Places of Chelyabinsk power. Places of power in the Urals (November’15). Kachkanar in the Sverdlovsk region

IN Chelyabinsk region There are many places that are full of all kinds of legends. And some are even credited with supernatural abilities, calling them “places of Power” or, on the contrary, “abodes of Evil.” Be that as it may, these devilish objects are right next to us. And to make sure who is right - adherents of various kinds of “drums” or cynical skeptics - it’s worth visiting these places yourself at least once.

Arkaim - the ancestral home of humanity?

This is “our everything.” Our Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza in one bottle. Perhaps, this is perhaps the only object in the region that can compete with them in terms of antiquity. According to archaeologists, the remains of the ancient settlement date back to the 3rd-2nd millennium BC.

For skeptics, this is a bare steppe with long hills, called “mountains” here. Between them there is a cultural monument. Objects related directly to ancient settlement, only three. These are circles remaining from the walls and buildings of the fortified city, two necropolises and the remains of ancient corrals. No cyclopean structures, giant walls or other visible indicators of the power of the ancients. Everything else - the Scythian-Sarmatian mound Temir, the Cossack estate, the yurt-like dwellings of the Stone Age - is a reconstruction of our days.

But, despite the visual paucity, Arkaim has become a real mecca for adherents of all kinds of pseudoscientific and esoteric teachings. It is called the “ancestral home of the Aryans”, “the cradle of human civilization” and even the “birthplace of Zarathustra”. Every year hundreds of people come to Arkaim to meet and spend the sun on one of the hills surrounding the settlement - Mount Blagodatnaya and Shamanka. It is believed that if you make three specific wishes on Blagodatnaya, they will certainly come true, and the Shaman gives health and energizes. Here you can “atone for the sins” of your kind.

Particularly impressionable individuals even hear otherworldly voices and lose their minds, and for some, the notorious “third eye” opens.

Skeptics consider Arkaim just a transit city for nomads, interesting only for archaeologists and historians. But they still admit that at dawn they feel “something like that.”

Where it is located: 8 kilometers north of the village of Amursky, Bredinsky district and 2 km from the village of Aleksandrovsky, Kizilsky district. The distance from Chelyabinsk is from 380 to 420 km, depending on the choice of route.

Ignatievskaya Cave

As soon as they call it a cave modest in speleological characteristics - only 540 meters of passages - located in the Katav-Ivanovo region. And “an art gallery of the Stone Age”, and “the gate between life and death”, and “the monastery of the Virgin Mary”.

Yamazy-Tash (another name for the object) is part of the Serpievsky Castle - a complex of about 30 caves located in the vicinity of the Sim River. It is primarily known for its cave paintings, which were originally attributed to the Paleolithic, but later research dated them to the 4th-6th millennium BC.

Be that as it may, in two underground halls they found several groups of ancient images, including bears, mammoths, horses and even strange drawings in which ufologists tend to see an airplane, a rocket and other UFOs.

Another attraction that attracts pilgrims like a magnet is a bizarre stalagmite that vaguely resembles a human figure. Believers saw in it the image of the Mother of God and set up an impromptu chapel with crosses, candles and other church utensils.

According to legend, in the 19th century a certain elder Ignatius lived here, after whom the cave was named. There is a version that this Ignatius is none other than Emperor Alexander I, who did not die in Taganrog in 1825, but labored in the field of pilgrimage in order to atone for the sin of parricide.

Adherents of the supernatural talk about batteries draining unusually quickly in the cave, light bulbs going out, and photo flashes not working. They also talk about the feeling of someone else’s presence and the sounds of footsteps and faint sighs coming from nowhere. Those especially knowledgeable claim that on a full moon you can see Elder Ignatius in person, going out to gaze at the moon.

For skeptics, the Ignatievskaya Cave is a dark, rather dirty and uncomfortable place (the temperature in the halls usually does not exceed +5 degrees), in addition, practically unequipped for excursions. And barely visible rock paintings are of interest only to specialists.

Where is it located: Katav-Ivanovsky district, the right bank of the Sim River, 8 kilometers from the village of Serpievka. The distance from Chelyabinsk is about 290 km.

Taganay - “support of the moon”

Taganay National Park is a completely cultivated area that annually welcomes thousands of tourists. This is an area of ​​56 thousand hectares surrounding the Bolshoi Taganay ridge, which includes four highest points - the Two-Headed Hill, Kruglitsa, Otkliknoy Ridge and Mount Dalniy Taganay. In addition, the national park includes several more mountain ranges - Yurma, Itsil, Dolgiy Mys, Nazminsky, Maly and Middle Taganay. There are both approved and recommended by the management trails, as well as many untrodden paths and paths. That's where most of the stuff happens." anomalous phenomena”, which tourists love to talk about.

For example, people who are passionate about ufology believe that Taganay is transhipment point for UFO. Here they hang for a long time, and then either quickly rush away, or majestically patrol over the astonished audience. True, in the age of digital technology, eyewitnesses of saucer flights cannot provide a single photo. But this, they say, is due to the influence of aliens on gadgets.

They also talk about the changing passage of time on the Taganay paths, sound mirages, a mysterious “living” fog and a creature that some consider the local yeti, others consider the mysterious Kialim grandmother. On Taganay, a traveler can easily be seized by supernatural horror or such anxiety that it will force him to run wherever his eyes look.

Skeptics do not see anything mysterious on Taganay, but feel only the ringing silence and admire the surrounding beauty. In this both of them are similar.

Where is it located: 8-10 kilometers from the city of Zlatoust and 140-150 kilometers from Chelyabinsk.

"Devil's hole" on the Ai River

The least “promoted” of all the mysterious objects in the Chelyabinsk region.

For the first time, a 14-year-old schoolboy, who was rafting along the Ayu in 1988, spoke about this place. According to him, having climbed a lonely rocky ledge, he walked ten meters to the top of a wooded mountain in search of brushwood for a fire and saw a plain stretching to the horizon, sown with either rye or wheat. In addition, not the slightest breath of wind was felt here, while on the cliff it blew with all its might. In addition, in the picture he saw there was a cloudless sunset sky, and where the schoolboy came from, there were rain clouds. And finally, as soon as the young tourist broke away from his obsession, he heard the sound of a spoon hitting a bowl - a call for food. The schoolboy went downstairs and was horrified to learn that they were signaling for dinner, and he climbed up the rock right after breakfast. Thus, while he was contemplating the landscape in the spirit of the artist Shishkin, about 10 o’clock disappeared somewhere.

