Where are the lavender fields? Lavender fields of Provence: routes and important addresses. How to get to Provence

Inspiring with their wonderful aroma, lavender fields excite romantics and painters with their blooms. Lilac and blue bushes , planted exactly in a row, amaze with their natural perfection. The lavender flower itself is not very noticeable, but when the even bushes of a lilac shade are covered with flowers, bees from all over the area flock to this smell. But not only insects have chosen these plants.

When does lavender bloom?

Every year, tourists, photographers and painters visit the lavender fields, hoping to remember this mesmerizing moment. The flowering time of lavender in Provence begins in mid-June, in some places it can bloom until the end of August. It depends on the area, climate and plant variety. But if you want to see this magnificent spectacle while visiting France, then it is better to come to the province by the end of June. The most beautiful flowering in mid-July. The plant begins to be collected at this time.

Where are the lavender fields?

Lavender fields can be found not only in France. This plant grows in Latvia. But the most extensive and picturesque fields are located in the province of Provence in the south of France. It is there that 80% of the world's lavender harvest is harvested.

For that, to find lavender fields in Provence in France it is necessary to figure out where this plant is most often found. In the province of Provence, this plant can be found in many places. It is the official symbol of the region. Farmers plant it on their plots. It is also grown in fields of various sizes. But the most picturesque and endless fields can be found in three regions of Provence:

  • Alps of Haute Provence.
  • Drôme-Provençal.
  • Vaucluse.

What tours are there for lavender blossoms?

To enjoy the sight and aroma of blooming lavender, you can go to sightseeing tour from Nice or Marseille, as well as other cities in the south of France. IN excursion program usually includes a visit to the largest valley, Valensole, with its lavender in bloom. A variety of plant known as lavender is grown here.

It's more fragrant and has large flowers. You don't need to climb high to see it. But such a plant does not have medicinal properties, which mountain lavender has. Lavender is used only in the production of cosmetics. It is against the background of such bright fields that excellent and mesmerizing shots are obtained. Very often, plans made in this area are used to produce postcards.

Lavender field tours often include visits to farms where you can learn about the process of producing lavender oil and growing the plant. Another place to visit is the Lavender Museum, located in small town Custelle. There you can get acquainted with the flower itself, its types and learn how the essence is extracted from it. The extracted essence is used in cosmetic production. There is also a small shop where you can buy products using lavender. In the store you can even buy honey collected by bees from these fields.

In addition, fairs and festivals dedicated to this plant are held every year. One of these festivals takes place in the town of Soult. A huge lavender field stretched out in front of him.

The following products can be purchased at the fair:

  • Lavender honey
  • Ice cream.
  • Soap with lavender.
  • Cosmetics based on lavender oil.

At each fair, various shows dedicated to this plant are held. Competitions are held among festival guests. Everyone has the opportunity not only to buy lavender and products based on it, but also to collect it with their own hands. The festival is held on August 15 and is dedicated to the harvest of the plant. But if you arrive in this area earlier, you can visit the lavender fields by walking hiking. Paved everywhere walking routes, which will allow you to enjoy all the beauty of the fields with these flowers.

Lavender looks incredibly beautiful in photographs taken at the time of flowering.

How to get to Provence

The most convenient way to get to the lavender fields is by car. Doesn't go to the fields railway transport. It is better to start your trip from or Marseille. The path can be laid using the route map to search for fields. If you don't have a car, you can get to the lavender fields by train, reaching Carpentrass, and then by bus going to ancient city So, on the way passing lavender fields. If you are in good physical condition, you can go explore the lavender fields on a bicycle. But you just need to remember that the road will not be easy. Along the way you will have to overcome hills and mountains at temperatures of 30-35 degrees Celsius.

Routes in Provence

On a trip to Provence It's better to go by car. This will guarantee that you will be able to visit beautiful and interesting places. Public transport is not available everywhere. The most interesting places located in Provence:

  1. Plateau de Valensole. There are quite a few lavender fields located in a small area. To see them all, you need to take the D6 highway towards the north. You can return along the D8 highway.
  2. Mont ven Toux. In this area the fields are located in the vicinity settlements So, Gord and Apt. But one, but quite large, lavender field is located in the Senangue Abbey.
  3. Verdon Gorge. 45 kilometers from Castellane towards the west, there are lavender fields. In order to get to them, you need to drive through the most beautiful village Moustiers-Sainte-Marie. Right from the village you can see lavender fields.

The most beautiful and memorable photographs of lavender fields are taken by tourists who are lucky enough to go on such a trip.

