Neuschwanstein from Munich. Fairytale Bavarian castles: secrets of a comfortable trip to Neuschwanstein. Video about Neuschwanstein Castle. Shooting from a quadcopter

Going out to railway station Füssen, you need to take a bus to Hohenschwangau. There are two buses from the city to the village - No. 73 and No. 78. The desired stop is “Hohenschwangau Neuschwanstein Castles, Schwangau”. Buses run daily from 05:30 to 20:00. The number of flights per hour is from 1 to 5 depending on the time of day: less often in the morning and evening, more often during the day when there is an influx of tourists. Check the local bus schedule (select "Füssen").

Bus Munich - Neuschwanstein

You can get to the castle from Munich by direct bus. But this option is bad because the number of such flights is very small. One of the most popular bus carriers, Flixbus, operates only one flight (09:15), and not every day (from Thursday to Sunday). Travel time is 2 hours 10 minutes.

Departure from Central bus station Munich, arrival at the ticket office in Hohenschwangau. Ticket price - 7.99 or 9.99 euros depending on the day of the week. The only thing that makes me happy is the price.

When searching for a ticket, you must specify the destination “Schwangau Neuschwanstein”.

The current bus schedule Munich - Neuschwanstein is available on the website.

You can compare all options for traveling between cities by bus in terms of cost and travel time via.

Taxi Munich - Neuschwanstein

A convenient and comfortable option for those who do not want to depend on the schedule and bother with buying a ticket. The passenger only needs to indicate the place from where he should be picked up. The driver will arrive at the appointed time and take you exactly to the address. This method is beneficial for groups of friends and families with children to travel: the more passengers, the better.

Cars of any capacity and comfort class are available for order: from compact subcompact cars to minivans and even buses.

Search for transfers to Neuschwanstein Castle

Show transfers from Neuschwanstein Castle

Where Where Price
Munich Neuschwanstein Castle from 12295 p. show
Neuschwanstein Castle from 16669 p. show
Where Where Price
Neuschwanstein Castle Munich from 12295 p. show
Neuschwanstein Castle Munich Airport "Franz Josef Strauss" from 16669 p. show

To Neuschwanstein from Munich by car

A rented car is a real help when traveling to unfamiliar lands, and even more so to the castles of Bavaria. The distance from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle by car is 128 km. Travel time is approximately 1 hour 40 minutes.

A full description of the route with all turns is below.

Description of the route Munich - Hohenschwangau

Route length between Munich and Hohenschwangau: 128 km

Approximate travel time: 1h 55m show route description

Car rent

Renting a car in Munich is very easy. Use the option search form from the service.

Search for a rental car

Please note that there is only paid parking in the village of Hohenschwangau (see map). In addition, the road to Neuschwanstein Castle is closed to traffic. You won't be able to park directly in front of the Ticket Center. There are four paid parking zones:

  • P1 near Apollo Duty Free.
  • P2, P3 at the roundabout next to the Kainz restaurant.
  • P4 at Lake Alpsee

The parking lot is closed from 20:00 to 08:00.

Parking cost for a car - 6 euros in a day.

  • We also recommend reading about car rental in Germany.

Finding a travel companion

An alternative to renting a car is traveling with a travel companion. You can find a driver who is willing to give you a lift to your destination for a reasonable fee on the website

Finding travel companions on BlaBlaCar

How to get to Neuschwanstein Castle

On foot. Walk on your own for 30-40 minutes - that’s 1.5 km uphill, following the signs. It's hard to get lost.

On a cart. Horse drawn carriages depart from Hotel Müller all year round and every day. Due to existing restrictions, disembarkation is not at the entrance to the castle, but 450 meters from it (5 minutes on foot). Trip to the top (20 minutes) — 7 euros, down - 3.5 euros. Buy tickets from the cab driver.

