Pereslavl-Zalessky in the Vladimir region. What attractions await us? Pereslavl gold ring

Pereslavl-Zalessky is located near Lake Pleshcheevo, 100 kilometers from Moscow. Here in 1152, at the intersection of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a new city.

Pereslavl was once rich and famous. The name of the city itself is translated from Old Russian as “taking over glory.” The most famous Pereslavl prince was Alexander Nevsky, who was born in this city and then went to reign in Novgorod. After joining the Principality of Moscow in 1302, Pereslavl saw almost all the great princes and kings. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Pereslavl-Zalessky became a stronghold of the oprichnina.

The unique face of Pereslavl-Zalessky today is determined by its churches, monasteries, and museums. Not far from the city you can see the archaeological monument “Kleshchinsky complex”, the center of which is ancient city Kleshchin, from which the ramparts of the 12th century have been preserved.

Everyone has heard the legend about the “Blue Stone” - a huge boulder that lies on the shore of the lake. They say that the stone has miraculous powers and heals many diseases.

Goritsky Monastery. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Goritsky Monastery was founded probably at the beginning of the 14th century under Ivan Kalita. In 1382, Tokhtamysh’s army destroyed Pereslavl-Zalessky, and with it the Goritsky Monastery. Shortly before the ruin, Grand Duchess Evdokia, the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, came here to pray. She and several other people miraculously escaped from the Tatars by hiding in the fog on the lake. In memory of her salvation, Evdokia in 1392 invested in the restoration of the monastery. And in Pereslavl, a tradition arose of making a religious procession on boats from the Goritsky Monastery to the middle of the lake.

The largest temple of the Goritsky Monastery is the Assumption Cathedral. The interior of the Assumption Cathedral is spacious and high, well lit, decorated lavishly and tastefully. The temple looks like a palace and is comparable in wealth to the cathedrals of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the 18th century. The vaults and walls of the cathedral are covered with stucco cartouches, monograms, garlands of flowers, and images of angels.

Nikitsky Monastery.

The monastery is located in the northern part of Pereslavl-Zalessky, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. This is the oldest monastery in the city, founded before 1186.

Tradition says that it was founded by Prince Boris, the son of Prince Vladimir Krasnoye Solnyshko. The monastery became famous thanks to the exploits of the Pereslavl saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita, before becoming a monk, was a tax collector and enjoyed an extremely bad reputation until he repented and went to the store, where he wore iron chains and a stone cap without taking off. He was endowed with the gift of healing and driving out demons. Among the people he healed was Prince Mikhail of Chernigov. In memory of this healing, the Chernigov Chapel stands before the entrance to Pereslavl-Zalessky along the Moscow road.

All monastery buildings earlier than the 16th century were wooden and have not survived to this day. The Nikitsky Monastery flourished in the 16th century, when it attracted the attention of Ivan the Terrible and his wife Anastasia. The royal couple came here several times for prayer services, after which the seriously ill heir recovered. After this, by order of the king, stone structures and walls began to be erected. Ivan the Terrible planned to use the monastery as a reserve fortress in case of treason by the guardsmen.

In 1611, the walls of the monastery withstood a siege by Polish-Lithuanian troops for two weeks.
The main cathedral of the monastery is the Church of the Great Martyr Nikita.

Transfiguration Cathedral.

Construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral began under Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152. The cathedral is a witness to the founding of the city and all the events in its history. The temple is made of white limestone, its height is 34 meters, the thickness of the walls is 1.5 meters. Once upon a time it was the main temple of the city and princes. The most famous Pereslavl princes Dmitry Alexandrovich and Ivan Dmitrievich are also buried here.

The cathedral was painted in 1157, but today the ancient frescoes are almost lost. In the second half of the 20th century, during the restoration of the cathedral, the walls were strengthened and the 19th-century paintings were cleaned off, leaving the temple inside as white as it was under Yuri Dolgoruky.

Museum “Boat of Peter I”.

