Last minute train tours to Europe. Train tours in Russia. Railway tours to Nizhny Novgorod

  • Tours to celebrate the New Year 2020 New Year– these are unusual times. During these holidays, you always want to go back a little to childhood, believe in a fairy tale and feel something magical. And what could be better and more interesting than going to a small New Year's trip together with family or friends. Excursions for the New Year are a great opportunity to visit other cities, see a lot of new things, get to know history better and get a lot of vivid emotions and new impressions. This opportunity is provided by the company "TurGlobusSoyuz". Here you can book tours for the New Year 2020 from Moscow at very affordable prices, and are guaranteed to get the most positive emotions from the New Year holidays. Excursion tours for the New Year in Russia The best way Mark new year holidays is to go on an unforgettable adventure. The TurGlobusSoyuz company offers a huge number of options for the New Year holidays. Excursion tours around Russia for the New Year can be by bus or train. Each of these trips includes visits to historical and architectural monuments, inspection of the most popular museums, as well as hotel accommodation, guide services and additional entertainment programs. The best tours around Russia for the New Year are presented on the company’s website. Here you can get acquainted with the excursion program itself, the cost per person and brief description each of the tours. The “Merry New Year in Karelia” tour is very popular on New Year’s Eve.…
  • January holidays in 2020 Do you want to New Year holidays unforgettably relax and recharge your batteries for the whole year? Don’t know what extraordinary and unique gift to give to your loved one, or how to arrange a wonderful trip for your children? TourGlobusSoyuz has prepared for you most interesting tours for Christmas 2020 from Moscow to stunning Russia! Our country never ceases to amaze. How many more amazing places are there that you haven’t had time to visit? Surely quite a lot! And when is the best time to do this if not at the most fabulous time of the year? We have prepared excursions for you for the New Year holidays for every taste and age. Take your pick - we have plenty to choose from. What can the TurGlobusSoyuz company offer you? In order for the New Year holidays to remain in your memory for a long time, you don’t need to go to overseas countries. After all, our country is so rich in historical and architectural monuments, natural beauty and original places that it’s even difficult to choose what you want to see first. The company "TurGlobusSoyuz" has developed excursion tours around Russia at Christmas for a variety of people: those for whom Christmas comes first religious holiday, will appreciate such tours as “Holy Springs of Russia”, “Christmas Round Dance”, “To the Origins of Christianity”, etc.; if you want to give a wonderful trip to your children, your kids will be delighted with the tours: “Father Frost awaits in the land of pines and birches”, “Christmas in Yaroslavl. The Snow Maiden's Tower", "New Year's Adventures at Babusya-Yagusya's",…
  • Tours for February 23 (02/22-02/24/2020) The month of February is marked by such a magnificent holiday as February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. These holidays I would like to spend it somehow unusual, to recharge my energy for further workdays. We can provide this opportunity by offering tours on February 23, 2020 from Moscow to historical cities Russia. Where you can have a great time, learn a lot and get a lot of new experiences. Excursions on February 23 can also be an excellent gift for the stronger half of humanity from beautiful ladies. Traveling to significant places native land, each person learns a lot about the history of the Russian state, which naturally will affect the intellectual level. Tours we recommend for February 23rd On the website you can find a large number of tourist trips, scheduled for February 23 and aimed at increasing a person’s knowledge, his reunification with the history of the Fatherland, and simply for have a nice rest. So you can take advantage of the following tours in Russia on February 23: “Treasures of Yaroslavia”. "Principality of Suzdal". "Under the cover of grace." "Thousand-Year Yaroslavl". "The Legend of the Land of Vladimir." "Kostroma miracles". "Vladimir Principality". " Unusual journey on Suzdal land." "North-Eastern Rus'". "Golden Ring Classics" "Cities of the classical province." " County town" "Kostroma is full of miracles." "Legendary Rus'". "Holy Rus'." "Legendary Rus'". By purchasing tours around Russia on February 23, you will expand your knowledge base and simply have a great time. For example, best tours By…
