Geographic map of Spain. Spain map. Mallorca island. Spain

Detailed map of Spain in Russian. Map of roads, cities and resorts on interactive map Spain. Show Spain on the map.

Where is Spain located on the world map?

Spain is one of the world leaders in tourist flow, located in southwest Europe and partly in Africa.

Where is Spain located on the map of Europe?

Spain is a southern European state occupying more than 80% of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the Pitiuz and Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Spain has borders with five countries - the British possession of Gibraltar in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal in the west, France and Andora in the north, and Morocco in North Africa (the semi-enclaves of Ceuta, Peñon de Vélez de la Gomera and Melilla).

In addition to holidays on the mainland, Spain can also offer excellent island tourism in the Canary and Balearic Islands. The Canary Islands are located northwest of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean and include seven large ones - Tenerife, La Palma, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Gomera, El Hierro, Gran Canaria, and several small islands volcanic origin. The Balearic Islands are located in the western Mediterranean Sea - these are the islands of Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera.

Geographical location of Spain

The geographical position of Spain sets it apart from its European neighbors - it is a center that unites three continents at once: Europe, Africa and America. Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea in the east and south, and also Atlantic Ocean in the north and west. Geographical coordinates Spain: 40.0 north latitude and -4.0 west longitude.

Interactive map of Spain with cities

Spain is one of the main cultural centers Europe, where each city is unique in its own way. Here and majestic cities with his outstanding architectural monuments and attractions, and cozy, sparsely populated villages and towns, charming with the tranquility and traditions of the local inhabitants.

Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions and includes Andalusia, Asturias, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, the Canary Islands, Castile-La Mancha, Cantabria, Castile and Leon, Madrid, Catalonia, Murcia, Rioja, Navarro and Extremadura. Also two are Spanish autonomous cities in Africa - Melilla and Ceuta - and sovereign territories in continental North Africa.

Territory of Spain

Spain occupies 504,782 square kilometers and is 51st in terms of this indicator in the world and 4th in Europe. Most of Spain's territory is covered with mountain ranges and plateaus, between which there are picturesque lowlands and plains. Forests occupy about a tenth of Spain. The country extends 870 km from north to south, and about 1000 km from west to east. Length coastline Spain is about 2100 km, including 1130 km in Mediterranean coast and 970 km to the Atlantic and Bay of Biscay.

When traveling to another country, it is very important to have a map of the region at hand. A detailed map of Spain with resorts and cities in Russian will help you navigate unfamiliar territory and choose the right direction of travel. Thanks to it, you can plan sightseeing or trips around the area even before your vacation. All the maps given in this article can be enlarged; to do this, just click on them.

Spain is one of the most visited countries by tourists. This country amazingly combines resorts with a wonderful climate and amazing beaches and cities with architectural monuments and a variety of entertainment. You can visit it all year round, discovering this country from a new side on every trip. What kind of place will it be - the distant Canary or Balearic Islands, the historical regions of Catalonia, Valencia or Andalusia, or maybe Barcelona or Madrid with museums and a rich nightlife, it's up to you to decide.

The basic unit of administrative division of Spain is the autonomous region. In total, the state has 17 autonomous regions. Below you can find out more about them.

Map of Spain with provinces

The autonomous regions are in turn divided into 50 provinces and 2 autonomous cities - Ceuta and Melilla. Each province has its own characteristics and its own flavor. You can read more about them here.

Political map of Spain in Russian with cities

This diagram shows large cities in the autonomous regions of the country. It will serve as a visual aid to the world political structure states.

Physical map of Spain

The physical diagram shows changes in relief throughout the country. It is marked mountain ranges, hills and plains, as well as many bays and headlands. Thanks to the special coloring, the general slope of the terrain is clearly visible.

Map of Spain with cities and resorts in Russian

A detailed map with cities and resorts will serve as a navigator for your future trip. Using it, you can not only choose a resort for your vacation, but also make a trip plan to neighboring cities.

Map of the coast of Spain

Located on the coast of Spain a large number of popular resorts among tourists. Use the diagram to better navigate when choosing a vacation spot.

Road map of Spain

When traveling by car, an atlas of the country's roads will be an excellent assistant. It clearly shows the established connections between cities and resorts.

You will have to pay to travel on some roads. Paid car roads shown below.

