The most autumn festivals. The most autumn festivals Culinary school sites

Many believe that with the arrival of autumn cold weather, the festival season has come to an end. However, the capital's poster convinces us otherwise. This fall, many festivals are starting for the whole family, which will help you get acquainted with classical music, establish a dialogue with grandparents, and learn more about new American cinema.


- Festival for older people Young Old

On November 3 and 4, the ZIL Cultural Center will host the second festival for older people “Young Old: New Seniors”. The goal of the festival is to create a platform for discussions about ageism, show people strategies for success after 50 and give them real tools and opportunities for development. Here people of different generations will be able to find common interests and overcome stereotypical ideas about age. Especially for this purpose, “paired formats” of activities are being launched, intended for older parents and their adult children. This will allow members of the same family to establish dialogue and rethink relationships between generations. Guests will enjoy discussions and master classes on careers, freedom of choice, fashion, health, creativity, technology and contemporary art. Everyone will be able to try their hand at blogging, become a volunteer, critic, designer or programmer. Also this year at the festival there will be a presentation of “Tinder for seniors” - the social game Young Old. Over the course of a year, members of the Young Old community of thousands will communicate not only in the media, but also offline: to meet each other, share experiences, learn something new and create personal strategies for success.

- Festival of current classics Re:Formers

The II International Festival of Contemporary Classics Re:Formers will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The organizers of the project, Maria Nemtsova and Vitaly Vatulya, set as their goal to show the combination of music and other forms of art, declaring this theme the main one for the festival in 2019. Stars of modern classical music from America and Europe will come to Russia especially to participate in the event. The legendary US pianist Margaret Leng Tan, who was the first to elevate the toy piano to the rank of a real professional musical instrument, will open the festival with the concert “Miniature Meets Monumentality.” On November 29, the Zaryadye Concert Hall will host the premiere of the unique author’s program “Joint Actions” by the writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya and the Triumph Prize winner, the famous pianist Polina Osetinskaya. The Russian premiere of George Crumb’s “Metamorphoses” will be dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the famous American composer and will recall the masterpieces of painting by Klee, Dali, Kandinsky and other artists who inspired the author. Also within the framework of the festival, world and Russian premieres of works by Takashi Yoshimatsu, Rio Noda, Alexey Kurbatov and other modern classical composers of the 21st century will be held. The main event will be the world premiere of a sonata for saxophone and piano by contemporary French composer Jean-Denis Micha.

- First Biennale contemporary art Caucasus “In Search of Identity”

The First Biennale of Contemporary Art of the Caucasus “In Search of Identity” will be held in Moscow for the first time - a week-long marathon of contemporary art, which will be accompanied by a musical experimental program, lectures, public discussions and master classes based on traditional crafts. The small hall of the Artplay Design Center will display works by more than 100 contemporary artists from seven republics North Caucasus, Transcaucasian countries and other states. More than 500 works of art will represent all genre diversity: guests will see an installation by Ossetian artist Tembolat Gugkaev, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Beslan tragedy and created based on the memorial erected in Turkey in the village. Poyrazly, the exhibition will also feature “live” graffiti by the artist Ruslan ØDÎNTRÏ Magomedov, who will create new job. One of the most anticipated participants of the exhibition will be the resonant photo project #FollowMeTo, which was created by Murad and Natalia Osmann. This will be his first time taking part in an art exhibition.

Where: Artplay (Small Hall)
When: from 25 to 31 October
Free admission

- Children's theater festival “Marshak”

The V International Children's Theater Festival “Marshak” will be held in Voronezh, during which productions for all ages and all possible formats and genres will be shown. Guests will see puppet theatre, storytelling, sketches, micro-musicals, interactive, silent and classic children's plays. The opening of the festival was entrusted to the musical “12 months” of the musical theater “Karambol”. This production was nominated for the Golden Mask in five categories. For nine festival days 15 theaters in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Brussels, and Jerusalem will present 19 performances. Guests will enjoy the production “My Grandfather Was a Cherry” from the Bolshoi Puppet Theater (St. Petersburg), the SNARK theater (Moscow) will show “Anna-Lisa and the Bear” for children from 3 years old, the Belgian theater “NYASH Co” will come with a dance performance “10:10”, the mono-story “DARAYA” will be performed by “Foule Theater” (Belgium), the program also includes performances by the Israeli theater “Train Theater” and other groups. One of the main events of the festival will be the premiere of the new play “Cinderella” directed by Nina Chusova, which was prepared by the Theater for Young Spectators (Voronezh).

