Difficult names. History and description of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. What caused the air transport collapse?

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These place names are not only difficult to remember, but also difficult to pronounce. Just imagine a person who, when asked “Where are you from?”, answers without hesitation, “I’m from Lanvairpullgwingillgogeryhverndrobullllantysilyogogogoha”

1. Krun Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit

Full official name of Bangkok,
which means "City of Angels, great city, the city is an eternal treasure, the impregnable city of God Indra, the majestic capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, happy city, full of grand abundance Royal Palace, reminiscent of a divine abode where a reincarnated god reigns, a city donated by Indra and built by Vishvakarman.”

2. Taumatahuakat-natahu

A 305 meter high hill in New Zealand. The name contains 82 letters. For ease of communication, local residents shortened it to Taumat.

A rough translation of this word is: "The top of the hill where Tamatea, the man with the big knees who rolled, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as the eater of the earth, played his nose flute for his beloved."

Lake in North America(Ex.Chaubunagungamaug). The full name consists of 45 letters, 15 of which are “g” and 9 are “a”.

The meaning of this word is not known for certain; translations from the Indian language vary from the simple “Neutral Lands” to the half-joking “You fish on your side, I fish on mine, and no one fishes in the middle.”

4. Llanwirepu- thousandyogogogoh

Llanwyre Pwllgwyngill, a small village in Wales no longer notable except for the longest geographical name in Europe in 58 letters.

Translated as "The Church of St. Mary in the hollow of the white hazel near the stormy whirlpool and the Church of St. Tisilio near the red cave."

5. Eyafjallajokull

This volcano in Iceland became famous not only for its unpronounceable name, but also thanks to the film “The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty”. Eyafjallajokull is made up of the three Icelandic words eya - "island", fjall - "mountain" and jokudl - "glacier".

Here are some more sweet names for glaciers in Iceland: Tungnafellsjökull, Snæfellsjökull, Vatnajökull, Eiriksjökull and so on.

One of the travel blogs decided to amuse its subscribers by ranking the cities in the world with the most difficult to pronounce names.

1., Wales. This small village on the Isle of Anglesey has become a popular tourist attraction just because of a sign with its name on the local platform. railway station.

2. Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka. Unlike the first laureate, this is not some remote settlement in the provincial wilderness, but the official capital island state.

3. Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. The capital of a small but very rich state in South-East Asia has its own international airport with the same name.

4. Reykjavik, Iceland. Most of our tourists have long learned to pronounce the name of the Icelandic capital (largely thanks to the famous song), but travelers from many Asian and even European countries still doubt their correct reading.

5. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The capital of the Central American state can be said to be home to more than one million inhabitants, and the city itself is located at an altitude of 990 meters above sea level. The name of the local airport - Toncontin - can be read correctly the first time without much effort.

6. Naypyitaw, Myanmar. The new (since 2005) capital of another small, but, unlike Brunei, very poor state in Southeast Asia. The city is located 320 kilometers north of the former capital Yangon, which now proudly bears the title cultural center» Myanmar.

7. Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit, Thailand. The full name of the capital of Thailand translates as “the city of angels, the great city, the eternal treasure city, the impregnable city of God Indra, the majestic capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, the happy city, full of abundance, the grand Royal Palace, reminiscent of the divine abode where the reincarnated god reigns, a city donated by Indra and built by Vishvakarman."

8. Dalap-Uliga-Darrit, Marshall Islands. The capital of the island state is known, perhaps, for its magnificent sandy beaches.

9. Hyvinkää, Finland. If Russian tourist can still master the name of this ski station, written in Cyrillic, but residents of countries that use the Latin alphabet always have problems. Try to pronounce it yourself: Hyvinkää.

10. Parangaricutirimícuaro, Mexico. We didn’t dare write the name of this small Mexican village correctly in Cyrillic.

©Subtleties of tourism

Volcanoes frighten and attract people. They can sleep for centuries. An example is the recent history of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano. People cultivate fields on the slopes of the fiery mountains, conquer their peaks, and build houses. But sooner or later the fire-breathing mountain will wake up and bring destruction and troubles.

It is the sixth largest glacier in Iceland, located in the south 125 km east of Reykjavik. Beneath it and partly under the neighboring Myrdalsjökull glacier hides a conical volcano.

The height of the glacier's peak is 1666 meters, its area is about 100 km². The volcanic crater reaches a diameter of 4 km. Just five years ago, its slopes were covered with glaciers. The nearest settlement is the village of Skougar, located in the south of the glacier. This is where the Skougau River originates, with famous waterfall Skógafoss.

