What to see in Yerevan and its surroundings. Sights of Yerevan and the surrounding area - what to see and where to go? Visit a night jazz club

Yerevan... The city of fashionable people, beautiful girls and pink houses. The city of hills, pomegranate wine and the great Mount Ararat.

Here the aroma of thick coffee brewed on sand mixes with the taste of cheap vanilla ice cream. Here men look away if you meet their gaze.

Here people whisper in cafes, and classical music can be heard from car windows. Yerevan is the center of culture and the most stylish city in Transcaucasia.

Yerevan in March

The blog already has an emotional, enthusiastic article about. There's a lot interesting facts and summer photos of the city.

This time I arrived in March and spent more time in the capital of Armenia. Visited new places. Today I will briefly and without lyricism tell you where to stay in Yerevan and what to see in Yerevan in one, two or three days.

Yerevan Hotels

Yerevan - not so much Big city, but if you don’t have much time to explore, it’s better to rent a hotel or apartment in the center.

The center is the Republic Square area, Opera House, Tumanyan, Abovyan, Nalbandyan, Mashtots streets. Yerevan center on the map:

It is most convenient to live within this circle (center of Yerevan)

Prices for apartments and hotels in Yerevan

Below I will provide a couple of links to hotels, hostels or apartments in Yerevan that are optimal in terms of price, quality, reviews, and location.

For $5-10 per night you can stay in a hostel in the very center of the city. Examples of hostels in Yerevan ↓

Excursions in Yerevan

If you want to learn more about the history of Yerevan and the life of the city in our time, or travel around Armenia with a guide, you can order individual excursion in Yerevan or Armenia in Russian.

They will take you around the sights, they will show and tell you everything.

Everything is just beginning in Yerevan. The most interesting thing is beyond!

I wish you clear skies in Yerevan to see Ararat!

Your Mila Demenkova

The sunny, welcoming, and very picturesque capital of Armenia, Yerevan, is always happy to welcome guests. The “Pink City” hides a lot of interesting and beautiful things, so it will take more than one day to explore all its sights. But even the shortest trip will bring travelers a lot of pleasure: below are the most striking, famous and interesting places. We'll tell you what to see and where to go in Yerevan in a short time.

Sights of Yerevan on the map:

The main attraction of the capital of Armenia, without visiting which it is impossible to imagine a trip to this city - architectural complex Cascade. This is a whole system of sculptures, stairs, flower beds, flower beds and fountains, built according to the design of the architect Alexander Tamayan, who developed the development plan for Yerevan.

Photo of the Cascade in Yerevan

The construction originates in a small square where works of world-famous sculptors are located. The attraction was built with the help of US businessman, philanthropist and collector Gerard Cafesjian. Flying up 740 steps, the Cascade ends at the observation deck with the “Revived Armenia” obelisk. The Cascade itself in Yerevan is 500 meters long and 50 meters wide. At the top next to the obelisk there is an eternal gray construction site:

From above, Yerevan is in full view:

Warm up with tea on the observation deck

In 2009, when work on the monumental building was completed, the entrepreneur opened an “Arts Center” in its interior, a museum where works in the style of contemporary art.You can find sculptures by Stanislav Libensky and Yaroslava Brikhtova, works by John Altoon, Andy Warhol, Grigor Khandzhyan, Marc Chagall, Fernando Botero, Arshile Gorky and many other masters. The Center also has a Swarovski Crystal Palace room and concert hall. We visited a similar one in Istanbul.

Republic Square

Republic Square (formerly named after Lenin) is the central square in Yerevan. In 1924, it was designed by Tamayan, and by 1958 all construction work was completed. It is here that all public holidays take place, and it was here that multi-day rallies took place during the spring unrest in Armenia in 2018.

The architectural ensemble of the object consists of several buildings, the facades of which are finished with pink and white tuff:

  • The government of the country with city chimes;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Energy;
  • Museum of the History of Armenia;
  • Central Post;
  • Marriott Armenia Hotel.
In front of the Museum there are Singing Fountains - the highlight of the square. The performance starts at 21:00. Jets of water, spectacularly illuminated in different colors, dance to classical music, rock, jazz and pop. Attention! The show does not take place in winter. During the cold season, the bowl of the fountain is decorated with New Year's figures and garlands. It is on the Republic Square that we are.


The Matenadaran Institute of Ancient Manuscripts named after St. Mesrop Mashtots is a research center founded in 1920 at the meetings of the Echmiadzin Monastery and the world's largest collection of ancient manuscripts. There are about 100,000 archival documents and about 17,000 manuscripts written in Armenian, Hebrew, Russian, Syriac, Latin, Arabic and many other languages.

The institute has a museum consisting of 14 halls. Visitors will get acquainted with the history of medieval sciences, see ancient miniatures, ancient manuscripts, books, maps from different countries and times. To view the exhibitions, it is better to take a tour in one of 9 languages. Ticket price is about 1000 drams.

Attention! The museum is open from Tuesday to Thursday, photographing exhibits costs 2,500 drams, and taking pictures with flash is strictly prohibited.

Armenian Genocide Museum

The Armenian Genocide Museum in Yerevan is part of the Tsitsenrnakaberd complex, a memorial dedicated to the same sad events of the early 20th century. The museum was opened in 1995. It occupies an inconspicuous concrete building with an area of ​​2000 square meters. m., the first floor of which is completely underground.

The permanent exhibition occupies 4 halls: photographs, demographic tables, books, documents are presented here, which can be used to trace the history of the preparation and implementation of the genocide by the Turkish authorities. In 2014, Forbes magazine included the Museum in its list of nine memorial complexes that everyone should visit. Entrance to the territory of Tsitsenrnakaberd is free. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Temple of the Intercession Holy Mother of God is the main cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Armenia. Finished with pink tuff, it combines the traditions of both Armenian and Russian architecture.

The building was erected from 1913 to 1916 in the village of Kenakiry specifically for the Cossack army that was stationed here. In 1918, the church was closed, beheaded and a military club was organized within its walls. The shrine reopened in the 90s of the last century, and in 2000 it underwent a complete restoration.