Shuttle bus. The stop is located at parking area P4 (see map). Buses do not operate during snow and ice. In summer the last departure is at 17:30, in winter - at 15:30. The ticket to the top is worth it 2.50 euros, back - 1.50 euro; children's ticket1 euro And 0.50 euro respectively. Children under 6 years old are free. You can buy a ticket at the bus stop or directly from the driver.

The bus will take you to the Marienbrücke stop, located just above Neuschwanstein Castle. It's a 15-minute walk from there.

Excursion from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle

Don’t like all of the above options or are not convenient? There is the simplest one - an excursion from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle in Russian. You can book such an excursion on our website as part of the project.

Unified ticket search OMIO

The Omio service allows you to compare all available public transport options by cost and travel time. Here you will find train tickets, intercity buses in the chosen direction. Thanks to a convenient search, you will be able to find the best offer.

Marina Grigorenko

4604 0

The famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, considered one of the main tourist attractions in Germany, for me, as a big fan of this country, for several years remained one of those must sees, which for one reason or another I did not get to. Either it was not on the route, or there was not enough time, or something else. However, a couple of months ago I finally got there, and did not regret it.

The first thing you need to know is that a trip to Neuschwanstein is more than a visit to the castle, and you need to understand: you need a whole day to see everything there calmly and with pleasure. Indeed, in fact, the tourist area, officially called Hohenschwangau, consists of two castles - Neuschwanstein and Schloss Hohenschwangau, located about 2 km from each other, the Marienbrücke bridge, the Museum of the Bavarian Kings , as well as the incredible beauty of the area around it all - mountains, hills, lakes, forests and other wonders of alpine nature. To be honest, it was the latter that impressed me even more than the castles themselves, and therefore I strongly advise everyone not to limit their trip only to the architecture, but also to take a walk around. Plus, you need to take into account that queues and waiting for your excursion, as well as the road, may take some time, because it is possible that you will not be able to get on the bus to the castles and especially back the first time.

To Neuschwanstein from Munich - the most popular route

Most often you can find information online on how to get to Neuschwanstein Castle, starting from Munich. According to the map, this distance is a little more than 100 km, but in reality the journey takes about 2.5-3 hours, which can be covered either by bus or by train, if we talk about public transport. The first option to get there is with the help of the largest bus carrier Flixbus. On the plus side, one such ticket costs only 7 euros, which is very decent for expensive German transport, and it arrives directly in the commune of Schwangau (that’s where Neustwanstein is located). The downside is that the bus leaves from Munich at about 9 am and arrives at the place closer to noon, at the height of the queues for tickets, and therefore there is a possibility that you can only get to the castle itself around three o’clock. Whereas the very last return bus from Schwangau to Munich leaves at 18:00. However, even in 6 hours you can do a lot there, although you will have to constantly think about time.

The second option is the train. On the plus side, trains run every hour, so you can plan your time as conveniently as possible, and the journey takes 2 hours. The first train leaves Munich at around 5 am, and the last return train leaves at around 10:30 pm. Of the minuses – Deutsche Bahn is quite expensive pleasure, and therefore a one-way ticket will cost from 22 euros. And the train only goes to Fussen, and from there to Schwangau it’s still about 5 km. However, in the case of both types of transport, you need to take care of tickets in advance - firstly, so as not to get to the station just at the moment when there will be a special influx of tourists, and you won’t have enough tickets, or only expensive ones will be left, and secondly, because online tickets in advance in Germany are always cheaper than at the ticket office or terminal before the trip at the station.

The best way to travel to Neuschwanstein is from Fussen

I chose another option - I decided to stay in Fussen itself, besides, it was conveniently located on my way from Innsbruck, Austria. And here it is worth noting that tourists staying in Fussen immediately have a number of advantages over those who travel from cities further away. Firstly, they have the opportunity to be the first to get to Schwangau at the ticket office for tickets to the castles (of course, after those tourists who spend the night in Schwangau itself). However, the latter is still a very small commune with only a little over three thousand inhabitants, and therefore there are not so many accommodation places there, and their prices are appropriate.

