The main factors in the formation of hotel architecture. Design of hotels, small hotels. Individual design of hotel complexes Architectural design of a hotel

In the old days, on the corner of Mokhovaya and Tverskaya streets, there were stone flour shops; in the mid-1890s, the Balaklava tavern was located here. A few years later, ownership passed to the Varvara joint-stock company of homeowners, which in 1900 began construction of a first-class hotel designed by the architect Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov, an architect who by that time was already well known in Moscow, who built the office building of the Morozov Tver Manufactory Partnership on Varvarka and the house of the insurance company "Russia" on Lubyanka Square. The hotel, called “National”, received its first guests in 1903.

The facades of the building were made in a mixture of styles, combining neo-Renaissance with neoclassicism and Art Nouveau details, which gives them the impression of stylistic uncertainty, but at the same time imparts individual character. The architect used natural stone and ceramic tiles, stucco molding and smooth plaster in the decoration. The corner attic was decorated with a majolica panel “Apollo and the Muses”, made at the Moscow Butyrka ceramic factory of S. I. Mamontov “Abramtsevo” by artists S. V. Chekhonin and A. Ya. Golovin. Soon after the revolution, it was replaced by another panel, on an industrial theme, made according to the sketches of F.I. Rerberg, all at the same Abramtsevo plant.

The interiors amazed with their luxury and splendor: marble staircases, mosaic floors, huge stained glass windows, figures of Atlanteans near the entrance to the elevators, painted ceilings. Furniture in the rooms made to special order from precious wood. A whole range of modern technical innovations: electric elevators, telephones, a steam heating system manufactured at the San Galli foundry. Many rooms were equipped with bathrooms and water closets.

Hotel accommodation was not cheap (up to 25 rubles per day ) , but there was no end to the number of guests - rich industrialists, merchants, and foreign diplomats willingly stayed here. In 1913, Nicholas II’s uncle, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, lived in “National”. Prominent figures of Russian culture also did not shy away from the luxurious hotel - Ivan Bunin, Anna Pavlova, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov lived here at different times.

The fate of the hotel changed greatly after 1917. During the October battles, the building was damaged by artillery shelling. And immediately after the transfer of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow, members of the Soviet government settled here for some time before moving to the Kremlin in a “modest” bourgeois environment: Lenin, Sverdlov, Trotsky, Dzerzhinsky. For many years, the hotel became the “1st House of Soviets” - a hostel for functionaries of the new government. Its hotel status was returned only in the early 1930s. At the same time, its name was finally fixed - “National” (before the revolution, both names were used), apparently more in line with the spirit of the times. The building underwent a major renovation. At the same time, its appearance was partially changed: the lower floors were repainted to resemble granite, and oak window frames were replaced with aluminum ones. The hotel furnishings were replenished with furniture from the Anichkov and Tsarskoye Selo palaces.

In 1974, the ceilings of two halls on the second floor were decorated with painted lampshades made by the artist I.V. Nikolaev in the classic style of ceiling painting of the school of old masters, but at the same time with elements of the newer decorative school of V.A. Favorsky. In the details and ornaments of the lampshades, features of the World of Art aesthetics are noticeable, which emphasizes the connection with the works of famous artists of the Benois-Lancer family, from which the author himself comes.

In the same 1974, “National” was included in the list of state-protected historical and cultural monuments.

Speaking about the hotel, one cannot fail to mention the famous hotel restaurant - for many years it was favorite place have a pleasant time among the intelligentsia and Soviet bohemia.

Despite repeated renovation work, which were carried out in the 1950s, and in the 1960s, and in the 1970s, attempts to modernize the hotel, it fell into disrepair. And at the end of the 1980s, its comprehensive reconstruction and restoration began. Based on the results of the competition, the general contractor was chosen - the Austrian company Rogner, and the authors of the restoration project were architects from Austria V. Hoffelner and E. Survillo. On the Russian side, specialists from the Moscow department for the design of public buildings and structures, Mosproekt-2, took part in the restoration of the National. All work was completed in 1995, and the renovated hotel again opened its doors to its guests. And in her lifetime she has seen a lot of them, including famous ones. Presidents have also stayed here different countries, and members of royal families, and famous cultural figures from all over the world.

