Where is the best diving in Crimea? The best offers of diving centers in Crimea

Reviews confirm that diving in Crimea is in no way inferior to similar leisure activities in the most interesting corners of Europe. Well, who among us in childhood did not dream, at least for a day, of being like the amphibian man from the immortal novel by A. Belyaev and plunging into the depths of the sea in order to unravel its exciting secrets? The invention of scuba gear provided the opportunity for diving to almost everyone - both beginners and experts. You can read about the best places for diving on the Crimean peninsula and find out prices in 2019 for this entertainment below.

Crimea: best diving spots

There are all conditions for diving in Crimea. The underwater landscapes off the coast of the peninsula are incredibly picturesque, and specialized centers where it is easy to rent equipment are available at all popular resorts. You can dive everywhere in Taurida, but professionals have chosen several places here where the conditions are most favorable for this. These include:

Cape Tarkhankut . It is famous for its amazing landscapes, masses of grottoes and caves, and amazing transparency. It is no coincidence that the legendary and Soviet blockbuster were filmed here. attracts with its versatility. Professionals travel through the Valley of Anchors or K, located at a depth of 14-25 m. Experienced amateurs can take a unique dive trip to the Alley of Leaders and a tour of the Chucha Tunnel. Beginner divers enjoy diving to 6 m to the Neptune Grotto.

Balaklava and Sevastopol . Here you will feel like real archaeologists, doing excavations in Quarantine Bay or near the ancient one. Who knows, maybe among the fragments of ceramics you will be lucky enough to find a whole amphora or an antique coin, and nearby - a relic from the Second World War. Professionals will enjoy a 20-meter descent to the Dragon Cave and a journey through the intricate labyrinths of the Sinister Rocks. Beginners will admire the marine life in the shallow Omega Cove. At a distance of 100-200 m from the coast lie the remains of several sunken ships and aircraft.

New World and Sudak . Experienced divers are interested in the picturesque Graviynaya Bay, teeming with inhabitants of the underwater world. To get to its bottom, you need to dive to 30 m. In Zelenaya harbor it is worth searching for historical artifacts, and inspecting a torpedo bomber that sank during the war. Beginners can dive at Cape Alchak, the coastal zones of which are densely populated with fish and crustaceans.

Yalta . In the surrounding area popular resort there are no super interesting places for Crimean diving. But the coastal landscapes are very beautiful. The area contains amazingly beautiful karst caves. The object of attention will undoubtedly be several sunken small ships.

Evpatoria . The depths of the sea near cities with ancient history are always of interest to divers. So, during a dive, you can examine the ruins of ancient buildings and port structures that once sank into the depths, the wrecks of ships, or look at historical artifacts.

Diving in Crimea for beginners: training and dive centers

Vacationers who have never scuba dived do it without difficulty for the first time in Crimea. In specialized centers, beginners will undergo a course of theoretical training, learn how to handle and use equipment. After this, they will have practical training. Trial dives are carried out to no more than 15 m and are accompanied by an instructor.

A one-day lesson, consisting of a theoretical part and practice, lasts about 3 hours, and costs from 2500 to 3000 rubles. In this case, a novice diver spends about 35 minutes directly under water. Those interested take a more advanced course, lasting 3 or 5 days. The cost in this case ranges from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles.

As practice shows, a healthy person can become a diver at almost any age. Scuba diving in Crimea is contraindicated for people suffering from claustrophobia, asthma, epilepsy, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, so feel free to book your first diving excursion on our website.

Best diving centers

There are diving centers everywhere major resort Crimea. The most popular of these establishments are:

  • "Tarkhankut" in Olenevka. Provides services for conducting walks with an instructor, organizing diving, renting equipment, equipment, renting SUEX underwater tugs.
  • Black Sea Divers in Sevastopol. It features a wide selection of package services designed for both beginners and certified divers.
  • "Afalina" in Olenevka. It provides a unique opportunity to learn the basics of diving almost free of charge for volunteers who want to combine work at the center with training.
  • LEXX in . Organizes best diving in the waters of Laspi, which is a green pearl between Foros and Sevastopol.
  • "Varyag" in . The center is located next to the fantastic and fascinating Kapsel Bay. The closest object of interest is a sunken torpedo boat 300 m from the complex.

