Czech Switzerland where to go boating. Czech Switzerland - the main attractions of the national park. Czech Switzerland in the memoirs of G.H. Andersen and R.M. Rilke

Time, as usual, flies unnoticed, and very soon it will come New Year, and after it Christmas. And on holiday feasts, you always want to try something incredibly tasty, aromatic and filling. And it is the rosy duck, baked in the oven with the simplest and most affordable seasonings, that can become the main dish of the New Year or Christmas table.

In Russia, as well as in many other countries, duck stuffed with apples, ginger, mustard and honey, in soy or orange sauce, is often prepared on major holidays and has long been among the traditional Christmas dishes. And today we will look at several popular recipes for cooking duck in the oven with honey.

To make the Christmas duck with honey in the oven tasty, with an appetizing golden crust, you will need the following products:

  • duck weighing 2-2.5 kg
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • set of spices: 1 tsp. ginger, ground black pepper, tarragon and half a teaspoon of nutmeg, salt, soy sauce.

Prepare duck with honey and ginger in soy sauce as follows:

  1. We prepare the carcass: we wash it thoroughly inside and out, remove the remaining feathers, cut off the wings and cut out the tail. Dry with a paper towel.
  2. To make the bird juicy inside and rosy on the outside, grease it outside and inside with a thick paste obtained from a mixture of honey with soy sauce and seasonings, after rubbing the carcass with salt.
  3. Having completed all these steps, wrap the duck in baking paper and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours (for this reason, it is recommended to cook the baked duck about a day before consumption).
  4. The next day, remove the duck from the refrigerator and begin preparing the filling. Most often, apples, prunes, buckwheat or rice porridge are used for filling. We will prepare the filling from apples, choosing varieties that are firmer and more acidic (“Golden”, “Antonovka”). We remove the core from the apples, peel them and cut them into slices. You can add walnuts, almonds, prunes to the filling, which must first be poured with cognac (rum, brandy) and left to steep for 20 minutes.
  5. We fasten the stuffed duck with ordinary thread (or wooden skewers) so that the filling does not fall out during cooking.
  6. Place the duck with honey and apples on a baking sheet and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Wrap the tips of the legs and wings (if they have not been trimmed) in pieces of foil so that they do not burn during cooking.
  7. When the duck is almost ready, you can put the remaining apples from the filling in the pan next to the duck and bake them. They will be soaked in the juices of the bird, and this will be a tasty addition to the main dish.
  8. Cooking time depends on the size and weight of the bird. Approximately one and a half to two hours at 180 degrees. In this case, every 30 minutes the duck needs to be basted with the fat formed in the mold, and constantly monitored so that it does not burn or dry out. If the bird starts to overcook, you can cover it with a piece of foil on top. The duck should be golden brown with a crispy, tender crust.
  9. After cooking, remove the duck, place it on a dish of appropriate size and serve it whole or cut into pieces.

Read also: How to make sauerkraut with honey

Duck in honey mustard sauce

Combining perfectly, honey and mustard make the meat juicy and tender, giving it an original taste. This is probably why there are many recipes for cooking duck in honey mustard sauce, which are often used by housewives. Let's look at one of these simple recipes.

To prepare duck with mustard and honey according to this recipe, we will need:

  • honey and mustard - 2 tbsp each. l.
  • spices to taste
  • water – 1 glass.

Cooking method:

We process the carcass in the same sequence as in the previous recipe. Rub it with salt and pepper.

Prepare the sauce by mixing honey with mustard and spices, and coat the carcass on all sides with it.

Place the duck on a baking sheet with water. Bake, periodically pouring honey-mustard sauce over the meat, mixed with the fat formed in the pan.

Recipe for duck with honey and mustard marinade


  • small duck
  • honey – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • dry red wine and soy sauce – 100 g each
  • French mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • spices to taste.


The prepared carcass (washed and dried) must be divided into 4 parts, which are placed for an hour and a half in a duck marinade made from wine, soy sauce, spices, grapefruit juice, honey with mustard and salt.

Fry the pieces on all sides and transfer to a baking sheet, pour in the marinade. Bake for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

Duck with oranges, mustard and honey in a slow cooker

Adding ingredients such as quince, ginger and orange to duck allows you to prepare a festive version of an original and incredibly tasty poultry dish.

