How to make a tour. Individual excursion text. What should tourists be warned about?

* The calculations use average data for Russia

49,000 ₽

Starting investments

121,500 RUR

81,000 ₽

Net profit

2 months

Payback period

City walking tours are a leisure activity that allows you to delve deeper into the history of the streets. In the business plan, we will consider excursions with elements of a performance that can bring in from 80 thousand rubles.


This business plan discusses a project to implement walking tours in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The project is an event in the “excursion + street performance” format. The financial resources required to start the project will amount to 49 thousand rubles. and will be used to purchase excursion equipment, create presentation materials, purchase costumes for actors and stage attributes.

The projected volume of revenue per month with one excursion per week and the participation of 15 excursionists in it will be 121.5 thousand rubles, net profit 81.5 thousand rubles. The financial plan is designed for a three-year period of activity. After this, it is planned to expand the types of excursions and update the program of events. The project will require a preparatory phase of 3 months, necessary for writing a script, conducting test excursions and rehearsals, as well as creating advertising products and pre-filling social networks.

Table 1. Key project indicators


City walking tours are an increasingly popular type of excursion that allows participants to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. Unlike bus excursions they allow for more maneuverable routes and give participants a logical and consistent visual sequence. The length of such routes usually does not exceed 6 kilometers, and the duration is no more than 3 hours.

From the point of view of organization, walking excursions require much less financial and time expenditure, since there is no need to enter into an agreement with a transport company, coordinate the travel time with the driver and adjust the excursion route to the rules traffic. At the same time creation walking route requires a more thoughtful script. Display objects should be fairly close to each other. Excursionists are required to be physically prepared, and the guide is required to be able to keep the pace and catch up on time with those lagging behind the group. Feature excursion business V largest cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg there is a high level of competition. In other million-plus cities and regional centers with a population of less than a million inhabitants, the competition is not so significant, but it is quite difficult to immediately stand out from the existing proposals.

This project proposes the organization of events, the format of which will combine an excursion with a thematic performance on the history of the city. The choice of this format was due to high competition among excursion organizers. On the one hand, such an event will require a lot of time and financial costs on the organization, on the other hand, with good positioning, it will attract public attention and can become one of the landmark cultural events in the city. The project will be implemented on its own based on the organizer’s knowledge of the history of the city and interest in local history, the presence of some skills in this area, a certificate of completion of courses for guides, as well as personal connections with creative personalities of the city who will be involved in the performance in as partners.


At the initial stage, two excursion scenarios will be developed, each of which will include a short 30-minute street performance on the theme of the excursion. The duration of one of the events will be 3 hours, the other - 2 hours 30 minutes. The cost of participation will be divided for children and adults (see Table 2). The cost was determined taking into account the analysis of competitors' proposals. Thus, the cost of a regular walking tour in the regions varies from 400 to 650 rubles, the cost of bus excursions or excursions with any additional services, including a quest, coffee break, etc. ranged from 1100 to 1500 rubles. Thus, 800-950 rubles is, on the one hand, a more expensive option compared to regular excursions, but at the same time more profitable compared to similar offers.

Table 2. Description of goods and services

We also note that at the start of the project it is planned to conduct two or three free excursions to attract attention to the project, when the excursionists themselves will determine the level of remuneration for the guide. In addition, excursionists will have free access to audio and photographic materials offered by the guide during the excursion, as well as incentive prizes for activity during the excursion (badges, souvenirs, keychains, etc.).


The target audience of the project will be, on the one hand, an age audience actively interested in the history of the city (mainly women aged 35-40 years), on the other hand - creative youth from 18 to 30 years old, as well as tourists and guests of the city. The process of organizing sales and advertising will require the implementation of several stages.

    Preparatory stage. At this stage, two months before the start of sales, pages are created in in social networks“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and Instagram, which are planned to be used as generators of the main flow during the main period of work. Communities are filled with thematic content on the history of the city, a preliminary set of target audiences is made, and advertising messages are published about a set of free trial excursions. A one-page website is being created with basic information about the cost, time of excursions, route and contacts for pre-registration. Advertising templates are created and advertisements are printed.

    First stage. Two or three free excursions are conducted, during which photographs are taken, feedback from participants is collected, and gaps in the organization that arise along the way are eliminated. Whenever possible, the attention of online media and television is attracted. Next, advertising posts are published in popular city groups on social networks. There is an active distribution of advertisements in places visited by tourists.

    Main stage. Ongoing advertising activities using all available channels to reach the target audience. At the same time, contacts are being established with the heads of museums, cultural and entertainment institutions, anti-cafes, who can place advertisements on their own sites, and advertisements are being distributed. The following can also be used as additional channels for attracting customers:

    a guide's own blog on the history of the city;

    partnership with travel companies with the transfer of clients for a percentage;

    partnership with information tourist centers(transfer of clients for a percentage, placement of advertising or business cards).