The architectural and planning organization of hotel structures is an important factor in their functioning; architectural features are much more distinct than the planning of hotel buildings and significantly distinguish them from buildings of other functional profiles.

The hotel's architecture to a certain extent acts as a factor in its self-promotion. Some hotels are known all over the world for their originality of architecture expressed in the form of the structure, the decoration of the facade, the height of the building, the use of building materials - one of the tallest hotels in Europe, the Westin Rotterdam Hotel (Netherlands), the Royal Olympic Hotel (Greece) with terraces on glass facade with plantings of ornamental trees, etc. Together, the architectural features play the role of a cultural and aesthetic factor in the development of the territory - the construction of the hotel harmoniously complements the local architectural flavor or creates an architectural contrast to the local architectural planning and a certain aesthetic discomfort.

The architectural and planning features of the hotel are an important economic factor in their development. The type of planning and development is significantly related to the costs of landscaping the surrounding area and fees for the use of land plot(land tax, rent etc.), Maintenance and repair of the building, etc.

The architectural and planning characteristics of the hotel influence the features of the establishment's equipment with engineering and technical means, an important factor in the safety of accommodation for guests and work for staff. In large hotels, there is a need for additional safety measures due to human, natural, and technical factors.

Together, the architectural and planning organization of hotels is also influenced by a number of factors, among which the main ones are: the historical type of the building, the location in the urban area, the nature of the natural landscape, the category of the hotel, the economic and ethnic characteristics of the region.

Most modern hotels were built in the 19th-20th centuries. Their construction was especially intensive after the Second World War. The expansion of the network of hotel enterprises, including large ones, was explained by the growing importance of tourism, business activity, and the widespread use of new technologies and materials, especially reinforced concrete, in construction.

In the architectural style of European and American hotels late XIX beginning of the 20th century characteristic feature is the desire to give the facade of buildings a representative appearance, which is evidence of comfort and high economic profitability of the accommodation facility. A significant number of architectural and decorative elements were used in the design of the exterior composition, which met the requirements of increased monumentality of the facade. The mosaic composition of the facade was associated with the use of classical elements - columns, arched passages, broken pediments, which emphasized the monumentality of the building and were not inferior to the palaces of the second half of the 19th century. The architecture of the hotels built during this period (Piccadilly Hotel (London), Victoria (Amsterdam), Premier Palace (Kyiv), Grand Hotel (Lviv)) corresponded to the aesthetic preferences of Europe at that time. New principles of planning organization and finishing materials were used in the interior. Then a typical ground floor layout for modern hotels was formed: in the center there was a lobby with a main staircase hall, right there, or in the semi-basement, there was a restaurant, administrative and utility rooms, and on the remaining floors there were living rooms. Hotels of this period in the architectural and planning composition of the appearance, the layout of residential and non-residential premises, sizes, as a rule, differ significantly from hotel buildings built after World War II.

The architecture of modern hotels built since the mid-60s of the XX century. associated with the general process of urbanization. In the architecture of accommodation establishments, this process is reflected in the construction of multi-story architectural forms designed to serve a large number of guests. An example is the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas (USA) with 5,505 beds and today it is considered the largest hotel in the world. Reinforced concrete was used in the construction of this hotel, glass was used in the external cladding, the interior space was rationally planned, equipped with a complex system of engineering communications, various types food establishments, auxiliary service enterprises.

Hotel complexes—hotels consisting of two or more spatially separated buildings with a system of multi-profile infrastructure facilities—catering, gaming, entertainment, exhibition and other institutions are becoming widespread. Particularly grandiose are the atrium-type hotel complexes, characteristic of outstanding business centers, resort centers and gambling centers. The atrium type of architectural and planning forms of hotels began with the construction of the Hyatt Regency hotel in 1967 p. in Atlanta (USA). The hotel has the shape of a square with an internal atrium (courtyard), covered at the 22nd floor level with a glass ceiling. The space of the green atrium is distinguished by floor galleries and an elevator hall with glass elevator cabins. The internal space of the atrium is organized as a miniature town with recreation areas, restaurants, shopping establishments, sports grounds etc.