Attention: the temple is open from 09:00 to 18:00, break - from 13:00 to 14:00.

The Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator is the largest temple in Yerevan and the second largest in the entire Transcaucasus. The shrine was erected according to the design of S. Kyurkchyan in 1997, to commemorate the 1700th anniversary of the country’s adoption of Christianity. Temple complex includes 2 more churches: St. Tiridates III and St. Queen Ashkhen.

The total area of ​​the facility is 3822 sq. m., and the maximum height is 54 m. All buildings were erected in a strict, restrained style using geometric shapes. This is not only a functioning cathedral, but also a repository of artifacts associated with Gregory the Illuminator, the first Catholicos of the Armenians.

Inside the Cathedral of St. Gregory in Yerevan

Excursion to the Ararat and Noy cognac factories

It is no secret that excellent quality cognac is produced in Armenia. One of the most famous factories for the production of this drink is ArArAt. Tourists who go to inspect this production will visit the tasting rooms, see the cellar where the cognac barrels are stored, if they are lucky, look at the storage room with 50-year-old drinks, and also stroll through the cozy courtyard.

Flea market "Vernisage"

The Vernissage market is the best place in Yerevan to purchase original gifts. It was formed in the 80s of the 20th century, and is still popular among local residents, travelers and art critics. The fact is that here you can only sell antiques and works of art: paintings, icons, carpets, national souvenirs, semi-precious stones, ancient jewelry, household items, books.

This is a place worth visiting for creative people, collectors, and those who can appreciate exclusive items. “Vernisage” is located near Republic Square, at the intersection of Hanrapetutyan and Byuzand streets.

Important! The morning is open only on Saturdays and Sundays, from 09:00 to 16:00.

Victory Park and Mother Armenia Monument

In the center of the capital is Akhtanak, or Victory Park. This favorite place recreation for local residents. In summer, here you can stroll along the shady alleys, have fun on the rides and have a snack in the cafe. But in winter there is desolation and sadness here.

The crown of all this hopelessness is the huge abandoned cafe “Aragil” with a gorgeous view of the city.

Built in 1959, the expensive restaurant has become a symbol of Yerevan. Locals loved to party here on weekends, and foreign guests were always brought here for business lunches with panoramic view:

Today it is a place where the marginalized hang out.

Today I’ll tell you about the sights of Yerevan and the surrounding area and where to go in the capital of Armenia. Surely everyone who comes here is wondering what to see in Yerevan in 2-3 days and how to truly experience it?

In this post I will try to answer all the questions about interesting places in the city - I chose the 20 best in my opinion. Go!

It makes sense to go to Yerevan for at least 3 days, because places worth visiting are located not only in the city itself, but also within a radius of 20-40 km from it, which by Russian standards is a mere trifle; you can make the capital your base and organize excursions to interesting places in District. But let's talk about everything in order.

Excursion bus

Sights of Yerevan and surrounding areas

The capital of Armenia made a pleasant impression on us, despite the fact that the country is very poor - this can be seen immediately on the road from the airport to the city. Yerevan is located on scorched hills overlooking Mount Ararat and is notable for its buildings built from red tuff - it looks very elegant!

Read also:

We were there at the end of August, it was still a bit hot during the day, but in the evening life was just beginning, the city moved at its own measured pace. Old people play backgammon on the benches, kids run around with scooters and roller skates, and summer cafes they put tables outside. Then everyone sits and spends the evening talking.

Yerevan is not like other capitals: Moscow, Bangkok, Astana...People here are in no hurry, they can stop and shout something to each other across the street;-)

Life in Yerevan

In the center there are 2 areas: Freedom Square (where the Opera House and Cascade are) and Republic Square (with adjacent government buildings, the Vernissage market and museums). Between them lies the so-called Northern Avenue - the most fashionable place in Yerevan with expensive boutiques, shops, and salons.

1. Cascade

Perhaps one of the symbols of Yerevan, known far beyond its borders. Endless flights of stairs rushing up to the Monument of Revived Armenia, decorated with flowers, waterfalls, and art objects.

Modern Art

The construction of the cascade began in the 70s of the 20th century, but after the collapse of the union the money ran out. So it stood unfinished until a philanthropist appeared - an American with Armenian roots, Gerard Cafeschan (a representative of the Armenian diaspora). It was decided to make an art gallery inside and place works by contemporary masters outside, for example the sculpture “Black Cat” by Fernando Botero. Be sure to go inside, ride the escalator, and visit the galleries.

City view

It’s great to come to the Cascade at sunset or in the evening, when it gets dark - it’s beautifully illuminated. It's too hot here during the day. If you climb to the very top, you can see the whole city at a glance, and good weather and Ararat is clearly visible (it is already in Turkey).

View of Ararat from Yerevan early in the morning

2. Opera House and Freedom Square

A favorite vacation spot for townspeople, the square is surrounded by a park, there is even Swan Lake. There are many outdoor cafes nearby, kids roller skating, old people talking while sitting on a bench - a pleasant atmosphere. If you're lucky with the dates, you can even get to the theater concert!

Address: st. Tumanyan, 54

3. Matenadaran

Matenadaran is a museum of ancient manuscripts, one of the largest repositories of ancient manuscripts in the world. Now there are more than 17 thousand manuscripts and more than 2 thousand ancient books stored here: the works of philosophers, mathematicians, geographers and the greatest minds of their time - a treasure trove of knowledge!

The museum building is clearly visible from the northern part of the city; it rises on a hill at the end of Mesrop Mashtots Street, the creator of Armenian writing.

Address: Mashtots Avenue, 53.

Operating mode: 10:00-16:00, Tuesday-Saturday.

Entry fee: 1000 dram.

4. Republic Square

Republic Square in Yerevan (formerly Lenin Square) is surrounded by hefty government buildings made of red tuff and expensive hotels. There is also a fountain, which is illuminated with all the colors of the rainbow from 9 to 11 pm in the summer. Perfect place to sit in the evening!

5. State Museum history of Armenia

Located opposite the fountain on Republic Square. In this museum you can trace the entire history of Armenia from the Stone Age to the present day. More than 400 thousand items are stored here cultural heritage, such as a collection of bronze objects from the 3rd millennium BC or shoes aged 5,000 years, which are considered the oldest in the world! How do you like it, huh? ;-)

Address: Arami, 1

Operating mode: Tuesday-Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00.