For duck with oranges you will need:

  • soy sauce – 6 tbsp. l.
  • ginger – 1 tsp.
  • cognac – 3 tbsp. l.
  • lemon, orange, quince - 1 pc.
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. l.
  • liquid honey – 3 tbsp. l.
  • pepper and other spices.

How to cook:

Having prepared the bird carcass (by thoroughly washing and drying), place it in the marinade for several hours. For the marinade, mix soy sauce, cognac, honey, mustard, salt, ginger and spices. Having completed the marinating process, stuff the duck with pieces of lemon, quince and orange.

Read also: Sauerkraut with cranberries and honey: beneficial properties and recipe

Cook the bird in a slow cooker in baking mode for 40 minutes. Then drain the resulting fat and bake for another 40 minutes, turning the meat over to the other side.

Duck with apples and honey

Duck baked with apples and honey is an indispensable dish for a festive family feast. To prepare it, you need to take a small duck, honey and mustard (2 tablespoons each), a little turmeric, 4-5 sour juicy apples.

Rub the dry and clean carcass with pepper, salt and turmeric. Place apples cut into slices inside. Lubricate the top of the duck with a mustard-honey mixture (the remaining sauce can be poured inside the duck) and bake for one and a half to two hours, having first wrapped the carcass in foil.

Christmas duck in honey sauce with lingonberries

Let's look at another recipe for Christmas duck in French, which you'll have to tinker with. But the result is worth it.


  • medium sized domestic duck
  • honey – 30 g
  • herbs and spices: 15 g salt, 2.5 g freshly ground black pepper, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 bunch of thyme, 15 g rosemary, 30 g parsley and 0.5 g ground paprika
  • for the glaze you will need vegetable oil (35 ml), Dijon mustard and honey (15 g each).
  • For the filling you will need 15 g of garlic, 600 g of onion, 40 g of sugar, 600 g of sauerkraut, 200 g of apples, 60 g of lingonberries and 20 g of parsley. Pepper and salt - to taste.

By the way, Dijon mustard was invented in Dijon, France in the 19th century. It is prepared from ground mustard seeds mixed with spices and wine vinegar.


  1. Wash and dry the carcass (if necessary, singe and remove remaining feathers). Place greens inside the carcass and rub the outside with pepper and salt.
  2. Pull the legs and wings tied together to the carcass and wrap the prepared carcass in film folded in 8-10 layers.
  3. The duck (still without filling) takes a very long time to bake: 9 hours at 80 degrees.
  4. At the same time, we are preparing the filling. Fry the onion and garlic until golden brown, add sauerkraut, add a little meat broth and bring to readiness.
  5. Separately prepare caramelized apples with a spoon of sugar. To do this, fry slices, preferably sour and hard apple varieties, in butter (the fruit should not soften). After the apples are lightly browned, you need to add sugar and fry a little more so that each slice is covered with a film of sweet caramel. In this case, the apples must be stirred frequently, otherwise the sugar will burn.
  6. Add the finished apples to the filling and remove it from the stove. Now you can add fresh frozen lingonberries to it.
  7. For the glaze we use honey and mustard, which we mix with a mixer. Pour in the oil in a thin stream and add a little salt for taste. Beat everything until a creamy mass forms.
  8. We free the finished duck from the film. Place the stuffing inside the stewed carcass, adding parsley. Coat the top with honey glaze and bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes until the duck is golden brown.
  9. We transfer the meat to a beautiful dish, pour it with juice from the baking sheet. You can serve the duck with baked potatoes and spices.

The Czech National Park is located in the northwestern part of the Czech Republic on the border with Germany. Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland is an untouched area with wildlife and picturesque corners. In Germany this park is called Saxon Switzerland, and in the Czech Republic - Czech. This is due to the fact that the park is located on the territory of two states.

Tourists come to this park not only to enjoy nature, but also to do active species sports You can explore the main sites in just one day, but many stay at the campsite for longer periods of time.

Visit this national park will give unforgettable experience from communication with wild nature and ancient monuments, which are an important part of the culture not only of the Czech Republic, but throughout Europe.

More than 10 thousand years ago, the first inhabitants of Bohemia lived here, who hunted, fished and collected various berries and herbs. The ancient inhabitants roamed the area and settled mainly near water streams, so modern archaeologists find tools, dishes and used coal.

