San Marino is the smallest state in the world. Characteristics of the economy of the dwarf states of Western Europe


The Principality of Liechtenstein is a landlocked dwarf state located in the heart of Europe between Switzerland and Austria.

The country has long been known in the world as a tax haven, very popular among financiers.

In addition to the policy of non-disclosure of banking secrecy, Liechtenstein also stands out from other European countries in the liberality of its tax system.


Image caption Flag of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein's status as a tax haven has attracted everyone's attention in 2000, when a group of international experts in their reports criticized the country for the lack of an effective financial control system. According to these reports, Liechtenstein created conditions for unimpeded money laundering for Russian, Italian and Colombian criminal groups.

In this regard, the state has revised a number of laws, and now the likelihood that the personal data of depositors will remain anonymous has decreased significantly.

In 2008, Liechtenstein became one of three countries (along with Andorra and Monaco) that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) included in the list of countries where tax havens have been created and financial structures are opaque.

Throughout World War II, Liechtenstein achieved neutrality. A 2001 government report debunked allegations that Liechtenstein's state-owned banks assisted the Nazis during the war.

In addition, the report assigned the principality the role of observer, and not accomplice, in the fact of the use of slave labor from German concentration camps on the royal estates of Austria.

Over the years of its history, the country has been the center of numerous political disagreements over the role and power of the hereditary monarchy.

After another similar campaign in March 2003, in a constitutional referendum aimed at expanding princely powers, Prince Hans-Adam II was elected by a majority vote to the post of ruler.

In fact, the outcome of the referendum made Liechtenstein the only state in Europe with an absolute monarchy. Thus, Prince Hans-Adam received the right to independently appoint and remove members of the government, despite general fears about the possible transformation of such a regime into a dictatorship.

Historically, the Catholic Church enjoys great authority in Liechtenstein. Women who decided to have an abortion faced a prison sentence of 1 year until the end of 2005, when premature termination of pregnancy was legalized.


  • Official name: Principality of Liechtenstein
  • Population: 35,000 (UN data, 2009)
  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Square: 160
  • Main language: German
  • Main religion: Christianity
  • 75 years/82 years (UN data)
  • Currency: 1 Swiss franc = 100 raps
  • Main export items: mechanical engineering, food, postage stamps, dental care products
  • Internet
  • +423


Monaco is the second smallest independent state in the world after the Vatican.

Every year, Monaco attracts a huge number of tourists and business owners: the former with its luxurious climate and beautiful scenery, the latter with its liberal tax system.

The principality extends in a narrow strip along Mediterranean Sea and, by and large, is one bay hidden among the high Alps.


Image caption Monaco flag

Around the world, Monaco has a reputation as a “gambling paradise” and a fashionable resort. Gamblers constantly flock in their hundreds to the Casino Square in Monte Carlo. It is in this city that the Monaco Grand Prix is ​​held annually, which is considered one of the most prestigious races of the Formula 1 championship.

Monaco is one of the world's leading financial centers, and banks here maintain the confidentiality of their clients under all circumstances. An interesting fact is that the residents of Monaco themselves are not subject to taxes.

Favorable tax regime Monaco has long been a source of concern for France, which simply calls the principality a place of money laundering. Monaco authorities strongly deny such allegations.

In 2007, Monaco became one of three countries that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) included in its list of tax havens with opaque financial structures, along with Andorra and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

According to the form of government, Monaco is a constitutional monarchy. Today, the country is led by the Grimaldi dynasty, whose members ruled the Republic of Genoa for five centuries and settled in Monaco in the 14th century. Their names filled the headlines in 1956, when Prince Rainier III married famous American actress Grace Kelly. However, the press speaks less favorably about the personal lives of the daughters of the royal couple, Princess Caroline and Stephanie.

The head of government is the Minister of State, who is appointed by the monarch from a list of candidates proposed by the President of France.

The Minister of State directs the activities of the Government Council, which is a legislative body and consists of 24 members elected for a period of five years.


