Cuba Varadero is washed. What is the island of Cayo Coco washed by? what is the ocean like in cube

The most famous Cuban resort in the world. Stunning wide snow-white beach more than 20 km long, amazingly azure ocean. It is not surprising that thousands of people choose to holiday on the beaches of Varadero.

A wide selection of hotels from 2* to luxurious 5* allows people with different incomes to relax at the resort.

Varadero has a fairly developed tourist infrastructure.

In the town of Varadero, you can relax not only in a hotel, but also rent accommodation from local residents, from simple rooms to separate houses right on the shore.

- Cuba's most famous resort in the world. Stunning wide snow-white beach more than 20 km long, amazingly azure ocean. It is not surprising that thousands of people choose to holiday on the beaches of Varadero.

Varadero is a peninsula washed by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and a bay on the other. Coral reefs stretching along the coast of Varadero reliably protect its beaches from strong storms and sharks.

A small town at the beginning of the peninsula where they live local residents occupies 1/3 of the peninsula's territory, and the rest of the territory is occupied by hotels stretching along the beaches. A wide selection of hotels from 2* to luxurious 5* allows people with different incomes to relax at the resort.

Until recently, Cubans who did not live or work on the peninsula were prohibited from entering Varadero, but now Cuba’s policy on this issue has changed greatly and local residents are allowed to relax in hotels. Therefore, do not be surprised if you come to rest in inexpensive hotel that up to 50% of vacationers at the hotel will be Cubans who bought a voucher or were given this voucher at work (as we used to give vouchers to sanatoriums).

What can such a neighborhood give? You should be prepared for the fact that the mentality of the Cubans is not similar to ours - they are used to speaking loudly, actively gesticulating and listening to loud music. They came to relax at the resort and this is a holiday for them (as indeed for all tourists), and they celebrate joyfully! Therefore, for those who want relaxing holiday and goes to take a break from the hustle and bustle big city, we advise you to either choose a more expensive hotel or go on vacation to the islands, where there are not very many local residents yet.

Varadero has a fairly developed tourist infrastructure- in the town large number cafes and restaurants, there are nightclubs and discos, there is a pier from which tourists go on boat trips and diving every day, there are dive centers and a dolphinarium, as well as gorgeous golf courses. 35 km from Varadero in the city of Matanzas under open air The Tropicana cabaret is located where colorful shows are held daily for tourists from all over the world.

In the town of Varadero, you can relax not only in a hotel, but also rent accommodation from local residents, from simple rooms to separate houses right on the shore. I must admit that there are very few such individual houses for rent, especially right on the beach - you can count them on one hand, so such houses must be booked in advance. And in the high season in Varadero it is impossible to find even a room to relax without prior reservation, so we must warn those who hope to come and find accommodation in Varadero on the spot (especially in the high season) that you are unlikely to succeed or what will remain It will obviously not be of the quality you wanted.

There are no private villas (in our understanding, with a swimming pool and a closed area) on Varadero; there are several state villas owned by the protocol service, but their rental is quite expensive. Our website contains a number of rental offers in Varadero, but it should be noted that there are other offers that are not posted on our website, but which we can offer for rent to our clients - therefore, call, contact us and we will help you find a house to suit your request .

There are no such buses from Havana airport, so you can only get to Varadero by taxi, the cost of which starts from 120 CUC and above, depending on the car.

From Varadero Airport to Varadero (about 30 km) you can also get by bus for 6 CUC (on the same schedule 3-4 trips per day) or by taxi.

Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and three amazing countries Cuba, Mexico, Dominican Republic.


It so happened, to my happiness, that the last three times, New Year I started in the Caribbean.

I celebrated 2013 on the “Island of Freedom” - Cuba! Honestly, the dream of visiting this country has been obsessive since my school days. Admired by the spirit of revolutionism and freedom, I was sure that my soul was from there.))

I was lucky enough to meet 2014 in Dominican Republic , which, like Cuba, is located off the coast of the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. One of the reasons for visiting this country was a great desire to show the beauty of the ocean to my husband, who had never been abroad.

And finally, January 2015 will forever be remembered for my stay in Mexico, the beauty and freedom of spirit of which cannot be compared with the previous countries I visited.

Dear readers! This post and the following ones are the first in my practice; in them I want to highlight the topic of tourism from a subjective point of view. I will inform you about prices and excursions, about places that in my opinion are worth visiting. Photos and sometimes videos are included. Thank you.

Part 1. Cuba.

Cuba is located at the junction of North, Central and South America, on the island of Cuba (the largest in the West Indies), the island of Juventud, as well as on the adjacent about 1,600 small islands and coral reefs belonging to the group of the Greater Antilles. The territory of Cuba is 110,860 km². The island, which stretches 1,250 km from west to east, is often compared to a lizard with its head facing the Atlantic and its tail at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. In the south, Cuba is washed by the Caribbean Sea, in the northwest by the Gulf of Mexico, and in the northeast by the Atlantic Ocean.