Farmers settled the area much later. Across the entire territory modern park Trade caravans passed through, and a fortified fort was erected for defense.

In the 13th century, the kings of Bohemia invited the colonialists who settled modern Germany here to make the place more civilized. The colonialists built villas and castles here, and were engaged in industry and coal production. Dense forests and the absence of wide plains meant that many areas remained untouched. There were no places where one could permanently reside or engage in industry. Still, some objects built by man have survived. For example, the runes of ancient half-timbered houses of the 20th century.

The tourism business in Czech Switzerland began to develop very early. In the second half of the 18th century, romantic artists began to come here in search of new little known places. Later in the 19th century, tourism began to develop systematically. It was during this period that farmers from local estates and tourist communities, which were just beginning to form, began to come here. To increase the attractiveness of the area, hiking trails were built, restaurants, hotels and observation towers. Even later, tourists began to actively engage in extreme species sports and sailing on the river.

Sights of the park: what to see in Czech Switzerland?

There are no modern attractions in Czech Switzerland, but there are unique natural creations and ancient castles. There are a lot of attractions on the territory, but you can create a route so that you can visit the most interesting places in one day. It is worth noting that it will be easier to get around by car, but you can truly enjoy the nature of the Czech Republic and partly Germany while walking.

Pravcicka Gate

The symbol of the national park is the Pravchitsky Gate tower. The uniqueness of this natural site is that it is the highest rock in Europe, which has an incredible appearance. This is a natural monumental arch 16 meters high, which has a length of 26 meters.

You can get to the attraction from Grzhensk. From the parking lot you will need to walk about 4 km. You cannot climb the Pravchitsa Gate, but you can view the unique natural creation from the outside. Price entrance ticket for adults – 75 CZK, and for children (6-14 years old) – 25 CZK.

If you walk a little further from the Pravchitsky Gate along the wide path, you can see a smaller copy 2 meters high - the Small Gate.

Important! Please note that there is also a narrow path, which is marked in red on the map; it also leads to the Small Pravchitsky Gate, but you will have to wander around the park for a long time.

Falcon's Nest

IN late XIX century, near the Pravchitsky Gate, a castle was built in the rock, which with its spring appearance resembled a hunting lodge. "Falcon's Nest" is a unique castle of the Clari family, which has been reorganized.

It's popular now tourist place, where there is a restaurant overlooking the grounds of a natural castle, and a museum dedicated to the history and natural diversity of this region.

Lupeznice Castle or Schaunstein

Schaunstein Castle, which is also located in the rock near Vysoki Lipa, was inhabited by robbers, but over time it became empty and lost its former appearance.

It is now a ruin in a dense forest and a popular route through the national park. It is recommended to climb the stairs in the rock tunnel to the observation deck, where an extraordinary view of Czech Switzerland opens. At the bottom of the main tower, a small room was excavated that served as a prison for trespassers and a warehouse.

The place is fully equipped for tourists and is easily accessible, so it’s worth adding to your itinerary for independent travel.

Dolskaya mill

It is difficult to imagine that for several centuries this was a busy place where roads crossed and trade was carried out. Later, when the territory was empty, a fairy tale about a princess was filmed here. Today the Dolskaya Mill is a ruin and a popular attraction in the park.

Royal spruce

Not far from the Dolskaya mill there is the Royal Spruce. Its age is 180 years, and its trunk span is 3 meters. This ancient tree amazes with its scale and majestic appearance.


On the border with Germany there is a small but very picturesque town of Khrzhensko. In the 15th century, “Bohemian glass” was made in a glass workshop. Tourists will be able to visit this workshop and see with their own eyes the entire process of blowing Czech glass. Tourists often visit the workshop's gift shop, where you can buy various glass vases, glasses, dishes and other items made of crystal and Bohemian glass.

Few people live in the town of Khrzhensko, but everyone is involved in the tourism business. Here you can rent a hotel room, visit a restaurant or buy a souvenir. You can leave your car in the parking lot and walk around the area.

Residents' houses are no less striking objects, because they are decorated authentically and resemble small village houses. What is also unique here is that the city has only two parallel streets that run along both banks. If you drive a little further from the village, you can see the waterfall.

Other attractions

Along with these top attractions and popular tourist places, there are other equally beautiful and ancient route points:

  • Abandoned silver mines. It will be interesting to visit this place with a guide who will tell you more about the ancient mines where silver was mined. You can also go down into the mine and feel involved in this industry.

