Swallow's Nest in Crimea is a point of attraction for tourists! "Swallow's Nest", Crimea: history, description, interesting facts and reviews Building in the form of a nest

So romantic and unusual name I received the house from the owner of this plot at the beginning of the 20th century. And the first wooden building on the rock, which offers a wonderful view of the sea, belonged to a certain general, a participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878.

History of construction

The well-known small castle on the top of a cliff in the village of Gaspra, not far from Yalta, was built in 1911 by the architect A. Sherwood by order of Baron F. Shteingel. A famous oil industrialist wanted to give his dacha an image knight's castle and even gave the name “Generalif”, which means “castle of love”. However, this name did not stick. The architect built a dacha-castle in the Gothic style, adding arched friezes, decorative turrets, and jagged walls to the façade decoration.

The size of the building is not large at all: width 10 meters, length 20 meters, and height 12 meters. What makes the building so majestic, of course, is its location, because the height of the rock on which it is located is more than 40 meters. Inside the house there is an entrance hall, a living room with large windows, a staircase leading to the tower, and two bedrooms.

Earthquake in Crimea

Baron V. Steingel sold the house in 1914 and left Russia. The new owner opened a restaurant in the Swallow's Nest, which operated successfully.

The building was threatened during the 1927 earthquake, when part of the rock collapsed. Fortunately, the building survived, but the tower was partially destroyed and the observation deck was damaged. In subsequent years, the red corner of the holiday home, a reading room, and then a dining room were located here, until the building was empty due to its disrepair.

Reconstruction began in 1968 and lasted three years; a monolithic reinforced concrete pipe was placed under the base of the “Swallow’s Nest”, and the architectural elements outdoor decor.

"Swallow's Nest" in cinema

In 1960, a fragment of the Soviet film “Amphibian Man” directed by Vladimir Chebotarev and Gennady Kazansky was filmed on the cape. And 15 years later, thanks to director Stanislav Govorukhin, many learned what the interiors of the Swallow’s Nest looked like: the film Ten Little Indians was filmed here. In 2009, filmmakers again turned to the mysterious castle on the rock: director Yuri Kara filmed the film “Hamlet” here. XXI Century".

"Swallow's Nest" today

In 2002, reconstruction was carried out again, and “ bird home"opened to the public as a restaurant. Traditionally, near the walls of the palace you can buy various Crimean souvenirs. In July 2011, the architectural and historical monument of national significance was transferred to municipal ownership, and with the support of the Simferopol Art Museum, the exhibition “ Magic world Arkhip Kuindzhi”, where the famous painting “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper” was exhibited. Various exhibitions were held every 1.5–2 months until 2013, when cracks were discovered in the foundation slab and access to the castle dacha was suspended for design work for reconstruction - strengthening the rock.

In the world there is a large number of beautiful and mysterious castles. In the Middle Ages, they were the most prestigious housing for the well-to-do population. The castle indicated the wealth and nobility of its owner. The buildings were reliably protected and had everything necessary for living. The first castles appeared in England and were built from wood. Later they began to make them from stone. One of the most famous such structures in Russia is the Swallow's Nest castle in Crimea. The history of its creation, as well as interesting facts about this place, are presented in the article. We invite you to a virtual tour.

Crimea. "Swallow's Nest": history of creation

When we think of castles, we imagine something grand and majestic. We also remember the beautiful ladies who are waiting for their release. The history of the "Swallow's Nest" in Crimea is interesting and surprising. Let's dive into it together beautiful world this place. It will be interesting to know when the construction of this castle began? Who lived here? Are there any legends associated with this place? Why is the castle called that? Other facts related to the history of the “Swallow’s Nest” in Crimea are also of interest. Next we will try to answer all the above questions in detail.

Construction and first owners

Curious to know when the Swallow's Nest castle was built? The Crimean land has always attracted a large number of people. The rich sought to buy a plot of land here for favorable price. There was nothing surprising about this. After all, the marvelous mountain air, the endless sea, and beautiful nature had a beneficial effect on the human body and well-being. Estates were built here and parks were erected.

One of the rocks especially attracted attention. People came here to watch the sunrise. One day, a general (his name, unfortunately, is unknown) came up with the idea to build a dacha here. He called it "Love Lock". Perhaps in honor of the memory of your beloved or dreams of her. This remains a mystery. The general watched and admired the construction of his castle every day. Although it was only one-story and more like a dacha. After the general's death, the building was sold to Albert Tobin.