4 km. from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, on Mount Gremyach, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheev at the end of the 17th century, Peter I began the construction of a “fun flotilla”, which laid the foundation of the Russian navy. From 1688 to 1693, about 100 ships were launched. The first Russian military sailors were trained here. Only one ship has survived to this day - the bot “Fortune”.

In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exhibition of one of the first Russian museums. The building was built with funds collected from the residents of the county. In the middle of the 19th century, a architectural ensemble with the monument to Peter, the Arc de Triomphe, the White Palace, the Rotunda.

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About half the way from Moscow to Yaroslavl there is a beautiful old City Pereslavl-Zalessky, which is part of the famous a tourist route"Gold ring of Russia". The city was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky.

In terms of the number of attractions, Pereslavl can easily compete with Suzdal. There are also a huge number of ancient monasteries and churches, and intricate museums. Many people put Russia's only museum of narrow-gauge steam locomotives first. In the vicinity of Pereslavl-Zalessky, from the town of Vyoksa to the village of Talitsa, a protected line of narrow-gauge railways has been preserved. This is where the “cuckoo” museum is located. open air, the exhibits of which included steam locomotives, carriages and other equipment of past years. Here you can also see various retro cars and mechanisms. late XIX- mid-20th century. You can ride a handcar and old jeeps. For those who want to have a snack, there is a buffet with delicious pies, tea and coffee. You can buy souvenirs in a specially designated trailer.

Other original museums include the Teapot Museum, the Iron Museum, the Radio Museum, the Museum of Antique Sewing Machines, the Museum of Gramophones and Records, and the Vase Museum. The museums were created by enthusiasts, decorated creatively, and have a huge number of unique exhibits. Guides conduct exciting and educational excursions.

But there is something in the Zalessky protected area that distinguishes it from Suzdal and other cities of the Golden Ring - one of the largest lakes in the Upper Volga region - Lake Pleshcheyevo. And this lake is many years old - about 30 thousand. On its banks a National Park of the same name has been created - a wonderful and picturesque place. The earthen ramparts of Kleshchina, Yarilin bald spot (Alexandrova Mountain), Sin-kamen (temple of ancient pagans), and the amazingly beautiful lake will leave you with an indelible impression.

The earthen rampart is quite well preserved. From it you can understand the size of the ancient city of Kleshchin. Alexander Mountain is especially delightful! It offers a magnificent panorama of Lake Pleshcheyevo and the surrounding Pereslavl-Zalessky churches and monasteries. Since ancient times (and it has been known about for more than 1000 years), the blue-stone has had a reputation for being miraculous. It is said to heal and fulfill wishes. To believe or not to believe is everyone’s business. Only for centuries have people come to the stone, some with gratitude, some with a request. And to this day, in any weather, people go to the stone, throw coins on it for good luck, and make wishes. And modern pagans feed him and perform their rituals. According to legend, the blue stone is alive, and changes its location from year to year. And he is also “unkillable.” No matter how much the Pereslavl people tried to get rid of him - bury him or drown him, he still returns to the foot of Alexandrova Mountain.

Pereslavl-Zalessky has an extremely interesting and eventful history. Its picturesque corners preserve the memory of many political figures and important historical facts. Here in 1220 the famous commander Alexander Nevsky was born. Here in 1688 the birth of the Russian fleet took place. On the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, the young Tsar Peter the Great began to build his first amusing flotilla. A reminder of this event is the Museum “Boat of Peter I”, where the main exhibit of the museum is the boat “Fortune”, in the construction of which Peter himself took part. This is the only ship of the entire flotilla that survived the fire of 1783.

The largest provincial historical, architectural and art museum-reserve in Russia, located in the former Goritsky Monastery, has become a popular attraction in Pereslavl. Most tourists coming to the city strive to get to Orthodox monasteries and holy springs. The Holy Trinity Danilov, Feodorovsky, Goritsky Assumption, Nikitsky monasteries have been around for hundreds of years. The main pearl of Pereslavl is the Transfiguration Cathedral. This the oldest monument antiquity - the same age as the city itself. Miraculously, it survived the Tatar-Mongol invasions, the Time of Troubles of the early 17th century, and the era of militant atheism of the early 20th century, and has survived to this day almost in its original form.

