short-term tropical downpours occur. There are cloudy, cool and fresh days, gusty wind. The average temperature is about +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are no big deal and come to the country during this time.

IN center In Vietnam, the rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Danang, Hue and Hoi An. We were just in these cities in winter. The rains, although short-lived, are frequent, and quite cool (not at all +25°C, as they usually write, but, it feels like, about +10...+15°C). The hotels do not have central heating, so the rooms are cold and you can easily catch a cold. It is very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We recommend having strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim because the ocean is stormy, and red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation), when you can see the sights. The resort where the most precipitation falls, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Danang and Hue fall under their destructive effects.

On north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January, and, as in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not recommend visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It's cold in Hanoi, temperature +10...+20°C. In Halong the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but in the mornings and evenings it is quite cool.

Beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls in the winter-spring period ( December - April) - this is the best time to fly on vacation. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, weather lovely, but prices are rising. In spring, dry and warm weather sets in along the entire coast. May - June is the most comfortable time to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Weather by month in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°C during the day, +22°C at night, water +27°C. In Danang +24°C, the sea is also +24°C. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, +28°C during the day, +21°C at night, water temperature +24°C. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh City it is warm and sunny +31°C during the day, +22...+24°C at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Phu Quoc +26...+28°C. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°C during the day, +14°C at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Danang and Hoi An during the day +23...+25°С, precipitation is less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°С. The season is in the south of Vietnam, the best: dry and clear +32...+34°C during the day, sea +28°C. Great beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day +30°C, sea +28°C. In February, dry, sunny weather sets in throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the best months to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for beach and sports holidays. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet +34°C during the day, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Nha Trang the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka it is hotter at night +27°C, +32°C during the day, sea +29°C. North coast traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can swim there: during the day +23...+25°С, sea +23°С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day +31°C, at night +25°C. In Nha Trang during the day +32°C, at night +24°C, water +28°C. In Fukuoka during the day +35°C, at night +25°C, water +29°C.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daytime temperatures are +32...+34°C, hot, humid and stuffy. The summer months are the best time to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is ending, in the south there are short-term rains, in the center there are heavy downpours, there may be hurricanes and floods. Sea water +27°C. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°С during the day, +24°С at night, in Phu Quoc +30°С during the day and +25°С at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes several degrees colder, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, with humidity reaching 80% and flooding often occurring.


In November, it is best to relax in the north of Vietnam: the weather there is dry and clear, around +15...+20°C during the day. There is still a high probability of typhoons in the central regions. In Nha Trang it is often cloudy, +26°C during the day, +22°C at night, the sea is cloudy and warm +24°C, in Da Nang +22...+24°C. In Fukuoka, clear and calm water is +27°C, clear during the day +32°C, at night +23°C.

Fruit season in Vietnam

Even Vietnam can envy the abundance of fruits. Mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteens appear in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, and persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience we can say that Vietnam is the fruitiest country South-East Asia. It seems that fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelon, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we always found them everywhere, moreover at low prices (except that in the north of the country prices are higher, and the cheapest fruit is in the south). We have a special article dedicated to them - we described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai and gave prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo: John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

We must immediately make a reservation that for Thailand the time “ tourist season» is limited not so much by weather conditions as by the position of this country in the tourism services market. So when best month for a holiday in Thailand?

In fact, you can come here all year round. It all depends on your specific goals, preferences and health status. Based on practical experience, we can roughly talk about the following “seasons” of holidays in Thailand:

  • High.
  • Short.
  • Beach.
  • Rain season.
  • Hot.
  • Chill.
  • Excursion season.
  • Fruit season.

High season

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The so-called “high season in Thailand” lasts from late September to early May. This period is due to the end of beach holidays in European countries, therefore travel companies are starting to offer “Asian” destinations.

Good months for a holiday in Thailand (peak high season) are December, January and February. Particularly saturated new year holidays and Christmas holidays.

The best destinations are the resorts of the Andaman coast (Krabi, Phuket, Lanta and Phi Phi), as well as the east of Thailand (Mak, Chang and Kud). Due to high demand, prices for tours to Thailand in the high season are significantly higher than in other periods.

Low season

Lasts in the Kingdom of Thailand from May to October. The number of tourists is falling significantly, and although this period is differentiated as “”, this does not greatly affect the holiday, which of course has some peculiarities.