Other owners

The next owner of the Swallow's Nest was a Moscow merchant's wife, Anna Rakhmanova. She decided to demolish the wooden buildings and erect a new stone building. But soon she sold the house to the German Baron von Stengel. The new owner decided to completely remodel the house.

A small castle was built on the Aurora rock, which surprisingly resembled a knight's castle. But, only in miniature version. The building was simply magnificent, although the baron did not admire it for long. The first one started World War and he was forced to leave for Germany. Before leaving, he sold the Swallow's Nest to the wealthy merchant Pavel Shelaputin, who opened a restaurant here. But there was a war going on, and there were few people who wanted to have fun in such a difficult time. Therefore, the restaurant did not last long and was soon closed.

After several earthquakes, the building was declared unsafe and closed for some time. After restoration work, fascinating excursions began to be held here.


Anyone planning to visit “Swallow’s Nest” in Crimea will also be interested in the history of the name.

Many questions that tourists have are immediately answered here. When you see the castle for the first time, the association arises that it is attached to the rock in the same way as to the wall of a house. Moreover, the size of this building is quite small. Which also emphasizes the resemblance to a bird’s house. Its width is only ten meters and its length is twenty.

But that's not all. Once upon a time, a plot high cliff, from which the sea was perfectly visible, was chosen by swallows as their home. This is where the name of this place comes from.

Curious facts

Getting acquainted with the history of the "Swallow's Nest" in Crimea, you can learn a lot of interesting information. Many readers will probably be interested in learning the following details about this place:

  • The history of the construction of the Swallow's Nest in Crimea is of interest not only to Russians, but also to foreign tourists.
  • This place was depicted by many famous artists. Among them are Ivan Aivazovsky and Alexey Bogolyubov.
  • The building is made in the Gothic style. The building reflects his character traits. Such as: windows extended upward; pointedness; ribbed, repeating lines and much more. Such buildings were more typical for Europe than for Russia.
  • The Swallow's Nest castle was repeatedly subjected to partial destruction. Restoration work was carried out here several times.
  • The castle once had a restaurant and then a reading room.
  • Exhibitions of paintings by famous artists are often held here.
  • "Swallow's Nest" also had other names - "Generalif" and "Castle of Love".
  • Scenes from the once popular films “Amphibian Man” and “Ten Little Indians” were filmed here.
  • Once upon a time there was a garden near the castle. But, as a result of an earthquake, it collapsed into the sea. They did not restore it.

Where is it located and how to get there?

How many readers know the exact address of the Swallow's Nest? How can you get here? Now you will find out about it. The exact address The castle is next - Crimea, Gaspra village, Alupkinskoe highway, 9 A. You can get here in the following ways:

  • Own car. One of the most convenient and fastest ways.
  • Taxi. You can take it from the Yalta bus station.
  • Buses. It is best to go from Yalta. Route numbers: 102, 132. Travel time is thirty to forty minutes.
  • On the boat. One of the most enjoyable ways. You can see the beautiful castle not only from land, but also from the sea.

Souvenirs and gifts

Surely our readers will be curious to know what you can buy here as a souvenir of great place. Tourists like to buy the following souvenirs and gifts:

  • ceramic crafts;
  • miniature images of the "Swallow's Nest";
  • plastic trays;
  • beautiful corals and shells;
  • paintings and much more.

What can you do here?

Many people love to visit the most interesting attractions. "Swallow's Nest" is one of these places. It will be interesting to find out what a visitor from here can do here. different cities and countries of the world. The list of popular entertainment in the Swallow's Nest will look like this:

  • Photographing against the background of the landmark.
  • Inspection of the territory and the building of the Swallow's Nest.
  • Studying the history of the construction of the "Swallow's Nest" in Crimea.
  • Admire beautiful views to the rocks and endless sea that open up here.
  • Acquaintance with various exhibitions, which are constantly updated here.
  • Buying souvenirs, of which a large quantity is sold here.
  • Visit to a cafe. Here you can refresh your strength and relax in a pleasant and cozy environment.
  • On the territory of the castle there is a tree with a large number of multi-colored ribbons tied to it. It is customary for tourists to stop here. They say that if you tie a ribbon to it and ask for something secret, then what you want will definitely come true.
  • Relax in the sanatorium, which is located at the foot of the Swallow's Nest.
  • Swim in the sea and relax on a cozy beach.