A significant role in the architectural and planning organization of hotels is played by their location in urban areas: in the city center, on its outskirts, near outstanding urban infrastructure objects (historical and architectural monuments, departmental institutions, cultural institutions, etc.), in a suburban or park area rest.

The hotel's location in the city center necessitates an organic fit architectural ensemble streets, squares, neighboring buildings. Together, the hotel building is often the main architectural accent in the development of the microdistrict; it stands out for its number of floors and originality of architecture, which emphasizes the prestige of the hotel complex.

The construction of the hotel in the central urban area determines the compact form of the structure. The configuration of the building site determines the choice of the planning type of the accommodation establishment. Most hotels in the central part of cities are multi-story; the base of the building is often rectangular, trapezoidal, or trefoil-shaped.

Economic factors are reflected in the rationality of designing a hotel structure, in particular on the planning structure of residential floors, rooms, premises for staff, elevator and staircase halls, horizontal and vertical communications, connections between floors and rooms within the same floor, and ultimately on the time spent , ease of use of premises of various functional groups.

Hotel buildings located in the historical part of the city must correspond to its architectural type. For example, the building of the hotel "K + K Hotel Central", located in the historical part Old Prague, next to the Powder Tower, is identical in architectural composition to residential building XVII-XIX centuries Individual hotels can be located in architectural monuments, or are part of the architectural and tourist complex of the city. For example, the Eisenhut hotel in the city of Tauber (Germany) is exclusive in terms of its location in a monument of late medieval architecture of the 15th-18th centuries.

The location of the hotel in an urban or suburban recreation area results in a combination of the architecture of the building with the features of the surrounding natural landscape, promoting the unification of business relations and leisure. In particular, the Duin Kruidberq Country Estate hotel, located in national park near Amsterdam (Netherlands), among a picturesque forest on the lake shore, it combines the unique features of the local natural landscape and pseudo-Gothic style architecture.

In places with limited building space, construction technologies are used where the first floors have reduced dimensions, and with height the length and area of ​​residential floors increases. For example, in the 11-story Hotel Du Lac in Tunis (Tunisia), each subsequent floor overhangs the previous one.

Closed urban development led to the development of compact multi-storey (cylindrical, conical shapes) hotel buildings of central planning. For example, the 36-story hotel tower has such architecture “ Holiday Inn» in Ausburzi (Germany). The hotel rooms are located from the 1st to the 11th floors, common areas are on the last or in the basement and ground floors. This planning scheme is typical for most tower hotels.

The different purposes of tourist trips have led to the emergence of multifunctional hotels combined with institutions for other purposes: administrative and trade institutions, educational and congress centers, concert and exhibition halls, etc. In particular, this combination is typical for the World Trade Center in Moscow, in the structure of which two hotels (apartment and atrium type), a business center with an exhibition and congress hall, premises for offices and trade. The tourist complex "Kievan Rus" in Kyiv includes two hotels, travel agency and congress hall.

The hotels are located in tourist and recreational areas among natural landscapes characterized by a direct connection of architectural and planning forms with the surrounding topography. The nature of the natural landscape determines the choice of architectural forms, among which are:

- Architectural forms that fit into the landscape, for example, the hotel for tourists and athletes "FJELLGARDEN" in Sweden consists of four buildings in the shape of hills, which appearance resemble snowy hills;

— Contrasting the architecture of a tourist hotel with the landscape or relief. According to this approach, two options for dominance are used: in the first, the accent is the landscape - the Blue Bay Hotel in Crimea; in the second, the accent is a hotel, for example, the Skalny Hotel in Crimea, clearly expressed by its size in the relief of the natural landscape;

— Subordination of landscape architecture — in this approach, natural landscape forms and architectural forms harmoniously merge. For example, the architecture of the Steigenberger Hotel Gstaad-Seanen (Switzerland) closely follows the relief with a complex of interconnected buildings of different heights, the composition of the roofs of which reproduces the silhouette of the surrounding mountain ranges.

