Stuarts. Stewards and flight attendants: history of the profession and requirements. Help Important personal qualities

How much do flight attendants earn? What are the responsibilities of people with the profession of flight attendant? Find out from the article where to study to become a flight attendant and what the flight attendant's work schedule is.

One of the most romantic and interesting professions is working as a steward on an aircraft. In addition to the opportunity to travel for free, have discounts on air tickets and hotel accommodations, a nice bonus is the solid salary of a flight attendant. For example, even the minimum amount of remuneration for work in this profession starts at a threshold of 30 thousand rubles.

What is the profession of a flight attendant? Job responsibilities

The main responsibility of a flight attendant is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for airline passengers. Despite the fact that the steward is a junior member of the aircraft crew, a colossal amount of responsibility rests on his shoulders. He is the face of the board, the face of the airline. It is the flight attendant who meets passengers before the flight, is in close contact with them throughout the flight, plays the role of a doctor, psychologist, conflict specialist, waiter, bartender, rescuer and simply a good conversationalist.
What functions does a flight attendant perform:
  • Provides information support to passengers regarding ship rules, safety, and emergency action plans
  • Cleans the interior, maintains cleanliness, and maintains order in the area entrusted to him.
  • Provides food and drinks for passengers
  • Organizes a range of entertainment services: press, watching TV, radio, etc.
  • Provides items for a comfortable flight as needed: blankets, pillows, sanitary and hygiene kits
  • Meets passengers on board, escorts them to their seats, helps stow hand luggage
  • At the end of the flight, he sees off passengers and checks the cabin for abandoned items. Hands them over to the lost and found department
  • Accepts in-flight meals, items for serving air travelers: napkins, toilet paper, towels, etc.
  • Provides first aid and psychological support
  • Prevents and resolves conflict situations among passengers on board
Important! A flight attendant is a responsible profession. It is these crew members who are responsible for the lives of people in the cabin in case of an emergency. Before the flight, the steward is obliged to check the condition of the emergency equipment, teach passengers how to use it, and monitor its correct use in the event of an emergency. He must monitor whether there are any suspicious objects, ownerless bags, people with strange behavior and inform the ship's commander at the first suspicion.

Flight attendant education. Where to study and what exams you need to pass

To learn to be a flight attendant, you most often do not have to have higher education, a secondary specialized education is sufficient. Airlines and air terminals organize training courses for this profession. They can be paid or free, with employment and a mandatory contract for a certain period of time. At the end, future flight attendants take exams and begin racking up their instructor hours in the sky. According to the rules, you need to fly with an instructor for 30 hours to get permission to work.
Interesting! For those wishing to fly international flights more stringent selection requirements are imposed. A higher medical or psychological education, knowledge of several foreign languages, and work experience in an airline will also play a role.
What are the requirements for those wishing to learn this profession?
  • Knowledge of foreign languages, English required
  • Skills in working in the service sector, the ability to quickly respond in conflict situations, find contact with different passengers
  • Absolute health
  • Presentable appearance, tattoos and scars are not allowed. Height and weight must be within acceptable parameters
  • Availability of a military ID for males
  • Good physical shape, ability to swim
Flight attendant training can be completed in just three months.
This is how long special courses last, which include the following blocks:
  • Emergency rescue activities
  • Flight attendant's appearance
  • Aviation English
  • Basics of first aid
  • Water preparation
  • Service Basics
  • Fundamentals of psychology and conflictology
During the learning process, students perform practical tasks and study the theoretical basis. In practice, classes are held on medical care, simulation of emergency incidents, basics of makeup, and passenger service. In the theoretical part, students study how an airplane works, psychology, and languages.

How much can you earn as a flight attendant?

The salary of a flight attendant depends on his experience, the number of hours in the sky, and the airline. The minimum threshold starts from 30 thousand rubles per month. How much do experienced flight attendants from leading airlines earn on international flights? Sometimes the monthly remuneration reaches 100 thousand rubles. The average salary, therefore, is 65 thousand, which classifies the profession as highly paid, especially considering that the steward is a junior member of the crew.
A nice bonus is compulsory medical insurance in good clinics, discount cards in international hotel chains, regular bonuses, an excellent social package, which sometimes even includes payment kindergarten for children.