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Table 3 shows approximate expenses for advertising purposes during the main period of work. Filling groups on social networks with content and updating information on the website is planned to be organized on our own. Applications for participation in the excursion will be accepted by telephone, payment will be collected by the organizer before the start of the event. In the future, it is planned to use special services (timepad and others).


At the initial stage, it is planned to organize excursions and performances once a week - on Saturdays or Sundays, during the daytime. To create performances, you will need to hire actors from among the volunteers of the acting circle at one of the city’s universities. The cast will include five regular actors and three people playing either episodic roles or substitutions. To get started, you will need to purchase the necessary stage and excursion equipment. Expenses for these purposes will amount to about 39.2 thousand rubles.

Table 4. List of necessary equipment and inventory

When conducting one excursion per week, taking into account the participation of 10 adult tourists with an average bill of 900 rubles, monthly revenue will be 81 thousand rubles. This plan is planned to be followed during the first year of operation. The plan for the second year of operation will be 15 participants per excursion, i.e. 121.5 thousand rubles per month. In the future, with an increase in the number of participants and the organization of two excursions per week, the planned revenue can be increased by one and a half to two times.


The project will require a preparatory period of 3 months, during which an excursion route, performance scripts are created, rehearsals are organized, actors are selected, etc. Unlike many countries in the world, in Russia a license to provide excursion services is not required. In order for activities to be carried out within the legal framework, only registration of an individual entrepreneur is necessary. OKVED activity codes:

  • 79.90.2 Activities for the provision of excursion tourism services
  • 79.90.22 Activities of independent tour guides and tour guides in the provision of excursion tourism services.

The processing time for registration of individual entrepreneurs will be 3 days. State duty - 800 rubles. The most appropriate taxation system for this type of business is a simplified one, where the object of taxation is income of 6%.

Documents for business on walking tours:

Here is a list of documents required to conduct activities within the right field:

    contract for services, where all excursion offers, its obligations and those points for which the company is not responsible will be indicated;

    job description for staff. It describes in detail the job responsibilities for each position and the action plan in case of an emergency;

    agreements with employees. Not necessarily according to the Labor Code, but the contractual basis must be fixed;

    for employees (preferably) - a document that confirms the status of a teacher of history/culture/philology, etc. or the right to engage in tourism business.

Additionally, it is necessary to draw up a memo for clients, rules for safe behavior on the route and a list of possible sources of dangers that may be encountered. Also, in some cases, tour guides require accreditation. For example, to conduct excursions, foreigners need a special state permit.

The project team

The project team will include two organizers and at the same time performers of the project in the person of a guide and the head of the theater troupe, as well as the actors themselves.

    Guide. This is a person with a historical or philological education, who knows English language, who is interested in local history and the history of the city, has a certificate of completion of guide courses from a specialized training center, training personnel for the tourism industry. Personal qualities: sociability, competent speech, articulate voice, creativity and resourcefulness, talent as a teacher and psychologist, patience.

    Director of a theater troupe. He has experience working as a director in a student theater, and has talent as an organizer, advertiser, and designer.

    Actors. A group of eight actors (five regular actors, three substitutes), participants in major theater competitions, city performances, a student theater troupe. The actors will be paid 500 rubles per performance. Based on the experience of similar projects, it is recommended to select a reserve troupe for all roles (in case of illness of the actors, absence from rehearsals/performance for family or other reasons, etc.).


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the project. The initial investment in the project will be 49 thousand rubles. The expenses of the main period of work will include wages for the actors - 22,500 rubles, expenses for advertising and promotion of the project. A detailed financial plan for the project, taking into account tax deductions, is given in Appendix 1.

Table 5. Investment costs of the project


AMOUNT, rub.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment for excursions

Equipment for performances

Intangible assets

Registration of individual entrepreneur

Flyer printing

Funds for paying actors (for the first 2 excursions)

Table 6. Main period expenses


Thanks to minimal investments, the project can pay for itself within the second month from the start of excursion sales. The annual turnover of the project in the first year will be 972 thousand rubles, net profit - 521.8 thousand rubles. Profitability - 53%. Annual turnover in the second year is 1,458 thousand rubles, net profit is 978.2 thousand rubles, profitability is 67%.


The project will require minimal investment in opening, there are no costs for rent and connection to any real estate and material assets (the product is intellectual and acting work), in connection with which all financial risks are minimal. Most of the possible difficulties can be associated with internal problems - errors in the organization, incorrect promotion, incorrect presentation of information by excursionists, etc. These risks are prevented, firstly, through careful preparatory work, which should include writing a high-quality script for the excursion and performance, and their test run. Secondly, a competent market analysis is important: monitoring of all current offers in the field, analysis of the pricing and advertising policies of competitors, their methods of smoothing out the seasonality factor, etc. The key factor for the main period will be work to improve the quality of services, expand the list of services, provide feedback to clients and advertise.

There are also external risk factors - competition, an unfavorable situation in the country’s economy, which affects the solvency of the population and forces them to give up leisure, etc. To minimize these factors, it is necessary to carry out high-quality promotion from the first days of the project’s existence, and in the future, to gain status and recognition of the event as a significant cultural event of the city, which is attended by representatives of middle and large companies and which is actively recommended to tourists and guests of the city.