Those wishing to visit this ancient city and explore its sights are welcome in well-equipped hotels and restaurants with original cuisine.

For hundreds of years, the ancient city of Pereslavl-Zalessky has stood on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo. One of the eight main cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, Pereslavl-Zalessky inscribed its name in golden letters in the history of Rus', still retaining its special spirit of an ancient Russian city, the streets and squares of which are decorated with churches, cathedrals and monasteries.

The very name of the city, Pereslavl, comes from the Old Russian word “taking over glory” - there are many pages worthy of respect in the chronicle of the city’s history. Founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152, the city on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo quickly became one of the prosperous settlements in central Rus', becoming the center of the Pereslavl principality in 1179. From here ruled Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, who received such a telling nickname thanks to a large number children - eight sons and four daughters. Other significant names for Russia are also associated with the name of Pereslavl-Zalessky: Alexander Nevsky was born here, later Ivan the Terrible made the city a stronghold of the oprichnina, and in 1688, the young Tsarevich Peter founded an amusing flotilla near Lake Pleshcheevo, which gave rise to the future great Russian fleet. The ships that plied the waters of Lake Pleshcheevo in 1783, unfortunately, almost all burned down during a big fire. Only the boat “Fortune” survived, which today has become the main exhibit of the Pereslavl Museum-Reserve.

Since the 12th century, since the founding of Pereslavl-Zalessky, the Transfiguration Cathedral, unique for our time, has stood in the city, the oldest such building in the central part of Russia today. The walls of the ancient Nikitsky Monastery, also built in the 12th century on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, have seen many enemies and withstood more than one siege. The decoration of the monastery since 1564 has been the Nikitsky Church - the largest such structure of the 16th century.

In Pereslavl-Zalessky, history is at every turn, as its numerous churches and monasteries, museums and memorable places, and even the pagan Blue Stone in the vicinity of the city, which is said to have miraculous powers.

Nikitsky Monastery:

Pereslavl-Zalessky Museum (former Goritsky Monastery):

St. Nicholas Convent:

Transfiguration Cathedral:

Church of Alexander Nevsky:

Golden ring of Russian cities. These include ancient Russian cities, where unique monuments related to the culture and history of our country have been preserved. One of them is Pereslavl-Zalessky. Today Pereslavl-Zalessky is a regional center in Yaroslavl region, with a population of about 41,000 people.

Geographical location and climate

It is located 140 km from Moscow along the Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, at the confluence of the Trubezh River. The climate is temperate continental: summers are warm, but not very long, winters are not too cold, but quite long. Spring and autumn are clearly defined. In January average temperature ranges from -10.5°C to -12°C, in July from +17.5°C to +18.5°C. Air humidity is quite high, especially in December (up to 93%), 30% of precipitation falls in winter.

Historical reference

The prince founded the city of Pereslavl in 1152 and named it after another Pereslavl, which is located on the territory of Ukraine. And since the new settlement was located behind the forests, where the fields of farmers stretched, an explanation was added to the name - Zalessky. It was here in 1220 that he was born Alexander Nevskiy.

From 1276 to 1294 (with a break), the son of Alexander Nevsky Dmitry was the Grand Duke of Vladimir, but hometown did not leave, and Pereslavl-Zalessky, practically, at that time served as the capital of the northeastern part of Rus'. Since 1302, according to the will of Prince Ivan Dmitrievich, the city came under the jurisdiction of Moscow.

From 1238 to 1608, Pereslavl-Zalessky was taken, burned and plundered about 10 times by various conquerors, starting from Prince Fyodor the Black (Yaroslavl), then by the Horde, Lithuanians and others, and suffered greatly during the Great Troubles.

In 1688, under the pretext of a pilgrimage to Goretsky Monastery a young man came to Lake Pleshcheyevo Peter I. He was only 16 years old, but he wanted to create a Russian fleet and found the most suitable place to implement his plans. First shipyard was founded at the confluence of the Trubezh River into the lake. Specialists were invited from Holland, funding was provided by the monastery estates (who knows, whether it was voluntary?). Was built for the king Palace on Gremyach Mountain(before that he lived in a monastery), the construction of the fleet, interrupted during the Streltsy rebellion, which Peter went to pacify, continued.