Bright sunny afternoon. Thick, lavender-scented air and a country road winding between a surreal purple sea of ​​flowers. A summer walk outside the city is a real feast for all the senses and emotions of the traveler who finds himself part of this cozy rural landscape among lavender fields.

Landscapes of France

A traveler making his route along the roads of France will be immersed in his soul for a long time by the views of ancient castles located on the spurs of the mountains. The villages on the tops of the hills, surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers, will delight the heart of the passerby. But among the colorful rural landscapes, a special place is occupied by rows of fields that attract attention with their bright, rich bluish-violet color.

Blooming lavender fields are tall subshrubs covered with purple and lilac flowers, creating with their unusual colors the illusion of an endless swaying sea. Ears of golden wheat bordering on lavender blue and bright inflorescences of sunny sunflowers make the landscape even more colorful and pleasing to the eyes.

Lavender fields in Provence France

Interesting! Plants growing at different altitudes have different qualities. The fields, located on the low-lying plains, are rich in flowers, which are used in the production of cosmetics, perfume, detergents and disinfectants. In high mountain areas, lavender is grown, containing large number essential components.

French and Italian cooks use the fragrant buds to prepare dishes.

Lavender fields (France)

Lavender has been known to mankind for a long time. The Egyptians included it in embalming compositions. This plant was also held in high esteem by the Romans, who added fragrant flowers to their washing water.
The Romans loved the lavender flower so much that they did not part with them even during military campaigns. They strewn the floors of homes and temples with flowers. Roman women rubbed their bodies with lavender oil.
Magical properties were also attributed to the flower. The dried inflorescences hidden in the amulet were supposed to attract love and preserve the already found feeling. Bouquets of dried lavender were hung in the house as amulets against evil spirits and the evil eye.

Many tourists come to Provence (France) when lavender blooms

Where does lavender grow in France?

Sung by poets and artists, lavender is found almost everywhere in France. However, the fields where crops are cultivated on an industrial scale are located on the southern border, neighboring Italy. It's hard to imagine that the now world-famous region in the south of France was considered by the ancient Romans to be the outskirts of their great empire. Since then, the name Provence (suburb) has been assigned to this territory.

Village life in Provence follows the rhythm of the earth. The history of this area is inextricably linked with lavender. Initially, the work of processing and harvesting was considered the prerogative of women; today many men work in this field.

Currently, the volume of crops grown has increased so much that the plant is processed using harvesting equipment.

Numerous souvenirs made from lavender can be purchased even in the smallest village shops.

We can highlight several tourist destinations that are attractive to travelers who want to admire the blooming lavender fields and get to know the products made from the harvested crop.

Bouches-du-Rhône - an area located at the very spurs of the Alps, is considered the most picturesque region of Provence.
In the north of Provence, in the department of Vaucluse, there is the monastic abbey of Senanque. Getting into the atmosphere active monastery, arriving travelers come into contact with monastic reality.
Monks cultivate the lavender fields surrounding the walls of the holy monastery. The honey plants growing on them are excellent for raising bees. Visitors can buy lavender honey, famous for its delicate taste and aroma.

The monastery souvenir shop is replete with lavender perfume and beautifully packaged dried plants. In many departments, lavender flowers are grown on farms. Tourists are always welcome here.

By agreement, farmers will give a tour of their lavender fields and answer guests’ questions

When does lavender bloom in France?

The lavender flowering season is a short-lived process.

Important to know! In mid-June, the subshrub blooms, becoming dark purple, and by September the harvested fields are empty.

This is why lavender festivals take place in August. At festive events, it is equally interesting to relax for local residents, who fervently revere the culture they cultivate, and for guests and tourists who have arrived from far away.

Noisy and colorful events await all participants of the festival. As a rule, at such celebrations there are always souvenirs on sale: sachets with dried flowers, honey lavender sweets, lavender-scented soaps and other pleasant little things.

How to get there

Note to tourists! It is more convenient to start your journey from Russia in the capital of Provence, the city of Nice. Russian company Aeroflot operates three daily flights from Moscow, two of which depart from Sheremetyevo Airport and one from Vnukovo.

Just a note. A 2-day direct trip from the Russian capital to the Cote d'Azur by train can be more educational and memorable. Train 017B "NICE" departs every Thursday at 18.43 from Belorussky Station.

When traveling on your own, it makes sense to spend several days getting to know the area. Having selected a reference point on the map, get to the intended point, from where it will be easier to carry out short walks for nearby interesting places. Taking with you detailed map terrain and the Michelin Guide, it’s nice to reach your cherished goal on foot or on wheels.

