Who discovered the Shantar Islands. Tours to the Shantar Islands from the Moscow travel agency St. Astur, expedition to the Shantar Islands, Shantar Islands, travel to the Shantar Islands cost, trip to Shantar, archipelago beyond the ends of the earth. What is not included in the tour

Most Russians have never heard of these places, and have no idea where they are even approximately. Having visited these hard-to-reach and uninhabited islands, you are once again convinced of how many unexplored and incredibly beautiful places in Russia there are, where no one has set foot. On average, no more than 100 people visit these islands per year, and this time I was lucky to be among these crazy lucky ones.

1. An unforgettable trip to uninhabited islands Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where, for a moment, there is snow for almost 8 months of the year, it began with 30-degree heat. After flights Moscow - Khabarovsk - Okha, we found ourselves on the sandy beach of Pomer Bay, which is located in the very north of Sakhalin Island.

2. At the beginning of August it was hot in Moscow. And this trip was a kind of escape from the hot urban jungle. “I’m flying into the cool embrace of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk,” I thought. It is not for nothing that the city of Okha belongs to the regions of the Far North (although on the map it is located south of Moscow). And then something went wrong. We found ourselves in windless, sultry and sticky heat. Swimming in the sea didn’t really help - there was nowhere to wash the salt off the body, so the salty ones slept. We wandered along the shore, brushing aside the annoying and endless gadflies, until nightfall.

3. Briefly about the nature of northern Sakhalin:

5. The next day we picked up at the airport the second part of our Mamont Cup 2017 team, which arrived a day later. The sun was shining, we swam, sunbathed and mentally prepared for the transition to the Shantar Islands.

6. The next morning, a kind of initiation awaited our team. “Wear all the clothes you brought with you, we’re not kidding!” - the catamaran captains said sternly. It was difficult to believe the seriousness of the words of our leaders, who were sitting in a stuffy tent in shorts and flip-flops. So most of us were completely wet and cold the next day. Jump by open sea to Cape Wrangel quickly knocked out all the beach mood. Still yesterday warm waters Pomer Bay were replaced by a 4-degree refreshing freshness of the restless Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Three-meter waves, in combination with a side wind, generously showered the huddled passengers with an icy, salty shower. Fortunately, it didn’t last that long, only four hours.

7. Cape Wrangel is an amazingly beautiful, wild and untouched place that resembles scenes from science fiction films. Along the edges of the bay lay huge stone boulders, polished over decades, and in the middle there was a wonderful sandy beach, where I immediately swam. The entire day's trek took us about 8 hours. Fortunately, a good-quality bathhouse awaited us, which was immediately used for its intended purpose. And at night all our still relatively “fresh” clothes were dried in it.

8. The whole next day we walked along the shore in thick fog, like milk, admiring the harsh nature (what we could see in front of us), collecting sea creatures for dinner, and getting wet in the rain. We didn’t yet know that rain and fog would accompany us for almost the entire two-week expedition, so we didn’t have time to miss the heat and the gadflies. It turns out that such weather is traditional for these places.

12. Towards evening there was a performance in the style of National Geographic. First, several whales entered the bay at once, came very close to the shore and greeted people by hitting the water with their tails. We were all completely delighted (it’s not so often that you see a whale 20 meters from the shore), we filmed, flew, and jumped for joy. And then a drama unfolded - a pod of killer whales attacked the whales. And the camera shutters began to shutter, and the copters began to hum.

13. But everything seemed to work out well and all the whales remained alive, although in some places the water turned red... For a long time we sat in the common kitchen tent and discussed what we had seen. We sang songs with a guitar, joked, and acclimatized. We ate an incredibly tasty sea soup made from everything we collected during the day: seaweed and mussels. Somewhere beyond the ravine, a generator was humming and working: charging laptops, stacks of batteries and smartphones.

14. After the bath and dinner, I fell asleep as soon as I got into my sleeping bag. I dreamed of the icy shower of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the sound of waves crashing on a catamaran, wind, whales, killer whales in the fog and rain. In my sleep I felt that someone was shaking our tent, whipping it with a bath broom, and all this seemed logical. I wasn't worried. I woke up at about five in the morning, when it was already getting light. The wind was rocking the tent, literally trying to knock it off sandy beach and throw it deep into the bay. Oh, this tent life!

Somehow I put on my boots and got out “outside” when I immediately froze, got wet and got scared. The two tents that we had put up next to each other the day before disappeared, and our “kitchen” folded in half under the onslaught of the wind, exposing the tables on which the equipment was charged - expensive batteries for Inspire, phones and my laptop.

My computer has seen everything, but it has never charged in a puddle in the rain. I carefully drained the water from it, brushed off the sand blown in by the wind, and put my faithful friend to dry in the already cooling bathhouse. Later, 200 meters away, one of the tents blown away by the wind, or rather what was left of it, was found on the rocks. The second flew into the sea and disappeared (fortunately both were without people).