Small ships and even a 30-gun frigate were built "Mars". The king actively participated in the work, and it was then that he mastered the profession of a ship carpenter. However, the flotilla was called “amusing,” there was no practical use for it, and Peter, having gained the necessary experience, left for Arkhangelsk and Voronezh, where the construction of a real fleet began. But the experience gained on Lake Pleshcheyevo is difficult to overestimate, and we can say with confidence that the Russian fleet was born here.

The first Russian ships built were stored in a barn on the mountain Gremyach, in the royal residence, but in 1783 there was a fire and everything burned down. Miraculously, “Peter’s Boat,” which he supposedly built himself, survived. In 1803, a special building was built for it, and one of the first provincial museums in Russia was opened.

By the beginning of the 19th century, it was a wealthy city, where linen factories, tanneries, “malting” factories, and forges operated. Stone houses and churches were built. The White Sea trade route contributed to the prosperity of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Everything changed dramatically when the Northern Railway was built 18 miles from the city. The story of an ordinary provincial settlement, which, nevertheless, representatives of the creative intelligentsia liked to visit - V.A. Serov, K.A. Korovin, F.I. Shalyapin, M.M. Prishvin and others.

Its area is about 51 km², its shape is round, its greatest width is 6.5 km, and its length is 11 km. The depth reaches 25 m. It is formed by lowering the bottom of underground karst depressions. This happened about 30,000 years ago during the retreat of glaciers. Previously it was much larger in size.

In the lake a lot of fish various species: bream, burbot, perch, pike. Including Pereslavl vendace, which is now listed in the Red Book.

And once upon a time it was so actively supplied to to the royal table, which even ended up on the coat of arms of Pereslavl-Zalessky. They live here different types birds, and a relict marsh turtle has also been preserved.

The history of the name of the lake, which is sometimes called Pereslavl, is interesting. Among the former names are Kleshchino, Kleshcheevo, Pleshchino, Pleshcheyka. The lake got its name from an ancient legend that it throws out (spits out) everything that is thrown into it.

Near the lake there is a very interesting object - Blue stone. It got its name because its wet surface changes color from gray to blue. It has a size of 0.6 * 3.1 * 2.6 (m) and weighs 12,000 kg. This is a ritual object of the ancient pagans - the Merians. Previously, it was located in a different place - near the Boris and Gleb Monastery, and the residents of the city organized joyful holidays there in a pagan spirit. No amount of exhortation from the monks changed the situation.

At the beginning of the 17th century, a certain deacon Onufry buried a stone, after which, according to one version, he became very ill, according to another, on the contrary, he recovered. Be that as it may, after some time the stone appeared on the surface again (it pushed out the freezing soil). In 1788, the stone was transported across the ice of the lake to be used in the construction of a church. The ice cracked, the stone sank, ended up at a depth of more than 4 meters, but 70 years later it was washed ashore. So far no scientific explanation has been found for this fact, but the Blue Stone itself began to sink into the ground and quite quickly.

Today the stone suffers from numerous tourists who try to break off a piece as a souvenir and use it in every possible way to make wishes. Adherents of new paganism and other non-traditional teachings come here. Sacred stones are objects of worship of different religions; they exist both in Russia and in other countries.

Sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Red Square. Since the 12th century, this has been the central (veche) square of the city. There was a bell here that gathered townspeople to resolve important issues. It was on this square that the princely chambers were located, where Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220, who just 21 years later set off from here at the head of his squad to battle the Teutonic knights. And in 1380, at the call of Dmitry Donskoy, the regiment of governor Andrei Serkizov left for the Battle of Kulikovo. In 1854, on January 17, soldiers were seen off here for the Crimean War, and in 1919, communists and Komsomol members left here to fight the White Guards. Today it is main square city, which has undergone redevelopment and reconstruction.