When: from October 26 to November 3
Tickets: from 300 to 1100 rubles
Festival website:


At the end of September, the 14th American Film Festival AMFEST starts, within the framework of which new films from the United States, covering the myriad genre diversity of the industry, will be presented to the Russian audience. In Moscow, at the Karo 11 October cinema, viewers will see Brad Pitt in James Gray’s melancholy space odyssey “Ad Astra”, Abel Ferrar’s autobiographical film “Tommaso”, scandal-loving and Hollywood’s main hooligan Shia LaBeouf in the adventure comedy “The Peanut Butter Falcon” (he will become the festival’s Gala opening film), Joaquin Phoenix’s benefit performance in the long-awaited “Joker” and much more. All films will be shown in the original language with Russian subtitles. In addition, as part of the festival, on October 3, there will be a master class by American director and screenwriter Abel Ferrara, who is called one of the best newsreels of the mafia environment and crime stories.

- Festival of New European Theater NET-2019

The festival of new European theater NET-2019 will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which every year reveals to Russia the names of leading artists and directors of European theater. This year, the Russian public will be treated to priceless theatrical gifts. As part of the 21st festival, the Theater of Nations will show the play “Why?” 94-year-old English director Peter Brook, who will personally come to Moscow. This production is dedicated to the life of another theatrical genius, Vsevolod Meyerhold, and to finding out the reason for his execution in 1940. In addition, the famous choreographer from Bulgaria Ivo Dimchev will present his “Selfie Concert”, the choreography of which is completely tied to the audience. The public is in for a big surprise. One of the festival participants will be the Stanislavsky Electric Theater with the most anticipated production directed by Boris Yukhananov in two parts: “Pinocchio. Forest" and "Pinocchio.Theater". This theater will also present in Moscow and St. Petersburg the play “World History” directed by David Espinosa. At the Center. Sun. Meyerhold, Spanish director Angelica Lidell will present a production of “Rib on the Table: Mother,” which is a must-see for those interested in the rituals and traumas of humanity.

- Documentary theater festival BRUSFEST

In November, as part of the First International Festival-Workshop named after Dmitry Brusnikin BRUSFEST in Moscow, Russian and foreign documentary performances of recent years will be shown. The productions can be seen at Winzavod, at the Voznesensky Center, at the Na Strastnoy Theater Center, at the Praktika Theater and other venues in the capital. On the first day of the festival, the play “Death at Work” will be staged by the Finnish theater “Baltic Circle” and the Russian Pop-up theater. This is the story of funeral service workers who, by the nature of their work, are very close to death and are direct guides of people to another world. The theater company Berlin from Belgium will present an unusual play “Perhaps All Dragons...”. The production does not use a stage, instead there is only one round table, 30 seats and 30 screens on which recordings of 30 different storytellers are displayed. Material for this performance was collected from periodicals, in social networks and specialized sites. “Brusnikin’s Workshop” will also present several performances in collaboration with various theater groups: “Borderline State”, “Multiple Clinic Time”, “Right to Rest”, “Transsib”, “V.E.R.A.” and others.

- Festival of board games “Igrokon”

The capital's Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center will host the largest festival of board games and home entertainment for people of different generations and interests. Visitors will get acquainted with countless board games from all over the world, true connoisseurs will be able to purchase collectible card games, and those who come to the festival for the first time will be able to sort through a huge game library with the help of experienced game masters. For those who want to try their hand and compete with other board game lovers, a special tournament with nice prizes will open. Many developers will present their original games at the festival, which can be tested right on site. There will be a special area for children with animators, board games for kids and face painting. There will also be a fair where you can purchase themed gaming products at discounted prices.

