Spain brief description of the country. Spain - basic information. Useful to know about Spain

Spain is a large state in the southwestern part of Europe, occupying most of the Iberian Peninsula, the Canaries, Pitius, Balearic Islands. Territory area - 504,750 sq.m., land area - 499,400 sq.m.

Geographical characteristics

The Kingdom of Spain is located in southern Europe, occupying approximately five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula. The position is isolated, due to the presence of the Pyrenees Mountains. Except for Portugal on the western side.

The territory borders countries such as France, Andorra and Gibraltar to the northwest and south. Approximately 30% of the country is the Meseta plateau massif with the Cordillera Central ranges in the central part. The rest of the territory is occupied by the Pyrenees, which make the center of Spain difficult to access from the mainland.



The main part of the country is occupied by the Meseta plateau with the Central Cordillera. To the north and east are the Iberian, Pyrenean, Cantabrian and Catalan mountains, to the south are the Sierra Morena and Andalusian mountains. Most of the territory is occupied by plains and pastures, the coastline is different beautiful beaches and bays...

Rivers and lakes

Numerous rivers flow through the territory and there are lakes with predominantly rainfall origin. This affects the water level - in summer time When humidity is low, rivers and lakes become very shallow, winter time The water level rises greatly.

The following rivers flow through the country: Tagus with a length of 910 km, Duero - 780 km, Guadiana, whose length is 820 km, Guadalquivir with a length of 560 km. The country's lakes are located mainly in mountainous areas; they are not subject to seasonal fluctuations as much as the water resources of the plains...

Seas and oceans surrounding Spain

The special geographical location of Spain makes it attractive to tourists. This is due to the presence of more than 4 thousand km of coastline with luxurious beaches, picturesque cliffs, and quiet, cozy bays. The country in the south and east is washed warm waters Mediterranean Sea, in the north - by the waters of the Bay of Biscay, and in the southwest - by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean...

Plants and animals of Spain

The flora of Spain is very rich, it has approximately 8 thousand plants, many of which are endemic. But extensive forests have been preserved only in the north of the country, which is due to active economic activity. The diversity of flora is determined by the climate, mainly broad-leaved forests (ash, chestnuts, elms, beech, oaks), in the mountains there are evergreen coniferous and oak forests, and there are extensive alpine meadows higher up.

Spain is characterized by deciduous forests, including pedunculate and sessile oaks, ash, and hazel. Beech and fir are common in the mountains. Mediterranean areas are rich in plantings of laurel and holm oak. Due to human intervention, many forests have already disappeared or turned into vast pastures, along the edges of which there are sparse forest belts and primary shrubs. This border consists of broom, retama, hawthorn, thorn, and thickets of wild roses.

The richest in vegetable world are the North Atlantic slopes of the country, the lowland parts of the Ebro River. The “dry” part of the country is distinguished by Mediterranean types of vegetation - thickets of juniper, myrtle, and cistus.

Animal world It is also very diverse; roe deer, wild boars, and deer live in the northern regions; the Pyrenean goat and deer are preserved in the mountains. You can also meet brown bears, foxes, wolves, and lynxes in the mountains. The country's territory is considered the richest in Europe in terms of bird diversity. In summer, about 25 species of birds of prey live in the territory, in late autumn and in early spring On the territory you can observe rare species of birds, colonies of flamingos, geese.

Reptiles are found in abundance in Spain - snakes, lizards, chameleons. In the southeast and semi-desert you can find scorpions and tarantulas. In the inland waters and surrounding seas there are salmon, lobsters, as well as tuna, lobsters, crayfish...

Climate of Spain

The climate is distinctly Mediterranean subtropical, winters are mild and rainy, summers are hot and dry. But from northwest to southeast the climate changes sharply, due to the proximity of Africa. Average annual temperature fluctuates within +14/+19°, in winter - up to +4/+5°, in summer average temperature is +29°. The level of precipitation varies for individual regions of the country - in the mountains it reaches 1000 mm per year in winter, in flat areas - 300-500 mm per year...


Spain is rich in Natural resources, which is due to her geographical location. The Sierra Morena Mountains contain the largest deposits of zinc, lead ores, manganese, and copper pyrites. Iron ore is concentrated in the Basque Country, Leon, Asturias, Almeria, Teruel, Granada, the estimated volume of such ores is approximately 2.5 million tons. Galicia and the northern part of the country are rich in tungsten and tin, the provinces of Salamanca and Cordoba are rich in uranium ores.

