Cruise ferry Princess Anastasia. How the Princess Anastasia ferry works - diagram

The cargo-passenger ferry Finnstar is a 12-story houseboat. Its length is 219 meters, width - 30 meters, height - 50 meters.

The ferry has four cargo decks that can accommodate 276 trailers and trailers and 133 cars. There are 201 cabins for 550 passengers on three passenger decks.

The ferry's four main engines have a power of 10,395 Kilowatts each. Maximum speed ferry - 26.7 knots (~ 50 km/h).

In the hold on the first deck there is engine room. The second deck is the lower cargo deck in the hold, the third deck is the cargo deck. It mainly houses truck trailers. Trucks are located on the fifth deck. The seventh deck is cargo and passenger. Its open area accommodates truck trailers, while its closed area accommodates passenger cars and often cabins. 8 and 9 decks - passenger, 10 deck - crew cabins and kitchen, 11 deck - open promenade, restaurant, bars, sauna, shop, games room, lounges and lounges, 12 deck - helipad and captain's bridge (my story about captain's bridge:).

The ferry's four main diesel engines drive two propellers and two generators.

At a speed of 23 knots (42.6 km/h), the propellers rotate at 140 rpm.

The ferry can turn around on the spot; for this it has two perpendicular water-jet engines, each with a power of 2000 Kilowatts. The active stabilization system allows the ferry not to tilt even in a strong storm.

On the Helsinki-Travemünde route, the ferry consumes about 125 tons of diesel fuel, and in total up to 1000 tons of fuel are placed in the fuel tanks.

The Finnstar ferry was built in 2006 in Italy. Despite the prefix "Finn" in the name of the Finnlines company and all its ferries, the company belongs to the Italian concern Grimaldi.

The dimensions of the third and fifth cargo decks are amazing.

Floating football field. See russos "huh? But he's right in the center of this photo."

For quick loading and unloading, the entrance to the third and fifth decks is so wide that four trucks can drive in or out at the same time.

When the ferry is at sea, the ramp rises.

The ferry port is designed in such a way that cars enter the third and fifth decks simultaneously along two overpasses on different levels. From the seventh deck, cars go down a ramp. They also rise from the second deck to the third.

On the third deck there are truck trailers - it is much more profitable to transport trailers without tractors and drivers. Special port tractors are used for loading and unloading.

I'm climbing the ranks to deck seven.

There are two tiers of passenger cars here.

Motorcyclists leave the ferry. Cars, motorcycles and even bicycles can enter and exit the ferry only if accompanied by a special escort vehicle.

russos photographing a lone motorcycle of one of the Night Wolves, which was removed from the ferry by the police.

The open part of the seventh deck.

She, photographed from above, from the twelfth deck.

On the eighth deck there are passenger cabins and small open walking areas with dog walking areas. On the ninth there are passenger cabins. The kitchen is located on the tenth deck.

Only four chefs prepare food for 550 people. Two deal with cold dishes, two with hot dishes.

The chef prepared something delicious.

On deck eleven open area rest.

The ferry has four pressurized lifeboats with motors.

Each boat can accommodate 150 people.

On the twelfth deck there is a helipad and a captain's bridge.

This is the view from the twelfth deck of the ferry to the port.

This is what two Finnlines ferries look like from the ground.

I walked along all the decks of the ferry with a camera in my hands and took this short video that allows you to feel the scale of the ferry.

As a passenger, you will only be able to see the passenger part. But it still has a lot of interesting things hidden inside, and I’ll show it to you now.

Finnlines has been providing regular transport services for many years. Baltic Sea. One of the routes is from Helsinki to the German port of Travemünde.

I took a few photos from ammo1 .

1. Finnlines operate Star class ferries built in Italy. These ferries are cargo-passenger type ROPAX (roll-on/roll-off passenger), that is, for transporting cars along with the accommodation of passengers of these cars. Ice class IA Super allows you to go to sea with ice thickness up to 1.0 m, and move in the channel behind the icebreaker at a speed of at least 5 knots with ice thickness up to 1.0 m.

The lower part of the ferry consists of the cargo decks and the engine room. Superstructure - passengers, crew, bridge and support services. The length of the ferry is 219 meters, width - 30, height - 50. Draft - 7.1. The maximum speed is about 26 knots, which corresponds to approximately 48 kilometers per hour.


2. At the invitation of the captain, we visited navigation bridge. Actually, the captain is on the left, and the watchman is on the right. All controls are computerized and automatic. In the foreground is a spare analogue control panel.

3. The bridge is huge. There was even room for a sofa.

4. Main navigation screen. All travel parameters and navigation points. Just like your car navigator, only more complicated.