Hotels within tourist and health centers with other tourist institutions are often combined into tourist complexes. According to specialization, the following types of tourist complexes are distinguished: youth tourist complex- includes tourist hotel, tourist base, tourist station, tourist camp; tourist and sports complex - tourist hotel, tourist base, sports and recreation camp; mountain sports tourism complex - tourist hotel, tourist center, ski station; water sports tourist complex - tourist hotel, water base (aquatel, flotel), water station (boat).

There are millions around the world different hotels. They are all completely different and unique. Some hotels are cozy and modest, while others are luxurious and expensive. But there is also another category. These are hotels that will take your breath away just by looking at them. When everyone, looking at the photo with one eye, says “Wow!”

A luxury hotel on the island of Santorini (Greece) is located at an altitude of 90 meters above sea level, on the beautiful cliffs of the caldera. It is considered one of the most amazing hotels in the world. Thanks to its snow-white facade and delicate overall design, it is simply impossible not to notice. Amazing location the hotel brings him a huge number of advantages. Firstly, there is a stunning view of the sea from every point of the hotel. Secondly, being located high in the rocks, far from civilization, the Katikies hotel offers its guests privacy and a carefree holiday. The architecture was adapted to the surrounding landscape, following its natural forms. But despite this, the amazing white hotel-resort stands out from other buildings. The hotel features two huge swimming pools, an outdoor Jacuzzi and, of course, impressive and breathtaking scenery all around.

This wonderful hotel is located in the small village of Conca Dei Marini, located between Italian cities Amalfi and Praiano. The hotel and spa complex is located on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Gulf of Salerno. Very romantic and beautiful place, reminiscent of hotels from old films. However, it is what it is, because it was built in the 17th century, but at that time it was a monastery. Later the building turned into a hotel, which impresses with its beauty, unique history and architecture. After reconstruction, it retained its charm that has existed for many years.

The luxurious hotel has 20 rooms with views of the ocean, coastline and multi-level gardens. Over the years, several changes have been made to landscape and interior design. Many of the building's original features have been retained, but some new features have been added. The hotel now features a stunning cliff-edge pool and luxurious spa.

Ladera Resort is located on the island of St. Lucia. It consists of a total of 9 villas and 23 open-walled suites. The so-called Open Wall system means that the western side of each room is completely open and offers magnificent views of the mountains and the Caribbean Sea. The idea of ​​an open-wall resort was first implemented in 1992. Since then he has become popular place for tourists from all over the world. All suites and villas have private pools. This amazing resort walks a fine line between luxury and minimalism.

The layout of the rooms has been carefully thought out to provide guests with... maximum comfort and privacy. All guests can enjoy life and relaxation away from civilization. This is facilitated by relaxing spa treatments, beautiful restaurants and many interesting events which are regularly held here. The rooms feature beautiful French furniture and accessories created by local artisans, as well as 19th-century wickerwork. In addition, all villas and suites feature paintings by local artists.

Hotel Radisson Blu It has gained worldwide recognition not because of its stunning location or the magnificent views from the windows of the rooms, but because it houses the world's largest cylindrical aquarium. It's called Aquadom and is filled with approximately 1 million liters sea ​​water. There are 1,500 tropical fish of 56 species swimming in the aquarium, and miniature reefs are located on its bottom. The condition of the amazing and unique aquarium is monitored by specialists from the Berlin Sea Life Aquarium, located next to the hotel. The aquarium, consisting of four parts connected together, is made of acrylic glass and has a cylindrical shape. The aquarium is located on a 9-meter concrete foundation. The aquarium and the hotel were built at the same time, or more precisely, the hotel was built around the aquarium, turning it into the main attraction of the hotel. A glass elevator allows visitors to ascend observation deck located under the glass roof of the hotel. For those wishing to spend more time here, the hotel offers 427 apartments with tropical views underwater world or with a city view.

The amazingly beautiful Glass Igloo hotel is located in Finland. The windows offer a delightful winter landscape. Without a doubt, everyone, admiring the charming view, will want to spend as much time as possible outside. Unfortunately this is not possible due to cold weather. But there is one place where the conditions are simply excellent. This is the glass villa at the Kakslauttenen Hotel. Here winter looks even more beautiful than it really is.

