Seychelles archipelago. Where are the Seychelles islands, capital and attractions. What is the currency in Seychelles

The Seychelles can confidently be called a real fairy tale for tourists. Mirages that sparkle with bright colors, a subtle Creole aroma and crystal clear water with white sand will delight the eye of absolutely any vacationer. In addition, the Seychelles is famous for its most modern, exotic holiday destinations, wonderful climate and delicious gourmet cuisine.

Seychelles on the world map in Russian

The Seychelles are located in the region of East Africa. It is not difficult to find the Seychelles islands on a world map, since the most famous and noticeable landmarks are Africa, Madagascar, the equator and, in fact, the Indian Ocean. The Seychelles make up one large archipelago, in which 115 islands are located, each of which is a separate cozy place for a calm, relaxed holiday without the noise of cars and the bustle of city life.

Detailed map of the Seychelles with cities and islands in Russian

Almost all of the Seychelles islands on the map are suitable for human settlement. There are only a few islands where it will be difficult to locate your home due to their coral origin.

Riches of the Seychelles

The largest island of the granite group is Mahe. It is here that you can see the greatest relief of the mountains, highest point which is about 900 meters, and dense greenery that envelops the entire area. The capital of Seychelles is the city of Victoria, which has the status of the smallest capital on a global scale.

The main city provides quite unusual opportunities:

  • see the Big Ben mini tower;
  • try unusual food and stroll along the only street in the city.

In this resort place you can find a lot of unique corals and shells, and also, not far from Mahe, a nature reserve has recently been created, where thousands of visitors come on excursions to admire the diversity of aquatic inhabitants, meet huge turtles, a jellyfish that looks like a tree, and snakes that will never bite a guest, and much more. Here a person will not feel far from civilization, but at the same time he can plunge headlong into all the delights of the exotic atmosphere of the tropics.

Note! From the island of Mahe you can quickly get to any point through the services of the international airport.

Main city Victoria

Next we can imagine Silhouette Island, which will be appreciated by lovers of thick and wildlife. There are no roads on which cars can drive, there are only a couple of paths that lead tourists into the untouched jungle. This place exudes freshness and tranquility; there is no greater pleasure than being in contact with juicy, bright, emerald and quite unusual for common man, trees. According to legend, it was in these dense forests that Jin Hodoul hid his treasures. Silhouette has all the conditions for tourists who love comfort and wild greenery at the same time. The Labriz Silhouette Hotel is able to envelop even the most demanding visitor with its comfort.

The Seychelles on the map has another wonderful island that should be given your attention, called Denis. This place was loved by famous personalities and movie stars of France. In addition, if a tourist has at least minimal knowledge about fishing, then a big catch awaits him here, because marlin and tuna live in huge quantities on this island. In addition to fishing, there are many activities such as diving, windsurfing or hiking amidst the splendor and riot of the bushes.

Note! In addition to those listed above, there are many other holiday destinations in the Seychelles, for example, the islands: Praslin, Fregate, La Digue, Sainte An, Bird, Desroches, Cousins, Cerf and Felicite. At each of them, tourists will be able to find something to do and relax in the Seychelles atmosphere.

Places for rest

Resorts and beaches of the Seychelles on the map

If you are tired of excursions and want a real vacation, then the Seychelles have saved wonderful places on the world map sandy beaches and luxury resorts. All beaches are located in the so-called bays (French anse) and have some features that distinguish them from the usual resorts. For example, on all beaches people are allowed to sit on sun loungers and use an umbrella absolutely free of charge. And this is the first indicator that all guests have equal rights in their actions, regardless of the level of the hotel in which they live. Of course, if you want to be in a less dense environment of people, then before flying to the Seychelles, it is recommended to book accommodation away from the activity of the population. In this case, the same number of people will be present at the resort as are accommodated in the same hotel.

On the world map of Seychelles the following beaches and resorts are distinguished:

  • Anse Intendance. One of the most beautiful beaches in the island state is located on the southwestern side.
  • Port Laun. Perfect for a relaxing holiday with children, as this resort has a lot of entertainment for both adults and children.
  • Anse Lazio. It is believed that this is the largest and most popular beach among tourists in the north. Smart tourists come here on weekdays so as not to jostle with a bunch of other people.
  • Cote d'Or. Also interesting place for recreation, located in the east of the island.
  • Anse Consolacion. A resort for those who want to retire and spend time with their significant other.
  • Source d'Argent. A magnificent beach, famous for its granite boulders and wonderful sunsets.
  • If you want romance, then you should visit the beaches of Anse Petite, Anse Grande or Anse Cocos, because this is where you can see, touch and lie on the unusual pink sand.

