Hunting tourism in Russia. Specifics of organizing hunting and fishing tours Hunting and fishing tourism

The main motivations for these types of tourism are, in fact, consonant and coincide with their names - these are hunting and fishing. Additional motivation for in this case are: recreation, entertainment, leisure, in some cases (for example, in African countries or Latin America) – cognition within the framework of excursion programs.

The main consumer of these types of tourism is mainly the male population, mostly middle-aged, with a fairly high level of income, since hunting tourism, especially organized in exotic countries, can be considered one of the most expensive types of tourism. Male tourists, as a rule, go on tour alone, in more rare cases - with their family.

The main destinations of these types of tourism are:

· Russian Federation: Altai, Astrakhan, Volga delta, Seliger, Karelia, Abkhazia, Kamchatka, central Russia.

· Foreign destinations: Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa), Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway), Latin America (Venezuela, Brazil, Dominican Republic) and some others.

In fishing and hunting tourism there is a special seasonality associated with the so-called reproductive period in animals:

· Fishing is prohibited during the spawning season

· Hunting is prohibited during the rutting season.

In addition, fishing and hunting of animals listed in the Red Book, national and world conservation lists, as well as shooting of pregnant and lactating females and young animals is strictly prohibited. Violation of this requirement, as well as violation of the legally permitted start date for fishing and hunting, is poaching, i.e. a crime that carries hefty fines and, in some cases, imprisonment and deportation from the country. You should also remember that in some countries night hunting is strictly prohibited.

In hunting and fishing tourism there are both group and individual tours, however, in group tours, groups of tourists are usually small: 3-5 people, maximum 10 people.

The average duration of tours is 7(8)-10 days.

A standard tour program usually includes: accommodation, meals, hunting (safari) or fishing, huntsman services, permits and licenses, insurance, visas (if necessary), transportation of tourists to the host country (region), transfers, initial processing of trophies. The obtained trophies are paid additionally, their cost is determined depending on the size - the weight of the horns, the length of the fangs, etc. The hunter receives a trophy - a skull with horns or fangs. If a tourist wants to take meat, skin or a whole carcass with him, this is paid additionally. There is also an additional fee for the services of a taxidermist to make a stuffed animal. In fishing tourism, cutting, cooking, salting, drying and packaging of caught fish is offered for an additional fee.

As noted above, fishing, and especially hunting tourism, is one of the most expensive types of tourism, not only in terms of the cost of organization, but also in terms of the cost of trophies. The cheapest trophies are hares, rodents, game, and some types of ungulates: their cost ranges from 30 (50) to 300 (500) US dollars or euros (depending on the region). The most expensive trophies include the so-called “African Big Five” - elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard. The cost of each of these animals reaches several tens of thousands of US dollars.

Excursions (usually sightseeing or environmental) are also paid additionally. entertainment programs, cruise programs, etc.

When organizing hunting and fishing tours, it is necessary to develop a clear schedule of all events and programs, combining hunting and fishing with recreation, entertainment and excursion activities, especially if the group includes tourists (women, children) who do not take part in hunting and fishing.

Accommodation and meals for tourists are provided in cottages, hunting lodges, special camp sites, tents (directly at the hunting and fishing site), and sometimes in hotels various categories(usually categories 4-5*, offered on foreign tours). An important aspect is the organization of meals for tourists at the hunting or fishing site: as a rule, tourists are given a lunch package or a cook is included in the accompanying staff to provide tourists with food.

The most important point is to provide tourists with all the necessary licenses and permits. It should be remembered that in some countries, for example, in Finland, you must have 2 fishing permits: national and local (of the area where fishing is offered). It should also be remembered that for each issued license you can shoot only a strictly defined number of game and animal heads, for example, 1 roe deer, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the timing of booking and payment for tours, mainly hunting ones. Tour reservations (in African and Latin American countries) are made at least six months before the start of the tour. When booking a tour, the tourist makes an advance payment in the amount of 50-60% of its cost, which is not refundable if the tourist cancels the tour. In addition, there is a so-called “waiting list” for hunting representatives of the “Big Five”. This is due to the fact that in African countries there is a certain annual limit for shooting these animals, which cannot be violated. If the animals do not produce offspring during the reproductive period, the tourist continues to be on the “waiting list”, and the hunt is postponed to the next year. There are also certain restrictions for fishing in some countries, for example: in some countries, the tourist is obliged to release the caught fish back into the reservoir.