After a busy day at work, guests can relax in the transparent rooms and fall asleep under the stars. Glass domes give panoramic view to the surrounding landscape, as well as the sky. The main idea is to create the impression of sleeping outside under the stars, but at the same time warm and cozy.

Jade Mountain is an unusual resort located in Saint Lucia, in the eastern part of Caribbean Sea. It is located above the beach of the Anse Chastanet resort. The hotel features bold architectural details, stunning pools and bridges connecting individual rooms to the rest of the resort. Beautiful columns highlight the local architecture. The resort offers its guests an exclusive restaurant, a terrace, and a spa. Everything at Jade Mountain Resort is designed with an emphasis on rest and relaxation. There are no telephones, no radio, no television. Internet access is only available at the reception.

The most amazing thing about it is the layout of the rooms. Each room at Jade Mountain Resort has only three walls. Each room has luxurious bedrooms, a living room and its own private swimming pool with amazing sea views. And the absence of a fourth wall is a huge plus, since the open space allows you to admire the beautiful landscape, feeling like a part of nature.

Soneva Gill by Six Senses is an absolutely wonderful holiday destination located in the Maldives. The hotel occupies one of the largest lagoons in the region. The resort consists of oversized water villas. Each villa offers breathtaking ocean views. Favorable weather and beautiful whites sandy beaches make the region ideal for a resort.

The resort is a 20-minute boat ride from international airport in Male and occupies one of the 1,190 islands that make up Maldives. The luxury resort offers new type life, different from any hotel or resort. Here guests can rent one of the stunning houses and enjoy life surrounded by water. It’s a strange but amazing feeling to look out a window or an open door and see water all around.

The Plaza Athénée hotel is located in Paris and is rightfully considered one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. Chic design, stylish interior - a successful combination of innovative accents and traditional classic details. The hotel is located on Avenue Montaigne, known as the street of haute couture. Charles de Gaulle Airport is 30 minutes by car from the hotel. Staying at this hotel will turn into a real fairy tale. The hotel has a business center, fitness center, sauna, spa center, conference rooms, dining room, and several restaurants. Each room has DVD players, plasma TVs, safes and Internet access. For those who want to take a break from family life, nanny services are available. It is worth noting that pets are also allowed in the hotel.

Today, people increasingly want to find something attractive, but unique and unusual. This is exactly what the Grotta Palazzese restaurant can rightfully be called. Palazzese is a unique and delightful restaurant located inside a vaulted limestone cave. The restaurant is only open during summer months. The limestone cave overlooking the sea is another detail that makes this place unique. Hotel guests can enjoy dinner here and at the same time admire beautiful landscape, listen to the sound of waves crashing on the shore and feel the sea breeze caressing your skin. This place is definitely worth a visit, if only to experience the thrill of dining in a cave near the sea. The hotel is located a little higher. Both the hotel and the restaurant have a very sophisticated look.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel

The hotel is located in Singapore and has many unique features. Marina Bay Sands, considered the most expensive hotel in the world, offers 2,560 rooms. It is also home to the world's largest outdoor swimming pool, 200 meters above ground level. The pool is three times larger than an Olympic swimming pool and is located on the 55th floor. So those who are afraid of heights should be especially careful. Marina Bay Sands also has a casino, convention center, theater and lotus flower museum, so there are plenty of other attractions besides the pool to attract visitors. The hotel was designed by architect Moshe Safdie.
If you want to completely retire, hide from the world, then you should go on vacation, which allows you to be alone with yourself, away from the bustle and crowd of big cities.

The architecture of a hotel or hotel complex is a complex and multifaceted concept, which includes the external appearance of buildings, their internal layout, landscape organization of the territory and interior decoration of the premises.