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Hello, dear friends. My name is Anna. And today I am your guide. You and I have gathered today to listen to a very interesting excursion. The theme of our excursion is “Malakhov Kurgan monument - two defenses”. The route of our excursion passes through the territory of the Malakhov Kurgan, here you will see many monuments, guns, a defensive tower, the places where Nakhimov and Kornilov were fatally wounded, and the only tree that survived the Second World War. I ask you to keep up with the group, and I will answer your questions during the tour.

Well, now let's get back to the topic of our Excursion!! Malakhov Kurgan is not just historical monument, this is sacred land for every Sevastopol resident; the fate of the first defense of Sevastopol was decided here. The name of the mound, as one version explains, is associated with the name of a retired naval sailor Mikhail Malakhov, who was a highly respected man on the Ship Side, one of the first to settle at the foot of the mound. His house stood on the slope of this mound. People often came to Malakhov for advice, help, and court proceedings: he was an honest and fair man. So they said: “Let’s go to the mound, to Malakhov.” The mound gradually began to be called by his name.

The mound may not be very impressive from the outside - a hill is like a hill. Its height is only 97 meters above sea level, but the glory of the mound is great. Over the course of one hundred years, the mound twice became the scene of fierce battles.

During the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 Malakhov Kurgan, dominating the surrounding area, was a key position on the left flank of the defense. Here was the main bastion of the Ship side, which after the death of Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov began to be called Kornilovsky.

Here the French troops carried out the most furious assaults. However, the enemy managed to capture the mound only after eleven months of fighting, when the defensive structures were demolished by multi-day artillery bombardments and the strength of its defenders was exhausted. The loss of the Malakhov Kurgan predetermined the outcome of the 11-month defense of the city.

During the period of defense, there were nine batteries on the Malakhov Kurgan, two of them were reproduced in 1958. They are equipped with authentic ship cannons from the Crimean War. The guns are cast from cast iron and weigh from two to seven tons. The sailors had to put a lot of effort into dragging them onto the bastions. The cannons fired solid and explosive (bomb) cannonballs. Despite the imperfection of weapons and the need of the defenders for literally everything, the two powerful imperial powers could not take Sevastopol for almost a year.

The enemy managed to launch the first assault on the city only nine months after the start of the siege, on June 6, 1855. This assault was heroically repulsed by the defenders of Sevastopol. Tells about the events of this day Panorama of the defense of Sevastopol, located on the former fourth bastion.

Many outstanding defense heroes fought on Malakhov Kurgan: admirals Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin, sister of mercy Dasha of Sevastopol, sailor Koshka, a participant in many forays into the enemy’s camp. At night, brave hunters (as they were called) captured trophies, prisoners, destroyed enemy fortifications, and most importantly, it was a very powerful psychological weapon. After the Crimean War, the name "Malakhov Kurgan" became known throughout the world. In 1856, the French Marshal Pelissier, who commanded the French army in Crimea in 1855-1856, was awarded the title "Duke of Malakhovsky". In Germany there is Fort Malakhov, small town near Paris it became known as "Malakof".

The mound became famous during second defense of Sevastopol. Therefore, Malakhov Kurgan - memorial complex of monuments to two wars: the Crimean and the Great Patriotic War.

Main part

Now we are at the Main Entrance to Malakhov Kurgan. Arch adorns a massive Doric portico with dates on the frieze: 1854-1855. A wide grand staircase leads to the top of the mound. The staircase bifurcates and joins again to form a large lawn with a manicured lawn. From here you can see the whole of Sevastopol: central part cities; Vladimir Cathedral is the tomb of admirals, three of whom died here on the Malakhov Kurgan; open sea; Konstantinovskaya battery at the entrance to Sevastopol Bay; The northern side of Sevastopol, crowned with the pyramid of the Church of St. Nicholas at the Fraternal Cemetery. Now you and I will climb these stairs

Now we are on the first wide horizontal platform, on which there are two monuments. The one on the left is from the Crimean War, the one on the right is from the Great Patriotic War. Let's go to the monument which is located to the right. This monument to the pilots of the 8th Air Force, who liberated Sevastopol from the Nazis in May 1944. It was commanded by Major General Khryukin. A night bomber women's regiment under the command of Evdokia Bershanskaya fought as part of the army. The girls flew on planes with PO-2 percale wings; they flew out only at night, since the planes were imperfect and, if hit by a shell, they burned like matches. On these planes, female pilots terrified the enemy; the Nazis called them night witches. More than forty female pilots of the regiment
were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The monument is a granite rock from which a fighter plane “takes off.” One of the best fighters of World War II, the Yak-3, was used as a prototype for the memorial aircraft. The monument was built by military builders in July 1944 and restored in 1994. Next to the monument there are granite plaques, which list the flight formations and units that participated in the liberation of Sevastopol.

