Return train tickets purchased online. How to return train tickets through the Russian Railways ticket office? Conditions, rules, commission, receiving money. How to return money for a Russian Railways e-ticket

One of the most simple ways travel – purchase e-ticket. An electronic ticket will allow you to buy a ticket without leaving your home. All that remains to be done is to print it. Issuing an electronic ticket is no more difficult than buying a regular ticket. This has made e-tickets very popular among thousands of travelers.

Is it possible to return?

Of course you can. Returning such a ticket can be even easier than a regular one - the entire operation can be carried out online without leaving your computer. can be done directly on the website from which the purchase is made, or on the Russian Railways website.

How can I return only one or more e-tickets from an order?

To return just one specific ticket from a large order, you will need to follow the normal return procedure. However, there are several features:

When you return only one e-ticket, it is assumed that all other ticket holders in the order have been informed of the return.

Only those e-tickets for which a boarding pass has not been issued can be returned from your order.

You can return your entire order at once - it is not necessary to return one at a time.

You cannot issue a refund of only one ticket from an order, provided that you have placed an order for electronic tickets for a meeting room on the Sapsan train or for a compartment in an international Luxury carriage.

Ticket delivery via the Russian Railways website

The easiest way to return a Russian Railways ticket is to use the official Russian Railways website. This can be done in 5 steps.

  1. From the list of electronic tickets, select the one you need and click “Request status”.
  2. In the window that appears, select “Make a return” and read the terms and conditions. From them we can find out what amount will be returned and what penalties for returning tickets will follow.
  3. Click “Yes”, thus confirming the cancellation of the electronic ticket.

Ready. The Russian Railways e-ticket has been cancelled, and the money will be returned to your card in the near future.

Differences in the ticket return procedure for those who have completed electronic registration

If you will be traveling within Russia or the CIS countries:

Those who have completed electronic registration can return tickets only if there is more than an hour left before the train departs from the starting point of the route. For those who did not undergo electronic check-in, it is possible to return the ticket at any time before the train departs from the station where the passenger was supposed to board.

If you are returning a ticket to international route


Return of Russian Railways tickets for those who have completed electronic registration must be carried out no later than 6 hours before boarding or no later than an hour before the train departs from the original route point. Those who did not register electronically can return their train ticket 6 hours before departure from their station.

Refund of a ticket on the “Round-Back” route

It can be difficult to return a ticket for the Sapsan train purchased at the Round Trip fare. This is because three different situations can arise:

Do you want to return your ticket in full?

You can return your entire ticket for the Sapsan train in the “There and Back” direction in two steps. The first thing you need to do is hand in your Russian Railways e-ticket in the return direction. Only after this will it be possible to return the e-ticket in the “There” direction.

Do you want to return your ticket to reverse direction

In this case, the procedure proceeds as usual without complications. You can return your ticket as usual without any problems.

You want to issue a refund only for an e-ticket in the direction “There”

It is impossible to return an electronic ticket only in the “There” direction. You will need to cancel the trip completely and issue a return ticket separately.

Features of international ticket refunds

Ticket refunds for international destinations are carried out only with the deduction of a commission. A fee of 10 euros will be charged to the person returning the ticket. It is converted into rubles according to the central bank exchange rate at the time of collection. When returning a ticket issued for a passenger of the “Child without seat” type, no fees will be charged.

How to reissue an electronic ticket?

It is impossible to reissue a Russian Railways ticket according to company policy. You can only cancel the ticket completely and purchase a new one. Returns will be refunded according to current rates. Fines will also be assessed.

How to get money when returning a ticket

Refunds are made to the card with which the ticket purchase was paid. In this case, the period depends only on the company servicing the card. On average, the refund period ranges from 7 to 30 days from the date of cancellation of the ticket. All claims must be sent to the bank - Russian Railways does not transfer funds.

Sometimes plans for a trip collapse already at the preparatory stage for the trip. And the first question that arises in the mind of a person who bought Railway tickets, is associated with the possibility of a refund of funds paid for travel documents.
In the article I will talk about what grounds for the return of train tickets are provided for in the law, how to return the money paid for them and within what time frame.

○ What does the law say?

Regulatory acts that will help you find the necessary answers to questions that arise with the return of tickets:

  • Transportation Rules No. 473, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, is the main document describing the grounds and procedure for the return of passenger and baggage railway tickets.
  • Rules for the provision of services in the field of railway transportation No. 111.
  • Railway transport regulations.
  • The Consumer Rights Protection Law is an act designed to regulate relations in the field of railway transportation between carriers and passengers.

