Where to go in Belarus. Eight unusual routes around Belarus. For those who are tired of Mir and Nesvizh. Brest – a city of unusual museums

Report on a trip around Belarus by car in the spring of 2017. A walk around Vitebsk and Minsk, the “Island of Tears”, the WWII Museum, the national library in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron and the “Stalin Line”.


My husband is a big fan of traveling by car. When we began to decide where we would go on our next vacation, there could be no objections - wherever our faithful four-wheeled friend would go. We chose Belarus because we always wanted to visit this country. The fact of hassle-free entry and exit into the country was also important.

Before the trip, of course, we read other reports from “experienced” tourists about trips to Belarus:

We started our journey on May 17, 2017. We left our relatives in Bryansk, dropped in to see friends in Moscow, spent the night in Smolensk, and on May 18 crossed the border in a place called Rudnya.

Border between Russia and Belarus near Rudnya

Crossing the border Russia - Belarus

Before entering Belarus you must buy Green card- insurance that is issued for short term. This document cost us 750 rubles, but we entered the country for only four days. There is no border as such between Russia and Belarus: we simply drove through the border area, on one side of which there were Russian border guards, and on the other, Belarusian ones. No one stopped us or checked us, and we, having already entered the country, calmly headed towards Vitebsk.

We read the information on the Internet and knew that in Belarus it is very strict with violations of the rules traffic. Here, traffic police representatives do not take money, and if you exceed the speed limit, depending on the circumstances, everything can go as far as deprivation of your license. Looking ahead, I will say that we observed the speed limit, we hardly saw any traffic inspectors, and during the entire trip we were not stopped even once.

Day 1. Vitebsk

The first on our plan was Vitebsk, but we did not intend to stay here for a long time, but only wanted to see the main attractions of the city (this can be done in a few hours).

But first, we changed money at the large Euroopt hypermarket at the entrance to Vitebsk and bought a local SIM card. When choosing a mobile operator, our preferences were obvious: we were only interested in the Internet, we didn’t need calls (why, if you can call via WhatsApp, Skype or Viber). We bought a SIM card from MTS for 438 Russian rubles.

By the way, the exchange rate at the end of May 2017 was as follows: for 100 of our rubles they gave 3.22 Belarusian rubles (that is, 1 Belarusian ruble is approximately 30 Russian rubles).

We liked Vitebsk, and this is what we saw:

River embankment Western Dvina in Vitebsk

Stairs leading to the embankment from the side of the Holy Assumption Cathedral

Cozy and pretty Vitebsk

There is a museum on Victory Square in Vitebsk military equipment, where you can look at installed helicopters, tanks and guns. There are also several other parks, monuments and squares in the city, but we did not have time to see all the sights.

As a result, we spent 4 hours in Vitebsk, visiting the most tourist places. After stopping at the store for groceries, we headed to the capital. The journey to Minsk took about 3.5 hours. Many of us have probably heard about the wonderful Belarusian roads. I don’t argue that the roads are generally good, but often the same “patches”, small holes and irregularities were encountered on the highway. An undoubted advantage of road travel in Belarus is the maximum permitted speed - in some sections you can drive up to 120 km/h.

Day 2. Minsk

We arrived in Minsk late in the evening, having booked a hostel on Booking on the way. I must say that we always chose budget places for an overnight stay since we didn't plan to spend much time in the room. This time, having chosen a hostel and arrived at the address, we were very surprised that there was an error on the website, and this room was now occupied. But the owner of this hostel agreed to help, and after 20 minutes we were driving in a different direction to check into a comfortable one-room apartment elite multi-storey building.

The apartment had everything you need for have a good rest after long journey. For 2 nights in Minsk we paid 100 Belarusian rubles - this is very profitable for such a cozy apartment. We decided to devote the entire next day to Minsk, walking around the city on foot.

The capital of Belarus has a metro system consisting of two lines. The fare for this metro costs only 60 Belarusian kopecks (about 20 our rubles), and the stations are quite clean and beautiful. We started our walk by visiting the Nemiga station, where the so-called " Old town" - an atmospheric place with town halls and cathedrals.