Yandex and Google maps of the Seychelles

There are two most common types of presentation of a satellite map of the island nation of Seychelles: Google Maps and Yandex.

If you look at the overall picture, what happens when viewed from a height, the difference is not noticeable. But if such interactive map If you take a closer look, you can see with the naked eye that Google’s data transfer is noticeably higher in quality and the interface is more intuitive. In addition, for Russian citizens, Google will automatically determine native language and will translate all requested streets, cities and any other geographical feature into Russian.

So even with the help satellite maps you can admire the views of the Seychelles: dense jungle and the blue of the Indian Ocean.

Map of Seychelles with neighboring countries

In order to better understand where Seychelles is located on the map with certain island states, you can follow the link to Google maps

Advantages and disadvantages of the geographical location of the state for tourism development

Seychelles is a fairly convenient and comfortable option for a holiday on the island. The climate here is predominantly warm, the bright rays of the sun will warm every tourist who wants to swim in clear water ocean.



Lost paradise or where the Seychelles are located on the world map

Holidays on the islands have always attracted more attention than holidays at sea. Still, when you say “I’m vacationing on an island,” it sounds prouder and more presentable. Especially if these are world-famous islands such as the Seychelles. On the world map they are located in Indian Ocean. There are 115 islands in total, but people live on only thirty-three of them. Let's see what kind of place this is, is it convenient to relax here, and what countries are nearby or there is only one ocean around.

World map with Seychelles

And so, as we have already written, the Seychelles are located in the Indian Ocean. Contrary to popular belief, the Seychelles is located in South Africa, and have nothing to do with South-East Asia. The African continent is approximately 1600 kilometers away. The closest to the Seychelles is Madagascar, another island state.

Geography and some features

All islands are divided into two types: coral and granite. The granite group of islands includes 42 islands. Most people live on these islands. They also live on corals, but not more than 10% of the population.
Forests grow on granite islands. They mainly consist of palm trees, but ferns are also found.
Peculiarity coral islands is that they have a height of up to 8 meters above sea level. That is, almost flat and without mountains. Since there is a continuous plain here, moisture from the rains is not retained and little grows on such islands.

Weather and climate

Up to 2,250 millimeters of precipitation can fall in the Seychelles in a year. The driest months are summer. And the monsoon season runs from December to March.
The average temperature remains almost unchanged throughout the year. This is thanks to the equator, which is very close. Whether in the summer or at any other time of the year, during the day it’s about +27, and at night around +22 degrees Celsius.
The beach season is possible all year round, but during the rainy season it is problematic to relax here.

According to the latest data, the permanent population of the islands is about 88 thousand people.
Life expectancy is more than 74 years.
The state receives its main income from tourism. About 70% of the currency comes from tourism.
The main export product is fish. It is caught here and sold fresh or frozen.
There is only one airport on the islands. He accepts international flights. Domestic flights not here.

Seychelles - a lost and found paradise in the heart of the Indian Ocean: 115 wonderful islands, of which only 30 are inhabited. The beaches here are perfect: white sand, wide and secluded; the hotels also correspond to paradise. Everything about Seychelles: photos, tours, road and maps.

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Wedding destination - it is in this category that the Seychelles Islands invariably appear in foreign guidebooks: happy newlyweds flock to its idyllic landscapes all year round. The Seychelles offer a very rare commodity in today's hectic world - absolute peace, solitude and a measured pace of life (if not the complete absence of it) - in a word, ideal conditions for starting a life together. Paradise, let's face it, is not cheap, on the other hand, there is also one wedding... at least few people during honeymoon Already planning her next wedding.

Another category of local tourists are people who are in love with the sea: there are many exceptionally beautiful dive sites around the archipelago, and the coasts of its 115 islands are washed by waves for every surfer’s taste. In addition, lovers of sea fishing, yachting and exclusive beach holiday without any frills. Need I add that they are all at least very wealthy people?

Disadvantages of the direction? Well, there is one... although this is for someone... look at the price lists and you will find out.

Cities and resorts of the Seychelles

Time difference from Moscow

1 hour

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  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • from Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka


Tropical, very mild, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. It is never too cold or too hot here. Average annual temperature air +26...+30 °C. Rather, for the sake of formality, it is still customary to distinguish between two seasons: a conventionally hot one (December-May) and a conventionally cool one (June-November), when the monsoons blow. During the hot season, most of the year's precipitation falls, mainly on the mountainous islands of Mahe and Silhouette. The rainiest month is January. The rains are heavy but short-lived. See also: current weather forecast for the Seychelles for the next 10 days.

Maps of Seychelles

Visa and customs

Russian citizens arriving for a period not exceeding 30 days do not require a visa to the Seychelles. But despite the general “chocolate” and safety of the destination, medical insurance will not hurt.