15. By lunchtime the next day we reached the bay of the Ongachan dry forest. This picturesque bay, relatively sheltered from the prevailing winds at sea.

16. But it depends on what you compare it with. Judging by the number of dry trees that were washed ashore by storms, and by the slope of coastal vegetation...

17. ...there is no desire to meet the elements here face to face.

20. After several days spent in sea turbulence, sand, tents and sleeping bags, Ongachan Bay opened up to us as an island of civilization. Here we found beds in 4-bed wooden houses, lights and three sockets! And at the same time, for dinner they served endless crab, red caviar, fried fish... Well, and a bathhouse. How can you live in these harsh regions without a bathhouse?

22. Part of our glorious team.

24. Catamaran "Ongachan" and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

25. In total, the Shantar Islands archipelago includes 15 islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Some of them belong to specially protected areas where people are prohibited from landing. At the same time, the waters of the coastal islands freeze for about eight months a year and merge with the mainland.

26. Almost all days our journey passed through fog and rain.

27. The fog spread over the water and, like a veil, hid the relief of the islands. It was difficult to understand and realize what places we were carefully passing, what was behind the rocks going into the clouds...

28. The Shantar Islands seemed to flirt with us, revealing only a small part of their beauty.

29. It is difficult to say whether we were able to fully achieve our goal: to show the beauty and originality of the region to the general public, to tell about these unique and unknown islands for most Russians. To solve this problem, the organizers of Mamont Cup 2017 assembled a team of famous travelers, popular video bloggers, photographers and videographers. A huge amount of various equipment was brought from Moscow, there were seven drones alone! And then bam - rain and fog.

30. For me, the archipelago essentially remained unknown: foggy islands appearing out of nowhere, drizzling rain and curious seals sticking out of the water.

34. Before Shantar, I had never encountered fogs in which one could get wet to the skin. Therefore, the “public tents” were a kind of salvation for all expedition participants)

35. Where else can you find fog in which to photograph your 10-meter shadow?

36. This is what they are, the Shantar Islands...

42. One day, when the bulk of our team was busy rescuing a whale that had run aground, we built a camp bathhouse from polyethylene and trees damaged by storms. They built a big fire, heated the stones red-hot, and set up a real steam room. Here it is, an unforgettable pleasure: from a hot homemade bathhouse, assembled in 4 hours, into the icy water of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk!

44. A few days later, we returned to Ongachan Bay. We walked along the sea in the traditional fog, and already on the shore, literally before our eyes, the weather changed dramatically. The photo shows how the fog creeps into the sea, giving us stunning views of the bay and nearby islands.

45. We haven’t seen the sun for almost 10 days.

46. ​​And in the evening a miracle happened, and my laptop came to life)

48. It's time to return to mainland. There was complete calm. We walked for two hours through mirror-like water in complete fog to the mainland, from where a helicopter was supposed to pick us up for Briakan.

49. Of course, due to poor visibility, the helicopter could not fly to us at the appointed time. At the same time, literally 200 meters from our shore the weather was sunny and windless, and we were sitting in the fog.

50. Late in the evening, when all the songs had been sung, all the fish had been eaten and everything drunk had been drunk, we heard the familiar noise of MI-8.

51. After a two-hour flight to Briakan, civilization awaited us! Country store with warm beer and comfortable intercity bus to Khabarovsk.

52. After everything we had experienced, we didn’t even notice the 17-hour journey to Khabarovsk.

54. I am incredibly glad that I was lucky enough to visit these amazing places and meet so many talented and interesting people! Many thanks to the organizers

Shantar is a small group of islands on the edge of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Being very unique, they simultaneously embody all the beauties of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Multi-colored rocks and wild taiga. Strong tidal currents that roar into the narrow straits between these rocks. Six-meter high tides, and extensive drying areas that open at low tides. Wandering Ice and constant fogs. Bears, which bred in huge numbers on the islands, and the marine population - whales, beluga whales, killer whales, seals... The harsh northern sea. The archipelago includes 15 big islands, as well as many small islands, rocks and rocks.

The climate of the Shantar Islands is even harsher than in the northernmost part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. This is due to the proximity to the cold regions of Yakutia, a complex system of wind and tidal currents. The tides on the islands reach 5-8 m, and tidal currents are among the fastest in the entire world's oceans, reaching 8 knots in the Opasny Strait, Severny Strait and in the vicinity of the mainland. The entire force of the tides rushes into the straits like into a bottleneck. The straits resemble fast-flowing rivers and the sound of rushing water can be heard several kilometers away.

Only for 1.5-2 months the islands are free of ice. Even in July, icebergs float here, and already in the second half of September snow may fall. And all this despite the fact that the islands are located at the latitude of Moscow!