5. The ferry is equipped with four Wärtsilä 9L46D diesel engines with a power of 10,400 kW each. In addition, there are three more auxiliary diesel engines with a power of 1300 kW. The main diesel engines are combined into pairs and rotate the propeller through a gearbox. Accordingly, there are also two screws. At a ferry speed of 23 knots, the propellers make 150 revolutions per minute. Near each gearbox you see the inscription “PORT” and “STBD” - these are the left and right sides. The starboard side is usually called starboard side, and the left side is called port side. The origin of the words starboard and port is interesting. Once upon a time, ships were always moored on the left side and had a special portico on the left side (doors in the bulwark) for installing a gangway and carrying out cargo operations through the gangway. Initially, the left side was called larboard, from lodeboard, that is, loading side. On the starboard side at the stern there was a steering oar (oar for steering = steor). Then steorbord was paraphrased into starboard, but the stars have nothing to do with it (star - star). From gearbox selection is underway power to drive two generators.

6. 1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour. 1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters. The prevalence of the knot as a unit of measurement is associated with the significant convenience of its use in navigation calculations: a ship moving at a speed of 1 knot along the meridian travels one arc minute in one hour geographical latitude. The origin of the name is related to the principle of using sector lag. The speed of the vessel was determined as the number of knots on the line (thin cable) that passed through the hand of the measurer in certain time(usually 15 seconds or 1 minute). In this case, the distance between adjacent nodes on the line and the measurement time were selected in such a way that this amount was numerically equal to the speed of the vessel, expressed in nautical miles per hour

7. Two GPS navigators, in which the route is set (I’m not sure what is set only there) and an echo sounder, which shows the depth and profile of the seabed.

8. If there is a TCAS system in aviation, then at sea there is a similar system for interaction between ships. The photo shows the screen of this system, which shows who is nearby. (In addition to the classic radar, of course). You can select a ship and see its type, port of destination and current parameters. For example, the cargo ship TIMCA is heading 239 at 16.6 knots to Antwerp. His journey took five days and now is just his last day of travel.

9. Captain. Despite computers, eyes and binoculars remain an important element of sea observation.

10. Side control panel, which is used when mooring. There is a window in the floor through which you can see the side of the ferry.

11. Some kind of goniometric device. Who knows what this is?

12. Shelf with flags.

13. By current rules There should be pennants on board that show what is happening with the ferry. This pennant means that diving work is underway on the ferry.

14. Together with the airplane cockpit - the best workplace in the world.

15. Ro-Ro class (Roll-on/roll-off) - a vessel for transporting goods on a wheeled base: cars, freight transport, railway cars. The fundamental difference between this type of vessel is horizontal loading (usually from the stern of the vessel) through a folding bow or stern, which is called a “ramp”. Star class ferries are of the ROPAX (roll-on/roll-off passenger) type, i.e. adapted for transportation large quantity passengers. The photo shows the control panel for Ro-Ro equipment - ramps, hatches, doors for loading and unloading vehicles. I was surprised to learn that this ferry turns out to have a bow ramp called a visor.

16. Ship clocks with radio silence intervals on calling and distress frequencies of radiotelephone communications.

17. View of the ferry from the wheelhouse.

18. In addition to two rudders, the ferry is equipped with two thrusters with a power of 2000 kW each. This is a device designed for active control of a vessel; a working element (propeller) in a through channel passing from one side of the vessel to the other side, perpendicular to its center plane, allows to improve the controllability of the vessel at low speeds or when the main engine is stopped. For a long time, at sea, the command “starboard” meant turning the steering tiller, not the rudder. That is, in order to turn the Titanic to the left of the iceberg, Uliam Merdek gave the command “right on board”. And just at the beginning of the last century, the transition to direct turn indication began. But, as is usual in a transition period, there were several disasters that occurred due to the helmsman’s misunderstanding of the commands of the pilot or watchman.

19. The ferry is also equipped with two stabilizers to calm the motion of the ferry.

20. Talisman in the wheelhouse.

21. Now let's go to the galley. As I said earlier, there can be up to 500 passengers and up to 40 crew members on board. And the ship itself is certified to carry 550 people.

22. There are only 4 cooks on the ferry. Two deal with cold dishes, and two, respectively, with hot dishes.

23. Most products are purchased in Germany, since they are significantly cheaper there than in Finland.

24. Now let's walk along the cargo decks. The ferry has the term “Roro lanes” - this is the total length of cars that the oo can accommodate. For this ferry it is 4200 meters.

25. 276 slots for trailers and 670 meters of private cars.

26. Some of the trucks drive in and out under their own power. During travel, drivers travel as passengers. According to the old tradition, on the first evening most of them get drunk. Then they have a night and a whole day to get back to normal and get behind the wheel sober and drive on.

27. The deck is empty in just a few minutes.

28. On this deck there are mainly trucks with tractors.

29. After her release, I lower the ramp up and the private cars are unblocked. But most often, in order for them to leave, they still have to wait until the space on the upper deck is cleared of trailers.