Import and export of foreign and local currencies unlimited, the permissible limit for carrying local is 2000 SCR. 200 cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco are allowed duty free; 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of more than 16% and 2 liters of less strong drinks; 200 ml of perfume. The import of other goods is limited to SCR 3,000 per person. When transporting musical instruments, sports equipment and portable electrical appliances, you will have to pay a special deposit (on the way back the money will be returned - if, of course, the listed items leave the country with the traveler). Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Pets are quarantined (14-180 days) and are allowed into the Seychelles only if they have an international veterinary certificate issued no earlier than a month before arrival. The import of weapons (including pneumatic and spearfishing), vegetables, fruits, plants, birds, tea, non-canned meat and meat products, as well as medicines and drugs is prohibited. The export of shells, corals, tortoiseshell products and coco-de-mer nuts without special permission is prohibited.

Systems Tax free not in Seychelles.

How to get to Seychelles

Entertainment and attractions

The historical “excursion” in the Seychelles is present in minimal quantities - and, by and large, it is not needed. All the main attractions here are exclusively natural: snow-white (and in some places even soft pink!) beaches, clear water, unique tropical nature, colorful marble stones and stunning undersea world. Service in hotels, bungalows and lodges is always at the same level. The Aborigines are nice and friendly. The sunsets are fantastic, the waves (where there are no strong currents) are invariably gentle. And also a fantastic (and this is not an artistic exaggeration) underwater world.


Cousin Island, nature reserve since 1968, located 2 km from Praslin Island. It is home to several endangered species and a nesting site for seabirds and turtles. Two of which, old George and Georgina, live here and often follow tourists in the hope of getting their necks scratched.

Before Bird Island can be reached in half an hour by plane from Mahe Island. The island is known as home to approximately 1.5 million black terns, which live here from May to September. The giant tortoise Esmeralda also lives here (they say she is already over 150 years old). Curieuse Island, named after the ship that discovered it in 1768, is known for its large colony of giant tortoises and dense thickets of tropical plants. There is also a national marine park here.

Arid Island is located just 15 km from Praslin. In 1973 it was purchased for the Royal Conservation Society by Christopher Cadbury, an English chocolate magnate. The island serves as a major gathering place for seabirds throughout the region and is home to the world's largest colonies of roseate terns, little fulmars and red-tailed tropical birds.

Nautical national park St. Anna consists of 6 small islands. A tour of them begins with a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom, which allows you to observe the colorful life of coral reefs. Next, the path goes to the island of Moyen, which is privately owned by a certain Mr. Grimshaw, who has lived here for a long time and is still trying to find pirate treasures. You can explore the island, see pirate graves and historical ruins (and try to fill Mr. Grimshaw's buckets by finding the notorious treasure).

10 things to do in Seychelles

  1. Do nothing, do nothing and do nothing again on the secluded white sandy beaches of the Seychelles archipelago.
  2. Dive into the captivating underwater world off the coast of Seychelles.
  3. Appreciate the delights of Creole cuisine - and not necessarily bat stew, for example, fish with rice - how wonderful it is!
  4. Try to find pirate treasure on Moyen Island.
  5. Take a walk around the capital of Victoria Island and look at one of the two traffic lights in the entire country.
  6. Fly in a helicopter over the turquoise surface of the Indian Ocean.
  7. Fish for tuna, secretly hoping to catch a blue marlin.
  8. Take a risk and get legally married to the approving whisper of the ocean.
  9. Join the proud fraternity of “boarders” on Grand Anse beach.
  10. Take a coco-de-mer nut with you to your homeland so that you have something to remember during the long Russian winter.

Night life

Stormy lovers nightlife You may be disappointed: all local entertainment is represented by a couple of discos and a casino. There are only three casinos on the island of Mahe: at the Plantation Club hotel, Berjaya Beau Vallon and the recently opened one, which has already become the best casino in Victoria. It's the same problem with clubs. They are far from numerous and often uninteresting. Pleasant exceptions: “Lovant Club” in the center of Victoria, the “Katiolo” disco, which looks like “Uncle Tom’s Hut” and a rural disco of the 80-90s, the very small “Club 369” and “Barrel” (or simply “Barrel” ) - a cheap and cheerful establishment, mainly with a local audience. On the island of Praslin there is a casino at the Lemuria Resort.

But the islands host many festivals and sporting events throughout the year, the most famous among them being the Grand Regatta and the Festival of Creole Culture.

Holidays and events in Seychelles

Main public holidays in the Seychelles fall in the first month of summer. June 5 - Liberation Day in honor of the socialists coming to power, June 29 - Independence Day: in 1976, the islands left British control and officially became a republic. The brightest of the summer series is the Day of National Reconciliation on June 18 in honor of the adoption of the Constitution with magnificent parades in the capital, music shows and flower exhibitions.