In terms of mercury reserves, Spain is in first place; large reserves of cinnabar are located in the river valley. Baldeazaga, province of Ciudad Real. Pyrites are concentrated in the southern regions of the Sierra Morena Mountains. Reserves of coal, lingites, and anthracite are concentrated in the northern regions, Galicia, Aragon, and Asturias. But there is very little coking coal, and its overall quality is not high...

Traveling Latin America - Spain

The name of the country comes from the Phoenician “i-shpanim” - “coast of rabbits” or “coast of hyraxes”.

The capital of Spain is Madrid.

The area of ​​Spain is 504,782 km?.

The population of Spain is 46,162 thousand people.

Location of Spain. Spain is a southern European country. Occupies five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The Pyrenees Mountains are inaccessible and isolate Spain from the rest European countries, except for Portugal, located on the western part of the peninsula. Spain is washed Mediterranean Sea And Atlantic Ocean. By land it borders with Portugal in the west, with France (along the ridge of the Pyrenees Mountains) and the tiny state of Andorra in the northeast, with Gibraltar in the south.

Administrative divisions of Spain. Consists of 17 autonomous regions: Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Catalonia, Castile-Lamancha, Castile and Leon, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre, Rioja, Extremadura, which unite 50 provinces, as well as 2 cities (Ceuta and Melilla), located on the northern coast of Africa and are independent administrative units.

Spain's form of government is Constitutional Monarchy.

The head of state of Spain is the King.

The highest legislative body of Spain is the Cortes General (parliament), consisting of two chambers, elected for 4 years.

The highest executive body of Spain is the Government.

Major cities in Spain are Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Malaga.

The official language of Spain is Spanish; the use of Catalan, Galician, Basque, Aranese and some other languages ​​of national minorities is legalized.

Religion of Spain. 99% are Catholics.

Ethnic composition of Spain. 72.8% are Spaniards, 16.4% are Catalans, 8.2% are Galicians, 2.3% are Basques.

The currency of Spain is Euro = 100 cents.

Climate of Spain. Most of Spain has a subtropical Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. However, it varies significantly from the northwest to the southeast of the country and depending on the altitude. In addition to a large number of mountain ranges and plateaus, making up 90% of total area territory, the climate is greatly influenced by its proximity to Africa. The average annual temperature throughout the country fluctuates around + 20°C. In Southern Spain, the average daily temperature is + 26 °C for almost 200 days a year. The most precipitation falls in the north and northwest of the country, while the central and southeastern regions are drier. That is why Spain is conventionally divided into “dry” (annual precipitation up to 500 mm) and “wet” (up to 900 mm per year). Spain is the highest mountainous country in Europe after Switzerland. The most powerful mountain system- Pyrenees, the main peak of which is Peak Aneto (3404 m).

Flora of Spain. Not counting the flora Canary Islands, Spain is home to about 8,000 plant species, many of which are found only in this area. Of the once vast forests, only a small part remains in the north of the country. In “humid” Spain, beech, elm, oak, chestnut, ash, linden, and poplar grow. Higher in the mountains the forests turn into water meadows. The richest vegetation is on the North Atlantic slopes of the Cantabrian Mountains and the Galician Massif - which is why these areas are called “green” Spain. On the plain of the Ebro River at the foot of the mountains, evergreen shrubs and grasses grow, and semi-desert vegetation with a predominance of wormwood and salt marshes is also found. In “dry” Spain, Mediterranean vegetation predominates, evergreen shrubs and subshrubs - maquis, garigues and tomillars. In the far south there are thickets of the low-growing Hamerops palm - the only wild palm in Europe.

Fauna of Spain. The fauna of Spain is also very rich and diverse. In the north, the fauna is Central European - many deer, roe deer, and wild boars. In the mountainous regions, red deer and the Pyrenean ibex are preserved. Sport hunting of deer is permitted. Sometimes you can see a brown bear in the Cantabrian and Leon mountains. Among the predators there are a small number of wolves, foxes, and at the mouth of the Guadalquivir - Spanish lynxes. Macaques live near Gibraltar - the only representative of this species of monkey in Europe. Spain rightfully occupies a leading place in Europe in the number of bird species found here. Among them are hawks, eagles, griffins, and falcons. There are a lot of colonies of waterfowl - geese, ducks, herons, flamingos, white storks.
Also found in Spain a large number of species of reptiles - lizards, snakes, chameleons, and in the semi-deserts in the south of the country - tarantulas and scorpions.