30. Football field. Only floats.

31. Stern ramp. The ferry allows loading operations to be carried out simultaneously from two decks. And the width of the ramp is such that four trucks can easily leave at the same time.

32. But it is much more profitable to transport only trailers, and not tractors with drivers. Therefore, the trailer is left at the port and then transported by a special port tractor

33. Finally, private cars started driving.

34. Jewelry and very fast work.

35. That's all. Unloading has been completed and the ferry will soon set off on a new voyage.

36. Thanks to Ruslan

There are a lot of rivers and reservoirs in our country through which bridges have been built. But sometimes the road ends in water and there is no bridge, then the ferry crossing comes to the rescue. Today I will tell you why a ferry is needed, how it works and how it makes money.

The crossing is located in the village of Voznesenye, on the Svir River. This is part of the duplicate route St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk - Murmansk (P19).

The village of Voznesenye is the most farthest point Leningrad region. It is located on both banks of the Svir, at its source from Lake Onega. There has never been a bridge here, and throughout the history of the village both banks were connected by a ferry crossing.

There are approximately 2.5 thousand residents in Voznesenye, and many of them have to visit the left and right banks several times a day. Some need to go to work, others need to go to the post office or store, others need to take their children to school or kindergarten... Therefore, the ferry operates all year round, from early morning until nine in the evening, performing at least 14 trips per day. Why “no less”, because in addition to the schedule, the ferry carries out special-purpose flights: for ambulances, police and firefighters. Previously, commercial flights were possible. If, for example, you don't have time for last flight ferry, then for 5,000 rubles you could be transported to the other side. Now there is no such thing - it is prohibited!

Now the situation with the ferry crossing to Voznesenye is close to critical. Very old, rather worn-out ships operate here. In winter it is the self-propelled ferry SP-28, in summer it is the non-self-propelled Svir-1 paired with a pusher tug RT-328. But there is good news for the residents of the village: in 2015, navigation will be opened by a new ferry being built at a shipyard in St. Petersburg.

1. Since it’s summer, I’ll talk about the non-self-propelled ferry “Svir-1” and the pusher RT-328. It looks like this from the outside:

2. This whole strange non-self-propelled structure, similar to a catamaran, is set in motion by a real, self-propelled pusher tug RT-328. It was built in 1980, it is already 34 years old, but it is maintained in more or less good condition.

3. It is attached to the non-self-propelled part very firmly, with steel cables and backup ropes. It definitely won't come off...

4-5. Captain's cabin, MCU (Main Command Deck), Bridge - there are many names, but the essence is the same: from here the captain controls the ferry, monitors everything and plays the main role of navigator.

6. Between flights, the captain and crew rest in the room. There they can watch TV, lie down, drink tea and much more.

7. Okay, let's forget about RT for a while, let's go to the ferry itself. It's called SVIR-1, it's not hard to guess why. It resembles a catamaran, the deck of which is located on two pontoons.

8. Main deck. Cars stop here that want to get to Karelia or leave it, depending on the direction of travel.

9. The ferry can simultaneously accommodate, for example, 10 cars + 1 bus, or 2 cargo trucks + 5 cars. Scheme of placing cars in front of the entrance to Svir-1. It is old, instead of two cars 11-12 there is now a zone for passengers.

10. Passenger area. There are people sitting here who are moving to the other side. It is forbidden to sit in cars, so everyone is driven here like goats and rams into a barn at sunset.

11. Okay, stop being clever, it’s time to go on a flight. It's 12:40, the ferry is waiting to load.

12. There is already a queue before the crossing. Everyone wants to go to the other side:

13-14. Loading begins. Two sailors, who are also car arrangers on the ferry. The cost of transportation is 170 rubles for a passenger car, a loaded truck - 1,500 rubles. The ferry runs every hour, 14 times a day. The first ferry is at 6 am, the last at 21 pm.

15. Everything is strictly according to the plan. Apparently, many years of practice have shown that this way more cars can be accommodated, because you need to transport as much transport as possible at one time.

16. The bus is the last to arrive. The sailor controls everything from land. Notice the bunch of signs in front of the ferry.

17-18. The issues with the cars have been resolved. Now there are only passengers left. But there is a place for them too... With a commanding voice, the sailor herds them onto the ferry, having previously given them the direction of where to go. People rushed:

19. Everything is in place. Or out of place. Anyway, everyone’s on the ferry, it’s 13:00, it’s time to head out... The locals are sitting on benches, they’ve already seen enough, unlike tourists who take pictures against the backdrop of everything they come across along the way. This time they came across a ferry:

20-21. Everything is in place, it's time to go. A small bridge rises, which is needed for the convenience of vehicle entry onto the ferry. Drivers of cars with low clearance need not worry! You will worry on the way to Karelia, haha:

22. The captain monitors everything from the bridge so that no accidents occur. He is in charge - he is responsible for everything...