  • Falkenstein Castle. This castle is located among the rocks and is difficult to get to. Tourists who decide to climb the mountains will be incredibly amazed by the beauty of nature and architectural features castle building. If you climb to the highest point of the rock, you can see the park territory from above.
  • Panska Skala. Another attraction created by nature is a huge 12-meter cliff, which was formed from basalt slabs. A similar natural formation exists in Northern Ireland, but why not visit Panska Skala in Czech Switzerland?

  • Belvedere observation deck. This is a natural retreat that overhangs the river canyon, and is located near the town of Binovce. From this city you can take a straight road to a site from which you can see sandy cliffs.
  • Gorges Wild and Quiet. Tourists who find themselves on the steep canyon of the Kamenica River can continue exploring Bohemian Switzerland by boat with local gondoliers between the dams. The first place where they will sail is the Wild Gorge, and a little further is the Quiet Gorge. The latter has unique waterfall, which makes its way from the cliff. This is incredible natural object which is a must visit.

  • Suha Kamenitsa. At the beginning of spring, the canyon of the stream, which flows into the Elbe River, fills with water and small waterfalls gurgle between the rocks. At other times of the year it is not so unusual here, so tourists rarely visit this place.
  • Kamenice Gorge. Not far from the village of Mezne there is a gorge where tourists ride gondolas and enjoy the wild nature.

  • Ruzhovsky Vrkh. This place should be visited only by active tourists who are willing to take risks, because you can climb Mount Ružovský Vrh only along winding paths through the thickets of beech forest. There will be no sights along the way, only nature and people. This is an opportunity to test your endurance, to think, and as a result to consider the view that opens up, which deserves all the effort put into the climb.
  • Wolf board. This attraction is located near the canyon of the Krinitsa River and is known for its untamed nature. Also here is stone plate XVII century, which depicts the story of a successful hunter.
  • Decinsky Snezhnik is the most high mountain Czech Switzerland and another observation deck. There is a tower from the mid-19th century, 33 meters high, as well as the ruins of a medieval castle.

Independent travel routes

There are many marked routes throughout the park for independent travel. Tourists can plan a route either on their own or resort to the help of tourist centers. You can also enjoy active sports here: rock climbing, horse riding or cycling.

There are a huge number of routes for independent travel in Czech Switzerland, we will post only some of them that you can use:

  • Route 1: Pravcicka brana – Divoka and Ticha Soutezki. The route is approximately 15 km long and will take approximately 5-6 hours.

  • Route 2: Arnoltitsy, Ruzhove and Janov. The length of the route is approximately 17 km and will take approximately 4.5-5 hours.

  • Route 3: Saunštejn Castle – Ptaci kamen observation deck. The length of the route is approximately 11 km and will take approximately 3 hours.
  • Route 4: Belvedere observation deck. The length of the route is approximately 18 km and will take approximately 5 hours.
  • Route 5: Jetrichovice rocks. The length of the route is approximately 14 km and will take approximately 4.5 hours.

  • Route 6: Falkenstein Castle – Rinartice – Pavlinino Udoli. The length of the route is approximately 14 km and will take approximately 4 hours.
  • Route 7: Greater Doubitsky district. The route is approximately 28 km long and will take approximately 8 hours.

  • Route 8: Narrow stairs. The length of the route is approximately 12-15 km and will take approximately 3-4 hours.

  • Route 9: Ružovsky vrkh. The length of the route is approximately 13 km and will take approximately 4 hours.
  • Route 10: Jetřichovice Viewpoint – Falkenstein Castle

How to get from Prague to Czech Switzerland on your own?

There are several ways to get to Czech Switzerland:

  • By public transport: you need to take the train to the city of Decin, and then transfer to bus No. 434, which goes to the Hrzhensko stop.
  • By car: follow the highway to the town of Decin, and then Hrzhensko. You can leave your car in the parking lot and go explore the national park.
  • By steamboat on the Elbe River from the city of Decin, but you need to get to this city by train. Ending station is located 800 meters from Grzhensk.

Reviews from tourists

Tourists speak positively about the beauty and uniqueness of this place, but you need to be prepared to walk a lot.

