How to get from Prague to Czech Switzerland. National Park "Czech Switzerland" (České Švýcarsko). When is the best time to go?

There are many interesting and picturesque places on our planet, where once you get there, you want to return again and again. One of these corners is Czech (Bohemian) Switzerland or, as the locals call it, Saxon Switzerland.

This park was founded not so long ago, at the beginning of the two thousandth. Its territory is about 80 square meters. km. When creating the park, the country's authorities wanted to preserve the site in its original condition. untouched nature. And they succeeded. It's amazing here beautiful places with minimal human intervention.

The basis of the park is made up of unique sand formations in the form of rocks. The rocks are covered with ancient forests with rare plant species. It is believed that the rocks were formed about 10 million years, and over time, when the water receded, the rocks, on the contrary, protruded. These sand deposits were compressed mainly during the Mesozoic period under the influence of wind, temperature changes and other natural phenomena.

Unique natural formations impress with their picturesqueness: canyons, arches, windows, etc. And the ruins of fortresses and other medieval buildings, which have been perfectly preserved to this day, fit very harmoniously into all this. Many photographers come here to capture the unique beauty of these places.


This territory was first inhabited by nomadic tribes of hunters and gatherers about 10 thousand years ago. They settled mainly near bodies of water. Still local residents After spring floods, ancient tools and utensils are discovered.

A little later, farmers began to settle in these places, for whom the lands along the tributaries of the river were the most fertile. Over time, to strengthen their settlements, people began to erect walls and even build forts, the ruins of which are scattered throughout the national park.

In the 14th century, Saxon colonialists settled on these lands and were engaged in logging. In those days there were real impenetrable thickets here. They settled here, and in some places there are even ruins of entire settlements with specific architecture.

But it was two Swiss restorers who made this area tourist, who were invited to Dresden to restore one estate. During their holidays, they often walked through the modern territory of the national park from the Dresden side and admired the beauty of these places. And after finishing the work, they stayed to live here, because the local rocks very much reminded them of their native Switzerland. This is how the name “Switzerland” stuck to this place. Since the end of the 18th century, this area began to be called “Saxon Switzerland”.

In the 19th century, local communities opened the first hiking trails for travelers. The mountain society of Bohemian Switzerland began to open the first hotels and restaurants here. They began to build observation platforms and clear the most beautiful gorges. And on the Elbe River they have equipped everything for those who like to sail. In general, everything has been equipped for a comfortable stay for tourists in these places.

Where is

Conventionally, the park is divided into German and Czech parts, which are separated by the border between the states and the Elbe River in the west of the park.

Czech Switzerland located in the northern part of the Czech Republic, close to the border with Germany and 40 km. from Dresden. The highest part of this park is Mount Decinski Snezhnik with a height of just over 700 meters. The most popular place tourists see the Pravcicka Gate, which was formed due to rain and severe erosion.

How to get there

In fact, there are only two options to get to this fabulous place: on your own, in a rented or your own car, or with a tour. An excursion tour can be purchased at any travel agency in. The cost of such a tour is from 30 euros and above, depending on the number of people in the group. You will also have to pay separately for visiting certain attractions.

If you get there on your own, you can enter the park both from German territory and from the Czech Republic. IN National Park you can enter in different ways: both on the autobahn and along simple highways. But you should use a map or navigator so as not to get lost.

You can also take a train from Prague to the city of Decin, and then take bus number 434 to the village of Hrzensko.

When is the best time to go?

The park is open all year round. From November to March the park is open from 10.00 to 16.00. And from April to October 10.00 – 18.00.

The best time to visit the park is considered to be spring and autumn, when it is not too hot and you can spend a lot of time walking and relaxing.

The entrance ticket can be purchased at the entrance to the park and costs 70 CZK. Additional excursions will have to be paid separately. In the park you can go boating, take a sightseeing tour of the gorge, or visit castles.


The entire territory of the park is marked with special hiking trails, from which you cannot leave. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a park map immediately at the entrance. All trails are accessible. There are even routes for cyclists. You can rent a bike right in the park. There are also rock climbing areas within the park.