  • Official name: Principality of Monaco
  • Population: 32,000 people (UN data, 2009)
  • Capital: Monaco
  • Square: 1.95 sq. km
  • Main language: French
  • Main religion: Christianity
  • Average life expectancy (men/women): 75 years/83 years (UN data)
  • Currency: 1 euro = 100 cents
  • Main export items: pharmaceuticals, perfumes, textiles
  • Internet
  • International dialing code:+377

San Marino

Like Liechtenstein, Monaco and the Vatican, San Marino is a dwarf country. Surrounded on all sides by Italian territory, San Marino serves as a symbol of the era when city-states flourished in Europe.

The basis of the natural landscape of San Marino is part of the Apennine mountain range Monte Titano, which rises 750 meters above sea level and is the most high point countries.


Image caption Flag of San Marino

San Marino is often called the oldest republic on Earth. It is generally accepted that around the 4th century AD it was founded by a simple mason named Myrinus, who took refuge there and later founded a small commune. Over time, the enclave developed and declared its independence in the 9th century.

Over the centuries of its history, San Marino has gone through all the destructive and bloody wars on the Italian Peninsula. In 1862, a treaty of friendship and trade was concluded between the two countries, which recognized and guaranteed the complete independence of San Marino.

The basis of the country's economy, whose area is only 61 square meters. km is tourism. Luxurious nature and magnificent architecture annually attract more than three million tourists from all over the world.

One of the main sources of income is also postage stamps and coins, for which avid collectors are willing to pay fortunes.

Today the state consists of eight suburbs around the famous San Marino castles with the administrative control of eight Councils. The already tiny territory of the country is divided into nine administrative districts. The highest legislative body is the Grand General Council, from whose members two equal captain-regents are elected every six months to head the state.

As one of Europe's tax havens, San Marino serves as a safe haven for the capital of a large number of international investors. However, during the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, its status as a tax haven was threatened, and the republic began to take measures in an attempt to make its financial system more transparent.


  • Official name: Republic of San Marino
  • Population: 31,400 people (UN data, 2009)
  • Capital: San Marino
  • Square: 61.2 sq. km
  • Main language: Italian
  • Main religion: Christianity
  • Average life expectancy (men/women): 77 years/84 years (UN data)
  • Currency: 1 euro = 100 cents
  • Basicarticlesexport: wine, ceramics, furniture, postage stamps, collectibles
  • Average annual income per capita:$46,770 (World Bank data, 2008)
  • Internet
  • International dialing code:+378

Our short week-long tour of Italy also included two more independent states: Vatican and San Marino.

In Italy we met Rome, Florence and Venice. Each city has become a separate series of stories, since it is simply unrealistic to fit all the impressions and 5,000 photographs into one essay. San Marino and the Vatican are also presented in separate essays.


About Rome - eternal city, whose history is amazing, and the number of attractions is impressive, is known to every person. However, even the most interesting information, like developed fantasy, are not able to replace reality. Walking around the city, contemplating centuries-old buildings, the cheerful temperament of the Italians: all this can be experienced only by deciding to make an exciting trip to Rome.

The capital of Italy is rightfully recognized the most beautiful city Europe, and to get acquainted with even its most famous sights, a few days spent in the atmosphere of ancient stories are not enough. What we managed to see in Rome and its environs over three days was reflected in a series of separate stories under the general title "Walking around Rome":

The red circles on the map mark the main attractions where we were able to visit.

Most of the stories are dedicated to “tourist” Rome, i.e. must-see places. I am sure they are well known to most readers, included in numerous reference books and guides, thousands of pages have been written about them in various magazines, articles, and books. It is difficult to add something new in historical terms, but your own perception and opinion can only be formed after you see it all with your own eyes. Another part of the notes dedicated, for example, to Roman castles, which are difficult to reach public transport, refers conditionally to “non-tourist” routes. Roman castles are small towns built by local people inside medieval castles and fortresses. They are located in the most charming area, on the shores of two volcanic lakes at an altitude of 500 meters. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the lack transport routes makes these places inaccessible to the mass flow of tourists. Here time stands still and allows you to enjoy the magnificent views and features of Italian suburban life.