Map of Czech Switzerland

You can see the location of the main attractions of Czech Switzerland on the map of the national park.

We learned about Saxon Switzerland quite by accident; Pasha came across an article describing a trip to Saxon Switzerland with impressive photos. I decided to see what it was and where. It turned out that the national park Saxon Switzerland located near Dresden, right on the border with the Czech Republic. And on the Czech side the park is called Czech Switzerland.

The park is not very large, but it has many trekking routes and you can easily spend at least a whole week. But thinking that a week of vacation is an unaffordable luxury, we decided that we would go to Saxon Switzerland one day just for a long weekend.

How to get to Saxon Switzerland?

The easiest way is by car. In this case, moving between routes and attractions in the park will be easy and convenient. The only downside is that the routes need to be planned either there/back or circular to get back to the car.

Getting there and moving around by public transport is also possible. On the German side the closest Big City- Dresden, from Czech - Prague. From both of them you can easily reach the park. But on the spot, in order to get to the beginning of routes from surrounding towns and villages, you will have to find out the schedule of local buses and trains.

Where to stay near Saxon Switzerland?

If you are by car, then this issue is not so pressing. From any village you can easily get where you need to go.

If you are traveling public transport, then on the Czech side a good choice would be Děčín or Hřensko. Decin is larger, but from it you have to go to the park. But several routes start directly from Grzensko, including one of the most famous to Pravčická brána.

On the German side there are several options. If you want to visit the Bastei Bridge and take a walk in its surroundings, then best choice will be Rathen or Bad Schandau. If you want to walk along other routes in the park, then you need to choose one of the villages close to the route. Almost all of them have small family hotels where you will feel like a real German.

We had to stay for two nights, on a holiday weekend, plus we were by car and not tied to buses. Having looked at the options on and Airbnb (we wrote more about what airbnb is in the article Airbnb - what is it? How to use it and how to book accommodation in any city?), we chose accommodation on airbnb in Decin, but for now we were thinking about this apartment already passed. Therefore, the next suitable room in terms of price, comfort and location was family hotel in the village of Ceska Kamenice.

What to do in Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland?

1 full day - Czech Switzerland

The route starts in the village of Mezni Louka and gradually gains altitude and goes towards Pravcicka Brana. On the way to beautiful forest, rock walls, individual rock outcrops - in general, very beautiful!

Next is Pravcicka Bran and the 19th century building - Falcon's Nest. Login to observation platforms 75 CZK. You can check the opening hours and current prices Most of it can be viewed for free, so it's up to you to decide whether to go to the paid part.

After this trail, you can go to Mezni Louki through the forest, or you can, like us, continue along the canyon. There is a second route Divoká soutěska and a second crossing - it will cost 60 CZK. We really liked the trail, it goes almost above the mountain river itself, sometimes overhanging it. There are beautiful rocks around. On the first section there is a waterfall attraction - they take you to a wet wall, tell you some fairy tales, it depends on the boat manager, and then... suddenly a powerful stream of water falls from the waterfall like a fountain. Nobody expected this...

During the boat ride you will see not only a waterfall, but also beautiful wooden figures, each with its own story, you will be shown interesting rock formations that look like something or someone. The second part is less interesting, simply because it repeats the first. Although... Can nature repeat itself in such unusual forms - controversial issue. From the end of the second trail, another 20 minutes and we go out to Mezni Louki, straight to the central parking lot. By the way, parking is the most expensive “entertainment” - 100 CZK / 1 day.

This route can also be taken from Grzensko. You can go to reverse direction, but I don’t recommend this because the climb from Grzhensko is long and monotonous, it’s much better to quickly descend there.

2 day or half day Saxon Switzerland and the famous Bastei Bridge

Most often, the route to the Bastei Bridge starts either at Basteistraße - in this case, parking will cost 3 €/day plus 1.5 €/person shuttle bus to the beginning of the route. The second option is the village of Rathen, almost all large parking lots are located in most of the village on the other side of the Elbe and you will have to take a ferry to get to the beginning of the route.

Only residents and hotel clients are allowed to enter the part of the Rathen village, which is located on the same bank as the Bastei Bridge. However, you can leave your car in private parking lots just before reaching the village. Cost 3€/day.