Interesting types of diving in Crimea. Prices in 2019

In addition to classic diving excursions, on the Crimean Peninsula, holidaymakers and wanderlust lovers are offered colorful views of descents into the depths of the sea, which will leave an unforgettable impression.

So, in Sudak, tourists turn into treasure hunters. Divers dive with Excalibur-2 metal detectors that can operate in water. If luck smiles, the diver will add coins, jewelry and even jewelry made of precious metals to his trophy collection. Entertainment price – 2730 rub.

If you come to Russia and your birthday falls on vacation, celebrate it with friends on the day, where you will find a gift prepared by your loved ones - a bouquet and a bottle of champagne. All the action is filmed on camera. You should definitely try such an original way to celebrate the holiday. Price – 3000 rubles.

To feel like a member of the famous Cousteau’s team, it is not at all necessary to sink to the bottom of the sea in a bathyscaphe. It is enough to come to Foros and take a dive at the picturesque one, wearing a helmet with panoramic glasses, into which air is pumped from the surface. The feeling is simply fantastic. Cost – 2100 rub.

Professionals will certainly be interested in a three-day diving safari to the main attractions of Crimea. You have to make 12 dives near Balaklava and Sevastopol. The tour costs about 30,000 rubles, which is a lot, but the impressions from such a vacation will be much greater!

Crimea can rightfully be considered best place for diving throughout the CIS, not only Russia. There is all the infrastructure necessary for this, and nature itself generously rewarded the Crimean coast with natural underwater beauties. Come and see for yourself!

Reading time: 8 minutes

Crimea has recently become a more popular holiday destination and activities such as diving are also gaining momentum here. Fortunately, Crimea has all the conditions for this interesting pastime.

Diving in English means "diving" (diving). More precisely, this activity involves immersion in water with special equipment or even without it. Naturally, the vast majority of divers dive into the water with special equipment that provides oxygen. The equipment most often includes compressed air cylinders, a regulator for them, a special wetsuit, masks, fins and a snorkel. Additionally, an underwater flashlight, compass, thermometer, depth gauge and other devices can be used.

It is worth noting that a diver is not a diver. These two concepts differ in that the diver is an amateur, and the diver is a specially trained professional who does not admire the underwater world, but carries out special work at the depths of the sea. Divers, for the most part, are people who are captivated by the exciting world of the underwater kingdom. So, where can you do this exciting activity in Crimea?

Diving spots in Crimea

Picturesque bays Crimean peninsula will not leave anyone indifferent, where after scuba diving you find yourself in a fabulous underwater world. Perhaps the Black Sea does not look as colorful as the Red Sea, but it has its own amazing beauty with grottoes, underwater stone palaces, sunken ships.

Balaclava Bay or Cape Aya

This place was once inaccessible to those wishing to dive, but since the bay was opened for recreation, it has become one of the most popular diving spots in Crimea. Today, in this area you can make a very interesting dive.

The beauty is that underwater in the area of ​​Cape Aya, at a depth of 15 meters, there are many anchors from different times. Apparently, once upon a time they were thrown into the water or even lost by ancient sailors.

Now this stunning place is called Anchor Alley. The area in the bay received this name due to the fact that all the anchors were collected and beautifully laid out one after another in the form of a chain. This was done so that everyone could examine all these ancient artifacts in detail.

Cape Chersonesos

This dive site also reveals traces of different eras to divers. At a depth of more than fifty meters you can see antique ceramic vessels, apparently belonging to the ancient Greeks.

It is worth noting that for beginners, descending to such a depth may not be easy, so some experience is required here. In addition, at the bottom of the sea near Chersonesus lie many remains of combat aircraft that flew over Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War.


Among divers in Crimea, this place is one of the most interesting and popular. This beautiful place is located in the western part of Crimea. For diving, Tarkhankut is definitely worth including in your program. We can say that there is a whole museum underwater here, which includes underwater caves, beautiful grottoes and mysterious tunnels.

But besides this, at the bottom of the sea lies a whole collection of busts of former communist leaders and other representatives of this period. This place is also called the alley, only this time “Alley of Leaders” and is located at a depth of 12 meters near the seashore.