"Swallow's Nest" is often called business card peninsula. Many tourists come to this place from different countries. "Swallow's Nest" is located on the very edge of the cliff.

From there you can see magnificent landscapes, the castle has interesting story and legends, architectural features. The castle survived the revolution, a strong earthquake, and is considered a cultural monument.

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History of the castle

“Swallow’s Nest” is located in the southern part of Crimea, near the village of Gaspra and the Kharaks Palace. The castle is perched on the very edge of the steep Aurora cliff, raising the building 40 m above the water. At first, the wooden building was unremarkable. However, due to the location, it appeared on the canvases of Bogolyubov and Aivazovsky.

Its history begins in 1877, after the Russian-Turkish War, when Crimea began to be actively populated. One of the Russian generals took a liking to Aurorina Rock and decided to build a small dacha on it for himself. The former military man gave a romantic name to the new house - “Castle of Love”, otherwise known as “Generalif”.

After the general's death, his relatives sold the dacha to Albert Tobin, who served in the city government. He was also the court physician of the royal family when they vacationed in the Livadia Palace. Tobin partially rebuilt the dacha, and they began to call it “Swallow’s Nest.” This name stuck with him forever.

After some time, Mrs. Tobina sold the dacha to the merchant Rakhmanova. The lady was educated and rich, and happily began rebuilding the new estate. The wooden building was demolished, and a stone one appeared in its place. However, for Rakhmanova the estate was just another temporary whim; in 1911 she sold it to Baron Stengel, a major German oil industrialist.

He built a mini-castle on the rock with pointed window openings and small turrets. As a result, "Swallow's Nest" began to resemble medieval fortress. Yellow stone and limestone were specially brought from Evpatoria for construction. The project was led by Sherwood. Through his efforts, “Swallow’s Nest” became 12 m high, surrounded by a green garden (it was later destroyed during an earthquake).

The 2-story tower had two bedrooms, a living room, and an entrance hall. The baron spared no money for the construction and was absolutely delighted, but after the outbreak of the First World War he hastily left Crimea, selling his beloved castle to the merchant Shelaputin. He added an open terrace to it. Many historians attribute the opening of the restaurant to him, but it was really the manager who did it.

However, the establishment did not bring in much income, since wars and revolutions began. The estate was transferred to the new government, the restaurant was closed. “Swallow’s Nest” turned out to be the property of a Yalta cooperative. A terrace was added to the castle and the restaurant was restored.

In 1927, Crimea was hit by a strong earthquake. The first shock was very weak, but many people left their homes out of caution. This saved many lives. The second shock was 9 points. There were many people on the balcony at that time. They managed to leave it just 10 minutes before it was destroyed. Gaps appeared in the tower, stones fell onto the terrace, and the Aurora rock partially collapsed and cracked.

The castle miraculously survived, but stood for many years without visitors in a state of disrepair. Three years after the earthquake, a library was installed there. However, the cracks in the building began to increase, and authorities banned visitors to the building. There were many debates and proposals on how to restore the Swallow's Nest to return it to its former greatness without dismantling the walls.

Finally, one of the projects was approved, and the architect Tatiev began renovation. The work was long, difficult, even dangerous. The structure was securely fastened, “planted” on a reinforced concrete slab and surrounded by anti-seismic belts. The tower became more decorative with four spiers. Now "Swallow's Nest" has become one of the most remarkable cultural monuments.

Architectural features

When viewed from the side, incorrect proportions are visible. It seems that the combination of prism and cubes is pressing on the tower cylinder, as if trying to “push” the building off the cliff. Architectural complex does not feel like a single whole. Fragments of the building seem to push each other, and some fragments lack visual heaviness. As a result, the entire complex seems very shaky, ready to collapse at any moment.

Perhaps this is exactly how the building was conceived by the last architect or built at the request of the owner. It turns out that each fragment of the building rises above the previous one. However, the castle is also distinguished by a number of interesting details - a crenellated crown, a living room with wide windows and small balconies, pointed cone-shaped spiers that are connected by arches.

Architectural flaws are discrepancies between the sizes of doors and windows. However, inside there is a massive antique fireplace, interesting inlay, and bronze sconces. On the ceiling there are carved details with three-dimensional images of dragons and 11 coats of arms from the Middle Ages. Due to the favorable location of the castle, it seems touchingly lonely against the sea elements, being on a fragile rocky ledge.