But let's return to Fussen. This is a fairly small typical Bavarian town with a population of 14 thousand, which, however, has an incredibly developed infrastructure (our Carpathian tourist towns have a lot to learn). There are several accommodation options there - closer to nature in cottages or in the city center. I chose the latter option, but given the size of the town, it’s not that far of a walk from the city center to get to the more chic alpine-looking houses on the outskirts. And walking through such an area is a special pleasure. In local hotels, by the way, there is a small bonus for guests - they issue a so-called guest card, which allows you to get a discount on entrance to the castles of 1-2 euros. It's a small thing, but nice.

There are also no problems with food in the city - there are also traditional German bakery cafes, where you can have a snack before the excursion and drink coffee quite early in the morning, there are also Bavarian restaurants with local cuisine. Personally, I recommend Zum Hechten on the ground floor of the Altstadt Hotel in the central part of the city, they have very good venison goulash, for example, and they don’t skimp on the wine - a portion is 250 million and costs only 3-4 euros.

You can also shop at grocery stores, but it’s worth considering that in Europe such stores are not used to being open until night, especially in small towns. And there is also McDonald's, which is open until midnight, if suddenly someone gets bored with fast food.

Another important point in Fussen is the tourist center. It is quite easy to find near the train station at Kaiser Maximilian Square 1. They are open daily from 9 am to 5 pm (except for a few holidays a year - January 1, December 24 and 25), and there they are ready to kindly (and for free) tell you how best to get to the castles, what else you can see in Fussen itself, and generally help you in any way they can, equipping you with reference materials. There besides German language, they speak English quite well (and perhaps even other languages, I just haven’t checked), so mutual language They will definitely find you. The only thing is that you can’t buy tickets to the castles in advance. Moreover, these castle tickets cannot be purchased anywhere except in tourist center in Schwangau (and they don’t even sell it online, you can only book it, especially convenient for groups). But more on that later.

Things to do in Fussen

In the meantime, a few more words about Fussen. I only stayed there for two days, but now I definitely want to go back for 5 days to enjoy some peace and quiet with a view of the Alps.

There are also several lakes and thermal springs in the surrounding area. Also among the natural attractions, the Lechfall waterfall deserves special attention. It is quite low, and most likely of artificial origin, and is located on the Lech River of the same name among the rocks. By the way, in one of these rocks you can see a bust of the Bavarian king Maximilian II, whose dynasty is especially revered by the locals. The path to the waterfall passes through a wooded hill along which several tourist routes– on foot and by bicycle, and special signs are placed everywhere with the direction, distance and approximate travel time, so you definitely won’t get lost there. By the way, from different points along the route there are quite picturesque views of the city and mountains, mountains and again mountains.

Walking along the route back to the city along the Lech River, you can also see gothic castle Hohes Schloss is one of the best preserved medieval castle complexes in Bavaria. It began to be built in the 12th century and for a long time was the residence of the bishops of Augsburg, but at the end of the 18th century it was turned into an Austrian hospital. In the mid-19th century, it was planned to establish the residence of Crown Prince Maximilian II there, but in the end he decided to settle in Hohenschwangau Castle.

Since the 30s of the last century, Hohes Schloss has housed one of the branches of the famous Bavarian State Collection of Paintings, which unites more than 30 thousand paintings of German and world art. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to get there, but now I know that in Fussen you can also become more cultural.

The most convenient way to get to Neuschwanstein Castle by public transport (2018):

Departure from Munich main station ( Munich Hauptbahnhof) to Fussen station ( Fussen). At the station you need to buy a Bavarian ticket (Bayern Ticket) for the day from the machine.

If you are traveling together (three, four, etc.), you need to select the required number of passengers when purchasing. The ticket category is day (it is unlikely that you will go to Neuschwanstein at night, although for this and other cases in Bavaria there is a Bayern Ticket Nacht (night ticket), which allows you to travel throughout Bavaria from 18 pm to 6 am).

