Saransk is the capital of sunny Mordovia. Sights of Mordovia - overview and photos of interesting places Ichalkovsky stud farm

The most interesting sights of Mordovia are located in the city of Saransk: museums, parks, churches, a monastery and much more. Of the natural attractions of Mordovia, the most striking are beautiful lake Inerka, nature reserve named after Smidovich and the Smolny National Park.

Lake Inerka

The Republic of Mordovia is located 330 km from Moscow (MKAD). Why is she interesting? Despite its proximity to Moscow, many people confuse it with Moldova or have heard very little about it.

The center of Mordovian life is the city of Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia. Here is the center of culture, entertainment and everything else. Saransk is a city of republican significance. Citizens flock here from all over Mordovia for some more specific problem: medical examination, receiving government services, etc.

About 315 thousand people live in Saransk. In second place in terms of population and importance is the city of Ruzaevka - with a population of about 46 thousand people. In third place is the city of Kovylkino with a population of 20 thousand inhabitants. Next come the urban-type settlement of Komsomolsky - 13 thousand people and the working settlement of Zubova Polyana - 10 thousand people.

There are 7 cities in Mordovia: in addition to Saransk, Ruzaevka and Kovylkino, these are Krasnoslobodsk, Ardatov, Insar and Temnikov. The city of Temnikov is considered the oldest and smallest. Its population is only 6.3 thousand people, its foundation date is 1536.

The entire population of the republic is less than 1 million - approximately 800 thousand people. Russians, Mordovians and Tatars live in Mordovia. Mordovians are divided into three nationalities: Moksha, Erzya and Shoksha.

Natural objects of Mordovia

The largest lakes in Mordovia are:

  • Inerka- the most big lake in the Republic. Translated from Mordovian “Inerka” means “Great Lake”. Its length is 3.35 km, width - 80-150 meters, maximum depth - 11.5 meters.
  • Imerka- the most deep lake Mordovia, located on the territory of the Zubovo-Polyansky district.

The rivers of Mordovia are flat and calm. The main rivers are Moksha and Sura.

Map of Mordovia

M5 highway

The federal highway M5 Moscow-Chelyabinsk passes through Mordovia. Driving along the highway after Moskovskaya and Ryazan region Mordovia begins. The furthest to Moscow and the largest district of Mordovia is Zubovo-Polyansky.

After entering the territory of Mordovia, the famous village of Umet will be on the highway. It is famous for the abundance of tiny cafes along the highway (more than 200 of them) and the strong smoke and smell from the kebabs. The names of the cafes are varied, the most famous of them is Mordonald's.


The main target audience of local catering is truckers, but there are also simply hungry people passing by. When stopping at the Umeta cafe, remember that everything here is simple, for an undemanding client: a wooden toilet on the street, simple dishes, unpretentious home-cooked food.

The entire village of Umet, numbering 2.7 thousand people, works in public catering.

Sights of Mordovia


Mordovia is famous for its prisons; Dubravlag or ZH-385, part of the Gulag system, was built here at the end of the 20s of the last century. This is not something to be proud of, but it is a sad fact. The camps are located among the forests of the western part of Mordovia in the Zubovo-Polyansky district, now there are more than 30 of them.

The center of this largest state. The institution is the village of Yavas, previously called 36 kilometer and Zavodskoy. Therefore, the Mordovian zone is often called Java.

IN Soviet time there was a special camp for political prisoners here. Now among the correctional colonies (IK) there is the only zone in Russia for foreigners. There is also a zone for those sentenced to life and women’s camps. By the way, modern political prisoners were imprisoned here again: Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina, Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.


Most of the attractions of Mordovia are concentrated in Saransk. - these are museums and monuments, theaters and cinemas, parks, a zoo, attractions, nightclubs, restaurants, shopping centers and other pleasures. If you find yourself in Mordovia, in order not to get bored and buy, be sure to come to Saransk.

Fountain Star of Mordovia on Millennium Square

The city makes a favorable impression. There are many squares, beautiful modern ones and embankments. Despite a large number of factories, it does not give the depressing impression of an industrial city. Saransk is an oasis of civilization among the endless forests, fields, swamps and small settlements of Mordovia.

In addition, Saransk is an ancient fortress city, founded in 1641. Stepan Razin’s troops and Emelyan Pugachev himself visited it. It's always interesting when a city has some history.

Saransk is the smallest Russian city that hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup. For this event, the Mordovia Arena stadium was built in the shape of the sun, with maximum capacity by approximately 44 thousand people.


Railway station in Ruzaevka

Ruzaevka is the second city after Saransk in terms of population in Mordovia. After the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Ruzaevka has changed for the better. The railway station was renovated, street improvement work was carried out, and main roads were repaired. And also the bus station has finally been put in order and, most importantly, the railway station has been reconstructed pedestrian bridge.

What pleases passengers of the Ruzaevka station is that the railway station and bus station are located in the same place. The truth is separated by a pedestrian bridge over the railway tracks. Now it has become covered and beautiful instead of the still quite new, but shabby and broken-down bridge.

The bridge now has elevators on each side. No more carrying heavy bags up onto the bridge and then down. Walking along the new glass bridge, I just want to say: thank you, World Cup. If it weren’t for you, passengers would still be suffering dragging their luggage across the bridge.

In 2011, a monument to the railway workers of Ruzaevka - the Lebyadyanka freight locomotive - was erected on Station Square. The locomotive was built in 1954 and was used for most of its life on the Penza-Ruzaevka and Ruzaevka-Krasny Uzel sections. Nearby are bronze figures of a railway worker and his son.