Now let's proceed to the left side of the site. Here is a small white marble monument , installed in 1892 abovemass grave of Russian and French soldiers . It contains the rest of the soldiers who died in the last battle on Malakhov Kurgan on August 27, 1855.

When, on the last day of the first defense, the French broke into Malakhov Kurgan, the Russians launched several counterattacks, fought selflessly, and as a result the losses were very large on both sides. Those killed in this battle were buried in the same grave. The funeral was carried out by the French, who highly appreciated the courage of their opponents.

A black stele with a black cross rises above the white pedestal. The symbolism of flowers explains the inscription on French, embossed on the back of the monument: "They were inspired by victory and united by death. Such is the glory of the brave, such is the lot of the soldier." On the front side of the monument are the words: “Monument to Russian and French soldiers who fell on Malakhov Kurgan during the defense and attack on August 27, 1855.”

During the Great Patriotic War, the monument was severely damaged and restored in 1960.

From this site, which the French soldiers nicknamed “the devil’s,” the main alley of the Malakhov Kurgan begins; its age is already approaching fifty years. The trees on this alley were planted by party, state and public figures of the USSR and foreign countries, Heroes of the Soviet Union, cosmonauts (including Yuri Gagarin). Previously, there were signs near the trees with names written on them. This alley was called Alley of Friendship.

Now let's walk along the alley. So on the left you see a powerful ship gun . This is an authentic WWII ship's cannon. The gun caliber is 130 mm, the firing range is 20 km. The second gun stood in this place (the first one was in front behind the trees). In October 1941, the destroyer Sovershenny was blown up by a Nazi mine. The guns were removed from it and installed on land. This is how it was created battery "Malakhov Kurgan". The guns were serviced by the destroyer's sailors (60 people), the battery was commanded by Lieutenant-Commander Matyukhin. That’s what the batteries were called - “Matyukhintsy”. The battery provided support to our units in the Mekenzi Mountains (16 km north), on the northern side of the city.

The Matyukhinites fought until last days defense On June 30, 1942, the Nazis captured Malakhov Kurgan. The forces were unequal. The survivors went to the southwest of Sevastopol and continued to fight there. Many suffered the same fate as other defenders of the city: they were captured. The guns you see were taken from the Boikiy destroyer. They are exactly the same as those on the destroyer "Perfect" and stand here as monuments to the sailors who defended Sevastopol.

Walking a little further we see an unusual monument. Thismonument tree - old almond , he survived the Great Patriotic War. When Sevastopol was liberated, even the earth on the Malakhov Kurgan was burned; of course, all the greenery died, and only a small burnt almond tree survived and bloomed. There was only one living branch left on it. But every spring it is covered with white flowers, symbolizing the triumph of life over death.

Now pay attention to the center of the alley, there is a bronze relief map of the Malakhov Kurgan bastion ( architect A. Sheffer). The map shows batteries, powder magazines, shelters - everything that was here during the defense of 1854-1855. In the area of ​​the angle directed towards the enemy, the so-called outgoing one, there is a Defensive tower , in which it is now located branch of the Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol.

Let's go to the Defense Tower. This donjon tower is the only stone defensive structure on the bastion. It was built in the summer of 1854 with funds from the residents of Sevastopol according to the design of military engineer F.A. Starchenko. A tower was built from Inkerman stone. The thickness of the walls of the lower tier is 152 cm, the upper one is 88 cm. The tower had 52 loopholes on two tiers, and five eighteen-pound fortress cannons were installed on the upper platform. The tower is fortified Memorial plaque with the names of the regiments and units that defended Malakhov Kurgan during the first defense.

On October 5, 1854, during the first bombardment of Sevastopol, the upper tier of the tower was demolished by enemy shells, while the lower one served as a shelter. It housed a dressing station, a powder warehouse, a camp church and the headquarters of Rear Admiral V.I. Istomin, who commanded the fourth distance of the defensive line (which included Malakhov Kurgan). March 7, 1855 Istomin Inspected the remote fortification of the Malakhov Kurgan, the so-called Kamchatka lunette (in front behind the defensive tower), where he was killed outright by an enemy cannonball that hit him in the head. This was a great loss for the defenders of Sevastopol.

To the left of the tower you can see the Anti-Assault Battery. At this place during the war, there was a frontal naval cannon of the 1803 model. Now let's go up the road behind the tower. Here you see the Battery on the glacis; there is also a marble slab installed here, marking the place where Admiral Nakhimov was mortally wounded

On June 28, 1855, Nakhimov stood on the glacis and observed the positions of the French. As always, the admiral was in uniform with gold epaulettes, presenting a good target for the French shtutser (a rifle with a rifled barrel). The commander of the fourth distance, which included Malakhov Kurgan, captain of the first rank F.S. Kern (a relative of Anna Kern) asked him to go down to the shelter, Nakhimov rather sharply refused. Several bullets hit the parapet nearby, he managed to say: “They shoot quite accurately today,” when one of the bullets hit him in the left temple. No amount of medical efforts could save the admiral, and two days later, without regaining consciousness, Nakhimov died.