23. As soon as he makes sure that everything is fine, everyone is loaded, firmly seated and standing, the mooring lines are released:

24-26. The ferry begins to move, the sailors can smoke for 10 minutes. Now the captain begins his work:

27-28. All ships traveling along the river are required to allow the ferry to pass, as it runs on a schedule from which it is highly undesirable to deviate. People arrive at a certain time:

29-31. The captain of the ferry, Sergey Zakharov, has been working there for 3 years, he previously worked on other ships, he is a real captain. There are three shifts on the ferry, all per diem. The ferry captain must always be prepared, because if there is an emergency call from the fire department or ambulance, it must be immediately transported to the other side:

32. The width of the river is 400 meters, the ferry crosses it in about 10 minutes. People manage to fill up a flash drive with unnecessary photos and make a new avatar in Odnoklassniki:

33. There’s already a line on the other side. Everyone is waiting for the crossing, but unfortunately it will not be possible to take everyone away at once:

34. We are mooring. This is not the focus of parking in the Auchan parking lot; it requires a lot of experience to do it perfectly. Our captain coped with it... The controller didn’t even have tea spill out of a cup filled to the brim:

35. There is a dog on the ferry. He is always the first to jump onto land. No matter how many times I moved, I always saw him. The last one also jumps back:

36-38. While the cars are being unloaded and loaded, you can smoke and chat with the captain. Unloading and loading on the other side takes about 15-20 minutes:

39-40. You've already seen the download process, so I won't show it, there are too many photos...
So, check again, everything is in place, the mooring lines are given and we are heading back:

41. The return journey is exactly the same and the same as there. Everything is the same, there is no point in showing it. We docked. Cars begin unloading:

42-44. That time the captain made two flights at once. I stayed on the shore... Thank you very much to Pavel Zakharov for the excursion and the kind welcome on the ship! I think we will use the ferry services more than once.

We are traveling on the Finnlines cruise ferry from Helsinki to Germany. Today we will find out how this ferry works and why it is so good for comfortable travel.

Why ferry?

Let's imagine that you live somewhere in the north-west of Russia and you wanted to go on a road trip around Europe with your family by car.

There are three options:

  • buy air tickets for the whole family and rent a car upon arrival. In this case, you will have to spend money on tickets and car rental. If you have a family of 3-4 people, then air tickets will cost a pretty penny + car rental, depending on the number of days;
  • go to own car. If you live in St. Petersburg, then the distance, for example, from St. Petersburg to Hamburg is about 2000 km. The route will pass not the most the best roads Baltic States and Poland. Of course, those who drive will have a hard time. You will have to pay for gasoline, overnight stays in hotels, food, etc.;
  • Take the Helsinki - Travemünde ferry from Finnlines. The distance from St. Petersburg to Helsinki is about 400 km. This is the only section that you will have to drive. Next, you board the ferry and go up to your cabin to enjoy a mini-cruise on the Baltic Sea. In this case, you can get to Germany in complete comfort with your own car for relatively little money.

The latter option will be discussed today.

Finnlines cruise ferry route Helsinki-Germany

Finnlines ferries depart from Helsinki at 17.00 local time and arrive in the German port of Travemünde at 21.30 the next day local time. Thus, the length of the entire route will be just over a day. On the return journey from Travemünde to Helsinki, the ferry departs at 3 am and arrives at 9 am the next day:

Ferry ticket prices from Helsinki to Germany

Finnlines offers several travel options on this route. The most popular and in demand is the car package, which includes transportation of a car + a family cabin. The price of such a car package now starts from 348 euros and depends on the season. The most low prices in winter, the most expensive in summer. The cabin can accommodate up to 4 people. It is worth considering that the cabins offered are different. Their cost depends on the degree of comfort and space.

For those who do not want to overpay for a cabin, there is the option of purchasing seats in women's or men's cabins, or seated accommodation (like on an airplane). In this case, the price per seat will start from approximately 70 euros. Another important point: when purchasing return ticket on the ferry on the same route, you get a 20% discount.

How the Helsinki - Travemünde ferry works

So, after purchasing a ticket on the company’s website, you need to arrive at the ferry departure port in advance. The port in Helsinki where Finnlines is based is called Vuosaaren Satama Hansaterminaali and is located at Provianttikatu 5, 00980 Helsinki.

If you arrive by car, there is no need to enter the terminal building, you need to immediately go by car to the checkpoint, where, without leaving the car, you will be given electronic keys to the cabin, food vouchers (you need to select meals separately on the website, more on that later ). If you are traveling without a car, you need to register at the terminal, from where a shuttle bus will take you to the ferry.

2. Since we arrived by car, we immediately went to board the ferry:

3. If you look at the layout of the ferry, most of it is occupied by cargo decks for cars. The upper part is the living and entertainment decks. They start from decks 7 to 12.