The capital of Tuscany and the former capital of the Italian Republic, Florence is a very ancient city, founded in 59 BC. e. personally by Julius Caesar. However, Florence reached its heyday in the 14th-16th centuries, when, without exaggeration, it became financial and cultural center Europe. Florence is considered the place where the Renaissance began. Since then, the city in all its splendor has been considered an open-air museum!

A series of stories and photo reports is dedicated to Florence "Two days in Florence"


Venice is the most amazing and most famous city in the world - a city on the water, located in the eastern part Northern Italy. Venice is one of the largest centers in Europe international tourism, a city of film and theater festivals and international art exhibitions.

Majestic and beautiful palaces form a bizarre and mysterious world, where the detached grace of Gothic is adjacent to the lush luxury of Baroque. And almost everywhere you can hear the splash of water, which, washing the bases of buildings, reflects architectural masterpieces.

You can read our impressions of Venice here:

We end our Italian holidays with a visit to the Vatican and San Marino.


In terms of the number of works of art per unit area (or per number of inhabitants), the Vatican ranks first in the world by a wide margin.

San Marino, like the Vatican, is a dwarf state in Italy. And if, albeit imaginary, I can somehow attribute the independence of the Vatican to the significant influence of the church in the old days, then how a state like San Marino managed to maintain its independence is completely incomprehensible. Most likely, as in the story with Elusive Joe, no one really needed it.

Or maybe this is due to the favorable location of the main fortified city.

At least he looks unapproachable.

Moreover, taking San Marino by storm is still not so easy, because finding an unoccupied parking lot here at the height of summer is not an easy task.

The fortress attracts a huge number of tourists.

But, I must admit, compared to Venice, everything here is much more tidy.

Oddly enough, the economy of San Marino is considered one of the strongest in Europe.

Moreover, the state is not a member of the European Union, and before the transition to the euro it even had its own currency.

The main attraction of the enclave is the fortress.

It is located, like any self-respecting fortress, on a mountain. Naturally, everything is done in such a way as to make it as difficult as possible for enemies to take the city by storm.

Inside, actors in medieval costumes try to pretend that this is some kind of 18th century, but they don’t do a very good job of it. I especially want to shout: “I don’t believe it!” when from time to time someone takes out a smartphone.

Top view in good weather very good.

The entire small country is clearly visible.

But the most interesting thing is the local political system. The head of state here is two captain-regents, who are elected for a period of 6 months. It’s not very clear, however, what they do if they cannot come to an agreement on issues of national importance.

San Marino is one of the smallest countries in the world with one of the most beautiful official names The Most Serene Republic of San Marino (Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino). And if the Vatican and Monaco are on everyone’s lips, then San Marino is rarely remembered. San Marino is divided into nine (!!!) regions. Loudly said areas, one of which has the same name San Marino - we come here. Not here own airport or the railway station and you can get here along almost the only road leading from Rimini.


By the way, in Rimini we spent the night at the Viserva Hotel - Terma di Sacramora on the shore Adriatic Sea. Although the hotel is 3*, it simply killed me with its hopelessness. I have never seen such terrible numbers even in Sri Lanka. But this European resort! Dinner at the hotel (we had paid for it in advance) was cold and tasteless - pasta and... pasta. Breakfast was designed for pregnant women suffering from toxicosis - tea and crackers, or rather vacuum-packed toast. I may be picky, but this is too much! On the other hand, it is unknown how much a night at the hotel cost. We didn’t choose him and trusted the travel agency, we decided that we would just sleep for the night and that’s all. And so it happened, we slept through the night and... our feet will no longer be there.

In the evening, and it was already about half past nine, we went out to walk around the area around the hotel. There was nowhere to go, the only road along the beach. The city seemed to have died out. The restaurants were all closed, apparently it was not the season yet. In the morning, going out onto the balcony, I was able to see the sea. To be honest, the width of the beaches, which stretched out from nowhere and nowhere, was, frankly, pleasing. But the sea, the sea turned out to be not ours - with stone “mountains” spoiling the whole view. I admit that, thanks to them, the beach is protected from strong waves and storms, but it’s not beautiful!