The inaccessibility of the islands made it possible to preserve nature in all its pristine condition. Here you can see herds of whales feeding, many seals and killer whales hunting them, countless bird colonies, bears roaming along the shore and much more. The islands have excellent fishing. The rivers are home to such species of fish as char, sesame, pink salmon, rudd, malma, and lenok. There is also a large abundance of berries and mushrooms.

Once upon a time there were people on Shantar, but now, apart from the weather station workers, no one lives on the islands. But there is an abundance of fish in the rivers and lakes, bears roam along the banks, there is noise from bird colonies, and whales, killer whales and a huge number of seals swim near the shores. The geology of the islands is also interesting. The shores are a real geological museum under open air. In many places you can see rocks painted in a variety of colors - pink, red, green, white. These are outcrops of jasper, marble and other rocks.

The Shantar Islands are not only the pearl of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, but also incredibly interesting for tourists and travelers from all over the world. The Shantar Archipelago is located far from populated areas: 100 km. to the west is the village of Chumikan, at the same distance to the south is an endangered village. Tugur, 400 kilometers to the North - the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. This explains the fact that pristine nature and fauna have been preserved on Shantar.

The peculiarity of this corner of the planet is that during the Ice Age, when most of the globe was covered with an ice shell, in the Far East, beyond the Sikhote-Alin ridge, there remained a territory in which land, sea, and with them ancient plants have remained unchanged to this day. One of these plants is brown seaweed - “Laminaria Angustata”, which grows only in the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk on the shelf zone of the Shantar Islands.

The landscapes of the islands amaze with their beauty. Summer here, although short, is very stormy. Dozens of waterfalls cascade down from the steep Shantar shores. The rivers and lakes are unique. The largest of which is Lake Bolshoye with the Olenya River flowing into it. Once upon a time, people who were engaged in whale fishing lived on Shantar, but now there is no one on the islands except the weather station workers.

The appearance of Shantar is unusually beautiful. Summer here, although short, is very stormy. There are countless rocks and rocks on the islands, dozens of waterfalls cascade from the steep Shantar shores. The rivers and lakes are unique. The largest of which is Lake Bolshoye with the Olenya River flowing into it.

The geology of the islands is also interesting. The shores are a real open-air geological museum. In many places you can see rocks painted in a variety of colors - pink, red, green, white. These are outcrops of jasper, marble and other rocks.

The Shantar archipelago consists of 15 large and small islands, as well as a large number of rocks and rocks. Most big island- Bolshoy Shantar Island - 1790 sq. km., the second largest - Feklistov Island - about 400 sq. km. km. Next come the islands of Maly Shantar and Belichiy. A closed basin has formed between the islands and the mainland, which is called the Shantar Sea.

Shantar is a paradise for photographers. The splendor of northern nature and wild animals that react completely calmly to humans. There are especially many bears here, which can be photographed at close range won't be difficult. If you look at them from a bird's eye view, you get the impression that some giant once threw a pile of stones and rocks into the water.

This is how these amazing creatures appeared on the map of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, mysterious islands on the horizon. Frequent fogs on the islands alternate with rare but strong storms...

The Shantar Islands are an archipelago in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk at the entrance to Udskaya Bay, Tugursky Bay and Academy Bay. Sometimes, due to frequent fogs, they are also called foggy islands. The archipelago includes 15 large islands, as well as many small islets and rocks. The total area of ​​the archipelago is about 2.5 thousand km 2.

The islands are covered mainly with coniferous forest and grass. Many rivers and streams flow down from the mountains, forming about a hundred waterfalls ranging from 10 to 100 meters in height. The shores are a real open-air geological museum. In many places you can see rocks painted in a variety of colors - pink, red, green, white. These are outcrops of jasper, marble and other rocks.

The straits resemble fast-flowing rivers, and the sound of rushing water can be heard several kilometers away. There is even a project to build an 8 GW Tugur tidal power plant in this area.

The Shantars are inhabited by ermine, brown bear, sable, fox, and otter. Here are marked areas of high concentration of migratory birds, the protection of their flight routes and resting places is provided for by a number of international conventions on the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. 240 bird species have been recorded at nesting sites and during migration periods.

The water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk within the boundaries of the national park is of particular importance for the conservation of marine biological resources, including marine mammals. Several species of whales are regularly recorded here, there are numerous rookeries of pinnipeds, including sea lions, and large concentrations of sea colonial birds on the coastal cliffs.

The remote accessibility of the islands made it possible to preserve nature in all its pristine condition. According to the Minister natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy, the establishment of the Shantar Islands National Park will contribute to the preservation of unique ecosystems, as well as the development of domestic and international ecological tourism in the Far East.

The creation of the national park was carried out in accordance with the Concept for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas of federal significance for the period until 2020.