Years later, the story became the property of various kinds of esotericists, and they unanimously declared that the teenager looked into a parallel world. Several expeditions in search of a window “to the next world” did not lead to anything, but in 2006 one of the tourists again spoke about the “devil hole”. The story repeated itself: again dead calm and Shishkin rye.

Where is it located: the border of the Kiginsky district of Bashkortostan and the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, somewhere near a lonely rock outcrop on the right bank of the bend of the Ai River between the villages of Kulmetovo and Alekseevka.

Lake Itkul and Shaitan-stone

The very name of the lake is already alarming. Itkul translated from Bashkir means “meat lake”. According to one version, the Demidov breeders, in order to drive away the Muslim Bashkirs who were interfering with industrial development, threw several carts of pork into the lake. Since then, the reservoir has gained the reputation of a “bad” place.

But not so much because of the “desecration” of the lake, but because of the Shaitan stone, which sticks out of the water about 30 meters from the shore. In ancient times, human sacrifices were allegedly performed on it, and this place is so entangled in negative energy that it began to attract drowned people. Other lovers of mysticism, on the contrary, claim that at the top of the Shaitan Stone they feel an extraordinary surge of energy. True, how they do this is unclear. You can climb the rock only with the help of climbing equipment.

Location: Kasli district, southern tip of Lake Itkul. 7-8 kilometers along coastline from the village of Klyuchi.

Sugomak cave - Noah's abode

Where did Noah land after the flood according to the Bible? Well, of course, on Mount Ararat, the majority will answer. But the local historian writer of the early twentieth century, Fyodor Konyaev, in his book “The Recent History of the Flood” claims that Noah’s Ark landed not at Ararat, but at Mount Arakul. And the forefather himself and his family lived in the Sugomak cave not far from the future city of Kyshtym.

This is the only cave in the region that is surrounded by marble. Its length is 123 meters. The cave consists of three grottoes, the last of which is half-flooded, which gives reason to talk about the presence of unknown passages hidden under the water column, which lead straight to the dungeons of the Demidov mansion in Kyshtym. And the members of the Cosmopoisk expedition discovered some disk-shaped objects in the depths of the cave. Could it be flying saucers? And, of course, it was from the Sugomak cave that the most famous character of Kyshtym, the dwarf Alyoshenka, came into the light of day.

In general, the cave is nothing special - no rock paintings, no spectacular stalactites with stalagmites. However, this is where local psychics come to recharge with cosmic energy. Another “place of power”.

Where it is located: 4-5 kilometers from the western outskirts of the city of Kyshtym along the highway running along Lake Sugomak.

Wings of the Dragon or Devil's Gate

A bizarrely shaped rocky ledge located in the forest on the northwestern spur of Mount Tyoplaya in the Kyshtym urban district. This is a stone arch located on a stepped ledge with a total height of 10 meters. And the hole is human height. If you have a vivid imagination, you can really see something mythological in the outlines of the rock. And esotericists, naturally, endow “Dragon Wings” with all the accompanying surroundings - a flow of either “light” or, on the contrary, “dark” energy that passes through the gate. But, despite the indefinite polarity, any wishes made in the hole seem to certainly come true.

Quite a “Tolkienesque” look, evoking memories of elves, dwarves and other hobbits. In a word, the Eye of Sauron.

Where is it located: 17 kilometers from Kyshtym in the area of ​​the village of Slyudorudnik. The distance from Chelyabinsk is about 95 km.

Arakul Shihans - a brother of the Chinese Wall

This is the name of the granite rocky ridge, stretching from north to south for 2 kilometers. It has an average height of 30-40 meters. It seems to be crawling along the mountainside, which reminds us of the Great Chinese wall. Archaeologists have found several sites of ancient people at their feet, and at the top - bowl-shaped depressions of man-made origin. Their purpose is unknown. These are probably places for signal fires that were made in later times during the development of the Urals, or were used for the same purposes by fugitive robbers.

However, esotericists are sure that the depressions are ancient altars, with the help of which shamans communicated with spirits. However, the view from their peaks is truly mesmerizing. From here you can see 11 lakes and the marvelous landscapes of the Southern Urals stretching beyond the horizon. “The whole world is in the palm of your hand, you are happy and silent...”

Location: near the city Verkhniy Ufaley and 6 km east of Silach station.

Chashkovskoe stone settlement - the dream of lonely people

The Chashkovskoe stone settlement is a pile of stone remains protruding from the ground by 10-15 meters. According to local legend, gnomes once lived here, and when people came here, the natives either went underground or turned into stone. It is reliably known that it was here that deposits of copper ore were found, which marked the beginning of the construction of the Miass plant, and with it the entire city.

The stone ledges have their own names, for example, “Pigeon”, “Dog”, “Dragon”. But the most popular among tourists is the “Snake” or “Frog” stone. According to stories that guides tell, if a lonely person kisses him, he will soon find his soul mate. Believe it or not, it has been established for certain that the recently divorced and absolutely critical Chelyabinsk resident followed the guide’s advice as a joke, and within two weeks he met the lady of his heart, with whom he had been with for more than five years. It turns out that there is still something in this? True, shortly before this, for the same purpose, a man threw a coin into the mouth of a bronze boar in Milan. So what ultimately played a role?

Where it is located: 27-30 kilometers south of Miass, near the village of Chernovskoye.

Iremel - mountain of ghosts

Translated from Turkic, “iremel” means “place that gives strength.” And the village of Tyulyuk, located at the foot of the mountain, means “desire”. With all that it implies. It is not difficult to guess that on the top of Iremel any tyuluk can be performed. True, not just like that, but for a gift that should be presented to local spirits.

In ancient times, human sacrifices were supposedly made for this purpose. Now they have forgotten about bribes to ethereal beings, so all sorts of devilry is happening on Iremel. Either tourists will get lost, even with a map and a GPS navigator, then they will disappear, and then suddenly things will appear again. Ufologists know that there is a UFO base inside the mountain, and saucers fly at regular intervals.