Before the start of the route, 15-20 minutes through a pleasant forest. At first, the signs took us to Basteistrasse; after looking at the prices, we returned to the idea that we would leave the car in the village itself. But... we saw a sign prohibiting passage to non-residents. There was a private parking nearby for 3€, but it was almost all occupied. There were cars parked nearby on the side of the road; there was no sign prohibiting parking. Of course we parked and headed to the Bastei Bridge.

Bastei is a group of sandstone rocks that, under the influence of time and nature, have taken on very beautiful and unusual shapes. Bastei is also famous for the Bastei Bridge. The Bastei Bridge was built in 1824 and was originally made of wood. In 1851 the Bastei Bridge was replaced by a sandstone bridge and it has remained that way to this day.

If you have at least 3-4 hours, then it’s worth visiting not only the Bastei Bridge, but also walking along the route further, going down to the Elbe and returning along the bike path to Rathen.

We were unlucky on the first evening, the weather was not very good, and as soon as we began to climb to the bridge it started to rain... Without thinking twice, we took a quick look at the bridge and went to our overnight stay. The second attempt was in the morning before going home. The sun was shining and the weather was just perfect. But we had very little time, so we limited ourselves to going to the Bastei Bridge and all the observation platforms and back. This route took us about 2-2.5 hours of a leisurely walk from the car. There is an optional one on the route paid section, cost 2€/person. The route runs along footbridges between the rocks. There is a description of several historical details, although little remains of them. But beautiful views to the Bastei Bridge and surrounding rocks.

By the way, the most famous photos The Bastei Bridge is made with free viewing platforms. True, fog or beautiful sunset/dawn rays must be specially waited for. Although maybe you'll be lucky?!

As a result, I would like to say that if you are in the area and have 1-2 days free, then you should definitely stop by Czech and Saxon Switzerland!

“České Švýcarsko”, and this is exactly what the name of the reserve, which is located in the north-west of the country, near the border with Germany, sounds like in Czech. On the other side of the border, Switzerland becomes Saxon.

But since the borders in Schengen are conditional, and even more so inside the park, we will consider both halves of the reserve together, like Czech-Saxon Switzerland.

Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland in all its glory.

Where did Switzerland come from in the Czech Republic?

According to legend, in the 19th century, two Swiss went to restore the Dresden Gallery at the invitation of the Elector himself, and were very surprised to find sandstone mountains nearby, very reminiscent of their native ones. And of course, the friends spent all their free time on the slopes, as a result they christened this place with the name of their homeland. This name stuck because the landscape is really very reminiscent of Switzerland. By that time, these mountains already had the status of a natural reserve, and since the beginning of 2000 they have been national reserve"Czech Switzerland".

True, it’s difficult to call these places mountains, since the most high point park - Děčínský Sněžník - is located at an altitude of 723 meters. But, nevertheless, it is the rock formations and canyons in them that fascinate many visiting tourists, and the Pravčická brána, which is considered the symbol of the park, is also the largest naturally occurring mountain arch in Europe. At present, it is impossible to get to the arch due to the danger of its possible collapse, but there are several observation platforms in the area, in the most interesting viewing places.

The ancient stone observation tower at the top has the same name as the mountain itself - Děčínský Sněžník. Best View The view of Czech Switzerland opens from this tower.

How to get there on your own?

The easiest way is to purchase a tour in advance via the Internet or directly in Prague and forget about the need to invent and develop your leisure time. approximate cost excursions at the travel agency office in 2019 - 40 €, when booking online - about 32 €.

Here are excerpts from Lydia’s review:

“Perhaps the most unforgettable event of our trip was the excursion to Czech Switzerland...
The great Danish storyteller G.H. Andersen visited this place and drew inspiration from contemplating the local beauty...
We boarded a boat that looked more like a Venetian gondola...
Every now and then our eyes would see funny figures carved out of wood, obviously for the amusement of tourists, and in one place our cheerful gondolier pulled a string, bringing down a real waterfall in front of us...”

Olga writes in her review:

“There is beauty all around! And you don't know where to look. If in the Czech part nature reserve seemed quiet, peaceful, calm, then the Saxon part of it, on the contrary, is full of majesty, grandeur, you feel helpless in front of all the power of nature...
Amazing landscapes open up from the heights of the Bastei Mountains. And here is the famous Bastei Bridge. It is built of sandstone, that is, the same mountains served as the material for it...”

But many travelers prefer to act independently, gaining additional freedom.