Let's return to San Marino. What struck me most was the fact that the average age of San Marino residents is 39 years old, but even more so were the conditions for obtaining citizenship. A child whose parents are citizens of San Marino, or at least one parent is a citizen, and the other is not identified, can become a citizen of the Most Serene Republic. If the second parent is not a citizen of San Marino, then the child can obtain citizenship only after reaching adulthood, provided that he has lived in San Marino for 18 years. Any person who has lived in the territory of San Marino for 30 years, or is married to a citizen of San Marino for at least 15 years can become a citizen!!! In general, San Marino citizenship is an unattainable dream!

We didn't have much time in San Marino, only two hours. But there were plans - well, they just weren’t there at first. Therefore, we decided to take a walk through the main attractions of the central part of the city, located on the peak of Monte Titano.

Traffic is prohibited in the city center - beautiful! Leave your vehicle in the parking lot and go for a walk into the mountains, where magical landscapes of the hilly plain await you, and in addition, picturesque medieval fortresses. At the exit from the parking lot or at the entrance to the city center there is a policeman-regulator, indicating the direction of travel to tourists so that they do not get lost on the only road going up the mountain. Narrow streets, winding, climb up, forming tiny squares, alleys and dead ends. They lead tourists to where fortress towers proudly rise on the rocks, where there are shady paths, small cafes and... free toilets (don't think anything of it, real, comfortable, free toilets). Walk - I don’t want to.

San Marino is called a paradise for shopaholics. This is truly paradise. Prices are 15-20 percent lower than in Italy. The variety of goods is in no way inferior to either Rome or Florence. Here you can buy everything from shoes to cosmetics. The prices for branded glasses and perfumes are especially pleasing.

At first I looked with caution at the unprecedented generosity of perfume displays, not believing my eyes and the sellers. Well, branded fragrances from new collections in maximum volume cannot cost 50-80 euros! And how can testers be officially sold?! It turns out they can! Anything is possible in San Marino! The girl, a saleswoman from an optician, said that all of Europe comes to San Marino to shop, and that there is no doubt about the testers - no deception. But, there is one “but” - no one applies for tax-free!

On the one hand, if you compare the prices for glasses purchased in Venice, after receiving a tax refund, and for the same glasses sold in San Marino, it turns out that the Venetian ones end up cheaper by 2 euros :) But on the other hand, it’s very convenient, I bought myself a product in San Marino and my head doesn’t hurt how to find the Global Blue counter at the airport, apply for tax-free and get the money.

And if you’re full of aromas, you’re completely overwhelmed! IN hand luggage Liquids are not allowed, only in luggage. Before registration, you have to run in a panic with your suitcases to look for the Global Blue service center, then after registration, pack your suitcases again and run to check-in.

In San Marino I really didn’t have enough time to go shopping, I didn’t even have time to drink coffee. Exactly two hours later our bus departed for Rome. Six hours on the road, one stop for lunch and we are in Rome. By the way, we had lunch at a roadside restaurant, the style of organizing the customer service process was a Soviet canteen. In terms of price level, this is a cool restaurant in the center of Rome.

Evening and farewell Rome

By evening (somewhere around six) we were in Rome. Rome finally greeted us with sunshine! The weather was great, neither hot nor cold - just right for walking. Finally, it was possible to leisurely wander the narrow streets of Rome without shivering from the cold and without peeking out from under an umbrella.

Our new hotel was in the same, already familiar to us, area of ​​Republic Square. Beauty! Again all the attractions in walking distance. Hooray!

In the first days of our stay in Rome, we never got to the sights in the northern part of Rome - the Spanish Steps and the People's Square (Piazza del Popolo). Therefore, we decided to correct this omission. Taking our time, looking into boutiques and simply looking at shop windows, collecting a bountiful harvest of citrus fruits along the way, we headed to the Spanish Steps and the Trinita dei Monti temple.