Those who like to camp in tents can spend the night immediately in the reserve, but this is permitted in special camp areas. Even pets are allowed to walk around the park, so you can safely bring your beloved pets for a walk.

To make it more convenient to relax in the reserve and find places in the park, there are several tourist centers located in different parts of the park. Basic tourist center located in Krasnaya Lipa. It is open daily from 9.00 until the park closes. There are also information centers in Hrzensko, Saul, Serbska Kamenica.

When traveling to Czech Switzerland, you should definitely take comfortable shoes and clothes. It is unlikely that it will be easy to climb a mountain in heels or tight trousers. You should definitely take a couple of bottles of water with you, as water in the park is much more expensive.


The basis of the reserve is forests and rocks. But even in addition to the stunningly beautiful landscapes, you can also see architectural sights in the park.

Pravcicka Gate

The main attraction of the park is the Pravchitsky Gate arch. The gate is a symbol of the park. Tourists are eager to see this colorful and miraculous heritage. Nature has been creating this huge hole in the rock for many millennia. And only after passing through it can you truly admire the work of nature. From the observation deck near the arch there is a stunning view of the canyon from below. But climbing to the top of the arch is strictly prohibited.

Falcon's Nest Castle

This castle is located near the Pravčicka Gate. It was built in 1881 by a noble Czech family, literally within a year. The walls of the castle are built into the rock, which gives it extraordinary charm and simplicity. High-ranking guests were always received here. The castle has ancient interiors and a restaurant decorated in medieval style. The view from the restaurant is stunning, but the menu is meager, but with greatly inflated prices for dishes.

Ruins of Schaunstein Castle

They are another scenic spot that deserves attention. Once upon a time, barons engaged in robbery lived in this place. The barons themselves did not build the castle, they simply captured the already built defensive fort and firmly established themselves in it, changing its name to “the castle of thieves.” You can climb to the ruins through a narrow gorge along a steep staircase thrown over a cliff. Today tourists come here to see beautiful views, which open from the observation deck near the ruins.

Canyons of the Kamenitsa River

For a fee, you can see the beauty of the canyons from a gondola. During this journey, you can see a man-made waterfall leading to a cave with a pirate castle.

Dolskaya mill

This is another one picturesque place, but it is located in a dense forest, and it is impossible to see the surroundings from it. The ruins of the fortress are used as scenery in films. By the way, it is believed that it was thanks to films that this place became famous. The mill operated from the end of the 14th century and was destroyed for many years due to the influence of natural phenomena. But having declared this area a nature reserve, restorers set about working on the mill. And in 2007, the mill became a national architectural monument.

Royal spruce

Not far from the Dolskaya mill there is an ancient spruce, which is more than 180 years old, and the tree trunk has grown more than three meters wide. Spruce is protected by the state no less than other monuments.

Falkenstein Castle

This is one of ancient places parka. The castle was built in 1394 on a high hill. This structure was built for the purpose of defense against robbers. It was very difficult to climb the walls of this castle. Many parts of this castle are perfectly preserved, as they were carved into the rocks. Several legends are associated with it, one of which says that the robbers who wanted to capture this castle were caught. Then they were hanged. And soon angry dogs began to run around the castle, which can still be found today in the vicinity of the castle. Local residents believe that these are the same robbers who are trying to take revenge on their killers.

mouse hole

This strange name has a staircase that leads to the top of the hill through a narrow gorge. There are a lot of steps at the stairs, and many tourists who go back down constantly shout “Wow!” It's hard to say why, but perhaps they admire their excellent physical shape. Initially, local residents called this staircase the Staircase of Angels. But the owner of the estate did not like the name, and he renamed it in his own way.


Everyone has heard about Bohemian glass, but no one knows that it is not made in Bohemia, but in a workshop in Czech Switzerland in the village of Hřipska. Since the 14th century, the same Bohemian glass that was admired before and admired to this day has been produced here. Today there are no excursions to the production, but in the village you can buy products made from real Bohemian glass for almost pennies.