- Festival of Contemporary Choreography Context. Diana Vishneva

This fall, the seventh Context festival of contemporary choreography will take place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Diana Vishneva. This year on the best sites countries, the winners and finalists of the competition for young choreographers will perform in the “Evening of Young Choreographers” concert series. The festival program includes a new production of Equal Elevations by the Spanish company La Veronal, created specifically for a special hall National Museum Arts of Reina Sofia, where the iconic work of the talented painter Richard Serra is located - the sculpture “Equal-Parallel / Guernica-Benghazi”. Equal Elevations is a delicate and honest dialogue between sculpture and choreographer, directed by choreographer Martin Morau, which will show the limitless possibilities of the human body and the absence of gravity on stage. The second major performance of the festival will be the famous Grand Finale, staged by the outstanding choreographer Hofesh Shechter. This is a ballet that has conquered iconic venues in Paris, Melbourne, London and other modern cultural centers.

-X International festival arts “Diaghilev. P.S.”

The anniversary X International Festival of Arts “Diaghilev. P.S.”, within which on different sites cultural capital There will be screenings of ballet performances, operas, presentations of photo exhibitions, lectures, and a scientific conference “The Legacy of the Russian Seasons.” XXI century” and much more. The festival will present the performance “Homage to Nijinsky,” which includes three new choreographic versions of the 21st century Ballets Russes masterpieces: “Daphnis and Chloe” (choreography by Jean-Christophe Maillot), “The Vision of a Rose” (choreography by Marco Hecke) and “Petrushka” (choreography Johan Inger). This production is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Ballets Russes and the 130th anniversary of the birth of the legendary dancer and innovator in the field of choreography - Vaslav Nijinsky. The festival will host an evening of one-act ballets, where you can see Stravinsky’s “Le Noces” staged by Tatyana Baganova, which received the “Golden Mask”. Also this evening will include a dramatic performance by the Irish theater company Ériu Dance Company, “The Rite of Spring,” directed by Brendan de Galli, who specializes in a modern interpretation of Irish national dance.

Krasnaya Polyana. Sochi.

Top 10 best autumn festivals in Russia, popular in 2017, included the World Festival of Youth and Students (Sochi), the piano festival “Moscow Arts Evenings” (Moscow region), the music festival “Eurasia” (Ekaterinburg), the cultural and sports festival “Peaceful Caucasus” (Vladikavkaz), the festival “ Masterpieces of World Classics" (Kaliningrad), folklore festival "Golden Springs" (Pskov), theater festival "Maskerad" (Penza), opera festival. M.D. Mikhailov (Cheboksary), festival " Northern lights"(Yakutsk) and the holiday "Days of the Orenburg Down Shawl" (Orenburg)

According to estimates, event tourism is one of the main factors driving the growth of domestic tourism in 2017.

XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held from October 14 to October 22, 2017 in Moscow and Sochi. The main events of the festival will take place in Sochi Olympic Park from October 15 to October 22, and on the first day of the festival, October 14, an international student parade-carnival will be held in Moscow. More than 20 thousand young people take part in the festival, including 10 thousand foreigners from more than 180 countries.

V International Piano Festival “Moscow Arts Evenings” takes place from October 3 to October 31, 2017 in the cities of the Moscow region: Elektrostal, Vidnoye, Sergiev Posad, Protvino, Klin, Balashikha, Pushkino, Kolomna and Zhukovsky. The festival features pianists Vincenzo Balzani, Marcella Crudeli, Giuseppe Lo Cichero, Paolo Francese and Pasquale Iannone from Itadia, as well as Yuri Bogdanov and Sergei Sobolev (Russia), Andreas Fröhlich (Germany), Leonel Morales (Spain) and Philippe Raskin (Belgium) ).

IV International Music Festival "Eurasia" takes place from October 6 to October 13, 2017 in Yekaterinburg. Organized by the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, the Eurasia festival has become a new cultural brand of the Urals. Musicians from Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, China and Syria participate in the festival. “Eurasia” ends on October 13 with the premiere - the work “UR” by Italian composer Ivan Fedele, commissioned by the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra.

All-Russian cultural and sports festival "Peaceful Caucasus" will take place on October 13 and 14, 2017 in Vladikavkaz. In the capital of the Republic North Ossetia— Alanya, athletes from the North Caucasus Federal District compete in 10 sports: Kyokushinkai, Thai boxing, jiu-jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, sambo, kickboxing, taekwondo, Shito-ryu, army hand-to-hand combat and dance sports. As part of the grand opening of the festival on October 13, demonstration performances by athletes and national creative groups will take place.