Earthworks. The defensive rampart was erected in the 12th century and surrounded the city with a ring. It was an impressive fortification structure up to 16 m high, up to 6 m wide and 2.5 km long. In 1195, wooden fortifications with towers were also built, inside one of which a passage was made to the river in case of a siege. In 1759, the walls were dismantled as unnecessary; there was not enough money to tear down the earthen ramparts, and today it is a monument of federal significance. Address: Valovoe Ring Street.

. Built in 1152 - 1157 under Andrei Bogolyubsky. This is the earliest architectural monument in the North-East of Rus', made in white stone. Over almost 900 years of its existence, it has “grown” 90 cm into the ground. The temple is in excellent condition; time has not spared only the interior frescoes. Pereslavl princes were baptized here, including Alexander Nevsky. In the 13th – 14th centuries, appanage princes were buried. Since 1945 - the Alexander Nevsky Museum. The cathedral is located on Red Square.

Monument Alexander Nevsky. In 1958 it was installed on Red Square near the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Sretensky Novodevichy Convent. Founded in 1659 on the territory of the Kremlin. Reorganized in 1764. The Alexander Nevsky Church and Vladimir Cathedral have survived to this day from the monastery buildings.

. Built in the 1740s for Novodevichy Convent, after its abolition it became a parish church. From the beginning of the twentieth century it became the main temple of the city. In 1929 it became a physical education center, then a bakery. In 1933, the bell tower was demolished. Currently restored. Operating temple. Address st. Sovetskaya, 12.

Tent Church of Peter the Metropolitan. Construction 1584 – 1585. Built of brick with a covered gallery. In 1880 it was restored. The last restoration was in 1970, but again fell into disrepair. In 1991 it was transferred to the church, but due to the condition of the building, services are rarely held.

Alexander Nevsky Church. It was built in conjunction with the Vladimir Cathedral; both churches have external similarities. Was robbed in 1925. In the 1930s there was a library here, then a bread store, and a garage. In 1990 it was returned to the church. Active. Address st. Sovetskaya, 12.

. Presumably founded at the beginning of the 14th century. Abolished in 1744. Since 1919 - Pereslavl Museum-Reserve. The museum has more than 80,000 exhibits; the permanent exhibition includes iconography, the natural world, works of Russian artists, and objects of rural and noble life. The buildings of the Goritsky Monastery have been preserved, such as:

  • Assumption Cathedral,
  • towers and fortress walls,
  • holy gate,
  • Church of the Epiphany, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Church of All Saints with the Refectory Chamber.
  • Interesting buildings from other places were also brought here.

On the territory of the museum there is bust of Yuri Dolgoruky, transferred in 1963 from the Central Museum of Reconstruction of Moscow.
Address: Museum lane, 4

. Active monastery. Located on the northern outskirts of the city near Lake Pleshcheyevo. According to some sources, it was founded earlier than 1186. Nikita the Stylite lived here and performed miracles during his life and also after his death. At the end of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries, Saint Daniel lived here. The stone Nikitsky Cathedral was built in 1528. Ivan the Terrible often visited the monastery and planned to create a reserve oprichnina fortress here. In 1560-64, on his orders, a new cathedral building was built, and the old one became one of its boundaries. Other buildings were also erected.

In 1611, the Poles burned the monastery and destroyed its defenders. The monastery was restored with the active participation of the Romanovs. The last building made in the Old Russian style is the Chernigov Chapel, built in 1702.

The fate of the monastery in Soviet time similar to many others. In 1923, the monastery was closed; various organizations were located here, including a women's colony. Reopened in 1993. Restored, restoration work continues. Address: Nikitskaya Sloboda, Zaprudnaya, 20.

Trinity Danilov Monastery. Founded at the beginning of the 16th century. In 1530, the Trinity Cathedral was built here. This is a gift to the monastery of Vasily III in honor of the birth of his son Ivan (the Terrible). Decorated with paintings by masters of the 17th century. Address: Lugovaya, 7.

Museum-estate "Boat of Peter the Great". 4 km from Pereslavl on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. Authentic objects from the time of Peter I are presented here; on the territory of the museum there is an exhibition hall “Rotunda”, where you can see interiors of the 18th century.