Flight attendant work schedule

The whole life of a flight attendant is subject to a flight plan, which can change for various reasons - from weather conditions before the flight is rescheduled. Therefore, the flight attendant does not have a clear schedule.
The work is shift work, weekends fall between flights, on any day of the week, not necessarily on Saturday or Sunday. It is considered the norm for a steward to be called to a flight on a day off, so people in this profession are always in touch with their superiors. But a flight attendant's vacation is 72 days; they rest twice a year for a whole month.

Underwater rocks. Are there any health or age restrictions for flight attendants?

Let's consider the disadvantages of working as a steward in air transport:
  • Irregular work schedule
  • A small opportunity to grow your career
  • Regular change climatic conditions leads to health problems
An applicant for the coveted vacancy must have excellent health. Must not be registered with specialists, have a stable nervous system, and a balanced character.
There are no age restrictions for flight attendants. The profession refers to work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, so a steward retires at 45 years old (women) and 50 years old (men). If the flight attendant’s appearance and health allow it, he may well work on the ship until retirement.

Required languages ​​for a flight attendant: video

We present to your attention a video dedicated to the topic of linguistic education for flight attendants. What foreign languages ​​are important for flight attendants and is English enough?

When asked when the new female profession of “stewardess” appeared, historians passenger aviation there is no clear answer. But in many reference publications, the world's first flight attendant is called the American Ellen Church, a registered nurse from Iowa. She managed to persuade the management of Boeing Air Transport to hire female doctors. In 1930, eight nurses were selected to fly. Helen Church was the first to fly from San Francisco to Chicago on May 15, 1930 (on a Boeing Model 80). Flight attendants (who were then called Sky Girls - “heavenly girls”) had to not only provide first aid or serve coffee with a sweet smile, but also perform a number of other duties that were not easy for men. IN job description it was said that flight attendants had to warmly greet passengers, punch their tickets, weigh the passengers themselves and their luggage, and load and unload this luggage. Before departure, the flight attendants had to clean the cabin and pilot’s cabin, check whether it was safe passenger seats attached to the floor, kill flies if necessary. During the flight, distribute chewing gum, blankets, slippers, clean shoes to passengers, clean the toilet after passengers use it. At stopover sites, they had to carry buckets of fuel to refuel the airliner. And when the plane arrived at its final destination, they had to help the ground staff roll it into the hangar. The girls worked 100 hours a month, receiving $125. Boeing Air Transport hired flight attendants with a three-month probationary period, but the practice turned out to be so successful that they were not only added to the staff, but also decided to hire mostly women as flight attendants in the future. The requirements for applicants were as follows: to be unmarried, to have a nursing diploma, age no older than 25 years, weight no more than 52 kg, height no higher than 160 centimeters.

Today, each airline puts forward its own requirements for applicants for the position of flight attendant, but there are also general rules. The applicant must be of good appearance, without flaws, he must have a pleasant timbre of voice, smooth speech without defects, he must have a correct bite, proportional facial features, the absence of moles and birthmarks on his face, and must be healthy. Vision should be correctable to within 20/30% or better. The age of candidates for an intern position varies from 19 to 29 years (in some companies the age limit ranges from 18 to 24 years). Weight must correspond to height and medical standards. For young people, height is from 170 to 190 centimeters, for girls - from 160 to 175 centimeters.

Airlines prefer to hire flight attendants who have experience interacting with people. Future flight attendants are required to have such qualities as sociability, diplomacy, tolerance, and emotional restraint. One of the main criteria for Russian air carriers is good command of the Russian language and one or more foreign languages. Airlines are especially interested in specialists who have specialized secondary education. The following professions are welcome: medical worker, teacher, linguist, waiter, bartender and cook. In the last few years, preference has been given to those with higher education in recruitment.

Applicants are examined by a special commission, which makes a decision on admission. If, after an interview and tests, the commission members approve the applicant’s candidacy, he will have to undergo a medical flight expert commission (VLEK). Based on the minutes of the meeting of the competition commission and the conclusion of the VLEK, the candidate is enrolled in the position of flight attendant trainee and sent to the training center to undergo initial training courses. Training at the educational complex and the medical commission are paid, although many employers pay for theoretical training of their potential personnel. True, on different conditions: some finance the process free of charge, others plan to deduct costs from the newcomer’s salary or do not interfere at all with the material costs of interns.