Oh, I’ll stop a little and talk about oranges. Orange trees grow in Rome, like chestnuts in Kyiv, just on the sidewalks. The combination of colors is incredible - against the background of ocher-colored Roman houses and gray asphalt roads, the bright spots of orange balls in the thick green crown stand out very expressively, attracting attention. He wanted it, raised his hand (and some people jumped), and picked a ripe, juicy orange. Italians, of course, don’t do this (fallen oranges roll under their feet every now and then), and tourists don’t do the same, but curious tourists, like me, do just that. Well, I'm wondering how much street oranges are oranges.

I'm reporting. Real oranges, with an orange aroma and a sour-sour taste. I would even say that these are lemons in the body of an orange, generously crushed by lead from exhaust gases :) The Romans are right, oranges over the road are pure decoration!

Spanish steps

I read somewhere that the Spanish Steps are recognized as the most beautiful staircase in Europe. It’s hard for me to judge how beautiful it is, because a huge number of people simply neutralize any beauty, but it’s a fact that this staircase is the most popular. So many people! They sit, stand, walk, chat, meet, hug, kiss - you can spend hours just looking at people!

We came to the Staircase from via Sistina, i.e. from the top of Pincio Hill, so at first, as always happens when I walk with my husband, I didn’t even realize that we had come to the top of the Staircase. Before us stood in all its glory, partly in restoration forests, as befits an ancient structure, the temple of Trinita dei Monti.

The temple building was rebuilt at the beginning of the 19th century - so that’s why the 16th century church looks quite modern and laconic. The main attraction of the temple is sculptural group Daniele da Volterra "Descent from the Cross" Photography is prohibited in the cathedral, but we take photographs again. Otherwise, how would I have known about such a highlight. "Wow, what an interesting job!" - I would say and it would be imprinted in my memory that at the entrance to the temple there is an amazing work of an unknown master. That's all. And so, click! Photography and the Internet - best friends independent tourists

Daniele da Volterra "Descent from the Cross"

Unfortunately, the fountain at the foot of the stairs was under repair. And we didn’t see its beauty at all. But the illusionists in Piazza di Spagna were a delight to the eye. If I had come across such a picture here, I would now write that the illusionists pleased my eye and the policeman’s pocket :)

People's Square Piazza del Popolo

Following the tourist line, we came to People's Square. Having become accustomed to the tiny piazzas of Florence and Venice, Piazza del Popolo simply amazed me with its scale. The square was truly a people's square. What and who was not here. And more illusionists, and dance groups, and preachers, and groups of tourists, and singles resting right on the slabs, old people in wheelchairs, families with babies. It seemed that everyone who had at least a little free time had gathered here.

Small European states are popular among tourists, and are in no way inferior to the resorts of Great Britain, France, and Spain. Tiny sizes add a certain zest and mystery, which is why Europeans love to vacation in such regions. Such countries include Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco and some others. It is worth highlighting the small residence of the Pope, which is located in the center of the capital of Italy, and in terms of the number of tourists it is in no way inferior to other regions of the world.

Resorts of Liechtenstein: a dwarf state in the center of Europe

Dwarf Liechtenstein is located in Central Europe. The tiny country's neighbors are Austria and Switzerland. Every year tourists come here to admire picturesque landscapes, mountains and sights of small settlements.

The capital of the principality is Vaduz. The city can boast rich history and numerous attractions. The residence of the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church is located on the territory of the main city. Business card Vaduz is considered a princely castle, visible from anywhere in the capital. When visiting the country, it is recommended to visit the Cathedral of St. Florin, the old town, the Gothic chapel and the hotel.

The main street is interesting with its town hall, museums, shops, and lovers of delicious alcoholic drinks should visit the winery. The capital's post office is visited by philatelists who want to obtain rare stamps from past centuries or products of local residents. Every year, the local post office issues rare stamps that bring significant income to the principality.