Of course, psychics come here to “recharge”, because there is a “portal” on Iremel. And they put it on a par with Mount Kailash in Tibet and Belukha in Altai. And finally, the especially advanced claim that they saw in the depths of the mountain the gene pool of humanity - people in a state of “samadhi” or “samadhi” who emerge into the light of day in the form of ghosts. And other mystics consider them a “white-eyed miracle” - a mythical people who went underground.

Where is it located: geographically, Iremel is located in Bashkiria, but the nearest settlement - the village of Tyuluk - is located in the south-eastern part of the Katav-Ivanovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 45-60 kilometers from the regional center.

The archaeological complex of Arkaim evokes different assessments. Some consider it simply a monument of the Bronze Age, others are sure that it is evidence of the power of an ancient civilization.

Chance find

Arkaim, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in Russia, largely because for scientists it is still big mystery. Despite the fact that Arkaim is called a city, in appearance it is completely inconspicuous. Archaeologists could not see it: only schoolchildren drew the attention of scientists to the unusual reliefs.

In 1987, it was necessary to build a reservoir for the needs of the local irrigation system. According to the rules, before such work it was necessary to explore the area for archaeological finds. Having started excavations at the site of the discovered elevations, scientists realized that they had stumbled upon something very remarkable.

Despite the undeniable archaeological value of the find, the authorities planned to flood the construction area of ​​the irrigation system. Only thanks to the intervention of the director of the Hermitage, Boris Piotrovsky, was it possible to defend this unique historical object. In 1991, the area around the settlement was declared a protected area, joining the complex to the Ilmensky Mineralogical Reserve as a branch.

The location of the Arkaim settlement is a cape at the confluence of the Bolshaya Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers, its diameter is about 170 meters. The object received its name from the height dominating the area, which is located 4 km south of the archaeological site. It is assumed that the toponym “Arkaim” has a Turkic etymology and is translated as “ridge”, “back”, “base”.

"Country of Cities"

Large-scale excavations in Arkaim began in 1991. A group of archaeologists led by Gennady Zdanovich uncovered approximately half (about 8000 m²) of the settlement area. The study of the monument was carried out using natural scientific methods - paleosoil, geological-mineralogical, geological-morphological, as well as using radiocarbon dating.

The remaining part of the object in the ground was examined using archaeomagnetic methods. Here, for the first time in the Trans-Urals, the reconstruction method was used and drawings of a possible type of settlement were made. As a result, scientists managed to completely restore the layout of the settlement.

The monument turned out to be rich in all kinds of archaeological finds. Human remains (burials of infants in the walls of dwellings) and domestic animals, harnesses and craft tools, molds for casting metal products and fragments of chariots were discovered here. In addition, water supply and storm drainage were identified.

In addition to the settlement itself, several dozen unfortified ancient settlements were discovered nearby, which gave archaeologists a reason to call the entire complex the “Country of Cities.” After examining the skulls, scientists determined that the inhabitants of the settlement belonged to the Caucasian race. Radiocarbon dating showed that the age of the structures could range from 3,600 to 3,900 years.

Walled City

The uniqueness of Arkaim is not so much in its antiquity, but in its concept. Archaeologists claim that the city was built according to a pre-planned plan, with complex and multifunctional architecture.

Arkaim was a wooden fortress consisting of two “apartment” buildings. The thickness of its walls reached five meters, the height was more than eight meters. The city had complex fortifications and engineering structures. There were foundry workshops where bronze was produced. However, the history of the city's origin remains a mystery.

According to one of the most common versions, the city was the spiritual center of the peoples living here, priests lived and performed rituals here, and their fellow tribesmen gathered here for sacred festivals. In the center of the settlement there was a square, which served as a temple under open air.

According to archaeologists, Arkaim also served as a military garrison: during the raids of nomads, the entire population of the area flocked to its protection. In addition to the cult center and garrison, the city had areas occupied by industrial premises. How long Arkaim lasted is unknown. Its walls, according to scientists, showed no traces of the assault. However, it was established that a major fire had occurred in the city, as a result of which Arkaim was completely burned out.

Tourists going to Arkaim are usually disappointed. Being near the complex you won’t really see anything. The outlines of the ancient settlement can only be seen from a bird's eye view.

"Place of Power"

Arkaim is interesting not only to scientists, but also to followers of alternative history and esoteric teachings. The first step towards the unscientific development of Arkaim was taken back in 1991 when astrologer Tamara Globa visited the excavation site.

Supporters of esoteric teachings recognize Arkaim as a “place of power,” adherents of alternative history call it the “ancestral home of the Slavs” and even the “cradle of civilization.” Someone says she was here ancient observatory, someone is looking here for sacred knowledge left by the ancient Aryans.

Those especially keen on mysticism come here in search of anomalous phenomena, and sometimes their overheated imagination is actually able to see a miracle. Perhaps the boldest hypothesis declares Arkaim the birthplace of Zarathustra.

However, adherents of traditional science note that the level of development of the “Arkaim civilization” described in the publications of esotericists usually appears significantly overestimated compared to the real state of affairs.

However, the appearance of Arkaim forced historians to reconsider their ideas about the Bronze Age in Russia. It is quite obvious that Siberia 3 thousand years ago was by no means the outskirts of world civilization: the high level of metallurgy gave this region a prominent place in the cultural space from the Mediterranean to Altai.

Places of power in the Urals.

Hello, dear Reader! Let's get acquainted. My name is Zifa and I come from Bashkiria. And for complete introduction, I will say that I am an ordinary ordinary doctor and an ordinary family woman. In appearance. But in fact, I am a practicing doctor and a practicing woman. This is a very important stage in my life. Perhaps someday I will tell you, dear Reader, what prompted me to take this Path. But now I have a different task. Now I need to tell You about my native land. About how beautiful he is. About what a big role he played in my Spiritual development, in my Spiritual practices. And perhaps you will also want to see him and get to know him.

There is such a thing as Places of Power.

Places of Power are special areas of planet Earth where strong energy is recorded. These may be natural monuments, unique landscape etc. (mountains, lakes, caves...), places associated with important historical events or religious activities of people, and much more.

A person, entering the Place of Power, feels a strong impact, which can manifest itself both on the physical and emotional levels.

People can also influence the energy of Places of Power with their emotions, faith, and spiritual energy. It is not for nothing that pilgrimages to worship Places of Power are so common.

By visiting them, people are energetically purified and approach a state of enlightenment.