Important: Bavarian ticket - The best way for tourists to save money when traveling on public transport throughout the state of Bavaria. For example, a regular return ticket from Munich to Fussen will cost you around 50-56 euros per person, while a Bavarian all-day ticket (with unlimited travel) for one is only 25 euros, and for two - 31 euros.

More details about Bavarian ticket and its costHere.

Why is it recommended to buy a ticket from a Deutsche Bahn machine? Because it’s a little cheaper there than at the cash register (although if it’s easier for you to communicate with a person, then you can do it at the cash register). A mandatory point is that after purchasing, you must write the first and last name of one of the passengers on the ticket with a pen. It’s a formality, but, nevertheless, inspectors monitor its observance (and they constantly go along the Munich-Füssen route).

IN weekdays Convenient time for departure to Neuschwanstein is 8.53 from Munich Main Station. Why? Because the Bavarian ticket is only valid from 9 am. There is an important nuance here.

In this case, you get on the train at 8.53, and it turns out that you travel for a full 7 minutes without a ticket. Knowing the pedantry and inflexibility of the German controllers (even if you are a 100 times ignorant tourist), we can advise you to buy a ticket for these 7 minutes from the same machine, to the nearest Munich-Pasing station (München-Pasing price is about 3 euros per person). But you will be calm.

So you get on the train and go to the station Buchloe(yes, exactly Bukhloe), where you need to make a transfer. It is impossible to confuse or miss it, because almost all tourist passengers getting to Neuschwanstein will get off on it. The next train to which you need to change will arrive at the station (information about its route – Füssen – will be indicated on the electronic board). Then you get to Fussen and, together with everyone else, get off and walk along the platform to the parking lot of local buses, which are already waiting for tourists and depart to Neuschwanstein as they fill up. Travel there is also free with your Bavarian ticket. Usually these buses are packed with a lot of people, fortunately, the route to the castle is only a few kilometers. The bus takes you directly to the place where the ticket office is located.

Due to the influx of tourists, tickets to visit the castle are sold at sessions, allowing you to leisurely get to it before the start of the excursion in one of three ways - on foot up the mountain (of course, free of charge), by horse-drawn carriage (for a fee) or by free bus. Choose which one you like best. There, at the box office, tickets to Hohenschwangau Castle are sold (you also need to climb to it, but not as high as to Neuschwanstein).

The return journey is exactly the same; trains to Munich depart quite often and until late in the evening.

In addition to public transport, you can also rent a car - no one has canceled the convenience of travelby caracross Bavaria in general and to Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles in particular.

You can choose a car in advance for traveling around Germany here:

(instant comparison of offers, prices and conditions of leading car rental companies in Europe, online booking confirmation and flexible conditions, discounts, super offers)

More on the topic:

Neuschwanstein Castle: See a “postcard”

Might be interesting:

How to get from Munich Airport to the city center

BMW Museum in Munich

How to get to Legoland from Munich

Before proudly driving a Bavarian car into the capital of Bavaria, Munich, we had to stop briefly at one of the technical centers of the Dekra network to receive an “environmental pass” or so-called “plaquette”, which gives the right to enter environmental zones located mainly in the central part of the majority of large and medium-sized cities in Germany. And the number of such cities is growing year after year.

It took us no more than fifteen minutes to receive the plaque. But now we could freely travel around the center of Munich. However, you can drive around without a plaque, but then, if the police notice this fact, you will have to pay a fine of about 40 euros. The plaque costs 5 euros. This is what the stickers look like, which need to be glued from the inside to the windshield of your car; you can get them from Dekra and TUV services. Cost 5-8 euros.