  • Tours to Maslenitsa in 2020 (24.02-01.03.2020) Who among us does not like to travel, discover new countries and cities, get acquainted with the history and life of other peoples, enjoy beautiful landscapes and nature. Many of us dream of distant countries and visiting popular cities, but in our country you can find something interesting, original and exciting. Especially many events and tours are organized on holidays, for example, today, Maslenitsa tours in Russia are in demand. This ancient Russian holiday is celebrated in many cities of Russia and even abroad; a huge number of events are dedicated to it, from performances of various ensembles to the ceremony of burning an effigy. The company "TurGlobusSoyuz" offers Maslenitsa tours from Moscow, according to the most favorable prices! We will select an original Maslenitsa tour for you, taking into account your wishes and interests. We provide Maslenitsa excursions to the following cities: Belgorod and Velikiy Novgorod. Kazan and Kaluga. Nizhny Novgorod and Eagle. Ryazan and Smolensk. Tambov and Michurinsk. Tver and Shuya. Kolomna and Lipetsk. Kursk and Palekh. Ivanovo, Kaliningrad and so on. With us you can order not only the best tours around Russia for Maslenitsa, but also arrange a trip to Belarus, where Maslenitsa is also celebrated, and on a grand scale. This East Slavic holiday is brightly celebrated both in large cities and in small towns for a whole week before the Great...
  • Tours for March 8 (03/07-03/09/2020) Not everyone can have a full rest in the spring, but in this first spring month there are holidays on which you can arrange a mini trip, first of all, March 8th. Despite the fact that March is already a spring month, the weather in most regions is still winter, but there are much more sunny and warm days in March than in February. You can get positive emotions on International Women's Day not only at home at the festive table, but also while traveling around Russia. Our travel agency organizes tours on March 8, 2018 from Moscow to the most big cities and tourist clusters of the country, and there are also separate tours around Belarus. Excursions on March 8th are becoming more and more popular every year, which is not at all surprising, because this is an opportunity not only to relax, but also to get a lot of positive impressions. The most popular tours on March 8 from our company The list of tours we offer includes cities such as Nizhny Novgorod and Sochi, St. Petersburg and Pskov, Vladimir and Suzdal. It’s impossible to list all the destinations, you will definitely find the perfect tour just for you. Among the most popular destinations, tours in Russia on March 8, 2019 in ancient cities Russia, trips to the capital of Belarus and the south of the country (Abkhazia and Sochi). For example, the four-day “Russian Souvenir” tour is in great demand. During the tour you will be able…
  • Tours to November holidays(National Unity Day, 02.11-04.11.2019) National Unity Day is celebrated in Russia on November 4th. Despite the fact that there is only one official day off for the holiday, this year Russian residents will have three whole days off, which can be devoted to travel. Excursions on National Unity Day are a great opportunity to relax, enjoy the beauty of autumn nature and, of course, gain a lot of new, unforgettable impressions. Choose tours for National Unity Day from Moscow to suit your taste and go on an exciting journey! Our company is ready to offer you a large selection interesting excursions, which will give you the opportunity to have a great time on weekends and holidays. Advantages of an organized holiday You can go on a trip excursion group or on your own. Some people enjoy spontaneous trips where they don't have to plan anything in advance. However, in this case, you will be deprived of a lot of benefits that give you organized holiday. Excursion tours for National Unity Day are: An interesting, carefully thought out route; travel in a comfortable bus; experienced tour guides; relaxation in a cozy hotel; quality food; friendly atmosphere; the opportunity to make new ones, interesting acquaintances. Traveling in a group, you will be protected from failures that often happen to single tourists. There is no risk of being late somewhere, not being on time, facing a lack of available hotel rooms, a museum closed at the time of your arrival, or the inability to see the sights you are interested in due to the fact that admission is only allowed for organized...