Belvedere observation deck

This is a huge rock terrace located above the Laba River canyon. The height of the site is 130 meters. The Belvedere Hotel was built not far from the site, with stunning views of the surrounding area. This platform is considered the very first observation deck in Bohemian Switzerland. It was built by the owners of the estate, who owned almost the entire part of modern Czech Switzerland.

Silver mines of Jiřetín pod Jedlova

In the ancient mines of these mines long time mined precious metals. Today, in order to feel the spirit hovering in the dungeon, you can put on a miner’s helmet with a flashlight and go down into the mine tunnels. These mines first opened in 1474. The mines produced silver and copper for more than two hundred years. But thirty years war forced the owners to cover production. When production resumed several decades later, it turned out that it was no longer profitable and the mines were closed again. Today they drive here excursion groups, showing and telling in detail how the mining process takes place.

What else to see?

  • You should definitely visit the town of Decin, which is located in the vicinity of Czech Switzerland. The main attraction of the city is Decin Castle, built in the 8th century. At various times, the Castle was both a military and defensive structure and the residence of aristocratic families and even monarchs. The city also has a small zoo and water park.

Video trip to Decin:

  • Hrzensko is a small village from which all excursions to Czech Switzerland begin. This is a nice and very hospitable place where you can relax and drink real Czech beer with German sausages. The village is located along the Kamenitsa River. The city is famous for the fact that at almost every step they sell gnomes for vegetable gardens, the most different types, sizes, colors and for every taste.

A trip to Czech Switzerland is a solitude with nature, an acquaintance with unusual sandy cliffs and a great chance to get acquainted with the sights created by Mother Nature herself.

There are places from where this amazing piece of earth looks like a region hidden from humanity and preserved in its pristine beauty.

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This exceptional natural treasure even ranks alongside Yosemite National Park and South America's Galapagos Islands on the list of tourist destinations. wildlife"Must-visit 501 - Wild places."

However, a closer acquaintance will allow us to be convinced that this region is by no means as uninhabited and pristine as it seems at first glance. Moving through its territory, you will learn that among the deep gorges and high cliffs there are many surprises hidden. The local cliffs are surrounded by steep steps, and on the tops you can see lonely ruins, covered in legends about robber knights, fairies and giants. With all this, the road to this quiet, fabulous land from the bustling capital of Prague takes no more than two hours.

Walk on the seabed

The Bohemian Switzerland National Park is the youngest of the four national parks of the Czech Republic. You will find it on the border with Germany, which separates “Czech Switzerland” from its twin, “Saxon Switzerland”. Millions of years ago the sea stretched here. Having subsided, it left behind unique edge, which, being the lowest point Czech Republic, resembles mountains. This land of high sandstone cliffs and towers, rock arches, ravines and mountains with truncated peaks served as a refuge for ancient people more than 10,000 years ago. In the 13-14 centuries, German settlers began to build villages and entire future cities here; fortresses of knights grew on the rocks, who often engaged in robbery. In troubled times, local residents hid here from the armies marching through this region during wars, of which there was never a shortage near the historical border between the Czech and German lands. To this day, you will find here many reminders of these distant events - inscriptions carved on the rocks by the villagers themselves, reconciliatory crosses, rock chapels and abandoned church paths.

Photos: (Martin Rak,Václav Sojka)

Artists, poets and early travelers

The wild nature and hitherto hidden beauty of the region, which developed for a long time without human intervention, were discovered at the end of the 18th century by two Swiss artists of the Romantic era - Adrian Zingg and Anton Graf. Depicting this region in engravings and describing it in poetry, they spread its rapidly growing fame throughout Europe. Places along the Elbe Canyon have become a cradle modern tourism, becoming one of the first actively visited tourist attractions in Europe. More and more visitors flocked to the beauty and mystery of Czech Switzerland. One of the most famous landscape painters of all time, Caspar David Friedrich, also came here to obtain the motives for his paintings. The owners of the local estates understood the attractiveness of the local dense forests, as well as the romantic contours of the cliffs, and made a lot of efforts to make them as accessible as possible by building roads and bridges. On Mariana Rock, Welhelm's Wall and Rudolph's Stone, steps were made, benches were placed, and gazebos were placed on the tops. New taverns and places to stay overnight were opened for tourists along the roads, walking paths appeared, and the wild Kamenice River began to be used for movement between gorges.