The training program and its original methods are aimed at a quick and successful introduction to the profession, especially since there are few textbooks. On average, training lasts about 2 months, but the duration of training is influenced by the level of foreign language proficiency. If the employer trains employees for international charter flights, the training period increases to 3 months. However, during the courses, flight attendants do not receive classical knowledge of a foreign language - they already come with it. Trainees are trained in professional phraseology and colloquial vocabulary, and regional studies introduces the new generation of flight attendants to the politics and culture of different countries, the mentality and habits of foreigners.

Today, in order to meet international standards, airlines are preparing flight attendants to communicate with passengers not only internationally. English language, but also in French and German. Aeroflot airline, for example, being one of the members of the alliance, specially trains flight attendants in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean at the Eastern University of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And flight attendants of the German airline Lufthansa working on Russian flights, in response to the wishes of Russian passengers, are beginning to learn Russian.

During the courses, boys and girls are taught to create a friendly atmosphere in the aircraft cabin, anticipate questions and desires of passengers, and demonstrate genuine interest in the state of mind of their students. In many respects, the trainee’s training depends on the type of airline aircraft where he plans to work in the future. You need to know the design of the aircraft so that in the event of any unforeseen situations (air pockets, thunderstorms) you can explain to passengers the reason for the shaking of the aircraft, calm them down, without compromising the crew and the company. Teachers bring to automaticity the ability of future flight attendants to use emergency rescue equipment. They are working off emergency landings on land and water, learn to load passengers onto a raft, evacuate through an inflatable ladder, and open aircraft doors and hatches.

At the “stewardess school,” young girls are taught how to properly serve food, serve a trolley, and provide standard service to first and business class passengers. They are trained on real attributes (carts, dishes, drinks, food, napkins) and on simulators, models and dummies. Knowledge of practical psychology helps in the work. Already when meeting and seating passengers, flight attendants must note the mood of the passengers in order to find a special approach to everyone (some are calm and happy, others are irritated and excited).

In addition to technical knowledge and skills, future ship owners undergo air law and medical training. They also train to put out fires.

Professional activity obliges flight attendants to look impeccable at work: wear their uniform with dignity and demonstrate impeccable manners. For this purpose, compulsory visits to theaters and museums have been introduced into the educational program. After completing the courses, the Educational and Training Complex issues trainees a theoretical certificate. With a rating below “good”, the trainee does not undergo technological practice. If this document contains a C, all airlines in the country will close their doors to the trainee. Owners only good grades will be offered an internship under the auspices of an instructor. Typically, the probationary period ends when the newbie has flown at least 30 hours. The qualification commission issues a final certificate and assigns the status of 3rd class flight attendant.

Once a year, flight attendants undergo a medical examination. It is known that the work of aviation specialists places increased demands on health; this also applies to the health of flight attendants, especially since, according to some parameters, unfavorable flight factors have a slightly greater impact on them than on other members of flight crews. The following working conditions are unfavorable: physical stress in flight; work standing and on the go; temperature changes; violation of the work, rest and nutrition regime; constant change of climate zones and time zones; fatigue. In addition to the listed factors, professional duties and social conditions cause nervous and emotional stress due to high demands on the performance of official duties, strict discipline, and servicing picky and rude passengers. Women's career ends somewhere around the age of 45, men fly until they are 50.

It is generally accepted that stewards and stewardesses are the face of an airline: the recognition of a particular airline in the international market depends on their work. Twice a year, based on questionnaires filled out by passengers, directly in the process of providing services on board participating airlines, studies are conducted by the International Association air transport(IATA Survey of Flights in Europe, SoFiE). The survey is conducted in the main European languages: Russian, English, French, German. The study covers the European region, short and medium duration flights. Passengers evaluate the service on board the aircraft, both business and economy class, the boarding process and departure time, cabin comfort, food and drinks. In 2006, experts from the world's leading international consulting company SkyTrax, specializing in research in the aviation industry and monitoring the level of service on board all over the world, Aeroflot airline was recognized the best airline world in the Onboard Service Improvement Excellence category. According to the results marketing research"Review of Continental Flights: Europe (SoFiE)", conducted in the first half of 2008, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines was among the top five European airlines in terms of consumer satisfaction with the quality of service on European routes.