2-seater- hotel accommodation in a double room, 1-seater- hotel accommodation in a single room.

Rail tours - what are they?

In tourism, it is customary to divide excursion tours into bus and train tours. The name “walking tours” is rarely used; they usually say “walking excursions”. “Aviation tours” talk about tours abroad. Yes, yes, even tours with such long journeys as to Baikal and Kamchatka, but within Russia, are usually called railway tours.

If in order to participate in the tour you need to travel by train, the tour will be by rail. Even if after the train you change to a bus, the tour will still be by train. There are tours where you travel one way by bus and return by train; the tour is also a train tour. In short, if you buy at least one train ticket, the tour will be by train.

The advantage of rail tours

On train tours we can travel a much greater distance than by bus.
During the trip, you can stand up, walk around, and stretch your legs. Walking on the bus while it is moving is strictly prohibited.
In the carriage, whether it is seated or with berths, more space, you can relax, drink tea, and eat something along the way.
Traveling on an overnight train is more comfortable than traveling on a bus, unless, of course, you take a ticket in a carriage with sleeping berths.

And there are no traffic jams for the train!

When is the best time to buy train tours?

The earlier the better. There are 2 limiting factors: places on the tour and availability train tickets. Tickets go on sale 60 days before the travel date. But by this time places on the tour may run out. Therefore, it is better to first buy a tour and then wait until ticket sales open.

How to buy a train ticket for a tour?

It is best to buy a train ticket on the official website of Russian Railways

There are no extra charges for tickets, and you can choose your seat in the carriage.

Or buy at railway station(no matter which one). Only at train stations there will be no extra charge for train tickets. At all city ticket offices and companies, tickets will already have a premium.

What to do if you don't have train tickets?

This usually happens when you buy a tour for peak dates a short time before the start of the tour.

There is an exit.

  • If you have time, you can book an additional day before or after the tour. That is, tickets a day later than the holidays or a day before the start of the holidays are always easier to get.
  • Many cities can be reached by regular buses.

Rail tours: from the past to the future

The modern world is so fast-paced and noisy. We are forced to live, observing the conditions that he dictates to us. We are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, we are always thinking about something, and we cannot even allow ourselves to relax during our vacation and take a deep breath of the fresh air of absolute freedom.

Often, when we go on a trip, we rush to the airport to buy plane tickets, because this is the fastest way to get to our destination in order to quickly plunge into the warm sea or visit interesting places abroad. In this way, we simply fence ourselves off from the beauty of a vast space, rich in charming places and interesting things. We hide all this from ourselves under the thick clouds of the boundless sky, not trying to simply dissolve in time, forget about it and plunge into serenity.

Have you at least once tried to simply forget about the rush, problems, fuss and go on a leisurely journey to the ringing sound of train wheels? Just imagine: you are lying on top shelf reserved seat carriage, listen to the world around you, look out the window, behind which familiar and unfamiliar landscapes float by. First, a picture of small villages and towns opens before your eyes, followed by endless golden or snow-covered fields, then powerful cities shimmering with bright lights, which are replaced by extraordinary colorful rural landscapes. This entire unforgettable view from the window, picturesque landscapes, the aromas of mown grass, the soothing sway of the carriage, a favorite book, delicious hot tea and the rhythmic sound of the train wheels evoke romantic feelings, create some kind of extraordinary mood of serenity and an amazing feeling that an incredible contemplative experience awaits us ahead. a trip that will give you a lot of positive emotions and precious memories.

Going on a sightseeing tour by train, we have time to reflect on our life, soul and emotions. The hope is being revived that we will soon be able to enjoy a pleasant and exciting journey that will turn into a real unforgettable fairy tale. It’s hard not to agree that all this cannot be experienced while sitting in an airplane seat, looking out the small window of the porthole.

The pompous words, of course, are intended for incorrigible romantics who love to relax not only with their bodies, but also with their souls. But those who are pragmatists by nature can also easily identify for themselves all the positive aspects of railway excursion tours:

  • This is an opportunity to significantly save money, because train tickets are several times cheaper than plane tickets. And if you plan your trip in advance, its cost will be reduced by another half - you will have a benefit equal to almost 50% - the rate for early sales of railway tickets.
  • Railway excursion tours are comfortable and very convenient. Modern trains are equipped with everything necessary to make a person feel good and comfortable. They not only provide various amenities and friendly service from guides, they even provide Internet and television, air conditioning, heaters - you can go on a trip in any weather and at any time of the year.

It should be noted that railway excursion tours are fashionable and modern. Already in many advanced European countries, people have long preferred rail travel instead of water or air travel. After all, relaxing in a modern carriage compartment is no less comfortable than in a liner cabin.

If you look at railway voyages through the eyes of an inveterate pragmatist who values ​​every minute of his time, then the train will lose to the plane in all respects. When traveling by train, you won’t be able to save time, and most of the trip will have to be spent passively watching out the window and reading. But there are, of course, pleasant moments: thanks to railway tours, your horizons will expand and unprecedented secrets of nature will be revealed, you will explore the most beautiful corners of the planet and get acquainted with life in large cities and tiny villages.