On the 7th deck there is a reception desk and residential cabins, including those for pets (yes, yes), 8th and 9th decks are residential with cabins, 10th deck - staff cabins, 11th deck - entertainment recreation areas and restaurants, 12th - exit to the sun deck, as well as to the seating area:

4. When loading onto the ferry, staff will accompany you and show you your parking spot. Loading is well organized, everything happens very quickly. There's even room for motorcycles. By the way, when purchasing a car package, the size of the vehicle plays a key role in the cost:

Accommodation on the ferry. Cabins

5. Having taken our things, we head to our cabin on the same deck. The cabins are opened with an electronic key, which we were given at check-in. My cabin is designed for 4 people. Two double beds, a sofa that can also be converted into a bed, and an upper bunk bed like in a compartment. Be sure to have a bathroom (latrine), a small table with a chair and a WINDOW!

6. At sunset:

7. The cabins, as I already said, are different on the ferry. Here is one of the most budget options without a window:

8. And this is the most spacious and expensive cabin with several windows. These cabins are located in the bow of the ferry and the view from the windows is very impressive:

9. Since we’re talking about cabins, it wouldn’t hurt to look at the most budget option placement. These are seating areas for relaxation. Of course, you won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep in such chairs, but if you decide to save money by giving up a cabin, then this is a viable option. For these places there are special lockers for personal belongings, which are locked with a key.

10. The entire 11th deck is completely dedicated to entertainment. This is where cruise ferry passengers spend most of their free time. For active recreation There is a gym consisting of two rooms. Two large jogging tracks overlooking the sea:

11. Well, what would a Finnish ferry be without a real sauna? After the gym, you can take a dip in the jacuzzi overlooking the sea and warm up well in the Finnish sauna. Access to the gym and sauna is free for all passengers:

12. Massage room:

13. On the same floor there is a conference room for small presentations:

14. For the youngest passengers there is provision play area. Previously, it was located indoors, now the children have two huge windows:

16. On deck 11 there is a very comfortable relaxation area with two bars and tables near the windows. There is live music throughout the day and evening. You can sit at any table overlooking the open sea and, while listening to live music, realize that the choice of traveling on the ferry was made correctly:

17. The ferry has several bars and a large dining room.

18. One of the bars where you can have a snack during breaks between the main brunches and dinners. Looking ahead, I will say that the main diet is so varied that there is simply no room left in the stomach for such bars:

Walk along the decks of the Finnlines ferry

19. Let's start the walk from the lowest deck 7 accessible to passengers. Lifeboats and a deck for walking with pets are located here. Yes. Another big plus about traveling by ferry is that you can take your favorite dog or cat on board with you:

20. There are specially equipped toilets here for them, and the cabins differ only in that they do not have carpet on the floor:

21. On deck 11 there is an area with tables where you can comfortably relax in the fresh air in any weather. The fact is that on all open decks in the open sea there is a strong wind. It's good if the weather is clear and there is no rain. If there is a storm, then it is quite uncomfortable to be in open places. There are also special glass partitions installed here that protect you from the wind. Rain is also not a problem, because... from above the ceiling of the 12th deck:

22. If you leave the shelter of the partitions, you will have a magnificent view of the stern of the ferry:

23. Here you can enjoy views of the open sea:

25. If you climb the stairs to the deck above, you will find yourself on the open 12th deck, equipped helipad. It can be windy here, but this is compensated by the magnificent view that opens on all four sides:

26. You can sunbathe. There are special lounge chairs. Many people do this when traveling:

27. If you look at bow cruise ferry Helsinki - Travemünde, we will see part of the captain's cabin. Are you interested in how a ship is steered?

28. Meet our captain. He's Swedish. He has been operating this ferry for many years and is very pleased with his work. When I asked if there were any cases of strong storms in which the ferry felt unsafe, he replied that no. The fact is that Finnlines ferries have a very large margin of stability and reliability, and storms in the Baltic Sea are not as powerful as they are in other seas and oceans. Feel free to plan your trip on the Finnlines ferry:

29. The captain's cabin occupies the full width of the bow of the ferry and has a large panoramic view:

30. Most of the time, the ferry is controlled by an autopilot, and the captain and his assistants only monitor instrument readings and course. The locator shows ships moving on opposite and parallel courses. For example, the vessel Sheksna is heading to the port of St. Petersburg:

31. We leave the captain’s cabin and return to passenger realities. This is what the deck floor halls look like. There are three passenger elevators in the middle:

From the port of Kavkaz:

All passenger vehicles (including preferential categories) move to the accumulation site “Caucasus - 3” (between the village of Batareika and the village of Ilyich in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory).

At the Kavkaz - 3 collection site, electronic queue coupons are issued, as well as boarding passes for passengers and vehicles with an electronic ferry ticket, or coupons for paying for tickets on a “live” queue. Ferry tickets are sold at the ticket office in the waiting room upon presentation boarding pass vehicle, documents for the driver and passengers (passports, birth certificates) and documents for the car.