Entry fee: 1000 dram

Museum and fountain nearby

6. Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque is the only working mosque in the capital of Armenia today. It was built in 1766 by the Persian Khan, and in Soviet time The Yerevan Museum and Planetarium were located here. Currently it is the center of the Iranian community and, as it were, shows good attitude Armenia with its southern neighbor. Remember to dress properly: cover your shoulders and legs.

Address: Mashtots Avenue, 12

Operating mode: 10:00-18:00

Entrance to the mosque

7. Ararat Cognac Factory.

What is Armenia best known for? Of course, the legendary cognac! Therefore, we will include the Ararat Brandy Factory among the attractions of Yerevan. The factory offers tours where you can see the entire production process. The cost is 4,500 drams for tasting 3 and 5 year old cognac and 10,000 dram for tasting 10, 20 and 30 year old cognac.

There is also a Barrel of Peace with cognac spirit from 1994 kept here. It will be opened as soon as the Karabakh conflict is resolved, but for now everyone can leave inscriptions on it.

Address: Admiral Isakov Avenue, 2

Operating mode: 09:30 – 16:00, Monday-Friday

Ararat Cognac Factory

8. Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator

Move from gluttony to spiritual nourishment and visit the huge cathedral in the city center. This new building looks rather stark with its square corners and massive domes, but the inside is nice and spacious. You will have the opportunity to watch local weddings, religious services and other rituals that take place here every day. It’s especially cool when the organ starts playing, giving you goosebumps!

Address: st. Tigran Mets, opposite Zoravar Andranik metro station

Read also:

Central Cathedral

9. Armenian Genocide Museum in Yerevan (Tsitsernakaberd)

To better understand modern Armenia, it is simply necessary to “read” the darkest page in the history of this country - the Armenian genocide of 1915. A memorial complex on a hill, which is clearly visible from many parts of the city, is dedicated to the events of those years. The center of the complex is a 44-meter stele, broken in half. The visit does not leave the most pleasant memory; the photographs show all the horror and grief of the people, and in total about one and a half million Armenians were killed (!).

Address: Tsitsernakaberd hill

Operating mode: Tuesday-Sunday from 11:00 to 16:00

Entry fee: for free

10. Market Vernissage

The most famous antiques market in Yerevan - here you can find everything your heart desires, from old blades and coins to modern souvenirs. Dishes, records, books, coins, weapons, carpets, musical instruments and much more are on display.

Antiques and souvenirs market

11. House-museums of famous Armenians

Armenians are very creative people. In the capital, several house-museums of famous representatives of art have been preserved, for example, Sergei Parajanov, a famous avant-garde director, Martiros Saryan, a Soviet artist, and Hovhannes Tumanyan, a writer and poet.

Locals are very proud of these people and always recommend visiting their museums.

12. Northern Avenue

Yerevan Arbat and the favorite place of the capital's rich youth is the most modern area of ​​the center. The pedestrian street starts from Abovyan Street (near Republic Square) and stretches north to the Opera House.

Until recently, there were private houses here that were bought for the construction of luxury real estate. As they say, few locals live here; mostly wealthy representatives of the Armenian diaspora from all over the world buy housing in this quarter.

Northern Avenue

Take a walk down the street after a busy day, sit in one of the cafes, and shopping lovers can go shopping, although the price tag here is overpriced.

13. Mother Armenia Monument

A huge 54-meter monument rises above the city and is located in Victory Park. Built in 1950 in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, although until 1962 there was a monument to Stalin. Inside the monument there is a museum of the Second World War and the Karabakh War, and around the square there are samples of weapons displayed.

The townspeople themselves relax in Victory Park, you will probably meet them and start talking with them ;-)

Address: Haghtanak (Victory) Park.

Operating mode: 10:00-17:00 Tuesday-Friday, 10:00-15:00 Saturday-Sunday.

Entry fee: free, photography 500 AMD.

Sights of Yerevan photo

What to see in Yerevan in 3 more days? Very close to the capital there are several interesting and must-see places - it is convenient to make excursions to them for half a day or a day, returning back to Yerevan.

14. Khor Virap Monastery

One of best views Mount Ararat opens from the Khor Virap monastery, 30 km south of Yerevan. The monastery is famous for the fact that the pagan king Trdat III imprisoned St. Gregory the Illuminator in a deep well, where he sat for 12 years. Until the king fell ill, and Gregory cured the sick man, after which Trdat converted to Christianity.

It is ideal to come here early in the morning (6-7 o’clock), then Ararat can be best seen. During the day it is hellishly hot and there is almost no shade.

Entry fee: for free

How to get there: a couple of buses a day from the David Sasuntsi metro station, 400 drams, 40 minutes on the way. A more comfortable option is to take a taxi, which will cost about 10,000 drams there and back. The taxi driver will wait for you while you walk.

Khor Virap

15. Garni

The pagan temple 28 km from Yerevan is interesting because it dates back to the Hellenistic era and was dedicated to the sun god - Mithra. A little later, a summer residence Armenian kings - an inaccessible place on the edge of a cliff.

Garni represents palace complex, the ruins of an ancient temple and nearby baths, and the feeling that you really came to Greece. All this was built over the picturesque gorge of the Azat River, and it is famous for its rocks of a regular hexagonal shape. Go down and walk along the river and you can get a closer look at these hexagons.

Entry fee: 1000 dram

How to get there: minibuses and buses from the Mercedes showroom in Yerevan, 250 drams, every hour, or by taxi.

Neighborhoods of Yerevan

16. Geghard Monastery

One of our favorite places in the vicinity of Yerevan - the Geghard monastery is located among picturesque and steep cliffs in a narrow gorge 40 km from the capital. Some of the temples are completely hollowed out inside the rocks; one even has a spring with crystal clear, tasty water. The construction of the monastery dates back to the 4th century. It is believed that the spear with which Jesus was pierced was kept here, and now it can be seen in Etchmiadzin.