From the Ruzaevka bus station to the Saransk bus station - 27 km.

Sights of Ruzaevka

Locomotive Depot Museum

Ruzaevka is not rich in interesting or beautiful places. The city of railway workers can offer a museum of a locomotive depot as a cultural activity. It is located at: st. Revolutions of 1905, building 7.

Trinity Cathedral

The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Ruzaevka with 16 golden domes was founded in 2009. Built in 2012 with funds from the Ruzaevsky Glass Factory and donations from believers at the address: st. Karl Marx, house 61. The construction of the temple was timed to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of Russia.

The temple is huge, 40 meters high, there is a library and a Sunday school, a refectory and an assembly hall, and the Ruzaev diocese is located here. It is divided into upper and lower temples. It is located at the entrance to the city from Saransk on the highest place.

Near Ruzaevka there is the village of Paygarma, in which there is an ancient women's Paraskev-Voznesensky monastery. The monastery is active.


The city of Temnikov is located on the Moksha River and is surrounded by pine forests. Here is the relict pine grove Emashevskaya on the shore of Lake Vyakchisheva.

The city of Temnikov is primarily famous for the ancient Sanaksarsky monastery, where the grave and relics of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov are located. Also here are the Temnikovsky historical local history museum and the House-Museum of the composer L. I. Voinov.

The decoration of Temnikov is the ancient Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God(1827). It was built in honor of the Temnikov militia of 1812.

A few kilometers from the city of Temnikov there is the beautiful ancient Nativity of the Theotokos Sanaksar Monastery. It is located on the banks of the Moksha River and was founded in 1659.

The name of the monastery is associated with the personality of Admiral Ushakov, a famous Russian naval commander. He spent the rest of his life on his estate in the village of Alekseevka near the city of Temnikov. Now nothing remains of the estate.

The famous admiral was buried in the Sanaksar monastery. In 2001 he was canonized by the church as a saint in the face of the righteous. And now the monastery houses not only the grave of the great military leader, but also the relics of the saint.

The remains of Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov travel from time to time throughout Russia as holy relics for ceremonial church events with the participation of military personnel and sailors.

It is noteworthy that the uncle of Admiral Ivan Ignatovich Ushakov, after tonsure, Theodore of Sanaksar, was the governor of the Sanaksar monastery (1764-1774), died and was buried here. In 1999, the church canonized him as a saint, but only locally venerated by the Saransk diocese.


Passing through the city of Krasnoslobodsk, you will not confuse it with anything. A notable landmark of Krasnoslobodsk is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. It is located at the crossroads of the main roads and rises 35 meters above the houses.

The sight of such a tall, pompous temple with dazzling gilded domes against the background of dull standard houses causes dissonance. It absolutely does not fit into the local landscape and once again emphasizes the pathos and greatness of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Chamza district

The Chamzinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia cannot boast of any attractions, despite the fact that the villages of Komsomolsky and Chamzinka are located here. They are large settlements Republic. In Komsomolskoye there are large factories “Mordovcement” and “Lato”.

There are no large lakes or rivers in the Chamza region; the only natural attraction is Bald Mountain, located next to Alekseevka.

You can also note the beautiful ancient church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Makolovo.


The village of Torbeevo with a population of 9 thousand people is located on the M-5 highway between Zubovaya Polyana and Krasnoslobodsk. Torbeevo was glorified throughout the world by a man who managed to escape from a German concentration camp - fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Devyatayev. He was born in Torbeevo, now in his homeland there is a house-museum dedicated to the pilot’s feat.

Website: Address: st. Oktyabrskaya, 29 Price: 50 rubles, schoolchildren, students - 20 rubles, children from 5 to 7 years old - 15 rubles.

The museum was opened on May 8, 1975. It consists of two parts: ethnographic and dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Here are Devyatayev’s personal belongings, documents, photographs, awards, as well as items from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp: a prisoner’s striped robe, wooden shoes, a whip and others.

Posted Thu, 31/10/2019 - 08:02 by Cap

Mordovia is proud of all the peoples who have ever inhabited it. The republic meticulously collects everything related to national identity, but at the same time emphasizes the inextricable connection with the rest of Russia. Orthodox churches and monasteries are a great opportunity for pilgrims to visit holy places, as well as travel throughout Mordovia.
Many attractions are concentrated in Saransk. Here the most demanding tourist will be able to occupy himself: an art gallery, a theatre, walking areas, monuments - what is there in the capital of the republic. Another direction is traveling to the bosom of nature. National Park Smolny, lakes and rivers, as well as forests of all types are ideal for lovers of ecotourism.

MAP and Geography of Mordovia

The distance from Moscow is 621 km. Saransk was founded as a fortress to protect the borders of the Moscow state in 1641. Initially, the fortress was called the “Saransk prison” and stood on the banks of the Insar River, at the mouth of the Sarley River (this is where the name is believed to have come from).

The first settlers of the fortress were Cossacks and Streltsy, then people moved here local population from nearby villages. At different times, the fortress was captured by the rebel detachments of S. Razin and E. Pugachev.

Saransk history of the city.

In the 18th century, the city grew and gradually began to turn into a commercial and industrial center. Single handicraft production grew into small factories and artels, and trade in local goods developed. In the 19th century, a series of large fires destroyed almost the entire city, but it was always rebuilt. The development of Saransk was positively influenced by the Moscow-Kazan line that passed through it. railway. From 1780 to 1930 Saransk was county town, territorially belonging to the Penza province. In 1930, the Mordovian Autonomous Region was formed, then it became a republic, but Saransk always remained the capital.