X International Festival “Masterpieces of World Classics” runs from October 1 to October 15, 2017 in Cathedral in Kaliningrad. The concert on October 14 will be dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach performed by cathedral organist Evgeniy Avramenko, and on October 15 Symphony No. 9 will be performed under the direction of Arkady Feldman together with the Ave Sol choir from Latvia, the combined choir of the Kaliningrad Musical Theater and the Cyrillic Youth Choir. , as well as soloists from Lithuania, Poland and Germany. Ticket prices range from 200 to 500 rubles.

International Folklore Festival "Golden Springs" will take place on October 13 and 14, 2017 in Pskov. 16 folklore groups from the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Tver regions, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova and Estonia participate in the festival. As part of the festival in Pskov regional center folk art and urban cultural center will pass interactive program traditions of Pskov blacksmiths, master classes on arts and crafts and an exhibition of arts and crafts. All master classes and concerts of the festival are free.

Second International Theater Festival "Maskerade" will be held from October 25 to October 30, 2017 in Penza. The stage of the Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky will host performances from theaters from Moscow, Vladimir, Penza, Perm, Saratov, Ufa and Gomel. Ticket prices range from 300 to 600 rubles.

XXVII International Opera Festival named after. M.D. Mikhailova will be held from November 17 to 21, 2017 in Cheboksary at the Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater. The festival program includes an opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" (November 17), "Elisir of Love" by G. Donizetti (November 18), "Tenor of the 21st Century" concert (November 19), "Rigoletto" by G. Verdi (November 20) and Gala concert (November 21 ).

VII International Arctic Music Festival “Northern Lights” takes place from October 1 to October 31 in Yakutsk. At the festival held by the State Philharmonic of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) named after. G. M. Krivoshapko, taking part in the symphony orchestra “Symphonica ARTica”, concerts by Dmitry Ribero-Ferreira accompanied by the string ensemble “Arco ARTico” and the brass band “Lena River Brass”, the State Concert Orchestra of Yakutia and the balalaika ensemble “BalAns” and Albert Zhalilov with the ending “Heart in the Snow”.

Holiday "Days of the Orenburg Down Shawl" takes place from October 12 to 16, 2017 in Orenburg at the Orenburg Museum fine arts and on other sites. The festival program includes a presentation of knitting a down scarf, an exhibition of Orenburg down scarves, the event “Wear a scarf on Intercession Day” and a flash mob “Our Orenburg scarf loves the West and the East.” In many areas Orenburg region There will be events dedicated to the Orenburg down knitting industry and its craftswomen.

10 best festivals in Russia in autumn 2017:

  1. World Festival of Youth and Students (Sochi): October 14 - 22, 2017
  2. Festival "Moscow Arts Evenings" (Moscow region): October 3 - 31, 2017
  3. Festival "Eurasia" (Ekaterinburg): October 6 - 13, 2017
  4. Festival "Peaceful Caucasus" (Vladikavkaz): October 13 - 14, 2017
  5. Festival "Masterpieces of World Classics" (Kaliningrad): October 1 - 15, 2017
  6. Festival "Golden Springs" (Pskov): October 13 - 14, 2017
  7. Festival "Maskerad" (Penza): October 25 - 30, 2017
  8. Opera Festival named after M.D. Mikhailova (Cheboksary): November 17 - 21, 2017
  9. Festival "Northern Lights" (Yakutsk): October 1 - 31, 2017
  10. Holiday "Days of the Orenburg Down Shawl" (Orenburg): October 12 - 16, 2017

Summer is already over, and you still haven’t plunged into your usual routine because you want to continue the holiday? It would seem, what holidays at this time of year! But no, today we will offer you the largest festivals of the past year that you can still visit.

Every summer, major cities around the world invite us to visit their colorful festivals and carnivals during our vacation. And all these holidays are original in their own way: they combine the ancient traditions of their people and modern innovations. But why do we associate such events only with summer time of the year? After all, during the autumn rains, sometimes you want to briefly plunge into the holiday again, feel warmth and happiness. Today we will talk about the largest festivals this fall that an avid traveler should visit.