Firstly, real heavy downpours are occurring in the north of the country, far from popular places recreation.

Secondly, even if it rains a little in Pattaya or on the islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Samui, after it stops, everything dries out within one hour.

Therefore, experts on Thailand advise visiting the south and center of the country in the “low season” - the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Phangan, Samui and Tao) and the resorts of Cha Am, Hua Hin. The low season in Thailand is a time of “budget” prices and the absence of “crowds” of tourists.


As already mentioned, the time for a beach holiday in Thailand continues all year round. In one period of the year it is relatively drier, in another it is relatively hot, in a third it is more humid, and in a fourth it is windier. The most preferred time for a beach holiday is the period from November to February - this is best season for relax.

Rain season

This is the time of year from June to September, which is characterized by frequent rainfall and nothing more. Despite the “stories” that it is better not to come here during this period, the rainy season has a number of advantages and benefits:

  • Since you are coming from a plus “temperature zone” to a “plus temperature zone,” your body does not need to acclimatize.
  • There are traditionally few tourists here at this time. All tourists are in Turkey and European resorts.
  • It’s not so hot, nature is changing, the waterfalls are deep and extremely beautiful, there are a lot of inexpensive exotic fruits.
  • A real paradise for surf lovers.
  • The most low prices.

The only drawback of the “rainy season” is high humidity.

Hot months

The hot season lasts in the Kingdom of Thailand from March to May and is characterized by dryness, heat and not very comfortable air temperatures - from 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. The water temperature near the shore is 28 degrees Celsius.

Cooler months

This is one of the most comfortable times of the year for beach holidays and swimming. The cool season lasts in Thailand from November to February. It is characterized by dryness and comfortable temperature - the air is 30 degrees Celsius, the water near the coast is 27 degrees. Rainfall is rare or absent.

Excursion period

This is usually during a beach holiday - the period of the year from December to March. It is characterized by low air humidity and “comfortable” heat.

Fruit season

It would be more accurate to say “fruit seasons.” By the way, exotic fruits are one of the main reasons to visit the kingdom of Thailand at least once in your life.

In this case, each of the fruits corresponds to a certain period of the year:

  • From January to May - mango.
  • From April to June - lychees.
  • From May to June - durian, mangotan, longan, and mangosteen.
  • From June to August - carambola, sugar and rose apple.

And pineapples, papaya, jackfruit and dragonfruit can be bought here all year round.


Best time to go on holiday (by country)

When is the best time to go to Egypt?

The best time to visit Egypt is autumn and spring. In the winter months (February-March), due to the wind in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, it may not be very comfortable when entering the water. At the same time, excursions to Luxor and Cairo are most convenient to take in winter, when it is not so hot and stuffy.

When is the best time to go to Turkey?

Best time to travel to Turkey: The tourist season lasts from May to October, and the best months The months considered for traveling around Turkey are June, July, August, September and October.

When is the best time to go to the UAE?

Best season to travel to United Arab Emirates- from October to May, when a warm sunny day is replaced by a cool evening. The climate here is dry, transitional from tropical to subtropical average temperature January - 20°C, in July - 30-35°C.

When is the best time to go to Thailand?

Best time to holiday in Thailand: The ideal time to visit the country is from November to March, when the air warms up to 25-30°C and humidity is minimal.

When is the best time to go to Mauritius?

The best time to visit Mauritius is September-November and April-June.

When is the best time to go to India?

Best time to travel to India: The tourist season lasts from October to March, and November and December are considered the best months to travel to India.

When is the best time to go to Cuba?

The tourist season lasts almost all year round.

When is the best time to go to Fiji?

The most favorable time to visit Fiji is a relatively dry winter (from May to October-November), when the temperature is not too hot, the air humidity is lower and the likelihood of tropical cyclones is minimal.

When is the best time to go to Tanzania?

You can travel to Tanzania all year round, even during the rainy season. When choosing a travel time, you should be guided by information about animal migration, as well as the hunting season, which is usually closed from April 1 to June 30.
By climatic conditions It is better to postpone a trip to the south of the country from February to March (rainy season), as rains erode the soil and make the area inaccessible.

When is the best time to go to Panama?