Iron Museum. A private museum, the first in Russia of this type. Organized in a merchant's house, st. Sovetskaya, 11.

Teapot Museum. Located on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, village. Veskovo, st. Peter I, 17. The exhibition includes more than 100 items.

Arboretum named after Kharitonov. St. Zhuravleva, 11. More than 1000 plant species can be seen here. The garden occupies about 50 hectares, on which more than 70,000 representatives of Chinese flora grow, North America, Japan, Crimea, Far East.

What is interesting about the surroundings of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Temple of John Chrysostom. It is located near the village of Godenovo on the Moscow-Yaroslavl highway. This is the temple of the courtyard of the Pereslavl women's monastery, where unique relics are kept - icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant(miraculous) and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. There is a wonderful legend about how the Cross itself once appeared before the shepherds, and since then it has worked miracles, many of which have been recorded. Driving directions to the Temple.

Museum of Steam Locomotives near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. This is 2 km of real narrow-gauge railway, left over from former times. Connects the village of Talitsy with a picturesque meadow. Talitsy houses an interesting collection of locomotives and other railway-related equipment. It will be interesting and educational children. Address: Pereslavl district, Talitsy village.

Recreation park. The hotel offers a hotel, a Russian bath, a sauna, billiards, horse riding, paintball, a mini zoo, a cafe, interesting excursions and much more.
Children in Veslevo can interact with the animals, there are horses, camels, ostriches, foxes, rabbits, a poultry yard and much more. Address: Pereslavl district, Veslevo village, st. Central, 1

Bus station address: St. Moskovskaya, 113. There is no railway in the city.

We must know our past, and ancient monuments help us better imagine and understand the history of the country in which we live. Pereslavl-Zalessky is rightfully included in the Golden Ring of Russian cities.

Are you going to Pereslavl-Zalessky? To know prices and to look hotels in Pereslavl-Zalessky on the map:

Rich history, monuments of ancient Russian architecture, majestic church domes - this is why provincial Pereslavl-Zalessky joined the list of cities in the Golden Ring of Russia. Alexander Nevsky was born here, Peter I built his amusing flotilla, the Russian fleet was born on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, the bell towers of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery called residents to Sunday services even before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and their chimes still echo over the city and its environs . Situated on a picturesque hill, Pereslavl-Zalessky “took over the glory” from larger ancient Russian cities, comfortably located “behind the forest” and the lake. A real Russian winter and a bright sunny summer - coming here at any time of the year you will be immersed in the world of ancient peasant Rus'.

People have long settled on the shores of the rich Lake Pleshcheevo; the first Slavic city of Kleshchin was built along the coast, but later Yuri Dolgoruky moved the settlement to the mouth of the Trubezh River, founding the city of Pereslavl - it was immediately surrounded by an earthen rampart, the remains of which can still be seen today. It cannot be said that the history of Pereslavl was calm - it suffered from the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, Polish-Lithuanian troops, internecine unrest, was devastated by the troops of False Dmitry, but this did not prevent it from reaching the present day as one of the examples of ancient Russian architecture, miraculously preserved as a “pearl” » — Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the 12th century. As soon as the city came under the control of Moscow, it began to actively develop as a trade and craft center, unwanted people were exiled here, and the local forests attracted even Moscow princes with their hunting grounds. Modern Pereslavl-Zalessky is not only cultural and tourist centre, but also favorite place pilgrims - six monasteries with unique churches and temples attract solitude and silence to everyone who wants to join God.

A walk around Pereslavl-Zalessky is rich in impressions - you will be surprised at the number unusual museums and exhibitions, which is worth only the “Iron Museum”, “Steam Locomotive Museum” or the “Peter’s Boat” museum. You can get acquainted with the ancient architecture of residential buildings at the Temerin estate or the Pavlov House, and the final page of this journey will be a hospitable tea party in one of the cafes overlooking the quiet waters of Lake Pleshcheyevo.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The same age as the city, the Transfiguration Cathedral was founded together with Pereslavl-Zalessky itself on picturesque place, surrounded by city ramparts. The 12th century was a time of internecine wars, so the architecture of the cathedral is strict and ascetic. The white stone walls of the cross-domed church emphasize the laconic beauty, because even after going through many centuries of trials, several fires and countless wars, the temple was preserved almost in its original form.