Architectural structures, like other phenomena of modern artistic culture, are difficult to force into the strict framework of any style or direction. They are often on the edge, representing a complex combination of various traditional and innovative architectural techniques. Therefore, it seems logical to conditionally divide the motley variety of modern hotels into groups according to the principles of their location and method of construction. Each group is characterized by some common architectural features. Modern multi-storey hotels are complexes with a very high level of comfort, offer a wide range of services, and have a developed infrastructure. Often such hotels are part of world-famous international chains - Sheraton, Hilton, etc. A variety of restaurants and bars, conference rooms, shops, underground parking, outdoor and indoor swimming pools and fitness centers, as well as equipped with all modern means of communication business centers make them attractive both for tourists and for people traveling for purely business purposes. The architecture of such hotels is extremely functional and modern, using the latest achievements in construction technologies, modern designs and building materials.

In Europe, where many genuine architectural monuments have been preserved, where cultural and historical traditions are strong, in the architecture of hotels there is a clear tendency to respect history, when old buildings acquire new life. In capitals and historical cities With rich cultural traditions, such hotels are usually located in close proximity to numerous attractions. The most fashionable of them are located in ancient buildings of architectural and historical value in the existing urban area. Many hotels have existed for a long time, have their own history and traditions, and are proud of their famous guests. The level of comfort in them is at the highest level, since during the process of reconstruction and renovation they were equipped with all modern engineering equipment. At the same time, the external appearance of the building and the interior underwent restoration, they were returned to their original appearance, and the authentic atmosphere of a bygone era was recreated. The interiors and all the decoration of such hotels are made in the style and traditions of a certain historical period.

Expensive materials are used in finishing; these can be oak panels for cladding walls and ceilings, tapestries and tapestries, type-setting parquet, marble, bronze and gilding are widely used. The interiors are replete with original restored details and antique furniture, striking in luxury and giving the impression of being completely in keeping with a particular era. It can be Baroque or Empire, Rococo or Art Nouveau. The trend of old buildings finding a new life and a new destiny has led to the fact that impregnable castles, which time has spared, have today become strongholds of hospitality. Medieval castle Amberley Castle has been standing among the majestic hills and vast lakes of West Sussex for almost nine centuries, one hundred and twenty kilometers from London. It amazes with its delightful atmosphere of privacy and serene peace, in which the unique flair of antiquity and the highest level of comfort inherent in a world-class country hotel coexist. In total, the hotel has nineteen individually decorated apartments with antique furniture and luxurious fabrics, which have all modern amenities, with televisions, video players, telephones and other equipment delicately camouflaged in a historical setting.

Recently, a slightly different approach to the architectural design of hotels located in historical buildings has become increasingly widespread. Taking care of the appearance and facades, the architect reserves the right to create an interior that is completely new in style and spirit. Thus, located in the very center of London near Trafalgar Square, the five-star One Aldwych hotel strikes with a sharp contrast: a turn-of-the-century building and an ultra-modern interior. The high pace of everyday life and the poor environmental situation in modern megacities force people to turn their faces to nature and draw vitality from it. The advantages of a quiet and measured provincial life, tranquility and privacy in the lap of nature, national flavor and features local cuisine making “agritourism” more and more attractive. Hotels offering such holidays are usually located in rural areas in buildings of traditional architecture. Hotel Borgo in Tuscany, Italy is located in an ancient building, typical of Mediterranean architecture, on a wine estate in the province of Chianti. Today, just like centuries ago, delicious wine and fresh olive oil are produced here. Vast vineyards and picturesque olive groves lie around, and the peaceful atmosphere of patriarchal Italy reigns.

National color is one of the main features characteristic of architecture country hotels intended for recreation. The use of techniques, details and materials traditional for a given area in the architectural appearance allows the building to harmoniously fit into environment and optimally adapt to natural and climatic conditions. In addition, the national flavor, present both in the architectural appearance and in the interior design, is an important emotional and aesthetic factor that influences the formation of a positive image of hotels.

To give the guest pleasure, to make his stay at the hotel pleasant and not boring, to entertain and surprise him, to capture his imagination and remain in his memory for a long time is a peak that not all hotels manage to achieve. It submits only to those who firmly know the formula for success: an expressive architectural form must be filled with the content of high-quality service.