In the rivers of the archipelago there are large spawning grounds for salmon fish, and in the Srednyaya River, the only place on the entire coast of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk, the mykiss fish lives (a species listed in the Red Book Russian Federation), the unique Shantar population of which has a limited number and needs special protection.

The average temperature in January is -20.6°C, in July +12.9°C. Water temperature ranges from -1.8°C in winter to +9-14°C in summer.

The surface of the islands is mountainous, but there are few pointed peaks. The most high point islands - Mount Veselaya on Bolshoy Shantar (more than 700 meters above sea level).

The Shantar Islands are an archipelago in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk at the entrance to Udskaya Bay, Tugursky Bay and Academy Bay.

At the end of last year, by decision of the Russian government, the Shantar Islands National Park was established on the basis of a federal nature reserve. total area 515,500 Ha. Including the adjacent water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with an area of ​​274,284.08 hectares. The territory of the national park consists of 4 sections, including groups of islands of the Shantar archipelago. All sections of the national park are located in the Tuguro-Chumikansky district of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The Shantar Islands are one of the most beautiful places in our country. The archipelago is part of the Tuguro-Chumikansky district Khabarovsk Territory. On Saturday, August 15, a Mi-8 helicopter crashed here, with 16 passengers on board, killing five people. DVHab.ru figured out why this place is so attractive to tourists.

The archipelago includes 15 islands - Bolshoi Shantar, Feklistova, Maly Shantar, Belichiy, Bear, Bird, Utichiy, Sugar Loaf, Kusova, Prokofieva, Sivuchi Kamni, Sukhotin, Northern, Middle, Southern, Diomede Stones and large number rocks The total area of ​​the archipelago is 2.5 thousand kilometers.

The Shantar Islands are called one of the most unusual places peace. Eight months of the year the islands are covered with ice. The melting of glaciers ends by August. The islands are one of the few places on earth where you can swim among icebergs at the height of the calendar summer.
The landscapes of the archipelago are amazingly beautiful. There are a large number of rocks on the islands fancy shapes and colors - pink, green, red, white (the colors are due to the appearance of valuable rocks on the surface - jasper, marble and others).

There are many waterfalls on the steep banks. There are several rivers and lakes on the territory, the largest of which is Lake Bolshoye. In reservoirs in large quantities there are the most different types fish: pink salmon, rudd, Dolly Varden, salmon, char, mykiss and others.
Brown bears walk along the shores, many birds fly, whales, killer whales and seals swim along the shores.

On the islands there are rare species of animals and plants listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Khabarovsk Territory, there are pinniped rookeries, and the Srednyaya River of the Bolshoi Shantar Island is home to the mykiss fish - a unique Shantar population of this species listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Large islands are covered with larch and dark coniferous forests, in which Siberian spruce, Gmelin larch, dwarf cedar, and birch grow. There are thickets of dwarf cedar.

Ships do not sail in this part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. For many kilometers, the only inhabitants of these places are two weather station employees living on the island of Big Shantar. It is almost impossible to meet tourists, barges or other vessels here. The nature is almost virgin, not counting the consequences of the atrocities echoed by the Americans in the 80s.

There is another way to get to Shantar. From Khabarovsk by bus to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, then by boat to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. From Nikolaevsk-on-Amur to shuttle bus to Reineke Bay in the village of Mnogovershinny and from there by catamaran or boat (your own) to the Shantar Islands. This route will take 10-13 hours. As a rule, companies provide tourists with all equipment except clothing, sleeping bag and gear (if you decide to go fishing).

The group consists of 6-8 tourists, three guides and one cook. At the request of tourists, a professional photographer can join the group, who will take photos and video throughout the trip.

The approximate cost of the tour is from 450 to 700 thousand rubles. However, this amount does not include the cost of air tickets and meals. A significant part of the cost is the helicopter flight. The cost of one flight hour will be approximately 160 thousand rubles. The flight time for two flights to the rivers Uda, Udykhin, Maya, and the Shantar archipelago is 7 - 8.5 hours, to Shevli 6.5 hours, to Nimelen 2.5 hours, to Anyui 3 hours, to Samarga 7 hours.

Review from a Khabarovsk tourist:
Despite the external impassability of the protected islands, getting to Shantary turned out to be unexpectedly easy. Ten minutes of searching on Google, one single meeting with Alexander Frolenok, head of the dv-tour.ru website of the Far Eastern Tourist Association and three days to get ready. We agreed on my participation in the hike in the spring, and the trip itself took place in July. Hikes to Shantary with the participation of tourists in the Far East are organized by two people: Igor Olkhovsky, known to many for his books and wonderful photographs of these places, and Alexander Frolenok, who did not write books, but nevertheless has experience in traveling through harsh northern islands and the seas have no less.
 The average cost of traveling with Igor Olkhovsky is several hundred thousand rubles. You will be transferred by helicopter to one of the islands, taken by boat to several others, and shown local beauties, they will feed you delicious seafood delicacies, organize fishing and much more. It sounds good, but spending so much money on a ten-day trip around the Khabarovsk Territory was not part of my plans at that time. And I booked a tour with Alexander Frolenok, who offers about the same thing but in a more ascetic style.