At first there were thoughts: a savage or a tour. voucher. Flying as a savage to that country turned out to be very expensive, for example, economy class round-trip tickets cost from 75-100 thousand rubles per person! These are the prices of two regular flights of Aroflot and AirFrance airlines with a flight duration of 13 hours. If you also take into account accommodation in a bed and breakfast hotel, then for 7 nights it comes out to about 35 thousand rubles for two. the most budget)

It turned out that in this direction of the countries, it is more profitable to relax through a tour company.

For example, we took a trip for two, new hotel 5* in the resort area of ​​Varadero on the first line from the sea, all-inclusive meals, 7 nights, standard room, direct flight from Moscow - Havana "round trip", transfer, for only 135 thousand rubles. (it turns out twice as profitable). By the way, the tour company was Tez tour.

And so, we flew from Yakt to Moscow on December 29, 2012, and our flight from Moscow to Havana was scheduled for the 31st. Advice: it is better to fly from Yakutsk in winter in advance, at least one day before departure from Moscow abroad, since weather conditions (fog, snow, etc.) can delay flights from our port for half a day, or even a day, God forbid catch your flight, because the ticket and the cost of the trip are non-refundable.

On December 31, 2012 at 12:50 pm we flew from Sheremetyevo by Aeroflot to Havana (the capital of Cuba).

Sheremetyevo is my favorite airport, always on time, always clean, cafe and duty free are super!))

Anticipating hot weather upon arrival))

Best airline Russia! Flying 13.5 hours may seem painful for some, but Aeroflot operates such flights at the most big planes, double-decker airbuses for transcontinental flights. and this - the distance between the seats is spacious, the film library is huge and good quality in each personal monitor, food is 4 times and very tasty, drinks in any quantity throughout the flight.

The flight was comfortable and surprisingly fast!) A pleasant bonus was that the captain and conductors of the plane wished everyone a Happy New Year, Moscow time, served champagne and played the Russian anthem, everyone got up from their seats and congratulated each other)) this was my first New Year in air, somewhere above the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.)))

We arrived at Havana airport at about 6 o'clock in the evening of the same day, that is, on the 31st even before the onset of the New Year in Cuba. The difference in time zones with Yakutsk is 15 hours, with Moscow - 9 hours.

It’s another hour and a half drive to Varadero; we arrived at the hotel by 9 o’clock. Resort town Varadero is located in the southwestern part of the island and all hotels are located along the ocean.

The air from the first breath from the plane, very humid and hot, as if you couldn’t breathe deeply, your hair instantly fluffed up, your clothes stuck to your body. That's the beauty of it.))

We successfully checked into the hotel, had dinner at the restaurant (a New Year's dinner was organized), tired and happy, we met the New Year with the hotel guests, mainly from Canada and America, there were no Russians in our hotel at all, which could not but rejoice)) and immediately went to bed already at 12:30 at night..

Standard room for two.

All-inclusive food, very fraught with figure))

The Christmas tree and around +30 are a strange phenomenon.))

Atlantic Ocean in the morning.

There are so many animals, both on the street and in the hotel. Harmless)

Atlantic Ocean during the day.

All rooms are located in blocks of 8 rooms.

Internet in Cuba is a luxury. Local residents neither have internet nor computers. Therefore, Wi-Fi in hotels is only available in the lobby and costs $10 per half hour.

The hotel area is huge, you can’t do without a map. theater, 4 a la carte restaurants, 2 buffets, disco club, gym, tennis, and a bunch of various entertainments))

Now about excursions, representatives of various tour operators around Cuba are always sitting in the hotel lobby, offering trips to the islands of the Caribbean, fishing, diving, snorkeling, to the capital of Cuba, Havana, to tobacco factories, to rum factories, to other cities of the country, etc. Prices are different for everyone, you can buy from local guides at a cheap price, but there is no insurance and the transport is without air conditioning, the guide is Spanish-speaking. In America, travel agencies offer at an average price, with comfort and only an English-speaking guide, respectively. and representatives of our tour company Tez Tour, with all the amenities and a Russian guide, the prices are very expensive. Let's say: a trip to the Caribbean island of Cayo Largo costs $120 per person. Full day trip to Havana with a trip to the Capitol and the rum and tobacco factory $85. Snorkeling and Diving from $50. Let me note that, given the dollar exchange rate at that time, it seemed to me

expensive, and now twice as expensive in terms of rubles ((.but it’s worth it!))

Be sure to rent small jeeps; licenses are not needed for Russians) we drove them to an old farm from 1820.

Mimimi turtle babies)

Che Guevara, revolutionary hero, his portrait is recognizable all over the world.

Fidel Castro, the most beloved president of Cuba, in the hearts of every citizen, is now very old and sick. Fidel Castro entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most fiery speaker and spoke to an audience for 7 hours. and also 638 different attempts were made on him, but all were unsuccessful.

The Capitol is the center of the city; it is customary for locals to indicate all addresses of the city in relation to the Capitol. Let's say they say, "Let's meet on second street north of the Capitol."