View of Minsk from the town hall

"Old Town" on Nemiga

Then we went for a walk around the city and saw the following places:

All central part Minsk is filled with beautiful buildings

Well-groomed square in Minsk

Prices in the capital of Belarus are approximately the same as in our regions of Russia, and an order of magnitude lower than in Moscow. We had lunch in a small cafe in the center of Minsk, paying only 22 Belarusian rubles for two servings of soup, a second (side dish and meat) and coffee.

We really liked the well-groomed, neat sidewalks of the capital of Belarus, and their roads are quite wide. Lf;t one gets the feeling that there are no traffic jams here at all. Maybe the truth is not, since the population of the entire country is only 9.5 million people - this is almost 3 million less than in Moscow. In general, we enjoyed walking around the capital, trying not to rush anywhere and enjoy our vacation:

Walking along the embankment of the Svisloch River

A beautiful fountain in front of the Opera and Ballet Theater

View of the "Island of Tears"

Crying boy on the "Island of Tears"

"Island of Tears" - a monument to the soldiers of the Afghan War

We were amazed by the huge number of monuments to the Great Patriotic War in Belarus. In every city we were able to visit, there are always memorial complexes in memory of those who fell in 1941-1945. And these monuments are quite well-groomed, neat, clean - it is clear that the city administration maintains their condition and does not allow vandalism and neglect.

There are many places in Belarus that preserve the memory of victory in World War II

City view

Of course, we couldn’t help but go to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk: about 2.5 million Belarusians died in 1941-1945. The museum has 10 halls and presents a huge number of exhibits: from newspaper clippings of those times, documents of famous Belarusian officers and war heroes, fragments of their belongings and utensils, awards, clothing and other significant items to samples of military equipment (some vehicles were in working condition) . Entrance to the museum costs 8 Belarusian rubles per person, and another 2 rubles must be paid for the opportunity to take photographs.

At the WWII Museum

We left the museum late, around 6 pm, already quite tired from constant walking, but we had one more must-see place - the National Library of Belarus, or rather, observation deck on her. And we went to the metro to get to Vostok station.

The National Library of Belarus is designed in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron

The open observation deck is located on the 23rd floor (there is also a closed one on the 22nd with a cafe and an art gallery, but the view from there is not very good). Entrance costs only 3 Belarusian rubles.

View from the observation deck

The day was coming to an end, so we, tired and happy, went home. Of course, we didn’t see all the sights of Minsk, but we were still satisfied with how our day went.

Day 3. Stalin Line and Mir Castle. On the way to Brest

The next day we were going to immediately go towards Brest, stopping at the Mir Castle along the way, but we changed our minds and decided to see the “Stalin Line” - a historical and cultural complex located not far from Minsk. It takes no more than 45 minutes to get there from the city, and we paid about 700 Russian rubles for entry and parking the car.

“Stalin Line” is a kind of museum on the street: there you can walk around the dugouts, go into the pillboxes where machine gunners used to sit, spin everything that spins, climb on tanks, boats, planes and helicopters. The museum's territory is large; sometimes restorations of some military events are carried out there.

Inside a pillbox on the "Stalin Line"

Dugout and strengthening complexes

We were limited in time, so after a couple of hours we left towards Brest. After about 2 hours we took the exit to the Mir castle complex. This castle, first mentioned in the 14th century, played the role of defensive structures. The owners of the castle were representatives of different families, and after 1940 it became the property of the state.

Now there is a museum in the castle, entrance costs 12 Belarusian rubles. Unfortunately, we were not able to get inside, but we were very impressed by the appearance of the castle.

Then we rushed to Brest - the final destination of our journey. From Mir Castle the journey took a little over 3 hours. By the way, we were surprised that in Belarus the price of gasoline is the same, regardless of the type of gas station. We bought our 92nd for 1.17 Belarusian rubles per liter in any city or on the highway from different dealers. Other types of gasoline had the same price.

At about 7 pm we arrived in Brest. The city surprised us a little - it looked much more modest and abandoned than Minsk and Vitebsk. But our main goal was Brest Fortress— that’s where we headed.