Detailed map of railways in Spain in Russian with cities

If you are planning a train trip around the country, then you will need a map railway countries. On it you can see which cities are easily accessible by train.

Tourist map of Spain

It is a schematic representation of the main attractions of the state, characteristic of a particular region.

Detailed map of Spain with attractions and capital

Below you will find an interactive map of the country with landmarks on Google Map. Over time it will be replenished. To take a closer look at the city you are interested in, click on the “+” in the lower left corner. The scale of objects can be changed from covering the entire country to considering streets and houses. The card moves in all directions - up, down, left, right. If you wish, you can look at the cities from a satellite.

In this article, you were able to familiarize yourself with the most detailed and necessary maps of Spain, which may be useful to you when planning your route through this country.

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Spain occupies the position of a coastal country on the world map, which to some extent explains its popularity among travel enthusiasts.

It also contributes to the fact that it has a centuries-old history and attracts tourists amazingly beautiful views, sunny weather and ancient cities.

This is one of the most famous and visited states in the world. Each place here is unique in its own way.

Today we will figure out where Spain is located on the world map, how to find it and show it - this will be clear to anyone, even a child.

Where is Spain located on the world map?

In front of you in the photo is a map of the world in Russian. Let's see where Spain is located on the world map, what part of the peninsula it occupies, the European countries with which it borders, and major cities. We will also find out what language they speak here, what popular resorts tourists use, what seas and oceans the coast is washed by, what local legends can be heard in this region.

Spain occupies the southwestern part of Europe and most of the Iberian Peninsula, but some of its territories are also located in Africa.

In addition, it owns the Balearic and Pitius, Canary Islands, including those well known in Russia and Mallorca. In the south and east it is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean.

Still in Europe, it is the fourth largest country. Thanks to its favorable and somewhat unique geographical location, it has a very warm climate. Though weather In different areas of this country they vary greatly, in general the temperature rarely ever drops below zero.

Which countries does it border with?

Looking at the world map, you can see that Spain borders on five countries: France and Andorra in the northern part, in the western part, Gibraltar in the southern part and in the African part of the country.

All borders are land.

Internal government structure

Spain is one of the few countries with a monarchy that still exists.

It is worth remembering that the monarchy here is constitutional, that is, it presupposes the presence of a parliament. The crown is passed down through the male line. Today, the head of state is Philip VI. The executive branch of government is headed by the Prime Minister, now Mariano Rajoy. The majority in parliament is usually made up of the People's Party and the Socialist Workers' Party.

To travel to Spain, Russian citizens will need to obtain a Schengen visa. Documents for its receipt are accepted visa centers sunny country. The set of documents is almost completely identical to the standard one for obtaining a Schengen visa.

The capital of this state is (see photo).

It is the largest city in the country, with a population of more than three million inhabitants. The world map shows that the Spanish city of Madrid is located on the Iberian Peninsula, in its very center. It is a very influential cultural center in Europe and the world.

There is only one official language here – Spanish itself. However, it is a multicultural country and many people here speak their native languages.

The Catalan and Basque languages ​​are very common, belonging to the indigenous peoples who have long inhabited the territory: the Catalans, residents of the province of Catalonia, and the Basques. Many languages ​​spoken by the peoples of this area in the past are now, alas, disappearing due to assimilation.

Tourists from Russia, of course, are concerned about whether they speak Russian in Spain. Without exception local population Of course, she doesn’t speak Russian, but there is no need to be afraid of the language barrier - many local restaurants have menus in Russian, and an electronic translator will help you communicate on the streets.

The main currency here, as in most other EU countries, is the euro, which was adopted in the state as national currency in 2002. Before this, the peseta, an ancient Spanish currency, was in circulation.

At the beginning of 2018, the population of Spain was 46 and a half million people. This country has a fairly large urban population - almost 80 percent. At the same time, the country has a low population density, compared to most other Western European countries - 92 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Many immigrants live here Latin America and Great Britain, Eastern Europe, as well as Roma and Jews.

Spain on political map the world is limited not only to the territory in Europe. If we take into account the Spanish territories in Africa, the area of ​​the entire state is about 505 square kilometers.

Spain is a secular state, but the bulk of the population professes Catholicism. There are quite a lot of Protestants and Orthodox Christians in the country, and recently the number of Muslims has been increasing. Communities professing Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are also represented in small numbers. It should be noted that quite a lot of atheists and non-religious people also live here.