As stated in the above acts, passengers have the right to return unused tickets. The amount due for refund will be calculated depending on the time remaining before the train departs.

Basic return principles:

  • The money is returned in the same way as it was transferred for the ticket.
  • The refund amount depends on how much time is left before the transport is sent.
  • There is a fee for returns.

○ In what cases can train tickets be returned?

Reasons for returning train tickets:

  • If the train is delayed or cancelled, the passenger can get a full refund for the trip or reissue the travel document for a more convenient flight.
  • Stopping the train - money is returned for the untraveled distance.
  • If a passenger refuses to travel before the transport departs, the money will not be returned in full.
  • Being late for transport within 12 hours after its departure or other good reasons for not using the ticket.
  • If a passenger is removed from the train due to illness, the money will be returned for the untraveled distance.

What tickets can be returned?

Regardless of the travel distance, you can return:

  • Electronic tickets – through the website or the railway ticket office.
  • Paper tickets - through any railway ticket office if you have an ID card and the ticket itself.
  • Subscription passes for commuter transport– return to the ticket office (the passenger writes a written application to refuse travel document).

When ordering several tickets, you are allowed to return all or only part of them. The only exceptions are “luxury” seats on trains. long distance– if you purchased 2 tickets in one compartment, you cannot return one of them. Also, sometimes there are temporary restrictions on returns on railway transport. You can find out about them on the official page of JSC Russian Railways or private carriers.

○ Is it possible to return e-tickets before receiving paper versions?

Electronic tickets are returned through the online page of JSC Russian Railways or through the website where the ticket was ordered. To do this, you need to open your profile, go to the “My orders” section, select required document and click the “Make a return” button.

The money is returned to your bank card within 7-30 days. Please note that a fee is always charged for returning tickets at the passenger's initiative.

○ How are funds paid for tickets?

If the passenger returns the ticket to the railway ticket office, the money is refunded on the spot. This rule applies only to those who purchased a ticket with cash.

As for payment via a terminal or via a card over the Internet, paragraph 83 of Rule No. 473 says:

“Refunds for an unused travel document (ticket) issued by bank transfer (or in cash for organized groups of passengers) or using a payment card are made to the bank account of a legal or individual who paid for the travel document (ticket).”

Thus, it will also not be possible to return a large amount of money paid for the travel of a group of people through the ticket office. The repayment period is set by the bank. This is 7-30 days.

Money usually takes longer to return to an e-wallet - from 10 days to 2 months.

During the claim refund procedure, you can wait a very long time for money - up to 210 days, this is due to the fact that six months are allotted for consideration of the claim, plus a month for the bank to transfer funds.

Money for a subscription travel card will be returned within 10 days from the date of filing an application for its return.

○ Is it possible to return a ticket after the train has departed?

Yes. To do this, you need to contact the return office located at your place of departure. You can substantiate your requirements with the provisions of clause 87 of Rules No. 473:

“The passenger has the right to receive the cost of the ticket without the cost of a reserved seat, a service fee (if available) and other payments (except for the fee for reserving seats on long-distance trains):

  • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) for a long-distance train to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station if the passenger is late for the train within 12 hours from the moment of its departure.
  • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station due to illness or accident within 5 days from the departure of the train for which the travel document (ticket) was purchased.”

Thus, after the departure of the railway transport, you can return the money, although not in full. The term “reserved seat” mentioned in the article refers to the fee for using the carriage and amounts to 30-60% of the ticket price. In case of non-use of a ticket due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of this fact. For example, a doctor's certificate.

○ Return before train departure.

The simplest option is to return the ticket in a timely manner long before the trip. This way you can save more money on returns.

Let's consider in what period tickets should be returned and how much money can be returned.

On Russian routes.

You can return the full cost of the ticket (except for the refund fee):

“When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office no later than 8 hours before the train’s departure.
When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel on a train organized group passengers, no later than 7 days before the train’s departure” (clause 85 of Rules No. 473).

You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for half the price of a reserved seat and a commission fee):

“When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 8 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the train’s departure.
When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 7 days, but no later than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 86 of Rules No. 473).

You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for the full price of a reserved seat and a refund fee):

“When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 2 hours before train departure.
When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 87 of Rules No. 473).

Near Abroad.

You can also return tickets to the CIS countries, the Baltic states and Abkhazia before the train departs.