Why not? Creating difficulties for myself and successfully overcoming them is my lifestyle.

So, we sailed to Shantary from Nikolai Bay (Sea of ​​Okhotsk, area named after Polina Osipenko). We got to our destination from Khabarovsk by minibus - a fifteen-hour drive to the regional center of the village named after Polina Osipenko, then boarded a boat and went down the Amgun River to the village of Oglongi, where we boarded a jeep and a few hours later we were already in the bay. There a trimaran was waiting for us, on which the next morning we set off on an exciting sea tour of the Shantar Islands. 

Ten days of sea crossings or exploring the wild Archipelago. 
 The romance of camp life, tents, food smelling like a fire... Sounds tempting! In reality, it turns out far from so romantic. Folding and unfolding the tent again, falling asleep and waking up in a dew-soaked forest, wearing salt-soaked clothes day after day, dreaming only of a hot bath and normal, freshly washed sheets... Romance begins at home, when, looking at photographs, you say to yourself: Wow! You did it!
 And how I want to exchange a one-room apartment in a five-story building for a canvas shawl on Shantary!

Then... The morning of each day began with preparing breakfast, assembling the camp and sailing to next island. On average, the distance between the islands is 30-80 kilometers. Our trimaran covered this distance in two or even six hours. It is not surprising, at a speed of 13-17 km/h. But the slowness of the vehicle was fully compensated by the beauty of the area through which we moved.
 The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is restless and unpredictable. During one sea passage you can enjoy both calm and pretty much fray your nerves in a sudden storm. Fortunately, there were practically no storms. The sun shone hotly all ten days. However, according to our guide, this was rather an exception to the rule.

During my stay on Shantary, I had the opportunity to meet a family of killer whales twice, see the rookeries of fur seals, waking up in the morning and leaving the tent, discovering bear tracks a couple of meters from the camp and admiring the picturesque rocks and amazing mountains that make up the landscape of Shantary.

However, despite the calmness of the sea surface, we still had to endure a slight shock. That day we sailed on our trimaran, the total area of ​​which is three meters square, against the current. The speed was nothing. The three tourists were busy contemplating the beauty around us. 
 A family of killer whales that emerged from the depths of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk fit perfectly into the landscape. Two adult killer whales kept their distance, but the curious calf decided to get closer to our ship... Our main goal at that moment was to catch him through the lens of our camera. There was no fear.
 It came later, when we all, one by one, realized what would have happened if the little whale had touched our trimaran with an awkward movement. One scream would be enough for his mother to scatter our little boat into pieces, sending the passengers to taste sea water for the last time in their lives.

All other rafting and hiking trips will certainly be wonderful in their own way. But Shantaras, as they say, will remain in the heart forever. There were a lot of interesting things: fishing, evening gatherings by the fire, fur seal rookeries, beautiful sunrises and sunsets... Some of this beauty is in the photographs.

DVHab.ru readers can discuss the details of travel to the Shantar Islands

Tours to the Shantar Islands, expeditions to Shantar

A place away from people. The Shantar Islands are an archipelago in the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the northeast of the Khabarovsk Territory, separated from the mainland by the Shantar Sea and the Lindholm Strait. The islands were discovered during the expedition of Colonel Yakov Yeltsin in 1718-1719. The area of ​​the islands is two and a half thousand square kilometers, and the water area of ​​the archipelago covers an area of ​​ten thousand square kilometers. If you look at Shantara from a bird's eye view, you get the impression that some giant once poured a pile of stones and rocks into the water.

The Shantar Islands are called one of the most unusual places in the world. Both in the diversity of the animal world and in climatic features. The melting of glaciers ends by August. The islands are one of the few places on earth where you can swim among icebergs at the height of summer. This is surprising if you take into account that Shantar is located at the same latitude as Moscow.

What is Shantar? There is a uniquely beautiful place on the globe. There, whales swim among icebergs, predatory killer whales chase seals, bears roam along the shores, waterfalls cascade from the mountains, cliffs made of marble and jasper rise like bizarre castles, rivers are teeming with fish, and there is a multi-voiced twitter of birds.