Eyjafjallajokull - origin of the name

The name of the volcano comes from three Icelandic words that mean island, glacier and mountain. This is probably why it is so difficult to pronounce and difficult to remember. According to linguists, only a small part of the Earth's inhabitants can pronounce this name correctly - the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. The translation from Icelandic literally means “island of mountain glaciers.”

Volcano without a name

As such, the phrase “Eyjafjallajökull volcano” entered the world lexicon in 2010. This is funny, considering that in fact a fire-breathing mountain with that name does not exist in nature. Iceland has many glaciers and volcanoes. There are about thirty of the latter on the island. 125 kilometers from Reykjavik, in the south of Iceland, there is a fairly large glacier. It was he who shared his name with the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.

It is under it that there is a volcano, which for many centuries has not come up with a name. He is nameless. In April 2010, he alarmed the whole of Europe, for some time becoming a global newsmaker. In order not to name it, the media suggested naming it after the glacier - Eyjafjallajokull. In order not to confuse our readers, we will call it the same.


Eyjafjallajokull is a typical stratovolcano. In other words, its cone is formed by numerous layers of a solidified mixture of lava, ash, stones, etc.

The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull has been active for 700 thousand years, but since 1823 it has been classified as dormant. This suggests that no eruptions have been recorded since the beginning of the 19th century. The condition of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano did not give scientists any particular cause for concern. They found that it has erupted several times over the last millennium. True, these manifestations of activity could be classified as calm - they did not pose a danger to people. As documents show, recent eruptions were not characterized by large emissions of volcanic ash, lava and hot gases.

Irish volcano Eyjafjallajökull - the story of one eruption

As already mentioned, after the eruption in 1823, the volcano was considered dormant. At the end of 2009, seismic activity intensified there. Until March 2010, there were about a thousand tremors with a magnitude of 1-2 points. This disturbance occurred at a depth of about 10 km.

In February 2010, employees of the Icelandic Meteorological Institute, using GPS measurements, recorded a shift of the earth's crust by 3 cm to the southeast in the glacier area. Activity continued to increase and reached its maximum by March 3-5. At this time, up to three thousand tremors were recorded per day.

Waiting for the eruption

The authorities decided to evacuate 500 people from the danger zone around the volcano. local residents, fearing flooding of the area, which could cause intense covering of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano. Closed as a precaution international Airport Keflavik.

Since March 19, shaking has moved to the east of the northern crater. They were tapped at a depth of 4 - 7 km. Gradually, the activity spread further to the east, and shaking began to occur closer to the surface.

At 23:00 on April 13, Icelandic scientists recorded seismic activity in the central part of the volcano, to the west of two cracks that had formed. An hour later, a new eruption began in the south of the central caldera. A column of hot ash rose 8 km.

Another crack appeared, more than 2 kilometers long. The glacier began to actively melt, and its waters flowed both north and south, into populated areas. 700 people were urgently evacuated. Within 24 hours, meltwater flooded the highway and the first damage occurred. Volcanic ash fallout has been recorded in southern Iceland.

By April 16, the ash column reached 13 kilometers. This alarmed scientists. When ash rises above 11 kilometers above sea level, it penetrates the stratosphere and can be transported long distances. Spreading ash in east direction contributed to a powerful anticyclone over the North Atlantic.

Last eruption

This happened on March 20, 2010. On this day it began last eruption volcano in Iceland. Eyjafjallajökull finally woke up at 23:30 GMT. A fault formed in the east of the glacier, the length of which was about 500 meters.

At this time, no large ash emissions were recorded. On April 14, the eruption intensified. It was then that powerful emissions of gigantic volumes of volcanic ash appeared. In this regard, the airspace over part of Europe was closed until April 20, 2010. Flights were limited sporadically in May 2010. Experts assessed the intensity of the eruption on the VEI scale at 4 points.

Dangerous Ash

It should be noted that there was nothing outstanding in the behavior of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano. After seismic activity that lasted several months, a rather calm volcanic eruption began in the glacier area on the night of March 20-21. This was not even mentioned in the press. Everything changed only on the night of April 13-14, when the eruption began to be accompanied by the release of a gigantic volume of volcanic ash, and its column reached enormous heights.

What caused the air transport collapse?

It is worth recalling that since March 20, 2010, an air transport collapse has loomed over the Old World. It was associated with a volcanic cloud created by the suddenly awakened Eyjafjallajokull volcano. It is unknown where this mountain, silent since the 19th century, gained strength, but gradually a huge cloud of ash, which began to form on April 14, covered Europe.