In recent years, excursion tours by train have become incredibly popular; more and more people want to explore the geographical space of our planet using rail tracks. This is partly facilitated by the variety of offers. Tours around railway cover a variety of directions: travel in Russia and the CIS countries, European voyages and Baltic programs, and even exotic routes - China and Mongolia.

Railway tours in Russia

Depending on the time you have, you can go on short two- to three-day train tours or choose a program lasting 10-14 days. Tours to the cities of the Golden Ring on a retro train are very popular, in which in 2 days you will visit Vladimir and Suzdal, and then have time to walk around Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

A cruise on the Golden Eagle train gives tourists an excellent opportunity to get to know our vast country: in two weeks on the road you will change 10 time zones and travel more than 9 thousand km! The train departs from Moscow, passes through Murom, Arzamas, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and ends its “marathon” in Vladivostok.

Traveling by train, you can enjoy the beauty of the cities of the Volga region, Kazan, Pskov, Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg and many other Russian cities.

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European routes

The main feature of European train tours is the opportunity to visit several countries at once: trains traveling from Russia to Europe usually pass through the territory of transit states. Some programs involve stopping in these countries for one or two days (you will be offered sightseeing tours or free time), in others you will be able to see unfamiliar cities only from the train window.

In the Old World, railway communication is well developed, thanks to which almost all European countries are open to you. Several direct trains run from Russia to Europe, for example, train No. 23 "Moscow - Berlin", train No. 21 "Moscow - Prague", train No. 17/18 "Moscow - Nice". In addition, there are many combined excursion tours with a bus transfer in Brest (tourists get to Brest by train).

When going on a train tour of European countries, get ready for the fact that you will never be bored: usually such programs are very eventful and include sightseeing walking and bus excursions, visiting museums and art galleries, trips to famous castles and walks through exquisite parks.

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By train to exotic countries

Rail tours to the East are a real find for tourists experienced in travel. You can try to understand the soul of Asia by traveling by rail to China. There are as many as three direct trains from Russia to the Middle Kingdom, which reach the final station in 130-145 hours. Tour operators offer several excursion routes, which include the sights of Beijing, Harbin, Wudalianchi and other cities.

In addition, tours have been developed during which you also travel around China by train.

If you conduct a survey among Russians on the topic “What type of transport do you prefer to use when going to foreign travel", then the plane will definitely be in the lead. It allows you to quickly get to any point on the planet, and in recent years, prices for air tickets have become more than affordable. But, unfortunately, not all people tolerate even short-term air travel well, for example, to Europe. This may be due to medical conditions, phobias, or simply a dislike for this type of travel. What to do when you want to go on vacation, but a plane is not available? In this case, you should consider traveling to Europe by train. Our article is devoted to all the features of such a trip.

Russian Railways: trains to Europe

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg are in more advantageous position than Russians living in other regions of the country. After all, getting to Europe last will be much more difficult, but Muscovites can easily do it by train. Similar routes have always existed, but in recent years they have been in increased demand, and in summer season Russians are often faced with a lack of tickets to the desired country.

You can travel by train to Europe alone, with your family or in a large noisy group. In any case, you will be provided with comfort and convenience, because there is some special charm in calmly observing the landscapes passing by under the uniform sound of wheels. This is how many people imagine their ideal vacation.

From Moscow and St. Petersburg you can travel to Europe by train to many countries. Of course, not all routes involve a direct route from one point to another, but experienced travelers consider this a minor inconvenience. In addition, traveling by train to Europe is completely different. Russians can travel unorganized, that is, on their own, or they can purchase a tour from an agency. Since rail travel abroad is still something unfamiliar to most of our compatriots, we decided to consider these options in more detail.

Traveling with travel agencies

Almost everyone sells package tours to Europe Russian agencies. Over the years, various programs have been developed that can satisfy even the most demanding taste. Moreover, almost all routes are in stable demand. Travel agents praise such trips in every possible way, listing their advantages. Among them:

  • maximum safety;
  • low cost;
  • the opportunity to get to know different cities in a short period of time;
  • ease of movement between countries.