This unrealistically fabulous place is located in the Khabarovsk Territory in the western part of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk and is called the Shantar archipelago. The area of ​​the islands is 2.5 thousand square meters. km., and the water area of ​​the archipelago covers an area of ​​ten thousand square kilometers. Despite the fact that the territory of the Shantar archipelago is several times larger than such cities as Moscow and Beijing, only 3 people permanently live here: workers of the Bolshoi Shantar weather station. The archipelago consists of 15 large and small islands, as well as a large number of rocks and rocks. The largest island is Big Shantar, with an area of ​​about 2 thousand square meters. km., the second largest is Feklistov Island 400 sq. km. Next come the islands of Maly Shantar, Belichiy, Prokofieva, Kusova, Ptichii, Utichii and others.

Short Arctic season!

The coastal waters of Shantar are cleared of ice only for 2–3 months. Even in July you can find huge icebergs here, and already in October it snows. Frequent fogs on the islands alternate with rare but strong storms. Summer on Shantary is short and stormy. In July, it’s spring on the islands - nature wakes up and tries to catch up. In August, summer comes, the ice melts away and it becomes much warmer. A lot of pink salmon come into rivers and streams to spawn, cloudberries ripen - a very tasty yellow berry reminiscent of strawberries. At the end of August, the first half of September, storms are common in Shantary, and in the second half of September the archipelago experiences golden autumn. Nature again takes out its palette, everything blooms with bright colors, but these are completely different Shantars!

Northern Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are an amazing and diverse world of marine animals! There is a huge abundance of fish in the rivers, bears roam along the banks, there is a hubbub of bird colonies, and a huge number of seals swim near the banks. Many species of whales come here to feed in the warm season: gray, Japanese, bowhead whales, beluga whales and formidable ocean predators - killer whales. On the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, nature has created ideal conditions for whale watching: here you can see how gracefully huge bowhead whales dance and beat their tails on the surface of the water. Families of gray whales leisurely feed near the shore. They come so close that you can meet their gaze!

The Okhotsk-Korean whale herd winters and breeds near Korea and southern Japan, and in the summer fattens in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk near the Shantar archipelago. In the 18th century, these whales were practically exterminated, and at the moment their number is only 200–250 individuals. The peak of poaching occurred between 1846 and 1861. All this led to the virtual extermination of whales in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. But thanks to the ban on the hunting of these animals, the population has recovered, and people have a unique chance to see them in the wild!

Wildlife. The Shantar archipelago is located far from populated areas, and can only be reached by helicopter or by sea. Due to its isolation, closedness and inaccessibility, because you can only get to the archipelago during the short Shantar summer, the wild nature has retained its original appearance. Animals are almost not afraid of humans, bears roam along the banks, it is easy to meet a wolf, fox, sable here, you can see countless bird colonies, as well as the inhabitants depths of the sea- seals, killer whales and whales. The abundance of colors and riot of flora amazes the imagination. All this cannot leave any visitor indifferent.

Bird markets. There are countless rocks and rocks on the islands, and waterfalls cascade from the steep Shantar shores. This creates ideal conditions for bird colonies. Here and there there is a polyphonic twitter of seabirds: guillemots, gulls, cormorants, gannets. Sometimes for many kilometers around the only sounds are the sound of waves and bird cries. The largest colonies of birds numbering several thousand pairs can be seen on the islands of Utichye and Ptichye.

National Park.
In order to protect against poachers and “wild tourists”, in 2013, by decree of the Russian Government, the Shantar Islands National Park was established with a total area of ​​515,500 hectares, including the adjacent waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. A special permit is required to visit this area. It is also strictly prohibited to stay in the National Park with weapons.
Rare species of animals and plants listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and Khabarovsk Territory are found on the islands. The Srednyaya River of the Bolshoy Shantar Island is home to the mykiss fish - a unique Shantar population of this species, listed in the Red Book of Russia. The landscapes of the archipelago are amazingly beautiful. On the islands there are a large number of rocks of the most bizarre shapes and colors - pink, green, red, white (the colors are due to the exposure of valuable rocks to the surface - jasper, marble and others).

One of the seven wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory! The Khabarovsk Territory has many unique phenomena - historical and natural monuments, rare animals, architectural structures. In order to identify the most significant and interesting of them, with the support of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Far Eastern State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company held the campaign “7 Wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory”. As part of a popular vote, residents of the region named the Shantar Islands one of the seven wonders of the Khabarovsk Territory. Shantar is a real pearl of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the pride of the Far East. It is no coincidence that the islands have been and remain a place of attraction for tourists and travelers from all over the world.

What to see. Few will be able to see this. A photographer's paradise. A riot of colors, an open-air geological museum, a variety of flora and fauna, fiery sunsets and soft caressing sunrises, many unique objects, this list goes on and on, all of this is the Shantar archipelago. This place is truly real paradise for photographers. The ringing silence, broken only by the splashing of waves and the cry of birds, gives people wonderful relaxation and respite from everyday worries, will allow you to look at the world differently, feel the strength and splendor surrounding nature and of course, photograph or record all this on video without any fuss. Nature has created such beauty that even a novice amateur photographer can take a successful shot. Professionals bring thousands of photographs and hundreds of hours of unique video footage from Shantar.