Entrance to the museum complex "Brest Fortress"

On the territory of the Brest Fortress

The famous gates of the Brest Fortress

The purpose of our trip was fulfilled - we drove all along Belarus (and will pass it again on the way home), saw a lot amazing places. On our last night in the country, we spent the night in a normal Brest hostel for 800 Russian rubles (we booked a few hours before entry).

Day 4. Brest and the way home

The next morning we walked along the central streets of Brest, once again dropped in to look at the Brest Fortress (the most best option- this means renting bicycles and driving through the entire territory of the complex) and went towards Bryansk.

Another entrance to the territory of the Brest Fortress

The journey to Gomel took about 9 hours; we really wanted to see this city, but we no longer had time. At the border we showed our passports to the Russian border guards and entered the country. It was a wonderful and amazing trip, and we are sure that we will come to Belarus again.

Belarus is famous for its forests, lakes and rivers, but they are not the only ones that attract tourists. There are many ancient castles and monuments that go perfectly with modern buildings. To experience all the beauty of this country, you should travel in the summer and by car.

What to see in Belarus?

Belarus is a small state located in the center of Europe, but which attracts more and more tourists every year. This great option holidays for residents of Russia, because no visas are needed, there is no language barrier.

For travel convenience, we will review what to see in Belarus by car in the summer. Let's highlight the most popular cities and places in this country:

  • Minsk;
  • Stalin's Line;
  • Khatyn;
  • Brest Fortress;
  • Grodno;
  • Skidel;
  • Polotsk

Each of these points has its own characteristics, which makes them unique. Below we will take a closer look at each of them.

Minsk is the capital of Belarus

Usually a trip to Belarus begins from its capital - Minsk. It's wonderful and amazing city, so every tourist will find here what he likes. Let's look at the places you definitely need to go to:

The most popular places in Minsk have been highlighted, but that’s not all. There are also many museums, theaters, shopping centers and much more.

Stalin line

A historical complex dedicated to the victory of the people in the Great Patriotic War. This memorial was opened in 2005 on the site of fortifications that stretched along the western borders of the USSR.

Getting there by car is quite easy: along the P28 highway “Minsk - Molodechno”. The complex is located 28 kilometers from the capital.

On Stalin's lines It will be interesting for both adults and children. Here you can climb the trenches, visit technical rooms built in the likeness of those that were during the war, etc. You can also ride a real tank and shoot from a cannon or any other weapon.

Khatyn - destroyed village

To honor the memory of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War, it is worth going to Khatyn. This is a memorial complex built on the site of a burned village.

Khatyn is located 54 kilometers from Minsk. The car must be driven on the highway M3(Minsk-Vitebsk), when you see the sign, you should turn off and drive another 5 km.

The complex exactly replicates the pre-war village. On the site of previously installed houses there are obelisks with bells. There is a sculpture in the center "The Unruly Man". Nearby there is a wall of grief, where all the villages burned by the Nazis are indicated.

IN summer time you can go to the palace and park complex located in the city Nesvizh. This point in Belarus is truly fascinating and will not leave anyone indifferent.

To begin with, we note that the distance from Minsk will be 70 km. You need to go on the highway M1(Minsk-Brest), as soon as you arrive in the city, there will be a sign to the castle.

Here it is worth taking a walk through the park, which fascinates with lakes and alleys. But also go to Castle of the Radziwill Princes, showing us how they lived. Note that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Another famous castle in Belarus is Mirsky, which is also included in the UNESCO list. The castle is located on a hill, so it is easy to see from anywhere in the city.

Mir Castle is located 102 km from Minsk. You also need to go by car along the M1 highway (Minsk-Brest).

The castle is made of red and white bricks; it was built as a defensive structure, but, in fact, did not participate in wars. For tourists there is a chapel and towers showing the life of the former owners of the castle. Next to the castle there is a lake that keeps secrets and legends. To find out, book one of the excursions offered by local tour operators.

Brest Fortress

One of the famous landmarks of Belarus and the main monument of the Second World War is Brest Fortress. After all, she was the first to take the blow of the fascist invaders.