Geographical position

Located in the central part of the East European Plain on the Volga Upland (Volga basin) in the forest-steppe landscapes of the central part of the Insar basin, 642 km (500 km in a straight line) southeast of Moscow. The area of ​​the city is 81,478 km².

The city of Saransk is located in the eastern part of the Republic of Mordovia. The distance from Moscow in a straight line is 500 km, however, due to the fact that Saransk is located away from federal highways, the distance by road is 642 km. The nearest regional center is Penza (128 km). Geographical coordinates(city center): 54°11′ north latitude and 45°11′ east longitude.

Saransk is located in the Moscow time zone ( Moscow time). The applied time offset relative to UTC is +3:00.

The climate is moderate continental, characterized by relatively cold, frosty winters and moderately hot summers. The average annual temperature is +3.9 °C. The average winter temperature is −11 °C, summer +18 °C.

The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of −11.7 °C, the warmest is July, its average temperature+19.3 °C. The absolute temperature maximum is +37 °C (in 2010 there was an abnormal heat wave, the air temperature exceeded +39 °C), and the absolute minimum temperature is −49 °C. The average annual precipitation is about 500 mm. Deviation towards the minimum and maximum values ​​is up to 180 mm.

monument to Patriarch Nikon in Saransk

Modern Saransk.

Modern Saransk is a beautiful, prosperous city - it is political, economic and Cultural Center republics. It has repeatedly won prizes in the annual competition “The Most Comfortable City in Russia.” Saransk has several museums and theaters, shopping and entertainment centers, modern cinemas, swimming pools and sports complexes. Inclusion in the list of cities participating in the 2018 World Cup was an honor for the city and prompted active preparations for the event and the preparation of the Saransk Arena stadium. Saransk has been actively building in recent years. Building modern architecture look impressive, especially the city center.


Soviet heritage and modernity are closely intertwined in the city. This was especially reflected in the names of streets and squares. Sovetskaya Square is main square city, it has existed since the 17th century, changing several names during this time. The square contains administrative buildings and a monument to Lenin. Political, cultural and sporting events take place here, and New Year is installed main tree cities. Cathedral Square. New Cathedral Square formed near the Fyodor Ushakov Cathedral. On it there is a monument to the legendary admiral, as well as the “Family Monument”, sculptor N. Filatov, which has become quite famous.

Cathedral of Theodore Ushakov.

The Cathedral of Theodore Ushakov was built in 2006. It became one of the largest churches in Russia and the tallest in the Volga region. The height of the building is 63 meters, the area is 900 square meters. m, capacity - 3000 people. The stone building was erected in the neoclassical style, in the shape of a rotunda with 4 corner bell towers, on which there are 12 bells. The interior decoration is luxurious, the wooden iconostasis is covered with gold leaf. The temple contains the relics of the great naval commander, the holy righteous warrior Fyodor Ushakov, canonized in 2001.

Park named after Pushkin.

The park is located on the site of the former city garden. Name A.S. Pushkin Garden received in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth, in 1899. In 1935, it was expanded and received a different status, but the name remained the same. The area of ​​the park is almost 40 hectares. There are modern attractions here, summer cafes, concert and dance venues. You can also see sculptures depicting heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales and other characters. On the territory of the park there is a city zoo, from the side of Sovetskaya Square there is a beautiful Fountain Descent leading to it, on which the monument “Pushkin and the Muse” is installed, as well as a monument to the founders of the city. In summer, Saransk blooms with many flower beds and landscape compositions. Street cleanliness - business card Saransk. Visiting tourists will enjoy walking around the city and will find something to see.

Mordovia Arena.

The stadium was designed specifically for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Four matches of the 2018 World Cup were held here. The capacity is 30,000 seats (at the time of the World Cup - 44,149). The appearance of the stadium is based on the sun - main symbol ancient myths and legends of the Mordovian people. The rectangle of the structure is smoothly rounded and resembles a pipe closed in a ring. The field and stands are hidden behind an outer skeleton of metal structures that rise from the concrete base of the stand and extend into a canopy above it. The structure is tilted inside the arena bowl, creating an “airy” effect. The uniqueness of the stadium lies in its small size. Appearance The building is decorated in bright sunny colors.

St. John the Theologian Church.

St. John the Theologian Church is an architectural monument of federal significance. This is the oldest temple preserved in the city. Presumably, the wooden church was built before the fortress was founded, around 1600. In 1693, a stone building was erected. In the 30s of the 20th century, the temple was closed and reopened only in 1944. Under Soviet rule, for a long time it was the only active temple Saransk.

St. Nicholas Church.

St. Nicholas Church is one of the churches that survived during the USSR. It was built in 1906. The temple was built of red brick with a three-tier bell tower. Before the revolution it was called Petropavlovsk. From 1937 to 1990 The church was used as a warehouse, administrative premises, and library. Since 1990, it began to function again, was restored and re-consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Aal Mansour Mosque.

The central mosque of Aal-Mansur was built in 2002. The capacity of the mosque is more than 1000 people. Nearby there is a park area of ​​about 2 hectares for Muslims, and a parking lot is open. In addition to the above, in Saransk there are also Orthodox churches and monasteries, mosques, as well as representatives of other religious denominations.