The full cost of the travel document can be returned if you contact the ticket office one day before the transport departs from the passenger station. If there are 6 to 24 hours left before departure, you can return the money paid minus half the cost of the reserved seat. If there are less than 6 hours left, you can only refund the price for the ticket itself and Additional services(tea, bed).

Far abroad.

You can only return an electronic ticket through the carrier’s official website. You can request a refund at least 6 hours before the vehicle leaves the passenger station.

In all other cases, in order to return someone else's ticket, you need a power of attorney certified by a notary and a passport. The deadline for delivery is 12 hours after the train departs from the station indicated in the travel document. to contents Sample power of attorney for delivery of railway tickets Sample of power of attorney for delivery of railway tickets can be downloaded here. back to contents What percentage of the cost can be returned? The refund amount for a train ticket depends on how many hours before the train departure the passenger returns it to the ticket office. You should know that the cost of a railway ticket = ticket price (fee for using the railway infrastructure) + price of a reserved seat (fee for using the carriage) + commission + insurance + services (optional) + service fee (if purchased through an agent) .

How much do you lose from returning a train ticket in 2018?

Moreover, it is possible to apply to any branch, and not just to the place where the travel document was originally purchased. After the train departs, the return is carried out at the station of the starting point of the journey. At large stations there is a separate return desk; at others, you can go to the same ticket office where sales are carried out.

  • Present an identification document: a general passport, for children - a birth certificate.
  • Fill out an application.
  • Transfer the ticket and application to the cashier.
  • Get your money back.

If payment was made in cash, then money is issued on the day of application. If by bank card, then within a month.

Return of train tickets by power of attorney In case of return of tickets to the ticket office by someone other than the owner of the travel document, the procedure is carried out in the presence of an executed power of attorney.

When can you return a Russian Railways ticket - ticket return procedure

Is it possible to return a train ticket? An unused travel document can be returned before the start of the trip and after the train departs. In each case there are certain conditions for refusal. You can cancel your ticket either through Russian Railways ticket offices or via the Internet.


If the purchase was made through the ticket office, then the refund is made there. Travel documents issued through the Russian Railways website can be returned back in the same way or through the cash desk (if you have a passport and electronic order details). Conditions for the return of Russian Railways tickets Refunds are made in accordance with the following conditions:

  • At any time, but no later than 8 hours before departure.

The cost of travel and reserved seat is not lost.
  • From a couple to 8 hours before departure. ½ of the fare and the full cost of the reserved seat are refunded.
  • Less than a couple of hours before departure.
  • How to return a train ticket purchased online or at the Russian Railways ticket office?

    Electronic registration has been carried out if, at the time of issuing an electronic ticket through the website, you have ticked the box under your passport details. In this case, without receiving a paper version of the ticket at the station, you immediately go to the train, show your passport to the conductor and take your passenger seat. If this is your case, then returning a ticket through the site is carried out according to the following rules:

    • Electronic tickets for flights within the country, as well as neighboring countries, are issued no less than 60 minutes before the train departs from the place from which it departs from the very beginning.
    • Electronic tickets for overseas flights must be returned no less than 60 minutes before the train departs from its original departure point and no later than six hours before departure from the station where you intend to board the train.

    Your station does not have to be the starting station.

    Return of train tickets

    In this case, you need to return the ticket:

    • No later than six hours before the train leaves the station where you decided to land. The refund amount will be equal to the full cost of the ticket.
    • Ticket delivery later than six hours - only the cost will be reimbursed seat no travel cost. Sometimes the fare in this case may not be refunded.

    There is no fee for returning an e-ticket only for children's place(child is less than five years old).
    How much will you lose by returning your ticket to the Russian Railways ticket office? You can return your ticket to the Russian Railways ticket office:

    • If you bought an electronic ticket through the website and then printed it out at the terminal at the station or received it at the ticket office.
    • If you bought a ticket at the box office.

    Information The refund amount also depends on the time of contacting the cashier. The later you do this, the lower the compensation amount will be.

    How to return train tickets and how much money you can get for them

    If payment was made in cash in cash, it is received at the cash desk, and the refund will be credited to the card within 30 days. Full amount It is not possible to return due to mandatory withholding of payments:

    • Russian Railways fee 192.70 rubles;
    • service fees (if purchased online);
    • commission of payment systems (if any were paid).

    The procedure, conditions, and fees are published on the transport company’s website and are publicly available for review. You can get a loan to purchase a new ticket, either on a card or in cash.