Popular cities and resorts in Spain

Every year Spain attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. The number of places worth visiting in this country is unusually large. There is a corner to suit everyone's tastes. First of all, of course, it is worth mentioning Madrid, the capital of this sunny country.

Good to know: Madrid is not only the center of the Iberian Peninsula, but also the center of all social life in Spain. It is a cosmopolitan city with a large population, a major business center, and home to parliament and the royal family.

Prado Museum

Among the most famous attractions in the region are the Prado Museum, the Arch of Victory, Royal Palace. Can't help but visit local market, which is believed to have existed since the sixteenth century.

The Cibeles fountain, made of white marble in the form of a sculpture of the goddess of fertility, amazes with its beauty. Fans of sports, and especially the famous football club Real Madrid will be able to appreciate the local football museum.

Pleasant climate, light sandy beaches, comfortable hotels and unique nature - this is an ideal place to relax.

Speaking about the resorts of Spain, one cannot fail to mention its island possessions. One of these is Ibiza island. Frankly speaking, a trip to Ibiza is not a cheap pleasure, but, nevertheless, this island remains extremely popular among vacationers, mainly among young people.

The island is famous not only for whites sandy beaches, with a clear blue sea and rich vegetation, but also a vibrant nightlife.

Another Spanish island - Majorca. It, in turn, attracts tourists with its enchantingly beautiful views. Here you can take a break from the rhythm of life big city, enjoying unity with nature and clean air.

Bellver Castle

There are also architectural monuments here, which include Bellver Castle and Almudaina Palace.

A thrill will be provided by visiting the cave part of the island, namely the Dragon and Art caves.

Resorts of Spain on the world map

Spanish resorts are very popular among tourists from all over the world. Due to their favorable location and rich history, they can leave few people indifferent. Warm climate, proximity to Mediterranean Sea, a culture that has developed over centuries, attracts almost everyone.

At least the most visited spanish cities and are located in completely different parts of the country, a general pattern can be traced: people are seduced by the sea and the sun. Madrid, located in the center of the country, and port Barcelona, ​​and the coastal Costa Blanca can boast of these two things. The settlements of Spain are of great importance in Western Europe and even all over the world.

International airports in Spain

There are quite a few airports in Spain, local and international. It is not always possible to show them all on a world map; it all depends on the scale of the map. Total international status have sixteen airports.

The largest of them are located in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Girona, Valencia, Alicante, and Granada. The largest are Madrid and Barcelona airports. The capital's airport is interesting name Madrid-Barajas, and many people know Barcelona airport under the name El Prat.


Spain is highly developed European country, which is different big amount resort towns with a warm climate and rich history. It is not surprising that many dream of getting here at least once. Anyone who visits Spain will no longer be able to throw it out of their hearts.

We bring to your attention interesting video about the sights of Spain:


Every year statistics are released that show which countries tourists from Russia fly to the most. And from these data we can conclude that half a million Russians visit Spain annually, and the annual increase in tourist flow is about 15%. If so, then it’s worth booking a tour in advance. To be able to travel cheaper and get to best places countries. New map Spain in Russian with all cities and resorts. Will help you choose the right place to relax. The map is fully interactive, which gives you the opportunity to zoom in down to the roads in the city. Thanks to the map, you can easily create a route and your trip will be the best.

Spain, or as it is officially called - the Kingdom of Spain, is located in the southwest of Europe and attracts tourists not only with the most memorable resorts with numerous sandy beaches, as well as the famous Canary Islands with picturesque nature, but also multifaceted historical architecture, historical monuments, culture.
Any visiting tourist will find something for themselves in this bright and cheerful country.

Particular attention should be paid to resorts located in picturesque places, such as the Balearic and Pitius islands, which are located in the warm Mediterranean Sea and, of course, the Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean. Tourists like to relax on the islands, and they happily fly to them. Moreover, the season on the Spanish islands lasts all year round, and even in winter there are many vacationers. This is possible due to the location of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The capital of Spain is Madrid. Surprisingly, this is not the most popular city among tourists. Most people come here on weekends to stroll the streets, admire them and take photographs of the Spanish capital. There are almost no tourists who spend a week or more in Madrid. On weekdays there are hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who come to the capital to work. They are everywhere, and the city these days looks like a huge anthill, where everyone is busy with something. For this reason, Madrid is not very attractive for tourists, but for the population of the country it is even very attractive in terms of earnings. And besides, there is no sea in Madrid. And this is a huge minus.