The best time to travel to Panama is during the dry season (mid-December to mid-April). Starting from the end of May, the temperature and humidity begin to rise rapidly, turning movement around the country into real torture. The showers, although short-lived, are very intense, and the sun coming out after them quickly dries the earth, but saturates the air with moisture.

When is the best time to go to Jordan?

The best time to visit Jordan is spring and autumn.

When is the best time to go to Kuwait?

The most favorable period for visiting Kuwait is a warm winter with rare rains, as well as short off-season periods in May or October, when the temperature is relatively low and the desert blooms create a unique flavor.

When is the best time to go to Colombia?

The most favorable time to visit the country is dry winter season, however, due to the fact that even at this time the amount of precipitation is quite significant, and the temperature differs little, you can come here almost all year round.

When is the best time to go to Spain?

The best time to visit the country is from late spring to early autumn.

When is the best time to go to Iceland?

The most favorable time to visit the country is from mid-June to early September, although climate changes often narrow this period to mid-June to late August.

When is the best time to go to Ireland?

The most favorable time to visit the country is July and August. Visiting Ireland in June or September also has many advantages - the weather is still quite warm, there is less influx of tourists and all the attractions are open to the public. During the winter months the weather is warm but damp, and snow falls extremely rarely.

When is the best time to go to Honduras?

The most favorable time to visit the Pacific and central regions of the country is from December to January-April, while the Caribbean coast is comfortable at any time of the year.

When is the best time to go to Guatemala?

The most favorable time to visit the country is the relatively dry season from November to May.

When is the best time to go to Argentina?

The best time to visit the country is from October to May, although at any time of the year you can find an area with quite favorable weather conditions.

When is the best time to go to Albania?

The best time to visit the country is from April to June and from early September to October. The warm season lasts from May to September (July is the warmest month, up to +38°C), but even in April and October weather conditions can be quite favorable.

When is the best time to go to Latvia?

The best time to travel to Latvia is the warm and dry months from April to September. In winter, cold and piercing winds hit the Baltic coast. Peak tourist season is late summer.

When is the best time to go to Mexico?

In principle, you can go to Mexico at any time of the year, but the best time to travel is, of course, the period from October to May, when the country has warm, cloudless weather. In winter it gets quite cool in central Mexico, and in summer it often rains in the southern regions of the country.

When is the best time to go to Portugal?

In principle, you can go to Portugal at almost any time of the year. The exceptions are the regions of Alto Duro and Alentejo, where the heat is unbearably hot in the summer and clouds appear in the sky once a month. The official rainy season lasts from November to March, with most of the rainfall occurring in the northern regions of the country and mountain range Sierra da Estrela. Peak tourist season is mid-summer. The best time for skiing is January or February.

When is the best time to go to Seychelles?

A trip to the Seychelles should be planned based on how you plan to spend your time. Spring and autumn months are ideal for diving. The best time for surfing and sailing is May and October. If you just want to lie on the beach, go on a trip in mid-winter or late summer.

When is the best time to go to Singapore?

Any time of the year is suitable for a trip to Singapore. At the beginning of winter you can have fun and watch local festivals. There are major sales in July and culinary festivals. Cosmopolitan Singapore celebrates a wide variety of holidays throughout the year.

When is the best time to go to Austria?

You can go to Austria at any time of the year. The peak tourist season is summer months from June to September: at this time Vienna and Salzburg are crowded with tourists, and most hotels greatly raise their prices. The best time to travel to ski resorts is winter or the first half of spring.

When is the best time to go to Andorra

The ski season lasts from December to March, although many resorts use artificial snow to extend it until at least early May. Trekkers should plan their trip for summer or early autumn, when mountain passes cleared of snow.

When is the best time to go to Brazil?

The northern part of Brazil is not very subject to seasonal fluctuations - sometimes there are short periods of rain, but they are unlikely to seriously interfere with your plans. In the south, the rainy season occurs in the winter months from June to August, and the peak tourist season falls in the first quarter of the year, when foreign tourists, local vacationers are joining the beaches and streets of Brazilian cities.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam?

Any time is suitable for traveling to Vietnam: when it is too cold or rainy in one region, the weather in another is warm and dry. In the southern regions, your trip may be spoiled by the rainy season, which occurs from May to November. In the north, you should avoid the cold months from November to April. From July to November, typhoons can rage in the central and northern regions of the country.