Currently, tours to Europe are represented by four main programs: summer and winter holidays, combined and excursion.

Beach holiday

Every year, with the onset of warmer weather, more and more of our compatriots go to Europe by train to the sea. Such tours allow you to get acquainted with intermediate settlements along the route and eventually relax for a few days on a popular European resort. Sometimes the travel program also includes excursion program. Most often, Russians go to sea to the following countries:

  • Italy.
  • Bulgaria.
  • France.

The cost of such a tour ranges from one and a half thousand euros for twelve days (it is worth keeping in mind that you will spend about a day on the road to Europe).

Winter travelers to Europe

With the onset of the first frosts, Russians rush to European ski resorts. Of the total number of lovers extreme sports More than sixty percent travel to Europe by train. And these are pretty good indicators for Russian Railways. Mostly our compatriots go to Poland, Finland and Norway. Some experienced tourists travel to France or Spain with transfers.

The cost of such a tour starts from six hundred euros, which is quite inexpensive for an active and comfortable holiday.

Combined tourist tours

This is a rather difficult type of travel. Usually tourists travel by train to Brest, and then from there they travel by bus to several European cities. At the final point of the trip, Russians will have a rest for five to seven days. Only experienced tourists who are willing to spend a long time on the road can endure such a tour.

Excursion package tours

Such holidays are usually in demand in early spring and late autumn, when there is a certain decline in tourist activity in the main directions. In some cases, tourists take the train directly to their destination. Then they can see only one. Another version of such a tour resembles a combined one and has the same scheme, the difference is that its price includes excursions in all cities. Such pleasure costs from 700 euros.

Independent travel to Europe by train: general characteristics

If you are not afraid to plan your trips yourself, then traveling to Europe by train is definitely your option. You can visit almost any European country, because the railway system here is very well developed. It is worth noting that when crossing the border, you find yourself in a special world where the most common form of transport is the train. For a European, such travel is the most convenient, so you will enjoy comfortable and clean carriages, polite conductors and well-developed station infrastructure.

Train tickets to Europe are mainly purchased at ticket offices; many of them are not sold online. But on the official website of Russian Railways you can always see all possible trains in the “International Routes” section, but you will have to pay for the ticket at the station.

In Europe, the situation with train tickets is similar: some of them are sold only through ticket offices, and paying by card will raise the cost by five to twenty percent. Inexperienced travelers often learn this fact from their own sad experience.

I would like to add that both Russian and European trains are very comfortable. You don't have to sit around for 24 hours in a crowded train with an unpleasant smell. When you decide to travel by rail to Europe, you will discover a completely different world.

How to get to Europe?

If you have never traveled abroad by train, then before purchasing tickets you need to find out several nuances, without knowing which it will be difficult to plan your trip.

Types of cars

Cars international trains made according to European standards. They are divided into first and second class. The difference between them is the number of passengers. In addition, first class is somewhat more spacious than second class. The difference may also lie in the comfort of the seats. Therefore, it is important not to confuse the class of carriages when buying train tickets at the ticket office.

Moscow: where can you go by train?

Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Holland - you can visit these and many other countries if you choose the railway option and buy a train ticket to Europe from Moscow. Prices, by the way, do not always depend on the distance traveled. For example, you can get from Moscow to Paris for 500 euros, and a trip to Helsinki will cost 100 euros.

Many Muscovites go straight to Helsinki, and then continue their journey across Europe by ferry or other train. This significantly reduces the cost of travel, especially if you take care of the ticket. With its help, you can travel all over Europe in a few days and save at least 200 euros on these trips.

St. Petersburg: where do the trains go?

The choice of train from St. Petersburg to Europe is quite limited. Now residents Northern capital can reach Finland, the Czech Republic and Tallinn. The fare starts from 250 euros.

You can get to Tallinn in seated carriage, this innovation appeared about a year ago. Of course, this method of transportation is not the most comfortable, but the price can completely change your opinion about such trips - 1,300 rubles. Many students take advantage of this great opportunity to get to Europe for symbolic money.

Rail Travel Planning: Key Points

So, you have decided to travel to Europe by train. Where to start preparing for your trip? What to pay attention to and how to save on tickets? Let's look at these questions in as much detail as possible.