In memory of fallen wars This memorial complex was erected there, occupying an area of ​​almost 4 kilometers. Here you can walk through the ruins of the bastion, see the surviving buildings and monuments. Every visitor who visits the fortress will feel all the pain experienced during the war.

65 km from Brest there is another object marked by UNESCO -. It is a nature reserve in which trees and plants have been preserved, untouched by humans. There are also enclosures with animals, which are looked after by the holders of the reserve. If you are planning a vacation with children, then this is one of the places you definitely need to come to. To make it easier to walk and not get lost, it is better to book an excursion.

Royal Grodno

Grodno often considered the European and royal city of the republic. The residences of various princes and kings were located here for several centuries.

Nowadays he is considered regional city. Conventionally, it can be divided into old and new city. The city center is the old part, where the main attractions are located: several churches, New castle, the ruins of the Old Castle, a wonderful park, a theater and much more. Note that Grodno is famous for its zoo, which is the largest zoo in Belarus. Both adults and children will find it interesting in this city.

Skidel - sweet town

30 km from Grodno on the river Discount the city is spread out Skidel. It was founded in 1508, so it has a lot of history. He managed to visit the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian Empire. From historical places Only the nineteenth-century Catholic church and the gateway of the Antonovich-Chetvertinsky estate with a park have been preserved there.

Skidel is famous for its sugar plant, which is the first in Belarus. Note that in this small town With a population of about ten thousand people, fifteen enterprises operate.

The first stone castle built on the territory of Belarus is Lida. It was erected in 1323 by order of Prince Gedemin, and served a defensive function, and hostages were also detained and tortured there. In the castle, torture instruments of that time are open for viewing, and you can also visit inside the castle. In the summer, knightly tournaments and festivals are often organized, in which any visitor can take part.

Polotsk is the oldest city in Belarus

Polotsk is the oldest city in Belarus; the first mention of the city dates back to 862. When traveling to Belarus, it is worth stopping by this amazing city, located not far from Vitebsk.

There is a lot to see here, because there are many ancient buildings and monuments on an area of ​​almost 40 km2. Among them stands out St. Sophia Cathedral- first Orthodox stone temple, built in Belarus. Also located here Spaso-Euphrosinievsky Monastery, which houses the relics of Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk.


Of course, these are not all the places in Belarus that are worth visiting. Every city has monuments or architecture that preserve history. When traveling by car, especially in the summer, you can fully enjoy the beauty of nature, and also see many new and interesting cities and towns that have not yet been visited.

Everyone who lives in Belarus or comes here to stay should definitely visit the maximum number of places from this list. These are the 10 most best places Belarus based on the results of the 2016 rating conducted by our website. Welcome!

1. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

2. Dudutki

Dudutki is a museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies. Located 40 kilometers from. The first mention of this area in chronicles dates back to the 11th century. On the territory of the complex there is active temple with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, as well as a pottery workshop, mill, bakery, brewery, stable (you can take a horse ride), zoo, poultry yard with rare birds. The complex introduces the ancient way of life of rural residents. Here you can not only take an excursion, but also relax and try traditional national dishes and drinks.

3. Silichi

Silichi — ski center approximately 30 kilometers from the capital. These are unique conditions for active recreation among picturesque nature. Thirteen tracks for skiing of varying degrees of difficulty, a training track 120 meters long, two large jumps, cable cars, snowmobiling track. Skiing and snowboarding in winter, quad biking and go-karting in summer, playing badminton, tennis, basketball, football, volleyball. On the territory of the center there are several cafes and restaurants, spa centers, and baths.

- one of the most popular attractions in the country. Palace and park complex, the former residence of the ancient and powerful princely family of the Radziwills. Included in the World List cultural heritage UNESCO. Construction of the structure began in 1583, and over the course of three centuries the complex expanded and improved. The architecture absorbed features of various styles (from Renaissance to neoclassicism). The palace is adjacent to a large picturesque park with lakes. Nearby is the Nesvizh Benedictine Monastery, Farny Church, market square with the town hall and shopping arcades.