The impact of the Place of Power on each person is purely individual. For example, if

Since a person is filled with negativity, visiting positive Places of Power can cause him to have a severe emotional and physical reaction. This is not bad, as it indicates a cleansing process, but you need to be prepared for this in advance.

It is important to carefully prepare for visiting the Place of Power; it is advisable to have an experienced guide. It is important to realize that this is not a pleasure stroll, but serious spiritual work involving contacts with the subtle world and its various manifestations.

The use of various sacred (“sacred” from the Latin sacri - sacred) practices in Places of Power, provided that everything is done correctly, can have a huge impact on a person, pushing him to move to a new stage of spiritual growth.

This summer I took part in the Veda tour for the first time to the Places of Power of my native land. These were Big and Small Iremel, Mount Nurgush, Lake Zyuratkul. Really, really melodic names? I must say that hiking is not exotic for me. When you live next to such historical places, in any case, you visit them, either as an excursion, or, as they say, in the form of a walk “to barbecue”. And therefore, I can compare what it means to visit sacred places as an amateur or to make a pilgrimage for the purpose of my Spiritual growth. The global role in this matter belongs to the conductors. We're lucky! Our organizers were amazing people - husband and wife Tsipris, Vladimir and Natalya. Thanks to them, a lot happened in our campaign. cozy atmosphere. And this is very important. After all, the group brought together people from different corners Russia, of different ages (from 5 to 65 years), different religious views, with different habits and needs, both physically prepared and, frankly speaking, unprepared, and healthy, and with chronic diseases. Time flew by. Yoga under the guidance of Natalya, an experienced instructor, retreat, lectures on Ayurveda, about life after death, ritual practices that establish subtle connections with the Deities, just conversations around the fire and, of course, Vladimir’s magical, calming, renewing game of Tibetan Bowls.

And all this - in the vastness of extraordinary places! In the arms of majestic nature!

And now I will tell you a little about these magical unique places. First about sacred mountain Iremel.

Mount Iremel- the second highest peak of the Southern Urals. Iremel is part of mountain range with three main peaks located in the form of a horseshoe: B. Iremel - Kaban (stack, a hill among the Bashkirs) - 1582 m, M. Iremel - 1449.4 m, and Mt. Zherebchik - 1183.8 m. The peak of B. Iremel itself in fact, it resembles a stack of stones, on top of which there is a flat plateau with a continuous cover of sharp rock fragments. The mountain is surrounded by three rings of the Ural taiga. The first ring consists of light mixed forests with fir groves, glades and kurumniks. The second one consists of relict spruce and larches. Third, these are high-mountain meadows where Ural herbs reign in the summer.

Translated from ancient Turkic, the word “Iremel” means “a place that gives a person strength,” and the name of the village of Tyulyuk, located at the foot of the mountain (founded two centuries ago), is translated as “desire.” This is where the legend originates that supposedly on the top of the mountain any desires can be fulfilled, you just need to present a gift to the spirits of Iremel. Nowadays, for this you can tie a ribbon to the Wish Tree growing at the top.

Since time immemorial, the mountain has been considered sacred. There was a taboo on visiting the mountain. Only priests and heroes were allowed to climb it. According to legend, the priests of ancient peoples performed sacrifices on the top of Iremel in order to appease the gods and beg them for a rich harvest.

According to later legends, it is claimed that countless treasures are hidden in the mountain, which are kept by representatives ancient people“white miracle”, supposedly still living in its depths. The water in the rivers originating from the foothills of Iremel is considered sacred; it gives energy and strength to a person, and at night at a certain hour it glows. Iremel is also called the exit point for positive energy. Ufologists claim that it is at the foot of Iremel that one can see a UFO almost every day.

In short, there are indeed a huge number of legends about Iremel. Archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, esotericists, ufologists, representatives of different religions and races, treasure hunters and anomalous phenomena, and just tourists revere and visit this mountain.

A number of scientists identify Iremel with the golden mountain Khukarya, described in the sacred book of the ancient Indo-Iranians - Avesta. And it is given a meaning comparable only to the ancient Greek Olympus of the gods. The fact that at the top of Iremel-Khukarya all waters and rivers begin can be easily verified by referring to geographical maps. Iremel is a kind of water center of Eurasia. Along the rivers you can sail from it to the Arctic Ocean, the Caspian Sea, and through the Volga-Don Canal to the Azov, Black and Mediterranean seas. And if we take into account that the Volga-Don Canal was laid along a dry riverbed that previously connected the Volga and Don, it turns out that from Mount Iremel even in ancient times it was possible to sail to Greece, where the sacred Olympus was considered the place of singing and feasts of the gods.

When you see Iremel, you get a strange feeling - giant mountain it seems to have been built artificially, and the rocks at its top resemble the ruins of a fortress...

Legends have preserved information that the ancestors of the Slavs once lived at the origins sacred Ra river. Researchers believe that the sources of the Ra River are the sources of the Belaya River, which originates in Iremel and is a tributary of the Volga.

Thus, our region combines Slavic, Bashkir, Greek mythology, as well as Vedic knowledge. Perhaps the spread of Vedic knowledge by the Aryans began from the Southern Urals. In the Iremelevsky region, a legend is passed down from mouth to mouth about the people who lived in the mountains - the ancient Chud. “In ancient times, wonderful people lived in the Iremel Mountains. The people lived in peace with all other peoples and nature. I didn't wish harm on anyone. The Chuds were excellent craftsmen and passed on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation. They protected their faith from outsiders, and prayed in the monastery near the golden stone - Alatyr. God was considered one and believed that He is in all living beings. For this, God helped the miracle in all matters. Envious people found out about the secret knowledge of the miracle, conceived an evil deed and began to make their way to the Iremel Mountains. The news reached the miracle about this and the holy elders came to Alatyr for advice. The council went on for a long time, but the elders were unable to make a decision on how their people could preserve their faith and secret knowledge. And they turned to God in prayer so that He would guide them on the true path. The Alatyr stone shone and with a ray of light showed the way to the caves of the mountain world of Iremel. The elders gathered all the people and went into the caves, and blocked the entrance with a huge stone. Later, many searched, but no one found the entrance to the cave.” According to legend, Alatyr fell from the sky. The Laws of Svarog were carved on it. Among the Slavs, Svarog is the creator of the visible Universe, God the Father. When Svarog hit Alatyr with his magic hammer, Gods and heavenly warriors were born from the sparks. On Alatyr, half-horse and half-man Kitovras built the temple of the Most High. From the myth about the Sun God, you can learn that 25 thousand years ago, after a planetary crisis, at the next turn of the cosmic spiral, on the magical bird Gamayun, he flew to Earth from the heavenly country - Svarga, poured out Surya to the Aryans (new people) and lit Alatyr - Bel- flammable stone. Alatyr is the sacred center of the World, the original stone, it is not knowable: “and no one could know that stone, and no one could lift it from the ground,” it is “as large as a mountain,” “small and very cold.” The Dove or Stone Book (texts from it were copied on the walls of Solomon’s Temple), explaining the origin of the world, says that under Alatyr, the stone, originate springs that carry living water to the whole world. The ancient day of Alatyr - the stone was considered to be the pagan Iryev Day (Christian Exaltation) - September 27 (September 14, old style). According to legends, on this day snakes gather in pits and caves and lick Alatyr, a stone, and then go to Irye.