Next, at the command of an employee of Maritime Directorate LLC, the vehicle proceeds to the storage area "Kavkaz - 1", located in the port of Kavkaz, where inspection activities are carried out, the formation of ship parties and loading onto ferries.

Passenger vehicles without electronic queue coupons and travel documents or e-ticket boarding pass are not allowed on ferry line ships. (Scheme of intercepting parking lots from the port of Kavkaz)

From the port of Crimea:

All light passenger vehicles traveling to ferry crossing through Kerch Strait moves from Kerch along highway E-97 (M-19) and enters the Crimea - 2 storage area, located near the port of Crimea.

At the entrance to the “Crimea - 2” storage area, electronic queue coupons are issued, as well as boarding passes for passengers and vehicles with an electronic ferry ticket, or coupons for paying for tickets on a “live” queue. Ferry tickets are sold at the ticket office on the site upon presentation of a vehicle measurement coupon, documents for the driver and passengers (passports, birth certificates) and documents for the car.

Next, at the command of an employee of Marine Directorate LLC, the specified transport proceeds to the Crimea-1 storage site, located on the territory of the port of Crimea, where inspection activities are carried out, the formation of ship parties and loading onto ferries.

Passenger vehicles without electronic queue coupons and travel documents or an electronic ticket boarding pass on ferry line ships are not allowed.

Very detailed instructions Read about how the crossing takes place at Crimea forum.

Prices for the crossing


  • adult ticket - 150 rubles,
  • children's ticket(age from 6 to 12 years) - 80 rub.,
  • child ticket (age up to 6 years) - 0 rub.

Passenger transport:

  • length up to 5.3 m - 1700 rub.,
  • length over 5.3 m - 4800 rub.,
  • trailer for a car - 1,500 rubles.

Other ground transport:

  • Bicycle - 150 rub.,
  • Moped - 300 rub.,
  • Motorcycle - 500 rub.,
  • Tricycle - 600 rub.,
  • ATV - 700 rub.

For the sake of convenience and reducing waiting time at the Kerch ferry crossing, Marine Directorate LLC (the official carrier at the Kerch ferry crossing) recommends purchasing electronic tickets through the website

You enter the necessary data, make payment and receive electronic tickets, with a printout of which you must arrive at the collection area of ​​the port of departure at the specified time. Each passenger and driver of a vehicle is required to have original identification documents and documents for the vehicle.

The carrier guarantees that it will transport you and your vehicle in the selected time slot of the purchased electronic ticket.


1. Pregnant women (with a pregnancy period of more than 26 weeks) traveling to the ferry crossing by vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of a certificate of pregnancy.
2. Passengers with children under 1 year of age - upon presentation of the child's birth certificate.
3. Passengers of train No. 561/562 “Moscow - Simferopol - Moscow” upon presentation of a valid travel document, as well as the serving team of conductors.
4. Large families, 3 or more children accompanied by 1 or 2 parents, upon presentation of the children’s birth certificates and an identity document.
5. Disabled people of group I - upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group.
6. Disabled people of group II - upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group.
7. Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, upon presentation of the appropriate document.
8. Passengers traveling on regular buses, as well as on buses carrying out customized transportation(with a capacity of at least 15 seats), upon presentation by bus drivers of the relevant waybills.
9. Employees of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, employees of the prosecutor’s office, investigative committee, traveling alone or accompanied by road transport(including special purposes) upon presentation of a travel and service ID, FSUE Russian Post, traveling by official vehicles.
10. Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
11. Disabled people of war.
12. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.
13. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.
14. Participants of the Great Patriotic War, traveling to the ferry crossing in a vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of the appropriate document.
15. Disabled children traveling to the ferry crossing in a vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of the appropriate document.
16. Passengers traveling to a funeral (including a vehicle), upon presentation of the appropriate document.
17. Members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, upon presentation of the appropriate identification.
18. Vehicles and employees of the Crimean regional collection department.
19. Emergency and operational services vehicles.
20. Employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions located in the area of ​​the ports “Kavkaz” and “Kerch” (terminal “Crimea”).
22. Employees ensuring law and order, organization traffic, medical care and other activities aimed at the uninterrupted functioning of the ports “Kavkaz” and “Kerch” (terminal “Crimea”).

1. Disabled people of war.
2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War.
3. Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention.
4. Combat veterans.
5. Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
6. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.
7. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.
8. Rescuers involved in work to eliminate emergency situations when moving to the place of carrying out the specified work.
9. Members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma.
10. Employees of transport prosecutor's offices within the serviced areas when performing official duties.
12. Employees of internal affairs bodies when traveling to a new place of duty, as well as to the place of vacation and back.
13. Military personnel when going on a business trip, to a new place of military service, as well as to the place of use of leave and back.
14. Employees of special communications services.
15. Heroes of Kuban, Heroes of Labor of Kuban - at the box office located in the Krasnodar Territory.