New World

You can get a lot of vivid impressions if you dive in the New World area, which is located in Sudak. It will be interesting here for both beginners and professionals, as there are good diving conditions for both. Great places For diving there are Green and Golubaya bays, as well as Cape Kapchik and a picturesque area under the romantic name “Love Bay”.

These are the main places that are of great interest to divers, but if you wish, you can also dive in the vicinity of Sudak. The diving depth in these bays is approximately 10-18 meters. It is noteworthy that here at the bottom of the sea you can find many wrecks from ships of different times, fragments of ancient ceramics and perfectly preserved amphorae. In addition, the bays are interesting with mysterious caves and many funny marine inhabitants.

Underwater exploration is underway in the Green Bay area archaeological excavations, since this area has great archaeological value. Accordingly, the water area is strictly guarded, and admission here is permitted by prior agreement with the instructors. The most curious divers often go here.

Love Bay is perfect for beginners. There is a rich marine flora and fauna here, and getting into the water is convenient and does not cause difficulties.

Cape Meganom is one of the beautiful places in Crimea

Very close to Sudak there is a mountainous area called Cape Meganom, which is also of considerable interest to those who want to go diving in Crimea. The water here is clean and clear, which is why spearfishing competitions are sometimes held here.

But the main find for divers is the beautiful underwater landscapes, the rich underwater world of fauna, volcanic grottoes and caves. There are many legends associated with the cape and mysterious stories. The immersion depth in this zone reaches up to 20 meters.

You can dive to a depth of 10 meters in Dvuyakornaya Bay, which is located in the popular resort village Ordzhonikidze.

There is a wide variety of underwater inhabitants, as well as beautiful underwater landscapes. Interesting artifacts are also found at the bottom of the sea in this area.

Sites of sunken ships in Crimea

Diving to sunken ships

In the Yalta passenger port, next to the wall, at a depth of 15 meters, a German barge was flooded, which was attacked by Soviet DB-3 aircraft, and due to numerous damages, sank. Flooding coordinates 44`15`N 34`05` E.

In Foros, at a depth of 10 meters, the steamship Alexander I was sunk, which washed up on the rocks in the 19th century. Fragments of the ship have survived bow with windlass, anchor chain with anchor and individual parts of the vessel.

In Laspi Bay, at a depth of about 18 meters, lies a Greek wine carrier, which was thrown onto the rocks in the 30s of the 20th century. The hull of the wine carrier was badly damaged because it was used during firing practice, but aft preserved.

To points with coordinates 44038.333/N. 33025.464/ east in 1980, a pre-revolutionary submarine was discovered. It is classified as a Narwhal class ship with one tubular torpedo tube. It is believed that it was sunk in 1919 by the Anglo-French.

Cape Tarkhankut - at a depth of 52 meters lies the cruiser "Tsarevich Alexey", sank by the explosion of a mine laid by German-Turkish minesweepers. IN Soviet era Attempts were made to raise the cruiser, but they all ended in nothing.

Where can you get diving training in Crimea?

Due to the fact that there are many places for diving in Crimea, there are a large number of dive clubs on the peninsula that teach diving skills and provide appropriate certificates at the end of the training.

For example, clubs such as Black Sea Divers, Team Nikolaev, White Griffin, "Atoll" offer various interesting training programs. With their help you can dive for thirty minutes, accompanied by an experienced instructor.

The cost of diving with an instructor in clubs in Crimea starts from 2000 rubles. and higher, depending on pricing policy dive club. When training with an international certificate, prices start from 12,000 rubles. During training, theoretical knowledge is first given, and then only practice is performed.

Qualified dive instructors provide all the knowledge on equipment and operation, talk about how to properly dive into water and safety measures. It is worth noting that many diving instructors in Crimea are people who are in love with their work, so the quality of training here is at a high level.

Prospects for the development of diving in Crimea

Since Crimea has many opportunities for exciting diving, the prospects for the development of this activity on the peninsula are very good. In general, diving in Crimea has existed since the 80s of the 20th century, but now those wishing to dive into the waters of the Black Sea are growing at enormous speed. Accordingly, if there is demand, there is supply. Crimean dive clubs are constantly introducing new programs and offering dive tours that are of interest not only to beginners, but also to experienced divers.

Places such as Sudak, Novy Svet and Kara-Dag are very popular among beginners. Professional divers tend to dive in more difficult places, for example, the Blue Bay near Simeiz, some places in the New World or Tarkhankut.