When is the best time to go to the USA?

The most popular time to travel to the USA is the summer months from June to August. If you are planning your trip during this period, be prepared for the fact that at the same time thousands of Americans on vacation will be traveling along the roads of the country.

When is the best time to go to Sweden?

In terms of weather, the best time to travel to Sweden is the months from May to August, during which the country experiences warm and dry weather.

When is the best time to go to South Korea?

If possible, go to South Korea in autumn, when the weather in the country is sunny, and nature delights the eye with a riot of colors. Winter can be quite cold, but it is a good time for skiing. You should not plan a trip in the spring, when the country is overwhelmed by a wave of Japanese tourists, or in the summer, when the trip can be ruined by stiflingly hot weather.

When is the best time to go to Slovakia?

The best time to travel to Slovakia is the second half of spring or early autumn. Mid-summer marks the height of the holiday season, during which hotels and campsites are bursting at the seams with an influx of local tourists.

When is the best time to go to Qatar?

The best time to travel is April-May and September-October, as well as on religious holidays.

When is the best time to go to Morocco?

Morocco has several climate zones. You can go to the coast at any time of the year, although in the winter months in the north of the country the weather can sometimes present unpleasant surprises. The best time to travel to the central regions of Morocco is the months from October to April: at this time it is warm and sunny, with a cool wind blowing in the evenings.

When is the best time to go to the Maldives?

The best weather conditions are from November to the end of April - the sea is calm, the weather is sunny and dry. From May to October the weather is less predictable.

When is the best time to go to Malaysia?

Malaysia is hot and humid throughout the year, so you won't have to worry about choosing a time to travel. However, during the rainy season, which lasts from November to January, east coast it can be quite rainy.

When is the best time to go to Lithuania?

The best time to travel to Lithuania is the warm and dry months from May to September. The peak tourist season is in the second half of summer.

When is the best time to go to Hungary?

Although it can get quite rainy in May and June, spring is definitely one of the best times to travel to Hungary. In summer, the country experiences hot sunny weather, and resorts and tourist centers bursting at the seams from the influx of foreign tourists.

When is the best time to go to Indonesia?

Although you can travel to most of the islands of the archipelago at any time of the year, it is best to do so during the dry season, which lasts from May to October.

When is the best time to go to Estonia?

Thanks to the shallow water, the water in the sea and lakes quickly warms up and in July reaches +20-24°C; the beach season lasts from the beginning of June to the end of August. The best time to visit the country is from early May to mid-September.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic?

The rainy season lasts from May to September, with frequent but short showers. Short showers are also possible in November-December. The rest of the time the weather remains dry and warm.

When is the best time to go to Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a land of eternal summer. The air temperature stays within 26-28°C all year round.

When is the best time to go to China?

The best time to travel is spring (May) and autumn (September - October).

When is the best time to go to Chile?

The best time to come to Santiago is from October to April. Easter Island has a subtropical climate, quite hot. The most pleasant season for travel is July and August.

When is the best time to go to Croatia?

The best time to visit the country is from May to September, during this period the water warms up to 22-24°C.

When is the best time to go to Italy?

The most favorable period for visiting Italy is spring and summer. The most favorable period for visiting Italy is spring and summer. However, it should be taken into account that due to the diverse natural and climatic conditions of the country, at any time of the year you can find a place with suitable weather for relaxation.

When is the best time to go to Australia?

It's good to come to Australia at any time. But it is better to come to the country in spring or autumn, since the weather here at this time is not too extreme, and besides, in the fall it is very beautiful in the vicinity of Canberra and in the Victorian Alps.

When is the best time to go to England?

April-September is undoubtedly the best time to visit the country, and it is not surprising that most attractions are open to tourists during this time, so it is very crowded during this time. July and August are the height of the tourist season, during which, if possible, it is better to postpone a visit to the country.

When is the best time to go to Antigua?

The best time to travel to Antigua is during the dry and cool winter months. During January and February, the average daily temperature is 27°C.

When is the best time to go to Aruba?

The resort operates all year round. The climate of Aruba is tropical marine. The air temperature stays around +29°C all year round, the water temperature is +24-27°C.

When is the best time to go to the Bahamas?

The most favorable time to visit the Bahamas is from December to February. The climate in the Bahamas is influenced by Atlantic Ocean somewhat cooler than others Caribbean Islands. The rainiest months are from June to October.