In the southeast is the main ski resort of Liechtenstein, Malbün. Buses run here from the capital every day. The city is surrounded by 19 slopes suitable for skiing and snowboarding. Malbyn will delight all visitors to the region, as it has accessible infrastructure and good instructors. The area will also delight you with a fan park, an ice skating rink, luxury hotels, restaurants, bars and gyms.

Near Malbün is the village of Staeg. Fans of cross-country skiing love to visit this resort. The town has three trails that are illuminated at night. Small country, limited attractions and natural views. Liechtenstein is recommended for visiting on a daily basis with a basic excursion program.

Resorts of Luxembourg: a small state with many attractions

Luxembourg is located in the center of Europe and is one of the best countries on the continent in terms of living standards. The capital of the dwarf country is the city of the same name. In ancient and picturesque Luxembourg, it is worth admiring the fortress with its fortress gates, the long towers of the Three Acorns and the Citadel of the Holy Spirit. There is a park nearby, at the end of which there is a cliff. From there, residents and guests of the capital will be able to admire the ancient suburb of Bock and the ruins of the castle.

On the territory of large city You should visit the Grand Duke's Palace, the former Jesuit college, the Church of Saint-Michel, the chapel of Saint Cyrinus, the garden of the Spanish governor and the ancient monastery of Münster. Tourists in Luxembourg love to walk along the former underground casemates and the beautiful Royal Boulevard.

Little Wiltz is considered the capital of the Luxembourg Ardennes. Residents of the city are sure that spies and intelligence officers often meet here, but the citizens themselves will delight tourists with their friendliness and politeness. The visiting card of the settlement is the castle of the same name, which is more than eight centuries old. The structure is located on the Witches Tower. The castle is surrounded by a picturesque park. In the city, you should visit the Battle of the Bulge Museum and the Tannery Museum, where tasting of local beer is held.

The settlement is surrounded by a National Natural Park with well-equipped hiking trails. Near Wiltz there is a parachuting center. Every July, citizens and tourists have fun at music festival open air.

The village of Echternach is famous for its emerald cliffs and stone gorges. The town is often called a miniature Switzerland. Not far from the settlement, tourists like to walk along picturesque canyon"Cleft palate". The city of Berdorf is surrounded by natural attractions. Here you should visit an amazing arch-shaped rock, the winding and long Khals gorge and walk along the “wine road”, where locals treat tourists to young wine.

Luxembourg is famous for the balneological resort of Mondorf-les-Bains, where the climate reigns. In summer there is no suffocating heat, and in winter there is no severe frost. The town is protected from strong winds by hills. Thanks to the thermal springs in Mondorf, diseases of the joints, liver and gastrointestinal tract are successfully eliminated.

Resorts of Monaco: a small country on the French Riviera

Located on Cote d'Azur Monaco is extremely popular among wealthy tourists and world celebrities. Guests of the state will meet the prince, play in the legendary casino, enjoy the Formula 1 Grand Prix, luxury hotels, the best restaurants and the annual luxury yacht show.

In the center of the country is located " old town", where travelers are prohibited from settling. The Monaco-Ville area is interesting for the Grimaldi family palace, where the ruling family lives, Cathedral with the grave of the wife of Prince Rainier III and Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, the Napoleon Museum, the Historical Archives of the Princely Court. Guards of honor march on Palace Square every year. Historical center famous for its museums: Old Monaco, Oceanographic and Wax Figures.

Monte Carlo is considered European capital gambling. It is the center of endless celebration, luxurious life, festivals and fun. The entertainment district is regularly visited by European celebrities. In addition, the International Academy of Tourism is located on the site. Fans of architectural attractions in Monte Carlo will be able to admire Palace Square, the Prince's Palace and visit national museum. Families with children should visit the Maritime Museum and Oceanarium.

The youngest district of Monaco, Fontvieille, resembles a calm suburban suburb, although it is considered the industrial center of the principality. The visiting card of the area is the large Commercial Center. In Fontvieille, you should definitely admire the collection of vintage cars of Prince Rainier III. The Landscape Park with the Princess Grace Rose Garden and a children's playground is considered popular among Monaco residents and tourists. Fontvieille is also interesting for its Expensive Sculpture, Zoological Garden, Maritime Museum, Philately and Numismatics, the Louis II stadium and the heliport that connects the principality with the French Republic.