Special requirements are imposed on the personnel - trackers and rangers accompanying tourists. These requirements include: detailed knowledge of the area, professional use of weapons, organizational skills, professional skills in organizing hunting and fishing, first aid skills, etc. In addition, the most important function of the accompanying person is to select from a distance the animal that is supposed to be shot. The tourist is obliged to shoot the animal indicated to him. Having made a mistake (for example, shooting an animal that is too young), the tourist must pay a large fine.

It is necessary to specify the language for hunting and fishing, as well as additional excursions. For example, in African and Latin American countries the main language of communication is English language(in the second case - also Spanish).

A few words should be said about fishing gear and weapons, the use of which has certain restrictions. Thus, when organizing fishing, restrictions are imposed on catching certain types of fish with a certain type of gear, for example, only with a spinning rod. The more important issue concerns weapons. Thus, when exporting weapons from the country, you need not only a permit to own (carry) a weapon, but also a permit to export it, which must be processed for at least a month, which must be taken into account when planning and ordering a hunt. In addition, in most hunting countries:

· Hunting for ungulates with smooth-bore weapons is prohibited (with the exception of shooting roe deer and wild boar with a bullet in driven hunts; buckshot is prohibited).

· It is prohibited to use rifled weapons with a caliber of less than 6.5 mm and a caliber of 7.62X39 when hunting ungulates.

· There are various restrictions on the purchase of cartridges for rifled weapons, so it is advisable to take them with you.

Certain rules must also be observed when transporting weapons: weapons are transported in luggage compartment, in a discharged state, in a metal box, locked.

If desired, tourists can rent fishing equipment and weapons, which can be tested on the spot.

It should also be remembered that it is necessary to follow certain rules when transporting hunting dogs, which are transported in the luggage compartment, in special containers with absorbent bedding, and which must have a certificate of vaccination against rabies and an international veterinary certificate.

Also stipulated necessary for tourists clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. depending on the country and region of residence.

The main tour operators offering fishing and hunting tours are: the Slavic Trophy club, Rosa, EBF-tour, Gorny Slope Tour, Euro-Volga, Lovelitour, Yurfo-tour, etc.

Having considered the main, most popular types tourism, a few words should be said about some other types of travel, which still belong to a relatively small, but quite stable, independent segment of the market.

· Rural tourism. This type of tourism is also sometimes called village or agro-tourism. It is a holiday in the countryside organized through tourism enterprises. The motivation for a rural holiday is the tourist’s desire for unity with nature, a change of scenery, visiting uncrowded places, a different, quieter, more measured and relaxed lifestyle and daily routine, different from the city, as well as often getting acquainted with and participating in agricultural work and picking mushrooms and berries. Rural tourism has 2 main forms:

1. Accommodation in cottages, houses and hotels in rural areas.

2. Accommodation with a family on a farm or in a separate house.

On the Russian supply market for rural tourism quite a bit so far. For example, there are offers for holidays in cottages in rural areas in Finland, Latvia, and some other countries. Abroad, it’s the other way around: rural tourism is popular and in active demand among urban residents. In Russia, rural tourism offers are appearing for foreigners, for whom this type of recreation can safely be called truly exotic.

· Military tourism. Involves visiting sites of battles and historical battles for veterans and relatives of fallen soldiers, visiting military facilities and training grounds, combat sea ​​ships, submarines, boating military equipment, tanks, supersonic fighters, shooting from military weapons at firing ranges and shooting ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers. This type of tourism also includes visits to former concentration camps and prisons, although these events are usually part of excursion tours. This group also includes the presence of tourists during the launch of spacecraft at cosmodromes as spectators and space tourism itself, i.e. launching tourists into space, which today is perhaps the most expensive type of tourism.