Not only artists, but also famous poets, writers, and composers came to these virgin lands for their stories and legends. The fortresses of the robber knights, rocky places, legends about gnomes and fairies influenced celebrities, including the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, the poet R.M. Rilke, composers K.M. von Weber, Richard Wagner and others.

Czech Switzerland in the memoirs of G.H. Andersen and R.M. Rilke

The poet R.M. Rilke visited Jetřichovice in 1892 and recalls his visit this way: “I want, dear reader, to take you to a land where mighty giant rocks reveal their gray giant crowns from a dark fir forest, and meadows strewn with flowers dreamily stretch along a babbling brook. …. Throughout the area, thousands of roads lead you deep into mysterious wilderness. Everything here attracts you to a sweet, carefree holiday - and even today. Long hollows with cushions of moss and a carpet of heather resemble purple feather beds, the trees look like a majestic canopy, and the tall fans of ferns are filled with blissful freshness.”

The passionate traveler Hans Christian Andersen even captured his impressions of the road from his native Copenhagen to the Czech Republic in the book “ Shadow paintings of a journey through the Harz and Saxon Switzerland". Emotionally and romantically, in the spirit of his era, he perceives both the country and the people he met along the way. He spent only a few hours in the Czech Republic, comparing it with the well-known tune that sounds inside us, full of life: “In my memories, this beautiful land spreads out, flooded with sunlight. I clearly see every detail of it, in my soul it is like a beautiful melody, despite the fact that I do not know how to express it in individual tones and motives.

I see this large clearing in the forest with huge spruce trees, where we were told that we had just crossed the border, I see heavily tanned Czech girls with white scarves on their heads and bare feet, who we met in the dark spruce forest, and, finally, the pristine a section of the Pravchitsky Gate rocks, where we stood under a stone arch thrown over our heads by a mighty genius of nature. I see the vast dark forests somewhere below us are distant mountains with snow shimmering in the sun.”

Photo: (Václav Sojka)

And today the Pravchitsky Gate captivates artists, including the creators of fairy tales. Film director "The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" found the ideal backdrop for his interpretation of this story in the snowy Quiet Rocks. Andrew Adamson chose Tisza because of the richness of the snow cover and the incredibly beautiful area with natural labyrinth rocks, where even in the 19th century few people dared to enter without a guide. Thus, he wanted to get as close as possible to the world that S.K. Lewis created with his imagination on the pages of books. It was here that Lucy visited the cave of the faun Tumnus, and all four siblings crossed the rock bridge for the first time and looked at the endless forests of Narnia.

The rock town of Til Walls and, in general, the whole of Czech Switzerland today are a real paradise for tourists and climbers. The first sporting forays to the tops of rocks took place already at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, many climbing routes have appeared here. Climbing is possible to various mountain towers of the rock town with poetic names “Baldur’s Needle”, “Golem”, “Forest Drop”, “Stone of the Wise”, “Rudolfinum”.

© Martin Rak

The once quite extensive fortress of the 13th century two centuries later became the residence of Mikel Blekta from Utěchovice, who with his retinue carried out predatory raids on the surrounding area. At the end of the 15th century, the fortress fell into decay, from the 19th century this place became available to the public.