Architectural bureau "AVK-Project" offers the following types of hotel design services:

  • Development of pre-project proposals (PP, EP, Space-planning solutions, Architectural concept);
  • Development of the “Project” stage for all sections;
  • Development of a complete set of Working Documentation;
  • Coordination of the completed project;
  • Hotel interior design and hotel complexes;

Architectural bureau "AVK-Project" uses the most modern design methods when developing hotel projects, saving the customer both time and money. We create an individual, memorable image of the finished object. Based on the customer’s preferences, architects can create facades in various styles and materials, ranging from modern minimalism to richly decorated classics. Architectural bureau "AVK-Project" has accumulated extensive experience in hotel design and their coordination in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

Our specialists are always ready to advise you on possible architectural and construction solutions and collaboration schemes.

Hotel project:

A modern hotel is a complex that combines many different functions, such as housing, restaurants, public areas, technical premises and service infrastructure. The main task for an architect when designing a hotel is to arrange and link together zones for various purposes so that, on the one hand, there are no technological problems in the operation of the designed hotel, and on the other hand, the resulting internal space should be cozy and attractive, and the facades are beautiful and memorable.

The architectural design of hotels has a number of features that are not typical for other types of objects. These are the specifics of planning decisions and fire regulations, and the need to solve facades in such a way as to avoid the appearance of a regular layout in the breakdown of facades.

It is not so easy to achieve an extraordinary solution for facades in a hotel project. This is due to the design features of this type of building. Large quantity identical rooms in the plan set a certain constructive step, which cannot be hidden on the facades, which is why the facades of most designed hotels have a regular step of windows and balconies.

Small hotels:

This feature of hotel planning forces architects to look for non-trivial ways to solve the problem. In a certain sense, small hotels are easier to design. This is due to the fact that with a smaller number of rooms and their greater diversity, it is much easier to achieve interesting solutions for the building facades and interior space. The size of the site on which the hotel is being designed is also of great importance. The larger it is, the more interesting the hotel project implemented on it can be.

Mini hotel projects:

A feature of mini hotels is the almost complete absence of service infrastructure, a small number of rooms and very cramped conditions of the land plot. In this regard, all those auxiliary and service establishments, which, as a rule, are included in large and medium-sized hotel complexes, should be located near such a hotel.

Hotel design:

In a hotel project, first of all, great attention should be paid to the flow of visitors and staff. Competent zoning and a well-thought-out technological scheme should be the result of the development of layouts in a hotel project. If, for some reason, this cannot be done, then problems cannot be avoided during the operation of such a hotel.

The hotel design process begins with an assessment of the plot of land for development: its area, topography, presence of communications on it, surrounding buildings. Therefore, it is not possible to begin designing hotels without the customer providing a geological basis and site plan. Also, a detailed technical specification is required with a description of the number of rooms (the number and area of ​​different types of rooms), engineering systems, and specifications of the service infrastructure. As well as the requirements set by the customer for the level of finishing of residential, technical and public premises of the designed hotel.

After receiving all the necessary information, the architect begins to develop zoning schemes for floors, both above-ground and underground, “fitting the volume of the building” onto the general plan of the site. Next, planning solutions, hotel facades, and a general site plan are developed. Upon completion of work on this stage, the customer receives a ready-made preliminary design for the hotel, which includes:

  • Explanatory note
  • Technical and economic indicators
  • Situation plan
  • Master plan
  • Floor plans
  • Cuts
  • Facades
  • 3D visualization

The next stage of work is the Project stage. At this stage, designers and engineers from related sections are involved. They all develop their own sections of the hotel project, making changes to planning decisions, elevations, and sometimes the landing of the building. For each section of the hotel project, diagrams, specifications, calculations, etc. necessary at this stage are developed. Each section is agreed upon with the project architect and after final approval and verification, a completed hotel project is produced, ready for the necessary approvals.

Upon completion of approvals, you can begin issuing Working Documentation. At this stage, all necessary documentation for construction in all sections is issued. Maximum elaboration of all components and parts is carried out, estimates and specifications are issued, both for general construction and engineering sections of the hotel project. After completing work on this last stage of design, the customer receives all the documentation necessary for the construction of the hotel. However, for high-quality and technologically correct construction work, technical and designer supervision of construction is necessary. Representatives of which monitor compliance with the project and technical regulations of the work carried out on the construction site.