It is not difficult to guess that the most popular city for tourists - Barcelona. Three out of five tourists who generally fly to Spain come here. There is a lot to see in Barcelona. There are hundreds of attractions that you can explore for days and weeks. But, unfortunately, in Barcelona there is no beach resorts. They are all outside the city. Tourists rent rooms at resorts. During the day they relax on the beaches. And in the evenings they come to the city itself to enjoy their vacation to the fullest. The trip is not long, the main resorts are within a 10-15 minute drive public transport. So tourists are quite happy with this.

Valencia is another popular resort city in the country. It is convenient to relax in Valencia because you can easily reach the island of Mallorca from the city. Ships depart from the port daily towards the island, and this walk will be the most memorable.

Spain unique country. It neighbors Portugal and France, and from the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco. By the way, if you are planning to vacation near Gibraltar, you will witness how tankers, ships and yachts pass through the strait. The sea flow here does not stop for a minute, and it is a super spectacle.

There are a huge number of castles in Spain, many of them are over five hundred years old. And this is not surprising. After all, the country is still ruled by a king. Most tourists come to the country precisely for the castles. They plan their route in such a way as to pass along roads that have castles or towns with castles. Unfortunately, not all castles can be viewed from the inside. Some are closed for renovations. Some are too old and dangerous to visit. And some were even sold into private hands, where businessmen and famous people live. But don’t be upset about this, because no one will forbid you to approach the castle and take photos.

Another attraction of Spain is wine. There are vineyards throughout the country, and there are tours to them that are popular. Tourists are told about how grapes grow in these conditions, shown how wine is made, and allowed to try it and buy it for themselves.
For sports lovers, Spain is a godsend. Here in every town there are sports teams different types sports. The most popular games are football and basketball. The stadiums are almost always packed with spectators and this is a real holiday.
In general, in Spain there is a lot to see and where to go. So look at the map, download it and travel brightly.

Spain or the Kingdom of Spain is a state located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. A map of Spain shows that the country is bordered by Portugal, the British territory of Gibraltar, France, Morocco and Andorra. The country's area is 504,782 km2 (4th largest in Europe). The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

On detailed map Spain in Russian can be seen that the country is divided into 17 autonomous regions, which in turn are divided into 50 provinces. The country also includes 2 autonomous cities in Africa - Melilla and Ceuta. Largest cities countries - Madrid (capital), Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Malaga.

Today Spain is a state with the 9th largest economy in the world. The main areas of the economy are: agriculture (winemaking, olive growing, olive oil), mining, shipbuilding, fishing and tourism.

Mountainous terrain and country place The situation creates excellent conditions for tourism. In Spain there are the Pyrenees mountains, where there are numerous ski resorts. On satellite map coast of Spain you can see that there are more than 2000 beaches in the country.

Historical reference

The territory of modern Spain was conquered by the Romans; then Christian states began to form. In the 8th century, almost the entire territory of the Iberian Peninsula was captured by the Arabs. The states of Leon, Aragon and Castile began a war to regain lands from the Moors, which was called the Reconquista.

In 1515, a unified monarchy was formed. In the XV-XVI centuries, the Spaniards discovered new lands and sent ships to New World. In the 17th century, after defeat in the war with England, the “Invincible Armada” loses its strength. In the 18th century, the War of the Spanish Succession begins. In the 19th century, 5 revolutions took place, which led to the creation of a constitutional monarchy.

In 1939, the military dictatorship of F. Franco, who supported fascist Germany, spread in Spain. In 1947, Spain became a kingdom again.

Must Visit

Spain is one of the most popular tourist countries Europe, a kind of museum under open air. It is recommended to visit Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Seville and Valencia, seaside resorts Costa Brava, Costa Blanca and Costa Dorada, ski resorts Sierra Nevada, Valdescarai, Astun and Alto Campo.

Must see in Spain architectural masterpieces A. Gaudi, visit the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, the El Greco Museum in Toledo, the Picasso Museum in Barcelona and the Dali Museum in Figueres. It is recommended to attend a bullfight or a football match, or relax in Ibiza, Tenerife or the Canary Islands.

Note to tourists

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Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement called Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.