Lavender is the essence of Provence. The sight of ultramarine flowers gets under the skin and penetrates the soul, remaining in it forever!

Lavender, a low plant with purple flowers, is as dizzying as Crimean nutmeg. Wherever you find yourself - on the deserted Tarkhankut, in strict Sevastopol or in the ever-cheerful Koktebel, in Crimea, it seems that there is no place where her smell, which is so well remembered, does not reach.

As a correspondent of the portal “” reports, lavender in Crimea blooms from mid-June to the end of August. And if you find yourself in Crimea at this time, plan a trip or hike to the fragrant lavender fields - the impressions will last a lifetime.

Is it true, best time for visiting and photographing plantations - from early June to early July. Then it becomes too dry, dull, fades, although it does not lose its aroma, it becomes even more spicy and alluring.

History of Crimean lavender

In Crimea, narrow-leaved or true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is grown. It is unpretentious, drought-resistant, and grows even on rocky soils.

This is a plant native to the French and Spanish coasts. Mediterranean Sea, first sown in Nikitsky botanical garden about 200 years ago.

In 1928, it began to be grown on an industrial scale to produce essential oil used in perfumery and medicine. Its flowers contain 1.5-2% fragrant oil.

Thirty years ago, lavender fields occupied about 2.5 thousand hectares in Crimea, and oil from Crimea was even supplied to perfumers in France. Now the plantations have shrunk and many fields are abandoned. There is not much wild lavender in Crimea; it can be found in the foothills of Krasnolesye, on Chatyrdag and near Gurzuf.

What is made from lavender

At any market or impromptu bazaar during the season there will be a grandmother with lavender. A bunch of aromatic herbs costs from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on its thickness and place of sale.

Sometimes they sell sachets filled with threshed lavender flowers. The sachet can be placed in the closet - this will give the bed linen an exquisite aroma. It is believed that dried lavender repels moths, but in practice this did not help the author of these lines.

Lavender is added to herbal teas to add aroma or sold separately (50 g from 60 rubles). This tea is drunk for colds; it calms and relaxes.

Another useful product that is worth buying is aromatic oil in small bottles (120-180 rubles per 10 ml). It is believed to relieve headaches, suppress flu, help with insomnia and calm neurasthenia. Use this oil in aroma lamps or add a few drops to the bath (preferably with salt under running water). A traditional Crimean souvenir is a postcard with a test tube of lavender oil attached to it.

Lavender honey is also highly valued. But although supposedly monofloral lavender honey is offered in markets and stores in Crimea, it is, at best, just a herb. Real lavender quickly sells out to familiar and regular customers.

Where are the lavender fields located in Crimea?

There are lavender fields in many regions of Crimea. If you are staying in Sevastopol, Gurzuf or Alushta, you can get to the lavender fields by car, public transport or on foot.

True, finding fields is not easy - blooming lavender on the peninsula has not yet become the same brand as in the famous French Provence. Special excursions, signs, guides to lavender places are a rarity. We have prepared a list of the most beautiful lavender places, but some of them are abandoned and appearance getting worse from year to year.

The best places for photography are near Bakhchisarai. In the area of ​​the village of Turgenevka there is the largest and fairly well-groomed lavender field in Crimea.

Also near Bakhchisarai there are fields near the villages of Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye (behind the reservoir), in the mountains near the villages of Rastushchee and Zavetnoye.

Quite large and beautiful lavender fields can be seen near the village of Lavender (Simferopol-Alushta road). In Simferopol you need to take a trolleybus, get off in the village of Lavender and then walk for about an hour through Luchistoye towards Northern Demerdzhi.

Many lavender fields are located on both sides of the Simferopol-Sudak highway. The fields begin 40 km from Simferopol near the village of Crimean Rose.

If you drive from Simferopol to Nikolaevka, you can see fields near the villages of Vodnoye and Medicinal.

Around the villages of Mazanka and Opushki near Simferopol there are large unkempt fields of lavender.

In the Belogorsky district - near the villages of Aromatnoye and Tsvetochnoe.

In Sevastopol - there are small fields not far from the boarding house. Mokrousov (Uchkuevka) and in Uchkuevka itself near the post office, as well as on the Mekenzi Mountains and in Andreevka.

On Cape Tarkhankut near the village of Olenevka there is a small but quite picturesque lavender field.

Crimea is covered with lilac-blue carpets from the second half of June to August, depending on the weather, which is very capricious. Knowledgeable people they say that the best time for photo shoots in lavender fields is usually from June 25 to July 10. Later, you can also find lavender, but it may already be dried out and not so picturesque, and somewhere it may have already been removed.