· Nostalgia tourism– tourism to places of historical residence of the population or to meet relatives. Migrants can be conditionally divided into forced ones, who forcibly leave their place of historical residence due to exile for religious, military or political reasons, and voluntary ones, who left their homeland in search of “ better life"(economic migrants). Nostalgic tourism involves visiting relatives, cities, villages and other settlements of historical residence, and cemeteries. Examples of nostalgic tourism include Finnish tourism to the Karelian Isthmus Leningrad region and other areas around Lake Ladoga, tourism of current Americans, Irish by origin, to Ireland, tourism, and sometimes emigration of Volga Germans to Germany.

· Extreme and adventure tourism. This type of tourism involves overcoming various obstacles and difficulties, associated with a high level of risk and degree of danger, learning survival techniques in difficult, often extreme conditions. Sometimes it is classified as a type of sports extreme tourism. This group includes: mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, complex mountain rafting and hiking in dangerous, extreme conditions (for example, in the jungle), etc. This type of tourism usually involves living in a tent camp, cooking your own food, etc. Sometimes this group includes tours for the purpose of treasure hunting. Here we differentiate between professional scientific expeditions in search of treasures and treasures and amateur ones – adventure and entertainment expeditions that involve searching for and finding a symbolic, “prize” treasure. These tours, in fact, can be classified as a type of entertainment tourism.

· Scientific tourism. Involves a fairly long stay in a particular country, region or locality for strictly scientific purposes. Often organized in national parks, nature reserves and reserves for the purpose of observing and studying certain types of flora and fauna. The purpose of observation is not superficial acquaintance, but a systematic, in-depth study of the selected species or species. Such trips for scientists are often organized with direct participation and cooperation with certain research institutes and institutions.


a) basic literature:

1. Alexandrova A. Yu. International tourism. M., Aspect Press. 2004.

2. Alexandrova A.Yu. “Structure of the tourist market”: Textbook, M., 2002.

b) additional literature.

1. Brymer R. A. Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry. (Translated from English) M., 1995.

2. Dmitrevsky Yu. D. Tourist areas of the world: Textbook. allowance. Smolensk, 2000.

3. Kolotova E. V. Recreational resource science: Textbook. allowance. M., 1998.

4. Mironenko N. S., Tverdokhlebov I. T. Recreational geography. M., 1981.

5. Guidebooks of the “The World Around Us” series.

6. Veprentsev V.Yu., Vasiliev I.V. “Legal regulation of tourism business in the Russian Federation.” Practical guide. M., 2000.

Felluca is a small sailing boat.

Based on materials from Skyway., as well as the catalog “Cruise Cascades of the Legend of the Nile” from the same company.

Based on materials from the company “Cruise Line”

Based on materials from the company “Intour”

At prices from Cruise Line

Based on materials from the Chaika Tour company

Neptune Company

Company "Breze Line"

Company "Cruise Line"

Based on materials from the MITS company

Based on materials from the company “AIDE”

Based on materials from The Delta Queen Steamboat Co

Based on materials from the Volga Fleet Tour company

Based on materials from the catalog " River cruises on motor ships" of the company "Capital Shipping Company"

Based on materials from the weekly business magazine “Russian Focus” No. 7 dated May 14, 2001, authors Ekaterina Gaidanskaya, Polina Zvereva.

Based on materials from the magazine “Russian Focus” No. 7 dated May 14, 2001

M.B. Birzhakov “Introduction to tourism”, M – S. Pb, “Nevsky Fund”, 2000, pp. 162 -163.

Kosolapov A.B. “Theory and practice of ecological tourism”, textbook, Moscow, Knorus, 2005. pp. 16 - 23

Chernushenko S.S. “Nature conservation and certain types of specially protected natural areas”

Textbook, Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002.