Founded in the 2nd half of the 16th century. In the “List of Populated Places of the Penza Province” (1869) Old Terizmorga is a property village of 272 households (2,127 people) in the Insar district. According to 1913 data, there were 486 households (3,285 people) in Old Terizmorga; zemstvo school, 16 windmills, 2 forges, a butter churn, 3 peeling sheds, 3 wool combs, 9 beekeepers, a shop, 2 brick sheds; the estates of Satina and Kavtorina; St. Nicholas Church (1894; active since 1985). In 1931, the village had 585 households (3,332 people). In 1934, there were 2 collective farms - named after. Budyonny and “17 Years of October”, since 1974 - “40 Years of October”, since 1996 - Agricultural Production Complex “Staroterismorgsky”. In the modern village there is a secondary school, a library, a House of Culture, a first-aid post, 3 shops; monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War.
In 1957, the Staroterismorg Folk Choir was created. Old Terizmorga is the birthplace of the poet I. M. Devin, folklorist T. P. Devyatkina, chemist S. A. Yamashkin, Candidate of Historical Sciences T. N. Kaderova, R. N. Yamashkina, Candidate of Philological Sciences A. P. Kochevatkina , I. I. Sheyanova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences V. G. Sheyanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu. I. Sheyanov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences N. G. Sheyanov, Candidate of Economic Sciences O. I. Sheyanov. The Staroterismorg village administration includes the village. Akshov (34 people) and the village. Porub (31 people).

- a real reserve of Moksha culture. The village is located in the Staroshaigovsky district of the republic, on the left bank of the Sivini.

The village arose in the second half of the 16th century on the banks of the Sivin River. For a long time, the inhabitants of Terizmorga were engaged in agriculture and beekeeping. Now about 800 people live here, mostly Mordovians-Moksha. In 1992, the Center for Moksha Culture opened in Old Terizmorga, and in 2007 the First Festival of Finno-Ugric Peoples was held. In the center of the village stands the majestic St. Nicholas Church, nearby there is an ethnographic museum under open air"Peasant estate." The local folk choir performs in concerts in many countries around the world.
Old Terizmorga is a Moksha village where the traditions and customs of the Mordovian people are carefully preserved and passed on to the younger generation. This village is called a unique storehouse of Mordovian national culture. In Old Terizmorga, residents wear national clothes and conduct national rituals for everyone. Back in 1797, the Polish writer and archaeologist Jan Potocki described local life this way: “Mordovians, especially girls, dress extremely strange and fantastically.
They wear large pieces of wool in their ears; bells are woven into their hair and large copper bells are tied around their necks.” In Old Terizmorga tourists will be told about every detail of the costume. In the village you can visit the open-air ethnographic complex “The House of a Prosperous Peasant”: here is a bathhouse, which caretakers heat for tourists, and an oven where food is prepared. Guests can try pancakes and poza, a low-alcohol beetroot drink. On Sundays, all residents of Old Terizmorga gather in the St. Nicholas Church - a white building with blue domes. In the modern village there is a secondary school, a library, a House of Culture, a first-aid post, shops, and a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.
Old Terizmorga is the birthplace of the poet I. M. Devin, folklorist T. P. Devyatkina, and chemist S. A. Yamashkin.

Echoes of the ancient beliefs of the Mordovians are still active: people from all over the republic, and from other regions of Russia, travel to the ancient oak tree, which is still growing in the thicket of the Simkinsky Natural Park.
Many are sure that it was oak that helped them give birth to a child, maintain health and become happy.
There are many places on earth that are attributed properties that violate the laws of nature, or the intervention of divine forces. Mordovia is no exception. Far beyond the borders of the republic, an ancient oak tree is known in the Bolshebereznikovsky district, according to local residents, which has healing properties and cures infertility.
This tree is over 600 years old. Popular rumor says that it helps to give birth to healthy children, maintain family happiness and fulfills various cherished desires. Oak grows in Simkinskoye natural park Mordovia and not only became a local landmark, but even officially received the status of a wildlife monument of Russia.
“I learned about this oak tree when I was studying at a technical school. My sister and I made wishes there, and they came true! Now I continue to visit the oak tree every year and take my husband with me. I ask for health and happiness for my son. And whoever doesn’t believe it, let him go to the oak tree and check!
Valentina Aleksandrovna, resident of Saransk
At the time of Epiphany, the Mordovians categorically refused to accept the faith of others (although now they are considered the most Christianized people of the Volga region. - Ed.). To perform pagan rituals they had to choose secret places. It was near this tree that the people turned to their gods, conducted prayers and magical rituals, and performed sacrifices. Obviously, then the belief in the special properties of this place and the tree growing on it arose.
“My husband and I didn’t have children for a long time, although we had been married for a long time. We began to think about adopting a child from an orphanage, but a neighbor told us about this miraculous oak tree in Berezniki. Well, I went there secretly from my husband. I arrived early in the morning and had to wander around a bit and look for him. I sat down by the oak tree and talked to it, to myself, of course. She tied a ribbon, touched the branches of the tree, looked into the hollow, and said goodbye to it. About three weeks later, I decided to take a pregnancy test again, and then I was surprised: two stripes. I immediately ran to the doctor, he confirmed my pregnancy.

Insarsky St. Olginsky Monastery
It arose on the basis of a small hotel for nuns, founded in the 80s of the 19th century. In 1900, the temple built nearby was consecrated. It has 12 chapters, all small. The purpose of such architecture is to reduce attention to the bulky facade. In Soviet times, a local history museum was located here. Since 1988, the monastery began to be revived. At the time of restoration, 30 sisters lived in the monastery.