After the closure of airspace, more than three hundred airports across Europe were paralyzed. Volcanic ash also caused a lot of concern for Russian specialists. Hundreds of flights have been delayed or completely canceled in our country. Thousands of people, including Russians, expected an improvement in the situation at airports around the world.

And the cloud of volcanic ash seemed to be playing with people, changing its direction of movement every day and completely “not listening” to the opinions of experts who reassured desperate people that the eruption would not last long.

Geophysicists from the Icelandic weather service told RIA Novosti on April 18 that they were unable to predict the duration of the eruption. Humanity prepared for a protracted “battle” with the volcano and began to count considerable losses.

Oddly enough, for Iceland itself, the awakening of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano did not have any serious consequences, except, perhaps, for the evacuation of the population and the temporary closure of one airport.

And for continental Europe, a huge column of volcanic ash became a real disaster, naturally, in the transport aspect. This was due to the fact that volcanic ash has physical properties that are extremely dangerous for aviation. If it hits an airplane turbine, it can stop the engine, which will undoubtedly lead to a terrible catastrophe.

The risk for aviation increases significantly due to the large accumulation of volcanic ash in the air, which significantly reduces visibility. This is especially dangerous during landing. Volcanic ash can cause malfunctions in on-board electronics and radio equipment, on which flight safety largely depends.


The eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano brought losses to European travel companies. They claim that their losses exceeded $2.3 billion, and the daily damage to their pockets amounted to approximately $400 million.

The airlines' losses were officially estimated at $1.7 billion. Awakening fire mountain affected 29% of world aviation. Every day, more than a million passengers became hostage to the eruption.

The Russian Aeroflot also suffered. During the period of closure of air routes over Europe, the company did not complete 362 flights on time. Its losses amounted to millions of dollars.

Experts' opinions

Experts say that the volcanic cloud does pose a serious danger to aircraft. When the plane hits it, the crew notes very poor visibility. On-board electronics work with great interruptions.

The formation of glassy “shirts” on the engine rotor blades and clogging of the holes that are used to supply air to the engine and other parts of the aircraft can cause their failure. Airship captains agree with this.

Volcano Katla

After the subsidence of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, many scientists predicted an even more powerful eruption of another Icelandic fire mountain, Katla. It is much larger and more powerful than Eyjafjallajokull.

For the last two millennia, when people watched the eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull, Katla exploded after them at intervals of six months.

These volcanoes are located in the south of Iceland, eighteen kilometers apart. They are connected by a common underground system of magma channels. The Katla crater is located under the Mýrdalsjökull glacier. Its area is 700 sq. km, thickness - 500 meters. Scientists are confident that during its eruption, ash will fall into the atmosphere tens of times more than in 2010. But fortunately, despite the dire predictions of scientists, Katla is not yet showing signs of life.

It’s no secret that when traveling, tourists are impressed not only by various architectural and historical sights, interesting places And natural beauty, but also the cuisine of the countries they visit. However, even if you fall in love with some masterpiece national cuisine, you may encounter a small problem when the name of the dish turns out to be quite difficult to pronounce, much less remember. This material is dedicated to the “tasty” topic and is intended to reveal to the reader the secrets of those amazing recipes that contain complex names of dishes different countries.


The harsh character of this northern country is reflected in the culinary sphere. Quite popular among tourists is the dish under strange name Haukarl.

Rumor has it that this recipe was invented by the Vikings, but has not lost its relevance in our time. The main ingredient of the dish is Greenland polar shark meat, prepared in a special way. The fact is that the meat of this dangerous predator has poisonous properties, so in order for it to become suitable for food, it requires aging for about two months. During this time, the poison drains from the carcass, after which it dries for several more months, being hung on hooks. This unusual delicacy, cut into small cubes, is served as a snack with strong alcoholic drinks.

Another delicacy that is sure to catch your eye in Iceland is the unpronounceable dish called bleikja. It is meat fried not just to a crisp, but to a charcoal crust.

If you do not consider yourself a vegetarian, and your culinary preferences are not constrained by ideas about what you can and cannot eat, then take into account some of the complex names of Icelandic dishes, namely:

  • hangikyot (smoked lamb);
  • ardfiskur (dried fish);
  • havspik (boiled whale oil);
  • hrutspungur (press-aged lamb eggs).


Hindus are famous not only for complex names: the names of even simple-to-prepare dishes here sound as if you want to quote some philosophical saying. Judge for yourself: a peculiar stew made from potatoes and cabbage is called bandgobhi alu sabji here. The first dish, prepared with beans and richly seasoned with herbs and spices, sounds like “Jagannatha Puri Channe Ki Dal”. The vegetable dish with white peas is palak baingan aur channa and the stuffed fried tomatoes are aloo tikkiya tamatar sahit.