In the mouths of rivers and in the coastal waters of the Atlantic there is a lot of fish - mainly sardines, in smaller quantities - herring, cod, anchovies and different kinds shellfish The Mediterranean Sea is home to tuna, salmon, anchovy, crayfish and lobsters.

Rivers and lakes of Spain. The largest rivers in Spain are the Tagus, Duero, Ebro, Segura, Guadalquivir, and Guadiana. The lakes are small and located mainly in the mountains.

Tags: free travel, travel around latin america, Spain

Traveling Latin America - Spain

The name of the country comes from the Phoenician “i-shpanim” - “coast of rabbits” or “coast of hyraxes”.

The capital of Spain is Madrid.

The area of ​​Spain is 504,782 km?.

The population of Spain is 46,162 thousand people.

Location of Spain. Spain is a southern European country. Occupies five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The Pyrenees Mountains are inaccessible and isolate Spain from the rest of European countries, except Portugal, located on the western part of the peninsula. Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. By land it borders with Portugal in the west, with France (along the ridge of the Pyrenees Mountains) and the tiny state of Andorra in the northeast, with Gibraltar in the south.

Administrative divisions of Spain. Consists of 17 autonomous regions: Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Catalonia, Castile-Lamancha, Castile and Leon, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre, Rioja, Extremadura, which unite 50 provinces, as well as 2 cities (Ceuta and Melilla), located on the northern coast of Africa and are independent administrative units.

Spain's form of government is Constitutional Monarchy.

The head of state of Spain is the King.

The highest legislative body of Spain is the Cortes General (parliament), consisting of two chambers, elected for 4 years.

The highest executive body of Spain is the Government.

Major cities in Spain are Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Malaga.

The official language of Spain is Spanish; the use of Catalan, Galician, Basque, Aranese and some other languages ​​of national minorities is legalized.

Religion of Spain. 99% are Catholics.

Ethnic composition of Spain. 72.8% are Spaniards, 16.4% are Catalans, 8.2% are Galicians, 2.3% are Basques.

The currency of Spain is Euro = 100 cents.

Climate of Spain. Most of Spain has a subtropical Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. However, it varies significantly from the northwest to the southeast of the country and depending on the altitude. In addition to the large number of mountain ranges and plateaus, which make up 90% of the total area of ​​the territory, the climate is greatly influenced by its proximity to Africa. The average annual temperature throughout the country fluctuates around + 20°C. In Southern Spain, the average daily temperature is + 26 °C for almost 200 days a year. The most precipitation falls in the north and northwest of the country, while the central and southeastern regions are drier. That is why Spain is conventionally divided into “dry” (annual precipitation up to 500 mm) and “wet” (up to 900 mm per year). Spain is the highest mountainous country in Europe after Switzerland. The most powerful mountain system is the Pyrenees, the main peak of which is the Aneto peak (3404 m).

Flora of Spain. Not counting the flora of the Canary Islands, Spain is home to about 8,000 plant species, many of which are found only in this area. Of the once vast forests, only a small part remains in the north of the country. In “humid” Spain, beech, elm, oak, chestnut, ash, linden, and poplar grow. Higher in the mountains the forests turn into water meadows. The richest vegetation is on the North Atlantic slopes of the Cantabrian Mountains and the Galician Massif - which is why these areas are called “green” Spain. On the plain of the Ebro River at the foot of the mountains, evergreen shrubs and grasses grow, and semi-desert vegetation with a predominance of wormwood and salt marshes is also found. In “dry” Spain, Mediterranean vegetation predominates, evergreen shrubs and subshrubs - maquis, garigues and tomillars. In the far south there are thickets of the low-growing Hamerops palm - the only wild palm in Europe.

Fauna of Spain. The fauna of Spain is also very rich and diverse. In the north, the fauna is Central European - many deer, roe deer, and wild boars. In the mountainous regions, red deer and the Pyrenean ibex are preserved. Sport hunting of deer is permitted. Sometimes you can see a brown bear in the Cantabrian and Leon mountains. Among the predators there are a small number of wolves, foxes, and at the mouth of the Guadalquivir - Spanish lynxes. Macaques live near Gibraltar - the only representative of this species of monkey in Europe. Spain rightfully occupies a leading place in Europe in the number of bird species found here. Among them are hawks, eagles, griffins, and falcons. There are a lot of colonies of waterfowl - geese, ducks, herons, flamingos, white storks.
Spain is also home to a large number of species of reptiles - lizards, snakes, chameleons, and in the semi-deserts in the south of the country - tarantulas and scorpions.