Geghard Monastery in the gorge

Christenings take place in Geghard, newlyweds arrive, and you will probably attend some kind of service. The monastery makes a strong impression!

It is convenient to combine a trip to Geghard with an excursion to Garni, everything will be along the way.

Entry fee: for free

How to get there: by bus 284 to Gokhta, then walk 4.5 km to the monastery. Or hitchhike from Garni, by taxi for 1000 drams (round trip).

Inside the temple

17. Echmiadzin

One of the significant spiritual centers of the country, the residence of the Armenian Catholicos, Cathedral in Etchmiadzin was built in the 4th century, and was restored in the 5th, 7th, 17th and 18th centuries.

Entry fee: for free

How to get there: by bus from Yerevan from the main bus station, 250 drams, every 10 minutes.

18, 19, 20. Amberd fortress, Lake Kari, Mount Aragats

Amberd Fortress is located north of Yerevan on the way to Lake Kari Lich (Armenian for “lake”) and Mount Aragats (the highest in Armenia). Built at an altitude of 2300 m above sea level at the confluence of the Amberd and Arkashen rivers. It is believed that the fortress was never conquered, and this is not difficult to believe.

On the way, you can stop by the Byurakan Observatory and even spend the night there, observing the stars. And a little further up the road there is Lake Kari, inaccessible in winter due to snow. The road ends here, and it is from the lake that everyone who wants to climb Mount Aragats departs.

How to get there: there are only 3-4 minibuses a day from the Yerevan bus station to Byurakan, the best choice- taxi or your own car.

To travel comfortably around the outskirts of Yerevan, I recommend taking a taxi, it will be much faster, and if there is a whole group of you, it will be quite cheap. However, hitchhiking in Armenia is wonderful, that’s how we went, and you can get to know the locals better!

Thus, I would advise spending 1-2 days sightseeing in Yerevan, and setting aside at least a couple more days for trips to interesting places around the city. In general, we liked it here so much that we stayed for almost a week;-) And what - the people are nice and hospitable, and the city is cozy.

UPD on a tip from readers: take a special tourist “Yerevan Card”, the price of which includes visits to many museums (including the Ararat Brandy Factory), transfer from the airport, metro, several excursions, discounts in cafes, restaurants, hotels and much more other.

There are several types of these cards: 24 hours ($29), 48 hours ($39), 72 hours ($48) and unlimited ($49). You can buy it at the airport or at sales offices in Yerevan.

Friends, if you know any other sights of Yerevan and places that are definitely worth visiting, write in the comments!

What to see in Armenia in one or two weeks or a long weekend (3-4 days).

Logical travel routes by day, a list of the main attractions of Armenia with photos, description and coordinates of each city, monastery, natural wonder

Routes around Armenia

When planning a vacation in Armenia, take into account (a) the time of year, (b) the availability of a car, (c) the number of days.

From April to October, everything must see is available; from November to March, due to snow in the mountains, you will have to cross out some things.

Route 1. Day Trips from Yerevan

Have you arrived in Yerevan for 3-4 days, do you want to quickly see the city and its surroundings? Rent an apartment in Yerevan and travel around the sights of Armenia for one day, returning to the capital in the evening.

By taxi, car or excursion from Yerevan you will have time to see several places in one day.

On minibuses it’s also possible, it just takes longer. Monasteries and viewpoints are off the highway; minibuses do not reach them. You still have to take a taxi.

Day 1. look at Yerevan

Day 2. West: Zvartnots Temple (15 km), Holy Etchmiadzin (20 km)
East: Garni pagan temple (30 km), Symphony of stone, Geghard monastery (40 km)

Day 3. South: Khor Virap (40 km) and Noravank (120 km) monasteries

Day 4. Northeast: ski resort Tsakhkadzor (60 km) and Lake Sevan (70 km)

Route 2. TOP 10 of Armenia at gallop

You are by car/taxi and ready for a long journey - you will have time to see the center and south of Armenia. A route for hardy adult travelers. It's better to spread it out over a week. In 4 days it is possible, but too intense.

Day 1. We see Yerevan and spend the night

Day 2. 270 km, 5 hours driving. Early departure from Yerevan. Monasteries of Khor Virap and Noravank, wine in Areni. Karahunj (stone forest of Goris), overnight in the barrel hotel Harsnadzor

Day 3. 300 km, 7 hours driving. You’re unlikely to have time to do everything, look at your priorities. Ropeway “Wings of Tatev”, Tatev Monastery, Khndzoresk suspension bridge and cave city.

Further on the situation. Options:
a) we return to Yerevan and spend the night there. 250 km, 5 hours by car
b) we go to Jermuk to the “Hair of the Mermaid” waterfall and spend the night. 130 km, 3 hours by car along serpentines
c) for the hardy ones: through the mountains to Lake Sevan through the Selim Pass. 260-280 km, 5h+ driving. Detailed route below, only possible from April to October. We spend the night in Sevan or Dilijan.

Day 4. On the way from Lake Sevan we stop at the pagan temple of Garni, the Basalt stones and the Geghard temple in the rock. We return to Yerevan in the afternoon, return the car, and fly home.

If there is a day that particularly interests you, click on it to view photos and find out more details.

Day 2 or 3. Outskirts of Yerevan

Yerevan-Zvartnots-Echmiadzin-Garni-Geghard-Overnight in Yerevan
Yerevan- Zvartnots Echmiadzin- Garni- Geghar

Zvartnots Temple, 15 km— “Temple of the Vigilant Angels”, the most unusual of the ancient temples of Armenia, is on the UNESCO list. Entrance 1300 drams (2.7$/170rub)

Coordinates: 40.161230, 44.336346
Tue-Sat: 10.00-17.00, Sun: 10.00-15.00
Closed: Monday

Holy Etchmiadzin, 20 kmmain Cathedral in the Armenian Apostolic Church. One of the oldest spiritual centers in the country, the Armenian equivalent of the Vatican.

Located in the city of Vagharshapat. In 2-3 hours you can visit by minibus and return to Yerevan.