Kosolapov A.B. “Theory and practice of ecological tourism”, textbook, Moscow, Knorus, 2005. Pp. 16-23













National parks Tsavo, article, “Subtleties of sales winter 2005 – 2006”, directory catalog, No. 5, 2005,

“LLC – Subtleties of Sales.”





Buznik M. “Kruger Park” article, “Tour Business” magazine No. 18 (105) 2004, “Tour Business” Publishing House.

The plot is the chain of events that the excursion narrates.

A tour is a comprehensive travel service that can be sold to a consumer (tourist). The tour includes accommodation, transportation, meals, excursion services, services of guides-translators and other necessary services in accordance with the purposes of the trip.

A.B. Zdorov, V.K. Karnaukhova and T.A. Krakow includes hunting and fishing in the group of so-called adventure tours (safari tours). In their opinion, the main functions of hunting and fishing tourism are the function of self-expression and the function of self-affirmation.

Adventure tourism ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place, but also that they engage in an unusual activity. The geography and themes of adventure tours are vast and varied. Usually this group tours. A specific feature of such tourism is the receipt of various licenses that allow hunting, fishing, and export of trophies. Adventure tourism involves certain risks, so highly qualified instructors are needed to ensure the safety of such tours. Hunting and fishing tourism is a paid type of travel. The cost of hunting and fishing tours significantly exceeds the cost of amateur hunting (i.e. the price of a license and a voucher), due to the range of services provided by the travel agent and tour operator. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and in many cases it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Thus, the organization of hunting and fishing tours is a type of economic activity aimed at making a profit.

Currently, such adventure tours as African safari, camel hunting (Yemen, Egypt) and motonart (Finland), spearfishing and others are popular.

But there is another opinion regarding what types of tours include hunting and fishing. According to I.V. Zorin, hunting and fishing are forms of amateur tourism.

Such hobby tours provide the opportunity to engage in any activity among like-minded people during a vacation or travel (hunters, fishermen, fans of hunting and fishing sports).

Typically, such tours are organized in the form of group trips. Basic rules - formation of a group based on homogeneity of interests and thematic focus of the service program

In recreational geography, “specially separated areas for conducting license-regulated hunting and recreational fishing, as well as conducting ecological, zoological and ichthyological research and activities” are called “fishing and hunting parks.”

Hunting and fishing parks are a type of national park. Their main tasks include:

Preservation natural complexes, unique and reference - natural sites and objects;

Environmental education of the population;

Creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

Development and implementation of scientific methods of nature conservation and environmental education;

Implementation of environmental monitoring;

Restoration of disturbed natural complexes and objects.

Tourist signs and markers are common in hunting and fishing parks. Therefore, it is necessary that fishermen and hunters become familiar with the basics of tourism, know tourist signs and indicators, can properly inform tourists and vacationers, and show them the way in the forest. Hunters and fishermen must exert an educational influence on forest visitors and tourists so that they correctly understand the meaning of tourism and observe the rule of protecting the natural environment and animals in the wild, especially in the forest.

Another specific feature of hunting and fishing tourism is the competitive nature of the relationships between tourists, which makes it possible to classify this type of travel as sports tourism.

Hunting and fishing tourism is characterized by high social responsibility for use, protection and reproduction natural resources.

Another feature in organizing hunting and fishing tours is seasonality, the cycles of which do not coincide with traditional types of tourism. Seasonal fluctuations in demand in the field of hunting and fishing tourism, along with the availability of free time, vacations of the majority of potential consumers and dependence on climatic conditions, are associated primarily with the environmental policy of the state. Seasonality indicators have a major impact on the degree of utilization of the material and technical base of hunting and fishing tourism and the use of personnel.

Thus, seasonality largely determines the overall economic efficiency of hunting and fishing tourism and can be considered as one of the most important factors in increasing the economic efficiency of foreign and domestic hunting and fishing tourism.

In the practice of conducting hunting tours, there are 3 main seasons: spring, summer-autumn and winter. Hunting periods are strictly regulated by the state, and specific opening and closing dates for hunting seasons are set annually by regional authorities. This is due to the state environmental policy.