In the estuaries and coastal waters of the Atlantic there is a lot of fish - mainly sardines, in smaller quantities - herring, cod, anchovies and various types of shellfish. The Mediterranean Sea is home to tuna, salmon, anchovy, crayfish and lobsters.

Rivers and lakes of Spain. The largest rivers in Spain are the Tagus, Duero, Ebro, Segura, Guadalquivir, and Guadiana. The lakes are small and located mainly in the mountains.

Tags: free travel, travel around Latin America, Spain


Territory- 504,750 sq. km. In terms of territory, Spain is the second country in Western Europe after France.

Population- 39.2 million people. National composition: Spaniards, Catalans, Galicians, Basques.

Languages:Spanish ( official language- 74% of the population), Catalan (autonomous community of Catalonia - 17%), Galician (autonomous community of Galicia - 7%), Basque (Basque Country - 2%).

Religion- 99% Catholics.

Capital- Madrid.

Largest cities - Madrid (3 million), Barcelona (1.7 million), Seville (714 thousand).

Administrative division - 17 autonomous communities. Under Spanish control there are also 2 territorial enclaves on the coast of Morocco (Ceuta and Melilla) and three groups of islands off the coast of Morocco.

Form of government- a constitutional monarchy.

Head of State - King Juan Carlos.

Currency- Euro.

Banks serve clients on weekdays from 08.15 to 14.00, on Saturday until 13.00, Sunday is a day off. You can also exchange currency at exchange offices, hotels and travel agencies.

Visa regime - Schengen visa.

Time– Moscow minus two hours.

Geography of Spain

Spain is located in southwest Europe and occupies about 85% of the Iberian Peninsula. Also, Spain owns the Balearic and Pitius Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The cities of Ceuta and Melilla (in Morocco) and the islands of Vélez de la Gomera, Alucenas and Chafaranas are under Spanish control. Territory: 504,750 sq. km. Of these: land - 499,400 sq. km., water - 5,350 sq. km. Spain borders France - 623 km, Portugal - 1,214 km, Andorra - 65 km, the English colony of Gibraltar - 1.2 km, Morocco: (Ceuta) - 6.3 km, (Melilla) - 9.6 km. Total length of the border: on the ground - 1,919.1 km, coastline- 4,964 km. central part territory of Spain - the Meseta plateau with the chain of mountains Center. Cordillera. In the north and northeast - the Pyrenees, Cantabrian, Iberian and Catalan mountains, in the south - the Andalusian mountains (Mulacen, 3478 m, - highest point continental Spain) and the Sierra Morena mountains. Large rivers- Tajo, Duero, Ebro, Guadalquivir, Guadiana. The country is washed in the southeast by the Mediterranean Sea, in the west by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Spain is located at the intersection of important sea and air routes connecting Europe with the African and American continents. Spain also has a strategic location along the Strait of Gibraltar.

Population of Spain

Spain is considered a single nation formed on the basis of various historical areas and ethnic groups, the main ones being Catalans (15.6%), Andalusians (15.6%), Castilians (11.1%), Valencians (9.7%), Galicians (7.4%) and Basques ( 5.6%).

Most of the population of Spain (99%) are Catholics. The Catholic Church enjoys great influence in the country.

The total population of the country is 39.6 million people; population density - 78.5 people per 1 sq. km; annual population growth - 0.2%; illiteracy rate - 4.6%; life expectancy - 78 years.

Four languages ​​are spoken in Spain: Spanish, Basque, Catalan and Galician. The official and most common language in the country is Spanish.

Climate of Spain

In Spain Mediterranean climate. Average temperatures in January range from 4-5 °C on the Meseta plateau to 12 °C in the south; in July, respectively, from 23 to 29 °C. Precipitation 300-500 mm, in the mountains of St. 1000 mm per year (mainly in winter).

The Canary archipelago is also Spain, and you can swim on the island of Tenerife all year round. At the same time, the average air temperature is +22-24°C, and even in August there is no sweltering heat.