How to get to Czech Switzerland yourself?

So, the shortest way to the park is by train, from Prague Mosarikov station to Děčín, a town near the reserve. The journey takes about two hours. If accommodation near the park has been booked in advance, then most likely the hotel’s services include meeting guests at the station and transfer to the hotel. Or you can get to Hřensko on your own, by bus or taxi. It's already very close.

By the way, you can take a boat from Decin to the park, to the pier in the village of Shmilka, and from there it’s about a kilometer to Hřensko.

Chug-chug. Here we come main station city ​​of Děčín. We should go out.

But the most interesting way to get to Czech Switzerland is, of course, highway(see photo above), running along the riverbed of the Elbe and full of additional natural beauties. This is what tourists write in reviews after visiting the park: “It is along the Labe (Elbe) that the beautiful landscapes: now thickets of water lilies, now a lonely boat on the river bank, now cute houses with brown roofs along the shore, now a castle..."

The journey by car from Dresden will take about 45 minutes, from Prague - about an hour and a half.


On the territory of Czech Switzerland there are several hotels of various levels offering a full range of tourist services. Among mid-level hotels, we can recommend “Labe”, located in Hřensko, at the intersection of many hiking trails, with parking and cozy rooms.

Hotel Labe means Elbe in Czech.

Also interesting is the Belveder Hotel, located on the top of a cliff overlooking the Elbe River canyon.

Here you can see a piece of the Belveder Hotel with an observation deck. High... Very high... If you are planning to climb there, take a diaper with you, just in case.

Automobile travelers can stay in campsites also available in the park.

For passionate lovers of outdoor recreation, there is another one in the Czech Republic. Fabulous sunsets for lyricists, around - for gothic lovers, playgrounds, waterslides and attractions - for children, bicycles and boats - for fatties and athletes, and, of course, royal fishing - for those who cannot imagine themselves without a fishing rod in their hands.

The main attraction of the park is the already mentioned Pravčická brána, a huge sandstone arch, the largest in Europe. Its height is 16 meters and width is 26 meters. Not only a train, but also an airplane can pass through such gates. You can get an unforgettable sight by walking through the arch and enjoying the grandeur and power of nature.

Near Brannoy, built into the rock is the ancient hunting house “Falcon's Nest”, built in the 19th century and which was the summer castle of the Clari-Aldringen family. The castle now houses a reserve museum and a restaurant with original woodwork and ceiling paintings from the nineteenth century.

What to do in the park?

The Czech Swiss mountains, although not large, are still mountains. And the activities here are predominantly mountain - mountaineering, trekking and rafting, but naturally in the simplest form, for unprepared participants.

By the way, sandstone rocks are easily subjected to atmospheric treatment and over time acquire surprisingly unusual features, like piles of individual huge boulders with rounded edges, inexplicably held on top of each other. Due to the soft nature of the rock, mountaineering is not particularly difficult; ascents often occur without additional equipment. But this is only permissible for people with training. Ordinary tourists have the opportunity to feel like rock climbers only wearing safety equipment and under the supervision of an instructor.

The entire Czech-Saxon Switzerland is dotted with many specially equipped walking paths of varying levels of difficulty and length. The schematic layout of their location can be found in tourist brochures and on the map, and you can navigate by the signs posted on the routes. This type of outdoor recreation energizes you with vigor and muscle tone for a long time.

There are also specially laid routes for cycling with a rise of up to 300 meters. Several categories of difficulty and length, from 20 to 44 kilometers, with visits to the main attractions, with a picnic or lunch along the way. You can rent a bicycle in the park or at hotels. You can also start the cycling route from Decin.

And there is everything for cycling.

In hot weather, it is very pleasant to go on a short rafting trip through narrow canyons, refreshing yourself with the spray of waterfalls cascading down close to the boat. This kind of entertainment is absolutely safe, the tributaries of the Elbe are light and calm.

Czech - amazing country, full of interesting things, with a mentality of the inhabitants and culture that is kindred and close to the Russian people. But if the time of satiety begins and once again the question arises - where to go in the Czech Republic, then go to Switzerland. In the Czech Republic it is also there, and it’s the real one.