First of all, you need to work out the travel route itself. Your main goal will be to choose a place in Europe to which you will travel by train. It will be much easier to move further.

Keep in mind that Russian Railways allows tickets to be purchased 60-90 days in advance. At this moment you can purchase the cheapest tickets. In the future they will be more expensive. Before purchasing, pay attention to possible discounts; they can be seasonal or targeted. On some routes, the Russian Railways service allows you to book a ticket via the Internet, followed by a twelve-hour redemption at the ticket office.

Once in Europe, calculate how often you plan to travel by train. If there are a sufficient number of such trips, then purchase a single ticket, which is sold at any box office or on the website. It comes in three types:

  • for one country;
  • for all European countries;
  • for a certain number of days.

Keep in mind that there is no single service for purchasing train tickets in Europe. Each country has its own website.

You can buy a ticket not only online, but also at ticket offices, shops and special machines. If possible, pay in cash - this significantly reduces its cost.

When buying a ticket, carefully look at the train designation - it can be high-speed or local. The first one can travel half of Europe in a matter of hours and practically without stopping, but the second one will slow down at every station.

And in conclusion, I would like to tell you one small but very important secret regarding European trains: the doors to the carriage do not open automatically, for this there is a special button inside and outside. Don't forget this, otherwise you won't get on the train and your trip to Europe will never begin.

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If you haven’t found the tour you are interested in (country, hotel, excursion) on the website, fill out the form (see bottom of the page) and we will select any vacation options for you!

Sea tour to Croatia by train. 13 days. From 1250 euros per person.


ON THE SEA OF LIGNANO. Duration 13 days. Travel to Verona
Cost from 1420 euros per person.


1 day: by train 17 Moscow - Nice (4-seater compartment).
Day 2: A day on the road.
Day 3: Arrival in Verona. Transfer to Venice Mestre, then transfer to the resort of Lignano.
4-10 days: Holidays by the sea in Lignano. Additional excursions for those interested.
Day 11: Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to Venezia Mestre train station. Departure to Verona. Arrival in Verona, departure to Moscow by train 18 Nice - Moscow
Day 12: A day on the road.
Day 13:

Included in the price:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;

13 days / 12 nights.
Direct train Moscow - San Remo - Moscow.
Price from 1080 € per person.

On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.


1 day: In the evening, depart from Moscow to San Remo from Belorussky Station by train No. 17 Moscow - Nice (4-seater compartment).
Day 2: A day on the road.
Day 3: Arrival in San Remo. Meeting at the station. Transfer to the hotel.
4-10 days: Rest on Ligurian coast. For those interested, additional excursions to Milan, Genoa, Monaco, and the French Riviera.
Day 11: Breakfast transfer to the station, departure to Moscow by train 18 Nice - Moscow
Day 12: A day on the road.
Day 13:

railway tickets Moscow - San Remo - Moscow;
hotel accommodation;
food of the selected category;
excursions according to the program;
transfers according to the program.

Duration 13 days.

Price from 1230
per person.
On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.
Tour program:

In the evening, departure from Moscow to Verona from Belorussky railway station by train No. 17 Moscow - Nice(4-seater compartment).

A day on the road.

Arrival in Verona. Transfer to the resort of Lido di Jesolo.

Holidays in Lido di Jesolo. For those interested additional excursions: Milan, Venice, Verona, Florence, Lake Garda, shopping at Noventa Outlet and much more.

by train No. 18 Nice-Moscow.

A day on the road.

In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

Included in the price:

railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
internal transfers (for combined tours)


Duration 13 days.
Travel to Verona.
Price from from 1340
per person.

On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.


1 day: In the evening departure from Moscow to Verona with Belorussky railway station by train No. 17 Moscow - Nice (4-seater compartment).
Day 2: A day on the road.
Day 3: Arrival in Verona. Moving to Rome. Arrival in Rome, meeting at the station, transfer to the hotel to the resort.
4-10 days: Holidays at sea. For those interested, additional excursions: Rome, Naples, Florence, the island of Capri and much more.
Day 11: Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to the train station in Rome. Departure to Verona. Arrival in Verona, departure to Moscow by train number 18 Nice - Moscow.
Day 12: A day on the road.
Day 13: In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

Included in the price:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours) .