I won’t talk about Munich now; there’s not much to say about the apartments either: we booked two rooms in an aparthotel with the loud name Concept Living Munich Serviced Apartments, the price was tempting, and the photos were very attractive. In fact, the hotel is far from “designer”, everything is quite simple, but, I repeat, the price was very pleasing to the ears. But, as they say, the hotel “beats back” both in small and big ways. The first 1.5 euros were “gobbled up” by drying in the laundry, which completely refused to dry our already washed clothes (by the way, this was the first time we used the “self-service” laundry service in a hotel!), we even kept a photo as a souvenir

And the second time we paid 50 (!!!) euros to call a serviceman (it was a day off and there was no one at the reception), who opened the door to our room. But we just “slammed” the key. Not lost! And the serviceman arrived 7 minutes later, apparently sleeping somewhere in the basement. I just opened the door with a spare key... One hundred and fifty rubles for the trouble! And you say Europe... There you have to do the “clack-clack with your beak” very carefully, because it’s sooo expensive :)

Well, okay, enough about the sad, let’s talk about the beautiful :)

I think absolutely everyone who is going to Bavaria, especially for the first time, wants to see the Bavarian Alps, Bavarian lakes, Bavarian castles and try the famous Bavarian beer. Not necessarily in the order I listed. You can start with beer. But it’s better to take a train, bus or car and head towards the small town of Fussen, where everything listed is collected in one place. Many have already guessed that I am talking about the famous Neuschwanstein Castle (translation: “New Swan Stone”, see on Google maps), the fabulous silhouette of which you can see on the screensavers of Disney cartoons. Yes, yes, at one time Walt Disney was so fond of the Bavarian castle that the first Disneyland was built based on it.

Once upon a time, a couple of years ago, we had already been here in the company of our friends. But the younger generation (I mean our children) arrived in Bavaria for the first time, so it would be a crime to miss the main attraction.

I won't talk about the castle itself. I believe that visiting these places should be included in the “obligatory tourist program in Bavaria” and the best way to learn a lot of interesting things about the castle is to take a tour of the castle.

By the way, want to make your stay in Munich really interesting? Look at what wonderful thematic excursions the residents of Munich offer on a non-professional basis, and that is why these excursions are “not hackneyed” and are distinguished by their originality. However, the price will also please you. In particular, they offer several excursions to Neuschwanstein Castle.

Well, I’ll tell you only one thing: the castle is still there, it hasn’t collapsed, it hasn’t disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Still majestic and fabulously beautiful!

A small video proof that the lock is in place.

The places here are truly amazing. Clicking on the following pictures opens full-screen panoramas:


Well, along the entire route I collected an album from the “Audi Was Here” series :)

Most tourists from Neuschwanstein head to the famous alpine village of Oberammergau. And it is right! Oberammergau is also included in the compulsory program, this is not discussed. But if you love leisure or just want to admire the most magnificent views, then do not forget to make a short stop in the town of Buching, which is very close to the castle.

You will recognize this place when it is open cable car, going to the nearest peak.

Upstairs there is a club for paragliders, hang gliders and some other “enthusiasts”; unfortunately, I am not very well versed in these sports.

But there is something to see! And the views are simply gorgeous!

Well, now let's take a look at Oberammergau (see on the map) - the most colorful village in Bavaria. Well, at least that’s how this place is presented to an inexperienced tourist. But be that as it may, Oberammergau is truly a wonderful place and you should definitely visit it!

This time Oberammergau was struck right at the entrance. Before we had time to leave the parking lot, at the very first installation we saw an unusual picture for these places: a perfect Bavarian lawn was barbarically mutilated by the traces of some drunken tractor driver! An unprecedented event worthy of major newspaper headlines and breaking news in prime time! 🙂

But otherwise, Oberammergau did not disappoint this time either. BEAUTY!

And here it is local residents: grandfather, tired of listening to Bavarian melodies on his iPod and grandmother, writing an anonymous letter about a local tractor driver who barbarically violated the lawn :)

The dark blue line on the map indicates the most optimal route between the cities of Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle, simulated by a special computer program.

Flag marks with the letters “A” and “B” (green) show the starting and ending points of the route.

Regardless of your driving experience, you should always carefully study the upcoming path along its entire length, try to remember the most difficult sections and sections. It would also be a good idea to study the forks and turns shown on our map in advance.

This route between cities, perhaps, cannot be classified as overly complex and confusing. You will have to move mostly straight, there will be few sharp turns and sharp changes in direction.