The profession of a flight attendant appeared when the first airliners were launched. At first, their duties were performed by the assistant pilot. However, this was not very convenient, since he has his own functions, so it was decided to appoint a separate specialist for this position. Thanks to this, service has improved and the level of safety on board the aircraft has also increased.

Some people think that there is nothing difficult about being a flight attendant. It would seem that you walk around in a beautiful uniform, deliver drinks, fly to different countries and you get a lot of money for it, but is this really so? Of course no. Any profession has its difficulties, and as for a flight attendant, there are a lot of requirements for her. In order to become one, desire alone is not enough. You must receive an appropriate education, have excellent health, have a suitable build, and much more.

A flight attendant is an ordinary employee on board an airliner who performs the duties of service personnel. First of all, such an employee is responsible for the safety of passengers and for providing first aid. Previously, in order to become a flight attendant, you had to have a nursing degree. In addition, they had to perform difficult and even sometimes overwhelming work for women, which consisted of unloading luggage, sending the plane to the hangar, etc. Today, this profession does not provide such responsibilities, but it is still quite difficult to become a flight attendant. Here are the basic requirements for a representative of this profession:

  • relevant higher education;
  • excellent health, which is checked by a special medical commission;
  • youth, because after 30 years this work they don't take it;
  • It is desirable that the candidate for this position be of short stature, average build and good appearance;
  • clear speech and diction, pleasant voice;
  • knowledge of two languages ​​(native + English);
  • cuteness and smileiness.

Even 80 years ago, flight attendants had to be unmarried, up to 160 cm tall and weighing up to 52 kg. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Working women can have husbands and even children.

What is the difference between a flight attendant and a flight attendant: the duties of the employee

The only difference between a flight attendant and a flight attendant is that the first option is colloquial, and the second is official. In the work book and on the badge it is written “flight attendant” or “flight attendant”, and flight attendant is a public, colloquial name. The duties of a flight attendant include:

  1. Meeting and accommodation of passengers.
  2. Catering during the flight. This also includes serving drinks to those interested.
  3. Guaranteed safety on board in accordance with safety regulations.
  4. Preparing passengers for flight.
  5. Providing medical assistance if one of the passengers becomes ill.
  6. Checking first aid equipment.
  7. Temperature control on board the aircraft.
  8. Inspection of the salon for sanitary and hygienic standards.
  9. Checking the aircraft for prohibited items.
  10. Monitoring the behavior of passengers, suppressing conflicts.
  11. Checking internal communications.
  12. Information about flight time.
  13. Reception and placement of kitchen and pantry items.
  14. Clarification of all questions of interest that may come from passengers during the flight.
  15. Filling out documentation on board.

Let us note that this profession is very responsible and serious. That is why in order to become a flight attendant, you must have the following qualities: communication skills; patience; restraint; ability to find a way out conflict situations; sense of humor; determination; ability to take responsibility; diligence; erudition; emotional stability; speed of reaction; attentiveness; ability to distribute attention; discipline; punctuality; good memory; three-dimensional vision; diplomacy; tolerance; intelligence; technical mindset. This profession is absolutely not suitable for those who get lost in difficult situations, do not know how to make decisions and are afraid of heights. That is why, when appointing to this position, all the nuances are taken into account, a serious selection takes place and only the best become flight attendants.

Pros and cons of the profession

On the one hand, working as a flight attendant is very interesting and romantic. You constantly meet new people, fly to different cities and countries, you get new emotions and impressions. But, on the other hand, this is a great responsibility, distance from home and loved ones, as well as the specificity of constantly spending time in the air. Those who are willing to put up with such shortcomings become real masters of their craft and receive high fees. Let's take a closer look at why the profession of a flight attendant is attractive.

Positive sides:

  1. The opportunity to see the world not in a picture, but in reality.
  2. High wages, permanent benefits, vouchers, social packages and social guarantees.
  3. 45 calendar days of vacation per year.
  4. An interesting and rich life.
  5. Retirement at 45.
  6. Honor and respect.