Klyuchevskaya Pustyn
It is located near the border with the Chuvash Republic. The monastery arose in the 18th century and dates back to the appearance of an icon at the holy spring. The spring was popular even during the years of desolation of the monastery. It began to be restored in the mid-90s of the last century. The previous buildings were restored, a new bell tower, baths with a chapel at the source and a hotel for pilgrims were built.

Paygarm Paraskeva-Voznesensky Monastery
The year the convent was founded was 1865. It grew rapidly, with workshops and an orphanage operating there. The main shrine is the icon of the holy martyr Paraskeva, which contains a particle of her relics. Two cathedrals, two churches and three chapels were built on the territory. Each building has its own characteristic features, but the ensemble looks like a single whole. Nearby: a spring with a chapel and a bath and a hotel for pilgrims.

Sanaksar Monastery
Built in the Temnikovsky district in the middle of the 17th century. For some time, the men's monastery was considered one of the spiritual centers of the country. After 60 years of neglect, restoration began in 1991. A small sawmill and a candle shop opened. In the forest nearby there is the holy spring of St. Theodore. The area has been landscaped, baths have been built and there is convenient access to the water.

Makarovsky St. John the Theologian Monastery
Founded in the mid-90s of the last century, most of the temples and other buildings were built much earlier. They have been restored and supplemented with modern details. In the 18th century there was a churchyard here. There are a number architectural features. For example, the bell tower is built into the fence along with the towers. It is the residence of the local metropolitan. The Synodal Department for Youth Affairs operates on the basis of the monastery.

- a village in Ruzaevskoye on the Pishle River.

Suburb of Ruzaevka. Population: 3,737 inhabitants. 1412 yards. There are two mosques in the village (one of them is the largest in the republic).
Population 3737 people (2017), mostly Tatars.

Located on the river. Pishle, 3 km from the district center and railway station Ruzaevka.

The name is a hydronym, the definition indicates the ethnic composition of the population. It was founded at the beginning of the 17th century, as evidenced by the documents of the Insar district court on the allocation of lands in these places to the Tatar prince Uraz (1631).
In the “List of populated places of the Penza province” (1869) Pishlya is a state-owned village of 345 households (2,255 people) of the Insar district; There were 4 mosques. According to the 1913 census, there were 584 households (3,607 people) in the Tatar Pishla; 3 Tatar schools, 5 grain stores, 2 fire trucks, a mill with an oil engine and 8 windmills, 3 butter churns and peeling mills, 4 forges, a brick barn.

In 1929, the collective farm “Kech” (“Strength”; chairman I.F. Zemin) was formed from 28 households, in 1939 - the 2nd, “Chatky” (“Iskra”), since 1958 - a larger farm “Russia”, since 1997 - 2 K(F)H. In the modern village there is a secondary school, a library, a House of Culture, a kindergarten, 5 shops; a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War; 2 mosques.

Tatarskaya Pishlya is the birthplace of the writer Sh. Kamal (one of the village streets and a school are named after him), agronomist D. D. Gurin, and Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Mordovia R. S. Gorbunova. The Tatarsko-Pishlinskaya rural administration includes the village of Bogolyubovka (2 people)

arrival of the mufti from Ufa to the village

Previously it was part of the Insarsky district of the Penza province.

In 1869, there were 345 households in the Tatar Pishla. In the article “From the history of Old Ruzaevka” prof. I.D. Voronin cites a document from the Insarsky district court, from which it is clear that the lands along the rivers Pishlya, Nurkolei and Paygarma were allocated to the Temnikov Tatar prince Uraz in 1631.
This year is the year of foundation of the village of Tatarskaya Pishli.

Notable natives
Sharif Kamal (1884-1942) - Tatar writer.

As a child, I was born and raised on the street named after the legendary Admiral Ushakov in the village. Krasnogorsky.

And I was always interested in the fate of this famous naval commander, since his victories were unique, he did not suffer a single defeat and did not lose a single ship. Admiral Ushakov was like the invincible Suvorov, but on the naval battlefields!

The life and heroic biography of the righteous warrior Theodore is inextricably linked with Crimea and Sevastopol!

It was thanks to Russian weapons and Russian courage that they managed to keep the Crimea peninsula from enemies.

And now it would be useful for us to look into the depths of history, since pressure on Russia is not new, and wars against our Motherland have been declared more than once. But our valiant ancestors always knew how to stand up for their land!

Sanaksar Monastery

Sanaksar Monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Temnikov, Krasnoslobodsk diocese
Address: 431220, Russia, rsb. Mordovia, Temnikov

Located in a bend of the Moksha River, three kilometers from the city of Temnikov, downstream of the river. On the northern and western sides it is bordered by forests and groves, on the south and east beyond Moksha there are floodplain meadows rich in herbs and a countless number of large and small lakes. The monastery got its name from Lake Sanaksar, which lies in the lowlands near its walls. The history of the monastery goes back nearly three and a half centuries.

In 1659, a resident of the city of Temnikov, scribe and serving nobleman Luka Evsyukov, owning land on the banks of the Moksha, found this place very convenient for a solitary monastic life, and therefore, having love and zeal for the monastic order, he decided to found a monastery. For this purpose, he invited the elder Abbot Theodosius from the deserted Staro-Kadoma Monastery, who subsequently decided to stay here forever. With the help of Luka Evsyukov and, probably, the brethren who came from the Staro-Kadoma monastery and the desert lovers who had also joined, Abbot Theodosius first built a chapel for conducting prayer services in it, then they began to clear the forest and the place for the construction of a monastery, and built the cells necessary for housing. The small brotherhood gathered in the Lord, under the leadership of Abbot Theodosius, thus lived in squalor for about ten years.