Well, I’ll tell you a little about Lake Zyuratkul and Mount Nurgush.

- lake-reservoir in the Chelyabinsk region. Located at the source of the Bolshaya Satka River, 16 km southeast of the city of Satka. In the 1940s, a hydroelectric power station was built here, which is no longer operational, but the earthen dam backing up the waters of the lake still stands. The area of ​​the reservoir is 13 square meters. km, height above sea level - 724 m. The lake is surrounded by mountain ranges covered with dark coniferous forests: Urenga, Nurgush, Moskal, Zyuratkul. Its surroundings are considered the most ecologically clean place in the Chelyabinsk region. On the shore of the lake, sites of Stone Age people (VIII - V millennia BC) were discovered. Household items and remains of ancient dwellings, flint and jasper crafts, and fragments of vessels with ornaments were found. In 1993, it was created here national park"Zyuratkul". Along its territory are laid tourist routes of varying complexity.

As the folk legend says, many years ago a girl named Yurma, a capricious and spoiled bride, lived in these places. Many rich and noble people asked for her hand in marriage, but no one managed to win the beauty’s heart. Yurma refused all the suitors and returned their generous gifts with contempt. One day a girl broke a magic mirror given to her by the hero Semigor. One of the fragments flew far into the mountains and turned into a beautiful lake. Since then, this lake has attracted people like a magnet. Having been here once, they cannot forget it, just as the hero Semigor could not forget the beautiful Yurma, and they rush to its shores as if on a date with
beloved. That's why they called it magic lake Zyuratkul – “heart-lake”

mountain range in the Chelyabinsk region. Stretches for 40 km from southwest to northeast, where it abuts mountain lake Zyuratkul. The peaks of Nurgush are crowned with massive quartzite remains in the form of pillars, trapezoids, cones, cones, walls, and ridges. At the top of the ridge is the largest mountain plateau in the Chelyabinsk region, its area is 9 square meters. km. This is where, according to legend, the Ural Father Frost lives. The highest point is Mount Big Nurgush, located in the northeastern part of the ridge. This is the most high mountain Chelyabinsk region (1406 m).

I hope that you liked my story, my dear Reader. And I will definitely see you in the next season of Veda Tour.

Sincerely, Your Zifa

Few people know that in the Chelyabinsk region there is, for example, a giant canyon for hunting mammoths and even a gate to another dimension. Today, there are not many brands associated with the region, gifted by nature or history, for example, Arkaim or Zyuratkul. But many other archaeological and natural monuments of the Southern Urals are undeservedly ignored. Good News has compiled a list for you little-known miracles Southern Urals.

Mountain Pencil

It is in the Chelyabinsk region that the oldest mountain on the planet is located - Karandash. Its age is approximately 4.2 billion years (for comparison: the age of the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion). It turns out that this long-lived mountain has become a “witness” of almost all metamorphoses that have ever occurred on our planet. The rock that makes up the Pencil is called “alien” and they say that there is no one in the world who is as old and lonely as israndite - it is an almost black, very dense stone. Ancient Pencil is short, his height is just over 600 meters. And it got its name back in the 19th century, when graphite deposits were discovered next to it.

Location: Kusinsky district, Arshinsky reserve, 8 kilometers from the village of Aleksandrovka.

Altar on Lake Bolshie Allaki

This place is interesting because there are cliffs on the shore of Lake Bolshie Allaki weird shape- about 7 thousand years ago people built an altar on them. The fact that these stone blocks were a cult place is confirmed by many finds of scientists: stone and bronze arrowheads, ceramic fragments, a round granite slab, a copper spear and even a copper bird-shaped idol. And in the lake itself, not at all deep, two human skulls were discovered. In total, there are 14 stone “tents” near the lake; on some of them, researchers discovered rock paintings. True, it is impossible to appreciate the art of our ancestors now. Most of the creations are stored only on paper, because tourists covered ancient drawings with paint or smoked them with fires.

Location: Kasli district, approximately 12 km northeast of the city of Kasli.

Shikhan rock massif and Lake Arakul

The Shikhan massif is an amazing rock formation reminiscent of the ancient Chinese Wall. Granite slabs, laid in an even chain, stretched for 2 kilometers. But what fascinates most here is not the rocks themselves, but the view that opens from their tops. If you climb Shikhany, you can see 11 lakes around at the same time. The most beautiful - Arakul - lies right at the foot. Its name translates as “lake between the mountains.” By the way, people began enjoying these landscapes back in Neolithic times. Archaeologists have discovered many sites of ancient people around. They knew how to choose the best places.

Location: 6 kilometers east of Silach Yuzhno-Uralskaya station railway, near the town of Verkhny Ufaley.

Lake Itkul and Shaitan-Kamen

Once upon a time, this lake was given a name - Itkul, which translated from Bashkir means “meat lake”. And it lives up to this name to this day. In its waters live: perch, ruffe, crucian carp, bream, dace, pike, whitefish and ripus. And guarding the beautiful and fish-filled lake stands an interesting stone outcrop - Shaitan-Kamen, recognized as a natural monument. A powerful boulder sticks out of the water several tens of meters from the shore. There is a belief that on this stone local tribes made sacrifices and prayed to their Gods. If the summer was rainy and cloudy, a white sheep was slaughtered on Shaitan-Kamne. After this, the sun allegedly appeared in the sky. If, on the contrary, there was a drought and everyone was waiting for rain, then a black sheep was killed here. By the way, based on the finds made on the banks, they even identified a special archaeological culture - it was called Itkul. Among the ancient people there were excellent metallurgists: they mined and smelted metal, and then sold their products to other tribes.