A naturalist's dream. A trip to the Shantir archipelago will allow you to get acquainted with a unique ecoregion Far East. Vegetation, animals, climate - such a trip will be remembered for a long time. Harsh northern nature, usually skimping on bright colors, in a short summer season truly transforms and appears in all its glory. Here you can literally touch the beauties of the North. Look at the bird colonies of the islands Utichii and Ptichii; seal rookeries on the islands of Kameni Diomede and Stivuchi Kameni; see a whale processing factory built in the 19th century; the stunningly beautiful Lake Karpino, Samotsvetnaya Bay lined with jasper pellets and much more.

Fishing. We would like to note that fishing on Shantary is secondary, and people come here to see the beauty that has been preserved to this day, to touch the untouched, to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the depths and to watch wildlife in her natural surroundings. However, travelers can try their hand at sea fishing. This is a fascinating process that is not always similar to the usual river fishing. Here you can find cod, flounder and goby. The rivers of the archipelago are rich in kunja, char and rudd. Lenok and mykiss are also found. And we remind you that recreational catch-and-release fishing is encouraged. Let's not disturb the natural ecological environment and preserve its original appearance.

Ecological tourism. Currently, ecotourism has become widespread on the islands - travel to get to know nature and natural attractions without disturbing the natural ecological environment. Travelers and naturalists different countries come to the archipelago to touch natural environment habitats of animals and birds, get to know flora Sea of ​​Okhotsk Northern nature happily provides material for this type of research. Ecotourism is an important component of sustainable development and conservation. The unique natural landscape, flora and fauna of the Shantar Islands require careful care and protection.

Getting to know the inhabitants of the depths. Rich and varied underwater world Shantar archipelago. The surprisingly clean and cold waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are home to countless inhabitants of the depths. Crabs, mollusks, and huge starfish inhabit the bottom. Schools of fish, seals, killer whales and whales cut through the waters. All of them can be seen at arm's length.
In recent years, the whale population on the islands has been actively recovering, and in some bays you can see tens of them, and the whales swim close to the shore. You can often see killer whales walking around their property.

Look deep into yourself. The Shantar Islands are located far from roads, noisy cities and any human presence. Travelers are often surrounded by ringing silence here. An endless starry sky rises overhead, and the only sounds heard will be the sound of the sea, the cries of birds and the crackling of a fire. At such moments, it is especially clear to listen to yourself and your own thoughts. People go to Shantary not only for the amazing riches of nature, but also to find lost things here. If you want privacy and short term disappear for the whole world - the Shantars will gladly accept you.

A classic cruise trip, takes place on the water with landings on the islands for excursions, fishing and whale watching from Sup-boards and inflatable boats!
There are 8 people in the group and 4 crew members, captain, sailor, guide and cook! Total 12 people on board! Accommodation in cabins for 2 people! There is a hot shower and toilet on board! The cook prepares you breakfast, lunch and dinner and, of course, there are countless snacks, teas to warm you up after the sea, etc.
Suitable for those who love the sea, want something unusual, are not afraid of rocks and confined spaces, love beautiful places and wants to see a lot of new things in a short time!

Tours are held from July 3 to September 2, to participate in the tours you need to submit an application, email or call. Duration of tours - from 7 to 10 days

Dates and duration of the tour:

Dates of the sea part of the tours.

1. July 3 - July 12;
2. July 11 - 19;
3. July 18 - 27;
4. August 24 - September 2.

tour 10 days - 140,000 rub.

tour 7 days - 110,000 rub.

The transfer Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Nikolay Bay - Komsomolsk-on-Amur is paid separately!
Transfer cost 20,000 rub. (Please check when booking!)

5% discount when traveling as a couple.
Personal offers for large groups.

Tour dates may change due to weather conditions
Start and finish sea ​​travel from Nikolai Bay.

Prices are per person!

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation in a comfortable yacht with a hot shower and heating in each cabin (believe me, this is important there).
  • Meals 3 times a day + countless snacks.
  • The work of the cook, guides and crew.
  • Excursions to the whaling factory, Cape Arku, and the weather station on Bolshoi Shantar.
  • Whale and orca watching excursions on the water
  • Baths according to destinations.
  • Departure to rivers for fishing.
  • Use of boats, fuel for them
  • Using SUP boards.
  • Preparation national dishes at the stake during forays.


  • Diving equipment, waders, fishing rods, wetsuits (check suit information when booking) are rented for an additional fee. payment!
  • Insurance is paid separately: medical and travel insurance, which includes transport services (about 1500 rubles)
  • The transfer from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Nikolai Bay is the place where you are transferred to the yacht and your journey begins! The cost of a round trip transfer in the Urals by Motorhome or Minibus is 20,00 rubles. there is an option to go by jeep, the cost of the flight is 150,000 - 200,000 round trip, the car capacity is 4 people! The advantages of a jeep are that it shakes less and travel time is reduced!