In 1669, the residents of Temnikov, together with Abbot Theodosius, asked His Holiness Patriarch Joasaph II to bless and allow them to build a church in the Sanaksar desert in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God, the Presentation of the miraculous icon of Her Vladimir, and to be here a monastery deserted for monks, exposing, except for the urgent needs of those gathered hermits in the church, and also for the reason that there are neither male nor female monasteries in the vicinity of them, and those who wish to be tonsured have nowhere to fulfill this desire. According to this general request, in the same year, on October 30, His Holiness Patriarch Joseph II gave a blessed letter for the construction of a church and monastery. Probably, the first monastery was extremely meager, for construction was delayed, and only in 1676, at the request of Abbot Theodosius and his brethren, a letter was given from His Holiness Patriarch Joachim for the consecration of the Sretensky Church, and the monastery received the name of the Sretensky Sanaksar Hermitage.

The elder hegumen Theodosius lived in the Sanaksar desert until 1681. After Abbot Theodosius, there were builders one after another: Zosima, Tryphon and Dorofey. How many years each of them ruled the desert and what rank they had is not known. During their administration, the wooden Vladimir Sretenskaya Church, due to its dilapidation, was dismantled and a new one was built, also wooden, cold.

On March 12, 1730, under the builder Hieroschemamonk Peter, at his request, according to a decree from the Synodal Treasury Order, it was allowed to build a second church, a warm wooden one, in the name of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.

Then there was the builder Philagry. There is no definite information about how long each of them ruled the desert. It is only known that under the management of all the above-mentioned builders, the Sanaksar hermitage was meager in all respects: there were few brethren, the churches and cells were wooden, poor, and there was an extreme lack of church decoration and sacristy.

On February 24, 1752, by decree of the Suzdal Spiritual Consistory, Hieromonk Porfiry from the Spaso-Evthymius Monastery was appointed builder of the Sanaksar Hermitage. Having stayed here for one year, seeing a lack of brethren and poverty in everything in the monastery, he again asked the Suzdal consistory for his return to the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, where he was dismissed in 1753, by decree of March 17, and the Sanaksar Hermitage, due to its extreme impoverishment in all respects, it was assigned under the supervision and management of the Sarov desert, as the closest to Sanaksar and, moreover, well-maintained.

This continued until 1759, when the monk Theodore Ushakov first appeared here, on the banks of the Moksha River, and had the firm intention of renewing Sanaksar. From that time on, the number of brethren increased, and through the labors of Fr. Theodore, with donations from benefactors, including Catherine II, instead of a wooden church, a two-story stone church was built. In 1774 St. Theodore, due to a false slander, was exiled to the Solovetsky Monastery.

In 1776, the following were consecrated: the warm cathedral church on the lower floor, in the name of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist; and above the holy gates under the bell tower is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In the same 1776, the masonry of the bell tower, about twenty-six fathoms high, was completed. On both sides of it, in the same summer, a stone front wall was built, thirty-three fathoms long and eight arshins high. A passage gate was made in this wall, on the right side of the entrance to the monastery; there are two towers at the corners: in one of them, on the northern corner towards the Moksha River, there is a chapel, in the other, on the southern, there are two cells. Both towers are ten fathoms high. These buildings were carried out according to the plan of the painter Hierodeacon Philaret, under the supervision of Hieromonk Veniamin. In 1777, on the northern side towards the Moksha River, the construction of a two-story stone refectory building, fourteen fathoms in length, began, and was completed in two years. At the top there is a dining room with a kitchen, and at the bottom there is a bakery with pantries for flour and various household products.

On August 16, 1780, the main cathedral church of the Nativity of the Virgin was consecrated. The hospital Vladimir Church, according to the plan of the painter Hierodeacon Philaret, was built in 1780 and 1781 and consecrated on June 6, 1782.

In 1781, on the south side, in line with the hospital cells, a building for fraternal cells was built, two-story, fourteen fathoms long, in parallel and symmetry with the refectory building on the north side. In 1782, on the same southern side, at a short interval, a two-story stone building of fraternal cells was built over a distance of twenty-two fathoms; In it, on the lower floor, there is a common room-workshop for the monastery tailors and shoemakers.

In the interval between the indicated buildings, a stone fence wall was built and a small tower with a spire was built on it, and below - with open storerooms for firewood and other household items. In 1783 and 1784, on the opposite northern side, in symmetry, over twenty-two fathoms, a stone two-story building was built, with a similar tower in the wall. There are rooms in it: for the abbot, treasurer and brethren at the top, and below there is a pantry, a junk tent and cells for several brethren. In 1784 and 1785, an external stone fence was built around the monastery to strengthen the walls of the buildings, wrapping around the entire elevated area of ​​the monastery on three sides: from the river, from Lake Sanaksar and from the meadows. This fence was built with a distance of four or more fathoms from the walls of residential buildings; consists of arches with a height of three or more arshins at the base. Along this outer fence on the days of Holy Easter, patronal and other holidays There were religious processions around the monastery. In the same year, two small buildings for prosphora and carpentry work were added to the fence on both sides of the bell tower; and in the north-eastern corner, cellars and a brewery were built, with a tower and cells in it.