Coordinates: 40.161941, 44.291140
the main temple is open 7.00-21.00

Garni (30 km)- pagan temple. Built in the 1st century AD, restored during the union. For a long time, the village of Garni was the summer residence of the kings. Entrance 1500 drams ($3 / 200 rubles), parking 200 d.

Near Garni, see the Stone Symphony (“Basalt Organ”).

Pagan temple of Garni

Geghard (40 km)— the monastery seems to grow out of the rock, merging with the surrounding landscapes. There is a sacred spring with healing water in the temple. At the foot of the mountain they sell delicious pies with honey filling.

Plan on a minibus for 3-4 hours; you need to walk 6 km from the stop or take a taxi. It’s faster and more convenient by car from Yerevan Garni + Geghard (they are nearby).

Day 4. We go to the south of Armenia

Yerevan - Khor Virap - wine in Areni - Noravank - Jermuk
Yerevan- Khor Virap- Areni- Noravank- Jermuk

Khor Virap Monastery (40 km) with a panorama of Mount Ararat - the most visited attraction in the vicinity of Yerevan. From the walls of the monastery you can see the border with Turkey.

Look for a bus to Pokr Vedi or Artashat. Then from the stop you need to walk 1 km to the monastery.

GPS: 39.878374, 44.576059

Khor Virap Monastery overlooking Ararat

🍷 Areni- a village 12 km from Yeghegnazdor. There are caves and a church here. Famous for local wine, there are a couple of wineries. They offer to taste or buy regular and fruit wine, cognac, and chacha.

Noravank Monastery, 120 km from Yerevan and 80 km from Khor Virap. Noravank in the red canyon and the cave of swallows are one of the brightest places in Armenia, and not so much the monastery itself, but the road leading to it and the views.

Noravank is located off the main road, before reaching the town of Yeghegnadzor. We turn off the highway to the right and drive along good asphalt through the mountains for 8 km. Details

Noravank Monastery in the Red Canyon

Jermuk- a high-mountain resort, was popular in Soviet times. They even built their own airport there (it doesn’t work).

There are several sanatoriums, a gallery mineral water, park and lake.

Jermuk is divided into two parts high canyon and in addition to mineral water, it is famous for its “Hair of the Mermaid” waterfall.

Overnight in Vayk, Yeghegnadzor or Jermuk - in the low season, the best 5* hotel in the city, Hyatt Place Jermuk, costs only $50.

Day 5-6. South-east of Armenia

Jermuk - Gndevank - Shaki - Karahunj - Ropeway - Tatev - Satan's Bridge - Goris - Khndzoresk
Jermuk - Gndevank - Shaki - Karahunj - Tatev - Devil's Bridge - Goris - Khndzoresk

Overnight in Goris, Halidzor or Tatev. Among the unusual accommodations is the Harsnadzor barrel hotel near Halidzor (it’s cold in barrels in winter!).

The attractions described below are best viewed from 2 days. In one day, only by car at a complete gallop, and in the summer, when the roads are dry. Or miss something

Gndevank Monastery, one of the oldest in Armenia, stands at the bottom of the canyon in the Vayots gorge, and not at the top, like other churches. In Jermuk they offer bus excursions to the Gndevank monastery, gps: 39.759125, 45.610763

Gndevank Monastery

Shaki Waterfall near Sisian is used to generate electricity. Turned on by prior arrangement only when there are tourists, gps: 39.552528, 45.993874

Karahunj(Zorats-Karer), it is also called “ Stone forest Goris” or Armenian Stonehenge, gps: 39.552011, 46.028759

According to different versions, there was ancient observatory, cemetery, cattle pen. Place of power.

223 basalt stones stand in a certain order on a mountain plateau at an altitude of 1770m above the sea. The height of the stones is from one and a half to 2.8 meters.

Located 3 km north of Sisian. Drive on a dirt road. Story about

Ropeway and Tatev Monastery, 250 km from Yerevan the longest in Europe cable car, called “Wings of Tatev” in honor of the monastery to which it leads, gps: 39.417165, 46.297744

The start of the cable car is near the village of Halidzor. Price one way - 3000 AMD, two ways 5000 drams($10/670r), children (up to 110 cm) - 100 drams

The last departure from Halidzor is at 17.30, after 16.30 two-way tickets are not sold. Closed: Monday

We park the car in the parking lot in Halidzor, go to the Tatev Monastery by cable car, look around and return for the car.

You can also go to Satan's Bridge under the cable car. You need to make a circle and go down to Satan's Bridge by car or on foot (it takes 4 hours on foot). Take a swim in the mineral springs under the bridge.

Goris(240 km from Yerevan) - relatively Big City in the south of Armenia. There are many guest houses here, there is a bank and several cafes.

In Goris, inspection of cave cities (huge holes in the rocks, where people lived 50-60 years ago). Now some caves are used as warehouses.

There are cave cities not only in Goris, but also in several villages east of the city.

The city of Goris is also pink

Khndzoresk, aka Khndzoresk - see the cave city and the suspension bridge over the abyss at an altitude of 60 meters from the ground. Built a few years ago, gps: 39.500886, 46.432545

We're up to suspension bridge We didn’t get there because the road turned into a mess. They were afraid to interfere. There is no asphalt there. In summer, when the road is dry, it should be approx.

Suspension bridge to Khndzoresk

Day 7. Selim Pass and Lake Sevan

Selim - Caravanserai - Noratus - Hayravank - Sevanavank - Tsaghkadzor - Dilijan
Vardenyats Pass- Orbelian Caravansarai- Noratus- Hayravank- Sevanavank- Dilijan

If you leave Goris or Tatev in the morning, we have time to do the following:

Selim Pass, also known as Vardenyats Pass, is a direct road to Lake Sevan from the south of Armenia. You need to get to Yeghegnadzor and go north along M10. The road is good, but mountains + height = snow from November to March.

At the end of March until the first hour everything was clear. At the pass we got stuck when we missed oncoming traffic. Then the mess began. When there is snow, it is better not to drive a car. The views are very beautiful, it must be cool in the summer.