The spring hunting season is the shortest (usually 10 calendar days). Spring bird hunting is carried out only for males, with the exception of the goose, since outwardly the male and female are practically the same. Males of capercaillie, black grouse and various types ducks The state sets standards for shooting birds in the spring (for example, one male capercaillie per season or two geese per day of hunting). This achieves minimization of the negative impact of spring hunting on game animal populations. In Kamchatka, brown bear hunting is open in spring.

The summer-autumn hunting season opens at a time when young game animals can lead an independent life. Thus, summer autumn season Bird hunting in the northern part of the Russian Federation opens in August, in the southern part - in September, and closes in November. The hunting season for fur-bearing animals (hare, fox, etc.) opens in September and closes on February 28 (29). At the end of August - beginning of September it is possible to hunt for bear and wild boar - “on oats”, for deer - “on roar”.

The winter hunting season is open for fur-bearing animals. From November to January, hunting for ungulates (wild boars, deer) is allowed - “drive”. Bear hunting is allowed all winter - “in the den”.

Fishing is much less regulated by season than hunting. The main seasonal restrictions are associated with the spawning period of fish. Therefore, organizing fishing tourism is possible almost all year round. The main limiting factor in this sense is seasonal fluctuations in the “biting” of fish, known both to the organizers of fishing tours and to fishing tourists.

Fishing tourism services can be divided into summer and winter. Organization winter tours much more difficult, and in winter there is a decline in demand for fishing tours.

The degree of risk of hunting and fishing tourism also increases due to the intangibility, non-preservation of services, one-sidedness of their production, sale and consumption. As a result, income from unfilled places on bases is lost forever. Therefore, tour operators must take into account the seasonality of fluctuations in tourist flows, adjusting the capacity of production units, throughput hunting grounds, temporarily increasing or decreasing the number of service personnel.

Thus, organizing hunting and fishing tours is a very specific activity. It is like this primarily due to seasonality and high social responsibility for the use, protection and reproduction of natural resources. In addition to all of the above, another very important specific feature is obtaining various licenses that allow hunting, fishing, and export of trophies.

"Hunting and fishing tourism"

hunting fishing tourism


Relevance of this topic course work is due, first of all, to the fact that now there are more and more legal and individuals, regional hunting grounds, hunters' societies, and private structures offer the organization of hunting and fishing tours. The market for services is constantly expanding, the quality of their provision is increasing, acquiring a civilized outline.

The purpose of this course work is to study the characteristics of hunting and fishing tourism.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the concept, purpose and objectives of hunting and fishing tourism;

2. Identify and characterize the features of organizing hunting and fishing tours;

Consider the features of organizing hunting and fishing tourism in Russia and in individual Russian regions.

The subject of the research is hunting and fishing tourism.

The object of the study is the organization of hunting and fishing tourism in such Russian regions as Altai region, Altai Republic, Pskov region, Volgograd region, Khanty-Mansiysk district (Ugra) and Penza region.

The theoretical basis of the study was the literature on recreational geography, service activities and tourism economics, in particular, the works of A.B. Zdorova, V.K. Karnaukhova, T.A. Krakovskaya, V.P. Maksakovsky, A.S. Kuskova, V.L. Golubeva, T.N. Odintsova, M.N. Kirsanova, N.P. Fetinova and others.

The empirical basis of the study was specifically applied research published in the journals Tourism, Tourist Olympus, Rybolov, etc. These are articles by such as I. Sviridova, V. Bochkarev, I. Lyulko, M. Osipov, D. Kuznetsov and others.

The information base for the study was materials posted on various Internet sites.

Research methods: study of educational, reference, monographic literature and periodical materials; analysis and synthesis of material.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

1. Theoretical aspects hunting and fishing tourism

.1 Concept, purpose and objectives of hunting tourism

Hunting is tracking for the purpose of production, pursuit and the production of wild animals and birds, one of the oldest branches of human activity.