Team Nomads.
Sights of Mordovia
Specially protected natural areas of Mordovia (Under the general editorship of V.I. Astradamov): Monograph. - Saransk: Mordovian book publishing house, 1997.
Surface water resources of the USSR: Hydrological knowledge. T. 10. Upper Volga region / Ed. V. P. Shaban. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1966. - 528 p.
Isaev A.I., Karpova E.I. Fish farming. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991. - 96 p. Gafferberg I. G. A brief physical and geographical sketch of the nature of the Mordovian Nature Reserve // ​​Proceedings of the Mordovian State Reserve named after. P. G. Smidovich, 1960. - issue 1. — P. 5-24. Gortsev V.N. Nature of Mordovia. — Saransk: Mordov. book ed. 1958. - 122 p.
Kharitonychev A. T. Nature of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga region: History of use, protection. — Gorky: Volgo-Vyatka book. ed. 1978. - 175 p.
Native land. Between Moksha and Tesha: History of the region and modern life. - N. Novgorod: Litera Publishing House, 1998. - P. 3-9.
Yamashkin A. A. Physico-geographical conditions and landscapes of Mordovia: Textbook. allowance. Saransk: Mordov Publishing House. un that, 1998. - 156 p.
Sights of Saransk.

Magazine "Evening Saransk"

Getting to know the city of Saransk

Saransk (Republic of Mordovia). People's encyclopedia "My City".

The year of foundation of Saransk is indicated in the book of the Chief Secretary of the Russian Senate I.K. Kirillov “The Blooming State of the All-Russian State,” written in 1726-1727: “Saransk, a city of chopped wood, was built in 149 (1641), but only now collapsed from decay, stands on a mountain near the Inzara River, and the Saranka River flows through that city.”

Saransk: Historical and economic essay / Editorial committee: Kleyankin A.V., Zhiganov M.F., Zhochkin N.M., etc. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1985. - 192 p.

Pospelov E. M. Geographical names Russia: toponymic dictionary. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. - P. 388. - 523 p.

Kuklin V.N. Biographies of Saransk streets. — Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1983. - P. 9. - 160 p.

Subsequently, the village of Posop, since 1959, has been part of Saransk

All about Mordovia: Encyclopedic reference book / comp. N. S. Krutov, E. M. Golubchik, S. S. Markova. — Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 2005. - 840 p. — ISBN 5-7595-1662-0.

Voronin I. D. Saransk. — Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1961. - 268 p. — 10,000 copies.


Mordovia is a republic consisting of Russian Federation, belonging to the Volga region and located in the western part of this region. The capital of this Volga republic is the city of Saransk. Its history as an independent region began in 1930, when the Mordovian Autonomous Region was formed. Four years later, the autonomous region received the status of a republic within the RSFSR.

According to the nature of the relief, the republic can be divided into two parts: its West Side is located on the Oka-Don Plain, and the eastern, more extensive one is on the Volga Upland. From the northwest to the southeast of the region, the natural zones also change - the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests gradually turns into the forest-steppe zone.

Mordovia has many cultural, historical and sports attractions, as well as unique natural monuments of interest to guests of the republic.

This museum, located in the capital of Mordovia, is considered the oldest cultural institution on its territory. It was created in 1918 through the efforts of about a hundred local historians, who spent years collecting exhibits for it. In 2001, the museum officially became one of the institutions with the greatest cultural value in the republic. Another 4 years later, he was given the name of Ivan Dmitrievich Voronov, a local historian who distinguished local history as an independent science, literary critic and writer.

The museum has a historical exhibition, a department modern history and exhibits telling about the nature of the region. The total number of its exhibits exceeds 200 000 . Here you can get acquainted with valuable books, collections of coins, ancient weapons, and also see stuffed animals of different species.

Location: Moskovskaya street - 48.

This wonderful museum is located in Saransk. It exhibits the world's largest collection of works by the famous sculptor Erzya. Also in the museum you can contemplate the works of artists Sychkov and Makarov. These three cultural figures are natives of Mordovia.

The museum has an art salon where you can not only view, but also buy your favorite works of painting and sculpture by contemporary authors.

Location: Kommunisticheskaya street - 61.

The museum is located on Victory Square in Saransk. It was opened for the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory. The square on which it is located is a memorial complex. The granite slabs on the facade of the museum are designed in the form of a St. George ribbon, and the roof is stylized as a Russian kokoshnik.

In the museum you can see letters from the front, war photographs, awards, personal belongings of soldiers, samples of weapons and military archives. Also in its collections there are works of art that show the heroism and courage of our soldiers. In addition, it presents an exhibition on the topic of modern local wars.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 34A.

The locomotive depot museum is located in Ruzaevka, a large railway junction and one of the main centers of railway transport in Russia. At the entrance to the museum there are two soldiers with guns, as was the case at the beginning of the twentieth century. Museum visitors are given an excellent opportunity to learn the history of the legendary steam locomotive "Cuckoo", which is considered a symbol of Ruzaevka, as well as about the local depot and railway transport the beginning of the last century.

Location: Lenin street - 48.

The Mordovian State National Drama Theater is located in the capital of the republic. In addition to classical performances, here you can see productions by Mordovian playwrights, which are staged in the Mordovian languages ​​(Erzyan and Moksha) with simultaneous translations into Russian. Theater actors actively tour the territory of the republic and neighboring regions where Mordovians live.

The theater has existed since 1889. Then it was organized by graduates of the Shchepkinsky Theater School who returned to their small homeland and were given an ancient house at their disposal. Since 2007, the theater has been located in a new building.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 60.