There are no new cars here. There are Cadillacs, Volgas, Ladas all around. Having a Lada in the family is very prestigious)) seriously.

Bar La Floridita is famous for the fact that Ernest Hemingway himself, who lived for 9 years in Havana and wrote “The Old Man and the Sea,” often drank a glass of daiquiri here.

Remember how in the song “Baby”? “Warm, warm sea. Hot sun. Blue-blue waves. And a deserted beach? Perhaps a more succinct description of Varadero - the most popular resort You can't even find cubes. With just one “but”, this is not the sea, but the Atlantic Ocean.

The most famous beach area Liberty Islands is located on the Hicacos Peninsula. The resort is located just 140 kilometers northeast of the capital of Cuba, so the road here from Havana will take about two and a half hours, but in Varadero there is also own airport Juan Gualberto Gómez is the second most important after the Havana. What is typical is that not only tourists, but also local residents love to relax here. For example, during our get-togethers, the waitress, having learned that we were going to Varadero the next day, clasped her hands in delight and said that she tries to spend at least a couple of weeks a year on the coast of Icacos.

By the way, unlike other Caribbean resorts, Varadero is, one might say, almost a budget place. The fact is that many hotels here operate according to a system known to all of us all inclusive, that is, you pay once and you don’t spend the money on anything else. The only thing you will definitely have to spend money on are excursions and the ability to use the Internet. He is still a rarity, if not a gem, in Cuba. An hour spent in the arms of the World Wide Web costs about one cookie, which is equal to approximately one euro, but it is not necessary to use the entire supply at once; you can spend valuable megabytes in portions.

Pictured: Grand Memories Hotel Varadero

However, Varadero is a place for complete relaxation, so it’s good that there is a problem with the Internet here. In the end, you come to the Caribbean to absorb the beauty and energy of nature, and not to poison your consciousness with statuses from social networks. By the way, those who are going to Liberty Island, keep in mind that Facebook really doesn’t like this geolocation, and you can easily be blocked.

So, most likely, you will use your beloved iPhone only for photos; by the way, you may have an irresistible desire to capture all the “charms of this south” on the way to the resort from Havana. Drivers delivering tourists from the capital to the coast invariably stop at panoramic platforms that offer exceptional views of tropical forests with breadfruit trees, over which black vultures soar melancholy. The spectacle, I must say, is in the style of some Hollywood film about the conquest of a distant planet by colonists from Earth.

In the photo: tropical forest on the coast of Cuba

At panoramic sites, there are most often bars where they serve pina colada right in pineapples, so a tourist relaxed from the heat may be tempted to hang out here for an hour or two in order to admire the greenery of the tropical forests and wait for hummingbirds to fly in - some tourists are lucky and they manage to see bright flocks of fast, butterfly-like birds.

In the photo: breadfruit in the tropical forest of Cuba

However, canyons with tropical forests are, as they say, just a prelude for the eyes. In Varadero itself, you will find views that are many times more impressive; it is not for nothing that part of the Hicacos Peninsula is set aside as an ecological reserve. Hotels here are built mainly along coastline, sand on local beaches- snow-white, and walking along it at sunset, when the warm waves of the Atlantic gently kiss your feet, is pure, undiluted pleasure. The ocean, by the way, is very warm, I can’t even believe that this is not the Mediterranean Sea somewhere in Cyprus.

The first mention of Varadero dates back to the 16th century, but tourism here began to develop in the 70s of the 19th century, and everything was not easy. At first, this place was considered an elite resort. The first hotel on Varadero was built in 1910, and in the 30s of the 20th century, the coast with snow-white sand was chosen by the American millionaire Irene Dupont. He bought up a good half of Icacos, built a luxurious three-story mansion, Xanadu, on a low rocky cliff above the ocean, and began selling plots on the shore to wealthy gentlemen from the United States. Thus, the richest and often dishonest Americans settled on the coast of Varadero, including the well-known gangster of Italian origin Al Capone.

After the revolution of 1959, the mansions of the rich were confiscated; today, some of them are museums and golf clubs. But the vast majority of modern hotels appeared on Varadero only in the 90s. If we talk about the contingent of tourists, then in addition to Russians, Europeans (mainly Italians and French) and Canadians come here in search of the cleanest and warmest, like fresh milk, ocean and hot sun.


We stayed at the Grand Memories Varadero hotel, which is in Russia. The hotel is located in the very center of the coastline, operates on an all inclusive system and is divided into two zones: one for families, and the second Sanctuary - only for adults without children.

The hotel's beach is ideal in every way: snow-white sand and azure, gentle, silky waves of the Atlantic. What’s important is that the beach area is impressive, so even when it’s maximally full, there’s no feeling of hustle and bustle, and there’s enough space for everyone both in the water and on land.

Rooms in Grand rooms Memories Varadero is huge, designed in a modern style, and a balcony overlooking the pool or garden is a must-have component of the rooms. There are two swimming pools in the hotel, the largest is in the adult area. However, who needs a swimming pool if there is a marvelous Atlantic Ocean nearby, the views of which, willy-nilly, will remind you of shots from the “Bounty” advertisement familiar to everyone from childhood?