People in India also love sweets. Especially semolina pudding, which is called bhuni hi chinni ka halawa here, and also nut praline - badam aur pista ka halawa.


Chinese dishes have unusual names. However, in this country there is a special tendency: to attach a specific meaning to the name of each culinary delight. For example, “mai shan shu” is a local version of naval pasta, which means “ants climb a tree.” Brighter in pronunciation, the ringing word “zongzi” is just sticky rice with toppings.

And the lamb kebab here has the sonorous name yanzhouchuan.


Many regulars of Russian Japanese restaurants believe that they are well aware of the names of traditional Japanese dishes. In fact, the Japanese prefer to give their culinary recipes monosyllabic names. So, for example, chaofan is a Japanese analogue of pilaf, sukiyaki is a stew of vegetables with pieces of beef or pork, and meat and potatoes, beloved by many of our compatriots, is nikujaga.

South Korea

Perhaps the most difficult name of the dish is the name of soy biscuits, which is a favorite delicacy of Korean children - khonkarutasik. However, the “adult” menu is also distinguished by an abundance of not just unusual, but unpronounceable names. So, for example, pyamtianyokui is a delicious fried eel, and dietary duck baked with vegetables is orikogipokym.

Very unusual not only from an etymological, but also from a gastronomic point of view is the South Korean dish kimchichigae - seafood stew with pork.


Considering the specifics of the Armenian language, the names of some dishes in this country have a pronunciation that does not in any way suggest food. Armenian cuisine itself is famous for its many simple and tasty recipes. Just look at the zhengyalov hats - a crispy flatbread stuffed with juicy fresh herbs. If you use it as a filling different kinds vegetables or meat, then the name of that same flatbread will change and sound like brduj or, for example, brtuch.


The names of dishes of Georgian cuisine, in general, are not difficult to understand, therefore, when placing an order in local restaurant you won't have any problems. The difficulty may lie elsewhere: all these words are quite similar in pronunciation, so it’s not surprising for a guest to make a mistake. Agree, matsoni (a fermented milk product reminiscent of curdled milk) is easily confused with satsivi (chicken stew, served chilled), and chashushuli (spicy beef stewed with tomatoes) with chakhokhbili (beef, lamb or chicken stew).


Many people have probably heard about how delicious national Ossetian pies are. However, in order to purchase the desired dish, you will need to practice a fair amount of pronunciation of the names: a pie with cheese and cabbage is called kabuskajin here, artadzyhon is the same pie, but with cheese and green onions, and nasjin is a pie with pumpkin filling.


If you set out to find the most difficult dish in the world to pronounce, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the names of Chechen recipes. For example, kherzan-dulkh is just fried meat, and Dakina zhizhig is dried meat. Garzni khyovla is a halva-like dessert made from wheat flour, and gvaymakhsh are corn pancakes.


Many European names of dishes have recently been so actively used by us that they have ceased to represent something extraordinary. For example, Italian pasta or Swedish meatballs are names that have long been known to everyone, and, moreover, are quite simple.

Of course, some areas or small European countries can still surprise the Russian average person with names like cevapcici (spicy fried sausages traditional for the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula), trdelnik (a Czech twisted pastry), kalalaatikko (a Finnish potato dish with herring), reikäleipää (Finnish bread made from rye flour) and also the Austrian roast beef zwiebelrostbraten and vanillaroostbrother.


One cannot help but mention the polysyllabic and difficult to pronounce names of dishes of Latvian and Lithuanian cuisine. For example, Žamaičiu are pancakes made from potato dough with meat filling - one of the national delicacies in Lithuania, or sklandrausis - a pie with vegetables, popular in Latvia.

Malta deserves special attention. Local kitchen here is rich in names like laham fug il-fvor (stewed beef dish) or kyarabagli mimli (stuffed zucchini). Desserts here have truly solemn and festive names: torti tal-marmorat (pie with almonds and cocoa) or, for example, torti tat-tamal (chocolate cake).

South America

Since the USA and Canada are currently heavily addicted to fast food and pizza with cola, as well as various types of barbecue, the cuisine of these countries is unlikely to be of interest to those seeking new culinary experiences. It's different from Latin America.

In Brazil, one of the most famous dishes is the promisingly named feijoada, which is a hearty assortment of pork, smoked and dried meats with black beans and spices. Thrill-seekers are invited to try sarapeteu - a dish of pork liver or heart, seasoned with fresh animal blood and equally fresh tomatoes. Exotic connoisseurs will love guasado de tartaruga - baked turtle meat.