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National Park"Bohemian Switzerland" (aka - people's park“Czech Switzerland” was founded on January 1, 2000 and covers an area of ​​almost 80 square meters. km. The park is located on the northern border with Germany and continues on German territory (where it is called “Saxon Switzerland”). The purpose of creating the park is to preserve natural beauty these places, so human intervention here is strictly limited.

The main wealth of the park is the unique sandstone rock formations, covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests and rare plants. These rocks once rose from the seabed, where sand accumulated over 10 million years to reach a thickness of more than 1 km today. The most important geological processes took place here in the Mesozoic.

The modern amazing landscape of the national park consists of these deposits, compressed into cliffs, which cracked and split under the influence of wind, rivers, temperature changes, etc., forming stunningly picturesque cliffs, rock towers, canyons, arches and windows to this day. The most famous of them is the Rose Hill, the highest in Czech Switzerland.

The main wealth of the park is the unique sandstone rock formations, covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests.

Czech Switzerland is a real forest kingdom. Forest covers almost its entire territory. Mostly coniferous and birch forests grow here, the oldest of which can be found in inaccessible gorges and on high cliffs. Since the soil in the latter is either poor or absent, very resilient representatives of the flora grow here, creating very picturesque pictures with their curved trunks. Animal world The national park is also rich: the landscape creates ideal conditions for nesting of many species of birds; colonies live in rocky cracks bats, the forests are home to shy and nocturnal animals, such as deer.

History of Czech Switzerland

The first inhabitants of Bohemian Switzerland were probably hunters, fishermen and gatherers - as was natural for that time, more than 10 thousand years ago. They roamed around the area, establishing settlements near water streams. Tools, pieces of coal and dishes are still found here. Much later, Bohemian Switzerland was partially settled by farmers. From time to time, a fortified fort was erected here and there, and trade caravans passed through the territory of the national park.

Hiking in Bohemian Switzerland

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Bohemian kings invited colonialists here from the territory of modern Germany. The latter built villas, stone castles, started logging, and began producing glass and coal. But, since the forests were dense, and there were no wide plains in Czech Switzerland, the life of these communities had a specific character. The architecture was also specific: in the national park, ancient half-timbered houses of a typical design are still preserved (in particular, in Kamenicka Strana and Vysoka Lipa). In the second half of the 20th century. Many of these settlements, abandoned, have fallen into disrepair, and here and there in the park you can find the most picturesque ruins.

The tourism development of the region began quite early, around the second half of the 18th century. Romantic artists living in Dresden began their first travels through what was later called Saxon Switzerland (the name was adapted in the Czech version). The systematic development of tourism began in the 19th century, when landowners from local estates (the Kinski and Clary-Aldringen families), as well as the first tourist societies (the Mountain Society of Bohemian Switzerland and the Mountain Society of Northern Bohemia) began to gradually increase the attractiveness of the region for travelers. The first walking trails, restaurants, hotels, observation decks and observation towers. Lovers aquatic species Sports people increasingly came here to sail on the Elbe, and the gorges in Kamenice were full of punts.

Tourism in Czech Switzerland

Today, there are dozens of well-marked hiking trails throughout the park. Here you can ride a bicycle, go horseback riding and rock climbing in designated areas, and stay overnight in official camp sites. You can even come here with pets.

But what you can’t do is leave the marked trail in zone I of the park.

Today, within the territory of the national park there are several extremely interesting places, which tourists come from all over Europe to see. This is a natural stone arch 26 by 16 m, which is called the Pravchitsky Gate; gorges of the Kamenice River; Krynica river valley; the famous Pink Hill rock; town of Vysokaya-Lipa; Dolskaya mill; Dittersbacher peaks; waterfalls near Brtniki... We can list them further, but it’s already obvious: spending a day or two in Czech Switzerland is not enough. It’s worth coming here as if you were on a full-fledged vacation.

Practical information

Tourist centers are located in different parts of the national park. The main one is located in Krasnaya Lipa. Information centers - in Saul, Jetrichovica, Srpska Kamenica, Hrensko.

Working hours tourist center in Krasnaya Lipa: daily from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 12:30 to 17:00, in January - February - until 16:00, in June - August - until 18:00.

You can get to Krasnaya Lipa by car in about two hours, if you drive strictly north through Melnik and Ceska Lipa. Another option is to take the train to Germany, to Bad Schandau, which is in the German part of the national park (Saxon Switzerland). This trip will take about two hours.