I think there is no need to explain in detail the meaning of the word “bullfighting” - everyone knows about it. Today it is no longer just a festive spectacle, but a whole folk art that has become one of the symbols of the country. The Spaniards even organized separate farms where they raise bulls of special aggressive breeds - they are easy to anger and force to attack.

The festival itself is a kind of performance with its own special rules. It begins with a draw, where it is decided which bull each player will fight with. Then a bull is released into the arena, which is confused by an assistant with the help of multi-colored cloaks - pink and yellow. The animal is also angered with the help of spears pierced into its back. Well, then the culmination of the whole show - in the arena there is only an angry bull and a matador. At this moment, the player comes as close as possible to the animal and kills it with a sword, looking straight into its eyes. However, the public can save the bull’s life: if the bull showed special courage and bravery in the arena, then the audience can ask the president to grant him “forgiveness.” And this “forgiveness” is the main goal of the entire event - the main task of the matador is to reveal the character of the bull, whose courage will save his life.

Today there are several types of Spanish bullfighting: the so-called tourist bullfights and traditional bullfighting. To avoid being caught in a fake show of little-known matadors, stay away from the embankments and go to Madrid, Rondo, Cordoba or Seville.

One of the significant events in the world of rock has become the international festival Rock in Rio, which is held annually in Brazil, Spain, Portugal, the USA and other countries.

The first festival took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1985, with approximately 1.5 million people attending. Over the past 31 years, such artists as Queen, AC/DC, Metallica, Aerosmith, Katy Perry, Rihanna, INXS, Maroon 5 have performed here - the list goes on and on.

The concert itself takes place under open air, in particularly hot weather, specially installed fountains douse the public and sell hot dogs and drinks. By the way, the Russian rock festival “Invasion” is somewhat reminiscent of Rock in Rio.

Beer lovers probably know about the famous German festival Oktoberfest (Wiesn). This is the largest holiday in the world! It takes place in Munich, lasts 16 days and consists of three parts: a procession of beer tent owners, the opening of a beer barrel and a costume procession.

The first part represents the movement of people from the city center to Theresa Meadow, where Oktoberfest takes place. The procession is accompanied by beer tent orchestras. However, this is only preparation for the celebration, because the official beginning is the ceremonial opening of the beer barrel by the mayor at exactly 12 noon. After the command “O’zapft is!” (“Uncorked!”) the owners of the tents begin to pour out their drinks, and people celebrate and have fun.

On the first Sunday of the festival, the most colorful part takes place - a costume procession. About 8,000 residents in national costumes walk the 7-kilometer route from the Bavarian parliament to Theresa's Meadow. This procession is accompanied by songs and dances, and everyone or passers-by is welcome to join.

Of course, the most important drink at Oktoberfest is a special type of beer with approximately 6% ABV. But everyone can try other varieties, as well as wines, non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails. Appetizers usually include white Bavarian sausages, German pretzels, baked fish on a stick, roast ox or Bavarian knuckle.

Local residents claim that there are many places in the UK where ghosts regularly appear. The British even have a special phrase “Haunted house”, which means “a house often visited by ghosts”.

On the evening of October 31, children and teenagers, dressed in scary costumes, perform the ancient ritual of “Trick or Treat.” But today some people, especially the elderly, do not like to be disturbed on All Saints' Day, so they receive a special sign from the government on their door: “No trick-or-treating, please.”

But young people should not be upset that this is the only entertainment that night, because there is hardly a restaurant, bar or club that would bypass such a holiday. At night on the streets major cities you can meet crowds of people in disguise who are rushing to the holiday.

In London, the most unusual and frightening festivals are held on this day, cinemas show films on this topic, but the most unusual “attraction” of Halloween, in our opinion, is Bus tour Ghost BusTour (33 New Oxford Street). He will introduce you to the most scary places capital, where brutal murders, torture and executions took place. While traveling on the bus itself, you will also not be bored, so seriously think about whether you are ready for such a night walk!