Castle legends

One of the legends says that earlier in this place a tree grew directly from a monolithic slab, and then there was a sanctuary of the Virgin, a goddess who was revered by the Tauri.

The castle also keeps cruel legends. Old-timers say that once upon a time one young horseman constantly jumped off a cliff for the amusement of the public. And on a horse blindfolded. Moreover, each such “feat” was stained with the blood of an animal that crashed against the rocks. Dzhigit simply bought a new horse and repeated the jump again.

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There is also a fantastic case from modern life. One day a young man had a big quarrel with his wife and came to the castle. Maybe he wanted adrenaline or decided to take his own life, but he threw himself from the parapet into the sea. Many extreme sports enthusiasts died from cardiac arrest, but the young man was able to catch the air flow and entered the water with folded and outstretched arms. Not only did he survive, but he was able to swim to the shore and get out. No one had ever managed this before - it was too dangerous a trick.

There is also a legend that the Swallow's Nest was built by a jealous husband who hid his wife from human eyes. However, she could not stand the loneliness, became sad and rushed into the depths of the sea.

Another legend is about Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, who was very popular with Poseidon. He decided to steal the beauty, despite the fact that she rejected his love. It was necessary to put a tiara on the goddess's head. To do this, Poseidon agreed with Aeolus, who caught up with many black clouds and the beauty fell asleep. But the god slipped while creeping up on the sleeping goddess, and the diadem fell from his hands and broke. One of the fragments turned into fairytale castle, which has become a symbol of unrequited love.

Appeared not long ago new legend about the merchant Shalaputin. The legend says that he hid a lot of money in a chest and wished for a castle to appear in this place. The next morning the merchant saw a large tree there, and then the “Swallow’s Nest” grew. Now tourists can also make a wish, and to make it come true, they need to tie a ribbon on a branch and throw a coin into the chest.

How to get there

You can visit it during the sea excursions “Sudak-Yalta”, “Yalta-Simeiz”. Once a week a tour is organized from Evpatoria (see). The ship stops at the Swallow's Nest. From Aytodor Bay you can get there by small private boats offering short excursions. The pier is strong and can easily withstand even a force 4 storm.

If you plan to visit the castle, there are no direct routes to Gaspra. You can take a bus to Simferopol, and then change trains. Nos. 27, 102 and 132 depart from Yalta (read -) (the stop is the bus station and Sadovaya Street). They can be reached in an hour. If you travel from Alupka, there is a direct bus number 132. You can take it at the stop. Vorontsov Palace. Travel time is approximately 50 minutes.

Reminder for tourists

If you plan to visit the Swallow's Nest with children, then to save money you need to take their birth certificates. Then in commuter buses They only charge 50 percent of the ticket price. It is recommended to buy them in both directions at once. There is a paid parking lot nearby where you can leave your car. approximate cost per hour – 100 rubles.

Near the Swallow's Nest there are many souvenir shops where you can buy shells, corals, paintings, etc. A lot of ceramics with the image of a castle are sold. After visiting the Swallow's Nest, you can also explore the Golden Gate and Parus rocks. At the foot of the Aurora cliff there are very picturesque underwater grottoes, but you will need a special flashlight to explore them.

Exhibitions, chamber concerts, literary evenings, theatrical performances, and presentations are held here. It is planned to open a new pavilion for the art salon and equip additional viewing platforms.

Now the castle has turned into a museum, ticket prices are 200 rubles. for adults and 2 times less for children (under 7 years old – admission is free). "Swallow's Nest" is open from May to November, seven days a week, from 10.00 to 19.00, the rest of the time it is closed on Mondays, opening hours are 10.00-16.00. Excursions cost approximately 600 rubles.

The castle is not only a historical landmark - scenes from many popular films were filmed there. The building is minted on Russian 10-ruble coins and foreign currency.

Holidaymakers who have no idea where the Swallow's Nest castle is located on the Crimean peninsula have most likely never been here in their lives. The palace on a cliff overlooking the Black Sea, full of grandeur and having undergone a lot over the course of a century, has become a symbol and, in some way, a “calling card” of the Crimean kingdom since time immemorial. Over the course of its century, the building was subject to reconstruction more than once, but its charming, attractive power and pristine splendor always remained unchanged.