On this day, the whole of Sevastopol mourned. An eyewitness wrote that there was not a person in the city who would not gladly give his life for the life of the admiral. On July 1, Pavel Stepanovich was buried next to his unforgettable teacher Lazarev and his comrades who died on the Malakhov Kurgan, Kornilov and Istomin. The obituary for Nakhimov says: “Peace be to your ashes, intelligent, skillful and experienced, passionately loved his art and his subordinates, equally loved by them, always cold-blooded and courageous, kind-hearted, great in intelligence and courage, an honest, generous person!” Those who knew him closely! Admiral Nakhimov wrote: “wholly devoted to service, he did not know and had no interests outside of it.” He devoted himself entirely to naval service, did not start a family. His fellow sailors were his family, all his ambition lay in the strict fulfillment of his own. duty. “Everything here is so clearly and strongly inspired by the soul and strength of Nakhimov that it is impossible not to realize that he really personifies the present era, and it is impossible to imagine what would have happened without him...” He spent the night wherever he had to, slept without undressing, because he set aside his own apartment as a hospital for the wounded, and the admiral’s personal money went to help the families of the sailors. There were legends about his courage and contempt for death. The admiral’s appearance on the batteries and bastions was accompanied by a loud, enthusiastic “Hurray!” With Nakhimov the soul of the Sevastopol defense died.

Proceeding further you see the batteries of Senyavin and Emelyanov. To the right of the batteries is a monument to Kornilov, erected at the site of Kornilov’s injury (architect A. Bilderling, sculptor academician I. Schroeder). On the pedestal, the top of which represents part of the fortification, there is a figure of a mortally wounded admiral. With his right hand he points to the city, his words spoken before his death are inscribed below, sounding like a call or even an order: “Defend Sevastopol!” On the right is the figure of a sailor-artilleryman, who is given a resemblance to the famous hero-sailor P. Koshka. At the foot of the monument is a cross, laid out by order of Nakhimov by Sevastopol cabin boys from enemy cannonballs.

Admiral Kornilov was wounded on the day of the first bombardment of Sevastopol, October 5, 1854, at about 11 o'clock. Kornilov arrived at the Malakhov Kurgan, inspected the tower, fortifications and headed towards the horse to continue the inspection, but then an enemy cannonball crushed his left leg at the groin. On the same day at half past four, Vice Admiral Kornilov died. When the defense began, Kornilov was the chief of staff of the Black Sea Fleet. He led the defense, being an excellent organizer, and did a lot for the construction of defensive fortifications and for the organization of defense as a whole. Despite the fact that Kornilov died at the very beginning of the defense, his merits were great, and the loss for Sevastopol was very great.

The words of the dying Kornilov, inscribed on the pedestal, infuriated the fascist occupiers, who paid a terrible price for the capture of Sevastopol. Therefore, they destroyed the monument: the bronze was taken away and the pedestal was blown up. The monument was restored for the 200th anniversary of Sevastopol. The original version of the monument was taken as a basis, the model of which is stored in Naval Museum St. Petersburg. Malakhov Kurgan is the place of heroism of hundreds, thousands of city defenders. Let us note that among those who fought on the Malakhov Kurgan was the father of the “red lieutenant” Peter Schmidt - P.P. Schmidt, who commanded the anti-assault battery, and together with the famous N.I. Pirogov and professor of Kyiv University X.Ya. Gübbenet fought for the lives of the wounded and Schmidt’s mother E.Ya. Wagner.


So, our excursion has come to an end. Thanks everyone for your attention. You are very good listeners. I'm ready to answer your questions.

Photo: Official portal of the Mayor and Government of Moscow

How to see among skyscrapers and cars ancient city? Where is the utopian house located? Who comes up with city tours and who goes on them? How to plan a route correctly and make a person listen carefully? The leading guide of the City Tour Bureau of the Museum of Moscow, Larisa Skrypnik, spoke to the site about the pros and cons of being a guide, about the mysteries of Moscow and the best excursionists.

— It seems that everything about Moscow has already been told, all the city labyrinths and nooks and crannies have been traversed, and suddenly new route, a new excursion - how is this possible?

— The Moscow Museum, where I work, celebrates its 120th anniversary this year. And all these years, the museum staff has been studying the city, its history, monitoring all the changes that are taking place in the metropolis. Our collection contains thousands of documents, books, photographs that are still being researched. This alone already gives many reasons for a new look at even the most trivial excursions.

There is, of course, a mandatory block of excursions. Typically this is sightseeing tour in Moscow, in Red Square, in historical center, which are intended specifically for the first acquaintance with the city - for those who want to learn about the city in which they live. There are quite a few of them - as experience shows, Muscovites often don’t know the city well. It seems to a person: I’m here, I’ll have time to do everything - and he passes by interesting places without paying attention to them. But when interest is shown, the person, as a rule, becomes our regular customer. That is, someone who came once begins to come constantly. It is very happy to see how the popularity of walking and bus tours is increasing year after year: more and more citizens want to learn as much as possible about the capital.