Americans greatly honor this holiday; over all the years of its existence, they have accumulated many customs that they carefully preserve and observe. One of the most important traditions is food. The most important decoration of the table, of course, is the turkey. Sweet potato yams with gravy are served as a side dish, crackers with spices and sweet potatoes are served as a filling, and pumpkin pie is served for dessert. This is exactly what the Thanksgiving table looked like back in the 17th century.

On this day in New York there is a festive costume parade - another attribute of the holiday. People come to it in 17th-century clothes and Indian costumes. The main figure of the parade is the huge balloons in the form of cartoon characters, TV shows and fairy tales. In the evening, fireworks are displayed on the outskirts of the city.

The analytical agency TurStat compiled a rating of the best and most popular gastronomic festivals in Russia in the fall of 2017. The rating of “tasty” festivals in autumn 2017 is headed by gastronomic events in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and.

Top 10 gastronomic events of autumn, popular among tourists and local residents, make up gastro festivals " Golden autumn" (), gourmet festival " " (), "Sochi Fish Market" (Sochi), "Tambov Potato" (Tambov), "Taigafest" (Primorye), Tyumen Gastronomic Festival (Tyumen), Fish-AMUR-Fest (Komsomolsk -on-Amur), Euphrosyne Fair (, Vladimir region), “Eletsk feast for guests from all volosts” (Cossacks, Lipetsk region) and Tarusa gastronomic festival (Tarusa, Kaluga region).

The gastronomic festival “Golden Autumn” takes place in Moscow from September 22 to October 8, 2017. As part of the “Golden Autumn” festival, a cycle of street festivals “Moscow Seasons”, tastings, concerts and culinary master classes are held in all districts and parks of the capital and they sell farm products, meat and fish delicacies, honey and beekeeping products, canned vegetables and fruits. At the Golden Autumn cheese festival, more than 100 varieties of cheese are on sale, and 100 tons of pumpkin of 12 varieties were brought from the regions to Moscow. Over 5 million people attended the Golden Autumn festival in 2016.

VI International Gourmet Festival "" will be held from October 7 to November 12, 2017 in Veliky Novgorod. As a result of tastings in cafes and restaurants of the city and popular voting, the “Best Novgorod dish 2017” will be chosen from 8 recipes: dessert “Rachmaninov’s lilac” (restaurant “Berg’s House”), Novgorod-style kalia with sturgeon and pike perch, stewed in a Russian oven with rye wickets (“Zavod-bar”), pea porridge with homemade fat-tailed lamb sausage (guest cafe “Varenye”), honey merchant-style pork ribs (restaurant “Ile-de-France”), Ilmen bream ribs with ash turnip and onion marmalade (Flagman restaurant), Northern Sturgeon (Portland pizzeria), creamy veal tails with chanterelles and smoked potato mousse (HURMA restaurant) and “social” with cabbage broth (Malinovka cafe ").

The fish festival “Sochi Fish Market” will take place from September 27 to October 1, 2017 in Sochi. They will make money on the Southern Pier Square shopping arcades and there will be tastings and open master classes on preparing fish dishes, and in Sochi restaurants there will be a “fish ball”: a special fish menu, tastings and professional master classes. Within festival will take place All-Russian tasting competition of fish products “Fish wealth”.

The gastronomic festival “Tambov Potatoes” will be held on October 15, 2017 in Tambov as part of the VII International Pokrovskaya Fair from October 13 to 15. Tambov is 381 years old this year. Therefore, 381 kg of potatoes will be boiled in a large saucepan, and 150 kg of potatoes will be fried in a large frying pan. Potato dishes and master classes on their preparation will be presented by districts and cities of the Tambov region. On the Embankment there is a fair from best rooms and participants in similar fair events throughout the region.

The taiga festival Taigafest will be held from September 24 (Tiger Day) to October 1, 2017 in Primorye. In 16 restaurants in Vladivostok and Ussuriysk from September 24 to 30 - a special menu of taiga products, on October 1 - a fair of taiga products with tasting in the Shtykovsky Ponds Art Park in Shtykovo.

The IV Tyumen Gastronomic Festival takes place from September 15 to October 15, 2017 in 15 restaurants in Tyumen. As part of the event, a three-course gastronomic set ordered at the restaurant, prepared from three key festival products - rabbit, carrots and lingonberries, costs 900 rubles.