Among the negative aspects the following can be noted:

  • constant climate change;
  • work that can be classified as active;
  • constant overloads;
  • strict age restrictions;
  • increased threat to life.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for flight attendants and flight attendants to start a family, since they spend most of their lives at work and are practically never at home. It is very difficult to find a life partner who would be willing to put up with the specifics of this job. Unfortunately, women often undermine their health at such work, as a result of which they begin to develop gynecological problems that can lead to infertility. That is why, when choosing such a specific career, you need to decide what is most important to you in life and whether you are ready to face the difficulties that may arise along the way. There are many cases where women, after working as flight attendants for 1-2 years, abandoned their positions because they realized that this was not their calling and they were not ready to risk their lives and health.

How to become a flight attendant?

A higher education and desire are not enough to get you hired as a flight attendant. First you need to prove to everyone that you are really suitable for this position. It is very important to apply to several airlines after graduating from university, since there is no guarantee that they will immediately consider you for this position. Perhaps somewhere you will be offered to take special training courses at the airline. There they will look at you, evaluate your potential and, if there are no problems, they will hire you.

To become a flight attendant, you need to study a lot, be diligent, diligent and erudite. It is important to fully devote yourself to your career and strive to be the best. In this case, you will pass all the tests and receive the desired position, which will subsequently bring you not only honor and respect, but also high wages, many benefits and unforgettable impressions. In addition, you cannot ignore the fact that you will have a really interesting life that will make many people jealous. Just the opportunity to visit most countries of the world for free is worth it.

Performing passenger service work on them, but mainly responsible for the safety of passengers (in the event of an accident - assistance to passengers, etc.).

On sea tourist cruise ships The responsibilities of a steward (stewardess) include:

1. Passenger service: 1.1. Explanation of rules of conduct and safety in sea ​​cruise; 1.2. Familiarization of passengers with the elements of the ship's regulations; 1.3. Explanation of the structure of the ship - what is where, that is, it is required to show the location of bars, restaurants, shops, places active rest- courts, swimming pools, etc. 1.4. Escorting passengers of their sector during ship alarms in case of fire or flooding of the ship to the boat deck. 2. Maintaining cleanliness in passenger cabins. 3. Participation in certain organizational and entertainment events constantly held on board the ship for the entertainment of passengers. 4. Other varied technically uncomplicated work on the ship during the steward’s working hours.

IN civil aviation(GA) flight attendants are members of the cabin crew.

Flight attendants in air transport

Singaporean flight attendants in nationally stylized uniforms (color determined by rank)

In military aviation

USSR and Russian Federation on all types of aircraft, including transport, passenger, staff and flight steward positions not provided as such; Passengers and order in the cabin (cargo compartment) are monitored by one of the crew members: ADO flight technician, flight mechanic, operator, etc. All passengers are completely self-service, including worrying about their food during the flight independently and in advance. All passengers of the aircraft, without exception, are subordinate to the commander of the crew (ship) and are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill all the legal requirements of the crew members of the aircraft. Regardless of rank and position, none of the passengers has the right to give instructions or interfere with the work of the crew.


  • Vladislav Morozov. Princesses of the Fifth Ocean (Russian) // Aviation and Cosmonautics. - M., 2018. - No. 3. - pp. 10-19. -

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On sea tourist cruise ships, the responsibilities of a steward (stewardess) include:

1. Passenger service: 1.1. Explanation of the rules of behavior and safety on a sea cruise; 1.2. Familiarization of passengers with the elements of the ship's regulations; 1.3. Explanation of the structure of the vessel - what is where, that is, it is required to show the location of bars, restaurants, shops, places of active recreation - courts, swimming pools, etc. 1.4. Escorting passengers of their sector during ship alarms in case of fire or flooding of the ship to the boat deck. 2. Maintaining cleanliness in passenger cabins. 3. Participation in certain organizational and entertainment events constantly held on board the ship for the entertainment of passengers. 4. Other varied technically uncomplicated work on the ship during the steward’s working hours.

In civil aviation (CA), flight attendants are members of the cabin crew.

Flight attendants in air transport

Originally on passenger flights the passengers were handled by the plane's co-pilot, which was risky from a safety point of view. In 1928 in Germany, crews passenger aircraft began to include a third member - steward.


Even though the first flight attendants were men and many early airlines prohibited hiring women, the job soon became an almost exclusively female profession. Marketers were happy to use the presence of women on board for advertising.

Over time, as air travel became more comfortable, airlines needed to attract new customers. Flight attendants in the 1940s and 1950s allowed airlines to show that an airplane could be as comfortable as a living room. And just as safe: for women, and for children, and for men. At that time, marketers tried to present the flight attendant as a mother or wife.