One of the attractions of Saransk is the musical theater. It hosts classical music concerts, operas, operettas, comedy musical and ballet performances. The theater opened in 1935. By the beginning of the 75th season, the theater was allocated a new building. Its auditorium began to accommodate more than 700 people. In terms of its acoustic characteristics, this hall is one of the best in Russia. Then, in 2011, it was named after the Mordovian singer I.M. Yausheva.

Location: Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street - 36.

The cathedral was built in Saransk in 2006. It was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II. The cathedral building was erected in the Empire style, and the dome is made in the neo-Byzantine style. The temple rises 62 meters from ground level. It has 4 bell towers, each of which has 3 bells made in Tutaev using ancient technologies. The cathedral can be visited by more than 3,000 people at the same time.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 53.

The Church of St. John the Evangelist in Saransk was erected in 1693 on the site where there had previously been an old wooden church.

At the end of the 30s, the temple was closed and the NKVD archive was placed here. In 1944, the church was reopened to parishioners. For a long time it was the only functioning church in the city. Since 1960, the temple has been included in the number architectural monuments federal significance.

Location: Democratic street - 28.

The monastery is located on the territory of the Ruzaevsky district in the village of Paygarma. In 1865, an icon of the martyr Paraskeva was discovered on the territory of a rural church, and in connection with this significant event, it was decided to build a monastery here, which would bear the name of the saint. The territory of the monastery covers an area of ​​about 11 hectares. Its churches, chapels and bell towers were built in different architectural styles, and in general the architectural complex of the monastery looks very harmonious. The monastery is regularly visited by many pilgrims seeking spiritual growth and searching for their true path.

The Sanaksar Monastery is located near the town of Temnikov on the banks of the Moksha River, surrounded by a pine forest. Its history began in 1659. The most revered shrines of the monastery are the relics of the saints St. Theodore, the righteous warrior Theodore (Ushakov), St. Alexander the Confessor, as well as the icon of the Mother of God. Pilgrims from all over Russia come to touch its shrines.

This is the main national library of Mordovia. It began its existence in 1899, when a library-reading room was created through the joint efforts of the intelligentsia of Saransk. Her visit was absolutely free.

At first there were very few books in it, but through donations its fund gradually increased. In 1939, the library became a republican library and a separate building was allocated for it. In 1970 it was moved to a new building, where it is still located.

Recently, a 9-story building was added to it, which made it possible to increase the size of the library several times. Among its many divisions there is a department entirely dedicated to the work of literary figures of Mordovia. The institution has established close contacts with other libraries of the Finno-Ugric peoples, including those located in foreign countries.

Location: Bogdan Khmelnytsky Street - 26.

The reserve is located on the right bank of the Moksha River. Almost its entire territory is covered mainly by pine forests. The age of the pines growing here is estimated at 300-350 years. There are also mixed forests where pine, birch, linden and oak trees grow. In river valleys you can find spruce forests.

The floodplain meadows are very beautiful, where you can find more than 1000 species of herbaceous plants, including rare ones. Animal world The reserve is represented by species characteristic of various natural zones - from taiga to steppe. Brown bears, wolves, badgers, beavers, bison, muskrats and many other species of animals, including rare birds, are found here.

Lake Inerka is located near the regional center of Bolshie Berezniki in the valley of the Sura River. This is one of the most beautiful and largest lakes in Mordovia (56 square kilometers). Its banks are covered with coniferous-deciduous and birch forests.

Tourists like to pitch their tents on the shores of the lake. Here good places for fishing, and in the coastal forests you can pick mushrooms and berries. In addition, off-road rallies are held annually near the lake.

This amazing park is located in the Leninsky district of Saransk. In the park you can stroll along the picturesque alleys, cross the streams flowing through its territory, climbing onto wooden bridges with handrails made by craftsmen artistic forging, relax in the gazebos covered with green ivy. Everywhere there are sculptures of heroes from fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. The park has a variety of attractions and is home to the country's largest zoo. This favorite place It is a place of recreation for residents of Saransk; both adults and children love to visit it.

Location: Krasnoarmeyskaya street - 12.

The legendary instigator of the peasant uprising visited Saransk in the early summer of 1774. He spent only a few days in these places, during which he managed to execute many representatives of the nobility and clergy who displeased him and publish a manifesto on freedom for the serfs.

In memory of those events, a monument to Pugachev was erected in Saransk. The tent of the leader of the peasant war, which is an ancient house made of stone, was also preserved.

Location: Korolenko and Volgogradskaya streets (crossroads).

This is the largest sports facility in Mordovia, which trains athletes of all levels in many sports. The sports complex has been open since 2004.

Location: Stroitelnaya street - 13.

The Saransk Sports Palace hosts sports competitions from the city to the All-Russian level. Competitions take place here aquatic species sports, different types wrestling, gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball and volleyball.

Location: Polezhaeva street - 34.

The opening of this stadium took place in Saransk in 2004. It hosts competitions in team sports, aquatics, athletics, speed skating and cross-country skiing. Part sports complex includes 4 gorgeous football fields, 2 of which have a natural finish.

Location: Moskovskaya street - 12.

This is the one new stadium, where part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches will take place in 2018. It is located in the valley of the Insar River near the center of Saransk.

Its main façade faces the embankment and the city center. More than one person may be present at the same time 44,000 viewers. The stadium has sectors with separate entrances for fans of visiting teams, family sector and places for people with disabilities.

Location: Volgogradskaya street - 11.