© Franta Kriváň

Sometimes also called the Robber's Fortress, it is one of the most beautiful rock fortifications in Czech Switzerland. Starting from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, it guarded the so-called “Czech Highway” - an important trade route connecting the Czech Republic and Lausitz. The owners of the fortress, the Berkovs from Dube, earned themselves an unflattering reputation as robbers, and the fortification itself served them as a refuge for carrying out robber attacks around. At the end of the 15th century, the site was abandoned and gradually fell into disrepair.
It's definitely worth climbing to the top of the fortress, not only to see the ruins of the fortifications, but also for the magnificent view that opens up at the top.

© Ladislav Renner

At the top of the rock, many thousands of years ago there was a cave of ancient hunters. The fortress that originally stood here was built in the 13th century and gradually changed several owners, among whom was a robber knight, and was surrounded and burned several times. In the 17th century, hermits settled here and lived on the top of the rock for more than a hundred years. Later, Count Kinsky rebuilt the fortress into a place countryside holiday your guests. Among the visitors, the names of the Archdukes Franz Karl and Stephen of Habsburg, the Saxon king Frederick Augustus, and the future Emperor Franz Joseph I visited here with his brothers in 1847.

© Jiří Stejskal

Over the centuries, the once Gothic fortress became both the residence of a noble family and the refuge of robber knights. The current ruins are still covered with many stories and legends. The ghosts of the White Lady and a large black dog allegedly appear here, the dungeon is riddled with a labyrinth secret passages, and in front of the fortress there is a spring, with the water of which particles of gold scatter; in the stream you can find rare and precious stones.

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On a boat to the very end of the world

One of the main attractions of Czech Switzerland, which, according to the authors of the book 501 Wildplaces, should in no case be ignored along with the Pravcicka Gate, is also a romantic boat trip along the Quiet and Wild canyons on the Kamenice River. It's a short but spectacular boat ride with a gondolier between two sheer cliffs - so deep in places that there is very little direct sunlight.

© Tomáš Pavlásek

In Czech Switzerland there is the first observation deck in the creation of which man had a hand. From here there is a stunning view of the deep canyon of the Elbe River, as well as the Zirkelstein and Kaiserkrone mesas located in Germany. Once upon a time, concerts in the lap of nature were held at this site in Clari-Aldringen. By their order, a “terrena” hall was built, a small estate nearby and, somewhat later, a 4-kilometer path for carriages, then leading to their palace in the village of Bynovets. Nowadays this route is marked with tourist markers.

© Václav Sojka

One of the largest natural rock arches on our continent, without a doubt, the most beautiful natural formation of Czech Switzerland and a recognizable symbol of the entire region at first sight. Since 1881, the summer estate “Falcon's Nest”, originally used to accommodate honored guests of representatives of the Kläri-Aldringen family, has been inseparably connected with the Pravčicka Gate. Today, the National Park Museum is located on the second floor of the building, and on the first floor there is a preserved stylish restaurant with its original design.

© Vladimir Pešek

The length of the labyrinth of underground passages is 4,500 meters. At the end of World War II, they were laid by prisoners of the Flossenbürg and Rabstein concentration camps. The underground factory produced parts for aircraft, cannons, machine guns and aircraft missiles. Several dozen prisoners died during the construction of the underground factory. Today, the Concentration Camp Museum is located here.

© Jiří Stejskal

A treasure of Northern Bohemia from the Baroque era, designed by the architect Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt. At the place of pilgrimage in the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is already three hundred years old, liturgies and services are held in honor of the Procession of the Cross and the Holy Staircase.

© Václav Sojka

With its expressive outlines and, above all, its elevation of up to 300 m compared to the rest of the terrain, it creates a clear dominant feature of the area. With an altitude of 619 m above sea level, the so-called Czech Fuji is the most high point National Park Bohemian Switzerland, and in the region of Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland - the second highest mountain after Dečín Sneznik. It is likely that at one time pagan rituals were performed here, and there was also a place of pilgrimage. German tribes allegedly worshiped Ružov Hill as the abode of the gods. The motif of this mountain is noticeable in many paintings - for example, “Traveler over the Sea of ​​Fogs” (Poutník nad mořem mlh) (1818) by the German artist Gaspar David Friedrich.