Depending on the purposes of hunting, commercial hunting, sport-amateur hunting and scientific hunting are conventionally distinguished. Commercial hunting aims to obtain animals for fur, meat and other products for the needs of the population and industry, as well as for export. This hunt produces valuable fur-bearing and ungulate animals (except for those temporarily or permanently prohibited), upland and waterfowl. Sports and amateur hunting, along with the main goal of hunting game (part of which becomes commercial products), develops physical fitness and special skills among athletes; Hunting tourism is developing on its basis. The objects of sport hunting are upland, steppe, waterfowl and swamp game, hare, fox, wolf, and ungulates. Scientific hunting is carried out on the instructions of research institutions to study the hunting fauna, diseases of wild animals, hunting, and local history (stuffed wild animals are added to museums and scientific collections).

Exterminator hunting was sometimes allowed for harmful animals (hamsters, water rats, gophers, wolves in places where they greatly harm agriculture) using all modern tools and methods.

The shooting and trapping of game is regulated by laws, government regulations and other regulations aimed at the sustainable use, conservation and restoration of stocks of beneficial wild animals.

Hunting tourism is one of the modern species tourism, when bases offer organization of hunting for animals and birds. Tourist bases also provide rental of hunting equipment.

Tourist sport hunting is organized by special companies for a high license fee (especially high in the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa).

Particularly popular among foreign hunters are hunts organized in Russia by members of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz Association. According to the Association, spring hunting for capercaillie and black grouse is of great interest to foreign hunters. Austrian and German hunters are particularly fond of this hunt. They usually come in groups of 10-15 people. Spring 2010 was no exception. The most successful hunting for capercaillie and black grouse was organized by the Yaroslavl, Kirov, Volgograd, Vladimir, and Tver societies of hunters and fishermen.

Among American hunters in the spring of 2010. There was great interest in hunting brown bears in Kamchatka. The Kamchatka Society of Hunters conducted such hunts in the hunting grounds assigned to it. The hunts were successful. The trophies of the hunted animals are amazing in their size. Individual bear skins reached a length of up to 3 m.

During the autumn hunting season, the greatest interest of foreign hunters is in hunting European elk, Siberian roe deer, bighorn sheep, Kuban tur, deer, etc.

.2 Concept, purpose and objectives of fishing tourism

Fishing is one of the types of environmental management: the extraction of fish and water bodies.

There are commercial fishing - a branch of the economy engaged in the procurement of fish, sea animals, invertebrates and algae as raw materials for the food, light and medical industries, consumer fishing to meet personal needs, amateur and sport fishing - a type of recreation, tourism and sports.

Sport fishing is a competition in mastery of various sports fishing gear(fishing rod, spinning rod, fly fishing tackle). Championships, cups and championships of the Russian Federation, all-Russian public and sports associations, and departments of Russia are held; interregional competitions and cups; regional, district and city competitions.

There are winter fishing and summer gear. Winter competitions take place when the ice cover is at least 10 cm thick.

International Confederation of Sportfishing (CIPS) since 1953. has been holding European Championships since 1957. - peace.

Fishing tourism is one of the modern types of tourism, when bases offer specialized services in the form of a license to catch valuable species of fish. They also provide transportation for tourists to hard to reach places fishing; rental of fishing equipment and organize fishing in ponds with fish specially bred for this purpose.

All over the world, tourist fishing is an exciting hobby for rich people. In some establishments, organizing an exclusive fishing tour for a client costs up to several thousand dollars. This price is determined by the need to solve many different problems when organizing fishing.

Many companies, with many years of experience, offer comprehensive and targeted services. The search and development of new routes does not stop for a minute. The geography of fishing tours offered by travel companies is expanding every day.

In Russia today, fans of fishing tourism can choose a fishing tour to the jungles of the Volga-Caspian Delta, to the Lower Volga and Akhtuba, to Karelya and Kola Peninsula, to Baikal and Tuba, to Kamchatka and the Far East, to Yakutia, to Central Russia, to the Volga region, to the Tver, Smolensk, Ryazan regions, and in the Moscow region.