It doesn't matter what time of year you are on vacation. There are enough places on our planet to choose the right resort just for you and in a given season. The main thing is to decide how you imagine your vacation: stormy and fun, calm and respectable, educational or active.

Sports fans probably know better than all the tour operators where and when they can find the best ski slopes, the right wind strength for surfing or the most beautiful undersea world... And where should Russian tourists go on vacation, who are systematically exploring more and more new horizons in search of unforgettable impressions? And how to spend a vacation without disappointment, without spoiling your mood with rain, cool sea or sweltering heat? Everything has its place and time!

Where to find the sun in January and February?

At the beginning of the year, a hot holiday is guaranteed on the Caribbean islands, among which the most popular for Russian tourists are Cuba and Dominican Republic. They attract our compatriots visa-free regime entry, regarding inexpensive prices for accommodation, a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere, beloved by the all-inclusive system.

However, other islands are also in demand: Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Jamaica, Cayman and Bermuda and many others. Each of the islands has its own unique landscape, luxury hotels and offers a variety of entertainment to suit every taste.

Warm currents and sunny weather will delight tourists in Florida.

In January-February, the dry season (without heavy prolonged rains) in Southeast Asia is quite suitable for have a nice holiday. Discover the original world of Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia.

Midwinter is the time to travel to Thailand, India or Cambodia. The monsoon season is over, the sun and exoticism of countries with rich culture will conquer lovers of active and beach holidays.

Turn your gaze to the southern hemisphere. When it's winter here, it's summer there. Therefore, in winter you will have a wonderful holiday in Australia, Chile, the south of Brazil and the north of Argentina.

Not the best choice:
In winter, you should avoid traveling to northern China. Worthy ski resorts You won’t find it there, but a bitter frost is guaranteed. South coast The Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco) at this time will probably seem too gray and joyless to you. The UAE can be quite chilly for swimming. And in Egypt it is quite windy, especially in the evenings. But the prices are an order of magnitude lower, so draw your own conclusions.

Excursions or the beach? We vacation in March-April

At the beginning of spring it is still quite cool in Europe. But for those who are less interested in the sea and the beach than cultural values, this is the ideal time for tours of European cities. During this period, prices are affordable, there are no long queues at museums, and you can enjoy walks along the quiet streets of the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Hungary...

If you have already unbearably missed the heat during the long winter and are dreaming of the sea, go to the beaches of your almost native Egypt, as well as Thailand, Goa or Sri Lanka.

A heavenly holiday awaits you too Maldives and the Philippines. Idyllic nature, diving and amazing tranquility will not leave you indifferent.

Holidays on Hainan Island will delight you with decent service, beautiful beaches and warm sea.

In March, you can enjoy a relatively inexpensive beach holiday in Tunisia, combining it with an excursion to the desert. However, don’t forget about a windbreaker and a sweater, it’s still cool there in the evenings.

Craving adventure? South America ready to offer you unforgettable vacation in the Inca Empire countries of Peru and Bolivia.

During these months, the cheerful Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will greet tourists especially hospitably.

The Caribbean islands are still waiting for their tourists. Pay special attention to Antilla. The south of Australia and Chile also remains a very attractive beach holiday destination.

Not the best choice:
Reunion Island, Papua New Guinea The weather will not be pleasant at this time of year. The Atlantic coast (Spain, Morocco) will also be disappointing with its inhospitable climate.

Thirst for sun before summer: holidays in May and June

The end of spring and the beginning of summer are quite good times for a vacation. The choice of beach destinations is quite large, but the prices are still low. And there is no massive influx of tourists. In addition, this will be a good opportunity for excursions, since it is not too hot yet.

In May-June, the Mediterranean islands are perfect for relaxation: Greek Crete and Corfu, Italian Ischia and Sicily, and the island of Cyprus. Good weather and Thai island Samui.

Nice prices in May for a beach holiday in Spain. In addition, this is a great opportunity to visit Barcelona that is not overcrowded with tourists.

An excellent choice would also be Canary Islands, Jordan and Israel with many attractions and shrines, Morocco.

A trip to Malta in June will give you the pleasure of nature, which at this time blooms with all its colors, and the opportunity to attend local festivals that are frequent during this time.