The main conditions for diving in Crimea are experience and an appropriate certificate. If it is not there, you will not be able to rent equipment. Without a certificate, it is also not possible to participate in dive safaris or group dives. The only thing you can count on is to make an easy introductory dive accompanied by an instructor.

What is included in the price of an underwater tour?

  • A set of underwater equipment (wetsuit, mask, fins, cylinder);
  • Possible underwater photography video shooting (not in every tour);
  • Instructor assistance in training;
  • Delivery by motor boat to the dive site;
  • If there is a long instruction and dive, then the price includes meals.

There are a lot of grottoes, tunnels, and caves here. The diving depth ranges from 3 to 9 meters on average. But there are places up to 20 m. By the way, scenes from the films “Pirates of the 20th Century” and “Amphibian Man” were filmed on Tarkhankut.

Tarkhankut is good because it has incredibly clean water. The bottom can be seen from the shore, even with slight roughness in the sea. Another advantage is the fact that regardless of the weather and the qualifications of the diver, you can always find a suitable dive site on Tarkhankut.

Dive sites of Tarkhankut

The most important attraction of Tarkhankut, which is included in the “must see” list for divers, is underwater Avenue of Leaders. It is located 100 m from the shore, at a depth of 13 m. Now in the Alley, opened in 1992, there are more than 60 exhibits.

  • Cup of Love– no less popular place than the Alley of Leaders. You can dive here, even in bad weather. Depth up to 14 meters, access to the open sea through a 7-meter passage.
  • Grotto Bottle– the shape of the grotto resembles a huge bottle with a narrow neck. It is impossible to get here from the shore, only by boat - from the sea.
  • Chucha Tunnel– near the entrance to the tunnel there is a 150-meter cave – the lowest in Crimea. The entrance to the cave is located 10 meters under water. You can only dive here in the calm.
  • Neptune's Grotto- Very picturesque place. Entrance at a depth of 6 meters.
  • Anchor Alley– a very interesting place. Some of the anchors are located at a depth of up to 15 meters, the rest - up to 25 m.

This is only a part of the sites, the most interesting and popular.

Alley of Leaders

Where to stay for diving on Tarkhankut

Closest to Cape Tarkhankut locality- Olenevka. You can stay here if you want to relax in comfortable conditions. In addition, right on the shore of the cape there is tent camps or trailer camps, which can also be rented.

Sevastopol and Balaklava

Although the most popular destination among divers in Crimea is, of course, Tarkhankut, Sevastopol and Balaklava also have a lot interesting places for diving. Despite the fact that Balaclava was closed to divers for a long time.

There are quite a lot of sunken ships (there are also planes) in the vicinity of Sevastopol, at a depth of 20 to 42 m.

Dive sites of Sevastopol and Balaklava

Interesting to dive in the area Tauride Chersonesus and Quarantine Bay. Here in large quantities there are fragments of ceramics, tiles, etc. In general, in the vicinity of Cape Chersonesus there are many sites - an ancient port, anchors, a lighthouse - traces are everywhere ancient settlement- broken jugs, ceramics, etc. And in the area of ​​the lighthouse, thanks to the currents, there are a lot of living creatures, including stingrays and flounder.

  • Omega Bay– for beginners perfect place. There is excellent visibility here even in bad weather. And when it’s good, it creates the feeling of a tropical sea.
  • Ominous Rocks– several canyons leading off cliffs from a depth of 10-12 m. The feeling is as if you are floating in a labyrinth.
  • Cossack Bay– there is rarely good visibility here. But the dive is interesting because there is a chance to see the remains of ships.
  • 35 battery– the bottom of the coast in the vicinity of the 35th battery stores relics of wars.
  • Ushakovo wall– the entire cliff is riddled with grottoes and caves at a level of 10 to 15 m. You can see torpedoes at the bottom, and cannonballs still remain at great depths. In addition, this place has a very rich and diverse fauna.
  • Catherine's Grotto– at the entrance the depth is 9 m. The grotto, or rather its surface part, is quite high.
  • Negative wall– an overhanging wall in the area of ​​the Inzhir tract. Moving towards the sea, you can see unusually shaped boulders on a flat sandy bottom.
  • Canyon under the Gray Rock– starts at a depth of about 10 m and goes down to 35 m. There is a lot of life here, which is why divers love this place.
  • Dragon Cave- an almost horizontal cave at a depth of about 20 m. So named because of the shape of the stone hanging over the entrance.
  • The Lost Worldunusual place, a pile of stones. Both the surface and underwater parts (up to 18 m) are interesting.