In military aviation

USSR and Russian Federation on all types of aircraft, including transport, passenger, staff and flight steward positions not provided as such. Passengers and order in the cabin (cargo compartment) are controlled by one of the crew members (ADO flight technician, flight mechanic, operator, etc.). All passengers are completely self-catering, including worrying about their food throughout the flight independently and in advance. All passengers of the aircraft, without exception, are subordinate to the commander of the crew (ship) and are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements of the crew members of the aircraft. Regardless of rank and position, none of the passengers has the right to give instructions or interfere with the work of the crew.

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Excerpt characterizing Steward

By the way, it was a very beautiful ancient holiday (I don’t know if it still exists?), which usually lasted until dawn, and which everyone loved very much, regardless of age and taste. Almost the entire city always gathered for it and, what was absolutely incredible, no negative incidents were ever noticed at this holiday, despite the fact that everything happened in the forest. Apparently the beauty of customs opened even the most callous human souls to goodness, thereby slamming the door to any brewing aggressive thoughts or actions.
Usually, on the Holy Mountain, fires burned all night long, ancient songs were sung in round dances, and all this together strongly resembled an unusually beautiful fantastic fairy tale. Hundreds of lovers set out at night to look for a blooming fern flower in the forest, wanting to secure its magical promise to be “the happiest and definitely forever”... And lonely young girls, having made a wish, lowered wreaths woven from flowers into the Nemunas River, with a candle burning in the middle of each of them. Many such wreaths were lowered, and for one night the river became like an amazingly beautiful heavenly road, softly flickering with the reflections of hundreds of candles, along which, creating trembling golden shadows, rows of kind golden ghosts floated, carefully carrying on their transparent wings the desires of others to the God of Love... And right there, on the Holy Mountain, there still stands a statue of the god Perkunas, which my unexpected guest was so similar to.
A sparkling figure, without touching the ground with its feet, “swimmed up” to me, and I felt a very soft, warm touch.
“I came to open the Door for you,” a voice was heard in my head again.
- Door - where? – I asked.
- IN Big world, - came the answer.
He extended his luminous hand to my forehead and I felt a strange sensation of a slight “explosion”, after which a feeling appeared that was truly similar to a door opening... which, moreover, opened right in my forehead. I saw amazingly beautiful bodies, looking like huge multi-colored butterflies, coming out from the very center of my head... They lined up around me and, tied to me with the thinnest silver thread, created an amazingly colorful unusual flower... Vibrating along this “thread” a quiet and what It was an “unearthly” melody that evoked a feeling of peace and completeness in the soul.
For a moment I saw many transparent human figures standing around, but for some reason they all disappeared very quickly. Only my first guest remained, who was still touching my forehead with his hand and from his touch a very pleasant “sounding” warmth flowed into my body.
- Who are they? – I asked, pointing to the “butterflies”.
“It’s you,” came the answer again. - That's all you.
I couldn’t understand what he was talking about, but somehow I knew that real, pure and bright Good was coming from him. Suddenly, very slowly, all these unusual “butterflies” began to “melt” and turned into an amazing, starry fog sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, which gradually began to flow back into me... A deep feeling of completion and something else appeared that I could not understand, but just felt it very strongly with all my gut.
“Be careful,” said my guest.
- Careful about what? – I asked.
“You were born...” was the answer.
His tall figure began to sway. The clearing began to spin. And when I opened my eyes, to my greatest regret, my strange stranger was no longer anywhere. One of the boys, Romas, stood opposite me and watched my “awakening”. He asked what I was doing here and whether I was going to pick mushrooms... When I asked him what time it was, he looked at me in surprise and answered and I realized that everything that happened to me took only a few minutes!..
I stood up (it turned out that I was sitting on the ground), brushed myself off and was about to walk, when suddenly I noticed a very strange detail - the entire clearing around us was green!!! As amazingly green as if we found it in early spring! And what was our general surprise when we suddenly noticed that even beautiful spring flowers appeared on it from somewhere! It was absolutely amazing and, unfortunately, completely inexplicable. Most likely, this was some kind of “side” phenomenon after the arrival of my strange guest. But, unfortunately, I could not explain or even understand this at that time.
- What have you done? – Romas asked.