Spanish cuisine

Spanish national cuisine is considered one of the best in the world in terms of quality and variety of products. Its peculiarity is the combination of numerous regional cuisines, each of which was influenced by climatic conditions and the way of life of the people of the area. National cuisine can be divided into Catalan, Valencian, Basque, etc. Madrid stands apart. Madrid-style fried meats, cod and rennet (stewed innards, cut into pieces) are equally beloved here, as are the traditional cocido madrileño (pea soups with croutons). But especially popular is Madrid's "calos" - spiced tripe with blood sausage and pepper sauce. You should definitely try at least the classic dishes. The famous Spanish omelette “tortilla”, spicy smoked sausage “chorizo”, serrano ham, sheep cheese “manchego”, delicacy specially smoked ham “jamon”. And, of course, cold gazpacho soup.

Work time

Institutions: 9.00-13.00 and 16.00-20.00 (Monday - Friday).

Shops: 9:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00 (Monday-Saturday). Large chain department stores: El Corte Ingles 10:00 - 21.00 (Monday-Saturday, without a break). Supermarkets: "Continente, Pryca, Alcampo, Mercadonna 9:00 (10:00) - 20.00 (21.00) Monday - Saturday, without a break. In tourist centers During the holidays, some stores are also open on Sunday.

Museums: from 9.00-13.00 and 16.00-19.00 (usually). Some museums are closed on Sunday and Monday.

There are telephone booths anywhere in Spain from which you can call anywhere in the world. Telephone sets accept coins of 5, 10, 25, 100 and 500 pesetas. It is more convenient to call Russia from any telephone booth installed on the street or in a bar or restaurant - it is much cheaper than calling from a hotel.

Required telephone numbers:

national police – 091

local police – 092

Red Cross - 22-22-22

urgent medical care – 061

fire service – 080

exact time service - 093

Help Desk - 098

Tipping in Spain is an ancient tradition, practiced in bars and restaurants, taxis, cinemas, and hotels. Please note that a service charge may be included in your bill. Typically tip 5-10% in restaurants and taxis.

Useful tips for Spain

When going to Spain you should not count on English language. Learn Spanish words, or at least write them down on paper. A well-chosen list of 30 words will make your life immeasurably easier.
If you do not live in Moscow, a tour with a departure from your city will cost one and a half times more than a tour with a departure from Moscow. It might make sense to fly from Moscow.

If you are faced with a choice of when to go to the coast - in June or in September, keep in mind that the sea in June is noticeably cooler.

Buy and take with you a pocket-sized (so you can carry it with you) Spanish-Russian/Russian-Spanish dictionary. As practice shows, standard phrase books turn out to be practically useless, perfect option- knowledge of a couple of dozen basic phrases plus a dictionary in case you need to urgently translate a word.

Charter flights tend to be very late. Don't be surprised or worried, just be mentally prepared for the confusion at the airport and the fact that you will have to spend a couple of extra hours there.
The sand on the beaches varies depending on the beach - from coarse and sharp, as, for example, in Lloret de Mar, to very fine.

Popular for its affordable prices, Lloret de Mar is not well suited for family vacation, because it is flooded with young people from all over Europe. If that suits you, Lloret is the place to be, but if you prefer quieter, cozier places, you might be better off choosing something else.

The Costa Brava is characterized by a “sheer bottom”, when after taking four or five steps into the sea you plunge headlong. This is not particularly important for adults, but with small children who love to play in shallow water, it is still better to go to another coast.

The talk about the insidious Spanish sun is completely true. Don't neglect protective creams.

To avoid getting your towels dirty with sand on the beach, it is best not to spend money on sunbeds every day, but to buy a couple of mats (it will cost about a little over a euro apiece). You can buy them right there, in nearby shops. It wouldn't hurt to buy a folding sun umbrella either. It's more expensive, about 10 euros, but it's worth it.

If you are traveling on your own, keep in mind that during the season you can rent an inexpensive 1*-2* hotel within major cities can be extremely difficult. This is more likely in nearby suburbs.
You can significantly save on city fees public transport, if you buy passes for 10 trips.
Water parks typically open in late May/early June and close by October.
In Tenerife, you can look into the crater of the Teide volcano only with a special, separately obtained permit, which travel agencies forget to warn about.

The exchange commission (if there is one) of a currency, in addition to interest, always has a certain mandatory minimum - for example, 2 euros, so it is more profitable to change a large amount once than several small ones.
If you need to buy beach accessories (swimsuits, towels, slippers), remember that prices for them in Spain are 3 to 7 times lower than in Moscow. For example, swimsuits - 15-20 euros. Luxury beach towels - 5-10 euros. But photographic film in Spain is more expensive - from 4 euros.