Duration 13 days.
Price from 1190
per person.

On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.


Day 1: In the evening, departure from Moscow to Verona from Belorussky railway station by train No. 17 Moscow - Nice(4-seater compartment).

Day 2: Day on the road.

Day 3: Arrival in Verona. Moving to Naples. Arrival in Naples transfer to the island of Ischia

Day 4-10: Rest on the island of Ischia.
Day 11: Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to Naples. Departure to Verona. Arrival in Verona, departure to Moscow by train number 18 Nice - Moscow.

Day 12: Day on the road.

Day 13: In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;


Duration 13 days.

Price from 1170
per person.


In the evening, departure from Moscow to Verona from Belorussky railway station by train No. 17 Moscow-Nice(4-seater compartment).

A day on the road.

Arrival in Verona. Transfer to the resort of Rimini.

Holidays in Rimini. For those interested additional excursions: San Marino, Venice, Rome, Florence, Verona + Lake Garda, Milan + shopping and much more.

Breakfast. Release of rooms. Departure to Verona. Arrival in Verona, departure to Moscow by train No. 18 Nice-Moscow.

A day on the road.

In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.


railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours).

TOURS TO THE LAKES OF ITALY (GARDA, COMO, MAGGIORE). Departure from Moscow on Thursdays.
Duration 12 days. Price from 1090 euros per person.



13 days.

Price: from 1170
per person

On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.

Tour program:

By train No. 17 Moscow-Nice(4-seater compartment).

A day on the road.

Arrival in Nice. Meeting at the station. Transfer to hotels.

Holidays on the French Riviera. For those interested, additional excursions to Nice, Cannes, Monaco.

Breakfast transfer to the station, departure to Moscow by train number 18 Nice - Moscow

A day on the road.

In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

Included in cost:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
excursions according to the program;
food - breakfast.


13 days.
Direct train Moscow - Nice.
Price from 1090
per person.
On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.

In the evening, departure from Moscow to Nice from Belorussky railway station by train No. 17 Moscow - Nice(4-seater compartment).

A day on the road.

Arrival in Nice. Meeting at the station, transfer to Cannes.

Holidays by the sea in Cannes. For those interested, additional excursions: Nice, Cannes, Monaco and much more.

Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to the train station in Nice, departure to Moscow By ride number 18 Nice - Moscow

A day on the road.

In the morning, arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

The tour price includes:
railway crossing
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program.


15 days.

On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.

Price from 1490 per person.

The tour price includes:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours).


From 1650 euros. On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.

Tour program:
Day 3. Arrival in Nice Meeting at the train station Transfer to hotels in Monaco.
3-10 days. Holidays on the French Riviera. Sightseeing tour in Monaco. For those interested, additional excursions to Nice and Cannes.
Day 10 Transfer to the Station. Departure for Moscow.
Day 12 Arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

TOUR COTE D'AZUR FRANCE - Juan le Pin - Antibes. From 1290 euros.

Tour program:
1 day. Departure by direct train Moscow - Nice from Belorussky Station (4-seater compartment).
Day 3. Arrival in Nice. Meeting at the station. Transfer to the resort. Free time.
Day 4 Sightseeing tour of Cap de Antibes. Free time.
5-10 days. Holidays on the coast Cote d'Azur. For those interested, additional excursions to Nice and Monaco.
Day 10 Check out from the hotel. Transfer to the railway station in Nice. Departure for Moscow.
Day 12 Arrival in Moscow at the Belorussky railway station.

The tour price includes:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours).



From 1740 euros. On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.


1 day. Departure by direct train No. 23 Moscow - Paris from Belorussky Station (4-seater compartment).
Day 2. A day on the road.
Day 3. Arrival in Paris. Transfer to the hotel. Free time.
Day 4 Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of Paris - during this excursion you will get acquainted with the main attractions of Paris, namely the Paris Opera, Place de la Concorde, Pont Neuf, Louvre, Les Invalides, you will visit the Champs Elysees and much more. Free time.
Day 5 Breakfast. Free time.
Day 6 Breakfast. Transfer to the station. Departure to Barcelona in a comfortable high speed train Elipsos. Arrival in Barcelona, ​​transfer to the resort.
6-16 days. Holidays at the resort. During rest, additional charges are possible. excursions.
Day 16 Breakfast. Transfer to Barcelona and departure to Paris. Arrival in Paris. Departure to Moscow by train No. 24 Paris - Moscow.
Day 17 A day on the road.
Day 18 Arrival in Moscow. The tour price includes:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours) .