In September culinary festival on Praslin, among other treats, you can try cocktails made from coco-de-mer, ostrich stew and other exotic things.

The New Year is celebrated with a tropical flavor: palm trees are decorated instead of Christmas trees, flowers are hung instead of electric garlands, but dancing, fireworks and feasts are international traditions. The Seychelles also love festivals: in the spring they hold the March Carnival, which attracts thousands of tourists, and French Week with concerts, exhibitions and craft fairs. A sailing regatta takes place in May, and Mind Body Spirit, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, takes place in June. The festival of Creole culture is a chance to get acquainted with the ancient customs of the islanders; the fishing festival on La Digue is an opportunity to compete with the locals in the art of fish hunting.

Seychelles is a stunningly beautiful archipelago, a real lost paradise in the waters of the Indian Ocean. Amazingly beautiful landscapes, fine white sand, the ocean, unique flora and, of course, the “signature” palm trees of the archipelago - all these are the Seychelles Islands.

Location of Seychelles

The exotic archipelago stretches across East Africa on an area of ​​455 square kilometers. In such a small area there are 115 islands, but only 30 of them are inhabited by people. The islands are located 1,600 kilometers from the continent of Africa, and almost 1,000 kilometers north of the notorious Madagascar. The capital of the island is the most Big City Victoria (Mahe Island).

international Airport Seychelles (Seychelles International Airport/Auroport International de Seychelles - Pointe Larue) with three terminals is located 10 kilometers southeast of the capital. The islands are home to approximately 90,000 people.

Seychelles is a former French and British colony.
. Some of the islands of the archipelago are composed of granite rocks, some are coral atolls, which are very dry and hot, and the vegetation is represented only coconut trees.

Holidays in Seychelles

The wonderful Seychelles archipelago is undoubtedly almost perfect place for an unforgettable and truly heavenly holiday, as they say, the most natural “bounty”. A tropical fairy tale is separated from the ideal in the classical sense by one “almost” - the price. The cost of a vacation will cost the price of a good car. But the coin has two sides, so such a vacation will be unforgettable in all respects. Moreover, a visa is not needed to travel to “paradise” if the stay is less than 30 days.

The route to the Seychelles, as is already obvious, is not close, and is about 7000 kilometers. Travel time ranges from 13 to 15 hours. All flights are connecting with transfers, usually in Paris (“Air France”), in Doha (“ Qatar Airways"), in Dubai ("Emirates"). There is no time difference with Moscow.

The most popular “tourist” islands are the main Mahe, Praslin, La Digue. Also interesting are the islands of Saint Anne, Desroches, Cerf, Silhouette, Frigate, Denise.

The Seychelles were named after the French minister of finance (XVII-XVIII centuries) - Moreau de Sechelles.
The names of cities, islands, establishments are found in French and English languages, which is a kind of reminder of the colonial past of the archipelago.

The most popular entertainment for tourists is rightfully considered diving and boat trips. It is also recommended to visit National parks, for example, Morne Seychelles. The island has been isolated for a long time, so there are quite a lot of endemic flora and fauna found here.

The islands are very popular not only among the very wealthy, but also among newlyweds. Exotic weddings on the islands are gaining more and more popularity, and in this segment the Seychelles compete with the Maldives and Mauritius.

Detailed map of the Seychelles in Russian. Map of islands and resorts on a map of the Seychelles. Show Seychelles on the map.

Where are the Seychelles on the world map?

Seychelles is a country located in the Indian Ocean approximately 1600 kilometers east of Africa.

Interactive map of Seychelles with cities and resorts

The Seychelles attracts lovers throughout the year have a relaxing holiday right by the sea, as well as divers, surfers, fans of sea fishing and yachting. The most visited islands are Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Also popular are the island hotels: Frigate, Desroches, Silhouette and Surf.

Geographical location of the Seychelles

The state is a group of islands, small islets and reefs located in the Indian Ocean. The islands belonging to the country are divided according to their structure into granite and coral. The first include the forty-two most large islands, the second are flat atolls (islands in the form of a ring surrounding a lagoon). Geographical coordinates Seychelles: 7°04′03″ S w. and 52°44′04″ E. d.

Territory of Seychelles

The Seychelles covers an area of ​​only 455 square kilometers, which is the 180th largest in the world. The largest of the islands is Mahe (142 sq. km.), the capital of the country, Victoria, is located here. The state also owns Silhouette, La Digue, Praslin and a number of other small coral islands. In total, the Seychelles has more than 100 islands, only about 30 of which are inhabited.