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This was once a serious obstacle that residents of local villages on the right bank had to somehow overcome when they wanted to get to the church on the other side of the river in the village of Růžová. At the same time, wood has been floated along the majestic river routes since time immemorial, and in winter, when the local waters were abundant with trout and salmon, they became a paradise for fishermen. Once in 1877, in the tavern “At the Green Tree” (U Zeleného stromu) in the town of Hřensko, five daredevils made a bet that they would sail on rafts from the Dolskaya mill to the place that was then called “the end of the world.” On floating structures 4 meters long, they actually reached Grzhensk safely, essentially becoming the founders of tourist use these waterways. Prince Clari-Aldringen invited specialists from Italy, under whose leadership, with the help of over two hundred workers, these areas became accessible to the public. Suspended walkways and bridges were laid here, and tunnels were built with the help of explosives. On May 4, 1890, the opening of the “Quiet” (“Edmond”) canyon took place in a solemn ceremony. Since then, “at the very end of the world,” in fact, nothing much has changed, the beauty of nature remains untouched, and the carriers, as more than 130 years ago, push and guide their boats with poles.

Photo: (Jerzy Strzelecki, Václav Sojka)

Even 2 weeks before the trip to the Czech Republic, I began to plan some kind of 2-day trip to nature. After some information gathering, I chose the option of Czech-Saxon Switzerland.
Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland are essentially one natural complex sandstone cliffs and gorges, caught in two neighboring countries: Czech Republic and Germany (Saxony). Those. Czech Switzerland turns out to be the gateway to another Switzerland, even more picturesque: Saxon, i.e. to Germany.
First of all, I booked rooms at the Labe Hotel on the website
This hotel is located in the town of Hrensko.
You can also choose other hotels there. You can see the list here-
Czech Switzerland Hotels, pensions:
My friend and I traveled from Prague first by train to Decin.
You can, for example, take the EuroCity 178 Johannes Brahms train at 6:31 and be there at 8 am
in Decin, and from there by bus about 20-25 minutes and on the spot in Grzensko
And the whole day is ahead!
For reference, the train to Decin costs 165 CZK (if you book in advance, as I understand it
it will cost even less) The exchange rate at that time was 1 euro = 25 crowns.
All information on trains and buses can and should be found on the website -

Here is the Labe Hotel. The bus stops almost 40 meters from the hotel.

In general, we checked into a hotel. I took 2 numbers. I really liked the layout - there was access from 2 rooms to one balcony.

A couple of panoramic shots

In Grzhensko there is practically one road and along it there are guesthouses, restaurants, many shops and a lot of shops where the Vietnamese sell their goods.
In general, the Czech Republic is overrun with Vietnamese. They sell all sorts of cheap consumer goods in all
Czech cities. And the Vietnamese turned out to be quite impudent. When I was walking around Grzhensko, one Vietnamese lady, furious that I was not reacting to her product, hit me on the legs with a stick.

Here you can see the Praha Hotel - probably the most expensive hotel in this place

Such a small square in this Grzensko

Houses are located under rocks - but when it rains heavily, there may be a rock collapse

Country idyll

Road along the Elbe. Germany is on the other side

On the other side is the German side (train station). On the Czech side you can see part of the ferry on which we will cross to the other side tomorrow.

On the road along which we arrived by bus there are Duty Free shops.
The border is with Germany after all. Prices are really lower than, for example, in Prague.

We ate and drank beer in one of the many restaurants and then continued on our way
lay in the Pravčicka brane.

Read the continuation.

Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland, Königstein and Bastei fortress. Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland is a picturesque place, the Ore Mountains and amazing nature is everywhere. Millions of people captivated by the views of Saxon Switzerland are frequent visitors to these places.

Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland is a picturesque place, the Ore Mountains and amazing nature is everywhere. Millions of people captivated by the views of Saxon Switzerland are frequent visitors to these places. Rock climbers, athletes and tourists explore the national park every day with many gorges, cliffs, amazing flora and rare fauna. Surely you are familiar with the word Bastai! 305 m height observation decks and a delightful bridge. More than one generation has been fascinated by these places. Since the 18th century, tourists have been besieging these places in Saxon Switzerland. Alexander Scriabin, while in Germany, dedicated the prelude he wrote to these places. The prelude is called Bastei.