Although the program algorithm is designed in such a way as to offer the driver the fastest route (for example, a route that goes around cities and large towns), however, this is not always possible. That is why it is important to take note and take into account the time of day when traveling vehicle through large settlements so as not to find yourself stuck in a rush hour traffic jam in an unfamiliar city.

On the other hand, nothing prevents you from turning the route between the cities of Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle into a real adventure, since the route will run near picturesque places and beautiful cities that can once again remind the driver of the beauty and immensity native land. Many sights can be seen on the road from Kazan to Moscow, if you take care in advance to plan a route through given points.

The finished map can be saved on the local drive of any digital device such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone, or printed to always have at hand while following a specific route. We wish you only pleasant trips, and our service will be happy to help you with this!

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Getting to the castles on your own is not difficult. The easiest way is by train. If you are traveling with a group, it is profitable to buy a Bavarian ticket for 30 euros. A group of up to 5 people can travel with one ticket. The ticket is valid for the selected date: on weekdays from 9 am to 3 am the next day, and on weekends from 6 am. You can buy a ticket yourself from a machine at the station or at the ticket office, but it will be about 2 euros more expensive.

It is better to leave early, because the journey will take about 2.5 hours, and visiting the two castles will take you almost the whole day. Therefore, check the train schedule on the Internet or pick it up at the station the day before your trip. By the way, if you need to get to the train station by transport, then it is advisable to buy a ticket the day before, because it will also be valid on public transport in Munich. Please pay attention to the date when purchasing your ticket!

Next you need to take the RB or RE train and get to the city of Füssen. In Füssen, next to the railway station there will be a stop for a special bus to castles No. 78, or more precisely to the ticket offices. The Bavarian ticket is also valid on this bus! Feel free to show it off and take your seats!

At the ticket office you will see the schedule of excursions. Tickets to both castles cost 24 euros. Do not be late for the start of the excursions; access to the castles is through a turnstile and strictly according to the time indicated on the ticket. If you are late, your ticket is lost. (((

You will have a break of approximately 1.5 hours between visits to castles. Don’t be alarmed, this is exactly the time you will need to calmly get from Hohenschwangau to Neuschweinstein, have a snack, buy souvenirs, admire the surroundings and walk to the Marienbrücke bridge over a 90-meter cliff, from which the most impressive view of Neuschwanstein opens.

At the ticket office you will also be given a diagram map on which the routes from one castle to another will be drawn. Option 1 - on a carriage with horses (for an additional fee). Option 2 is a bus that will take you to the Marienbrücke bridge (also for an additional fee). From the bridge you will need to walk 15 minutes to the castle. Option 3 - walk for about 40 minutes.

After visiting the castles, look at the time and schedule of return trains to Munich!!! If you arrive early and still have time, take a walk around Fussen. I didn’t have time myself, but I read that this town deserves attention. If time runs out, come back. The same bus will take you to the train station. But with electric trains, it may turn out that the last one to Munich has already left. But this is no reason to panic. You can drive to the town of Buchloe funny name)))) and there in 15-20 minutes transfer to the train to Munich. The same Bavarian ticket is still with you!

Have a good trip!!!

Neuschwanstein Castle and Hohenschwangau Castle in Germany is not an easy landmark or interesting places, this is something close to a fairy tale. For me, a castle is always perceived as something medieval, knights, kings, conspiracies under kings, and always with some kind of secret that has not yet been revealed. Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles have all this, they are ancient, kings lived in them, they are richly decorated and the death of King Louis II is mysterious. A little preparation and we are ready to visit the castles on our own.

Day four (Saturday)

  • Neuschwanstein Castle/ Shloss Neuschwanstein
  • Castle Hohenschwangau/Hohenschwangau.

On this day we got up early, as the plan was to visit the castles of Neuschwanstein / Shloss Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau / Hohenschwangau. Since we had already made a reservation at home, we definitely had to be there at the appointed time.