5. Stalin's line

The Stalin Line is a historical and cultural complex, one of the largest fortification ensembles in the country, formed before the start of the Great Patriotic War over more than 1,200 kilometers from the Karelian Isthmus to the Black Sea. Located near Minsk. Opened to tourists in 2005 on the 60th anniversary of the Victory Soviet troops over the Nazi invaders. The complex periodically hosts reconstructions of military events involving authentic military equipment and weapons. Many exhibits retain traces of shells and bullets. The trenches are also real. The guides are dressed in military uniform of the Red Army.

/countries/europe/belarus/gomel" title="Interesting places in Gomel">Гомеля XVIII-XIX веков, памятник природы республиканского значения, уникальный музейный комплекс, расположенный в центре города и объединяющий собор святых Петра и Павла, дворец Румянцевых-Паскевичей, семейную усыпальницу, зимний сад, !} observation tower, luxurious old park With Swan Lake and numerous species of trees, including rare species. The museum complex contains collections of paintings, icons, early printed and handwritten books; numismatic, ethnographic, archaeological collections.

- a landscape reserve of republican significance, created in 1972 on the territory of the Myadel district of the Minsk region and Postavy district Vitebsk region. The formation of the landscape was largely influenced by the Valdai Glacier. The relief consists of an alternation of flat and hilly areas, has 13 lakes of different sizes with pure water(including Dead Lake), picturesque meadows and forests. Rare species of animals live on the territory of the reserve and relict plants grow, so fishing, picking berries and mushrooms is strictly prohibited here.

8. Blue Krinitsa

Blue Krinitsa is the largest spring in Eastern Europe. In 1985 it was declared a natural monument of republican significance. Located in the Mogilev region. The purest water with a high content of fluorine and silicon, which has healing properties, flows from a depth of 200 meters, forming a small emerald-bluish lake. A stream flows from the spring and flows into a tributary of the Sozh, the Golub River. Swimming is prohibited in the lake itself, but you can take a dip in the water. The water is very cold, its temperature is 5 ° C in any weather. And if you cross the stream three times, then, according to legend, you will find good health, happiness in your personal life and early enlightenment. There is picturesque nature around.

- one of the most beautiful historical places in Belarus. Located in the Grodno region, near the border with Lithuania. The church in Gervyaty is often compared to Notre Dame in Paris; it is one of the three tallest churches in Belarus. The height of its highest point is more than 60 meters. Built in 1903 in the neo-Gothic style on the site of a wooden church from 1526. Aesthetic and stylistic completion of the building is given by several richly carved wooden crosses located in front of the temple, an alley with figures of the apostles and benches for rest, as well as a picturesque landscape.

- part of the new tourist complex on the territory of an ancient master's estate 30 kilometers from Minsk in the village. The house stands on a sloped roof. Everything inside is also upside down: the ceiling is under your feet, the floor is above your head. Furniture hangs from above. Extreme sports enthusiasts can test their strength, as staying inside this unique structure is a real test for the vestibular system. Long after the excursion, people feel dizzy, stagger, and their gait becomes unsteady. But no one is responsible for any reactions of the body! However, that's only part of the fun. On the territory of the complex you can visit a children's fairy-tale meadow with “talking” gazebos, a stable, a pottery, a distillery, a small zoo, a rope town, and a tavern (no one will go hungry).

We were in Dudutki for Maslenitsa this winter. I really liked it! I recommend it.
We ordered a warm gazebo and had a great time.

Holidays in Belarus are an excellent option for a weekend trip. Affordable prices, no language barrier, simplified procedure passport control and no visas - it will do it all travel easy and pleasant, especially if you have to travel by car. It is much more difficult to decide what to see in Belarus in these 2-3 days, because the country’s territory is quite large, and there are a huge number of historical and natural attractions in it.

We offer to include in your travel plan the most famous reminders, unusual and simply beautiful places countries. For convenience, they are divided into directions so that everyone can highlight the most interesting attractions.