    Select the most convenient option from the list: When can I return a train ticket? The time frame within which the procedure can be completed depends on the route of the train. The travel document will be accepted even after the train has departed, but the amount received will be less than the purchase price.

    Return of train tickets

    The reservation system has a special service where, following the pictures, you can complete the process of returning your travel document. As for the refund, it will be returned to the card within a month; if the payment was made using payment systems, this will happen within 10-60 days. The procedure for returning a travel document There will be no special problems in returning an electronic ticket to the ticket office, the only thing is if electronic registration has not been completed or there is more than an hour left before the train departs from the initial station.


    You can also return a ticket in the usual way if the passenger did not board the departing train (was late) within 3 hours. Whether it is a regular or a claim return procedure, you need to have with you the document whose data was entered into the order form and give the 4-digit order number. By the way, the railroad will not refund service or commission fees.

    How to return Russian Railways tickets - algorithm and pitfalls

    To be able to choose the most comfortable places and travel comfortably by train, it is better to purchase tickets in advance. However, sometimes circumstances change and the trip is postponed to another time. The ability to return a travel document that was not needed helps to avoid unnecessary expenses.

    • Where and how to return a Russian Railways train ticket?
    • Return Policy
    • Sample power of attorney for delivery of railway tickets
    • What percentage of the cost can be returned?
    • How much are you losing?
    • E-tickets

    Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

    Rules for returning and returning train tickets (procedure, conditions and how much you lose)

    If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right or call the free consultation numbers: back to contents Where and how to return a ticket for a Russian Railways train? An unnecessary ticket will be returned at a special return desk. This can be done at any nearest railway station or train station. You must have a passport or other identification document with which you purchased the travel document (its number is indicated on the ticket).

    back to contents Return Policy If surrendered child ticket, you must present your passport and child’s birth certificate. You can return a ticket issued for an adult member of your family by presenting it and your passport. It is also possible to return the travel document of another passenger if they are returning it together with their own, and they are both issued for the same train, with the same route and departure date.
    Using non-cash payment, the money will arrive in your current account within 10 working days. Cash (delivery by courier or pickup paper tickets) - the next day after the tickets are returned at the company office. The refund amount depends on 4 components: 50% of the cost of the reserved seat is deducted if there are 2 to 8 hours left before the train arrives, if there are more than 8 hours before the train arrives, then nothing is deducted for this item. If less than 2 hours before departure, then 100% of the cost of the reserved seat is deducted. The same happens if you miss the train and return your ticket no later than 12 hours after its departure. 178 rub. 30 kopecks (as of December 20, 2015) - Russian Railways tax, it is deducted from the cost. Service fee (115-330 rubles, depending on the ticket price) + fee for the return process (68-175 rubles) Commissions of the payment systems you used to pay.
    Refund of Russian Railways tickets purchased via the Internet You can cancel the electronic registration of a ticket for trains in the near abroad and within Russia from the moment the coupon is issued, but no later than 60 minutes before the start of the trip. For trains abroad, refunds are made within a period not exceeding 6 hours before the departure time of the train. See also: How to apply for disability and where to start? Step-by-step instruction on how to return electronic tickets to Russian Railways:

    • Log in to the official website of Russian Railways. To do this, you must enter your login and password. If the user does not remember the data, it can be restored using email.
    • Go to “Personal Account”.
    • Select "My orders".

    The fare is paid in full, but without a reserved seat. It is possible to re-issue a travel document for previously departing trains if there is less than a day left before departure. Additional fees apply for returns and reissues. The return of a travel document for international trains is carried out:

    • No later than 24 hours in advance. The passenger has the right to claim the cost of travel and a reserved seat.
    • Within a period of 6 hours to 1 day, the cost of the ticket and ½ of the cost of a reserved seat are paid.
    • Less than 6 hours before train departure, only the fare is paid.

    Cancellation of train travel to foreign cities is carried out:

    • No later than 6 hours before the start of the trip.

    (3 ratings, average: 3.33 out of 5)

    The procedure for returning a ticket is as popular as the procedure for purchasing it. For the convenience of passengers, it has become possible to buy and return tickets both online and at the ticket office. But how much does the passenger receive from the original ticket price upon return? How long does it take to return a ticket in order to receive the amount for which it was purchased? Why is money deducted when returning a ticket? Read in the article.

    How to return a train ticket purchased through the website?

    If you have not yet received a paper version of what you purchased through the website (the official website of the Russian railway,, etc.) (if this is your case, read the following sections), then you need to understand whether you have completed electronic registration or not.