But there is another block of routes - those that we come up with ourselves. These are always unusual walks where we show the city from a new side. They can be thematic, dedicated to certain dates or events. So, we are constantly developing new routes through unexplored Moscow. We really want to show our favorite city from different sides; I want the participants of the walks to fall in love with Moscow just like us. And such excursions are usually in great demand.

— Can you tell us more about such routes?

- Was interesting story during the celebration of the anniversary of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. We were approached with a request to come up with a walking tour of Gogol’s places. Moreover, they asked to show not only the monuments to the writer, which are located at a distance of 400 meters from each other, not only the temple of Simeon the Stylite, of which Gogol was a parishioner, but something else unusual. This is a challenge in a sense, I really love such things. It was necessary to do a walking tour and tell a lot, a lot about Gogol. As a result, with great interest for myself, I discovered more than 20 places associated with Nikolai Vasilyevich on Arbat. Not in Moscow as a whole, but only on Arbat. Exclusive excursions are born, for example, from such an offer - to help someone with a topic.

Or, for example, an excursion dedicated to 1612 in Moscow. She was not particularly in demand; no one ever asked to take her to these places. But when the request finally appeared, it turned out that this was indeed a very interesting excursion. Of course, excursions are also born because you yourself really like something. I love architecture, and of course I came up with a walking tour of Art Nouveau. Routes may appear after you have read an interesting book. Now there are a lot of memoirs coming out, all sorts of works by pre-revolutionary Moscow scholars, which we did not know before. You read - and suddenly you see the area completely different, not the way you imagined it, and you get the idea to take a tour of this place and show Moscow from some, perhaps unexpected side.

- How does this happen? How is the excursion prepared?

— First, the search for material begins: reading specialized literature, diaries, going to libraries and, of course, studying the very area you are going to talk about. Sometimes, when you walk the streets, enter alleys, courtyards, you discover absolutely incredible treasures that people have never seen. For example, Nikitsky Boulevard is such a front street. But one time, when I was preparing a tour there, I saw a metal gate with a door, behind which it was written that there was a shoe repair shop or some kind of hardware. In general, the door is completely unpresentable-looking. But when I entered this gateway, I realized that this the whole city with labyrinths. Who would have thought that this could happen? People are always very interested in this. It’s as if you are immersed in the past, and you can imagine how you would feel if you lived in this house and your windows looked out onto this courtyard….

— You said that you have developed a tour of Art Nouveau, but this is not exactly Moscow style, what are you showing?

— Since this is a walking tour, it takes place between Ostozhenka, Prechistenka and in the side streets. This is both Isakov Kekushevsky’s apartment building and the architect Kekushev’s own house. This is the apartment house of the peasant Loskov. We had such wonderful peasants who could invite the best architects and build houses in the northern modern style. There really aren’t enough of them in Moscow; this style is mainly widespread in St. Petersburg.

— It seems to me that the most difficult thing in your work is to make people listen; not all guides and not always succeed in this.

— You just need to know and understand: people cannot endlessly listen to a set of some facts, even if they are quite interesting, they still need some kind of release. But it’s important not to just giggle about something, but to have it tied to the topic. And by the way, on excursions sometimes the participants themselves help to find such relaxing moments. I once had a wonderful girl about seven years old on a tour of Arbat and Arbat lanes. On Arbat, every building has a story, and you want to tell about everything. I started talking about the house with knights opposite Tetra Vakhtangov and said that, unfortunately, not all the knights had survived, and this girl told me: “But I can tell where this knight went.” I ask: where? She says: “The fact is that he fell in love with this princess,” and there is a “Princess Turandot” fountain near the Vakhtangov Theater, “he fell in love, went downstairs, bought her jewelry, but she did not accept the gift. So the knight got upset and left.” This is so lovely! Now I always tell this, such a vivid perception by a child of Moscow and its history.

— How long does it take to prepare the excursion?

- It depends on the topic. There are those on which a huge amount of literature has been written, and here you just need to select what interests you. There are topics that require serious preparation, maybe even requests, meetings with some people who have information on a particular area. The residents themselves tell interesting things. It's always a lot of work.

Selecting material is one of the most exciting moments, and here it is important to control yourself. You search, read, and it’s so captivating that by three o’clock in the morning you can find yourself somewhere on the other side of Moscow. Because when you are preparing material, one fact clings to another: but the name slipped through, and why not clarify... This is very difficult, but it is even more difficult to choose something when you have collected a huge amount of material and understand that it is impossible to tell everything , — it’s always a shame to remove some information.

Then comes another very important point: you must connect all the objects... It is clear that if the excursion is thematic, for example our “Moscow Embassy”, then everything is more or less clear. And if this is a tour along the street and there are absolutely dissimilar buildings, absolutely different stories, but you have to somehow connect them with each other, it should turn out to be a story.