How the excursion goes:

Group gathering time is 07:50 Wenceslas Square, At the monument to St. Wenceslas on horseback. Departure at 08:00. Travel time is 1.5 hours. A professional guide in Russian works with the group on the bus. Arrival in Saxon Switzerland at the Königstein Fortress, where you will have a tour of the fortress and sightseeing tour with a visit to the military-historical museum of the fortress, the fortress prison, the so-called Saxon Bastille, the garrison church, the casemate and much more. Transfer to Bastei (40 min.). Walk around Bastei with a visit to the ruined ancient fortress Rathenburg with extraordinary views of Saxon Switzerland. Free time 3 hours with the opportunity to have lunch in a restaurant with views of the Elbe and Saxon Switzerland. Free time until 16:30. Arrival in Prague at Wenceslas Square at 19.00. The duration of the trip is 11 hours. Entrance fees: Königstein Fortress - 10 euros Bastei Rocks - free (attendance at these sites is optional)

How to get to Saxon Switzerland

The Saxon Switzerland National Park is located on the border of Germany and the Czech Republic on the German side and is a mountain forest of the Elbe sandstone mountains. It gives color to the mountains fancy shape, formed under the influence of the “blowing effect”, in addition, there are numerous historical monuments, including the most ancient and picturesque - the Bastei Bridge and the Königstein Fortress. The national park is very popular among all lovers of natural attractions and is one of the most visited parks in Germany.

The Saxon Switzerland National Park is located 125 km from Prague and 30 km from Dresden, so most tourists come to the park from these major cities. Groups are often organized from Prague or Dresden sightseeing tours to Saxon Switzerland, but you can get to the park on your own. The infrastructure of the park itself is very developed; it is convenient for people with disabilities to move around here. various possibilities, and climbing the mountains along specially designed routes will not be tiring.

Petr Meissner/Winterberg, Saxon Switzerland

How to get to Saxon Switzerland from Prague

The most convenient way to get from Prague to Saxon Switzerland is by rented car. Travel time will take no more than 1 hour 20 minutes, and along the way you will be able to explore picturesque natural places. Prague and the park are connected by highway No. E55. At Please note that to travel to the National Park you will have to cross the state border, so check with the rental office if this requires an additional permit for the rental car.

You can also get to the park from Prague by public transport. The settlements closest to Prague are considered to be resort villages Rathen and Bad Schandau. By the way, if you wish, you can stay here longer, since the resorts offer climate and mineral treatment. There are trains from Prague to the resort of Rathen Kurort and the town of Bad Schandau, direct trains to Bad Schandau (about 2 hours on the way), and a transfer to the resort of Rathen (about 3 hours on the way). You can check the train schedule and purchase tickets online on the website or O.B.B.. You can start from the Rathen resort walking trip to Saxon Switzerland, while from Bad Schandau you will have to take a local bus.

In addition, from Prague to the park you can take ready-made bus tour. Bus and walking tours are in Russian and last a total of approximately 10 hours. Thanks to the excursion you will be able to see all the most beautiful places natural park, including observation deck to the Elbe River, without the need for transfers, as is the case with public transport. The excursion can be found on the spot or booked in advance through specialized services such as and others similar.

How to get to Saxon Switzerland from Dresden

Getting to Saxon Switzerland from Dresden is even easier. There are direct trains between Dresden and the resort of Rathen or Bad Schandau, the journey time is only half an hour. Trains run every hour throughout the day. You can check the train schedule and purchase tickets online on the website . Next, from the Rathen resort station, you need to go to the pier and buy tickets for the local ferry across the Elbe (travel time is about 5 minutes).