Many appanage Pereslavl princes were buried in the cathedral; it kept many cultural and artistic values, alas, plundered by the Tatar-Mongols and Polish knights. It was possible to save only the divine cup, personally donated to the cathedral by Yuri Dolgoruky. Nowadays, there is a branch of the museum-reserve here, which can be accessed by pre-registering for a group excursion.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery

The first architectural ensemble that catches your eye on the way to Pereslavl-Zalessky from Moscow is the Goritsky Assumption Monastery. The monastery was built on a hill during the time of Ivan Kalita, and for a long time remained one of the main Orthodox shrines of this region. Initially, the monastery churches were wooden, but fires did not spare these buildings, the Mongol-Tatar invasion brought severe looting, but thanks to the generous donations of the Moscow princes, the monastery quickly recovered.

The main cathedral of the monastery - the Assumption - appeared in the second half of the 18th century; in addition to it, the ensemble included the Holy Gates, the refectory, the Church of All Saints and many more outbuildings. After the October Revolution of 1917, the monastery was abolished, but it was saved from desolation by the initiative to create a historical and architectural museum-reserve on the basis of the monastery. You can still look at its exhibition today.

Museum "Boat of Peter I"

The first Russian Emperor Peter I also left his mark on the history of Pereslavl-Zalessky. It was on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo that he erected a shipyard, where the foundations of the Russian fleet were born. The amusing flotilla plied the expanses of the lake, marking the beginning of shipbuilding in our country, and the decision to perpetuate this event came in 1803. The Boat House, which claims to be the oldest provincial museum in the country, was built especially for the last surviving ship, the Fortuna.

The architectural design did not end there; later the Monument to Peter was erected, Arc de Triomphe and a belvedere, which have survived to this day. This museum has been visited more than once by prominent figures from Russia and foreign countries, and in 1919 it became part of the Pereslavl Historical and Local Lore Museum.

Chapel "Cross"

Approaching Pereslavl-Zalessky, you will see a beautiful white stone chapel that resembles a tent. It was built in honor of the birth of the last king of the Rurik dynasty, the son of Ivan the Terrible Fyodor. According to legend, the king himself was very fond of the surrounding forests, and often came here to hunt and pray in local monasteries. His wife also traveled with him. During one of her trips, Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna gave birth to the heir to the throne in the suburbs of Pereslavl, and in memory of this, Ivan the Terrible ordered the establishment of a chapel.

During the Time of Troubles, many monuments of the city were burned, and the chapel did not survive - it was built again, but in stone later - in the 17th century, and carefully restored in the 20th century. The building received its name because of the Orthodox cross that once stood on this site, but today it represents an unusual architectural monument- a tent erected on stone columns.

Iron Museum

The unusual collection of the Iron Museum includes more than 200 copies of this household item from different eras and countries. We collected the exhibition bit by bit - bought it from collectors, looked for it at flea markets, and brought it from different countries. The museum was founded in an old merchant's house by entrepreneur Andrei Vorobyov, and since 2002 it has been one of the most interesting attractions of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

You'll see a variety of irons, from antique cast iron to gas, alcohol and electric. If you wish, you can even buy the copy you like, and several times a year an iron festival is held here, where everyone can try museum exhibits In action.


City leisure in Pereslavl-Zalessky is, first of all, pleasure natural beauty the edges. There is a beautiful city beach on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, where there is everything you need for a relaxing holiday with the whole family. If simple sunbathing is not enough for you, try your hand at aquatic species sports - diving and windsurfing, and also order a helicopter flight, a motorized hang glider, camel riding, horseback riding and other pretty unusual entertainment in the Veslevo recreation park.

Both children and adults will be delighted with a visit to the Russian Park historical and cultural complex. Its services include conducting master classes on various traditional crafts, tasting dishes of original Russian cuisine cooked directly in the oven, visiting the tea and kvass museum, organizing cultural events and much more.