Armenians save the car

Selim caravanserai, on the Google map it is called Orbelian Caravansarai - caravans stopped here when they walked along the Silk Road from Persia to Asia and the Black Sea. GPS: 39.949811, 45.235895

The caravanserai was covered with snow, snowdrifts of 2 meters

Noratus(Noratus) near the city of Gavar - khachkar cemetery near Lake Sevan, gps: 40.375512, 45.182528

Cemetery of khachkars Noratus

Hayravank Monastery above Sevan not far from Gavar - few people reach it, but the view of Lake Sevan from its walls is more picturesque. The monastery itself is rough and small. I like it. GPS: 40.433796, 45.108266

Hayravank Monastery above Sevan

Sevanavank. The Sevan peninsula and the Sevanavank monastery are the most tourist place on Lake Sevan. The church is located on a hill, you need to climb steep steps for a couple of minutes. GPS: 40.564105, 45.010679

Sevanavank Monastery on the Sevan Peninsula

Sevan whitefish and crayfish. If you want to eat whitefish (local) or crayfish in Sevan, go to Restaurant Collette overlooking the lake. Tasty and inexpensive. Fish kebab - 1500 drams/portion. The Armenian also advised.

The restaurant is located on the highway if you drive from Sevanavank towards Dilijan along the M4. From the monastery you need to drive literally 3 km along the lake

Restaurant Collette - a two-story green building on the shore of Sevan

Tsaghkadzor- ski resort 30 km from Lake Sevan. Season until mid-March

Overnight in Sevan, Tsakhkadzor or Dilijan (for example, in the forest on the mountain in a traditional Armenian house Ecokayan Dilijan Resort )

Sevan - Armenian sea

Day 8. Dilijan and surroundings

Dilijan - Goshavank - Haghartsin - Lermontovo (Fioletovo)

The north of Armenia is also beautiful, I even made a travel itinerary for that region, but it didn’t work out.

We went in March, the weather was cloudy, we had had enough of the monasteries, the bald mountains were no longer so amazing, so we left the surroundings of Dilijan and Alaverdi for next time. Better in summer there, or at least when the sun is shining.

Sights of northern Armenia:

  • Dilijan— sightseeing of the city, you can walk in the mountains (there are eco-trails)
  • Haghartsin Monastery in the forest
  • Goshavank Monastery
  • Russian Old Believers villages Fioletovo and Lermontovo
  • Makaravank Monastery

Monument to the heroes of the film “Mimino” in sunny Dilijan

Day 9. Lori region

I took a minibus along that road 3 times. Indescribable beauty. The road is ok when compared with the highway to Tatev. Near Alaverdi you can see:

Haghpat Monastery and to the north of it - Akhtala(beautiful frescoes), to the south - Sanahin and church Odzun(go for the scenery and the world’s oldest relief image of Orthodox saints)

Haghpat Monastery

Day 10. Extinct volcano

Aragats - Amberd - Lake Kari - Artashavan (alphabet square)

Return to Yerevan

These attractions are available from June to early October. In winter and spring, visiting Aragats is difficult because of the snow. There is serpentine (holey asphalt).

  • The extinct volcano Aragats- the most high mountain in Armenia (4094 m)
  • Amberd Fortressancient fortress, built on the slope of Mount Aragats at an altitude of 2200 m. Near the fortress there is an ancient church
  • Lake Kari- high mountain lake on Mount Aragats at an altitude of 3200 m
  • Alphabet Square in the village of Artashavan, 30 km from Yerevan on the slope of Mount Aragats. I’m not sure if it’s worth a special trip by transport, but if it’s on the way, you can stop by

Lake Kari on Mount Aragats


In two weeks, all the attractions of Armenia listed above can only be visited by car. Day 5 And day 8 This route is very busy, you may not have time to see everything.

In winter on Lake Sevan ( day 7) it is better to take the M4 highway from Yerevan, because you can get stuck at the Selim Pass when coming from the south of Armenia.

Day 10 feasible only from June to early October, as long as there is no snow on Mount Aragats.

If you travel by minibus and on foot, feel free to add another week or remove some points from the route.

Hitchhiking is also an issue. In Armenia there are kind people and good traffic, but many monasteries are located in the mountains far from the highway, so there may be no cars.

If you know what other interesting places you can see in Armenia, please write in the comments :)

Sunshine to you and Armenian hospitality!

Mila Demenkova

Armenians are proud of their capital, because it older than Rome. Those who decide to see all the sights of Yerevan will need more than one week. What to see first? This is the question asked by travelers who do not want to limit themselves to excursions and walks around the Old City.

And although the ancient streets, of course, should not be avoided, you can easily begin to get acquainted with the city and its real life on your own by visiting it interesting places, which are not included in the list proposed in the guidebooks. We should also not forget about the suburbs and environs of the Armenian capital. There are many interesting sights outside the city limits, a visit to which will bring a lot of bright positive emotions.

Cafesjian Center for the Arts

Rita Willaert / flickr.com

This is big architectural ensemble in the center of modern Yerevan, which is a vivid example of the patriotism of Armenians and their love for their native capital. This place is called “Cascade”. The complex includes:

  1. Museum building.
  2. Fountains.
  3. Sculptures.
  4. Walking alleys.
  5. Observation platforms.
  6. Stairs.

The museum exhibition is based on the personal collection of billionaire Levon Cafesjian. But in addition to it, various collections of contemporary art are displayed here, as well as collections of museums from all over the world.

This place is a recreation area loved by residents of the capital. In the evenings, the fountains are illuminated, music plays, and street performers perform. Here it’s common to just walk, get to know each other, and take pictures. The complex looks like a large wide boulevard, along which there are streets with restaurants, cafeterias, and shops.

young shanahan / flickr.com

This is a work by the contemporary sculptor Botero, infamous for his provocative works. It is installed in the park, not far from the beginning of the Cascade alleys. Its value as a work of art is debatable, but the monument is extremely popular among tourists. They like to take pictures against its background, and many are also confident that if they touch the sculpture, it will fulfill their cherished desire.

The monument represents a plump woman lying naked with her back up and holding a cigarette in her fingers. A rather provocative work of art, about which the author himself said that he reflected in his work the image of a modern city woman.