I had a wonderful excursion, I led it along Volkhonka, and one of the excursionists, as an intelligent person, warned me in advance that she needed to pick up the child from kindergarten, so she will leave quietly in English in 50 minutes. And I’m leading a tour and I understand that 50 minutes have already passed, an hour has passed, and the woman is still with us. And I tell her: “Please excuse me, but it seems you need to pick up your child from kindergarten.” She says: “You understand, I can’t leave. You finish telling the story and the next thing is so catchy that we will now see further that I just can’t leave.” This was the right excursion, since it happened like this.

There are also purely technical, special aspects that also need to be taken into account: how to stand correctly so that everyone can hear you, so that you can react to the expression of your face, eyes, so that you can see tourists and at the same time do not interfere with their vision of objects; how to stand to show the object as much as possible; how to stand up so that you can talk about several objects without leaving your place. When you prepare an excursion, it takes extra time. For example, I’m walking down the street and, to the surprise of passers-by, I begin to run from one place to another, cross the street, come back, in order to understand where it’s better for me to put the group. And here you need to show your imagination.

There are many other nuances. For example, you need to take into account the location of pedestrian crossings: where are they located, is it convenient for you to cross from this side to the opposite side, so as not to return to this crossing through another crossing, to somehow go further along the route, because people are not interested in the same thing place to go back and forth. In general, this is actually a very big job.

— Let's try to name the pros and cons of your profession.

— I was asked this question on excursions... But it turns out that the disadvantages turn into advantages. Of course, this is a job that requires a lot physical activity, because you need to move a lot both in the preparation process and during the excursion. And they sometimes last two or three hours, and sometimes six or seven.

The weather is not of our choosing, and our Moscow weather is not pleasant, let’s say, for most of the year. Next is that you are always working, because you must be on the topic of modern Moscow, know everything new that appears, new books about Moscow, new information, new objects. There is so much material that you will never be able to master it completely, but you always strive for it. As a result, you constantly train your memory, your mind, you are always on the move and constantly in the fresh air.

And people are different, and you make a lot of effort to keep attention. When this works out, I feel a tremendous moral uplift because I give my energy to people, and they give theirs in return. After an excursion I always feel emotionally charged. Everything is interconnected here, and if you like it, then you enjoy it more.

The city excursion bureau has currently developed more than 80 topics dedicated to the history and modernity of Moscow and its famous citizens.

Tripster changed my life. This site allowed me to throw away the prepared stack of resumes and do something that has been bringing joy, pleasant amounts of money and incredible amount interesting people. And all this in a mode convenient for me, and not five days a week from nine to six. I have great affection for the Tripster team for their clarity, honesty, efficiency (bordering on the fantastic) and openness to new ideas. Through their efforts, the site is constantly improving, and rare technical difficulties are solved as if by magic. But the most important thing: these kind people are doing everything that would be difficult and boring for me to do on my own. If it weren’t for Tripster, I would probably have put off mastering my life’s work until later.

I became a tour guide thanks to Tripster. I accidentally came across it a couple of years ago, read the stories of guides from Istanbul and St. Petersburg, and realized that I also wanted to show travelers Izborsk - one of the oldest cities in Russia. Now, after hundreds of walks with guests, I can say with confidence: Tripster - best service for booking excursions in Russia. It's beautiful and comfortable - it's nice to look at, and everything works on it. It is sincere - guides, support service, editors - all living people - travelers feel it, and you will feel it too. And he is active - Tripster is seriously working on promoting excursions, and during the season I receive 80% of orders through Tripster, although I have my own website and work with several other sites - but they are not so effective. Tripster really makes the world a little better, and I'm glad that I'm also involved in this cause.

The best audience comes to us from Tripster- smart, educated, curious, open to everything new people, with whom it is a great pleasure to work. We have been in the tourism market for 5 years, and we have something to compare with. Of all imaginable partners, Tripster is by far the best. The work of the support service is incredibly professional; these amazing people are ready to personally deal with any problem that arises, help with advice and simply support. And another extremely important point for us is fantastic marketing. With such competition, is it possible for guides who have been working for a long time and have received a huge number of excellent reviews to break into the “stars”? We can say with complete confidence that this is possible. Everyone, everyone, everyone who in one way or another puts effort into this wonderful project! You are crazy beautiful!

The service is very convenient. You can negotiate with the traveler directly, without intermediaries, and resolve issues on shore. An excellent commission-booking system; it is much nicer to think that the guide himself does not pay anything to the site for accommodation, since this is the price of booking by the traveler and at the same time a guarantee that the excursion will take place. Notifications arrive on time, it is possible to mark busy days and hours in the calendar, a convenient interface, and communication with mail. Support will always help resolve issues. In general, the best service for guides: there are many opportunities for creativity and creating new excursions. Thank you very much to the entire Tripster team for their work!

During the six months of working with Tripster, I made many friends, visiting my favorite city. Precisely friends, because every traveler, coming to a meeting, is determined to get acquainted first of all not with a historical object or museum exhibits, namely with interesting person, capable of expanding the range of his knowledge in a particular area.