In Chile, you will certainly enjoy eel soup called caldiyo de congrio, and in Argentina, be sure to try mazamorra - a maize dessert with vanilla and dulce de leche - a milk-based caramel dessert.

Of course, there are many more delicious delicacies with equally exquisite names that we have not touched upon in this article. However, we dare to suggest that our material has at least motivated you to search for new dishes from the peoples of the world and expand your gastronomic horizons. Enjoy your discoveries!

Every huge metropolis and small village has its own unique story titles. Some settlements were named after famous people who contributed to the development of that area. Others received names associated with picturesque nature region. But there are some of the longest names of places in the world that you won’t be able to pronounce the first time.

Russian record holders

In Russia there are several settlements with long titles. These are mainly villages and towns located in the northern part of the territory Russian Federation. The longest name of a city in Russia is Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, located on Sakhalin Island. This city has the most letters in its name, but its population is extremely small (does not exceed ten thousand people).

Initially, there was a military post in its place. Later the city became a place of exile dangerous criminals. Until 1926, the city with the most long name was called the Alexander Post (it was named after one of the Russian emperors). After the city was appointed administrative center Sakhalin region, therefore it was renamed Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky. This name retained the original name of the settlement and added an indication of its location.

Longest town name in England

Llanwyre Pwllgwyngill is famous throughout the world. Many local residents love to argue with visiting tourists over the fact that travelers will not be able to clearly and correctly pronounce its entire name right away due to the specifics of the local language. Llanvair Pwllgwyngill is located in Wells, UK. Anyone who manages to pronounce the longest name of the city without hesitation can safely be hired as a television announcer.

But this area also has an unofficial, longer name - Llanwirepullguingillgogerihuirndrobullllantysiliogogogoch. The name itself can be translated from Welsh (the indigenous language of the local residents) as “Church holy mary in the vicinity of a mighty hazel tree near the great whirlpool and the church of St. Tisilio near the bloody cave.” This place is also famous for the fact that the sign at the only railway station is the most famous and visited place in the country.

Longest city name in the world

Bangkok is considered the record holder for the number of letters in its name (the city is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records). And immediately this version may seem implausible, because the word “Bangkok” has only seven letters. But this is only an abbreviated version, which is adopted for ease of pronunciation. The longest name of the city is: Krun Thep Mahanahon Amon Ratanakosin Mahintarayuthaya Mahadlok Phop Noparat Rachatani Burirom Udomratchaniwe Mahasathan Amon Piman Avata Sati Sakathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit.

And it can be translated from the local language something like this: “The city of heavenly angels, majestic city, the settlement is an eternal diamond, the indestructible settlement of the majestic god Indra, the great capital of the whole world, which is endowed with nine beautiful precious stones, the happiest city, full of all kinds of blessings, the unique Royal Palace, which is the divine cradle where the reborn almighty god sits, the city received by people from the great Indra and erected by the inviolable Vishnukarna.” But it is difficult to accurately interpret the meaning of the words in the name of this capital, since many words are outdated, and this moment are not used by modern Thais.

Los Angeles

Immediately behind these record holders is another city, which everyone is accustomed to calling by a shorter name. It is located in the United States of America and is better known as Los Angeles. Although the longest name of the city is pronounced: El Pueblo De Nustra Señora La Reina De Los Angeles De La Porcincula.

This means “The village of the immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of heavenly Angels, on the Porsyunkula River.” Initially, this name was given to a small village, but in 1820 the area grew, becoming small town in the state of California. At the moment, the city is the largest in terms of population in the state and the second in the country.

Santa Fe

Following Los Angeles is another American city - Santa Fe. As in previous cases, this is just a familiar abbreviated name. The true name is pronounced like this: Willa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asis. The settlement is located in the state of New Mexico. His unusual name can be translated this way: “Royal City of the Sacred Faith of St. Francis of Assisi.” Previously, several villages were located in its place. After several unsuccessful attempts to conquer these lands, a fairly large provincial town was located here.

History in city names

The history of various cities is quite interesting, but even more interesting are their unusual, intriguing names. Such facts easily attract curious tourists from all over the world. Of course, despite the fact that the desire to travel appeared quite a long time ago, such names were not given with the aim of attracting anyone. They were given in honor of holy martyrs, famous personalities, reigning persons and other famous people and characters.

But the fact remains that they have survived to this day, and now many are trying to get to know these cities more deeply, to understand why such a name was given. This is quite a fascinating and amazing process that anyone can join.