When does lavender bloom in Crimea?

We found ourselves in lavender fields near Alushta on July 5th. In Alushta, there is the Alushta Essential Oil State Farm Plant JSC, which produces cosmetics based on natural oils, Crimean herbs, clay and healing mud, algae, as well as herbal teas, jams and syrups. During the flowering period of roses - usually from May 25 until mid-June - and lavender - from June 25 until harvest - the company organizes excursions to its fields.

Excursion to lavender and rose fields by bus

From Alushta there are offers for organized groups, as well as for individuals. You must leave a request on the official website page https://aemsz.ru/ekskursii.html or call, at the beginning of July there were two group excursions for individuals. The group is taken on a retro bus to the mountains, treated to Crimean tea, given master classes on weaving wreaths, and also allowed to collect lavender for themselves within reasonable limits.

The plant's pink and lavender fields are located approximately here.

Excursion to lavender fields by jeep

The second option to visit the lavender field with an excursion to the fields of the state farm is to book a jeep trip from the Jeeping Tour company (+7 978 760 32 25, +7 978 760 32 30, website http://jeeping-tour.ru/) , that's what we chose.

An individual excursion for two cost 5,000 rubles. in 3.5 hours. In addition to the lavender field, we visited observation platforms, from which a view of Alushta and Mount Demerdzhi opens up, in a centuries-old beech forest, in which they collected the purest mountain water from the spring, drove along the royal road and saw the bridge from the times of Catherine II, and simply breathed in the grassy and mountainous Crimean air.

At the beginning of July, Crimea is all buzzing and blooming; walking on the mountain slopes is the best aromatherapy.

At excursion sales points in Alushta you can buy a similar excursion in the form of a horseback ride.

Photo sessions in lavender and pink fields, in wheat

Whatever one may say, flowering plantations for most of us are more exotic than frog legs and oysters. Guaranteed beautiful photos You can get it by ordering a photo session. As it turned out, lavender fields in Crimea do not all look like postcard views of blooming Provence. Photographers know the best of them, in addition, they understand the most beautiful angles, the best time of day with beautiful light.

You can order a photo session, for example, from Natalia Palenichka (http://palenichka.ru/).

Where in Crimea are Lavender fields besides Alushta

Lavender did not appear in Crimea on its own; it began to be bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the southern coast of Crimea. IN Soviet era the cultivation of lavender acquired an industrial scale, the Union was proud of the quality of its flowers, we were told that their quality for cosmetic products exceeded that of Provence, so France actively bought our lavender. The collapse of the country also affected the lavender-pink theme; many fields were abandoned.

To this day, when driving through the mountains, you can see wild lavender, which is densely surrounded by weeds. In one place I saw pink fields that had turned wild - wild rose thickets. Nowadays, many fields are given to private hands, so they look more well-groomed. Often the distance between the bushes is much smaller than in Provence, so the photographs turn out less impressive if we take French pictures as a standard. For me, the Crimean fields have their own charm; what could be more beautiful than the mountain lavender that Sofia Rotaru sang about?

The landscapes closest to Provençal fields can be found in the Bakhchisarai region, namely in the village of Turgenevka ( local residents will help you find it).

Where to look for lavender fields in Crimea (map)

From Simferopol, look for the villages: Vodnoe, Mazanki, Medicinal, Crimean Rose, between Aromatnoe and Tsvetochnoe. If you are traveling with south coast Crimea, you can visit these fields, and at the same time visit the unique Taigan lion park, which is located in the Belogorsky district.

From Alushta, Yalta, Gaspra: Lavender.

From Sevastopol: Uchkuevka, Andreevka, Mekenzi Mountains.

Bakhchisarai district: Turgenevka, Tarasovka, Zavetnoye, Kudrino, Shelkovichnoye, Rastuschee.

Special thanks to the Crimean photographer Natalia Palenichka for the photo

Blooming lavender fields are as impressive and world-famous a brand of the south of France as the Eiffel Tower is for Paris or the fortified island of Mont Saint-Michel is for Normandy.

Pastoral pictures of Provence with its bright, neat houses standing in the middle of a lilac field have long attracted painters and photographers, each of whom, to the best of his ability, tried to capture the beauty of these places on canvas or film.

If your travel route passes through the south of France, or you are deliberately planning to travel around Provence in the summer, do not forget to include lavender fields in your route. This is an extraordinary sight, especially at sunrise or sunset. To do this, you will need to know when and where exactly to go, so as not to wander aimlessly in search of the most beautiful fields.