Gourmets will also be interested in Grand Memories Varadero, because there are seven restaurants on site. Each with their own specialization. One serves seafood dishes, the second - with an Asian twist, the third - haute cuisine, the fourth - Italian.

For dinner, a table must be reserved during the day; the main local specialty is huge grilled lobsters, for which you need to go to a seafood restaurant.

But for lunch, I would like to recommend a place on the ocean shore that serves exceptional grilled meat. The restaurant is open during lunch hours according to the system buffet, and quality local food rivaled only by the exceptional view of palm-lined avenues against the piercing blue Cuban sky.

For rum lovers, we inform you that at Grand Memories Varadero, it, as they say, flows like a river. They also serve excellent Spanish wine. The hotel area is huge, there are animators working with children, and on the approach to the beach there is a bar where they serve that same pina colada in pineapple, and, I must say, this is an ideal addition to an evening spent on the beach.


Of course, for the most interesting sights of Cuba you need to leave the resort, for example, it arranges one-day trips for those staying at Grand Memories Varadero, and also takes tourists to Santa Clara, where the Che Guevara memorial is located, or to French Trinidad - the most beautiful colonial city of the Island of Liberty, By the way, the excursion program also includes a visit to Nicho Falls, which is located in a tropical park.

In the photo: Trinidad - the most beautiful colonial city in Cuba

However, this does not mean that there is nothing to see in Varadero itself. Important point number one - Varaicakos Ecological Reserve. Previously, the La Calavera salt mines were located on its territory, but when the deposit was exhausted, a green zone was created here. Although Varaikakos is more like a park, the nature here is absolutely untouched, and the place is ideal for simple trekking, fortunately, the territory of the reserve is small.

The main thing worth going to the Varaikakos Nature Reserve is bird watching, because the local lake alone is home to more than 30 species of birds, accompanied by 24 species of reptiles. Those who prefer archeology and history to study local fauna should visit Ambrosio cave. Its walls are decorated with rock paintings of Cuban Indians; according to researchers, among other things, there is an image of an ancient Indian calendar.

In the park, archaeologists at one time discovered numerous traces of prehistoric settlements, the oldest dating back to 500 BC. And here they found the remains of a giant sloth - these animals became extinct about 10 thousand years ago, it is assumed that ancient people hunted them too actively.

In the photo: one of the inhabitants national park Varaicakos

The second interesting local cave is Cueva de Musulmanes, which translated means “cave of Muslims.” What’s curious is that there were never any Muslims in the vicinity of Varadero; that’s just what Cuban smugglers and pirates called themselves in the 19th century, hiding treasures and goods for sale in this cave.

For connoisseurs of American cinema, I strongly recommend visiting the above-mentioned villa Xanadu, which belonged to Irene Dupont, an American millionaire of French origin. The DuPont company made a fortune trading chemicals and gunpowder, but in 1927 Irene decided to retire and bought 180 hectares of land on the Icacos Peninsula. Villa Xanadu, which DuPont built for himself, cost the millionaire a huge $1.3 million at that time. A telephone was immediately installed here, which was considered a real miracle of technology at the beginning of the 20th century, an elevator ran between the floors of the mansion, and in the thirties a huge organ was even installed in the villa.

“This is all very nice, but what does American cinema have to do with it?” - you ask. And everything is very simple. It was Dupont's mansion in Cuba that became the prototype for the Xanadu villa, where Charles Foster Kane, the protagonist of Orson Welles' cult film Citizen Kane, spent his last years and died, which, according to many critics, is the most influential film in the history of world cinema. As you know, Kane’s prototype was media mogul William Randolph Hearst, but the idea of ​​Villa Xanadu is a direct reference to Dupont. Today, a golf club and a bar are open on the territory of the villa, where tourists come not only out of curiosity and for an excellent mojito, but also for the exceptional view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Finally, a few words about another interesting attraction of Varadero, which is located just a stone's throw from Hotel Grand Memories Varadero - 500 year old cactus, which grows near the beach. The cactus, it must be said, bears little resemblance to itself in the usual sense. This is quite a full-fledged tree, three times the size of a human being. Access to the long-lived cactus is free, many tourists even climb it, which, of course, is unsafe, because the cactus may be old, but it is prickly, just like in its youth.

In the photo: that same giant cactus

In short, Varadero is not only beach holiday, even though the waves of the Atlantic Ocean are warm here, like a mother’s embrace, and coastal sand so light that it shimmers like mother-of-pearl. Those for whom contemplation and relaxation on vacation are not enough, as well as those who are restless by nature, will also have something to do at the most famous resort in Cuba.

The Socialist Republic of Cuba is located on several islands in the Caribbean Sea, where more than 11 million Spanish-speaking people live on 111 thousand km 2. The pride of Cuba is tropical seaside resorts, remaining at the peak of popularity despite the country's economic problems.