In a nutshell, how to make a reservation:

  1. through the website (, switch to English, then on the map we found the castle Neuschwanstein Castle, click and you will be taken to the Neuschwanstein Castle-Swangau page. You can look at the information on this website, or go to the website ( and read information about this castle in Russian. However, it is better to switch to English, there is more information there and from there go to the “Tiketcenter Hohenswangau”, got acquainted with the castles, wanted to see both, since the road took a lot of time, it was also possible to see the Museum of the Bavarian Kings / Museum der bayerischen Könige, but We stopped only at the locks.
  2. on the German website railways/ Deutche Bahn (, looked at the train schedule to Fussen. Departure every hour 6:52, 7:52, 8:52, 9:52, etc. the journey takes 2 hours 3 minutes. We decided that we would go at 7.52 and be there at 9.56.
  3. on the website “Tiketcenter Hohenswangau” or ( there is a link “ONLINE TICKET BOOKING” followed by the form “ONLINE BOOKING FORM”, where you can select the option you need, since we chose two locks Neuschwanstein / Shloss Neuschwanstein And Hohenschwangau / Hohenschwangau, then select “for the King’s tiket”, then “ORDER FORM for KING TIKETS” and fill out: number of adults, children, date, Russian language, personal information and write in the note (on English language) that we plan to arrive at 10.00 o'clock.
  4. The reservation was made a week in advance (Friday), two days later (Monday) a confirmation arrived indicating: reservation number, time to buy tickets, date of the excursion, start time of the excursion, audio guide - Russian and the total amount for the reservation and combi-ticket , payment was not taken from the card.

And now back to Saturday afternoon, 10 minutes before departure we were on platform No. 27 of the main railway station Munich "Hauptbahnhof", we had Bavarian tickets 2nd class, there is no control, when we entered the train carriage, there were few empty seats, but after walking through the carriages, we found empty seats, settled down and the train moved off. The ride to the city of Fussen takes 2 hours 04 minutes, since this is the final destination, we did not pay attention to either the station announcements or the ticker in the carriage. When you are already approaching the city of Fussen, there are stunning views from the carriage window: mountains, houses, fields. The travel time passed quickly, the seats were comfortable, it wasn’t hot in the morning, but if you sit on the sunny side, it’s probably not very comfortable. We arrived in the city of Fussen on schedule. When we got out of the carriage, the whole train was so eager to visit the castles. The first thought that arose was how we would get on bus number 78, which would take us to Hohenschwangau. We went out to the station square and were very surprised, there were 3 or 4 buses and all of them boarded to the castles. We went to the bus, where the queue was shorter. You don’t need to buy a ticket if you have one, you just show it to the driver and walk through the cabin. Those who do not have such a ticket pay 2.10 € one way per person. When all the people from the square went on buses, everyone went to the castles. The driver of the bus in which we were traveling took a different route, so the bus arrived first in the Hohenschwangau area. The drive is about 10-15 minutes. At the stop in the Hohenschwangau area you are met by young people in yellow T-shirts who can tell you how to get to the ticket office or locks, but there are signs everywhere.

The town or village of Schwangau is very small. He was lucky, there are two castles in it. But the fact is that small town, you feel all the beauty of nature, the calm and majesty of leisure, but not at the first moment of getting off the bus to the ticket office.

There was a line at the ticket office, but it was still not huge; those who have a reservation have a separate line and it moves faster; there were about five people in front of us. When our turn came, we went up to the cashier, showed our order sheet and showed the card (Ticket to Bavarian castles for 14 days), because a visit to the Schloss Hohenschwangau castle is on the list of “Tickets to Bavarian castles for 14 days”. The cashier reissued this ticket, payment was made upon receipt of the tickets.

The tickets were marked with the tour or group number, Russian language, time and price.