Crossing for disabled people

For the convenience of staying in storage facilities and moving people with disabilities on the territory of the ports “Kavkaz” and “Crimea” of the Kerch ferry crossing, the waiting rooms are equipped with ramps, places for wheelchairs in the waiting room, special tables in the cafe, taking into account the size of wheelchairs, and special cabins in public toilets.

Disabled people of groups I and II, upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group, have the right of priority passage to the ferries.

The above categories of disabled people can exercise the right of priority passage on the territory of storage area No. 3 (Ilyich) of the port "Kavkaz" (in the summer there is a ticket office for preferential categories) and storage area No. 2 of the port "Crimea".

General information about ferries

There are four modern ferries operating on the passenger line:

  • “Crimea”: 160 passenger cars / 16 cargo vehicles, 300 passengers;
  • "Olympiad": 120 passenger cars / 16 cargo vehicles, 600 passengers;
  • “Pobeda”: 150 passenger vehicles, 500 passengers;
  • "Protoporos IV": 150 passenger vehicles, 500 passengers.
  • Depending on the workload of the ferries, the Glikofilousa-III and Major Chapichev ferries may be attracted to the line.

In strong winds (and therefore in strong waves), ferries do not carry out transportation. You can monitor the forecast for wind strength.

Cellular communications in Crimea

MTS has the most positive reviews and is most in demand in Crimea.
One of the most common is the tariff “Super MTS Krasnodar and Crimea” or another name “MTS Yuzhny”. To make calls to various regions In Russia, you can activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option.
For optimal use of the MTS SIM card in your home region in Crimea, you need to enable the options “Everywhere at home” for conversations and “SuperBit” for mobile internet.
No less interesting are MTS tariffs in Crimea specifically for smartphones, tablets and computers, as well as for special cases (Guest, Resort, Per-second tariffs).

WIN mobile is the first Russian operator in Crimea to build its own communicators on the peninsula. After the launch, WIN mobile offered only the “Freedom of Communication” tariff plan (very similar to “Super MTS”), three Internet packages with a daily and monthly traffic quota: online freedom, online day and online month. To connect to Win Mobile, you must manually select the “Rus 32”, “25032” or “Win ​​Mobile” network in the phone settings. All Russian SIM cards will automatically connect to this network.

Megafon, Beeline - Before you go on a trip across Russia, do not forget that your phone will be in Roaming, and this may entail unexpected expenses for mobile communications. If possible, disable all types of forwarding and services that are associated with the use of the mobile Internet. Such actions will help significantly reduce the cost of mobile communications during a trip. Therefore, before making a trip, it is recommended to seek advice from the subscriber support department or familiarize yourself with the current tariffs on the company’s website.

3G Internet - Until recently, tourists coming to the peninsula could not use modern services communications. However, times change, and with them advances in the field of communications come to Crimea.
We are talking about 3G Internet, access to which is already available on South Coast peninsula starting from Feodosia to Foros. Previously, it started operating in Kerch and Sevastopol.

157 base stations of the mobile operator K-Telecom have already been modernized - the only one on the peninsula so far. The modernization will make it possible to cover the entire peninsula with 3G Internet, including the capital, Simferopol.
It is planned that all work will be completed in 2016. This will make it possible to provide mobile Internet service with elements of the fourth generation and high-speed Internet will become available throughout the entire peninsula.

ATMs and card payments

On December 26, 2014, payment systems Visa and MasterCard suspended operations for servicing their cards in Crimea. The refusal to service their cards in Crimea was explained by a ban by the US authorities.

Currently, banks operating on the peninsula offer clients cards based on the PRO100 payment system (). In total, more than 5 thousand terminals have been installed in Crimea that accept payments using cards of this payment system.

From January 20, 2016, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol:

  • All trade and service enterprises connected through GENBANK JSC accept VISA cards from all Russian issuing banks for payment within the framework of the National Payment Card System.
  • In all PVNs of JSC "GENBANK" IPS cards "VISA" of all Russian issuing banks are accepted for servicing within the framework of the National Payment Card System.
  • RNKB and Bank of Russia work with Mastercard in Crimea and Sevastopol. There are ATMs in all cities of Crimea.

It is best to take cash with you to avoid problems.

Gasoline and diesel fuel

On the mainland. The nearest normal gas station to the port of Kavkaz (Lukoil, all types of fuel) is located 50 km from the crossing in the village of Golubitskaya. . A little closer to the crossing there is an unnamed gas station in the Fontalovskaya area (92nd or DT).

In Crimea. The nearest gas stations to the port of Crimea are 10 km from the crossing (gasoline, gas). See also where all gas stations are marked.

Prices for gasoline and diesel in Crimea are a couple of rubles more than in Krasnodar region. There are no problems with gas - most gas stations have it.