The islands belonging to Cuba are influenced by the climate of the Caribbean - tropical, trade wind, humid. Average daily temperatures are 25°C, dropping by 5-8 degrees at night.

There are only 2 pores:

If during the dry season a third of the annual precipitation falls from time to time, then in the “wet” season cyclones bring twice as much lashing tropical downpours from the ocean. But the sun periodically manages to break through the heavenly abysses and arrange fun holidays for vacationers with swimming, sports entertainment, sightseeing trips, and picnics.

In June, July, and August, when most Russians go on vacation, up to 170 mm of precipitation falls on the islands of Cuba, which at first glance does not cause tourist enthusiasm. However, hundreds of thousands of people from different corners peace come to Caribbean resorts just during these months.

During the pauses between rains, you can swim to your heart's content in the sea and ocean, get a chocolate tan, travel around the country, try seafood and unprecedented fruits, and while away the evening with a glass of rum. The daytime heat, especially in August, decreases by night to 23-24°C, which allows you to comfortably spend time in entertainment venues.

In September-October it is still hot, but the evenings are cooler (21°C). The rains subside by mid-October.

November-December attract tourists with velvety air and water temperatures of 25°C. After the muggy air has subsided, it is easy to breathe on the coast, followed by a long series of dry, sunny days. Strong winds that whip up high waves are a little annoying, but each hotel has large outdoor swimming pools with cozy terraces.

January is the coldest. The thermometer may show +22°C on the north side in the area of ​​Havana, Varadero. At the southern tip, for example in Trinidad, temperatures remain above 26°, the sea is only a couple of notches cooler.

In February, as in the previous month, it is windy, relatively cool, and not humid. In March, the weather changes to the hot season. The temperature gradually rises to 27°C, and occasionally it rains.

Cuba's Caribbean resorts are best in April:

  • there are no systematic rains yet;
  • trade winds blow weaker;
  • the heat is not oppressive;
  • sea ​​water warm enough for swimming and sports activities;
  • The country hosts vibrant and spectacular festivals.

May represents the beginning of the rainy season, but precipitation is only short-term. They usually coincide with an afternoon rest. It's nice to doze off to the sound of raindrops, swinging in a hammock. In the afternoon, the clouds clear and you can again take sea baths at 27-28°C.

Resorts of Cuba on the Caribbean Sea: location and description, pros and cons

Tourism is one of the priorities in the economy of the Republic, so much attention is paid to recreation infrastructure. 3-star bungalows and luxury hotels, white sandy beaches and clear azure water, the beauty of exotic nature, entertainment for every taste create all the conditions for a comfortable vacation.

Specific sights of Cuba are of interest:

  • features of living under the socialist system;
  • architectural monuments colonialism;
  • a huge network of catacombs;
  • rare, but excellent running cars.

Cuba's resorts on the Caribbean Sea were able to rise to the world level of comfort thanks to relaxations in the country's economic policy.

When socialist principles of public property management finally led Cuba into a dead end of poverty, the government was forced to allow private activity. Initiative, enterprising businessmen created a tropical paradise on the islands.


Varadero is one of best resorts world according to natural conditions.

It is located 140 km from the capital of the Republic of Havana. It takes 3 hours from the airport to the northern province of Matanzas, but the long journey will be rewarded with an unforgettable encounter with the Atlantic coastline.

The combination of fine white sands on 20-kilometer beaches, piercing azure in the sea and sky, bottom reefs with colorful tropical inhabitants, and pure ecology turn your vacation into golden days of heavenly bliss.


Varadero hotels set the tone for the entire hotel infrastructure of Cuba. They were built on an isthmus 18 km long and 700 m wide. The beaches are within easy reach from anywhere. The sand strip is so spacious that it is never overcrowded.

Luxury hotels provide the most comfortable accommodation, a high level of service in the rooms and on the beach, and an exquisite pastime in elite restaurants, nightclubs, and discos. Less star hotels compensate for the modest accommodation with a large list of services and fun entertainment.

1. Melia Internacional (5 stars)– a huge multi-storey complex on the first line. The distance from Gomez airport is a little more than 24 km. Melia International has 18 restaurants, shops, hairdressers, parking for regular and disabled cars, a sauna, bathhouse, fitness, spa and business centers.

The terraces of the prestigious rooms overlook the sea, beach and pool. The balconies on the other side of the buildings look out onto a wide courtyard-park.

The rooms, necessarily with bathrooms, provide:

  • satellite TV;
  • air conditioner;
  • comfortable beds, desk, wardrobe;
  • telephone, paid internet;
  • mini-bar;
  • safe;
  • coffee maker or kettle;
  • toiletries and bath accessories, hair dryer.

The rooms are cleaned and serviced daily. In the mornings, a buffet or continental table is served. The rest of the food is in restaurants with Japanese, Mediterranean, children's, and dietary cuisine.

The bars serve a variety of drinks, including the famous Cuban rum and iced mojitos. Currency is exchanged directly at the hotel. Luggage is stored in a special room. There is a rental point for sports equipment and bicycles.