Matenadaran Research Center

Amanda / flickr.com

The word “Matenadaran” is translated into Russian as “Manuscript Repository”, that is, a library archive. But a research center is not at all a room in which rare documents lie as “dead weight”. This is a place where bibliographers, historians, archivists, and writers work.

Travelers here need to visit the local museum. In addition to the most interesting exhibition, which presents ancient manuscripts created long before the advent of our era, in the exhibition halls you can take a break from the sweltering heat of Yerevan. Therefore, in summer the museum is especially crowded with visitors.

The collection kept in the Matenadaran includes thousands of manuscripts. Documents have been in this place since the 5th century. The repository of manuscripts was founded by an outstanding figure, thinker, philosopher, scientist and creator of Armenian writing, Mashtots. Unfortunately, ancient building was not preserved, and part of the priceless collection was lost. But what is presented in the museum is impressive and delightful.

Em and Ernie / flickr.com

This is a large memorial complex, a visit to which is a tribute to the Armenians who suffered from the genocide back in 1915. Although the memorial was built in the 60s of the last century, its architectural style has nothing in common with numerous Soviet monuments that time.

In front of the stele, split in two, rising 44 meters into the air, there is an open giant cone made of monolithic stone slabs. Inside, the Eternal Flame burns, and behind the cone begins the Wall of Mourning, exactly a hundred meters long. In 1995, a museum was opened here, a photo with a description of which was included in all guidebooks to the Armenian capital. Anyone interested in the history of the Armenian people should visit this place.

Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Museum

The opening of this museum was timed to coincide with the 80th Memorial Day. The underground location of the exhibitions is not an accident. The museum is a symbolic tomb for all those who suffered in the terrible year 1915 for the Armenian people.

From the walls and stands occupying two underground levels, photographs of people who disappeared or suffered incredible cruelty due to the actions of the Turkish authorities look at visitors. At this point it becomes clear for what reasons the Armenian people joined the USSR with great enthusiasm at the beginning of the last century.


Modern Armenia is a heritage ancient state Urartu. In terms of the degree of prosperity, development, culture, and wealth, it could well compete with the kingdoms of Mesopotamia and other ancient states.

Erebuni Fortress is a large-scale defensive structure erected during the reign of King Argishti I. It was built in the 8th century BC. This fortress gave rise to the city known throughout the world as Yerevan.

Next to the ancient ruins, which even now amaze travelers, is the Erebuni Museum. You should not neglect visiting it, because the exhibition is extremely diverse and interesting. Here is presented everything that was found on the territory of the country dating back to its most ancient period of history. The artifacts of the state of Urartu are no less impressive than the ancient relics exhibited in museums in Greece, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Israel and other countries.

Central square of Yerevan


It is called Republic Square. This is a typical Soviet square from the middle of the last century. Its appearance is largely accidental, because it is formed by the surrounding buildings, built at different times.

But the houses are designed in the same style, so the architectural ensemble looks uniform and indivisible. The final appearance of the square was given by the Yerevan architect Tomanyan. According to his design, a fountain was built in the center, and the adjacent buildings were reconstructed and given an obvious external similarity.

The square looks especially beautiful in the early morning and evening, at sunset. The buildings are faced with slabs of pink and snow-white tuff, and their foundations are lined with basalt.

History Museum and Art Gallery

Vahe Martirosyan / flickr.com

Museum of History and Art Gallery– places where you need to go first in Yerevan. They were founded by government decree of September 9, 1919 and opened simultaneously on August 20, 1921.

The museum and gallery occupy a two-story building with a dome, standing on Republic Square behind the fountain. These institutions are one of the main attractions of the Armenian capital.

Government House

The building in which those in power work is also located on Republic Square. It looks very unusual and combines both the Empire style inherent in all buildings in the world at the beginning of the last century, as well as traditional Armenian motifs and national architectural techniques.

The house took a long time to build. They began to build it in 1926, and finished it only in 1952. This building is on the list of what you need to see in Yerevan, even if the traveler has little time. The Armenian Government House is a unique place not only for its unusual combination of architectural styles and techniques. It periodically hosts exhibitions and events on a variety of topics.

Charles Aznavour, the great French chansonnier, poet, musician, writer and actor, is an ethnic Armenian. His real name was Shahnur Vakhinak Aznavuryan. Of course, Armenians are extremely proud of their compatriot and love him so much that they perpetuate his name by naming a square after him.

However, they didn’t build the square for Aznavour’s sake; one of the existing ones was renamed in his honor. The famous Moscow cinema stands on it. The renewed and reconstructed square was solemnly renamed and opened in 2001. Aznavour himself was present at the ceremony; it was he who cut the ribbon.

Cinema "Moscow"

ale_speciale / flickr.com

This special place, next to which everyone who comes to Yerevan should visit. Of course, if you have time, you should definitely go to the cinema to see everything inside. The building is a real triumph of the “Stalinist Empire”; there was nothing like it in the Soviet Union at the time of its opening.

The history of the cinema is interesting. It was built on the site of the destroyed old church of Saints Paul and Peter. But the work was carried out by public forces, and mainly on weekends. Many representatives of the creative intelligentsia worked at the construction site. For example, among the workers were director Amo Bek-Nazarov and the famous cameraman Feldman.

Restaurants, shops, and cafeterias are open in the cinema building. In front of it is an elegant French-style fountain.

Pedestrian Avenue

Every metropolis has pedestrian streets where you can feel the “pulse of city life.” Yerevan is no exception, but local authorities did not limit themselves to the street; they turned an entire avenue into a pedestrian walking area.

Northern Avenue starts at Republic Square and stretches to the Opera House. It was built on a site occupied in the past by private sector houses that fell into disrepair for various reasons. Demolition began in 2005, in 2006 part of the avenue was opened to people, and in 2007 its construction was completely completed. But the project to create the avenue first appeared in the last century. It was completed in 2001 and then they began to prepare for a large construction project.

Musical Theatre

Vaisakh Sugathan / flickr.com

The Opera and Ballet Theater appeared in Yerevan in 1932. Its establishment became a natural stage in the development of the opera class opened at the Yerevan Conservatory in the 20s.

This theater modern building which was built in 1940, is headed by best places Yerevan, related to culture, theatrical art and music. The porch of the southern façade overlooks Freedom Square; not far from it there are monuments to the poet Tumanyan and the composer Spendiarov.