Lavender flowering time in Provence – from mid-June to late August, it reaches its greatest lushness and beauty at the end of July, although this depends on the variety of lavender, climate, weather and latitude in which it grows. Available in Provence and Lavender Festival, which usually falls on August 15 and takes place in the small village of Sault in the Vaucluse department. Seau is located 50 kilometers from Avignon, at an altitude of more than 700 meters above sea level, and is inhabited by only 1,200 inhabitants. The inhabitants of So live by agriculture, primarily by growing lavender and preparing various products from it, so it is given special importance in the village. During the lovely village Lavender Festival, colorful events, competitions, a fair selling lavender products, etc. are held. The upcoming program (in French).

A little general information about these plants:

In Provence, in natural conditions you can see two varieties of plants: lavender And lavandin. Lavender itself grows at an altitude of more than 700-800 meters, that is, on hills, mountain plateaus, etc. Lavender is the main component in the creation of perfumes and cosmetics; essential oils are mainly made with the addition of lavender. Lavandin is another species that grows in fields located below 600 meters above sea level. Lavandin is also used for the needs of the perfume and cosmetics industry, but mainly for cheaper types of products - creams, soaps and others.

Lavender has been used by humans since ancient times; in particular, clear references to this plant have been found since the times of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, often in the Middle Ages. But the use of lavender reached its greatest flourishing in the 20th century with the development of perfume production near Provence, on the Cote d'Azur in Grasse. “Blue gold,” as lavender is called here, is today cultivated by farmers, many of whom live exclusively from its cultivation, caring for the improvement of the species and its quality.

I will list some “lavender places” in Provence:

In the vicinity of Gordes, four kilometers northwest of it, there is the medieval Abbey of Notre-Dame de Senanque from the 12th century. Around the abbey there are picturesque lavender fields where the monks work. Here you can also purchase products and souvenirs made from lavender or with lavender symbols. The Abbey is depicted on many postcards.

The Valensole plateau is located in Haute Provence. On this huge plateau, covered with lavender to the very horizon, you can get lost for a long time, inhaling the unique smells. To get there, for example, from Aix-en-Provence, you need to go in the direction of Manosque, and then turn to the village of Valensole, which is surrounded by the fields of the plateau of the same name.

In the Alpes Haute Provence department, this main lavender region, you can also go to some lavender farm, where you can arrange a tour or at least a short story from the farmers about this plant. It has a reputation as an excellent farm open to tourists. Chateau du Bois in Lagarde-d-Apt, which is 20 kilometers from Apt. Chateau du Bois is the oldest (since 1890) production of cosmetic products with lavender. Its owners, Jacques and Sophie Lansolet, also organized a small Lavender Museum, who has . The museum is open almost all year round, with the exception of January. You can take an audio guide there, including in Russian. Is it worth mentioning that here you can buy a variety of products made from real Provençal lavender. Check out the lavender honey!

There are quite a few “lavender routes” in Provence, and they have long been classified for tourists on the website http://www.moveyouralps.com/fr

Website at French, but when you open the “Lavender Routes” section on the main page, you can switch to the English version. When planning your trip, language is not that important: everything is detailed and intuitive, there are maps. When you click on each of the six main routes, its first and last points, length and travel time are shown. different transport(car, motorcycle, bicycle), the most interesting sights are marked with special signs with stars. Each of long routes is divided into segments, and you can choose any one that is closest to your planned route through Provence to stop by to admire the lavender for a couple of hours. .

Due to climate change towards warming, lavender begins to bloom earlier in France from year to year, and many farmers by the beginning of July mow and collect plants that have begun to dry out under the scorching sun. This does not mean that, for example, by August you will not find flowering fields anywhere, but it is worth keeping in mind that due to the weather, lush lavender in bloom may not be everywhere.

Those who vacation on the Cote d'Azur are usually interested in those closest to the coast and major cities(Nice, Gangnam, etc.) lavender fields. For this you should go to the mountains on the route Castellane - Grasse, between which there are approximately 70 kilometers of road and many lavender fields (although they are more modest than directly in Provence). The above-mentioned French site suggests starting the journey in the village of Castellane and descending from it along a mountain serpentine towards Grasse, although this is not logical - usually from the coast everyone goes in the direction from Grasse to the mountains. , pay attention to the , through which this "lavender route" passes.

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Lavender fields, Provence, France photo

The Abbey of Notre-Dame de Senanque, founded in 1148, would be worth visiting even if there were no lavender fields around it.