Except sea ​​bathing clients engage in windsurfing, snorkeling, diving, cycling, table tennis, tennis, golf, billiards, and go on excursions. You can stretch your tired body with a manual massage in a special room or lie down in a bubbling jacuzzi.

The day ends with fun evening programs and live music. Nightclub open until morning. Children have an interesting time with animators and nannies. There is a large play area for them.

2 . Be Live Experience Las Morlas (3.5 stars) Distance from the center of Varadero is 4.7 km.

The hotel offers:

  • air-conditioned rooms;
  • free breakfasts according to the Swedish system;
  • delicious menu in 3 restaurants and 4 bars;
  • large pool for adults and smaller for children;
  • terrace;
  • kids club, play area;
  • nanny for kids, just supervision and activities in children's clubs;
  • free parking;
  • Internet for an additional fee;
  • tennis court;
  • bus excursions.

3. Hostal 5ta avenida, despite 2.5 stars, took care of the air conditioning. The building has 2 bathrooms, toilets with free toiletries. Breakfast is served daily. A kitchen and dining area are equipped for self-cooking lunch and dinner.

In the courtyard there is a terrace for relaxing on sun loungers. At the registration desk they will take luggage and valuables for storage and book tickets. Not far from the hostel there is a clean beach, a large tropical park, shopping mall"8000 lockers."


In Varadero, tourists ride on the glass-bottomed vessel "Varasub" or submarines, admiring the beauty of corals and fish. Divers discover a wealth of flora and fauna, communicate with friendly dolphins, descend into the underwater cave of Cadiz Bay, and examine the sunken missile boat, plane, and ancient frigate. They teach proper diving in 23 diving centers.

Parents and children attend fun shows at the Dolphinarium. Smart sea animals not only perform intricate tricks, but also give spectators rides and allow themselves to be petted and photographed. For vacationers, training in Latin American dancing, horse riding, and tennis is organized. In the evenings, numerous cabarets offer incendiary shows.


IN tourist routes Interesting objects included:

Cayo Coco

Cuba's resorts in the Caribbean Sea also occupy small islands, which Cubans call cayo - a sandbank. Cayo Coco (coconut sandbank) became a resort after its construction in the 1980s. XX century dams and roads connecting the main island. Cuba with other land areas.

Instantly grown tourist complexes did not destroy the pristine nature, preserved the atmosphere of remoteness from noise and bustle. Wild secluded beaches with the same clean white sand as near hotels are not uncommon here.


There are no high-rise buildings on Cayo Coco. Hotels Melia with 5 stars, Colonial with 4 stars or Sol with 3 stars are equally similar to cozy oases, in the center of which artificial lakes are blue, and nearby the Caribbean Sea shimmers in all shades of blue.


In the first place are diving into reef thickets with a mask or with cylinders. clear water, permeated by the sun, creates the effect of an aquarium inhabited by bright fish - parrots, yellowtails, grunts, angels. Coral sea anemones in the shape of outlandish flowers move as if blown by the wind.

Lobsters with menacing spiny claws walk along the bottom. Those who are not ready to dive are invited to board pleasure boats with a transparent bottom. Exotic fishing in the sea, ocean, and lakes is very popular. E. Hemingway, the famous writer, loved to fish here. The abundance of fish and various underwater creatures will provide both hunting and gastronomic pleasure.

IN big park Bahia de Naranjo is captivated by the performances of trained dolphins and fur seals, with whom you can swim. You will remember a difficult hike into the tropical jungle under the supervision of an experienced guide, horseback riding and carriage rides, a disco in a rock cave. Active nightlife concentrated on the neighboring island. Cayo Guillermo.


At the top of a high hill are the museum excavations of Coppo de Maita. Tourists will learn the history of ancient Indian settlements.

Cayo Guillermo

Guillermo's small sandbank was home to pink flamingos, a small animal. The untouched ecology, clean smooth shores, and calm seas became the decisive factor for the construction of a dam road and tourist development.

Hotels. There are 6 hotels on the island of different price categories, operating on an all-inclusive basis. There are 3 well-maintained beaches, the most visited is Playa Pilar.

Entertainment. Since Fr. Guillermo is located near the reef; vacationers are invited to traditional yachting and underwater excursions. Training centers The hotels provide underwater orienteering classes and issue scuba diver certificates and the necessary equipment. Experienced divers come to thrill with night dives and take part in shows with sharks.

Beginners have the opportunity to learn how to surf under the wing kite, strengthen muscles in the fitness room. In the evening, the public gathers for colorful performances and discos.

Attractions. Walking around the island reveals the beauty of 15-meter white dunes, pink flocks of flamingos, and evergreen mangrove clumps. Tourists are given excursions around the cities of Cuba.

Cayo Santa Maria

Island of St. Mary's 13 km long is part of the Royal Gardens World Biosphere Reserve. On a strip only 2 km wide there is a local village with shops, restaurants, bowling alleys, and a spa.