1.3 Features of organizing hunting and fishing tours

A tour is a comprehensive travel service that can be sold to a consumer (tourist). The tour includes accommodation, transportation, meals, excursion services, guide-translator services and other necessary services in accordance with the purposes of the trip. A.B. Zdorov, V.K. Karnaukhova and T.A. Krakowskaya classifies hunting and fishing as part of the group of so-called adventure tours. (Safari tours). In their opinion, the main functions of hunting and fishing tourism are the function of self-expression and the function of self-affirmation.

Adventure tourism ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place, but also that they engage in an unusual activity. The geography and themes of adventure tours are vast and varied. These are usually group tours. A specific feature of such tourism is the receipt of various licenses that allow hunting, fishing, and export of trophies. Adventure tourism involves certain risks, so highly qualified instructors are needed to ensure the safety of such tours. This type of tourism has a high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Currently, adventure tours such as African safari, camel hunting (Yemen, Egypt) and motorbike hunting (Finland), underwater hunting, etc. are popular.

According to the Great Expedition, published in 2006, hunting and fishing are forms of recreational tourism. Such hobby tours provide the opportunity to engage in any activity among like-minded people during a vacation or travel (hunters, fishermen, fans of hunting and fishing sports).

Typically, such tours are organized in the form of group trips. Basic rules - formation of a group based on homogeneity of interests and thematic focus of the service program

In recreational geography specifically

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Everything's under control

In fact, hunting tourism is a serious business and one of the most profitable in the world. Many companies in the world are busy organizing hunts for those who want to experience the thrill in exotic countries or just get a couple of trophies for their collection. And contrary to popular belief, not every hunter necessarily wants to go to Africa, where wild animals roam in huge herds. Many people would like to go not to hot countries, but to moderate latitudes.

“Of course, this business has been developing for many years,” says Alexander Drugov. - However, in Chelyabinsk region we were the pioneers of this trend. It started during the perestroika years, when I, like many former government employees, began to think about how to organize my own business. Since both my grandfather and father were hunters (and my great-uncle, Arkady Vasilyevich Drugov, organized and headed the first society of hunters and fishermen in our region in 1942), I decided to continue the family tradition. At that time, a lot of projects were started with the involvement of foreign partners. So I decided to start organizing hunting for foreigners and immediately wrote a memo addressed to the regional governor.

- Why the governor?

— The fact is that all wild animals are considered a state resource. And only government authorities have the right to issue licenses for the use of these resources. Therefore, without support at the level of the regional administration, starting this business would be simply useless. True, my notes were given a go only when V.P.’s team came to power. Solovyov and in the region began to think about attracting foreign investment. Then we organized the company “Diana-Tour”, the founders of which were the regional hunting department, the then famous cooperative “Energia”, headed by Alexander Aristov, and the insurance company “Megapolis”. Of course, close cooperation was also established with such structures as the KGB (there are still many zones in our region where access to foreigners is simply prohibited) and the licensing and permitting department of the Internal Affairs Directorate (it controls the circulation of weapons, in particular hunting weapons). We had to do a lot of training of local personnel - game wardens, rangers... After all, foreigners, who pay a lot of money, also demand an appropriate provision of services. Vladimir Baklanov, who was then working in the hunting management department, provided us with great help.

— That is, before “going out into the field”, it is necessary, for example, to draw up a lot of paperwork?

- Yes, quite a lot. We coordinated the composition of each group with the KGB, and the routes were determined in advance. Each “barrel” brought by foreigners was registered (and, it must be said, people usually hunt abroad not with smooth-bore weapons, but with rifled weapons - for example, roe deer and elk are hunted with carbines equipped with solid optics). Even after hunters have obtained a trophy (when hunting roe deer, these are antlers), they must obtain a veterinary certificate and a certificate of radiological safety for it. Otherwise, customs simply won’t let you through.

Hunting for stags

— How did you find your clients?