From 990 euros. On Thursdays. Every week in 2019.

Tour program:

1 day: In the evening, depart from Moscow to Vienna on a comfortable train Moscow - Nice (4-seater compartment) from Belorussky Station.
Day 2:
Day 3: Breakfast. For those interested, an additional tour of Vienna. Transfer to the station, departure to Salzburg. Arrival in Salzburg. Meeting at the station, transfer to the hotel on the lake.
Day 4: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. Optional excursion to Salzburg - today Salzburg is the second most visited city in Austria among tourists. This bus hiking will give you a lot of positive emotions and impressions.
Day 5 - 9: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. For those interested, an additional excursion to Salzkammergut is possible.
Day 10: Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to the station. Departure to Vienna. Arrival in Vienna, transfer to the hotel. Free time. In the evening for those who wish additional. boat trip with dinner (available from 05.05-30.09, order 48 hours in advance).
Day 11: Breakfast. Free time. For those who wish additional excursion "Vienna Woods" (Vienna suburbs - the city of Baden and the Vienna Woods, the picturesque Helenenthal valley, active monastery Holy Cross). In the afternoon extra. walking tour of the center of Vienna.
Day 12: Early transfer to the station. (Attention, the train leaves Vienna for Moscow at about 5 am). Departure to Moscow by train No. 18 Nice - Moscow. A day on the road.
Day 13: Arrival in Moscow.

The tour price includes:
railway crossing;
hotel accommodation;
transfers according to the program;
food - breakfasts;
excursions according to the program;
internal transfers (for combined tours).

Carinthian Lakes Tour by Train (via Vienna)

1 day: In the evening, depart from Moscow to Vienna on a comfortable train No. 17 Moscow-Nice (4-seater compartment) from the Belorussky station.
Day 2: A day on the road. Arrival in Vienna in the evening. Meeting at the station, transfer to the hotel.
Day 3: Breakfast. For those interested, additional overview tour of Vienna. Transfer to the station, departure to Carinthia. Arrival in Carinthia. Meeting at the station, transfer to the hotel on the lake.
Day 4: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. An additional excursion to Klagerfunt is an exciting trip to the capital of Carinthia to get acquainted with its main attractions.
Day 5: Breakfast. Rest on the lakes. Additional excursion to Hozosterwitz Castle - this is one of the most beautiful castles in Austria, which was built in the Middle Ages. It was this castle that Walt Disney Studios used to film the film Cinderella.
Day 6: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. Add. excursion to Ljubljana and Lake Bled - a full-day bus and walking excursion with a visit to the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, and a tour of the main attractions and a visit to Lake Bled.
Day 7: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. Add. excursion to Salzburg. This bus and walking tour will give you a lot of positive emotions and impressions.
Day 8: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. Add. excursion to Venice - an exciting trip to one of the most beautiful cities Italy with a tour of the main attractions.
Day 9: Breakfast. Relaxation on the lake. For those who wish additional boat trip on Lake Werther See or extra. trip to the Pyramidenkogel lookout.
Day 10: Breakfast. Release of rooms. Transfer to the station. Departure to Vienna. Arrival in Vienna, transfer to the hotel. Free time. In the evening, for those who wish, a trip to the boat with dinner (held from 05.05-30.09, order 48 hours in advance).
Day 11: Breakfast. Free time. For those who wish additional excursion to the Vienna Woods (Vienna suburbs - the city of Baden and the Vienna Woods, the picturesque Helenental valley, the active monastery of the Holy Cross).
Day 12: Early transfer to the station. (Attention, the train leaves Vienna for Moscow at about 5 am). Departure to Moscow by train No. 18 Nice-Moscow. A day on the road.
Day 13: Arrival in Moscow.

Tour cost from 990 euros.

Holidays on the lakes of Hungary.

HEVIZ BY TRAIN. From 9 to 23 nights (with travel time included). Cost from 501 euros per person. Travel through Vienna.