La Condamine is a business center and the most populous district of Monaco, famous for the ancient Church of Sainte-Devat, the Exotic Park of the Jardin Exotic of Monaco and the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology. In the city center on the Princess Caroline Pedestrian Street there are numerous boutiques, bars, shops and restaurants and orange alleys.

Resorts of the Republic of Kosovo: Serbian historical center

The independent part of the former Yugoslavia, not recognized by Russia, is only at the initial stage of tourism development. Russian citizens consider Kosovo part of Serbia, so for now they avoid traveling there. People from other European countries come here for ski resort and historical sites.

In medieval times, this was the center of Serbian statehood. Modern Kosovo is considered a Muslim country, but on the territory of the republic there is a colossal number of Christian cultural and historical monuments. Before the war, almost two thousand churches and monasteries were located on the territory of the small state, many of which have survived to this day. For example, the Vysoki Decani Monastery is famous for its amazing frescoes, thanks to which it is protected by UNESCO.

The only famous international resort in Kosovo is Brezovica. Still part of Yugoslavia this ski center considered the best in the Balkans. The area has a developed infrastructure, several hotels and 16 ski slopes of varying complexity. Because of unique climate Snow falls early. Kosovo is landlocked local residents you have to relax on the artificial lakes Radonich and Gazivode.

Resorts of San Marino: a tiny country in Italy

Tiny San Marino, ahead of only Monaco and the Vatican in size, is the oldest European state. The country is surrounded on all sides by Italy. San Marino is considered favorite place for tourists and travelers who visit the country in huge numbers every year.

For shopping lovers, several discount stores have been created and shopping centers. Tourists bring home clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, musical instruments and electronic devices. IN local restaurants You should enjoy the exquisite taste of Italian flatbread with sausage, tomato sauce and grated cheese, pasta with mint sauce, sweet raisin bread, croutons and corn flakes. Local beekeepers extract delicious honey from chestnut and acacia trees.

The visiting card of the capital and the whole country are the three towers of Guaita, Cesta and Montale. The medieval commune of Borgo Maggiore is interesting for its eponymous fortress, a town square where fairs are regularly held, a clock tower and the only one in the state helipad.

The commune of Domagnano is famous for the small town of Torraccia, where it is located ancient fortress, ex observation tower of the Malatesta family. The Faetano area attracts with the Church of St. Paul, the commune of Montegiardino with its castle gates, narrow streets and the parish of San Lorenzo. Not far from the border of San Marino is the Aviation Museum.

The Vatican: the heart of Italian wealth

Keeping a huge number of secrets and secrets, the Vatican is located in the center of Rome and is the only one on the planet where state language is Latin. The World Catholic Center has a helipad and a railway link to Italy.

The Vatican was founded in 326, but received sovereign autonomy only in 1929. Tourists from the Vatican usually take home coins with local symbols, postage stamps, and their own travel albums telling about local attractions and the history of the country.

The main attraction of the Vatican and Rome is St. Peter's Basilica. The place owes its name to the grave of the Apostle Peter, who, according to legend, rests in these places. The cathedral is the largest European temple, filled with numerous masterpieces - marble sculptures of Christ and the apostles, monuments to statesmen, majestic tombstones. In front of the shrine is the Oval Square, which is decorated with an obelisk brought from Egypt by the ancient Roman emperor Caligula, and picturesque fountains.

Opera lovers must visit Sant'Angelo. The majestic building was built back in 135 as the Mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian. The luxurious Vatican Gardens are suitable for outdoor strolls, and from Mario's Hill you can enjoy beautiful view on the state and capital of Italy.

Many are tiny European countries boast a large influx of tourists who come to admire its many attractions, beautiful nature and enjoy its special charm. While Kosovo is just beginning its tourism journey, the Vatican, Monaco, San Marino, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein have long received millions of travelers every year.