Location: in the north of the Chelyabinsk region, 20 kilometers from the city of Verkhny Ufaley.

Ustinovsky Canyon

This place was perhaps the most successful for ancient people to hunt mammoths. A driven animal, trying to escape from a hungry man, fell off a cliff, where it was then finished off with spears. The scenery for such a plot was created by nature itself: the energetic Miass River, over millions of years, carved a giant canyon through the limestone. And now huge rocks rise along the river for a kilometer. These steep banks have long attracted lovers of natural history; many researchers have conducted inspections and carried out reconnaissance. As a result, today 48 underground objects have been discovered here: grottoes, canopies, karst arches and caves - and in one of them, scientists discovered the bones of Ice Age animals.

Location: 1 km from railway station Ustinovo, Distance from Miass - 30 km, from Chelyabinsk - 110 km.

Sweet Lake

There are countless legends about the origin of the name of this lake. One of them says that Emelyan Pugachev himself visited Sweet Lake when his horse was seriously injured. The chieftain, saying goodbye, led his horse to the lake to water it. The horse drank water for a long time, and then lay down on the shore with its wound in the mud. Pugachev decided that he was dying and was about to shoot to end the animal’s suffering. But then the horse suddenly jumped to his feet and shook himself off, spilling sweetish water onto his master. Pugachev exclaimed: “So you’re sweet to me, Bulanushka!” Since then, the lake has gained a reputation for healing. The wonderful properties of this water can still be experienced today: clothes and linen can be easily washed here even without soap. High alkalinity allows you to remove even oil stains and fuel oil. A medicinal properties The lakes have now been scientifically proven: skin diseases are treated with mud here, and the water helps against stomach and intestinal diseases, periodontal disease, allergies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the immune system, and improves hair health.

Location: Oktyabrsky district, near the village of Kocherdyk.

Devil's Gate

The frightening name and many horror stories associated with this stone sculpture constantly lure tourists. At the same time, as the curious themselves say, rarely does anyone manage to get here the first time. It’s as if the devil himself is confusing the road, and people wander around and around for hours - even navigators and maps can’t help. But those who still got to Devil's Gate, was able to admire their unusual shape: in the very center of the stone outcrop there is a through oval hole. Some believe that there is a portal to an unknown dimension here. According to another belief, if you go through the Devil's Gate and make your most cherished wish, it will definitely come true. Just don’t forget with whose help.

Location: between the village of Slyudorudnik and the village of Bolshie Egusty in the south of a small ridge of the western part of the ridge of Mount Tyoplaya. The distance from Kyshtym is 20 km, from Slyudorudnik to the southwest 5.5 km.

Lake Belyashkul

This lake with a delicious name is also on the list of “healers”. Belyashkul is famous for its healing mud and mineral springs. But few even among its “patients” know about a small but unique island located in its waters. This island contains so many different plants and trees that it was even recognized as a botanical natural monument. Neighboring here are: aspen, pine, linden, elm, rosehip, honeysuckle, raspberry, currant, rowan, viburnum, boneberry and lingonberry - the list can be endless.

Location: Argayash district, 3 km northeast of Lake Uvildy.

Rock icon

This man-made monument has already become a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox believers. Painted the face of the Mother of God on a rock local resident Evgeny Andreevich Telezhkin. The man spent his entire life in the village of Stepnoe, with a 4th grade education, he never studied drawing or music, but nature rewarded him with excellent hearing and “golden” hands: he played a variety of homemade instruments, taught music to children. And one day Evgeniy Andreevich fell very ill. After a stroke, the man became obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an icon. The village laughed at him, but he stood his ground. I spent a long time looking for a suitable place on the rock, then I painted for several hours a day - I no longer had the strength to hold the brush for a long time. When the work was finished, Evgeniy Andreevich asked the priest, and he consecrated the icon. The believer calmed down and soon died. Now people constantly come to his rock icon: some believe that it helps to cope with illnesses, newlyweds here make wishes and tie ribbons for good luck, and mothers, before sending their sons to the army, ask the Mother of God for protection.

Location: on the border of Chesmensky and Plastovsky districts. The road leading from the village of Chernoborsky to Stepnoye turns to the right and ends up in a rock.

Fence with precious stones

Geologist Sergei Kolisnichenko built an amazing fence at his dacha. Along with granite slabs, he inserted into it gems, mined in the Southern Urals: garnet, turquoise and jasper. At first, piles of minerals accumulated for a long time on shelves, in bedside tables and closets - for research, the scientist brought materials from each trip. And then, when Sergei decided to restore the ancient Cossack fence, he took and inserted these multi-colored stones among the granite slabs for decoration. And now the scientist decided to dilute the stone fence with ancient household items: stove views, for example, are collected by the entire village. The rumor about the fence with jewelry has already spread so far that people even come from Kustanai to see it.

Location: Plastovsky district, the village of Verkhnyaya Sanarka on the territory of the Borisovsky rural settlement, 26 km southwest of the city of Plast.

Text: Olga Zadvornykh

10 little-known wonders of the Southern Urals

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Places of power are special territories filled with strong energy. A person, entering such a place, feels noticeable changes, both physically and emotionally. There are two types of places of power - those created by nature and those prayed for by man. Today we will talk about natural places forces of the Southern Urals. The Ural Mountains are considered the most ancient on the planet. The local peaks and landscapes keep secrets dating back thousands of years. We invite you to go along the Ural ridge to get acquainted with the beauty and fertile places of the Southern Urals. An experienced traveler, the founder of the company, helps us with this active recreation"Everest" Evgeny Konovalov.

Conscious rest is an emptiness in the head

The word “rest” evokes different associations for each person. For some it is peace and quiet, while for others it is noise and crazy fun. For some it’s a lake or mountains, for others it’s a bar or a rock concert. City bustle takes us away from the state of peace, we are all running somewhere, we are late. The rectangular, clear architecture of the city replaced the soft lines of nature. The city does not allow time to stop, which is why diseases of the nervous system have become so common in society. The word “depression” has become firmly established in our vocabulary. It is believed that the happiest people are those who live and (which is important!) do physical labor in nature. Combination of contemplation natural beauty and activity is the key have a good rest.