Interesting grottoes near Cape Fiolent. There is a lot of wildlife here, you can see the remains of crashed ships. The only downside is that there are strong undercurrents here.

In general, divers will not be bored in Sevastopol and its environs. Moreover, you can stay here in more comfortable conditions than in Olenevka. And the infrastructure benefits greatly.

Diving in Cossack Bay

Sudak and New World

There are not many diving opportunities in the vicinity of Sudak and the New World, but there is just enough for a vacation.

  • Cape Alchak– the place is suitable for beginners, depth up to 17 m. The most interesting thing here is weird shape rocks and rich fauna.
  • torpedo boat in the surrounding area Kapsel Bay– the ship sank during the Second World War. It lies on the bottom so conveniently that you can inspect the cabins, torpedo compartment, and engineering department.
  • Cape Meganom- that's pretty difficult route, burdened by currents. The main interest is the many grottoes and niches.
  • Graviynaya Bay– depth up to 30 m. It’s simply very beautiful here, both above and under water.
  • Green Bay– up to 10 m. With a certain degree of luck, you can see fragments of ceramics and other traces of antiquity.
  • Robber Bay– up to 19 m, interesting for its labyrinths of caves and grottoes, as well as an underwater lake.
  • Bay of Love– great for a relaxed dive, for beginners. Local fish are not afraid of people, which gives this place a special charm.

Diving in Yalta

Diving in Evpatoria

Dive equipment and accessories stores

Shop More, Evpatoria, vk.com/moreevpatoria

Calypso, Sevastopol, Evpatoria www.calipso.com.ua

Extream, Simferopol, www.extremecrimea.com

Discus, Sevastopol, 4ernomor.su

Expedive, Simferopol, vk.com/expedive

Black Sea Divers, Sevastopol, blackseadivers-sev.ru

Diving prices

Diving prices are in a relatively small range.

For example, “The Truth about Diving” offers a test dive in the 2016 season for 2,500 rubles, plus additional costs for equipment rental.

Pravda price list

A similar service at the Black Sea Divers club will cost 3,000 rubles, plus equipment rental - 1,200 rubles. Diving for certified divers from 2000 rubles, there are “packages” - 9000 rubles.

Price Black Sea Drivers

The most favorable prices offers the dive club Seasoned Beavers, a test dive will cost 2,500 rubles. Moreover, this price includes the dive itself, all equipment and even underwater video recording. You can read a review of the trial dive with the club in a separate article.

Prices for "Mastered Beavers"

The Deeptown Club offers diving for certified divers from RUB 2,500. (2 dives). A trial dive costs the same, plus equipment rental is 1300 rubles.

Price Deeptown

Another Sevastopol diving school, Nikolaev, offers a test dive from 2,500 rubles, equipment rental - 1,300 rubles. Dive for certified divers from RUB 2,800. (2 dives). There are many training courses available, prices vary.

Prices of the Nikolaev club

The Lexx club in Koktebel offers diving for a price starting from 2,500 rubles. And there are no more details on the official website, so check on the spot.

The Afalina Center in Olenevka offers diving from 2,700 rubles, the price includes equipment. The cost is for the 2016 season; it is better to check prices for the current season. Plus – there is an excellent opportunity for training using the offset system. That is, the center invites volunteers to help in exchange for diving training.

Prices at Afalina

Flights to Crimea

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1 776

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The most mysterious corner of Crimea, without a doubt, is Tarkhankut - this is the westernmost point of Crimea, a peninsula that extends far into the sea. There are no rivers nearby, so the water is surprisingly clear. Since ancient times, many legends and traditions have been preserved about him.
Tarkhankut has very interesting geographical location, which significantly distinguishes it in terms of climatic conditions from other places on the Crimean coast. The summer season begins from the beginning of June, sometimes from the middle, but at the same time it is the hottest compared to other places in Crimea, due to the dry air. Dry Tarkhankut air is considered very useful and healing for the respiratory system.