— At first we worked with intermediaries, a Moscow company - another pioneer of hunting tourism on a Russian scale, which took upon itself the task of meeting guests in the capital and sending them to Southern Urals(at that time there were no direct flights from abroad to Chelyabinsk). Then they began to work directly with Austrian and German companies, which also had Moscow representatives. Our first clients were very respectable gentlemen from Austria and Germany - elderly, but easy-going and dreaming of trophies from the Urals. True, incidents immediately began: first, at the insistence of the hunting management department, we had to go not to the Chebarkul region, as we wanted at first, but to the Etkul region. Having arrived at the place, we went out first for the morning hunt, then for the evening hunt - and all to no avail. Obviously, the local rangers were simply poorly prepared and did not track the animal. What to do? You can’t lose face in front of your first clients! And then I decided to move to the Chebarkul region. To do this, I had to go to the regional center and report the movement to the local curator from state security. But the result was worth the effort: the team of huntsmen did an excellent job at the new location - magnificent stags were caught on the very first day. European roe deer are smaller, the males have very small antlers, which is why our West Siberian roe deer is so attractive to hunters. The Germans were delighted!

- And what, there were no “Well, here’s to the hunt...” toasts at all?

“I tried to keep our staff strict. And the game wardens and rangers involved were interested: we paid them the appropriate amount for each hunt, which, given the then salary of 98 rubles, was far from unnecessary. However, people are people, and sometimes there were purely Russian feasts, after which it was necessary to conduct a “debriefing”. So, one day I arrived at the base of one of the groups and saw that tipsy hunters were going to... shoot chickens, despite the protests of the owner. Then I approached them and said (with the help of an interpreter, of course): “Gentlemen, you can shoot, but each chicken will cost 50 marks.” The unlucky shooters immediately collected their guns and went to bed. Another time, our accompanying people were also sitting at the table and did not notice how the foreign hunters decided... to take a walk around the village. People in camouflage suits, with rifles on their backs, and even speaking German, simply caused panic in the village: they were mistaken for foreign spies. True, after wandering around a bit, the hunters returned to base without incident. And then I had a conversation with the KGB...

Is hunting better than captivity?

The Diana-Tour company had more and more clients, hunters went for roe deer, elk, and goose, and once they even caught a wolf, which was very rare for Europe. But in 1995 (ironically, it was the same year that the film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” was released) the company ceased to exist.

“The legislation has changed,” says Alexander Drugov. — Government agencies were prohibited from being members of the founders of commercial organizations. And our hunting management department immediately left the founders and simply stopped issuing licenses to us. Since then, no one has been seriously involved in organizing hunting for foreigners. And this is very disappointing, because a very organized flow of tourists (after working with these people, I learned that they plan their vacation ahead of time, a year in advance) passes us by, as do the financial flows that circulate in this area. In addition, very interesting, enthusiastic people came to us, for example, main architector Versailles, world-famous doctors, businessmen, scientists... Their positive impressions helped create a better image of the region. Yes, and foreign currency deductions (albeit not the largest) went to the budget, because our company paid all the required taxes. Today, the very situation of our hunting farms is terrible. Private lands are not interested in attracting a large flow of hunters. Farms that belong to the Society of Hunters and Fishers have greater resources, but they also do not allow outsiders in, including due to poor staff training. And the so-called public lands have simply become the domain of poachers.

— But is it possible to establish hunting tourism again in today’s conditions?

— It is possible, but the issue must again be resolved at the level of the regional government and the governor. First of all, organize a truly effective fight against poaching. Come up with a proposal to restore the institution of hunting supervision, because today the protection of forests is carried out by unarmed people who, in cases of violation, can only call the police. But how many cases have there been when the police themselves poached? And after putting things in order, it would be possible to organize the development of hunting tourism - is this not another point of growth for Dubrovsky’s Strategy? In addition, today wealthy Russians and guests from neighboring Kazakhstan and other CIS republics are joining the ranks of hunting tourists. Moreover, there are still people in the region who have real practical experience in organizing such work from scratch.