This historical and architectural monument extends to South coast Crimean peninsula, in the resort locality called Gaspra, a short distance from the Kharaks Palace (20 km from Yalta). A cultural and historical object was constructed on a cliff of rock formation, as if hanging over a water area.

Who built it and why? History of the castle

The Swallow's Nest was built by an officer who retired immediately after the end of hostilities with Turkey in 1877. Such a brave decision could only be conceived and implemented by a man of no timid nature.

In those days, the Castle was a compact wooden one-story house, operated by the owner as a summer cottage.

After some time, the house came into the possession of the doctor Alexander III, who served at court. After his death, his relatives sold the building to the famous Moscow samovar maker Rachmanina. She demolished this building and erected it in its place wooden palace on two floors, which was called the Swallow's Nest.

After the samovar, the palace came into the possession of Rudolf von Stengel, a German merchant who loved to visit the Crimean peninsula. Together with the famous engineer and animal painter Leonid Sherwood, he created a true palace of stone, which everyone can admire today. Due to the deterioration of German-Russian relations, Stengel had no choice but to return back to Germany.

In 1914, the building went to the merchant Shelaputin Pavel. He opened his own restaurant there. But unfortunately, the business activity was unprofitable, and the restaurant ceased to exist. Strong tremors in 1927 left the castle dilapidated.

In 1967, a team of professionals, whose “power” was the Yalta architect Tatiev, strengthened the front façade and the base of the rock formation, carried out restoration.

In 2011, the castle was awarded the title of architectural and historical monument.

How many steps do you need to climb to climb the mountain?

A real work of art, the Swallow's Nest, located on the Aurora Rock, occupies an altitude of forty meters. To climb to this beautiful castle, you need to climb 1,200 steps with a large number of souvenir shops. But don't be scared! The climb is not difficult, and as for the steps, there are significantly fewer of them than declared.

Picturesque views from the observation deck

The vast majority of travelers come to the Swallow's Nest sometimes in order to admire the Crimean breathtaking landscape paintings with observation deck. They have the ability to bewitch. From the observation deck, a maddening view will open before you panoramic view surrounding rocks. The Ayu-Dag mountain, as well as the Yalta Bay, are perfectly visible - a stunning sight.

On a note: in the immediate vicinity of the castle there is a popular cultural and historical site called the Tree of Wishes. According to existing myths, if you attach a ribbon to any branch, no matter what the circumstances, you will return here again.

View from the observation deck

Legends and secrets of the past

The legends about this unique historical object, like many other tales, are romantic. They are told with pleasure by indigenous people and guides. Resort guests listen to the legends with great delight.

One of the legends about the Swallow's Nest says that at a time when the gods very often visited the earthly world, the wonderful Aurora (goddess of the dawn) came to the rock at dawn to meet the dawn. If she did not appear, the birds stopped singing and the gods stopped having fun. All the inhabitants of the earthly world were fascinated by her beauty. But soon Poseidon noticed Aurora meeting the dawn and was pierced by an arrow from Cupid. But Aurora could not reciprocate.

From that time on, the god of the sea (Poseidon) was unable to find inner peace. Terrible storms began and a huge number of fishermen did not return home. Poseidon decided to take extreme measures - to bewitch the goddess of the dawn through his magical diadem, persuading Aeolus (the lord of the winds) to cover the morning firmament with dark clouds.

As usual, Aurora went out to greet the dawn, suspecting nothing. In anticipation of meeting the first rays, she fell asleep. The god of the sea approached her and cast a spell. But suddenly the goddess woke up and the magical diadem fell from Poseidon’s hands, hit the ground and lost its magical power.

Another legend tells of a valiant young man who was rejected by his chosen one. And in order to win the heart of his charmer, he climbed onto his horse, picked up speed and jumped off the cliff into the abyss of the sea. But at the same time, he remained safe and sound every time, thanks to the magical power of the castle and his immeasurable love.

What is inside?

If you study the entire backstory of this architectural and historical monument and view everything from the inside, you will discover: no curious epochal decorations have survived here. To some extent this is the fault of the original owners.

Inside the building

Based on some historical materials, the first owner Shteingel simply did not have time to equip his gothic castle, and the last owner organized the decoration in the Old Russian style, which was completely out of harmony with the Gothic architectural style. Later, for a long time, a restaurant was located here. But to make it interesting for visitors, exhibitions of various kinds are organized here on a regular basis, and always varied. In general, there is something to see.