You can tell a lot about the sights of Tarkhankut and especially about the village of Olenevka. For example, the Dzhangul tract, located to the west, is considered a very “energetic” place. In the canyon-shaped gorge - "Dzhangul", according to some versions (and statements of travelers), such an amount of "positive" energy is accumulated, which is found only in some places in Tibet or Buryatia. To the south of Olenevka you can see seaside cliffs 6 - 20 m high.
A special attraction of Tarkhankut is the lighthouse. The 42 m high tower was built from white Inkerman limestone in 1816. The quality of construction was so high that over the past 185 years only cosmetic repairs have been carried out at the lighthouse.

But a special attraction is the Atlesh coast. Huge rocks in their colorful and poetic diversity could not help but touch the directors of various films. Such famous films as “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Amphibian Man”, “Marina”, “Cart from the South”, “Report from the Abyss”, “Hero of Our Time”, “Rough Landing”, etc. were filmed on the Atlesh coast Especially visited and popular on the Atlesh coast are the rock “Ekaterina”, “Big and Small Atlesh”, the former “Dolphinarium”, “Cup of Love” (the filming location for “Amphibian Man”) and of course “Grotto”, a cave formed in the rock where pirates sailed from famous f-ma"Pirates of the 20th Century".

The underwater world of Tarkhankut is fabulous and unique, which will not leave indifferent not only professional divers, but also those who like to swim with scuba diving or simply with a mask and fins. Y. Senkevich spoke about the beauty and splendor of the underwater world of the peninsula in the “Travelers Club” programs. Eat legendary places, which is simply indecent for a diver to miss! There is even a saying: “Being in Crimea and not diving on Tarkhankut is the same as being in Paris and not climbing the Eiffel Tower!” There are about a dozen diving spots on Tarkhankut, among which there are caves and sunken ships.

The underwater world of the peninsula is very popular not only among submariners (divers) from the CIS countries, but also among submariners from the countries of central and Western Europe. For diving in the village of Olenevka, diving clubs (AQVA-SERVICE) have been created, which provide all the necessary services for both professional divers and beginners. The highlight of the underwater world is the world's only underwater museum of figures of communist leaders, which is located on the Atlesh coast.
Tarkhankut is characterized by moderate warm steppe climate with hot dry summers and mild wet winters. Special climatic conditions let's start summer season in the second half of May, and end in October. The average air temperature in summer is + 28 C, and water + 23 C. There are an average of 280 sunny days a year.

Dzhangul (Turkic jan-soul, gel-lake) - lake of the soul. The Dzhangul tract, located in a unique and interesting corner of the steppe Crimea, in the Dzhangul landslide coast of the same name. One of the known routes to it lies along Priboynovskaya Balka. Behind the beam from the seashore a mesmerizing view opens wild beauty coast. Then the steep path goes down, now rising and falling above the shore.

See also:

On the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, one of the most beautiful bays in the world, Avachinskaya Bay, cuts 20 km inland. Avacha Bay is a vast closed bay of a round shape, with an area of ​​​​about 215 km, connecting with Pacific Ocean a rather narrow strait 3 km wide.

Dives in lakes near Moscow are organized all year round: ice diving in winter time, educational and educational dives during the “open water” season - spring, summer and autumn. Some diving courses can only be taken in open water and for this you don’t have to go to the sea at all, just go to the Moscow region for the weekend.

Thanks to its beauty and richness of flora and fauna, this lake is often called the pearl of Russia. And this is also the deepest and oldest in the world freshwater lake countries. The greatest depth of the lake reaches 1637 meters - this is the maximum depth among the lakes of the entire planet (on Earth only 6 lakes have a depth of more than 500 m).

Diving in the Black Sea is for those who want to take an exciting excursion to sunken barges, planes or ships, admire the beautiful landscapes and canyons. Total area sea ​​- 420.3 km, maximum depth - 2211 meters, average depth - 1300 meters.

The White Sea is considered the sacred sea of ​​the North, fraught with many ancient mysteries. This is the only Arctic sea that lies almost entirely south of Arctic Circle. Only the northernmost regions of the sea are within the Arctic Circle. Average depth sea ​​about 67 m, the greatest - 350 m.