What happened:

Ticket price – adult Schloss Hohenschwangau – 12 € (according to “Ticket to Bavarian castles for 14 days”) – 0 €

Reservation (Hohenschwangau) -1.80€

Ticket price – children under 18 years old Schloss Hohenschwangau -0€

Reservation - children under 18 years old (Hohenschwangau) -1.80€

Open seven days a week, from April to October 15 from 8.00 to 17.30, from October 16 to March from 9.00 to 15.30.

Ticket price - adult Schloss Neuschwanstein - 12 €

Reservation (Neuschwanstein) -1.80€

Ticket price - children under 18 years old Schloss Neuschwanstein - 0 €

Reservation - children under 18 years old (Neuschwanstein) -1.80€

Open seven days a week, from April to October 15 from 8.00 to 17.00, from October 16 to March from 9.00 to 15.00.

Paid by bank card for one adult and child – 19.20€

Hohenschwangau Castle

We bought tickets at 10:28, when we left the box office, there was a huge queue,

Ticket office for Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles

although it’s not surprising because all three or four buses arrived, and there were people in cars. There was still an hour before our excursion, so we slowly walked towards the castle, breathing in the fresh air and admiring nature.

Fountain "Man with Geese" at Hohenschwangau Castle

There are several fountains on the castle grounds, almost each one has its own legend.

We walked around the castle, took photos and waited for our time.

The castle was built on the site of a fortress that was mentioned in the 12th century; it belonged to the Knights of Schwangau. In 1832, Prince Maximilian, the future King Maximilian II, father of Louis II, bought the ruins of the fortress and built a castle. The future king Louis II grew up in this castle. And reminders of knights and beautiful castles lay in his heart. When Louis II came to the throne, he began to build castles and built Neuschwanstein not far from Hohenschwangau Castle. There are references that Louis II watched the progress of construction of Neuschwanstein Castle through a telescope from this castle.

Shloss Neuschwanstein means “High Swan Land” and in memory of the knights there is a hall of the knight with a swan, decorated with frescoes on the theme of the legend of Lohengrin.

Hohenschwangau Castle

In front of the castle entrance there is electronic scoreboard, which displays the time, group (Tour) and language.

Our turn came - 11:45, the group was international, we passed the turnstiles, they let you in when your time comes. When we entered the castle, everyone received audio guides with the required language and the tour began. The tour lasts 30 minutes, the palace is small and groups are small. The interiors of the palace are simply stunning, time flew by so quickly, like one moment, but I was glad that there was still a visit to another castle ahead.

Neuschwanstein Castle / Shloss Neuschwanstein

After the end of the excursion and until the next time there was almost an hour and a half, the plan indicates that from Hohenschwangau / Hohenschwangau to Neuschwanstein/Shloss Neuschwanstein It took 40 minutes to walk, so we walked slowly, along a long path, nearby there was a beautiful lake, a forest, birds singing, in a word - beauty.

There are many cafes and snack bars where you can have a snack, buy ice cream or water. If you don’t want to walk, you can go by cart for 3€ or by bus for 1.80€,

but the weather was good, it was cool in the forest, so it was a pleasure to walk, despite the fact that in some places the road was uphill. Walking through picturesque places, we returned to the village again (or very Small town), to continue the journey further to the castle, you can also take a bus or carriage there.

There is also an interesting view of Hohenschwangau Castle

Come closer to Neuschwanstein Castle, with observation deck took a few photos

We looked at the souvenirs and the time for the excursion came at 13:50, the group was also international, but only already larger, about 40 people. They walked through the halls quite quickly, one group left the hall and the next one was already entering, the flow of tourists there was huge. This castle is huge and you look around a lot of rooms, sometimes with steep stairs, which of course was not easy for some elderly people.

It's not easy to climb Neuschwanstein Castle

The tour lasts 30 minutes, time just flies by. After the excursion, we went to Mary's Bridge / Marien-brücke,

another local attraction, it was already hot and the road goes up the hill. There are so many people on the bridge that there is nowhere to stand due to the wind.

View of the gorge from Mary's Bridge

When you walk, you think, why is this necessary? But the view from Maria's Bridge to Neuschwanstein Castle is amazing.