Restaurant in the castle

How to get there on your own from Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol

The starting point is Yalta, since from this resort town it is easier to get to the Swallow's Nest. If you are in Simferopol, get to Yalta by any means convenient for you - it will be more reasonable.

If you eat on your own, come to the Yalta bus station and take minibus No. 102 or No. 27. The bus makes a stop on the highway, right on the opposite side of the observation deck. You can also take bus number 132 if it is inconvenient to get to the bus station. Its starting point is the city center.

To get to the site by car, take the southern coastal highway connecting Yalta and Sevastopol. On the road you will see a sign “PGT.Gaspra”. Here you turn towards the sea. Drive down to the Sevastopol highway (down the highway). Then you will see a sign for Swallow's Nest.

Find on the map

Route from Sevastopol

Find on the map

Excursions to the palace

Excursion trips to the Swallow's Nest will bring you a lot of unforgettable impressions. In addition to the main cultural and historical site, you can admire other attractions. Here are some of them:

  • Auto-pedestrian-sea. On the route to the architectural and historical monument you will see the Livadia Palace, as well as the palace of Count M.S. Vorontsova.
  • Ai-Petri. You will be given a unique opportunity to admire the Church of the Archangel Michael, climb cable car on mountain peak Ai-Petri, and also visit Miskhorsky Park.
  • Palace of Count M.S. Vorontsova. You will be pleasantly surprised by the interior and interior decoration.

Choose any excursion and unforgettable experience you are guaranteed.

Boat trips to the palace

Particularly popular is the boat trip to the Swallow's Nest Palace. On a boat you will travel along the coast of Crimea, and an experienced guide will accompany you all the way, telling you about the local beauties.

Swallow's Nest: view from the sea

Tourist Information

  • Entrance to the surrounding area of ​​the local celebrity is absolutely free, but to get inside the palace you must purchase a ticket. For an adult, the ticket price in 2019 is 200 rubles. Per child – 100 rubles.
  • The local attraction is located at the address: Russia, Crimea, Yalta, Gaspra, Cape Ai-Todor, Alupkinskoe highway, 9a.
  • Opening hours: May – October from 10:00 to 19:00; November – April from 10:00 to 16:00 (closed on Monday).
  • All information of interest can be viewed on the official website: http://lasto4kinognezdo.ru/.

The Swallow's Nest in Crimea was built by a retired officer immediately after the end of the war with Turkey in 1877. Only a brave person could come up with and implement a bold solution.

Then it was a small wooden house on one floor, which was used by the owner as a summer house.

Why was it called Swallow's Nest?

Later, the house became the property of the court physician of Alexander III, Tobin. After his death, his relatives sold the building to the famous Moscow merchant Rakhmanina. The castle owes its name to her. Rakhmanina destroyed the old building. And in its place a two-story wooden castle appeared, to which the merchant’s wife gave the name - Swallow’s Nest.

Swallow's Nest brief history

After the merchant's wife, the Swallow's Nest went to Rudolf von Stengel, a German industrialist who often loved to spend time in the Crimea. The German, with the help of the famous engineer and sculpture Leonid Sherwood, created a real stone castle, which we can admire to this day. Due to the worsening of Russian-German relations, Stengel was forced to return to Germany.

In 1914, the castle came into the possession of the merchant Pavel Shelaputin. A restaurant was opened in the castle. The business did not bring the expected results and was considered unprofitable, the restaurant was closed. And the castle, after changing several owners, was abandoned.

After the 1917 revolution, a canteen for party workers operated in the Swallow's Nest. But a strong earthquake in 1927 brought the castle into disrepair; the building was closed and fell into disrepair for several decades. The castle remained in this form until 1967. A team of specialists led by the Yalta architect Tatiev strengthened the facade of the castle and the foundation of the rock, and carried out restoration work in the castle.

In 2011, the Swallow's Nest castle received the status of an architectural and historical monument.

Today Swallow's Nest is one of the 100 most popular places Russia, ranks 38th. Currently, in 2017, Swallow's Nest is open to tourists. Thematic exhibitions are held in the castle premises. Anyone can buy a ticket and get inside the castle. You can only see two halls on the first floor of the building.

In one of the recent news there was information that restoration work will begin next year, which will make it possible to open the entire castle to the public, including the second floor and balcony. Will wait.