Hero cities and places of glory

Brest and its fortress

The famous stronghold of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is located at the mouth of the Mukhavets River, within the city of Brest. Construction of the fortifications began in 1833 according to the design of military topographer K. Opperman, and was completed in 1842. The stronghold became famous for the inaccessibility of its walls and the steadfastness of its defenders, about which many documentaries and feature films have been made.

At 4:15 am on June 22, 1941, enemy artillery opened powerful fire on the citadel. The defense of the fortress was one of the bloodiest operations - about 2,000 Soviet soldiers were killed, more than 5,000 were captured. After the war, the ruins of the fortress were preserved. And to this day it is a monument to military valor, crowned with a colossal gray block - monument "Courage"(pictured above).


The capital of Belarus has a lot of interesting and memorable places:

  • The Upper Town and Trinity Suburb are historical areas with buildings from the 12th and 17th centuries, the least damaged during the war;
  • The center and its expressive Victory Square with a granite obelisk;
  • Red Church on Independence Square;
  • Nemiga is one of oldest streets city, laid in the 12th century;
  • Island of Tears with a monument to Afghan soldiers;
  • Holy Spirit Cathedral, Church of the Virgin Mary;
  • Boulder Museum, where open air more than 2000 huge stones are placed;
  • unusual sculptures and monuments - for example, “Lady with a Dog”, “Grandmother with Seeds”, “Girl with an Umbrella”, “Photographer” and many others.

Stalin line

The opening of the fortification ensemble and open-air museum was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory. The complex, consisting of bunkers of the Minsk fortified area, has today become great place For family vacation, where you can sail a boat on the lake, try “soldier’s” porridge over a fire, ride a tank or armored personnel carrier and test weapons from the Second World War - from a rifle to a Maxim machine gun.


The memorial complex was built in 1962 in memory of the burning of an entire village by a Nazi punitive detachment. Today there is a cemetery with 185 obelisks with the names of villages destroyed during the war. The only street is paved with gray slabs, and along it there are monuments with the names of the dead villagers.

Bobruisk fortress

At one time, Napoleon did not besiege this impregnable citadel, admiring the power of its fortifications and walls. But survive the Second World War Bobruisk fortress I couldn't. Today its ruins are recognized national monument and one of the seven wonders of Belarus.

Natural beauty

Even if you are limited in time and planning what to see in Belarus in 3 days, be sure to include at least one of the following attractions in your route:

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

One of the largest and untouched forests in Europe, familiar to us from the works of “Pesnyary”, is located on the border with Poland, in the Brest region. Here you can meet the famous bison, wolf, lynx, wild boar or fox, admire the centuries-old trees, and visit the Museum of Nature.

And children will have special entertainment - the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost, to whom you can personally inform about your behavior for the year and expected New Year gifts. At the entrance to the fairy-tale complex, children are greeted by knights - Elm Vyazovich and Oak Dubovich, then the route runs past the Magic Staircase and the Fairytale Bridge. Father Frost and Snow Maiden organize fun activities, competitions and dance round dances with children around a 40-meter spruce tree.

Berezinsky Reserve

In the Vitebsk region there is a unique natural monument, where all conditions for eco-tourism and recreation with children are created. In ancient times, the famous route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through this territory. Now there are several large lakes (Olshitsa, Manets, Domzheritskoe, Plavno), and in the dense forests you can find bear, lynx, badger, marten, elk and a huge number of beavers, thanks to which the biosphere reserve was created.

Narochansky National Park

Located in the Minsk region largest lake Belarus – Naroch. In the same name resort village you can fish, hunt or ride a horse, admiring the beauty nature reserve. Here you can see a cluster of mounds and the remains of settlements of ancient people. In the center of neighboring Lake Mastro there is an island with fortifications from the 11th century, and on the shore stands the Church of the Virgin Mary.

Palaces and castles

Nesvizh Palace

The former residence of the Radzwill princes, and today the most famous palace and park complex in Belarus, is known for its unique fortification system and protracted construction - it was built over three centuries (16-19 centuries). The castle housed a musical chapel, a court theater, an archive of the Principality of Lithuania, an art gallery with a collection of thousands of paintings, and a private library.