The III gastronomic festival “Fish-AMUR-Fest” will be held on October 21, 2017 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur on the territory of the Silinsky Park recreation and entertainment center. The festival program includes a fair of Amur fish and fishing gear, an exhibition and sale with tasting of fish dishes and master classes on folk crafts and sushi making.

Euphrosyne Fair will be held on October 7, 2017 in the city Vladimir region. On the day of the fair Trade area In Suzdal you can purchase products from agricultural enterprises in Vladimir and neighboring regions: vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, fish, eggs, baked goods, honey, seedlings, haberdashery and sewing goods, as well as souvenirs. Rural settlements in the area offer tastings local dishes.

The regional gastronomic festival “Yeletsky feast for guests from all volosts” will be held on September 30, 2017 in the village of Cossacks, Eletsky district Lipetsk region. The festival program includes tastings of local dishes, a master class on making dumplings, an exhibition and sale of agricultural products, a concert by creative groups from the region and games for children.

III Tarusa Gastronomic Festival national cuisines will be held from November 4 to 5, 2017 in the city of Tarusa, Kaluga region.

The portal "Culture.RF" talks about interesting festivals that will be held this fall in different regions Russia, - “Olympic Games”, the Fountain Closing Festival in Peterhof, concerts of the world's leading organists and many others.

Moscow: Ladder Festival

Moscow region, Melikhovo village: holiday “Soaked Boots, or Melikhovo Trouble”

St. Petersburg: autumn fountain festival “Walking across Three Seas”

Sochi: XVIII International Organ Music Festival

In the fall, organists from Russia, Germany, Japan, Abkhazia and Ukraine will gather in Sochi. On the stage Concert hall of organ and chamber music named after Alisa Debolskaya, musicians will give eight diverse concerts. They will perform works by classical and contemporary composers - Johann Bach, George Handel, Franz Liszt, Ottorino Respighi, Max Reger and others.

Yelets: VIII Interregional Event Tourist Festival “Antonov Apples”

In the second half of September, a festival of traditions and customs will take place in Yelets late XIX- early 20th century, dedicated to the writer Ivan Bunin. On the streets of the city you will see high school students strolling, peasants selling at the fair and young ladies riding in carriages. Guests of the festival will see a performance based on the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, take part in the “Living Word” and “From Grandma’s Chest” competitions, go on a tour of the Ivan Bunin House Museum, and also visit the fair of folk craftsmen, the apple market and the art exhibition “Buninsky Dace".

Ryazan region, village of Konstantinovo: festival “Yesenin Days - 2017”

State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin will celebrate the 122nd anniversary of the poet’s birth with the traditional festival “Yesenin Days”. The festival will include a concert by the ensemble “Radunitsa” and a conference “Yesenin in Dialogue” national cultures", the festival-competition "Leaves Whisper in Autumn..." and the poetry festival "My Golden Land!" Youth theater groups will prepare performances dedicated to the 1917 revolution, which will be presented to the audience at the festival “That image in me has not faded away...”.

Rostov region, village of Karginskaya: holiday “Karginskaya Fair on the Intercession”

Rostov region, Nedvigovka village: theatrical festival “Tanais Day”

Nizhny Novgorod: VI International Festival of Contemporary Music “Pictures at an Exhibition”

Omsk: Interregional festival of traditional crafts “Pokrovskaya Fair”

The fair of traditional crafts and crafts, dedicated to wedding celebrations, will be held in Omsk for three days. The program includes a competition for fairgrounds, a presentation of crafts, master classes, a folk costume fashion show, as well as games and round dances for the little ones. In the photo zone for newlyweds, guests will be told about ancient wedding rituals, and folk groups and ethnomusicians will perform at concerts.

Suzdal: VII Competition-festival of musical and artistic creativity “Golden Legend”

On the stage of the Main Concert Hall tourist complex"Suzdal" will host a competition of vocalists, dancers, costume designers, artists and circus performers of different ages - from four years and older. The winners will perform at a gala concert, after which guests will also enjoy a disco and dance battles.

The review is compiled based on materials provided.