    How do you know that you have completed electronic registration?

    Electronic registration has been carried out if, at the time of issuing an electronic ticket through the website, you have ticked the box under your passport details. In this case, without receiving a paper version of the ticket at the station, you immediately go to the train, show your passport to the conductor and take your passenger seat.

    • If you bought an electronic ticket through the website and then printed it out at the terminal at the station or received it at the ticket office.
    • If you bought a ticket at the box office.


    The refund amount also depends on the time of contacting the cashier. The later you do this, the lower the compensation amount will be.

    • More than eight hours before the train's departure. The refund amount is the full cost of the ticket.
    • Less than eight and more than two hours before the train departs. The refund amount is the cost of the trip and only half the cost of the seat.
    • Less than a couple of hours and no later than 12 hours after departure. The refund amount is the cost of the seat.

    How long will it take for you to receive your money after returning your Russian Railways ticket?

    • If you paid for an electronic ticket through the website using bank card, then the refund will be made to her within one to four weeks.
    • If you paid for an electronic ticket using an electronic wallet (WebMoney,, Qiwi, etc.), through a terminal or at a mobile phone store, then you can get your money back in cash at the station ticket office.
    • If you bought and paid for a ticket at the ticket office at the Russian Railways station in cash, then when returning the ticket the money will also be returned in cash.

    And I thought it wouldn’t hurt to talk about how much money is lost during this procedure. It turned out that you won’t be able to return the ticket for free, but if you don’t do it at the last moment, you can still save the bulk of the cost.

    This article is about monetary losses when surrendering. Read about the technical procedure for handing over a ticket.

    Let's start with the fact that the cost of travel on a train consists of the cost of a “ticket” and the cost of a “reserved seat”:

    A ticket is the cost of your travel directly, while a reserved seat, if the memory of the former conductor serves me correctly, is defined as a payment for the maintenance of the railway track, for the work of the train crew employees, etc. Therefore, it is logical that the refund of the cost of a ticket and reserved seat is carried out differently in different situations. I would like to note right away that in all cases you will definitely be charged a fee for returning the ticket (until the end of 2017 it is 192.7 rubles for each seat). Let's consider possible options (in in this case, options for returning tickets issued for travel are being considered across the territory of the Russian Federation):

    1. The ticket is returned no later than 8 hours before the train departs from the passenger boarding station - you will be refunded 100% of the cost of the ticket and reserved seat. The only fee that I mentioned above is charged.
    2. The ticket is returned from 2 to 8 hours before the train departs - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of the reserved seat are refunded.
    3. The ticket is returned less than 2 hours before departure or no later than 12 hours after departure (yes!) - 100% of the ticket price is refunded. The cost of the reserved seat is not refundable, which is logical, considering what the money from the reserved seat is spent on. They go to maintain the movement of the train, as I already said, to pay the conductor. That is, if you return your ticket too late, then they are unlikely to have time to sell it, but the train will still travel without you. It is quite logical that the cost of a reserved seat in this state of affairs should be maintained.
    4. Within 5 days after the train departs, you can return the cost of the ticket if there is a valid reason (illness, accident, etc.) To obtain a refund, you will have to present supporting documents. The cost of the reserved seat, of course, is again non-refundable.

    All of the above applies to tickets, purchased at the box office.

    With electronic tickets it’s a little more complicated. You can return them either on the website or at the box office. If for a ticket electronic registration failed(however, now electronic registration is done automatically, but it can also be canceled), then you can submit it on the website right up to the time of train departure from passenger boarding stations. If you don’t have time, then we go to the cashier. The fees are the same as listed above.

    Electronic ticket for which electronic registration has been completed, can be returned on the website no later than 1 hour before the train departs from starting station of the train route. Until this time, you can cancel electronic registration. But after that you can return this ticket at the box office, in the claim procedure. You will need to fill out an application, the review period of which is a month. The money will be returned to the card from which the payment was made, in this case much longer than with a regular ticket return.

    Thus, if you are not very confident about the trip, then it may be reasonable not to check in electronically and then quickly issue a refund online. Just be sure to remember to print out a ticket on a form before traveling if electronic registration has not been completed.

    It is worth noting that the rules for refunding money for tickets issued for Russian Railways trains abroad are different. If necessary, you can look.

    Read about how to return a train ticket, electronic or regular, in the article 😀

    Thank you all for your attention. See you again on the site!

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