You can spend a wonderful weekend in nature if you go with the whole family to national park"Lake Pleshcheyevo" The world untouched wildlife, fresh air and truly quiet place, far from the bustle of the city, will make your vacation not only interesting, but also healthy.

How to get there

Not available in Pereslavl-Zalessky Railway, but you can take the train to the nearest station (for example, to Ryazantsevo, which is 21 kilometers from the city, or to Berendeevo, which is 18 kilometers away).

It is better to go directly from Moscow. Shuttle Buses Moscow-Pereslavl, Moscow-Yaroslavl and Moscow-Kostroma depart from Shchelkovsky central bus station with enviable regularity (almost every hour). They depart from the second platform, tickets will cost you 260 rubles per person. It is advisable to order them in advance, especially if you are traveling on holidays, but if you find yourself in an awkward situation - you arrive at the bus station and there are no tickets - you can negotiate with the driver. Travel time will take from two and a half to three hours, depending on the route (some buses call at Sergiev Posad).

The most convenient way to get to the city is by your own car. You will need to drive along the M8 highway towards Yaroslavl. After driving 110 kilometers along the Yaroslavskoye Highway from the Moscow Ring Road, turn right from the traffic police post. You will find yourself on the Pereslavl-Zalessky bypass road. Here you will need to drive 13 kilometers until you reach a roundabout. After four kilometers, turn right onto Yuryev-Polsky. When you reach the T-junction, turn left (you will see a sign for “Filimonovo”). A couple of minutes and you are in the city. The total travel time is approximately one and a half to two hours.

Local transport

The main transport in the city is the bus. Starts work at 5.00 and ends at 23.00. There are only 8 active routes in the city itself. Bus routes No. 1, No. 3, No. 6 go through the entire city from south to north along old highway M8 from the bus station (No. 3 from the “Library” stop) past the Goritsky Monastery and the Transfiguration Cathedral. The Botik of Peter I is 3 km along the road towards Kupansky from the Goritsky Monastery, city buses do not go there, suburban buses go quite rarely, so it’s easier to get there by taxi or hitchhike. It is better to move around the city by inexpensive taxi, rather than by private taxi. One trip within the city costs approximately 60 rubles, and a trip to the immediate vicinity of Pereslavl-Zalessky is estimated at about 150 rubles.


Tourist Pereslavl-Zalessky is ready to offer its guests many accommodation options. For example, in the three-star Troika Hotel, all services are excellent - the rooms correspond to the star level, you can eat in local restaurant, and when you go for a walk around the city, you will be pleasantly surprised - the hotel is located right next to the main attractions.

If your plans include a beach program, it is ideal to stay in the coastal complex “Nikitskoe Podvorye”. The interiors of its rooms are stylized as an old hut, however, the service here is quite modern.

Those who want to spend time not only sightseeing, but also tasting nightlife city, you should pay attention to the Royal Palace Hotel - an unusual style of rooms, free Internet and parking, as well as its own bar with daily discos and entertainment programs.


It's hard to pass by one of the most unusual cafes in the city - Botik. Its building is made in the shape of a ship, and the establishment is located directly opposite the Museum of Peter the Great's Amusement Fleet. Botik serves Russian and European cuisine; the prices are, of course, touristy, but the service is at a high level.

High-quality cuisine and a wonderful atmosphere await all visitors to the Province restaurant at hotel complex"Pereslavl". The menu is replete with dishes of European, Japanese and Russian cuisine, so everyone can find something to their taste. If you want to eat quickly and inexpensively, go to the “Visit” dining room, conveniently located right in the very tourist place cities.


As in any modern city, in Pereslavl-Zalessky today you can buy anything - large shopping centers located outside historical center, but finding them will not be difficult, because the city is very compact. If you are not interested in the banal purchase of clothes and shoes, but in truly authentic local souvenirs, go to the very center of tourist life. Here you will find porcelain sets, teapots, plates with views of the city, painted scarves, felt boots and, of course, the most desirable gastronomic souvenir - the famous vendace herring, which is found exclusively in Lake Pleshcheyevo.