Freight transportation on the Kerch ferry crossing

There are several ferry lines for transporting cargo and light-duty goods. vehicles at the crossing "Caucasus-Crimea":
1. Line "Port Kavkaz - Port Crimea" transportation operator LLC "Maritime Directorate"
2. Line "Port Caucasus - Kerch Trade Port" - operator of the State Unitary Enterprise "Crimean Sea Ports"
3. Line "Port Caucasus - Kerch Fishing Port" - operator LLC "Crimean Transport Logistics Company"
4. Line “Port Caucasus - Kerch Fishing Port” - operator NovoInterTrans LLC

1. The order of freight transport to the Kerch ferry crossing (from the Krasnodar Territory).

Light-duty freight transport (maximum permissible weight up to 7.5 tons) goes to the storage facility “Caucasus - 3” (Ilyich village). After registration, purchasing tickets (if not electronic tickets) and further instructions from the ferry workers proceed to the port of Kavkaz for loading onto the ferry.

Heavy-duty freight transport goes through the Slavyansk on Kuban distribution point.

Upon arrival of a cargo vehicle at the distribution point at the accumulation site "Kavkaz - 4" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, the driver with a set of documents for the vehicle and for the cargo being transported (vehicle registration certificate, waybill) goes to the control center LLC "Marine Directorate"

The driver of a cargo vehicle receives an electronic queue coupon and waits for a phone call and/or SMS message from the dispatcher of Marine Directorate LLC about the need to proceed to the port of Kavkaz (storage site "Kavkaz-2" on the Chushka spit, 9.1 km from the port Caucasus).

After purchasing a ticket (upon presentation of an electronic queue coupon) in the Kavkaz-2 drive and waiting for loading on the ferry, the formed ship party is sent to the port of Kavkaz for loading on the ferry.

Sending to the port is carried out at the command of the dispatcher. The loading berth and loading order are determined based on the operational situation. For loading at the port of Kavkaz, berth No. 8 (main) and berths No. 3 and 4 are used. When entering the port territory, you must present electronic queue coupons.

Attention! Trucks without travel documents and electronic queue coupons entering the territory seaport Kavkaz, the storage area "Kavkaz - 1" and on ferry line vessels are not allowed.

2. The order of freight transport to the Kerch ferry crossing (from the Crimea).

The formation of the flow of freight vehicles heading from the territory of the Crimean Federal District through the ferry line "Caucasus - Crimea (Kerch)" is carried out at the accumulation site "Crimea - 3", located on the territory of the airport in Kerch, Vokzalnoye Highway, 140.

Upon arrival of a cargo vehicle at the storage site "Crimea - 3", the driver with a set of documents for the vehicle and for the transported cargo (vehicle registration certificate, driver's license, waybill, other documents) is sent for registration to the dispatch center of Marine Directorate LLC "

Upon registration, the driver of a cargo vehicle receives an electronic queue coupon of the appropriate category and awaits a telephone call and/or SMS message from an employee of Maritime Directorate LLC about the need to purchase travel ticket and departure to the port for loading. Registration of travel documents is carried out upon presentation of a boarding pass, an electronic queue coupon and documents for the driver and vehicle. Also, consignments of vehicles are formed at the site depending on the loading location (berth) of the selected port of departure.

Sending to the port is carried out at the command of an employee of Marine Directorate LLC. The loading berth and loading order are determined based on the operational situation. The berth of the Kerch Sea Port Fleet is used for loading commercial port, as well as the berths of the Crimea terminal. When entering the ports, you must present electronic queue coupons.

Attention! Trucks without travel documents and electronic queue coupons are not allowed into the territory of the port fleet of the Kerch Sea Commercial Port, as well as the Crimea-1 storage area and onto ferry line vessels.
Loading of a cargo vehicle is carried out in the presence of an electronic queue coupon and a paid ticket.

Freight tariffs

In accordance with the order “On approval of the tariff for organizing the transportation of passengers, their luggage and motor vehicles” dated August 12, 2015 No. 171, tariffs were approved for the line port “Crimea” - port “Kavkaz”, port “Kavkaz” - port “Crimea”, port "Caucasus" - port "Kerch", port "Kerch" - port "Caucasus" (in one direction).


1. If the actual length of the vehicle is more than 16.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: Sfact = L: 16.5xS, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
2. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: Sfact = Sx2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
3. If the actual height of the AT is more than 4.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the AT.
4. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m and the height of the vehicle is more than 4.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
5. If the actual length of the vehicle exceeds 16.5 m and any of the other dimensions at the same time, the actual cost of transportation is calculated using the formula:
S fact = L: 16.5 x S, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transporting the vehicle.
6. When calculating the cost of a vehicle whose gross weight exceeds 28 tons, do not charge for additional tons over 28 tons. When measuring weight, an incomplete ton up to 500 kg is rounded down, and an incomplete ton from 500 kg is rounded up.
7. When transporting dangerous goods, an increasing factor of 1.25 is applied.