Once on the other side of the Elbe, you will see right in front of you the picturesque Elbe Mountains, the hiking routes of which will lead you to their peak. In the park you should move around following the signs; they are located almost everywhere, and it is difficult to get lost here. In addition, there are quite a lot of tourists in the park at almost any time of the year (in winter, during snowfalls, the park may be closed).

Thomas Queen/Panorama of the Elbe River

Where to stay in Saxon Switzerland

The Saxon Switzerland National Park is quite extensive, there are many walking routes, which is enough for more than one day. If you plan to stay here longer, it would be most convenient to stay in one of the nearest settlements, so as not to return to Dresden or Prague. The closest towns to the park are the resorts of Rathen (closer, within walking distance) and Bad Schandau (further away, you need to get there by bus or train). Both resorts are quite intimate; they feature traditional half-timbered architecture and have all the infrastructure necessary for recreation.

For example, you can stay in the Rathen resort in hotels Elbiente 4* , Elbschlosschen 4* , Amselgrundschlossen 3*. The advantage of the hotels is their location - in the center of the resort, as well as the presence of restaurants and indoor swimming pools on site. You can stay in rooms of varying sizes. As a rule, Wi-Fi in resort hotels is provided free of charge, and there are no problems in finding free parking, if you are traveling by car.

In Bad Schandau you can find an even larger list of accommodations, since the town is considered thermal resort. There are several thermal complexes here, specializing in the treatment and restoration of various diseases. Bad Schandau is a year-round resort and is in constant demand among tourists. You can stay in Bad Schandau in hotels Steiger Ban Schandau 4*, Parkhotel Bad Schandau 4*, Elbhotel Bad Schandau 3*and others. A complete list of accommodation options in Bad Schandau can be found on the website

Torsten Maue/Bad Schandau

What to see in Saxon Switzerland

The Saxon Switzerland National Park is extremely rich in attractions. They are based on Elbe Sandstone Mountains, having a peculiar shape, which, in turn, was created by nature itself over many millennia through blowing and erosion. The landscape of the National Park is very diverse. Along specially laid routes you can see not only mountain range, but also fabulous forests covered with boxwood, waterfalls, as well as some historical attractions such as Königstein Fortress And ancient Bastei bridge, which connects the same mountain peaks, the highest in the park.

Allan Gray/Resort Rathen

There are many walking routes inside the park, designed for... different level preparation and different times. The most popular route is the climb to Mount Bastei with an inspection of the bridge of the same name, as well as a route to Königstein fortress. Both places are extremely picturesque, as they are located on the edge of rocky cliffs. Both the bridge and the fortress open panoramic views to the mountains, the Elbe River and the resort of Rathen.

In addition to Mount Bastei itself, old bridge and the Königstein fortress, you can also see other attractions on the territory of Saxon Switzerland. In particular, these include valleys, waterfalls, forests, canyons and caves. If you want to move away from popular routes, then travelers also deserve attention Lichtenhain Falls, Stolpen fortress, rock gate Kushtal, and also "artists' trail" with the most picturesque viewing platforms.

superscheeli/Bad Schandau

It is worth noting that entrance to the Saxon Switzerland National Park is free. Only ferry services across the Elbe and entrance tickets to the Königstein fortress (8-10 euros depending on the time of year).

Overall, we can say that the Saxon Switzerland National Park is an excellent alternative for a day trip from Prague or Dresden. This is where you can “swap” city landscapes for natural ones and enjoy some of the most amazing views in Europe. In addition, there is every opportunity to stay in the scenery of nature for as long as possible - in the immediate vicinity there are resorts Rathen and, which also offer many leisure opportunities.

Saxon Switzerland and Dresden are frequent tourist routes one day from Prague, both destinations are popular among travelers. About , Note:

When going on a trip to Europe, do not forget to take out a travel insurance policy, which is mandatory already at the stage of obtaining a tourist visa. You can take out insurance yourself without leaving your home. There are special services for this, such as , and others. You can purchase a policy online and then print it on a regular printer.

Photo at the beginning of the article: Bernd Thaller