The rest is occupied by the hotel area. Cayo Santa Maria is connected to the main island by a 50-kilometer causeway that crosses several resorts along the way. For swimming, 11 km of the northern shore with a gentler entrance and soft white sand is used. The beaches are municipal, but immaculately maintained.

Hotels. 6 out of 8 hotels are the most luxurious, with well-trained staff, a long list of services, and an inclusive service system.

Entertainment. On Cayo Santa Maria, shipowners and instructors are always ready to organize exciting fishing, yacht trips, and fully equipped diving. Full program available on the coast water sports.

Attractions. A tiny island can only interest you in its way of life and traditions local population. Excursions can give you a general idea of ​​the country.

Cayo Largo

Cayo Largo is located in the center of the archipelago belonging to Cuba. On an island measuring 28 x 3 km, the middle is occupied by hotels and restaurants. 29 km of the southern side is reserved for beaches. Small area left in its original state to preserve native birds and iguanas. Service personnel come from remote settlements.

All beaches are public, each hotel takes care of amenities in its own sector. On the shore there are many restaurants, bars, water and entertainment points, some of which are open only during the influx of tourists. Nudists are not forbidden to sunbathe and swim in secluded wild areas.

Hotels. There are plenty of large and small hotels on the island. Capital buildings in the Mediterranean style alternate with ethnic houses on high stilts, under a thatched roof. Everywhere there are huge swimming pools and sun loungers in the shade of palm trees. The simplest room is cozy and cool in a resort style, with a wide bed decorated with a lobster rolled up from towels.

Its real relatives and the freshest, skillfully prepared large shrimps and tropical fish can be tasted in hotel restaurants. They also serve mouth-watering Creole cuisine. The only drawback of island life is the low-speed Internet, despite the fees charged everywhere.

Entertainment. For divers, equipment rental, excursions to a marine fauna reserve, a coral reef, and deep-sea fishing are provided. Less extreme, but amazing boat trips will reveal the islands of iguanas, monkeys, and the unique beauty of a tropical sunset.

A catamaran boat carries tourists to the island. Pinos (Juventud) is the prototype of the treasure island from the book of the same name by R. Stevenson. Pinos has museums, a crocodile farm, nature reserve Los Indios, an ancient prison. It’s inexpensive to fly to Havana on your own; tickets are sold right there at Cayo Largo.

Resorts in Holguin province

A little over an hour by plane from the capital, the wide Nipe Bay appears below, where it is believed that Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America, once moored his ship.

Proud of this fact, the Cubans erected a monument to the great traveler near the water. The coast belongs to the agricultural province of Holguin. They only recently began to welcome vacationers here, but the service infrastructure has managed to win ardent fans.


Surrounded by colorful tropical nature, along a 40-kilometer strip of velvet white sand there are hotels, villas, bungalows.

Guests can taste all the delights have a good rest:

  • room furnishings conducive to relaxation;
  • round and long river-like pools of fresh water;
  • landscaped gardens planned by designers;
  • excellent food;
  • first-class professional service in cosmetology, medical, massage, SPA centers.


Tourists have the opportunity to choose swimming and all kinds of attractions on 41 beaches. Guardalavaca, Playa Pesquero - areas with an unusually beautiful bottom, natural coral installations, which are chosen by divers.

Playa Esmeralda (Emerald Beach) amazes with its rich natural surroundings– mountains, caves, rivers, waterfalls, springs, bright evergreen vegetation.

On a water safari they go to the city of Jaguey Grande, where the Laguna del Tesoro lake is located. In the wide water area there are relict fish manhuaris, large turtles, and crocodiles. Those who are not afraid of the proximity of reptiles visit the crocodile nursery nearby.


There are several protected parks in the province of Holguin:

  • named after Humboldt, where a unique flora grows, many parrots, hummingbirds, and various lizards;
  • Bahia de Naranjo, whose large oceanarium houses a collection of fish and underwater mammals, shows with sea lions, seals, and dolphins;
  • La Mensura on a mountain plateau 600 m high with tropical birds, butterflies;
  • Baryay, where an Indian village and a Spanish fortress are exhibited.

Along 458 steps you can repeat the thorny path of Brother Francisco to the Loma de la Cruz hill. At the end of the 18th century. he alone raised and installed on the top a massive cross in the name of St. Elena. Co observation deck A panorama of the Atlantic Ocean, mountain range, and urban development opens up.

Excursion routes by province include:

  • Cathedral of San Isidoro;
  • museums of history, archeology, natural sciences;
  • folk village Taino.

The city of Holguin often hosts holidays and fairs, which are interesting for tourists from the other side of the world to experience.


Cuba's resorts on the Caribbean Sea will not appear in all their glory without Havana. The capital is located in the northeast Big Island next to Gulf of Mexico, the azure bays of San Lisaro and Havana. Resort area starts in the east of the capital and stretches for 20 km of the surrounding area.

Like most major cities, swimming within Havana is not the most attractive. You need to drive 15-20 minutes. along the coast to get to the best playa.