“The result of a good rest is moderate muscle fatigue, emptiness in the head and new acquaintances. In the city, few people work physically, muscles atrophy, and because of this, neuroses and insomnia occur. Sleep after mild physical fatigue is much better: deeper and more useful. As for communication, our tourists joke: “Everest connects hearts.” Young people look closely at each other during hikes, then create couples and families. In just four years, we have already played about 10 weddings of the ripples who met on our hikes,” said Evgeniy Konovalov.

According to Evgeniy, for him, places of power and nature in general are the territory where all insoluble issues are resolved. The young man calls Turgoyak his favorite place. Moreover, swimming in the lake is not a priority for a guy. The main thing is the opportunity to see the famous reservoir.

“Turgoyak is my personal place of power. I can sit on the shore of the lake for half a day and still feel the energy flowing. When some difficult question appears in my life - the best warrant is to come here and meditate, or climb some mountain, fortunately there are many of them in our region,” says Evgeniy Konovalov. – I know people who, on the contrary, are helped by walking, because this is also a kind of meditation, rhythmic movements bring a person into a kind of trance. And so on the go, it also becomes clear in my head that a solution to the problem is found.”

Evgeniy is sure that nature helps to find balance and calm down. It is in this state that a person can soberly assess what seemed insoluble to him.

Outdoor recreation is good to combine with various practices. Recently, the guys from Everest have begun to actively develop yoga tours. According to Evgeniy, nature and learning are a smart combination. For yoga tour participants, trip organizers prepare only vegetarian food. On regular trips, two types of menus are prepared. Another good combination is hiking plus a sauna. Then, in addition to the purification of the mind, the purification of the body is also added.

Choosing a tourist route

Big Nurgush

The park got its name from the high-mountain lake Zyuratkul, translated from the Bashkir “Yurak-kul” or heart-lake. The reservoir is surrounded by five high ridges and mountains: Urenga, Lukash, Nurgush, Moskal and Zyuratkul. The highest point in the Chelyabinsk region is Bolshoi Nurgush with a height of 1,406 meters. The one-way journey will be 14 km.

Tourists begin their journey early in the morning from the shelter “At the Three Peaks”, this is the last place to rest before the ascent; there will be no other warm corner on the tourists’ way. It’s better to leave heavy things here so you can walk lightly. Experienced travelers advise going to Big Nurgush in summer or winter time, late autumn is also good. In the off-season, when everything in the city has melted, there is still water in the mountains; if you fall through the snow, you can fall into a stream with your foot. So during this period, spare clothes and shoes will come in handy.

Climbing the highest hill in the Chelyabinsk region, you can see the rising of the “European” sun. The viewing range is more than 100 kilometers. From here you can see how the day begins in Europe. At the top of Big Nurgush there is a huge mountain plateau with an area of ​​nine square kilometers, which tourists compare to alpine meadows. By the way, Lake Zyuratkul is the highest mountain in Europe, and at the same time fresh lake Ural. There is a belief that If you wash in this lake, you will be happy in love. The pilgrimage of lovers and those who want to find love continues to these lands all summer. It’s true that even in the hot season, plunging into the waters of Zyuratkul is a feat. The water here is constantly cold, as it does not have time to warm up.

Where is it located: Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, the nearest locality: Satka


The Kasli district of the Chelyabinsk region is rich in mysterious places. Thus, many people know the stone remains on Shikhan near Lake Arakul. Shikhan was formed by huge granite slabs and blocks, as if washed by water. The origin of the remains is unknown; some individual researchers even suggest that they appeared after the Flood. The length of the Arakul Shikhan lasts more than two kilometers, the maximum width of the chain is 50 meters, and the height is 80 meters. On the stones there are bizarre, ideally shaped depressions - bowls. The most common version is that they were created by man and were used as fire pits. However, there is a version that this is the work of a UFO. IN good weather From the height of Shikhan there is a magnificent view of 11 lakes!

Where is it located: Kasli district, Chelyabinsk region, nearest settlement: Vishnegorsk village


One more thing mysterious place in the Kasli region - the Allaki sanctuary. The stone blocks on the shore of Lake Bolshiye Allaki are called “stone tents”. This is truly a fascinating sight. On a small hill there are blocks of stone pressed against each other, and around there is not a single rock, mountain or even a tree - a continuous plain. Archaeologists believe that the “stone town” served as a sanctuary. The height of the stone remains reaches 10 meters, they stand approximately 50 meters from the water. In each rock, tourists see different images - some are the face of a man, others are the face of an animal. In total, there are 14 blocks located on the shore of the lake.

Where is it located: Kasli district, Chelyabinsk region, nearest settlement: Kasli (focus on the village of Krasny Partizan)


Taganay Nature Park is a fabulous mountain “country”. Taganay translated from Bashkir means “stand for the moon.” The geographical border of Europe and Asia passes through the park. Uniqueness national park“Taganai” is that many valuable ecological systems have been preserved here almost untouched - mountain tundras and meadows, relict forests. Black Rock, Double-Headed Hill, Responsive Ridge, Aleksandrovskaya Hill, Mont Blanc, Kruglitsa (the highest point of the ridge - 1178 meters) - these names are familiar to any self-respecting South Ural tourist, even those who, if they have not yet visited Taganay, are definitely going to do it soon.

We advise you to get to the Double Head Hill, where the large Kamennaya River is located - an elongated chaotic pile of stone blocks up to six kilometers long. The weight of each block reaches 10 tons. The origin of the “river” is not fully understood, but externally the stones are very similar to the bed of a water artery. According to the most common version, the stone channel appeared in the place where a giant ancient glacier descended from the mountains, smoothing out part of a large mountain.

Where is located: Zlatoust urban district, nearest settlement: Zlatoust

Ignatievskaya Cave

Ignatievskaya Cave is an ancient art gallery. There are only three similar caves with Paleolithic paintings in Russia, and all of them are located in the Southern Urals (in the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkortostan). The cave is surrounded by many myths and legends. One of them is associated with the elder Ignatius, after whom the cave is named. It is believed that the hermit was none other than Alexander I, whose death is questioned by some researchers. So, according to this version, the king faked his death in order to live as a hermit. There is also a more prosaic legend, according to which Ignatius was an escaped convict who atoned for his sins in a cave. Nevertheless, according to the testimony of people of that time, the elder healed everyone who came to him from ailments.