Hot tea and coffee in hotels are usually offered only for breakfast. If you are used to drinking tea in the evenings, a small camp boiler will come in handy.

EmbassySpain in Moscow

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikolskaya, 50/8. Tel.: +7 (495)2022161, 2022180 / Fax +7 2919171

Everything you need to know about Spain

  • Official language

  • The official name of the country
    The Kingdom of Spain;

  • Location
    Spain is a country located in southwestern Europe and is considered a member of the European Union. A well-known fact about Spain is that the state occupies most of the Perinean Peninsula. Almost 80% of Spain's territory includes the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary and Balearic Islands. Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe after Russia, Ukraine and France. Not every tourist interested in all the facts about Spain knows that it is the most mountainous country in all of Europe;

  • State structure
    Form of government - Constitutional monarchy.
    The king is the head of state.;

  • Capital of Spain
    city ​​of Madrid;

  • Currency
    Remembering everything known facts about Spain, the first thing that comes to mind is that the country is a member of the European Union. Official monetary unit in this regard, EURO (€) is considered equal to 100 cents.;

  • Difference in time
    Spanish time is 3 hours behind Moscow time;

  • Electrical voltage

All tourists, as a rule, are interested in collecting information about the country, which states the kingdom borders on and what kind of sea is in Spain. Spain has a rather interesting location - it is washed in the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea.

And here are all the land borders that Spain has:

  • in the west - with Portugal;
  • in the south - with Gibraltar;
  • in the north - with France and Andorra;
  • in northern Africa - from Morocco.

All the most important things about the climate in Spain

One can safely speak of Spain as the most warm country in Western Europe.
The number of sunny days per year is 260 - 285 days. Everything, of course, is changeable and changeable, but basically (according to statistics) this is so.
The average annual air temperature is +20ºС.

The climate of Spain relative to the territory of the country is very interesting:

  • in winter, air temperatures in the northern and central regions can drop below zero degrees;
  • in the summer at the height of the season in the central and southern regions Mediterranean coast the temperature can rise to 40ºС, and in the northern part of the coast it can be no more than +25ºС.

All this information gives, albeit a brief, but quite understandable idea of ​​​​Spain as a country. resort country for heat-loving tourists.

All the most interesting facts about the population of Spain

According to the October 2011 census, the population of Spain is 46.16 million people.
All almost 76% of the population are urban residents - this is evidenced by statistics from the same period.
95% of the inhabitants of Spain are Catholics, which did not prevent 67% of them from expressing their agreement on the issue of legalizing same-sex marriage.
9% of the population are emigrants.

All about resort cities in Spain

Largest cities in Spain

  • Madrid - ;
  • Barcelona - ;
  • Valencia - ;
  • Seville;
  • Zaragoza;
  • Malaga.

Resort places in Spain

The place where the country is located is not stingy with its resorts in Spain. Any tourist will find where to relax in Spain, taking into account his preferences. Whether it's just an excursion or a beach holiday.

  • Barcelona;
  • Costa Brava;
  • Costa del Maresme;
  • Costa Dorada;
  • Gran Canaria;
  • Mallorca - ;
  • Tenerife -

By visiting one of the resorts in Spain, you can get some ideas about it as a country as a whole. Although in fact it is difficult to judge Spain by one part of it.

Some more interesting information about Spain

  • Store opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00. Break - from 14:00 to 17:00;
  • Bars and bakeries open at 8:00;
  • Shopping is best done in major cities Spain, because all the boutiques of famous brands are located there;
  • The pottery, leather goods, fans, olive oils and wines brought from there will remind you of Spain;
  • It is not necessary to leave a tip in Spain, because it is already included in the cost of services and amounts to 10-15% of it. If you liked the service so much and you want to thank the establishment, then it is customary to leave a tip of 5%;
  • The national holiday is celebrated on October 12 and is called “Spanish Nation Day”.
Flag of Spain Coat of arms of Spain

Visa to enter the country

All citizens Russian Federation are required to know whether they and their traveling companions need a visa to Spain.
Tourists wishing to go on holiday to Spain must be aware of this before their trip. The visa is issued at the Consular Section of the Spanish Embassy in Moscow.

Spain is the very country about which you want to know as much as possible, but you can never know absolutely everything! Spain opens up in a new way every time. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of tourists returning to the country is growing every year.