Kazanskoe Blue Lake is a typical karst sinkhole. The lake is located in the floodplain of the Kazanka River. The depth of the lake reaches 15 meters, the diameter is about 30 meters. There are springs at the bottom of the lake. Due to the constantly flowing spring water in the lake, visibility is fantastic for a fresh body of water.

Fifty kilometers from Kaliningrad, on the Baltic coast, is the village of Yantarny. The place where more than 90% of the world's amber production is mined. The Germans developed these deposits using the mine method, but our compatriots found the quarry method closer. The quarries here are more than 50 meters deep.

Scuba diving in Crimea at the diving centers of the dive club MATERIAL BEAVERS

Our club has several diving centers in Crimea, where we are ready to provide you with complete pleasure from diving in Crimea.

Here in crystal clean water In Blue Bay we conduct shore dives for beginners and provide training for beginner divers;

On a dive boat from OMEGA Bay (Sevastopol), certified divers can get to many of the most interesting dive sites in Sevastopol, including many submerged objects or, as divers say, wrecks;

Balaklava Bay is not just one of most beautiful places Crimea. This is one of the most diving places in Crimea. The underwater world of Balaklava is diverse and fascinating; there are many dive sites around it, loved by divers of all levels.

The village of Foros is known not only for the fact that key events of the collapse of the USSR took place here, but also for excellent shore dives for both beginners and seasoned (certified) divers;

Several ships sank from Evpatoria to the village of Mirny, but the Volga-Don transport deserves special mention. The vehicle, with a displacement of 950 tons and a length of 75 meters, lies on an even keel at a ground depth of 31 meters and is accessible to many categories of recreational divers;

If Rus' was baptized in Crimea on Chersonese (Sevastopol), then it began diving on Tarkhankut. From here, from Tarkhankut, diving began in the vastness of the USSR, a country that no longer exists. And there is diving. And on Tarkhankut there is an underwater museum that you can’t help but visit. Otherwise, it is impossible to answer the question “Have you dived in Crimea?” answer in the affirmative.

MATERIAL BEAVERS – the most suitable diving center for you in Crimea

We have everything to ensure that you spend your time in Crimea unforgettably:

  • We organize diving for beginners (underwater excursion) so that it remains in the memory as the most vivid entertainment in Crimea;
  • Diving for beginners, training according to international standards with the issuance of an international diver certificate, takes place in the sea among fish and crabs, and not in a pool among, well, you know what...
  • We have all the equipment that allows us to organize any dives in Crimea, including technical ones, on rebreathers and with towing vehicles;
  • Our diving centers are located in those places of Crimea where the concentration of interesting diving sites is maximum;

Crimean diving school – continue your diving training in Crimea

We are a 5-star diving center, so in our diving centers you can receive diving training up to an instructor of the international federation NDL.

At the dive center in Sevastopol (Crimea) you can qualify as a technical diver or rebreather diver, as well as master the sidemount system and towing vehicle control.

The best diving spots in Crimea

The most popular program of our dive club. You will see almost all the objects submerged off the shores of the legendary Crimean city. The beauty of this program is that the objects are located at depths accessible for recreational diving. Busy navigation since ancient times and many wars that took place on the shores of Crimea give scuba divers confidence that the Black Sea is fraught with thousands of unique historical artifacts. And we dare to assure you that hopes for the find were justified more than once, both among seasoned divers and beginners.

Diving in Crimea means, first of all, cozy bays with intricate underwater landscapes, bizarre caves and grottoes, variety and accessibility of culinary diving and, of course, the famous dive sites of Tarkhankut. Alley of Leaders, Cup of Love, Bottle, Chucha - these names are known to more than one generation of divers.

Best time for diving in Crimea

Diving in Crimea is diving in the Black Sea. But don’t let the word “black” scare you; it stuck to our sea, most likely due to a misunderstanding. In fact, it is warm, transparent and affectionate. Mediterranean climate Crimea provides a beach season from May to October, and makes diving year-round. Judge for yourself:

Weather in Crimea in spring, summer, autumn and winter

Flora and fauna of the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea

The underwater world of the Crimean Black Sea is, of course, not as diverse as the underwater world of the southern tropical seas, but we also have something to see. Found off the coast of Crimea.