But still, the fame of the cave was brought not by dubious legends, but by obvious drawings of primitive people discovered by scientists in 1980. It is believed that rock art appeared here about 14 thousand years ago! Various animals are depicted on the walls and ceiling, as well as geometric symbols. Ancient artists used red and black ocher for painting. Another interesting find is a natural bas-relief on the wall, in which the image of a woman can be guessed. It is believed that this is the face of the Mother of God. Pilgrims still come here in the hope of being healed of various diseases. The entrance to the cave is located above the Sim River, on its right bank. The total length of Ignatievskaya passages is more than 500 meters.

Where is it located: Katav-Ivanovsky district, the nearest settlement is the village of Serpievka


One of the most interesting “places of power” is the ancient settlement of Arkaim, located in the South Ural steppe. Today Arkaim is a world-famous open-air museum-reserve; it is called the Ural Troy. Created according to a pre-thought-out plan, with a clear urban planning idea, complex architecture and fortification, Arkaim makes us understand that the culture of the Arkaim people was at a very high level. Arkaim is one of the so-called “proto-cities” that existed in the Southern Trans-Urals four thousand years ago, together with other similar monuments (“Country of Cities”) and claim to be one of the centers of world civilizations.

It is surprising that the residents of Arkaim already at that distant time equipped their city with treatment facilities so that dirty wastewater would not flow into the rivers. It was an eco-friendly city whose people lived in harmony with nature. Researchers even suggest that the Arkaim people possessed the technology of processing and recycling waste. By the way, not all travelers, coming to Arkaim, visit the settlement itself. Many, getting to tent camp and hills, they believe that they have visited a place of power. But to get to the settlement itself, where the reconstruction of the dwellings of the Arkaim residents is now presented, and where the houses themselves were previously located, you need to walk several kilometers ( general route round trip 5 km), the excursion can be booked at the travel agency near the tent camp.

They also avoid several peaks far from the camp. As a rule, tourists climb Shamanka, Mount of Love, and Mount of Repentance, located near the tents. Rarely does a tourist get to Mount Reason, which is located 16 km from the camp. It is believed that this mountain gives clarity of mind, and the path to true knowledge is never easy! Many here begin to feel dizzy and feel worse. Some researchers claim that the mountain is a source of radiation of powerful energy flows. Seven kilometers from the camp stands the Mountain of the Seven Seals, which is considered the place where the “third eye” can open. Routes in different directions from the camp can turn into interesting hikes as part of a visit to Arkaim.

By the way, the Bolshaya Karaganka River, which goes around the settlement of Arkaim, is considered sacred by esotericists and is called the sister of the Ganges. There is a local belief that in order to look one year younger, you need to descend into it as many times as the person is old.

Location: Bredinsky district, Chelyabinsk region. Nearest settlements: Amursky village, Bredinsky district and Aleksandrovsky village, Kizilsky district

Turgoyak. Vera Island

If anyone hasn't heard yet, Turgoyak is younger brother Baikal. The composition and level of purity in both lakes is approximately the same. There are more than 3,000 lakes in the Southern Urals, but Turgoyak is rightly called the pearl. Fresh clear water allows you to see the bottom of the reservoir more than 15 meters deep. The shores of the lake are high and steep, the reservoir is framed by centuries-old pine trees. Freshness crystal clean water, the beauty of the rocks and forest air allow you to quickly restore strength and health, and fill yourself with energy.

The surroundings of Turgoyak are recognized as one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. There are more than a dozen on the lake picturesque islands, but more than others, the island of Vera, overgrown with mysteries and secrets, attracts tourists. The main finds of scientists on the island are megaliths - stone structures connected without any mortar. The megaliths of Vera Island are classified as dolmens - places of worship. A Neanderthal site and the remains of Old Believers’ monasteries were also discovered on the island. The island is named after the hermit who, according to legend, lived here in a stone dugout at the beginning of the last century.

Where is located: Miass urban district, nearest settlement: Turgoyak village


Iremel is one of the most beautiful and highest peaks Ural mountains. According to the most common version, the name of the mountain means “saddle of a hero.” The peak is located on the border of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region. The climb to Iremel will give tourists many pleasant moments and beautiful scenery. The highlands are surrounded by magnificent Ural forests - among the trees there are even relict spruce forests. In summer, the aroma of Ural herbs is dizzying, and the forests are full of berries - lingonberries and blueberries. The slopes of the Bogatyr's Saddle are covered with huge boulders - kurums, which will not be easy for an inexperienced traveler to overcome. On the slopes, even in the hot summer, you can find non-melting glaciers.

Since ancient times, Iremel has been revered as a sacred peak, the abode of the gods. In ancient times, the passage here was closed to mere mortals. Local Bashkirs forbade ordinary people to climb the mountain. But these days the mountain is of great interest not only among tourists, but also among esotericists. Iremel is compared to the peaks of Tibet and Altai. Here tourists rush to make their cherished wish. It’s true that a place of power can either bless its guests or simply not let them in. As Evgeniy Konovalov says, he led groups to Iremel more than 16 times, and only reached the top three times. Why – read about this in the rules for visiting places of power.

Where is it located: on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region. Nearest town Tyulyuk

Places of power: visiting rules

Evgeniy Konovalov, hike organizer:

– It is believed that Iremel is protected by a powerful spirit. Despite the fact that the mountain is officially open to tourists, in fact it continues to deny access to those it does not consider worthy of climbing. If there is a person in a group with a bad mood, I already have a feeling that we will not get to the top. It happened that we were walking, and suddenly fog appeared, there was no further progress. You can get lost.

If we talk about places of power that are located on mountain peaks, then this point is very important here. Many people say that they are going to conquer the mountain. But this is a priori the wrong mood, you can’t get up with this. The mountain allows us to ascend, so it is correct to say: “to climb.” We ask the mountain for permission. And then the tourist is in the role of a guest, and not a leader. And of course, when planning to climb a mountain or visit another place of energetic power, you need to leave a bad mood long before the trip. Free yourself from resentment, anger, irritability and go hiking in a good mood. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to get to the desired place of power.

Ekaterina Salakhova