AND the best remedy The Tripster service helps you find new friends who can appreciate your knowledge and hospitality. This is a professional team, always ready to help you with any questions regarding the organization of a particular excursion. The main thing is your idea! Offer travelers exactly what you know best and what you love to do, and the results will not be long in coming. I began receiving orders for my excursions from the first days of posting on the service. Come up with your own original route or entertainment in your hometown. I wish you success in our common interesting and exciting business!

Create a new interesting excursion- it’s not an easy matter. The planned event should be divided into two equal stages - preparation and conduct of the excursion.

To develop new excursion route you need to decide on the purpose of the excursion, the type (in terms of content - sightseeing, thematic; according to the method of transportation - walking, bus) and objects of display. The text of the excursion, its duration and richness of facts will depend on this. This should not be done by one person, but by a creative group, which should include from three to seven people.

First steps to planning an excursion

When objects are selected, we begin collecting information on each of them and compile the most convenient route transitions (moving, etc.). Now, from a large amount of information on objects, you need to compose a tour text for each of them and a card of the object. Such a card is an indispensable part of a guide’s portfolio; it contains brief information about the object and possibly a photograph of it.

After excursion texts for objects have been written, it is easier to create an interesting and concise excursion text and connect the parts with competent transitions.

After preparing the materials, a methodological development of the excursion is done - this is a document describing the excursion and its main parameters. The manual includes a topic, a map of the route, its length, type of excursion, safety rules, purpose, tasks and time. It also includes a table - a plan for the excursion:

  • route;
  • display object;
  • stop;
  • time in minutes;
  • listing of main issues, names of subtopics;
  • organizational guidelines;
  • guidelines(logical transitions).

After this, the manual must be certified by management; it serves as confirmation of the quality of the excursion.

Tour guide's briefcase

Before conducting a tour, you need to collect a “guide briefcase”. This is the professional name for a set of visual aids to simplify the excursion. These can be reproductions of paintings, photographs of people who are related to this topic, maps depicting enterprises or military operations, geographic Maps, geological samples, product samples, tape recordings and other materials that help inform the excursion.

Material requirements

The criteria for selecting visual material are low: preservation, unusualness, expressiveness, need for display and educational value. These are the main qualities of these criteria. It is very important to have good materials on objects that have not survived to this day or have been greatly modified. This will make the material easier to understand. It is worth considering that reproductions, maps and photographs must be on a cardboard base, the image must be clear with a size of at least 18*24, preferably 24*30 cm.

Now that all the material is ready, let's figure out how to conduct a tour correctly. Typically, each guide has his own technique for conducting an excursion, based on personal experience and observations. But the methodology for conducting an excursion is a whole system of requirements and tasks, methods of telling and showing. All this is necessary to achieve maximum digestibility of the material. A well-developed methodology is a kind of list of rules for a guide when conducting a specific excursion. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the methods of conducting the excursion should differ slightly depending on the age characteristics of the group and the interest of the excursionists.

For school-age children, it is better not to overload the text with facts; it will be more interesting for them to see visual material and hear interesting legend or history. It is also worth preparing for questions; children receive a lot of them. It is important to be able to hold the attention of schoolchildren on excursion trips. To do this, you need to ask questions: “Do you know?”; “Have you heard about...?”; “Do you like...?” etc. In this case, the guide begins a dialogue with the excursionists, and this way you can hold your attention for quite a long time.

Older generation tourists, as a rule, behave quietly and calmly, and it is quite difficult to understand whether they are interested in the story or not. In the event that these are not professors and scientists, it is advisable not to overload the excursion text big amount dates and numbers. Always allow time for photographing, just five to seven minutes will be enough.

Guide techniques

There are generally accepted methods for conducting excursions, they include techniques of telling and showing. Display techniques make it possible to draw the attention of tourists to the most important details, to evaluate the general appearance of the object and its combination with environment. Narrative techniques, in turn, help to recreate a more accurate picture of events in the imagination of tourists. Key words: “Imagine...”, “It’s been... a year...”, etc.

Safety regulations

But in addition to interesting material and a pleasant guide, the event must be safe.

Safety when conducting excursions, especially walking ones, is very important. Basic rules of safety and behavior on the route can be read in the methodological development of the excursion. But the guide is obliged to notify the group about safety precautions immediately before the excursion. Tell us about all the nuances of the route. The most banal phrases about not sticking your head out the window of a bus and jumping out while it’s moving must be heard. Since the guide takes responsibility for the group during the excursion, it is his task to talk about safety rules.

What should tourists be warned about?

Particular attention should be paid to road intersections and transitions (rope bridges, caves, tunnels, etc.). If the excursion is conducted outdoors, you should be warned about fire safety rules. It is also necessary to talk about the fact that you should not try mushrooms, touch various insects and animals with your hands, drink water from open reservoirs and walk barefoot.

It is worth taking care of household items local population And surrounding nature at the excursion location. In addition, persons who have undergone preliminary instruction and medical examination, as well as people who do not have health-related contraindications, should be allowed on excursions.