The general name of the white strip of coral sands is Eastern Beaches, but it is divided into dozens of areas:

Hotels. There are many hotels of all levels and hostels in the capital itself and beyond. In addition, private houses offer inexpensive overnight accommodation by hanging the sign “Arrendador Inscripto”. There is a free bus service from Havana hotels to the Eastern playa. You can rent rental cars (models of the last century) or mopeds in the city.

Entertainment. IN ocean waters There are over 700 species of tropical fish and shellfish around Havana, so scuba divers and fans of underwater fishing will not be bored. There are interesting objects for divers - sunken hundred-year-old ships, picturesque rocks, grottoes.

IN capital park them. Lenin is taught the basics of horse riding. The stadiums often host baseball and boxing matches and cycling races. To entertain tourists, the capital organizes colorful shows in cabarets and in the open air.

A wide network of restaurants provides the opportunity for gourmets to enrich the taste experience of Cochin Criol - national cuisine with Spanish, Colombian, African dishes.

Attractions. The most impressive places in Havana:

  • Plaza de Armas and them. Revolutions;
  • Blvd. Prado;
  • st. Obispo;
  • Malecon embankment;
  • castles of De La Real Fuerza, Tres Reyes del Morro;
  • Cathedral;
  • Capitol;
  • Bolshoi Theater;
  • fortress of La Cabana;
  • museums of the revolution, Hemingway, Che Guevara.
  • memorial to national hero José Martí.

A holiday vacation on the beaches of the Caribbean Sea is worth a short break to see the beautiful architecture of the Cuban capital, especially since 900 historical sites from the colonial era are assessed by UNESCO as a world heritage.

Cost of tours to Cuban resorts

The rental price directly depends on the intensity of the flow of vacationers. During the peak season, the average cost of an overnight stay is about $900. The rainy and tourist quiet season from May to October (except Christmas and New Year) is marked by discounts of up to 30-50%. Early booking and purchasing last-minute travel packages provide great benefits.

From tour operators you can find the following prices:

resort hotel * price including flight, rub.
Varadero Melia International 5 4 nights – from 89,016
Be Live Experience Las Morlas 3,5 7 days 1 person – 58 198
Hostal 5ta avenida 2,5 7 days 2 people – 16,826
Islazul Dos Mares Pullman 2 11 nights – 60,700 (early booking)
Cayo Coco Melia 5 8 days – 71 276
Sol 3 8 days – 14 685
Iberostar Colonial 4 11 nights – 57,000

(last minute tour)

Cayo Guillermo Islazul Villa Gregorio 2 11 nights – 52 150 (last minute tour)

The golden holiday time in the Caribbean flies by quickly, but the beauty and smells of the tropical islands can be taken home in the form of famous Cuban cigars, selected coffee, strong rum, guava marmalade, as well as souvenir figurines that long preserve the aroma of exotic trees and the bright color of coral.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video about Cuban resorts

The most famous resorts in Cuba:

The Republic of Cuba, blessed by the sun, is located on the island of the same name and adjacent one and a half thousand islands, drifting at the junction of the three Americas - Central, South and North. But for tourists who travel thousands of kilometers to reach Liberty Island, this is not as important as the seas of Cuba, where vacation is the main goal of everyone.

The sky is like a sombrero

This is the comparison that the authors of the once popular song chose to describe the sky over the Cuban beaches. It is endlessly blue, and its edge merges on the horizon with the equally beautiful Caribbean Sea. It washes the Cuban coast in the south and east. It is not for nothing that the Caribbean Sea is considered one of the most beautiful on the planet. Its color cannot be conveyed in words, paints, or the capabilities of modern photographic equipment.
The water temperature in the Cuban resorts of the Caribbean Sea fluctuates by no more than three degrees throughout the year, ranging from +25 in winter to + 28 in summer months. The rainy season starts on Liberty Island in May and lasts until mid-autumn. At this time, humidity increases and strong winds are possible, bringing high waves. In other months, a beach holiday on the Cuban sea is not overshadowed by anything, and snow-white sand and evergreen palm trees become a luxurious backdrop for photo shoots.

Ocean spaces

When answering the question of which sea washes Cuba, do not forget that the northern shores of the island are exposed to the elements of the Atlantic Ocean. It is she who dominates the islands of Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, where fashionable hotels are located, and on the capital’s Malecon, the main promenade of Havana. The Atlantic Ocean is the location of the main sites for divers, for whom trips to Cuba bring not only the joy of meeting the tropical sun, but also a unique opportunity to see the richest underwater world.
The most popular dive sites are located near the island of Cayo Coco, where the ocean hides many remains of ships that sank back when pirates dominated local waters. Experienced divers do not ask what seas are in Cuba, because they are well aware that the waves of the Atlantic also hide the second largest coral reef in the world. And divers are also in a hurry to arrive:

  • To the Los Canarreos Islands.
  • IN national park Cayo Santa Maria.
  • To the Jardines del Rey archipelago.
  • To the sites of the island of Cayo Largo.