Mir Castle

Today it is a red brick fortress with white accents, but since its foundation in the 16th century, the castle has been in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. The result is a surprisingly harmonious architectural “mixture”, which, together with medieval fortifications, complemented by the traditions of Belarusian architecture, annually attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world to Mir Castle.

Gomel Park and Palace Ensemble

One of the first museum institutions in Belarus includes not only unique architectural monuments (the Rumyantsev and Paskevich palace, administrative building, observation tower, chapel and Winter Garden), but also a magnificent park. If you get tired of admiring multi-colored majolica tiles, ancient icons, handwritten books and other antiquities, welcome to a walk in the park. Shady alleys lead to the picturesque Swan Pond, next to which unique tree species and flowers are planted.

The oldest palace in Belarus was erected by order of Prince Gedemin in the city of Lida (Grodno region) in 1323. The peculiarity of the castle is that it was built on an island artificially created from gravel and sand. For many centuries, the complex was a reliable protection for residents of the city and nearby settlements. Many loopholes, strong walls, a church, several wells, a fort and various outbuildings allowed us to withstand numerous wars with honor.

Today, the castle hosts knightly tournaments and festivals, and a historical museum is opened in one of the towers.

Churches, temples, holy places

St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk

The oldest Christian shrine in Belarus and the fourth in the world, the Church of St. Sophia was built in the 11th century. Initially, it served as a fortress and a reception place for the most important ambassadors and diplomats. But in the 18th century the building was blown up. In the newly rebuilt cathedral, ancient frescoes have been preserved; you can see the model ancient temple, medieval coins, listen to organ music.

Vitebsk Holy Assumption Cathedral

One of the newest religious buildings in the country - cathedral, whose construction was completed in 2011. It was built according to the prototype of the Assumption Church, which was blown up in 1934 to build a grinding machine factory. During excavation work at the site of the cathedral, the remains of hundreds of people were discovered, presumably victims of the Gestapo.

Cathedral Church of St. Francis Xavier in Grodno

Previously, it was the richest Polish church, today it is one of the outstanding architectural monuments of Belarus, dating back to the 17th century. Inside, the Church of St. Francis Xavier is framed by a unique fresco painting from the 18th century. But the main decoration of the building is the 15th century tower clock, which still works.

A spring flowing at the bottom of a picturesque ravine near the village. Polykovichi, Mogilev region, was discovered in the 16th century. Its waters are considered healing, and the stone grotto and chapel of St. Paraskeva, built in the 18th century by Count Rimsky-Korsakov, have become a place of worship for believers.

Minsk Cathedral of All Saints

Although the temple is not ancient (opened in 2008), it is considered one of the most beautiful Orthodox buildings in Belarus and a masterpiece modern architecture. The height of the cathedral is 74 meters, the building can simultaneously accommodate 1,200 parishioners.

Reminder for motorists traveling to Belarus

If you have already made a list of what to see in Belarus by car, do not forget about the important little things so as not to spoil the trip for yourself and the “crew” of your car. Although the traffic rules here are practically no different from Russian ones, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • do not forget to issue an “entry sheet” at the border checkpoint - a civil liability policy, the absence of which during inspection will cost $200;
  • to manage vehicle, it is enough to have your license, a civil liability policy, a ticket with a technical inspection mark and a registration certificate - no powers of attorney are required;
  • always let people pass at crossings, do not honk or “blink” lights to speed up the process - in Belarus the pedestrian is indeed always right;
  • do not try to “negotiate” with the inspector or offer a bribe;
  • The driver and passenger sitting in the front seat must wear seat belts, otherwise a fine of 400 rubles cannot be avoided (and this is for the first time, with repeated violations - significantly more). The same amount is due for using a mobile phone while driving;
  • The following fines are also imposed: speeding - from 400 to 5850 rubles and deprivation of rights, failure to comply with traffic lights or traffic controller signs, violations of overtaking rules, lane rows and even the absence of turn signals.

However, this is only a small fly in the ointment, which can be easily avoided by following basic traffic rules. But the silver lining for car travelers is much more significant: clean and smooth roads, an excellent driver information system and other bonuses that will make traveling around Belarus enjoyable and full of positive impressions.