Exotic lovers can treat themselves to a holiday in the Seychelles, Bali or Japan.

In June it will already be quite comfortable Adriatic coast Croatia or Montenegro. If the main purpose of your trip is the sea, then you shouldn’t go there earlier.

From June, resorts in Italy and Bulgaria will also be ready for the beach season.

Don’t forget about the most popular resorts among Russian tourists in Turkey and Egypt.

Not the best choice:
The rainy season begins in Thailand, India, Kenya, Cambodia and Oman. Uncomfortable weather for holidays also in West Africa(Mali, Burkina Faso) and the Philippines.

High summer and vacation time: July and August

No wonder almost everyone beach destinations July and August are considered the “high” season. This means that at this time there is the greatest demand for tours and, accordingly, the most high prices. All cities and resorts in Europe are at your service. At this time, various festivals, colorful shows and celebrations are often held here.

Good in July-August in Croatia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, especially on the islands, as well as in Cyprus and Malta.

It's time to go to the islands of the Atlantic coast: Madeira, Cape Verde or the Canary Islands.

Exotic destinations with comfortable weather include China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (minimal rainfall is observed in August), Vietnam, the Bahamas, and Fiji.

Anyone interested in a safari will be interested in going to Tanzania at this time, where the “dry” season begins.

Not the best choice:
Popular resorts in Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia will be met with sweltering heat and crowded beaches. And prices will remain high. Not everywhere in July-August good weather: rains may interfere with holidays in Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, India, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

Velvet season: September and October

Summer is over, but enjoy the sunny weather and warm sea not too late. The wave of tourists has subsided, the intense heat has subsided, it’s time to spend the Velvet season by the sea. Temperature Mediterranean Sea quite suitable for swimming.

Holidays in Greece (preferably in Crete, as it can be windy on the small islands), Italy, Cyprus, as well as in the countries of North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt) are especially pleasant at this time of year.

It is better to go to Turkey in September, but October, despite low prices, can be disappointing with rainy weather.

One of best places during these months it is the United Arab Emirates. October is considered high season in the UAE. However, it must be taken into account that most of the month falls during Ramadan, when there are strict restrictions on all entertainment and alcoholic beverages.

Do you want to combine a beach holiday and a rich excursion program? Choose Israel (in particular Eilat) or Jordan. In addition, you can receive medical treatment and spend unforgettable days at the Dead Sea.

September and October are great for study tours in Europe.

The beginning of autumn is a great time to visit the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, Lebanon, or Oman.

Not the best choice:
It is better not to go to Spain, especially southern Spain, from mid-autumn. Cold currents and the onset of the rainy season can ruin your mood. If you are not a fan of extreme weather, including storms, strong winds and heavy rains, then you should not vacation in the Caribbean islands and countries of Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos...) in September-October.

A worthy end to the year: holidays in November and December

If you want a Christmas tale, go to one of the cities in Europe. Elegant streets, numerous fairs, festivals and shows, moderate frost, cozy hotels and decent service will create a pleasant mood on holidays.

You will get a child's delight from the New Year or Christmas holidays in Finland by taking a trip to the village of Santa Claus, riding a reindeer sleigh and experiencing all the delights of a frosty winter: skiing, skating, snowmobiles... And then, of course, a hot sauna. Holidays are also fun on ferries traveling between the northern countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark).

In search of summer sun, you can go to cheerful, noisy Brazil, carefree Cuba or the respectable Dominican Republic.

The Maldives will give you a relaxing holiday in a pleasant exotic atmosphere.

History buffs can travel through Mexico in the footsteps of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs.

The end of the year marks the beginning of the tourist season in Southeast Asia. Great time to visit Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.

The rainy season is ending in India. Beaches of Goa will greet you with warm dry weather, beautiful hotels and a hectic life.

For those who are not afraid of long flights and crave new experiences, this time is ideal for a holiday in southern Australia, where spring reigns.

Egypt has become an almost classic holiday option at the end and beginning of the year. Despite the cool and windy evenings, during the day you can sunbathe and swim in the beautiful Red Sea.

Not the best choice:
You are unlikely to get the most out of Europe during these months. Gray and cold will not give you a complete picture of beautiful cities. Vietnam, despite its warm weather, can be disappointing with choppy oceans. The water temperature in the UAE is also not pleasant for swimming.

Svetlana Apreleva