Director Sergei Paranjanov is the man who opened Armenian cinema to the whole world. Although he was born and raised in Tbilisi, most of his creative path and life itself were connected with Yerevan.

The museum's exhibition includes the director's personal belongings, his diaries, rough sketches, items provided by friends and colleagues, photographs, awards and much more. The museum is small, but the exhibition is very interesting and therefore it will take two to three hours to explore.

This art gallery is a place where you can relax with a cup of aromatic Armenian coffee or wander around the hall with a glass of local cognac in your hands, looking at the works of modern masters.

Paintings, sculptures and other works of art are not designed in one genre, and the artists whose works are exhibited in the gallery are not only Armenians. Of course, every piece of art can be purchased. Those who want to buy something simpler and more budget-friendly as a souvenir, but at the same time original, handmade, should visit a local souvenir shop.

A large factory where carpets were made appeared in Yerevan in the century before last. It was opened by the Megeryan family. But in connection with the events of 1915, the factory owners decided to leave Armenia and went to the United States. In America, the Megeryan family managed to open a carpet manufacturing and restoration business. This happened in 1917.

In 2002, the Megeryans came to their historical homeland and opened a small workshop in Yerevan. Production grew quickly and now it is a large factory. But tourists are not interested in the production, but in the local museum. People with children come here and are delighted with the exhibition and especially its interactive part.

Factory "ArArAt"

Em and Ernie / flickr.com

Cognac "Ararat" – main symbol Armenia, recognized and appreciated by connoisseurs of strong drinks all over the world. But the ArArAt enterprise, founded back in 1887 by the wealthy merchant Tairyants, produces not only Ararat.

The plant has its own museum, the exhibition of which is dedicated not only to the production of cognac, but also to the history of Armenian winemaking in general. There is a store at the plant where travelers can purchase original products.

Yerevan railway station

Vahe Martirosyan / flickr.com

Those arriving in Yerevan by train should try to avoid the common mistake of travelers trying to get to the city center as quickly as possible. The station building is a landmark worthy of the closest attention of tourists.

The history of the station began with the construction of a small station located at the junction of two branches connecting Tiflis and Alexandropol. The large building was erected in the middle of the last century. In 2010, we completed a large-scale reconstruction of the station, completely restoring its original historical appearance, and at the same time equipping transport node according to all modern requirements.

Huseynali Khan Qajar Mosque


The temple, built by order of Khan Huseynali Khan Qajar in the middle of the 18th century, is popularly called simply the “Blue Mosque”. The name is associated with the color of the domes, walls and interiors - they seem to continue the sky, bringing it down to earth.

This temple is not only a place for prayer. The building was built as an “eternal monument” to the friendship of the peoples of Iran and Armenia. Reviews from tourists about this place note not only the amazing beauty of the mosque building and its garden, but also the cordiality, openness of the ministers and their willingness to conduct mini-excursions for those interested.

Cathedral complex of St. Gregory the Illuminator

It is impossible to see even some of the interesting places in Yerevan in one day. Therefore, travelers set their priorities in advance. Not everyone is interested in ancient history; many want to look at modern sights.

The Cathedral of Gregory the Illuminator was built by architect Kyurkchan in 2001. Rich Armenian families donated funds for the construction of a completely new temple. The main patrons of the arts, whose names are immortalized on memorial tablets, are Manukyan, Gevorgyan and Nazaryan.

The complex has three buildings:

  • Church of the Holy Queen Ashkhen;
  • Church of Saint Tiridates III;
  • Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator.

This cathedral ensemble is one of the largest in the Caucasus; in luxury and size it is second only to the temple in Tbilisi. The view of the cathedral complex is especially beautiful in winter; in summer, the sophistication of the architectural style makes it difficult to fully appreciate the lush vegetation

This temple was built at the end XVII century. It was part of the monastery, on the territory of which the tomb of St. Ananias was located.

The monastery was destroyed by one of the earthquakes. In 1970, an unprecedented decision was made for the Soviet authorities to restore the ancient temple as a building of historical and cultural value. Church of Saint Zoravor – active temple, where religious services are held daily.

Memorial "Mother Armenia"

Vahe Martirosyan / flickr.com

This is a memorial complex erected in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and as a monument to its victims and heroes.

The memorial complex is located in the center of Haghtanak Park. At the base of the monument’s pedestal there is a museum, the exhibition of which presents not only exhibits dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, but also items related to subsequent military conflicts - in Nagorno-Karabakh, in Abkhazia.

Market "Vernissage"

Tamara Areshian / flickr.com

You should definitely go here. This is a flea market where you can find very original antiques.

The market sells everything: wooden spinning wheels, personal looms, dishes, jewelry, antique carpets, coffee utensils, furniture and much more.


The zoo in Yerevan appeared in 1941 thanks to the initiative of Professor Sarkisov. When visiting, tourists observe the habits of three hundred species of animals, participate in their feeding and simply walk.

The zoo occupies 25 hectares. You have to move around the territory on foot, but there are many places along the alleys where you can take a break and have a snack.

City public park

Vaisakh Sugathan / flickr.com

People call this place “Lovers' Park”. This park is one of the oldest in Yerevan. The alleys were opened in the 18th century, and then this place was called “Kozerna Garden”.

At the time of the official opening, the garden was located not in the capital of Armenia, but in the suburbs. But in the twentieth century, the garden became part of Yerevan. The park was reconstructed between 2005 and 2008.

Video: on vacation to Armenia - getting to know Yerevan.

Monastery near Mount Ararat

David Stanley / flickr.com

At the foot of Ararat, in a place of extraordinary beauty, stands the ancient monastery “Khor Viral”. The monastery is 40 km from the capital of Armenia, near the border with Turkey. You cannot come to Armenia and not see “Khor Viral” because, according to the Bible and the theories of historical scientists, it was in this place that Noah’s ark landed after the flood.

In addition to possible mooring Noah's Ark, many other events happened at this place. Here stood the city of Artashat - the capital of the kingdom of Artashes I. The monastery was founded in the 7th century.