Why such an expensive transfer?

The road is not close and not easy, rocky and off-road, it takes about a day to drive, you are accompanied by a very qualified driver who drives a Ural Autodom! Fuel, satellite communication. You drive almost like you are at home with air conditioning and 220 sockets, you can lie down, you can sit! Everything, as long as we get there SAFELY and as comfortably as those regions allow!
Food on the road is a standard set of traveling rations - noodles, cookies, canned food, cheese, sausage, bread, tea, coffee, etc.! Along the way there is one village where you can eat in a cafe yourself! If you are a vegetarian and “don’t go and drink mineral water with gas,” warn us about this!

Approximate travel route.

From Khabarovsk the group sets off on an exciting journey to distant islands.
The road to Nikolai Bay is very interesting; the path will pass through almost the entire territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. Along the way we will see settlements north of the region, we will cross many rivers, streams on bridges, on ferries and even ford.

1 day
At six in the morning departure from Komsomolsk-on-Amur. At 15 o'clock we arrive at ferry crossing across the Amgun River, while we wait in line, have a light lunch. At about 18 o'clock we pass the Albazino mining and processing complex, at 24 o'clock we stop for the night.

Day 2
By 7 am we will reach the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. At high tide we transfer to the boat and go to the base, on the way we enjoy wild landscapes, curious fur seals, upon arrival check-in and free time, in the evening a real Russian bathhouse.

Day 3
For lovers of morning fishing,
After breakfast, departure to the seal spit to meet sea lions and bearded seals; if you are lucky and meet killer whales, we will definitely watch these beauties. After lunch, we load onto the catamaran and slowly go out to Wrangel Bay, where bowhead whales live.

4 day
Parking in the bay, whale watching, and if the weather is favorable, SUP riding.

5 day
Parking in the bay, whale watching, shore excursion, fishing for flounder, cod. In the evening we go out to the island. Big Shantar.

Day 6

In the morning we will pass Belichiy Island and admire the small arch. By lunchtime we will approach the island of Big Shantar. We will visit the remains of a whaling factory, visit a weather station, and have a bathhouse in the evening. Bonfire on the shore.

Day 7

In the morning we will visit Cape Rainbow, where jasper, a semi-precious stone, comes to the surface. At lunchtime we will pass by Utichy Island. In the evening we will arrive on Feklistov Island, optional fishing, or paddling around the bay in the company of fur seals.

Day 8
In the morning we disembark at Cape Arka, photo shoot, making wishes in the arch... Next, our path goes to the island of Small Shantar, where we will make a short outing and walk along the shore. In the evening we go back home.

Day 9
Arrival at Nikolai Bay, where we will be taken by boat deep into the bay, along the way there is a high probability of meeting beluga whales! In the evening, at high tide, unloading onto the shore and loading onto the car, leaving for home.

10 day
The whole day will be spent on the road, in the evening arrival in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Our team consists of experienced yachtsmen and hunters. So the captain of the ship visited the Shantar Islands for the first time at the age of 15 and was already at that time a member of the crew and kept watch.

Shantar is a small group of islands on the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
The Shantar archipelago includes 15 large islands, many small islets, rocks and kekurs.
The climate here is even harsher than in the very north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The local tides are very impressive, reaching a height of 5-8 m with a current speed of up to 8 knots.
The inaccessibility of the Shantar Islands ensured the pristine preservation of their nature. Herds of whales feed here, seals fatten up, and killer whales lie in wait for them, countless bird colonies, bears roaming in search of food, etc.

Fishing on the islands will not leave any real fisherman indifferent. In the rivers of the islands, char, rudd, brown trout, pink salmon, Dolly Varden, and lenok are found in abundance. And it’s not even worth talking about the abundance of berries and mushrooms. There are a great many of them here.
The shores of the islands are a kind of open-air geological museum. Everywhere there are rocks painted in the most unimaginable colors: red, green, pink, white, corresponding to the outcrops of jasper, marble, malachite and other rocks.
The virgin landscapes of the islands amaze the imagination with their beauty. In summer, dozens of waterfalls cascade down from steep cliffs. The rivers and lakes are also uniquely beautiful.
Shantar was once inhabited - whalers lived here. Today, in addition to the weather station workers and, more recently, the employees of “ National Park"There's no one here.

Shantar is a real paradise for photographers. Photo subjects: magnificent northern nature and unafraid wild animals, completely unafraid of humans. Here you can easily photograph bears at close range.

tel.: +79242277160 (we travel a lot, so it’s better to write by WhatsApp)

tel.: +79141768800

mail. [email protected]

Sincerely, the team of the catamaran Odyssey.